Orfobfp 2. 105:5. HomeCbokiiuj Don't think of Mustard merely as a spicy relish to enjoy with cold meat. Mustard is a seasoning to be used as widely as you use salt and pepper. Mustard brings out the natural hidden flavours of cooked dishes and. adding its own flavour, jives them a new zest gnd relish. (olman's Mustard aids digestion You Had Better Cet Your Name on our lists For Dry Kindling i ;'' kiln dried ami ' Large load (6.00 bundles al-:.t tl.Oij ile- T..t Call 119 I i ii ami ready lo ill hour. One .-tiirawi ' lenn Sedan. COAL I i new cna! on I $11.00 ; r Ion dalrv- ! ' i ml venr littlo ! rfeft. rfinSf I ij rxiramaly I . t now! i kind al- -ly. j SUntf J45 Third Avs. Alio Seat Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. : Phones; 189, 112. Taxi 75 Taxi have the bet Phono 75. iildon rMtper- I' -h, Kirnl on. I I 8Pr sedan I ii.-w rlor. car. RATES 1 I,.l-. M(JIT . . $1.00 f ' Passengers . . $1.51) H l'.i.riiger . . $2.00 n-T Srilnn. per $4.00 uiti-r Sedan, per $5.00 To Cold Storage and Across Hays Creek Bridge, I or 2 '-'nurra $1.00 mlilihi'iinl passenger BOo each. TAXI 75 TAXI Wood! Wood! Now is your clianco DRY CEDAR I 11 load , . $6.00 "-if I nil $3.00 :a sacks 50o, DRY BIRCH Pf i( ad $e.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day we buy bottles. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An I xqulslto Slock of Ttir r i'ninlnR nl low price. B. C. FUR Co. Nt Q.W.V.A. Third Ave 'seal hunting hi' IS GOOD SPORT Arthur Elnarsen Urges Killing of These Mammals Order to Save Salmon BOUNTY IN STATES ' OLYMPIC. Wa.li., Ocl. a.Hair al have increased m recent year tn Miirli number lhat Mipy ar Im'.oi,,,!,;, .r(,m ,,., m uie iiiiiion fishing imliulrv in till- orihwei ..IB- rui or h. rn.Miaii.-p. S. Kinarsen. formerly wilh i-... i , " iiiuyiuii Nutif lis her e. he enli-le.l jn n ,rjv ainiiiMi. sporlmnen, he ilerlare. W'miIiI fnul eal liuntiiiK a KMine worlhy of their nkill and one Iwiiieli would euahle Iheiu to fill jni July ami Auiru! whrti the ea-, -"ii mi hia yame m nloe, in , illi'! Iim-hIHu-i. Increase of Late . I'uiiei Sound liidiwii. fH-inerly i hunted Pttj for ro4llJ aU(, muierral for moeeanin and ninre Hie white man make no tje of iheiu wliulever, the .eel eimiu. quetitly have urea 1 1 iuereaed inee I he liapearanee of Mi I Indian. In a rerem ,- K Mr tKinaren .... report that he poiinted '." oi ute nair ei unninK themeUe on Hie benche at low lide. Hoqkerien invannhly are rianii-te,i al Hie mouth of ealmon 1 renin nnd the eal lake heavy loll of lhi foH find iKeedjiijr leela have nhown thai n adult il reuireii about 3n pound of fih for a meal. Al preent Hie only eherk on Ihe uirrne of the eal are Hie operation of the few profe. nooal hunter who purite litem j for the 3 htiunly offered hy the late itn.t the oeeanional foray of lral port men. Aid of Sportsmen "In lev- of Iheae fart, nnleM the Ule wmhe lo uhntlie Ihe eiieriuinnlioii. the mot Inakial oluiioii of Ihe problni lies tn ouliriiuif Hie aid of snterenleti porutnen." Mr. HlnarfM de- rlared. The porf i a very keer, cute and mjuire klll and re turn a greater thrill than any. Milnn we have with Hie eseeptlon f big came hunting. The mhiI LAID ACT. Matle f laUallan U Aaaly to Llttt Le In rrUMV Hfrt Lim1 Hwtrilin Pit-UK I tr rnnr attrt. iml miuti en Im iiut ttxxT nf Wtlet t-Una. nr. tirini tHrib miwii- fn-ni rxtr xnn i: ihit abIu nuh CtJ mbi rtrtlnv wniny Umilrd. 