Al:r-u 0, 1925. IT- Let Your Banker Collect It IF you wish to colkct a debt from a party in another section, you an Rave your banker draw a draft on him at tight or for a given time. This will be presented through his local banker as request for payment from you. When your draft is paid it is turned over to the payer. It is his receipt for an account paid. This is only one of the numerous ways in winch die Bank of Montreal can beofservicetoits Wfifcs customer, i 'mm .- " lrt a m mr m m m, w i 1 a MM A Bdni IVhttt Small Atiuuntt Art H'tUimu? BANK OF MONTREAL Established ever 100year3 Total Assets in excess of i7oo. 000,000 m a 1 d 11 0 vthvw r.a m it ss. m jb 4 ar- m m m a m m m I Iflf Q 1 l dE B I K Rf v. Tim M B fl I Tk I a" n -- - - -4 Banquet Jelly Wafers J I'lUm- hi Mmt ami .i-'uiliil I'nnl Flavor 40c lb. Purest Milk Chocolate IMntii MrlV. Pmima-4ltU. aud Aiiuuul ami : ;. . 50c lb. Ilk. f IS? V!H N i I VI 3 s r. J me H i I S'o'a. Tho pioneer uruggtsis. 3rd A.cnue nnd (Jth Street. Phono 82 and 200 ' m lfflti"l .mil printed f"r amateur-. Mail 'l-'t I - li;r prompt ilttcillion. PICTURES 1 Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures (tM O Price- iK i'"" to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. H UkJ If (MR ' All 1 VX & It I N l 1 I .L V 1 LAiSM.l"i"' ul I - " - I L . . . ,rtiiipr 3rd Avenue tUrtST oTESmotllr DCimivu 3-S. Prlnco nupert - Prlnco Goor-ie Pr.nco Charles . 1 . . ..1 '-.Uliir.'- 1 1 i ! : IT, Hi i n ' , 1 ' or Vancouver, Victoria, Soattt: .r..l .ui 1 iin'.liaii purt.s ' 1. 'Hi, Mini N I'.IH- .1.111 .11. r Anyox ana StawArt.Yl.iiidnv nml r'lidiiy, p.m. or Skagway .n,. Aiikii Purls. Wednesday, 1.00 p.m. i.uio nonn mr tuoon v;narioiiu isiuiiua " vcr, I'Mi tiiiKhUy. AILV ... . 'EtQlR TRAINS LEAVE PRINGf i"V,rf?T rDMONTON. WIKNIPEO, III p.,1111 i;.ini Canada, IHntKl tte AOSNOV ALL OOEAN TEAlSMI LINtB. II. ' tui T,al rnon' 0 Offlct, 62t Third A PflBM flili.N. j t t.viviiirin' uvir.'i.i 1 vi . ttailiiilr 11. .in I'rini'M It'lltll rvt: f LTD. .-vouvtn. Wictun.a n-. ..... .v.. ri Ui. Tutil. i-.i". -UUVK,; V. loniA Al.n Hjl. .nd on 0, 8urU.. NV0X, ALICE . M f rtllv . I K. x V n n , ouiMiri, . . Local and Personal ! Jtasi)all toniKht at (5.45. H.O. Undertakers. I'lione 41. Anywhere. Anvtlinn. Artlinr'Ml Juxi, noc. I'lione 078. If Two ram at ' vnur ncrviri" rilieililon Taxi. I'lione 131. tf Wlim haek from the holiilays. Iry Valentin Dairy. I'lione 057. tf I r I lie biuy man or woman, a Urown car aei money. I'lione K0. ir v J. Mc.Vully wan a iwjsseneer for tin? outli on the I'rinre CharlfH last evening on a liusi-ni'M Iriii. Our low rain have Iw'en an uMamlijiK ttiiecfMs ami we shall lOiilinue nit thin ,ai. IlrOwn laxi. I'liotio 80. tf t!0M.r Wrineli nT llazdlon arriviil ifrfiui Uie inlerfor by rain ami ailel fori he xoulh on the Prince Cliarlc lat eeniiifr Mm. A. II. Hull hai) arrivtvl fr YiiuciHiUr ii is xneiblliiti the numiiier at l)iity Ulanif win-re her ImWiaml. FlyinK Ofll- eer Hull, who im iu eharge of one of the lloyat Ciiia.liau Air Force fishery patrol plane. The fire ili'imr linen t hail a ca! it M:I5 lawl nitrlit to the tf' !.uii ItiHimn, Sixth Street ami rliirif Aeiiue. wfiehe i 'kt'ov Ih'iiik connected with a blocked ni cliiiiiiify caueil a niuoke t are. There wkk 110 damage S. M. Newton failed la-' 11 ik lit on the Prince Charles for !li south. He will attend (he iialihut tariff conference in Seat tie next wwk and Ihen will prw-eed to a ioiw of Kngland convention that is to be held in Calgary. ieiirge Little of Torme ar rived in the eity on l4 nlpht' train from tW ititwinr and sail l on the Piinea Charles for Vancouver. He i on u bwfn :ii. and will retucii Jii Wrrll'r i way of Jasper, visiting his mini..'