ji .nci 16, 1025. TRY, pATT.Y.N'FWS SPECIALS , Australian Troily j . i . . . .... sii..t . r rnrriivp mi wriunrr Tfir irpriprnl prfi'Pl In r;,-ne In rout on nit If 'mail rmim, 9, ele. HIopkm i It prior lo Oplolipr 1st ..I.I 'In urn III ljt.it. v. r fortunate III huy- ;.- iy I n n ipv npreinin w H -avp you money i i ay rome. m uniiTP nnmtro m iii 1 111 1 r. rnuiir.ii UM I 0 1 1 r Mf 9Z6 rCR oi Ju-u 45o in. in. x . . . S4.75 ia en i.... .! It. zuo 35c Hi let ... $3.90 r a r rt i.iuiim m imn III 100 nut .... S3.60 rsi til it IiAp fi j J !. ... i-ill kn .itn- vpar. AW -t IrliVIIW a 25 . - A 111. It tin ISo $3.10 CANNED FRUITS iiiip In huy . I.. II V. 1.. whuli will he ' ilnyi. liny a :.i p .1tI ar lipavy nyrup. 30c $3.25 . heavy syrup, 40c $4.25 siii-.il im- .... $1.85 t- J I'mpapple, 30c ' ..... .d V uli'.l IMiip- .. $2.90 2So I' 17 7F i.l I'eapliPn, 35c r . . . . 13.85 ' prieoU. 20c "uniiT Apricots. ' 30c $3.45 M Fruit Salad, T 40c r t $4.40 Try Our Assortment $2.55 rrtul. ? .Valvar. lpnrliP. I''npnppp. Aprf-M'ini. Hlraw- n Assortment B ' . $4.25 1" Vruit 9lL'm . An- l I'-nrlirn. l'par. ) Fruit Salad, npplp lloynl " Annp HCE DEMONSTRATION VEGEX Starting Today, Thursday M Law will ipmonlrnlP tlm rirlii l known ' Vitamin II on Hip ' ' today. ponllnlly invito yon 1 - ml. Iinprf TaMpfuinnlv m wiv w wm aw m g j "" rnonea Co. 210 - 211 - 212 - 293 ood! Wood! Now Is your chuneo DRY CEDAR l ull lnnl tfl.00 ' " WWW T Half Imiil . 13.00 'nrge narks . . 50o DRY BIRCH I'er load ffi.50 HydeTransfer 139 8econd Avenue Phone BIO Ntaht or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. SEINING FOR PAST SEASON Oood Money Made Off Queen Charlottes But Mainland Locations a Failure mai neinuiK operation off Ihe giireti -liailullp Ulaml roast Imvp proved In . ypry nurresn. ful lliin yi'iir, Mip hpIiiPm huviiiu i-xperiem-ed ii,rt, rpinuiipra-! Ilp 'iaioii t ha for yoar put.i mil umi i up M'iniliK pff Hip niiiliilaml pliant hax Iippi'i n fni. nn. wa (hp opiiilnn pxprpwl Ul TIih Xpwu IIiU mornini? I. Jark llnnllniry.wlio wild hi jutrt- ni-r i xin iPir, U; bppn oppratiitg Hip pinp lioaU IIpIIiiiiip, Itttwilln ami Tip Top in iilaml walpn Hiin (.eaion. The 1,(K rHn ,a(4 Impii in phuin whllp pink liap nppn prpiiy irHw ami lh nn-piip Imivp papkcl conni.li-ral.lp of Ihi vnriPly or fisli UiU ypar for wliirh n-nuinpralivp prie hap Iivpii paiil to Hip fUlrermen. I'Iip panniiijt xpaon for llipse nripli. or fit.1, i practically vi-r now ami all tlip cannprlea, wilh Hip pxcpplion of Hip Millerd ami Npw Ijiylaml cannery at .umlipwa, liup cloi'i1 ilimn fur Hip )iar. l in expcclPil Uip two raiiiiPrir nuw olipralinat will In!- .wn at Hip pihI of thoj wpi-k. TIip nwijority nf Itoalt-eonUI-tlilinu Dip (H-n npiiiini? fp( ulll oppralp arouml Vanioiiver Inland upply IIip rail ami winter markiM with nalmon. The hoata or Hip X.M. & It. Find Company nr.- already in Hip mniLo an are aUo I he llpypillp ami Tip Top, Whllp Him lloll.una lt f .... .......t . I M ! Hraillniry. p Hrl yelerlay to jjoin olhpr hoaln of Uip Jlraildury ami Y-lf flppt. I Ml iioul. uill rplnrii north in J Hip npriiijt li piisuRp III III" JliT- rmjt fiMnntr. iiardships'endured i BY U.E. LOYALISTS W. S. Fisher Tells Rotary Club of Terrifying Experiences of Early Settlers In New Brunswick At Hip IWrfary Cluh liinrlipon ppnly Wallpr S. Fmhpr re- rounlPil omp of Hie terlpnrp whiPh Hip I nllHi Kmptre Miyal- i.l. upiiI tlirnuah in Hip Jay fi.llnwiiiK Hie war or IHIJ. Many f IliPin fpllp near SI. John ami Frpilprirlmt in Npw llmnnwlck ami Hi firnl winler wan nptl in piii without proppr food anil plothintt. TUp ponditlonn thpre wprp almoi-l miMiPvaWy lianl. mppplally for ppople who had lef I ponifortithlp ImmPA In Uip Npw Fnuland