rAOB SIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Elo. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North Listen! Have you considered your home market? Buying at home is huilding your own town. If your home merchants prosper you will get a hencfit somehow. First, he needs more help. He will employ someone living in the town; and it takes two to build a home. If you spend your money out of town naturally you are helping the other community. Visit our stoic and wc guarantee satisfaction. You gel more for your money and in return you ?el 5 per cent oh each dollar. Our system lias proved satisfactory lo others. Why not try It? In 1923 wc cashed over 2.i00 in tickets and in 11)21 we cashed 2,G00. In- 1925 till July 31st. we cashed 3.500 in lickels. It will pay you to spend your cash with us. Mussallem's 417, 423-5th Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 'Deniers Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight 5 1'iece Orchestra. 1 Dunce 10c 3 for 25e Free Admission. , LJ. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings ANTI-BRITISH CHINESE MOVE Money Subscribed In Vancouver and Sent to China to Help Cause CRITICIZED GOVERNMENT University Graduate Said to be one of Leaders on This Coast VANCOU Villi, Aug. 28. Antt llritish feeling in Shanghai and oilier disaffected quarters in China is being fed from Vancou ver. , i Money and material is being .-enl lo China on every boat from this port, and the efforts being made here to keep the Shanghai anti-llrilish agitation alive are not without official sanction. ! Revelations were made today that as far back as June 25 last: to bear on all sections of the '.hinese conimunty that over 2,000 was raised at this lime Sinee flipti r7iil.'ii pnlleelnr have been appointed and the movement is spreading. Consul Implicated I'hal the June and July meet ings had official sanction is apparent from reports in the Can ada Morning 'News, a Chinese HAVE - LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Aoolt to Ltm Land In I'rlnrr Import Land Itrrontutr Duirtr or I'rlnr Ituprrt, iihI situate at Ye ti'fc'ii Bay. Mastttl Inlft. TAKE OTH E that Etirrrw- II. SltnowM. T Massrlt. Il.: . orrunallon eannrrinua. intends to apply Tor a In or the rol-towlnr deMTll1 lands: Mimmenrtnr at a rxt planted about 9 chains rtrrly rrnro the SJC. rarmr r i.t iiitu. inn re 5. arnaet n uirtel: thenre ejt etx rhatn: thrnr. north thr i-halns. more or l. tn talrh water mark: llHtire ratrrlv akmr hirb walrr mark t- point or rommpfuviiM-nt. and cootalnlat z irrts, nmre or i. EUGENE It. SIMPSO. .... Applicant. '"n T-i iiiv. 1 wya. LAND ACT. Notice or Intention to Apply to Purchaie kano In Skrrna nanre t Land nworrflnr m trlrt or ITInrr Rupert, B.C.. and slliiaN- llaysurk Island, aoutb of Wales bland. D.I . TAKE OTICE that lh Canadian nh-Int Co. Ltd.. or Vapcour. B.C.. ocrnri 'ion, silnion Cannrrs. lnlrnd to apply 'or prmiflon to porrhate U rollowlnr nrrrnvm .anas: Comnw-nrtnr n a pot planted at hlrh walrr mark n wtM horr.or lla'iUrk fviaiiiji wwwrr nnrin wrn rnaio llMnre rat wven rhin: t twice aonlh rvT rhln: thenre et wfn rhalne. and eonninlnr xr airf. more or !. THE aitnati rmiin rn i.Tti YOU FU REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreli representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising in Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals meeting was held in the Cliin-! cvaier owned oy fie Nation- . . ... I .. . V ... cse iienevoient Association rooms ""s,s u"u iul'"slll u " "u- here at which the whole luestionhl'r- At " Junc meeting the was discussel, and at which steps!" "inesc consul, H 1 sang, who were taken to organize for the is unable speak Cantonese, collection of funds tu aid the, spoke through u interpreter, and nnti-Hritish movement. Decision to stage a play in the Chinese Theatre on Sunday. July in order lo raise money for this purpose was reached, and so real was the pressure brought ihaaKo.i Ins tmarors for tho ... . :.. t LAND ACT. In lh AOln fnd DIMrtrt r rwlar. THE Mth:k that I, EllphM poller tit York. S.Y.. I.'.S A., orru- pjlli.ii br'Af. Hitrndu to apttlx tor prr-rnlwloa lu purrtMM the fnlloviaii de-rrritiii (and: tUiumetrtutt U a pt plantrd aimul to lulu mhjHi uf lUriw Point "a the ! side ot Tarisb Lake, about eleven mlP- south or tar Yukon Uxjlldir) Itn.1 ; Ihrurr M'-t tl rhaios; tbrdrr Burtb is -haHi; Iw-nre eatt to rbalM; lltpnee aoutbrrljr ri4lilnt ahmr the Kre line or Tainsb Lake lo point or onmettrentrnl. ea.d arrel rontalmmr so em-, more or le. LLII'III.KT MOTT PUTTtK. AnnllrAitl 1 Fred La son. AkenL lMl'-d Aurnst loth. Iti. TENDERS WANTED. -KM til TEMI.HS will tie rereltod by ; Hh- iindrr-ianed up lo trlday noon, till ' iifnilier. tor Ue -upply of ;OAL (IO 1 ion., aiwl ill at lite I'ruw-o Hufsart Oen-eial lli.MHtai awl uri' Home. In be de iitrrrd a., ami ben required, UMweetti 1 iIh' iimnili. r 9-ptetntir, !, pril. IC. a folluwa: I a PKA COAL. b- IliMP COAL. TeiKlerers luaat sperir.v the Coal and , quote 1. 11 narli Item, as ab'ivr, aetiaralely. . It turrejiaful teuderer will be re ni.trrd to rurBlsh a naniple oT any or aH ' 1 ml to lie nUpplleil The lowest, or any tender, nut ne:e-warily arrepted. IMNIIY W. BlIK ll. I7. StliUry. LAND ACT. Notice cf Intention to Apply to purthaie tlalcil Vmi.t i-ans. In Hie Ijind Perordinr lilstrirl at Prlnra lliiierl, aiMt lliiatr at tlM wnutB of HlK Kails creek wlil ii rinwa Wlo the Ki-.tall luvrr alut Is rnllea frufn u mouth. TAkE MlTH K UMt JobO A. SlirfUl Of I riim Itupert, II. 1:.. oeeofMitUin tttinlier man. iiilihd. Ui airily tirf prroHaalon W i.nr -lu- Uf ruHoMtdr Ueserilied 11 ml' Miimn-n'liir at a nrt ulei:iel al I lie -iiillirnt comer or lot r,i:, lunif roilr lli. iir-.- 30 rlialos ii-.1 tln-ri . tlteni e lu 1 lialii. Kc.ierly, iii'.rt' or l -.. tn tlx l UU liivrr: UeH- :',i iiaios wiiiiImHi iIwiim- 3d chains m.'.cHj, and eoouininir vo acres, more or ie. I join A. SMITH. tvr r p HIH. iui III. Appll'-anl. el. A rent. Ladies New Fall Hats This is Hie third shipment of hat- we have had siure Hie first or August. The first two were felts and were sold right mil. We have wired ror the third shipment ami it is oil the way. hut this shipments consists of 50 SILK VELVET HATS Of which mi Iwu ure alike. They are 1'alled ".Supreme Hals" and are supreme not by name alone but in slylc and value $5.50 to $10.50 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Agents for llolepruur Hosiery. Nemo Jirs-K Pirl.nal Heview Patterns. Turuliuir & Watsons liiileiweur. AitJi defender Shoes ami Hummum llubbeis. THE DAILT FITWS Frldar. 'ugusl ?8. ig anti-llritish movement in Van-comer and Victoria. King Lee has been in Hong! Kong ami Shanghai tor the past, nine years, and according to' memjeis of 'the Nationalist movement belongs to the ultra-red wing of that parly. Although both H'" arc ulleg- od lo be working in collusion here. Chinese who fear the spread ift the movement i Vancouver and Canada generally and are anxious to keep out of the trouble, 'cporl that the two men pretend not to know one another. They are credited with being the envoys who harangued Hie crew of 'lie City of Victoria and induced, Hie Chinese seamen lo refuse' duly. I Meetings in 'Chinatown here! are growing in numbers and in-j ensily and older members of the; unmumly report thai there isi grave danger of the disaffection jit Shanghai becoming apparent here in clashes with white residents if the present propaganda onliuues, especially with the official aproval it apparently has at the present time BARKERVILLE BOASTS INTERESTING RELICS uu9l..u... ... w.o u..K fllso Lady Lv Thfro Wj,0 Ha, uu.. ens. . a.... a.su lor . ucu Not Bcen Out$do fop 51 ueip in ine oangnat unu-nrii-i Years isij moxeuu'iii. The consul informed the meeting that he had that day received UAIIKKIIVILI.E A visitor In II. H.C.. Aug. 28 old gold rush telegram from the for- a I'ekiiig ,owf now iroaIjcay rorgtlen. nign office regarding the thirtwn describes a resident in the-e demands made by Hie Chinese wons: A ,jfU(. rurttler up ,he government upon the llritish in tret from i'ady s pHice is a Shanghai, and he criticiied sev- neatly kepi while and blue paint -eiely the "unfair immigration ed house which i Ibe home of law imposed upon Ihe Chinese by,t,ne of the most remarkable Ihc Canadian government." leharaclers in all Cariboo. ller King Leo Active lives Mrs. llousser, a hale ami It was following this meeting hearty old lady of HI, who that King Lee, now dividing his' has not been oui of the im-lime between 10 ivnuVr West mediate district of Darkerville nml 19 Pender We-.l. raine from for 01 years Irt 1B07 she eaniej China on the Kniprcs of Canada out to Harkerville from er- and successfully succeeded in numy. returning tthere in 1888. setting into Vancouver. Since Shi eame haeV tn CinHlmn in coming here this titan, who is a 1M71 and with her sister shares! former Yale graduate and alo a the distinction of never having! (ieneral Theoloziral Colleire seen a train or street ear in graduate, lias been well supplied her life. with funds, and with Lee Huoii "Across from Kelly's Hotel Ding. from Camhfer, Ohio,, lives Mrs.' Murphy, post mistress .mother college educated youth, and telephone operator of liar- has been artive in organizing the Kerville. day uay a examining the oolleetlon of strange relics she has found in and about Harkerville. Here is a fine old wler mug whne markings prove that it dated back to the ilas of Charles 1., here a sit- r teapot and there silve spoons and oIIpt kels. VICTORIA HOTELMEN Inn- OUT TO GET LICENSES ' Petitions Being Circulated With View to Having Pleolsclte Very Soon VICTORIA, Aug. 28. Victoria, the only large city 'Si Hrilish Columbia where the sale of beer by the glass is. prohibited, soon will have beer parlprs like those in Vancouver, loeal hotel men predicted today when they a new beer plebiscite. At a conference with mainland and Island brewers the hotel interests .nappod out a vigorous drive for beer. A pe-lition will be circulated immediately under the recent plebis Til'- Dosi.-iiians In High t'.la-s Vaudevilb'. Wesihaiine Theatre, Tonight. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Diahy Island - Cloudy, calm. barometer, 30. 10; I em pern lure. 52; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point - Clear, calm: barometer, 2U.U8; temperature. 15: sea ftiiimtth. Hull Harbor Ciear, calm; Itaroiiielc , ,30.00; leuiterature, 55; sea smooth; 8.0ft p.m. spoke tug Lome two miles south ol Pointers Island bound for Powell Itiver; I2.SS a.m. spofce steamer Prince John in Iterate Strait northbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Princes .Mary abeam Pino Island northbound; U.30 p.m. spoke .ieamer Princes Alice abeam Ivory Island northbound. Noon Digby Island -Clear, ca'.n. barometer, 30.l; tentpcritlive. 58; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Clear. P5U1 southeast wind; bti j.nttter, 30.- 05; teni()erHlure, Aft; sea smootli. Dull Harbor Clear, light northwest wind; barometer, S9.-97; temperature, 65; e mooth. II. C. Futer, inspector of isriioois. and daughter returnea on the Prince Itupert thi morn-iiik from Victoria where they have been spending the summer. Mr. Frascr and jon will tine could spend half;" laler. LAND ACT. Notice or Intention to Apply to PurcSeee Land. In the lJUMt Havurdinr IMelrlri uf Priifc Hiipert. and briue purtfcin of l.ii lM!Mjr-rMir Haaye nr ii . oeil DUIHrl. , TAkE .MiTKL llMl miaeH' l.m.i!e.. of I'rus-r Hnpert, B.:.. awrrnaoti. luletvl to apply lot perlMselon prrh4 lie rullowmt deerrttird land: :MMHietiM( at a p"i planted al the1 nortlieaai rurner of loi twenty tour it . rane tl ', Oil lntrul. Iln-n. vmili thirty ti ctMio. . tbetK-a ve.l rorty en In; Ulenre norUl Meal rliaiiis 1 neire or le.s, to Mali malrr mark: tlwn. , Ibeasl atisiaT hin aaler mark lo tin'.i 1 ninwrni 1 m. ona nmiaimni eiani SO arree. mure or leas rwiKLLs iixnrn Appllranl Oalwl AuaTrat Uth. . tV LAND ACT. Notice or Intention to Apple to Ptirthaee Land. In the 1-aasJ liewmttae IHslrlri or Pnnro Noprrl. and annate al Hlr ran Creek kirn tUm into Kreiall Mler about III ndle rrr-m it mouth. TAkK mit:l nut cnri. i mei r Prtncf huperl, .:., s-n4tk hiinlier man. intend to apply tor permission u iinrrhase the rotV wInr lerrltiel lend. I'xwnencln at a mI ptoalesl al the MM.llrwesI rorewr r lot Ail. Baiivr firiir. 1 ....... 1. 1 .. . 1 . . . ,1 HHinf westerly; iwrn-r to rn. H" ri 11 muiicnru i im-iiiiiim 111 imiir Ui rt thence n chain. mlerl lo leilnl cite order-in-ciiuncil passed by the provincial government, and beer advocates are confident that it will receive the necessary signatures of forty per cent of tho registered voters. , The chief argument to he used in the lieer campaign will be that Victoria is losing busi ness tnrougti 1I9 present dry; I'omlition. Tlic moral side of thei question it will be urged, al-' ready has been determined by! the establishment of beer bars! in hsiulmall, ailjiiinuia (lie, ciry. where beer drinkers from Victoria can get all tho re- freshineiil they want. As Victoria voted dry by si' heavy majority in the lasl beer1 plebisci') it is expected that thc new iieer move will be met with I strong opposition UNION OF VETERANS ENDORSED BY G.W.V.A. VICTOHIA, Aug. 28. Tho principle of Hie formation of n' iiimoii of all ex-service men In1 Ca'nada was endorsed by Iho' convention of the flreal War' Veterans' Association here yes-' terday with crinin provisos. I 1-. (I. Raw-bumuesd : n left yesterday on p lo Montreal, i of rouiiurnermriii, and containing id acre, inure or iei. r.. p. IUEI. Appllratll Haled AuttMl I lib. tt. LAND ACT. Notice ot Intention to pptf lo Leaee Lent in Skeena miiire a i.ikj oieinrt. n erdlnf ihlfKt I'rlnee lmt"Tt. awl ell wale wwlhweet ptitnt or W'ale Ulawl. t I I'r .iiTIM' ak.a . . I - .. 1 n.r. .i"ii.i. iii.i iitr .a,i-ji.n r 1. 11 l Oi. l td., or Vanennrer. Il.r... nerupa lion. Salmon Cannere. Inteiwli to apply tor pennies! 1 leae the rnllnWIny Or rlled lamli: Oimnetieliir at a pol plinlH It Mali ttrtil1 nt.rlf Ml u.liflu.t twtlnl i 1 IV. I. Hland. B.C.; thence north one rliali.:! thence eai ten chains : llienre eoutti onei rtialn In etwire line: theie-e went alonr hire line lo point or eniiniencetnenl. and ronlaln'nr n" acre, more nr lem ' THE rAKAMAM HSIII0 CO. LTtl. ', neien irnn vay. It ' t a a SAVE on Your Meats and Provisions Cash and Carry Roiling Reef, per lb, . . ,6c Pol Roast, per lb I Or. Round Hte.ik, per lb, . .20c .Shoulder Million, runs I 22 Vt llainor's Raeou None Heller, per lb. sliced 45c ) River Kggs, fresh. per doz 450 Oainor's hard, 1 lb, bricks 25o Phone 178. Bulkley Market (ieo, Y. Kerr, manager. 95c Days FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Sco Our Windows for tho Greatest Bargains Ever orr... In this City "ered llegardless uf cost we are Hearing out Mum-,,, 1 lars wiirlh of seasonable merchandise from c !(,.., men I hi tliis store. We must hate the p.,.-c goisls arriving and we niii-l have llie ue of id 111 lines, mi many of which we are i.ve; ' Jlel u eouverl our losses 111(11 n profit by tm B goods tnlo ash ami lhereli avoid (he mm,. many hut's nidi another seasdn. Clock Specials for Saturday Clock Grocery Special for Saturday Only From 0 a.m until 10 a.m. only. For Delivery Monday. t'. liars l-'els N.iplhn Soap fur I, unit 2 Utl- In earh nistnnirr Clock Grocery Specials for Saturday only from 10 a.m, until 11 a.m. only. For Delivery Monday. I I'ail Malkm's el uie.ipple J im. lb. H K : 1'r.g-. Miilkm s Jell Powder. Ileg. S...-. Combination Special 05c. Clock Grocery Special for Saturday only from 11 a.m, until 12 noon only. For Delivory Monday. 1 Tins Snider' s Tomato Sn;ip. Meg. r0i 2 lloltlei. Sinder'i. (ilup lleg. 7(1. . Combination Special 05c Clock Grocery Specials for Saturday only from 2 p.m. tin. til 3 p.m. only. For Delivery Monday. 1 lb. Malkm's e.f Tea. Meg. 7ir. t lbs. Japan litre .No. I. Reg. .Ml. Combination Special 05c Clock Grocery Special for Saturday only from 3 p.m. u 4 p.m. only. For Oelivery Monday. :? Tins Tonmli.es. t'. rg. ::., . Tin- Pea-. 2, Reg. Kir. 2 Tins l.ni. Reg. 1f. 1 Till I'.inipkin, S. lleg. I:..-. Special 7 Tint for 05c Clock Grocery Special for Saturday only from 4 p.m. unU 5 p.m. only. For Delivery Monday (IgiUie s Rolled Out-. 2i lb iek. Reg. f I '.' Special 05c. each. Limit 2 e.n h nsloiner. Clock Grocery Specials for Saturday only from 8 p.m. until 0 p.m. only. For Delivery Monday. 2 Tin- llel M'Miti' Vellnw :img I'e.i.hr.. '.' - V 2 Tin- M .lkiM Xpri.'ii- I's . ii'iv Rg 1 Tin Caipir.l Rhubarb. 2 - Reg ::,. . Combination Special 5 tins for 05c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimBmmm WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. The New Juvenile Bostonians I'nder the I tire. tf. . ui Mrs. K. I f In Select Vaudevlllo Program- New Songi, Dancei i Comedy Numbers Mrs. Wallace Rcid in "Broken Laws" A compelling, ten-ely dramatic slory of Ihe ii'' Jazr parlies ,n (',hristma Kve -w..ing. t eoiiples slilheriug around on the Miihel I ! -f rliihlren watched wide-eyed friin Ihe slmr I molher's liner later, his fnllier drinking th' pitifully yuiiiig al u iiudirioiii nwiUlioiise the manslaughter Ihe shallow nf ihe chair 1 l pleading fur her sun's life llie awakening. V a terlaiitttieut wilh a big moral. Mr-. Wallace It role which -lamps her as out' of Iho screen arlili'. Notable ca-l. Mrs. Wallaco Reld, Percy Marmot, Ramiff Wallaco, Arthur nankin, Pat Moore, Jacqueline SaundeM, Virginia Lee Corbln, Jane Wray. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission $1.00 and 50c. Matlnoo 50c. and ui. Ladies New Fall Coats One of the mol import. ml purchases a woman ' the course of a year is her fall coal. Reahxiiig we always endeavor to secure gariiienl- Rial ' the tumult' and (allured to fill the demand or l"' styles. If you have occasion to buy your coal now ou w a splendid clmice here. All llie new shades al moderate prices nuiB "a $15.00 to $65.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. gents for Iloli'priiof Hosiery. Neimi (JtnVt'K l'i ' " Renew I'allenis. Tiinihiiirs rv Wnlsiiu's I n " tt Arch Rofi'iider Hhoes mid Romtiiituj Rubin :