't Viimwvrr. B. , nr-upllna lirSrr. ! In1 lu Pfy tr t k or the folk. Inm rf-..rlf-f I.imI.' miier nun cm idv pwuhiwht hhmt oi VIm 1 larval In puien lieirlnr Imrlh mtitwilr tnm llay.tirk IUihI aixl lr fin from tilaml roinl, Silklan Ilam1i ihrnre MMillieaitrrly aenir hith water niaik ritrly-eitht kuthlnni frt. more or If.,, to pl markett .Xo. I.E.; Ihenee ouihrrlr lo rlwnin, more or lew, lu Iv, aler int; inne jrhierlr itont luw waur mart fnriv itil nuimmi reel, nme or let,: Ihinrt reiririerly IU rbaln. BMire .-r le. lo putnt etMiimeiM-emenl, alio eoHiainiii ia rr. inure r A0I.O PRITIHM COU'MltIA r.icfii.xn co. i.to ArpMranl Pr Waller r. Walker, fenu Paled July tun. it LAND ACT. Nolle of Inltnllon la Applf to Laata lan In l-rlnre Ruterl l.ami neenniinc nil Ulrl ir l-rlnre liueri. atMl tilual al Harileit I'uini, Walet tlamt, lirlllth cnluuiliia. TAKC MOTICE lhal Anil'VHrtlUh Col-iiiiiM Parkliif Company l.lmlloil, of Vaiirniicr. II. if, ormpallon Parkera. In-trmta lo aprlJ" ir ka ot lh foltfiw-Ini (lerrlfieito land: - Commenrliil al fMial planted on Ihe miiih a Mire or narllrii rmni. waiea m land, at lilth water mark: thenre In an a.ierlv ilirerilim alonr tilth water mark forty. rlthl hundred feel, more or le. tn a im.,i markeil M. I t .: Ilienre aoiiin erly 10 rlialn. more or lea, In low water mark; thfin- In weaieriT niremun alone low waier mark forty elhl hiindred feet, more or Iran; Ihewe northerly 10 rhalna to point of ennimrnrrmrnt, and roiitainln 7 arre. more or le. Afll.O nniTIll COIttMnil , I'ACilMI CO. I.TO.. t Applicant rr Walter K. Walker. Arrnt. paled July f. HtS LAND A0T. Nolle of IManlloA la Apply U Purchaa Land. . tn th t.nd Rernrdina Plstrlrt or Prlnre Ituperl, and alliiale at Hie inoiilli of Hlr rail rrwk wlilrh flow a mm Uw Kratall lllvrr ! I IS miiea iroio . . ,1. rui.' MiTirr that John A. nilth of i. ....... ii,..u.fi ii r nrriinalion lumner man. Intend to i'pnlr for perinlMlon lo piirelie Ihe folnrninr lie nrrlhed, land : ' r...,,..oiirin at a ixval r Unled at the '.. '.. int lianre four: in rlialn northerly: Ihenre SO rhalna wealeMv, ninre or le. W 11 F- ..It tal.aa. tl.,.tllA A fhitltM BOU I Ilf I I.Vl lineS si rlialn easterly, anil conlalnlnr go arre.. mora or l J()in A MIT Ciud Autuit rer r. Pi liib. Its. Ari'llrant. lUel. Afcnl DRIVING YOUNG PEOPLE AWAY Conservative Campaign Doing Untold Harm to Canada Says Eastern Paper Montreal Herald; We wonder if Ilic Concrvative orator who talk mi much about Hi emigration of Canadian lo I he United' isiate rir pan lo wonder what t1- effort ,f tticir A a mean ofi'peerhe I" on . younger ven eration in tanadar They pninl the lulled Slate HH 11 lain) of oniiiirliinllv nml uci'iiiiiiipiil. Im ujrK'-! t'l lhal a"n"a a a '""'I ' decaying I " lie am or .Mm-rican i.nrlmenl ,rn"p ""V pielurc a rnu- v airainsl the "ow of enlerprtMrig ami nmhjtiuu Canadian llepulille lo Hie south into Hie The refill j ( rreale a tendency inward Hie very thing which they deplore. The younger veneration, lUtenina lo speeches of thin rharaeler liy a former I'rinie Miuiter ami hi xiipport-er. wonder if Uie are not wasting their lime hy larJng In a country which lhee leader. epeak of in urh iloleful lerm. Inspiration Needed How miirli M(lei- it unuM he if ihey W;e omp,; tl yo n, T' Cl.rl.U er reneratmi, of ZlU I!,! falth in .Mr emnry. and de-, ! . J ..I U. iiw.n.lrate to them the opportu- vV V . nitie fr esp.ion and eJer- mUnaTy iJ'," "'iea' Prte whieh rijrh he". l1."?" lo T t:nnada , . ,H.Hf, H,nlry, a'f",'' , " , , T. vnlhou; ' a'way" l"' " fri,n' country nehly emKnve,l Z II,! , fVe. d, ! everything that make for pro-erily. a fount ry which ha made and i making ureal tride in nioilern procre and development. It i a land thai will richly reward ereveranee ami fnlerprie: a land that will provide worthy eareer for everyone of it on. Furthermore, the l"aile Slate provide no paradUeJ in. eontrat wilt) Canada, and mute evidence nf llii i the fart thai in fifteen month emlinv June 30, IV8&. no fewer than 5.