' - f t i ! MWMM The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the Rrilish Empire and the United: States, in advance, per year $0 on To all other countries, in advance; per year $7rn Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAtLY IDITIOH Canon Gould And Chinese Situation. Thursday. Xoy. 2. liii.y Yesterday Canon Could, clearly and succinctly outlined Ihe unmese iniernaiioiial situation from the point of view of lb. Chinese. Jle showed I he injustice of foreign counlries having itpf:ikt;i i.tni.t. . .. n.. ........ i.... , ' .v,.w..m.u. in nit- rummy ami managing Hie custom, lie urn mil, however, seem Ic. liaur given the other side, which was natural under lho circumstances. China is not and has ijot been a homogeneous country for many years. H has been broken up info factions and WYV VM been " central .control lhat, could be "depended upon. In many parts of the country bandits have practically ruled instead of the o-calIed authorities. Even up to a few weeks ago rival factious have been fighting there, so that it was impossible to deal ji.hiimihiiw mi rniier. In dealing with a country or that type, -special methods had to be adopted and were adopted. Following the boxer outrages an indemnity was levied agaln-d the country and to insure the payment of the indemnity concessions'.. were granted by China. ..in. .is uiini oseo oy nriinin anil ny oilier countries to secure ireaiy rtgms ami inese were often iiiijiisl. but so were all sin, ilar arrangements of that day. China was forced bv Britain to open some or her ports to the trade or the worldone or the best things that ever happened to China, but it rould hardlv be considered just, yet llrilnii,WKon, made i'uissible- f6r jnifs-sionaries to tro Ihere. The sifi.o- ? ... their will fipon the weaker, It a iiily that Canon Gould could dot while here deliver another .Jeclure on the benefits- derived by China from BrilMi occupation' and the enforcement of ireaue.s. Chinese Awakening is noperul Sign. The aw.-ikeiiitig of China js . a hopeful sign. We hae men-lionet) this -before more than once It'is a great thing to ee a country beginning to realize its posMbililie. Many njMakes will be made. Foolish Jhjngs will be done. Outrages will be perpetrated. They always afe during Ihe process or arousing, l ife futifre. however, looks very hopeful and we look ror the day when China will be a irrenl mmvi- ;. n. -,...i.i t - ----- - - j -.-... . ... nuiiu, .IS lllllll try -omes to realize its power and influence, every cilien feels inr uiini spring in ins veins, lie stands more erect A new dignity comes to him. He is readv to defend Iiiojimior and the honor of his country. Making Good Is r. Always ImportahL ' II is always important ftmake.. .good. It is not necessary to win in a contest or to reach, the goal in anv other endeavor but it is necessary that we should put up the best possible right or strne to the uttermost 16 attain that to which we set our hands. In other word we should , make good. There I pave been many cases where workmen have slowed down on the job in order not lo. do anyone else out of work. That is rntal. To slow down, is lo loe power. It is ibe first Men toward losing out, which is ,e opposite, to making good. MgWcl of -any kim jalwrtVs. fatal. : It Is injurious I,? others but lo the person vvJio'l.&iegleHfiil it Spells; disfoler;,'- XegleH or small things leads lo neglect or larger. Idea Prevalent Election Soon. , The idea eems o be provident that there will be n Do-minion election in the spring: If l possible, we gr.1nt, but most improbable. It will be noticed lhat the Liberals, Progressives Laboriles and Independents .ar.e all lo be sealed hn the same' ;i..?Inr.Ul.? ,,w,-"e a",, ,,,,, Pr'bnbilily is Ihey will vole together. With similar aims and objects, jt is .difficult to see how it could be otherwise. We still hold lo the view thai there will be no election In the spring, I he-probability is there will be no election for several years. II is to be hoped thai a lest will be taken soon so that ...v, ...,,,, .,,, s. im- uiiwii nu lorjrei me question of election THERE IS 0?TLYN ONE KRAFT CHEESE s TJe tyle and package of Kraft Cheee are irn.lated, but the uniform quality and dutinctive flavor of Kraft Cneee cannot be duplicated. PIeae, alway, took for thu trade mark when 4& ' tin ILLUMINATING ADDRESS ON CHINA GIVEN BY CANON GOULD AT GYRO LUNCHEON YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. (continued from page one) Ira-fenitortalily. r.auon doubl conMnneil, foreigners residing in filiiiia were not subject to the laws of IIihI country toil rathe'" lo Hie laws of llicir own nation as represented by diplomatic of ficials of that country in China. A foreigner could not be sum moned into a local court unless lliiMiipii Die officials of hi country. This law hail been im posed upon China after Ihe Chiuo-lli iiisii opium war in IHii. ami dad been revised on various occasions since that lime until it assumed its present shape. No I only -Britain but oilier welern' powers Iki. I shared in Ihe initios! Hon of that law on China. II was one of the main causes of dissatisfaction- in China lodav and was a problem that must be investigated y Britain As regarded China's demand for autonomy in relation to Hie tariff, the larilT was now fixed at o per real ad valorem and it could not be chanced by China but only by the powers that en joyed Ihe treaty. A a result of a tariff conference that had been recently siltiii? in Pekin. it had been unanimously agreed to res tore tariff autonomy to lhat counlry, lieginiitnif in IU2l. am! to mitigate Ihe present treaty in me meantime. I here still re niained lo he dealt with, however. the more difficult problem of extra-ierrilorialily for which it was now announced another con ference would te assembled in Ihe near future with a view lo abolition of the present laws. . Great Discontent So great had been China's dis rconlenl, Camui ioiild continued. lhat it had been lo a sreal ex lent responsible for Ihe calliuu of Ihe Washington conference in l!):'0. There again China had brought up her prohlems ami there again Ihey had hern put ofT with Ihe promise that within three months Ihe powers would assemble at a special tribunal to discover Ihe fads leading fo the discontent. The only understanding under which lh n;f- (ions 'would gfve up ihe law's of extra-terriloriality would be on their being convinced thai there? was a definite political "power in control of Hie w'lmle conulry prepared to adininisler common law on a Jllsl anil e.in;il lii.ii throughout the country. This aw Would have lo lie applied ! an independent Judiciary not open lo bribery and other in fluences. The delay of the powers in bringing' about Ihe solution of China's problem, Canon Could dated, had Inflamed public ntiin- ion in Ihe country. There had been Iwo postponements a) Ihe reipiesl of China ilself and three one lo Ihe action of the power virlVialiy recreated within the last two decides - 'I lie mitioit 1 1 :i I awakened and was iinin; forward Willi astonisliing leaps and bounds. There had been a roni-plete reversal in the outlook of I'.hineso life. The tremendous development of athletics was only line example of, the change. It rTempiined, too, Hie jfi-eal pay-sical iiossihllllies of Clilnese manhood. The country was get-ling a:iv fi-'niii Cmifliriaiusin and the great iljke that had licm-ino.1 in (lie n.-iiioniil smril was broken down with a iemendou' tide, of Wesle.ru dough! and vigor rushing into Hie entire! coiiulry. Ten.ieajs ago two ini- tional leaders known throuahnu; jj In country could not lie named. loilay one could count ten or: fifteen great leaders m a na-llonal wayf , With (lie nation awakening, three nr"at military force were vying for control and Canon floiild went on In describe Hie activities of each- On their eon-flict would .depend greatly the rulure of China. II was peculiar but gratifying lo note- thai, in I lie course of civil warfare, no missions had been injured to any extent thus iiHliralinz lhat the movement was not auli-Chrisiian hut rather anli-forelgn in pro test aguiimt uneipial Irealie im posed a by a superior people upon an inferior. Hope Not Anxiety The situation. Canon (iould as serted, wa to .he regarded wilh nope miner than with anxiety There would be restricted rivi! warfare bill it must he reoieni bereil Hint China wa striving in a few decade to accomplish a development lhat had taken cen turies in d'rcMl Britain and other nations, tine reason fm- hote-fulness was Ihe yreal ootlmi-t of national ..oii-il 'China i facing toward Ihe light." deelaml Canon i Iould. and I am persuaded that if Britain takes the ame sieri to ward China a she did with Japan that there witl he a revul sion of feeling there in our favor or a magnitude that we cannot now comprehend, and Dial lion Britain will r"'sltblt.Ii. herrff ill Ihe eye of, Hie pisiple as a great factor foi Boo, Httd fair ness. Archdeacon Rlx The meeling was oreided over by lloy .Ma.augl(loQ, president o" Jhe .ynn iiauli, and Iheur wa a large attendance of members as well as many guest mrlinlinv member of the district Anglican clergy visiting Ihe eilr. .Urli- jib-iroii O. A. Hix was itallcd Upon lo mlroiliice C-inon ;ouH. Tin archdearon, pnucluatiiis hi remark with humorous allusions. thanked the club for its hopi-lalily on lo'half of the vi.linv clergy. I The musical prognim of iliei afternoon included bas solo b . Ct a Mm. i. Mime 01 .Montreal and axo lihone sobis .y ick Perks, mem .Naturally Ihe delays caused by!1"' of Winnipeg Oyrn Clu!)nJS u i . . . me powers na-i iieen -een most most oro pro-j'11"' leader of IhaNclub's orches-,'urU,i niiiienl in Ihe view of Ihe Chinese lheuieves and Hie discontent -- ilir 1IJ.-1 l'll- I China and Britain Why was'. opinion in China inire aaainsl Britain than Hie "other owej In ansueriuir Ids Own uestion, Canon (iould said lliere had ,"bce;i . four jnora. uro-liilnent rea'sohs.' l-'irsl. lli'roiisrli the Chino-ltrilisli war in IMI2 and the imposition of the Ireaty Hial had followed it. Ilrilain win looked upon a Ibe foreriiniier of Ihe uneipial treaties. Second. a similar treaty had been set on by the Mrillsh in 1H58 astainsl Japan and in I Hit S. after nre- sure had been broughl lo bear i Japan. Ilrilain had taken the Ira. n There were selections " "J hy I llHll Tienelrnl.nl Inln II. ...... i Ofl" I le 1 1-:. l-ollalslillr ,,t THE- HANlli THE MOON ay: at. j- .......... nun lllf: HI.IS-l'i and inflamed public opinion to; ,",,ar,'p ("mI w'dl Ilalagno, llow-an almoi ilmoi unconlrollahle unconlrollahle pitch. pitch. lar,l Whilp and Dick Perk. Com munity sinking was led by iyr S. K. Campbell. MIT: is jui a loly s we make (i every day And death is jul as dreadful As the foolish people say. NHTHI.Nf! on eapth can move as rapidly as an idle rumor. lead in removing il ami oil iop .-Hill ,.i olllura nn.l..n '. , .ln.il... , . n powers had followed. Naturallvi lions have tome v'h 1K II 1111 I I .mW China was of the opinion dial! : . Ilrilain should lake Hie .-non flcps in regard lo China as it had done with Japan. Third, at the Versailles conference nhln.l had made great efforts to have Ibe fiermau rights in Shantung restored lo China. Subsequently, at the London Conference called lo deal wilh Ihe Shantung rights. Iliese rigtils had been ceiled I t Japan and nol to China and, as -i reull, Ihe London compact had aroused more suspicion in China as to Ihe Mrifish allltude than any other action. Fourth, Ilrilain was recognized in China as Ihe "king pin" in the situation and, If It could he loosened. It was fell thai II would cause Ibe entire collapse of Ihe uiieiio.-i! treaties. National Life Canon floiild then went on lo deal with the national life f China which he said had been "I had pains through my stomaeli due to fras and could not sleep well, especially on left ide. Thanks lo Adlerlka 1 am well atiniii. - tinned! Samuel Payne. AdteriU removes IAK in (en minutes and hrliiKH out old wate mailer you never thoiivht was in your system. It I" such an ejerllent Intestinal evaciianl that it Is Wonderful for rnusllpalinn and 'stomaeh trouhle. Slops (hat full, bloated feelinif and makes you happy and cheerful. .No mailer what you hae irieil, the lU'.Afi A.llerlka ai'llnii will surprise you, Ormcn Limited, Druggists. Akl KF- on Willi Hie j;' in g i.v.s' IT'S a fo why I like i w cM That ltlCII in experience. Poor in rllh, Twiti iong a gMx turn Oil my hash. V(l' mav have nothing on yon when you came into Ihe world i hut after you'e brrn here awhile someone i sure to gel somelhint on you and then your name i mud. says Jake. KAHI.Y to bed, Kiirly lo rise, ImiNifr Hie digestion And ruin Ihe ry. I'll little lo In a police mngis- tfntr hrrniMe I hat lo hrar peo- pie lie. tlK.NHY Ford and Itockefeller The riches! men wc know line omkes a Htll flivver i And the olhr makes il go. i lHtllSK sense is out of dale; and many people who drive car( hate no sense. What are we gn-j iug lo do about ill IIKIti: lie (he remains (if an auto sap. lie lne his car Wilh a girl in hi lap. YOU don't have lo go lo i printer for d'Klger. You see plenly iif them on the street every day when one of those speed deil comes along. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICC Or APPLICATION fOH ttt LlCllstl Mllll'V I klftll&HV fllfl'V .K a. .t ........... ifi Vlf Iftfli .Ijv ..r ll...tf.r .u... as iHH-il InlrfMt. lo til) in Oh- nui.r uiOl Hnl for a hn-nw in mrri in llr pfcmlr hrlat prt i, Itf bullillnl h ii n ITnnirr tlin. tlul-it ai iiimn liirfc fil.l4..i I ... .1. CAItlAH LAND DISTRICT. lii vwrir iiarMillf- J.iaiHI. Jaiut Uw liiull ile-ritd ..,i. 7 nil .......... ..... v.,., irin' r llrl l.iMt nrrtMritln piiri-i. in ll I'riivlimi ir KrilUli i nliiinliia. r.,r Hie. l of liwr hy tlw rU r b lh ofwii,' Iwllk tor i-iiA.iiiilin nti Oh- nrriiri I PUrp lhl. mill do ut nii,tr. HJS ' HOY UKOnr.K MrKK.IZIE. tpniM-tni 'iraiiu-ii Minrru i.isiim, siirveyrd II Lett m. it. o. to. 107, rn. via, ? ft. J0, 97. ami lm, oniup l, r.,.ir Pllrlrl. Till iKtllre b.inteil mi Ihe snmiul on Um- t tit lay ir oritur, lf. 1y "t lint imllre and a.plirsilnn pur-nam Itierrio and in the Water Art, IVII, will Im rilwl In the nfflce nf the Waler llimrilF .1 till,, n in. i... i ..." ........... ... ........ ..in., inni. may lie fllid Willi the Mld Waler Ueronler or SO.MI-. people have lots or fun " , S" ', .,i?"V,.r,lu'r.!,f w,"r ,l,h, t rrlljinrni .in.ni. mi llnililliiM, iiiiiiiiinai, Vlrtorli, tinoria, B.C.. b.i... w IUi COULD NOT SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE WATCH NOTICC. I DIrdon tnd 0. ! TUE loTltK I bo iifiirj- i.. Olrtrrlrh, lni ror Ihe inniwr Ol.l Minn tm Ih".. wlwe tilirit l Cnilnn-r, B.C.. will I'ply fr HcrnM i,. ne mil use o, rn. ft. r s-otHl of str mil of Wsmi' nivrr shwli ri clirly sml drvn lnl T,th Ijsh ilmut Iwo ami uu hslf! Inile xMtl ..r llw ritflilrrr Mine. The' uali-r will l mi ;iii4-riAt r.... ti I p'nl loiil mile from lh ifr tulniis f th ssll rlfr Into TIH l.akf ml will ii.ril ror liylr.i,H. trie pnwrr! isirfHws iimhi llw Fnsmrrr Mine, lke iN.klinr sra itTIIeit rlerrn Crown In ... llilrty days afirr aurr the IIIV apix-araure apM-arSllf IIH Oils iiolM linfui, (11 in . I.ul lural iwwpaier. Tli iV" date ."' nf J11 Uir frl "TX I'lltlHl-allHIl iiiitilirailnii nt t,l Oil till no tire Is Um f 111 day of Orlnher. lost KMOt.NKlll COLO MI.HF.9 LTD Henry 0. llicir. rlrlif rnl Recording District of Tslagrsph Crtsk, .T,f KE. SOTICK thai John iamb Kowlrr. ''rat Olarler Sllkliie, ranrlier, In-lends lo ipply for ieriiiisiin to rur. rha.e Hie fnllnwinr denrrllied lamH- rutiiiiieiiriiir at a m.t planied on the we.t l.anli or the sntlne Oliver. ,if"r Orra Olarler, at Minthei rorner: tlien'-i ruiinliif nnrlh 10 ih.iln.; tiwW in westerly dlrerll.m to rhaliis; ihrnce In a sinilherly dirertlon to rhsln; llenre In f,n..,..:.,;.7 ' " v ci". tn com- is. mi nt mni, Daied A ii riot list, (tl. LAND ACT. 'nivi en Netlc of Intsntlon to Appi, to'Issis Lan In Prlitfn liiiiM.i.t t a . ....... i--.. iiT-i-i,riiiiir iiisiriri 'i' . V'V. .5- .' sllnale on ..nil miii nnri untiij, n!;',derrr,l;!:.,y.,fn,:,, nr 'w- ALrllEfl SWAMSO.-y, . -,.,. APPll'siil. DIM Odolier MiM." lf''n,' ffioco ItuptrL h& I molester CIGARETTES FINEST BLENDED CIGARETTE ON THE MARKET t r" r - 'j Business is Largely Goodwill Goodwill oni comes to those vh l ; long as they do. it will remain and g j t greatesl ncl a business .an hae and ,, t- t style. It never change il face value. II works on bright days and oil rmnv d r : t . ,, Ihe customer across Ihe street lo Irnde w Hi THE RUPERT PHARMACY will always strive lo keep llicir goitdwul t. g ions prompt. effi irnl service md enurlc,,., We Invite all to come In and form their own opinloni Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94 iiiiu n? uiiub aiiu nun rcv( Wi dtliitr TU G BO ATS Day Phone 423 K30 Or. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. rhontl 1ST MS Cf.tJI BlKk 711 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building neit door to Knziell Hnl her Hli f from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proorlttn Only 5 Weeks to Christinas Home in and Hmnsp your Chnstmns ()' w " only loo pleased lo set any arliele nu!e fir v GIVE FURNITURE THIS CHRISTMAS Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 12) siandardo. runty fir over lOOytars s4C 7feKTfi Xv QhcGinyoud ask tir agan LBII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111HI' aAttff1IlU W MJU- s .i - tniLlv i , o oc trie ""- This advertisement Is not published or displayed W Liiquor Control Hoard or by the Govonii 01 UrilUb Columbia.