!- nl at Vanderhoef and mii tiers on (lie way west. Mi. May Martin, who former ly taught school here and who more recently has been located in Vancouver, arrived in the city n Ihe Princess Louie yeslenli'V .ifiernoon after having mnile Ihe r.uiiid trip to Skagway. She is .! .i mik al Ihe Inlander boarding In. iie and will be here until Saturday. Miss AbWy of Kaslo. 1.- accompanying her. In the last Vancouver Sunday un iinpeared some pielurp taken hv the Vancouver Hoard of Trade parly In Ihe course of ilieir recent tour through Ihe Central Interior. Among them were scenes which were taken around Sinilhers Prince Ceorge Williams Lake, Quesnel and other points. LABORERS WANTED. Laborers wanted al elevator. Dominion Fair Wage scale. Apply on the job. 183 SALT LAKESSERYICE Launch '"2a" will leave llio Priuee Itupcrl lloalhoiise on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday iiHernoous every half hour from I p.m. and on other week days every Inmr from p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. PHIXCF lUT'FUT IIOATIIOUSK Phone .181. ANNOUNCEMENTS Klks Flag Day and datum riiuisduy. August III. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Itiminr. Deeeinber ;'. USE - SIocR)lish For your shoc.v It saves the leather nnd -Improve. your personal appearance THE DAILY HT5W8 Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafo of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Hrenkfast, Lunelle. Afternoon Tea, Dinners and after Theatre ItefreHhmenls Our Specialty is Home Made lee Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itetail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 50c. laxi. Phone 134. tf St. Andrew's Hasket picnic to Didhy Island, August 'J. Tea milk and sugar provided. Head our ad. It may mean tit) to you. Prince Ituncrt Transfer ami .Taxi. Phone I8J 112. tl Molorsldp Fairbanks arrived from Alaska yesterday with 1 mrita of frwsh fblt for trans shipment east. , John Dybhavn saib'd on the Prince Charles last evening for feat tie" where he will attend the lalibut tariir conferoitiv oirAti 10. a. V.. (lulick, local .nanaer .'or wift Canadian Company., re turned from a buslne trip to Slewarl on the Inline Charles last evening. C.P.IL steamer Princess Louise. Capt. Slater, arrived from the .lorui yesiertiay aiierniwn a -:3o and saileij foy the south it i o'clock. Miss l'-diia Ilasleti of the gov ernment agent's ofllee at f'rine Itupert is spending a holiday tioiting at Anyox with her sister, Mrs. 11. Thorley. ', Motorship Ilsllinghatu, Capf Leu Williams, arriveil from Al aska yesterday with 7,7l'0 eases f canned salmon and a ship ment of fresh fun. J. II. Lel'age, who has been it. the city for some lime in con nection with hi" profession as an plieian sailed for the south op. the Prince Charles last evening. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Meagher were passenger for the south last evening, ilr. Meugher will attend the hnllliut larjtr confer- lre as delegate from the local flmheiMiien's union. Mrs. C. W. Wearmcuith, for merly of Prince lluperl;- ond her on, Ted, were passetigtrs on the Prince lluperl yesterday bound north. They are making the round trip, lo Skagway, Peter Poluha was fined $10 bv Magistrate MrClymout tlii morning for assault on .Itihn Woincy. The magisirnle gavV the accused a lecture on taking the law iu bis own hands. ' The (lyro-Ilolary baseball game did tiol mati-rialUe last nigh! on account of weather ondilions. It is expected that II will be another week be To re -x suitable dale can be arranged. Mrs. Uasil H. Porrl'i was hostess al u bridge losw -at the Vancouver Country Club on Fri-i lay afternoon in honor of her house gucsl, .Mrs. Ijiiwrenee Moore of llellitigham- Vancou ver Sn. S. K. Campbell, manager uf tho Canadian Hank of Cmiiincrco a Ibis point, and Mayne D. Hamilton of Vancouver, who is Pacific Coas Superinlendeni. were passengers for Prince ieo,rgo on tho train this morning. W, C Sparks and I'.. T. Kenny of Terruce wore iasseugers for I lie sotilb on the Princo Charles lust evening lo attend Ihe Inhibition umier Ihe arriitigenicnH made by the Vancouver ' wholesalers Iu bring Ilieir customer lo Ihe eily during Ihu vxiiibithui weeJv. Mr. Kenny and daughler i iiine as far as Prince lluperl nod urn registered at llio Prince lluperl Hotel. ALD. CASEY HAS NARROW ESCAPE Ford Truck Went Over Eighth Avenue East But he Jumped Clear Aid. Geo. 11. Caey had a very narrow escape today when the one Ion Ford truck which he wa ilriviiu went over the street near the tfeal Coi school. The ulearinK gear broke o the car became unmanagahle aod plung- d over the sleep embankment, but Mr. Casey was able to jump clear before Hie machine look the lownward plunge. He was not in jured. The front part of the car was damaged considerably from the precipitious drop. 10VERNMENT LIQUOR STORE AT CHILLIVYACK WAS ROBBED YESTERDAY CHILLIWACK, Aug. 6.- Liouor alued at $1200 was-stolen from the government lifjuor store here early yesterday morning. Tin thieves, whose identity is unknown, are believed lo have used ;ui auti truck, to escape with their booty. J. C. (Javigan is sailing Salur- lay for Vancouver and Seattle on 1 business trip. He will be ac companied by Mrs. (javigan and family. II was decided by Coroner Walt yesterday thai it would be unnecessary to bold an intuel into tbo dcallt.of. Saui-.Uihbanl, whoe body was recovered and brought lo the city yesterday. TIMBER SALE, X 7252 Tbrrr will Ik- ..rrrrrd Tor al al I'ubMi Aurlimi. it iMMrti on lti 13th .lay ul uul. Ii... In thr orrire uf the lunsl Ilaiiitrr, Bum ML.-. B.i:.. ttw LlrMice X7l. tu ml U.0..11 Jarkmiie fie on in m Mtbaieo a iiuir- uin 01 Topir SUikHi, i.iianmi Aatioiui Hallwajr IMntP J. lUMtlll. Two i y-r ill l tllosl for re iiwil ut tlmlMr. "I'mvlartl niiTMir uiatlf tu (Urn.) tlw (urU'Si iu wrain niy submit a traM trmier tw ..inrn at tlw lurfir or auc tlun and trratrtl a .sis bNI." HinIht partlniln. uf lh i.hief rrr Irr. Vlrtnrla. B.C.. or OHtritl FoiTtrr, rrir Hupyrt. B.C. TIMBER SALE, X 7208. SsalrO Trmlrrs will b rr.rlvrd hj Vx Man irr or i jikij. doi lairr iiun nu.n . Ihr "lh day of 4um.t. Iii. fur tk iUPlu-r ul unnrr .7. t rui IKV,-un llnral fcrt uf Cntar Polrs and I'llinn on an li ra lluale(l io.mii tnrr ml ir ulh ami arnws river fnu llemo Station. Hanar z. i Hlrlrt. Two i yearn will be allowed .for re moval or iiiniM-r. I'lirltier parllrulara nt the Chlrf Korea trr. Virtoria. B.C.. or IHMrlrt f"oreler. rnnre iuiri, b.c. TIMBER SALE, X 7342. ealed Tender will be received by the Minister or Iji1 ihi later titan ifn on I lie oih day i.r Annul. tor the mirrtiaw r Llrenre XJSU. lo eut 1.180. Qita tret of Cedar, llrmlork. Balsam and Stvliee .hi an area sltualed nit .Mei Inlet adjnlninir Milton Klver, llanre . Coast IHMrlrl. Two i yean will lie allowed for removal of limber. Fnrllier