ri Umt with business lor Ihe new elevator, wu introduced irber of Ihe hoard at prc-enl in Ihe city, g been introduced tiy Ihe f-hairmaii, Mr. dole -poke . 'v of the future of Hit- Hirt a grain shipping ren- '.'lheMfd Unit grain would he shipped through Prime; G.E. COST IS four millions ;;; " VI It Nov. 2rt. Hww-:iieal or lr. Ilandd ' ' i of uiaiixljiuiihler ' ijtiile lite court in-wniing hi retention - t in n a director of ,1 J or key Uluh. wax re-iy iiy 1 lie pieal Court, i-'iiirl decide Hauifl 1. Hi. Koak. who i- r t niiciitiary, will la'' : lie iriy imuiici! KING OF SIAM I! V PASSES AWAY-: 5 led Todav Aftup Rulanlna for FUteen Years and Seolng Slate Develop hi IX. Nov. Sfi- llama VI., ' Xiuin, and Slxlh sove-f Hie present dynasty, ' ume lo the throne in ii al since his aeressjon i mri'nn has been made by -iloin. western ideas lieins ' "'il in inuny phases of Illf'C PORTLAND DEFEATS VANCOUVER AGAIN IN WESTERN HOCKEY GAME 1'JIITI. N). Nov. 20. - Purl- ni ilcffMi!,,,! v nimtini .... la. Ilif, t. . iiiiiiiruur III III'. I ... II. ...I . " iiiHM'y i.eague game 'Khl five u two on their ''k ThU Is their i-eeond over (be suine teum. eldi. (.ccrelary. ALL WAR VETERANS DECIDE TO UNITE FORM ORGANIZATION WIXXII'Lti. Nn. Hepresenlalives of various war veterans orjjaniia-t i,,ii- in Canada voted for unification into a national body. Selections of the name for Ihe new organ ixal ion and adoption of a constitution as well as Hie election td ofrieer will he proceeded Willi. VICTORIA BEATEN , Unpen k elevator in January, in in fad. Iii firm bud already received inquiries from hippci itn connection. I li cxpeiiriier in Hi)- am in busiucs ricin.,l vcr some llirly ymirt on Hi- I'arifte rol and he wai nifer- e-ted in establishing himself in 0 Complete North Vancouver Hie grain uusuie-- in tbe city. End from Squamlth Would He w willing lo become u be Over Two Millions jineinber nf t hi local lirain Hoard - 'and tli board Hie Itenefit of 1IIV S-'. 2ft- Liiiiirrr.lile knowledge. If il were poi- placed before Hie blc lie and hi aeiles were . Iv next week es.jwillmg to lae Ote lvalor. - ... of complr'- The Idea pi Mr. (Jote- breoni-l in Prince tir;i itg a member of Ibe tocaf hoard ViM oiir : ! i.ion.-,wa concurred in by S. D. Mae-lotiald. vier-riiaii oian . Aid. tieo. S.iiwiiii.Ii N"l'i Cay aud Okf Hanson, if. at Ihe k te i .iii 1 tu led cowelnion of present negolia-tllatK' Vallex in tnn. Hie ouleome of which liileellffe. Hie . o-t would tw known iifit Monday, the it' S. too 000 rv-;l"rd W11 to continue to fum - .MIOHlt I" Hie :-lp" 1 'iiijiaiiv Tor th.-.i . .-d with .'.;h. iter roule. SOAK APPEAL IS RESERVED octor Who la In Penitentiary Fighting for Retention of Jockey 0 ub Dlroctorth'p ,l ion. Mayor Newton. In uM'iiui the Uitiialion at pre-ent existing !4id thai neyoimlion. were eni jitiv and il wm. Ilierefore, nnpo Uihle fur the board to take any lo.iierele action at that Hine. He 1 thought it would he well lo await I lie lull tier 1 1011 oT Hie lioanl tit nest Mouday'i niecliiig. In tin liiiu fmil Oilt cniiinrriHl. Mr. t'aile. who i proreeding to the prairie- from here, pro- nilrtl to keep in touch with Hie rliairniaii of the lioanl and lw guided hy the laid deciioii wlnrh will lie wired him at Hie uplwHune time. Present ul Hie meetm? wen S. H. Mardouald. vice-chairiiian : Mavor Newton, Aid. Ueo. II. Cney. Olof llanon and Sidney AGAIN IN THE EAST miHI.NTO. Nov. -'fl. 'Ho- Xt Patricks id the National Hockey League defeated Victoria, H.l' i team in an exhibition game Insl ..I,. I.I II. n n...n '1,1.11111 1(1 tO 5 III favor of Hie home team. Mrs. Krnesl Hluo and nifatif .humbler i ml Mrs. Home " Mhineanolii. Mr IIIuo'k mother, left on lul ulgHf .