nlalPn. Mr. Fihpr i hiimelf a dp- ppimIphI of Hip I'.H. Iyalitn ami Hip KmIipm have been very prnnunptil m Hip Hfp "f Hip ro-iiipp of Npw Hruimwick. PRINCE CHARLES TO TAKE VANCOUVER RUN! C.N.R. Alaska Boat Will Take Place of Prince Qeorfle It Is Expected llftvinu awaiHsl the arrival of; Hip Imiiipp lluppri irom uip nmilli. t'.N.n. nlPaniVr I'rinrp r.harp, t'opt. NpII MnLpan. nil-pil al It. 3' 'pilnpilay nlfthl on her lat trip or Hip pn-on to Alaka port. TIip I'Hupp CliarlP will rrluni Iiitp from Hip norlh i,ni snii.inv niulik and. whllp iIp- fi..ii.. inbiriiplioiin an to liPr fu- turo movpinpiiln Iiuvp not yet i.mi' riip.iivKii lopiillr. II. is ex- I i. - ppplPd Hint slip will rPliPVP UiP . l. flAAiinii III flip nirnmer itiiht Vn nrnu vr r- I'rinrp lluperl -SIpw-nrl mtvIpp Hip week after next. TIip l'rlnre (Seorno has some rn- pair lo lie made. MANY QUALIFIED AT COURT OF REVISION One Hundred and Thirty-five People Got on Federal Voters' List In This Manner ! Nnnnnn A. Wntt, revlslnpr for Hi" federal pleclion voler' lint, unnounrcs Hint U pprnonn iiunlined uy nppe""H pprsonnlly liefore him nt courla nf revision lipid durliiR Ih" past fpw dnya. The lanl nf tho;-o rourln elospd WVdnesdny nlKhl ninl those who are not already qualified lo vole nl wio pipuihio will not hinn the opportunity of doing so now. Rt. Hon. W. L Mackenzie King 71. Premier King has said:- " promise the West Impartial Justice and Equal Treatment" His famous Order-in- Council is concrete evidence that he means to carry out this policy. The order reads: "The Committee are of the opinion "that the ' policy of equalization of freight rates should be recognized as being the only means of dealing equitably with all parts of Canada, and as a means of encouragement of industry and agriculture, and the development of export trade." Contrast this policy with the statement of Mr. Meighen, which his followers the Conservative Candidates will be compelled to support by reason of the pledges of the Conservative Candidates in the East. Meighen said: "There has been a measure of relief for the West by means of equalization of freight rates, which is utterly indefensible." There you have the policy as it will be applied to the West, of the two parties who now ask your endorsation. The policy of the Liberal Candidates is to populate the West. Population will come where it is profitable to live. Open Canada's natural trade routes to the world's markets, for the tremendous natural resources of the West. Equalize freight rates Westward, and you will have turned the key that unlocks the door to prosper- ity. A definite example of what these discriminating rates are costing the West as they affect the fruit growers of British Columbia is found in these figures: From Grimbsy to Montreal, it is 390 miles and the rate is 95c. per 100 lbs. From Vernon to Calgary, it is 340 miles and the rate is $2.40 per 100 lbs. The same discrimination is applicable to all lines of Western production. This is startlingly evident when you ascertain that in the six years previous to 1921, the West contributed $174,000,000 net profit to the Canadian Pacific Railway while the East, with its greater population, contributed but $81,500,000 less than half. You must decide whether the man you send to Ottawa shall be controlled by the Canadian Pacific Railway and the interests of the East who for narrow, selfish reasons are antagonistic to the West or, whether you will send a man to support a leader in the person of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, who believes he is serving the best interests of the whole Dominion by giving impartial justice and equal treatment to the West VOTE FOR FRED STORK, M.P., Liberal Candidate