- VI6 Canadian domielet in Hi United Stale returned tn their own country. Kind of Leaders We oeeti leader In both poll Ileal part ie who will be a ource of inspiration to their fellow ei.unlrymen, and it i preally to tie re jr ret led that Ihe leader of Kaeiu. animal ami per-,,ne of our two area! partle .eriMmn lead lo etlreme wari-Uhoeikl Mve o loot the nnlriolir ne on iueir pan. i tie ran mm of their re.pon-ihllilie uieri. i aurn an eiemeni "I : that ay their seal in effort to rbaneeMn al hunting dlemir- Millie their opHinent they nK" any jrreal effort lo eler-j,aXp heroine r.-.-ruilintr aKenl in male (hem h.v profeional 'alj(r . i oiled Slate hunter. j While the orifrinal method .( hiiniinR eat wa to approarti them from the hore at low Inle and hnot them with a heaw rifle of htirkfdiwl, the ue of a emi-peed lioat hy Hrtmen ha Rilded xe to the eh.ie. PSYCHIC PARSON SEEING SPIRITS Ghosts of Animals as Well Peoole and Alto Spirit Photographs as LOXIiON. Oct. .-' We have ilWCTiilS i'" tnm, f nimal in thl lmue ami we have een our oal ee Apparition and rear up at I hem." Ilev. 0. L.. Tw eedale, rnmnienrinr ii poM pUnieJ tt hUblvirar nf Welnn who ha been ealleil "Ihe pyrhle iron" pro feinit a belief in Ihe urvival nf animal afler death, ImipiI nit apparition he ha eeiu perienre on "hi wonl of honor a a penlleman and a minister." He said hi wife and mother had seen a white dnjr in a cupboard. "II wa my aunt' dojr," he nld. ' "Twice an apparition of my aiinl. accompanied by that of a larsre bird, appeared, and slruck a pons in Ihe hall. Once the apparition of Ihe while dour bound- Iri'inenilously loud voice which rnnir lliroutih the house." Mr. TwppiIiiIp ha n number of "plril pliolnxraph" of hi wife, hlm-pf and hi on, which show dim' ficurc and "spirit faces." RADIO CRAZE HAS SPREAD TO JAPAN TOKYO, Oct. 2. The radio rraic ha grown lo uch an cx-Icnl in Japan Dial some of the middle school Authorities in Tokyo have issued order lhal student shall not "lislen In" dur-intf CPi'lain hour of Ihe cveulntr. bill shall devolo llicse hour. lo their studies. The acIiooI head found upon InvrsllKullon (hat (he younirsler were npirlecllng: their chool work lu llio evening to lis ten to the radio. PITT! TTATT7T WtrtTB INDIAN LEADER NOT CHRISTIAN Tells Missionary Conference He Finds More In Hinduism Than In Sermon on Mount ARE NOT HEATHENS Temporal Power Creates Impos sible Barrier Against Success of Missionary Effort At a reeent ronferenee nf Cat cillta niimiiariei Mnh.iim.i 'laiidlit, the ureal Hindii leader.' mliln?ed them, explainiiiK why he wa not a Chrilian. I Mr. fiandhl ald that it was nol jtrnerally known that hit a-1 WK-Iation with Christians "not Chritlian Mi-called, hut real Christian" dialed from 1888 or IMH9, when a a lad he found h1melf In London. "That association," he continued, "has KM mil riper a years have rolled on. There wa a time in my life when very ineere and intimate friend of mine had deijw up- on me, one of them a ureal and pood Quaker, thinking lhal I was' .mi, ri i ifii. ii wan an well wilh nv.' Not Convinced In 1005, Mr. Candhi aid he had ought out one of Ihe sreat-e Indian Chrilian. the" late Kali Churn lianerjea. I told him "1 have come lo yon a a eeker. . . . but I came away not orry,' nol dejected, not ditappoinled Hut in one way I vn sorry. I do not profe. Cltritianity to- ilay and I am here to tell you in all humility that for me Hinduism, a I find it. entirely sat- ifle my oul, fill rny whole be-! itiB and I find a solace in the Mtaicatad-Uita, in the Upani-fhad, that I ml men in the Sermon on the Mount. When disappointment lare me in the fare and all alone I Vee not one ray of liphl, I po baek o the Hhiiirand-(ita. I find a ere here and a vere there and I im-meiiitey lM'j:in to untile in the iinlxt of overwhelming' Irasedie a'ld my life ha been full of external lratrffJ ami if they have left no visible hr no indeli ble rnr upon me, I owe II al! to the leadline of the lilias- avad-Oila." Not Idolators Turning from the lory of hi ' ' - Qi - - . 1111 at'm.i m own spiritual pitaTitnagv. Mr. you want to do that you will have (lamlhi direetly mlilressrd the to j:o. even a those memH'rs mi.innarie pre.ent. "You, Ihe of the expedition, lo the lowly mis.innarie." he ,aiil, "come to eottape. not to give Ihem some-India Ihinkine that you come lo( thint?. but probably lo take some-n land nf heathen, of idolntor. thinjr. I mis that reeeptivily, I of men who do not know the (run mis, thai humanity, that ability, meaning of relljrion. One of the' thai willintrne, on your part to areate! of Christian divine,! idenlify yournelf wilh the ma.e. Hishnp lleher. allnwed'hinielf lo of India." write those two line, which havej Mr. (Sandhi also said that if alwny lefl a linp upon me j Christ "wn a convertible term 'Kvery prospect please, man' wilh lhat which he felt to be alone vile.' I wish he had not.!h, power within him, then ho wrlllen tho' line. From my' realized His presence." experienrte of .Hie masse of India' - i . . . a a tllk M ASwa ST SSa PW1 n a Mr. Twee,lale e-Av'vVWo,,,,. morp , "If you have prepossesspd no- lltv If I'lVII Ari.iA In tlllj-lAlldl (lJil (Junfau hm,r what Hip Indian I thinkinjr. you . will deny yourselves the real pnv- v aTnl ""'T 1 " , ,, . . Icounl of the recent development . i o ii i ' ileire of service Lord Salisbury, jn ? m ""VV" ,'0' "r",,,',R.,,:r"-Kood to corne i Canada through Mlllllll III IIIISIIIIIIII 11 III .-1111- nexion wilh China. .ind this deputation wanted protection. I cannot recall hi exact word, hut ed Inlo Ihe troiif and made a i,.n... nllPnnr, ..... sound. And It spranjr al my wire ,I(,m),n ,f ou wnn, (0 pn ami paused her lo break a lamp CMm an,, (n1iP 10 M(.S!!np0 po she was carrying, the apparition or my auni spoke in us in a Teen- to of Chris), (hen do nol nk for the assistance oi temporal power. mor(, ct0elv 'O wnn your live in J"nr,i-..W4i,. hand, and if Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? C VERY day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? The ad vertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know aoout the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to gel these things, how to get them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory lo wise buying. Don't rob yourself of ie benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether loo important to be missed. Read it every day. in.- p-opio oiM.musiance ,hnl (jInPjer jlay China want lo kill you imagine lhat you have been killed In the service of Cod.' Salisbury's Answer "I think Lord Salisbury was the circumstance that receding ice ha caused filacier Hay to penetrate inlo Canadian territory. Which mean thai I here I one Vancouver newspaper writer who ought to make a trip I tip the roast. Tho fact that "Vancouver is a Canadian port is association with potentialities than Hie mow extends inlo Canada, and rrince unpen is nol nearly a reniole from CasslUr a Olaeier Hay. .Notwithstanding that it wa identity irue. me relevance orinevcr contemplated when th.. what I have just told you is lhat Fnglish-Ilusslan treaty was made the Christians, the missionarlas. L hundred years ago lhat Canada who come today to India como should have a seaport ort the also tinder Ihe shadow, or, If you j pacific north of Dixon Entrance, like, Iho protection of a temporal, Alaskans would bo moro than imwer; and i.t crenles an Intpos- pleased If (ho Canadian would ihle bar. If you give me sla-develop a large seaport al Olac-tlsjic to show that so many or-,er Hay. Under the terms of Iho plians have been brought lo boundary decision the waters of Christianity, so many grown-up that estuary enter Canada and people, I will accept them, but I II would ho n fine thing ror the no iwi icei roiivturiMi uicreny country it uanaiia would use thai lhal Is your, mission. In lhem if development wero prao-my humble opinion your mission (icahle. Is fufinllely auperinr.' You wnntj to find the man in India and If Advertise In (be Dally News It's a profitable practise PAOE LONG M0T0RB0AT TRIP r ACROSS THE CONTINENT NEW YOHK, Oct. 2. With, only one portage of 100 miles acros Ihe continental dividtvj John Kdwin Hoas and Frunk S.j Wilson have completed a trip across Ihe continent by ttiolor-boal. The trip took almost exactly four months. . F'rom t)regon Hip motorboal headed up the Columbia l,iver wa shipped overN tluv northern ranpo of the Ilockies lo Fort Henlon, Mont., and thprc resuni lUDHWr CI AMT HM TfiACT the. journey down the Mi.ouri cr into the Mississippi al S'. Louis. I'p Ihe Missouri and the Illinois rivers to Ottawa, Ills., tho molor boat chugged, the:! through the Chicago Drainage Canal inlo 'Lake Michigan, from where it was plain sailing to Montreal. The trip concluded down the Hudson. AI7T" and NOTICE. IN THE MATTER OF RDM r AMIES I.N THE MATTER. OF l.WEST.MENT COMPANY OF NOIITHEM.N lUUTISH roU-MRIA. tlMITI.ll. TAKE MITU'E that Ihe abore Company, whose rvrlMered orrii-e I at I'rlnre Hu-lrl. B.C., will apply In ll llnnor Jndre V'HiHS. Lorl Judte or the Supreme Cuurl r Urltlah CnluDitili it frliiee lluperl. tl.C, un Thursday, the 15IU ly at miu-ter, itis, al the hour of eleven o'rlork In Ihe forenoon, at the Law Court, Court House, I'rlnro llmyrt. ll.C, ror an oter relorln the aald Company to th register of Companies in the orriee of ihe Iteaisirar of Joint Stork "ompanle, Victoria. H.C., under Seetkin ts of lh .(unnaniv ri or lirillsn Columbia. nTK al Prlnee Ruperl. B.C., LAND ACT. thU i m my or srpiriDiier, A.n. urns. M. COM ALES. Solleltor'oeCninnHnT Natka of Intantlon to Apply lo Purchaa Land. In the Land Reennnnir Pllrli-t of Prince Huperl. and tielnif a rnrtlon of Lot iwenly-foiir (l, Itanite rivt) Ciwl nuirlct. TAKE .NOTICE that Frliietr Limited of rrlnee ltuierl. B.C., inen-hahta, Intend in appiy ror pvruiission m purrha the followlnr described land: Ci4iiinenrlnr at noM planted It the norlhrasl eorne of loi twenty-Tour (II , rante five s. Coast. District; tlieiwe until thirty-two chain-. thence wet forty chain: thence north Mailt chain.! nmre or Ie, to tilth water nwrk; thence northeast ali.nr hlrh water mark i potnll V """""nc"11". inn ronianunr eismy. i.io alien, more or irs, tillZZELL'S LIMIT n, . ApplU-ant Dtttd Auruit I lib. A.D, Kit. - CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to tako your instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Carss Mackinaw STAG irts a Goats Pure Wool i Ilcasonable Prices ENQLISH TRENCH COATS Just Arrived Sieve Kins Phone Green 85. m