(eni.nw for llvder. They wrro .eeiimiiauied hy Mls Dorolhv fHlllimhiim. H.N.. who will return to the city tomorrow morning. FIRST ELEVATOR OFFICIAL HERE The 'irsl official, of the permanent stall' of the new Hrain elevator licrc to reach the cily i K. An-dcr-ou, itoveriiment weight man, who arrived from Vancouver on Hie Prince Jtujicrt yesterday morning. Hi' i accompanied by hi f utility mill I hey wilt lake up residence here. Other member- of the glaff are expected next Monday and Ihe manager will posibly arrive on Wednesday. COMMITTEE ON j FISHERIES BUSY SKAITI.K. Nov. .'5. Consider able pi-ogre ha been made by i the liileriiatuoial f'ilierieH Com-miion haliloil invent isal ion couiniillee. William F. 'llioinp-' OO, Hrtllnh Columbia dirnclorol. Hie eommiticc. informeil the fathering ei-r4ay. 'IJiev had tnged 4 larye UJUuJri 0f )udibul its ;f t KMH X tf d0 riiTriluM whether 1hey migrate from one hank to anoll'er. J. I'. Ilaiieork, pn'Mliclul riiiu-miioiier of riherie. lernied Ihe lrcat the nin-l cMiuuoivene art ion w .tli rcreri'iice to Hie fiati-encf ever taken li Hie two countries anl lielieved il would he the foundation of nn c-l iial ion of the tire ni:iiii'' food Udy ol the Panfi- cna-t DEADLOCK IN FRANCE OVER LEADERSHIP Three Tried to Form Cabinet Since Palnlove Resigned But Without Success PARIS, Nov 26 There Is a political deadlock In this country. The Socialists control the balance of power In the Chamber of Deputies but they are not strong enough to rorm a government atone. Following the defeat of Premier Palnleve and the failure of M. Brland to form a cabinet the position was offered to Senator Dou-mer. He tried and also failed and the honor was passed .on to former Premier Herrlot who has also been forced to decline owing to the demands of the Socialists. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE ll.C. Silver llaxellon I.. .V I Marmot Premier Surf Inlei; terminus flladstiino Itufin .r Porter Idaho Hi I Vermel, ... Hranhy) ''L. .' Indian ; ..... C. P. It. HailirfLAluskii .. lluvviJ?mjnd UuHu JlOf'O" Nal)onnl Silver.. Silversmith Lucky Jim , ! ! Hid. Asked. I.50N, i.'J 1.10 1.25 1.40 .10 .10 ,0'J o t U.27 .00 "i .07 .no .-7 Vi JiV 'i .18 .(5 .07 U .0U IH.00 .0(5 U .00 1 18.00 ,00 28.00 30.011 .38 .12 t4U ,15 ,2 .2P .16 SStota 25 TAXI Ambu? ntl Boston Grill Large Lpstair Dining Hall, Serv witli newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anyt ' floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 7 i. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and Bth'SL PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. j least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol, XV NO. 275. I'liivci: iii'i'tiirr. iui, Till hsuay. xovbmukh 20, 102: VMUrtfif't Circulation IMS Slrttt Uttt 42. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EGISLATURE NOT INTERFERING WITH KLAN HINESE SITUATION ABLY EXPLAINED AT MEETING OF LOCAL SERVICE CLUB P. Coles Meets Grain Board and Discussion 1 of Situation Follows V meeting or Hie gram board, held m the Cily Hull lust M P MrLaffery. chairman, presiding. C . Odes, head! I Cole Corporation Lid., grain broker, who ha- sig- ilciitiuu 01 uieiiiug uii ollicc here in Ihe near future Taxation Changes in Budget Special lo llaily New VILT0H1A, Nov. 20. UnUui.idi,;g points nf the hud-gel jieerh.uy lion. I)r. J. I). .h Leaii. minister of fiuaiit-e, in (lie Legislature today are as follows: The provincial debt was increased during the vear hy only i-'i8,;;8. 