Mrtlrulani of Hie Chief rore ter, Vlelorla. B.r... or OlMrlrt ForeOer fHwo lieiwrt. B C. TIMBER. SALE, X7199. Sealed Tender will I received by Ihe District l'nrrler IkiI later than noon on the ;iti dav of AiirnM. !:. for the luirthi'r of I.Uenie ilV. Ulilited north uf Separallon I'olnl. Totmie Channel, C.1I. 3, 1 nil m,ii" leei iHMra ineasurr oi Spruce, iclir, HeinliH-k and Balaam Saw-loir. Two (ii year will be allowed for re limvil of tlmlM-r. rurllier iwrtleulars f Uie Chief fores-ler. Virtoria, or the Plslrlrt Forester, l'rlnee fluirt. B.C. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer r the Administration Art; and In the Mailer or the Klatc or Jack Chris toff, le"eaed InlcMale. TAKK .oTlcK' Ihat by ortler or Ills ll- ni.r F. Veil. Vounir. made Uie 1 4 Ih dav of ililv. t15. I wa apiMiinled Ad-mfliUirator of Ihe eMate of Jack Clirlstofr, Ueeca-M'd. and all parlies havlnir rlalms aaaUul Ihe Mid estate are hereby re iinlrrd lo fnrilUh same. pruiM-rly verified In mi. un or before Ihe 3Uth day of Aiirnst, I9t. and all parties Inilrtiteil to the estate are required II pay the anion nt ot their Indebtedness lo me forllinlih. MiriMAN A. WATT. I orrirlal Administrator pi nice Unpen, u.c. Paled the :intli day of July. lota. roa "Cholera Infantum" The Fatal Disease Of Children MOTHERS SHOULD USE This valuable jirTparation . htvs been on the market for th past eighty years, and has no rxtial for orT-settinK the YnimtlnK, purging and diarrhu-a U cholera Infantum. Put up only by The T. MUbura Qo Limited, Toronto, Onti 4 The flavor that children love. What a tribute to the flavor of Kel-logg's Corn Fl a.kes -so sweet, crisp and golden-toasted. No other food in all the world can have the joyous flavor of Kellogg'S. Srve KeHosjs with milk or cream. All ready to enjoy. No cooking. Also delicious with fresh or preserved fruiL Get from your grocer all grocers sell Kellogg'S. All restaurants and hotels serve them. Malt (hit cemparitonl Cemyar th flaTor f Kelloff'a Cam Flikat with aar rdr-la-t cartal nd youll prrcUt kf Ketlsgg eut. alia all othars. C0IWPLAKES r - 1 1 KES m ,i... -. up ALWAYS tmt4 iSMT-Marl pt$994$ 111 4vr mmi kpt tkt laM iMttf-crti. Th! n M tcfat i$Hm$$ Imtmtt SALMON TROLLERS llefore oiitfitling il will pay you to inspect our line of Trolling Gear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivclls, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our slock you will lunl everything you require Anchors, Ropo, Chain, Marine Hardware of till kinds, Hull nml Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If il's for Uie boat wo have iL lloats are lost every year by fire hnve you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell llietn. -Call nml sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Avo. (Near Post Office) (CANADIAN V-inc vanwiT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far inCHIUN. WRA.NCELL, JUNEAU, SIACWAT F VANCOUVER, VICTORU vA SEATTLE Si. PRINCESS DART Aitel 7, 10.17.21, 28. 31 Attn! S, 8. 12. IS, 22, 26 For Butidala, Swanion Bar, Eatt Bella Bella, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Atari Ba, Campball Rlr, and Vancouiar avary Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all SUamihtp Llnta. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARO Central Agent. Cernar of 4th Street and 3rd Aenue, Princa Rupert, B.O. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krizzcll UuleliCr Siiop, across from tho 'Kmprcss Hotel Wc curry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor