Yes it whips H I easily and is & m delicious! A favorite with British Columbia housewives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of Polatoes Sealy IMPROVED Bees Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also Heef, Veal. Pork, Lamb am Mutton We Deliver Ooodson The of Quality Sixth Street Phone 455 Fresh ami Smoked Fish a Specially NOTICE We have jusf been appointed selling agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLP LACQUEROID Kasy to apply. Watch It Dry Dries ready for use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors, Furniture, and Woodwork, Kaien Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load ... $6.00 Half load ... ... .. S3.00 Large' sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Ford Models Will be on exhibition about November 10. Prices Unchanged S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cirtage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Toutn or Motor Bervlce. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving. BRINGING UP FATHER SINGER PAID IN PROVISIONS Isa KremCp Sometimes Given Sack of Flour or Sugar for Services TORONTO, (int., Nov. 2C Jly Canadian Press). Isa Kre- nier, Russian internalinnal bal-ladist, described in mi interview experiences under the llolshevik regime. "Wo were paid f'r our services. At first we received payment in rubles, but afler a lime the communist found ill... necessary to pay us with prov urn. At the end of a concert I would be given perhaps a big bag of flour or a sack of sugar, It was very nice- because I wasi ;uiic in give soincor it away to my friends who were wiltiout food. Once at the end of a con cert, they brought me a Idrge porcelain vase of a very famous make which they wanted me to lake in payment fur my services I looked at the vase and I recognized it as one which had once belonged to some rich friends of mine. -I asked for provision in its "place, at least they could not take I hem back. WOMAN SENTENCED TO YEAR IN PRISON Killed Child When Driving Car Under Influence of Drink LoNlWiN, Nov. 26. Found guilty of homicide in the High I'.ourt of Justiciary at Jedburgh, a woman motorist, Mrs. Jean '-ollin or Hrown, aged 39, Hie wife of a retired farmer, living1 al Kyeramilh, Jierwickshire, was sentenced to one year's impris onment and a fine of 200, or in default a further term of three months" imprisonment. She was accused of driving a motor car while under, the influence of drink, and coming into collision with a cyclist and fatal ly injuring him. Other charge were I hat she came into collision with a peramhulalor, with the result that a child was thrown ul and killed, and thai tho car knocked down ami injured two boys. In her evidence the dc rnntlanl said the a widen t would not have happened but for her hnsband having suddenly pulled lhi steering wlieel out of her hand, which caused the car- tn werve. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty on the Immiejde barge and two of the subsidiary charges, and found a fourth sub- sidary charge not proven. The I rial lasted three d.ivs. In passing sentence. Lord Gnu slnble said he would not nggrn vale the painful position in which Hie accused slood by dis- ussmg the serious nature of Hie offences except to say thai much as Tie should have wished it. he did not think he would be war ranted In making any distinction between the case where a man was convicted of such offences and I bar of a woman, FOOLING PEOPLE OF ITALY SAYS GUARDIAN Manchesler (luardian You can fool Ihe people, for a 'nnsiiierahle lime if you have -nuns enough. Sinor Mussolini's estimate is sixty years. The fourth of thorn began yeslenlay, and I here are In be three days of celebration of Ihls third anniversary or the Fascist march on Rome. ,. Milan on Wednesday Slgnnr Afussollnl referred with the usual passion and rhn-lorlc lo a foreign "combine of International plutocracy and demagogy" against Italy. "Vhos is Italy?" he exclaimed, in order lo hear answering shouts of "Ours." Later he spoke, of n pnsilde menace to Italy's war won frontiers, his answer to! which would be an unhesitating appeal lo arms. The twentieth century is,-he said, lo be the century of Italy's power. So the patricians used to soothe diseon- irm ai nome wnii lau m foreign TORONTO, N..n. 6. Ily Can a.nemore. morner inai Hie .,ian ),,,, .-The fastest l :. i mm.,,,, , ,.c..M.- I1UIJ oe( jn ,h w,l,L professional nominees. . ,,,. " iiockey. is expi'i ii'd to increase or nie nome i-ress Association j,, uo,m)nrily wjlll American has been dismissed by the gov- rnj, .lllpin ... ,.omi wjlH,, ernmeni and replaced by Fascist ... w Yk ..... ,j,,,hllI.i. in WAitK MAIN REPAIRS FINISHED TOMORROW Local Users Will Have Clear Stream From Woodworth Lake in Pipes Again on Friday The clear water of Woodworth Lake will ajrain be running: STATES ADOPT HOCKEY GAME New York and Pittsburg as Wl as Boston Have Teams this Year In the East addition to Hnstoii, have eriuu ly adopted Canada National winter sport. Itoston, with their middle class team of test year, drew very fair crowds, while l'llhurgh'ft success in the amaieur ranks speaks well for the -ucres of their "Pro" Hub. ' Hockey however, is a new vpnlure m New York Cilv itself, games in the metropolis are lo be played in Madison Square Garden, under the man- throuBli the city mains tomorrow Kemenl or Tex Rickard. instead or the yellow water of! Canadians form the major Shawatlans Lake which people' norlion r a" American learns have been using since the brakjn,,'",' league. Holon in the line between Woodworth iha'' Carson Cooper. Charlie Stew- and Shawatlans Lakes last week. Superintendent Krnest Love announced this morning that repairs lo the big main will he completed tomorrow morning art, Schnarr and Odie Cleghorn as the Canadian representation. Pittsburg has Lionel Conarher. crack Canadian all-round ath lete, who will captain the stia.l, Tfte nine, is all tosrelher atfain n' Sprague Cleghorn, formerly and the joints are being leitled "f l," Canadians. Tlie more nol-loday It was found necesnnry "0, performer on Ihe Smoky lo replace altogether one of the ,:'l' outside of the two lengths which was shattered as mentioned are Worler, nrury. a result of the impact of walioui. OUNCE OF ELECTRICITY tie iCotton and MlsCurry. who are all graduates fjroiii Ihe Toronto amateur rarfW, . New York has practically I be entire lUiiiiiiou, Out., team. u K THF me LfUEai lATFT THIMH v,iUeU Ua'' th imiponhip ai iniiujlnOMl in lhe4r KPSUI, taill )f,a ear 'Manchester Cuantian when a dispute between the players and owner forced Iheir c .i . , i , .-ouieiiiinj.' very surpnsinsr wan withdimwal. P rotable lM.r said today by Professor John ! for the (;..ii.ur. ia. ini.u Ambrose Fleming, the leading Forbes. Ite.l and Slmriv lir-... exponenl of wireless lelegraply:Ralulilj,, lturcb and Laiigloia. all and the chief authority in this, Canadians country on thermionic alves.l iiinieenr tvi i.a... n. tn.,. when he explaine.1 that it wns'mw woh.i ,, chao.j.un Jua- ..u ,.o.HHi.e io iaiK oi eiee- umJ l0 lennf,r knw tricily in term of ounces just Maroons, are well supplied wiUi n was pos,,n.e i0 lau oi an ,ayf.rrt. ina,fn- iaVe Vezina. ounce of lea or sugar: "It was.' in,.n,u ,,.., in.. in fact, possible necurnlely nndi-,,,, it..t(-h.r nn easily lo calculate the weight of ' -,.,;.,,. ..,,,, ,' an eiecjron. ami so to arrive at wf L.)(l y,.Ht aw Ul it,illiiu ;, a figure which would express the tm,litl wilf, uhsin,,,,, ire u,!,,.,.,,, ,m oiKii ,Maroon liuVe BOg-fldflably o. an oro.nary rieeir tamp SU.CI younger le than. Ih9kf Utyvt- .! Mini nzoil In lln I i : ,1.I.T. ........ ..... ... "Moiiuens. . Ifief JinOrinlitiWfl.lee; any given, lime.".. , IW.edtet, Mddrb .Voble. HroAd From Ihe figures which be gave n simjile calculation showed thai In one year a lamp of this size In general use would have consumed nn ounce of electricity. The Right Adjective "I understand that you had to go to law over that property that was left you. Ilae you a smart lawyer?" "You bet I have, lie ow properly now." Indigestion When chronic, is best relieved by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. t a .t - bent, Stewart. Kiebert, Dins-more, and Rnlhi hild. The Ottawa Senators are expected lo field Connell, Iron, sides, lloucher, Clancy, Oeune-nay, Smith and Nlghbor. They seem to Uhq .1 nicely balanced. fast team. M. Patricks of Toronto will J have Roach, MctlallHry, Corbeau, At1a'"' """ "y"' "Happy" ns the t It,,. ,, ...!. ,...1 ..... . i iiiNieieuillC, HHIil, tiaii.igtier and llolway. cooper, Schiwirr. (Snnaoher. Worler. Iirury, McCurry, Munro, McCaliery and Day are nil com- parnlive newcomers lo professional ranks, having Inken the step during the last two years I lie fir game of the season will be played at Hostnn when the Pittsburg Ilorneli mcel Ihe in mutt case, inu:gmion remits n , . , from torpid liver and tlugcwh bowl "J"10" l''ims on November id action. TableU for the stomach and (Canadian, will bare n dunce li to aid to digestion fail .in this chronic .see the new American tennis in uiiii ui inuiKCBiiun. i uu muni gi-i ine ,lri .... v...,M,., .Iu ,, "" "" With tllterin. and excretory organs right ,'"f,,P Wore you can export permanent iclicf ''"''hiirg at Canadiens and on and this t liest accomplished by the ' December when New: York will iTTy'Uwjm st '' Toronto Chronic i Indigestion is a very common condition. On this account many suffer " for years not realizing that rtlif is at f .. - nana in ihe lorm or Ur, thai s Kiflney-Liver Hlls. Headaches, bilioumem. spells of constipation and diarrhoea 1 11 are among the accomDanyinir ailments. ! X nnai a renn it wouiu lie to le life of this condition which makes one ftel so miserable and it I so easy by using this well-known regulator of the liver, kidneys and UwtU. SPORT CHAT Line-ups in the second division billiard toiiinanienl tonight between ,e 0,1 War Veterans and the Prjtic rtuperl Milliard Wanted For Sale For Rent WAN TKD stenographers, llrade 2, for Dominion (iovernment Servire. Salary $flo per annum. Temporary acauey al present exists on ltount of (irain CommissiorierN siaff Applications must be filed with Mr. J. C. Ilrady. Principal. High School, Prince Rupert, not later than Noember ?7, ll25. 275 CAI.KNDAR sahsmnn wantetl to handle quick selling calendar line in I'rinoe Rupert and Northern II.C. Apply iNiminion Calendar and Printing Co., 709 Lombard Ituihling. Winnipeg. OLD Artificial Teeth 1 tough I. any condition. Highest prices ht by return mail. II. DunaUn, P.O. Ilox 3 to, Vancouver. B.C. Kstablished thirty tjiree years. WANTKD. An old buildiiis ?5 b) 30 to r0 reel that can easily moed. Apply Howes Sheel Melal Works. . 76 WANTKD. Young alrl to do ligbl housework and mind baby. Live in if desired. Oood home lllue .. WANTKD. -An experienced de livery man for Ford ear. Mils, be a huHer. Apply Ilox 28. Daily New. jf HELP WANTED. FEMALE MI!N ami Women wanted to learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady ualr-dressftrs. Special low rates now on. Tools free. We have thirty-two schools in Canada and U.8.A. Write or call Moler System of Colleges, 10 Hastings Kast. Vancouver. II.C. MISCELLANEOUS KIC, PAY WORK FOR MKN. To the unemployed or men wlm work for laborers' pay when the world's greatest industry needs thousands of men a' G&c lo 11.00 per hour, city and country shops. We train you Tor join ns truck drivers nulo-mechanies, iirnition er-perls, tottery welding ami vulcanising. We also teael. bricklaying, tileseltlng and plnUm-Ing. (Jail or write for fre catalogue. Hemphill Auto Kif-gineering School, 10 Hastings Streo' Ka Vancouver. II C. BOARD HOARI) The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. Parlor will he as follows:" .. Andrews (Vein) v. Frank .(email 'Milliard 1'arlor). W. .I. Nelson vs. V. Stlckney. Joe Howe vs. Dick Howe. Dr. West vs. M. Andrews C. L. Youngnian vs. W. Mil chell. LADIES wlsf Moose Ladles Defoated Daughters of Enqland by 7 to 2 Last Evening Ihe postponed game in Ihe i.niiies Section of ihe Fraternal Whist League was played last nlghl at the home of Mrs. Harry Jackson. Second Avenue, and Ihe Moose Ladle defeated I b e DaiiKhlers of Kngland by 7 In 2. After llin ffninn iiImj were served. Ihe league standing to. dale is as follows: , Orangn Ladie Pyllllntl Hislers Moose Ijulles . I), of Ii W. I I L. 0 3 Pis. I e I By George McM; ? DA LY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS 2c per word in advance. NoAdvertisement taken for less than 50c WAMTKB TO RENT Fnlt RKNT. - Warm furnislie.l r.Him, suitable for two ladies or gentlmnen. Phone Red 700 or call 315 Seeoiid Aventie, West. . 277 Holt RKNT.- Small store or of fice. Third Street. 'IVo rwrnrs below, two living rooms above. Western haver IJro, t' Kl)R RUNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's M lisle Store. tf FOR RKNT. Large two slorer house. Third Avenun, near Me-MeeMii'a Hroeery. Weslen-haver Itros. tf St I I F-S TO RF.NT in LevH AMMrlnienIs: five rooms. balH and range. S2&.IM). Apdy ii P. Tinker. tf TO RKNT. House, tt mm, 727 Fraser Street. Wni. Dan-holin, Court House. tf HOI SK TO RRNT. THree rooms and bath, fully rurnihet. ISO. Apply O. P. Tinker. tf FLAT for rent. Four rooms wiyi bath and range. Phone lilaett 325 or Hlack 013. tf FOI R Room Suite for Rent. Hot water heat. Apply Smith A Mallet!, Lid. f FOR RKNT. Room In private house. Phone ilreen 130. (277 MODKRN FLAT for ItsnL Apply Max Heildroner i FOR SALE KOR HALF.. rd Iruek. IW3 model with IK'W starter just installed, good cord tires all round; oak body; I wo spare cord tires mounted t in first class mechanical condition, too cash, balance In arrange.. Apply Northern Kxrhauge. if FVHNNTRB FOR SAI.i:. I'oM-iug bed, en nip bed, trlass tab-inal. chairs, rugs, etc. No. I itite, Wallace Apartments Thirtl Ave. if FOR SALK. (luerney ltleetHe ranee, dining riMi suite, bl, eoueli. etn. 03, Ifiinl Ave. (nptnirK Phone .10. 270 FORD S F.DAN Tor aale. Only used seven months. 4550.00. Apply M. V.. Parker. Ltd. CARS FOR SALE. I 1932 Oldsitiflbile 4, 5 passenger louring 4000.00 I 1020 Nash & passenger touring toSo.oo i 1021 Overland Sedan.. 700 .00 I 1910 Jleo seven passenger louring JJ7U0.00 I 1025 Ford Coupe; balloon Jiree enr like new 4050.00 I 1022 Ford Tudor sed.m. - H25.00 I 1022 Ford Coupe 4350.00 I 1021. Ford ono ton truck, panel body 4375.0(1 I Ford light delivery chassis, rebuilt 4175.00 All cars guaranteed in good uiecliaiilenl condition. Ris terms can be arranged. KAIEN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Service Bla- tlon. Agents hr .McLaughlin. Oakland, Olds'iiohlle and Chevrolet cars, Iteo. O.M.C. and Federal Truck. WHliCKINO StfRVICi: DAY AND NIP HT. LOST LOST. Ilehveen Secllon Two nnd Hays lllock, einhroldeie'd Ifin cloth and brown nnd lari. gerine scarf. Finder please phono Mrs. Crewe. 270 WILL FX i farm, h falfa. io Itupen I, ha'r It-- FOrjID... I!. Apply d.i lniu tr- ' ' r-SBn n ' TXK Tl ST " L fiSliJw'l'l THNT'Sj VmVr TTT ftifA CMbiut,i.t.i ,li t -2f, ' j Found, EXCHANGE FOUND DOLLAR 5T0RI Sc.- 1 1 CHRISTMAS CIFTt llenisir Bperial '! THE DOLLAR STORE. TAXI Taxi 67 Phom (Call Oe.nK' Special C ami . baker. day , ROSS BROS. POOL ROCI Mesksr Block Across frmi f . niRNiTimr ud iocm lioio Furn.' uilablc i CbrlsMn i-iaily my tor IHOSl Wel.nfi Ftim!tur ' ROTHWELL'S TBfW Coal - Waoi Furniture Motlsg IUfKH-1- n - s Stand-.Liltle . 3M. Re. i rUKNITURE New and Se uLsri f- lir Slur 1 ' jti.ti( Van. ,1 Ooods. High Low .. GEO. PAPADOPUtU. Th.ii 51 n r. . n.inPBV MllCIC STO rnniot - - 303 Third Avenui SoleogenN ( Plionogrnpl - I RacMuii slriiiii-i , CAMERON TRANtF" , pii,.n. Baoono. Furnlturs If you want ar or delivevnl, f 1 ' P.O. It X CARPENTERS WIII'.N ban, ed. see A ' M Ue It' i-'- " High Low : . . .a4(' .iikcpT TIDES Friday, Novembsr v , 1 1 t , Saturday, Nov inbsf ' , ii l i Sunday, November , t HlBi, o - Low i: '. r in i II I i; I : I' 30 Monday, Novembers t High 1 11 .i i-i i' " ' Low 19 .i i' . 1 Tiidnv. Decerns' , , High 2 1 " '" ;, Low i :'u " m' j) i n nr..