), LH'KII CO ..IMIIUJ, Day Phones 423 530 Qr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. QEO. Q. BUSHBYi Man. Dir. ' Mr ecliir 4 t ti OH lh halt NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy urn m rozen oait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast anadian hisn & oa .Moraee .0.. . a. A ff iJ- J - M-t PRINCE RUPERT, B.G 1.50 rV $1.00 jpaidi unci T liid iir ll fi-V i ttt'i "! iliv of Hie l"llow- ' ft - will lie n-- -1 1 1 t With tme tree. I' I T-HMli lile, vn l.ilgr tube 50C I I' M i;..i t'd-rum lor in,.igc ami a a -km cleanser 50C I1 ' A l." nihi . i i '' rrt'uni that rub he 'kilt IU. - , i ' k. 600 I1 l. e l. Vliu. .ml Cnani lor rhaiKil hands and roughness he -km 60c I'M- r Shoving. Oram, a germicidal Shaving Soap. It g die. five month r daily shaves sue Ormes Limited The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists :ji d Avenue and 01 h SI i eel BED UNIT SPECIAL 1" CONTINUOUS POST WHITE ENAMEL BED, Widlh leel. ""raced Woven Wire Spring and good quality all Felt Mattress i Pierc L'n iU loinpletc $2400 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 TUGBOATS Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238' Black 735 Valentin Dairy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Phone amiii. Products. Ilcpre- sciiiallye J.V U.. Miller, Blue 2'J5 liny your Christmas presents now. Hebckah Hazaar Saturday. rlsh pond for children. 241 Sons of Canada general meet ing on Friday, "October. 10, at 8 p.m. in Kmad Hall. Election of officers. Program for winter months. 211 Order your kindling now while I lie weather is fine. Full load 0.oo. trundle 5 for tl.QO. I'M. Transfer and Taxi, Third Ave. l'hone I81-li2. 242 The Liberal eoiiimillec rooms. eorner Second Ave. and Fourth Street, next to the Walker' Music sllirc are open every afternoon anil welling. 251 Mrs. II. T. Wille.lt sailed last niglil on the Prince llupert for I lie nouth. She will visit at New Weiininler wilh her daughter, Mr. Hasil Porritt. Mi". I jlinurid. who lia- been )Aing an extended viil lo her daughter. Mr. W. II. Tohey, re lumed laul ni'.-lil by the Prince Ituperl to her home in I It. Wentenhaver (tailed lasl iiulil on the Prince HuiKrl for i he miuIIi on a liuiiiex trip. He will vixit Vancouver. Seattle ami Spokan nnd exiierU lo be away aboni wo week. Mr. and Mm. Pat IteRan ana mi arrived from THkwa on lal ni sh I'm train and aiH (or I he Miulb on tlife uleumer Prince Ituperl. The trip in necary n arcount of Mr. Itegan's iU health. Ik C. Sebubert of the govern- meiil telegraph office lnO and Mrn. Schubert and family re- i umed lo the rily on the Calala !.il n iv hi after havlHg upenl a ' nuple of month holidaying in the okanafraiTeWbiilry. Aid. M M. SteplHMin returne.1 in the nly 'Mi Widneday after immiii after a week s biiMnesn Irip io Juneau, lie found Hie capital f the territory a bnlling (own bui it raiqed all the lime he was mere, u wa .viu. Mepnens iirso i-.il to Juneau. Mr. 1-OUi Leroux ha jul received wnnl of I be sudden death of her .hler Mr. Acker- er. in hospital a.1 Oakland after an oMralion. Mr. Ackerier'. home wa al Homing. Unlifornia. where her hu.liapd is fruit farm ing. .he leaven one daughter. Premier Waller Owen will de- lier the following addrees on Suiiilay: I nilsl Church at II a.m.; Presbyterian Churrh at 3 p in., und Aiigliean Chureli al 7 :io p.m. All loy and young men should hear him. Father in.iniii'i of service club nnd J men inleresled in boys arc spec j tally invited. lleii.'kah Haraar Saturday. October 17. Opi'iatie and miscellaneous program. Weslholme next Monday and Tuesday. Calholic Chureli ltaxaar, October 21 and 28. Il.xpllul Hallowe'en Mill, Oct ober 30. Hill Sixty Chapter l.O.I). K, llataar, October 31. Anglican Church llazaar No vember 5. Presbyterian Church llazaar No ember 12. Hoyal Purple llazaar November 13. Mnce llaitar November 17 and 18. lliiplist Church Ladies' Aid llazaar, November 2(1. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary Hazaiir. December 2. I.lil lim-iiii P.lmi'i'li l.iiillo' A ill l)auar, Dapembcr 4. October lfl. 1025. THK DAILT HKWB PAGR TURK Cemtortaoie and Silirdi A . &lm$fb BOOTS Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. "J"ry 057.' Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The- Cafo of Distinction. OEN DAY AND NIGHT. Hreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Itefreslimcnts Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Helail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 1 34. tf The Hlkn are holding a dance in their home on Friday night Adtuixoion 50c. 2il SupjiorleM of O. W. Xickcr- 6u !lalc that he had an excellent meeting at Port Hingtou lal riigh I. The Prince llupert Hoat llou.e power boat Pachena and Leila It were taken on dry dock today for cleaning and painting. "Iteeo Hard" Stove coal i what you should call for. ill per ton delivered. P. It. Traits fer and Taxi, Third Avenue. Plioni IUU-II4 t The Liberal conmiiltee rooiu- eorner Second Ave. and Fourlh Street, next to the Walker'si Music lore are open every afler-loon and evening. 231 Lieut. V. It. (tow, It.N.C.V.It. is a visitor in the city, having ar rived, from HMjUltnalt on the Catata last niPht. He is regis tered at the Prince llupert Hotel. "Hero." Tbitf If good burn ing for 911.00 r ton. (let a stork of this coal before Hie now flies from P.H. Transfer A Taxi, Third Avenue. Phone IH3- 119 l We ari in a position to again supply our famous "kiln dried' .milling. if per load or 5 bundle for I.Ofl. P it. Transfer A Tai, Third Ave. Phone I8'J-112. 212 Hans Llndseth and his orches tra will play at the Scandinavian Dance, Metropole Hall, Saturday night, 9 o'clock sharp. .Gents, 75c, Ladles, 25c. Everybody we'eome. 242 Don't forget llebekah Ilazaav on Saturday, October 17 in St. Andrew s llooms from 2.30 to 0 Plain sewing and fancy work. borne cooking, candy and. afternoon lea. 21! Mrs. F. It. Alexander Alio ha been here for the past mouth vUitfng with hei mother Mrs. 5 Dawson and her brother F. ti. home in Vancouver. ' CN.lt. i-1 earner Prluco Ituperl, Capl. D. Donald, s.nilesl yesterday nloruing nt 0:15 for Auyux and returned here al 11 o'clock, last niglil. She sailed al I o'clock this morning for VaiicouvorHiid way jKirts. Don't fall to hear miss Adeno Advent, late of the D'Oyley Carte Ooera Company, and S. K. Campbell at the Westholme Monday and Tuesday. Book your seats early. CN.lt. steamer lTinci- John Capt. L. Mabbs, from Vancouver i via the Queen Charlotte Islands.! is due here late louight or early, tomorrow morning aceording to a inesage reeeive.il yesterday from the vessel. i Areliileacim ft. A. It fx left on! this morning's (rain for Flndakoi where he will conduct Mrvier 1 on Suu'ilay and speel.il meet digs j nt the first, of I lie week, lie experts to return to the city about ; the middle of next week. I J. Armstrong, mechanical u-; lierinleiulcnt' for the' provincial department of public works, ar-l rived in the city from llio interior on lal night's train. Ho is here on denartuientnl lmslnpss and will visit Stewart before proceeding lo his lioailiiuaHcrs In Victoria. - IN THE LETTER BOX QUESTION OF TARIFF Kdilor, Daily News: Tlns third paragraph of your first editorial luesday says Mackenzie King believes in low- tariff, but realizes that a inoder-; ate tariff is necessary lo pay the war debt. Consider the F'ord. automobile. I'tiM American Ford CoilUiany sells its louring car for 1200.00! at Detroit, Mich., 'where it is made. The Canadian Ford Company sells its louring car, exactly the same as the American Ford in construction, for Uj.- 00 at Ford, Ontario, where it is manufactured. The difference in price, then, is $155.00, which the Canadian purchaser has to pay( on lots slue oi me line ovt-i what the same car sells for in I lie Luited Stales. Now this $155.00 does not go to Hie government for the pay ment of our huge war debt, nor for any purpose whatever. It goes directly front the pocket of the Canadian purchaser into the iHickel of the Canadian Ford Company of F'ord, Ontario. tariff that raises the cost of a car from, $2'J0.00 to StiS.OO, 53 per cent, cannot be called moderate." How do you square Ihese facts with the question you ask in your last sentence? Is not the big F'ord Company of Canada making a fortune at the oxpense of the common people? This company made over 100,000 cars in 1112 i. The Mackenzie King tariff is so "moderate" that it enabled the company to take, front the Canadian people over fifteen million dollars more than a normal profit. O. II. AHXOLD. Union steamer Calala, Capt. A Jolirtloiie, arrived from Ibe otith at 1 1 :30 last night and Hailed for Anyox and the Naas Iliver. The vessel is scheduled lo sail from here on her relurn oulh at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. TOO LATF. TO CLASSIFY l'OH SALK. Cream wicker buggy. Phone iOO. 243 LAND ACT. j Notice of Intention to Apply to Least una. In frutne liiiert Laikl l(rrnlliir l"a Irirl. ihU oiiiau- at .vrwrutube naruu. I'lli l-iaml. alMUl hi. imlp iiurllM-ail fnuii m- riuiaiHT in I Tin-1 (lunnrl. alHl abuui iip iiulr ouilri fruai 11m iHrilH-a. ruei ur Lot SU3JI'. ' Takf imllre I hat WalUrc l'l.-lK-r- l.iinlu-il. ur Vaimiuvrr, H i:., urrui-allfni raniH-r um'U, Inuikli lu ailr rr a lrav ut ate rolKmll rrM-liliri land- - iMunimnur at a t tWauird alniut :ih- mlk-5 in a MtutlM-rO' dim nun rriu dtp iiurllipa,! rui-iM-r ur l.ul fU33l'. tlirnrr hmiIIi (.If rhalui; Un-iii-c rl. C.uii rhaliM; Ihfiirr north O.'u rlnln-t: llHine i-.lrrl.v nipaiHlrniiir aknir I Ik- lnrti katrr mark tc M't of xNuiiirnrriiM-iit, ami ruutalulo-r t.va arrr. lmirr or WALUVI L rlSlltlllbS UMITHl). Alpliranl. IuImI Srtdriiitirr Still. IJ5. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply to Laai Land, In I'rtiMT Huw;rl Laiut llrinnlmir IHv Irtrt. and altualp al Cup. splrpr llaiid. (buul v.uv rluiu poutbea-tlprly fniiu llx vtrenip iHtlh-Apt pihI of spirpr IsUnd and alMiul H.vo dial in rruiu Si-Ikhhi- PT I'M. Tale nntirp that Wallarp l'lliprlrt LlnMtwl. of VanriMOPr. B.C.. iM-iupallun raiMtrrytiiPii. ImmmJ lc apply rr a l ip of the rottcw tnir pirrrlb'l iaml.: Uniiinrnrliir al a ll plantpil alKHit 10.00 rlums In a MHiniranprlv din-nirn Dawson, left lasl night for iierlre"' mii intii-t rnj r fp.TT I -1 I !M . ll I .WIF , llflllll. r.TI II, MM srtiuttipr !'. tlMMMt' smith .'! rhiln-. Immh M1 .S rhalli-; tllclirr nurlb-wtrKv n-iiilrlli a lull r the hut ir unn tuw hi ui or riMiiini'iinnif ill. imi W.M.LAIK ll!-IIKItli:j LIMITlll. ApilK'int. lUlwl SriUfllUVr ..lli, l. MINERAL ACT. Cortlflcato of lmproimntt Pptilanp Mlnrral i.Ulm. uliitatp In I tip Allln Mlninsr Division of ralir Dl.lnrt. on Ibe pl Hdr or Rlr Horn liOrr In I lie cat or and adjominr the K.lwln Mineral i:ltm. TAlit: MiTirC lll I, Frrd l.awsoii. anpiil rnr A run laviton, Krrp Miner' irlirtilr .Vo. :07UC, Inlrnd. . tint (V4 rr 'in IhP italp hprpnf. to apply to lh vi iina lirrordpr ror a rprliriratp or lin-pnivin:inl, ror Ihp pnrr'p or obtalnim a Cron (Irani of tlir alMivc rlalm. And rurthrr laki nollrp thai anion, nnritr iilon S7. mut he commrnrrd t rorp the miie of mrh Ct-rtiriralf or m provrniPiui. i Dali-d IhU join day nr ut. VI) i io W&L Wash That Itch Away I nrre u amoiuteiy no eunrrrr irom priraia. vrho prrr uwd ttiii enothlnf (), and did not fd Imnirdlattly that wonJrHully calm, coot arnullon tint romra whra the itch ia taken way. It prnrtratre the ihitm, tlt-te InjUnt rtUU (nm the mort dinUteaing akin diecajca. D.D.D. Tir firif JIM '( rtHtui yea ep yeor !, Trf Ds D. D, i., lee, ORMES LIMITED M II Fred Stork, M.P. Liberal Candidate respectfully solicits Your Vote and Influence at the forthcoming Dominion Election on Thursday, October 29 CANADIAN VACinc standard a Purity for over IbOyearS Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GECRQE will Mil fr.,111 PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and lulpniirdlate pulut carta SUNDAY and THURSDAV at 10.00 p.m. For ANYOX , Wtdntdr, 10.00 pjn. Fcr STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES f'.r KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL. JUNEAU, SKAQWAY, carta WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN ri.rlnighlly for VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER .TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY ticipt Sunday 11:30 a.m. tnr PRINCE QEORQE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all pulnls Eastrrn nmda. t'liltr-d lal-AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offk, 628 Third Am, Prlnc Rupart. Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f tETOKUN. yUtttU, JUNEAU. SUCH AT Far VANCOUVER. V1CI0M.I.J SEATTLE Octal J, 19. 30 Octikr 13. 23. Nm.brt'3 For Buttdl, 8wanaon Bay, Eait Btlla Balla, Ocean Falli, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Rlr, and Vancoutar ottry Saturday 11 a.m, Agncy for all Steamahtp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent, Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. you will ask tor again w inKir -n h m.M. -o. nurw y $3.25 the bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Govcrntucut of British Columbia, TV Hp. v