'i'wo h)an hills ure propoed, one for tvvii inillipu dollars for Ihe l. niveity. aud Ihe second for -?2fS0D,l)00 ror roads, liridgc?, buildings, tie. Income lax lo he reduced hy J50t,00J. (Jiif-s peioual prupcity lax to be retlucetl hy (en per cent and phdlaldy abolished next year and uhtiluted with a tax on gro income. Kstiuialrd expeud'liirv for the year, ?IX,vi7,i."2: e-liuiated revenue fur year, 9iH,55'J,:JM2; eslinialed -urphiy. ?;ii2,:iso. Income Tax II i proKed lu reduce the tax on buiuess income over .20,0l)0 fnun ten lo eight per rent. On income- up lo a.'l.n'Mt the lax will he One per cent aud hi'lwee.n :.U0 and ?i,otH). two per cent. Incomes fnun husines- and iuveslineiils will ublaiu relative rediicliou. The gm'ss debt of Ihe province as on November 1 is plated ut 70.S8K.2Sl and the net debt ul 1:1.220.22 1. Controversy Over Ku Klux Klan Ends When New Resolution Passed Legislature votes 24 to 20 against principle of passing useless resolutions by House especially of factional cl aracter YICTOHIA, Nov. 20. The Hntish Columbia legislature washed its hand- of the Ku Klux Ktau controversy, putting an end to the debate on Ihe K.K.K. resolution of Frank Krowue, Labor member for lluriiaby, when the House voted 21 to 20 for an amendment declaring thai inasmuch a- the incorporation and e.xi-leiice ol civil rights of any organization rest upon the laws of Hrili-h Columbia and Canada as now enforced, il was opposed In Ihe introduction of "resolutions which can have no practical ef lei l and in particular Mich resolutions a- are calculated lo -tir up religious aud racial dissen- sjoli." The amendment was moved bv C. F. havie. Conservative member' fur Covvichan-Newcastle ami Vic tor Odium. Liberal member lor Vancouver and it definitely killed charge, has been tied up at O laud for Hie winter. Swuii-oii Hay operations. Within two weeks I. W. Kll-laiu, president of the lluyal Securities Corporation, who Is associated with Peaiiody, llough-U'lllng Co. in the purchase of the AVhalon properlyils due here to look over the situation with a WORM POISON view to determining when anlttnued. KILLS CATTLE i the Hrovvue resolution which ask- - il Ihe Federal authorities to bariChlnese Near Vernon Responsible Klan organizers from Canada. Canon W. F. Ilushorook was among the dislrtet rlrrsy arriving in the city yesterday to attend the Anglican Church con ference with r.anon (Sould. The mission boat .oriiiern i.ross, winch Canon llu-hbrook is for Death of Nearly Thirty Head VF.ItNON.. Nov. 20. Potsori mixtures containing bran intended by Chine-e truck gardeners lor cras-lioppers and vutworm- of. was eaten with fatal results by in I nearly thirty head ot cattle in this district during Ihe past few- days. First Payment Completed on Whalen Pulp & Paper Company by Royal Securities and Peabody (Special lo Daily News ANCOUVKH, Nov. 2(1. Hepresenlatives of Ihe first mort gage hoiiuholders of the haleu Pulp and Paper Company yes teiday paid into court here ."5150,000, the balance of the $250, 000 lo cloe Ihe deal as far as Ihe first payment i- concerned for the purchase of tho properties of the company including Hie pulp mill, saw mill and pulp leases at Swan-on Hay. II is expected Ihe money will leave Ihe court again Mini day lo liiuiidale the accounts of the receiver managing the where operations will begin. While there Is a talk or shut ling down Hie Swanson Hay oper alions alloaelher, the pulp leases which go with the plant might lapse If operations were not coil i III A A A iimin n tin rr rucc nn in n attui iiiituiiiig nuui ca via iitftta Given by Canon Gould at Gyro Luncheon Yesterday Afternoon "There are tremendou- influences at work today moulding the dcliiiv of Chiua'aud, while the pie-enl siliiatinn may appear I lo be full of .sinister possibilities, 1 am inclined to believe that ilhe nation will come mil of her present difficulties as one of I I lie greatest stabilizers of human progress and one of the greal- el competitors in the world',- pathway of commerce." buch was Ihe toiuiu-ion of an illuminating address delivered before Ihe Oyro Club ye-lerday afternoon by Canon Hould. general secretary of the' Missionary Society of the Cliureh lot l-.nxland in Canada ami a man I whose church experience has ted, him into an intimate acquaint-; Hiiccship with China a well asj many oilier foreign lands. Canon (iould shed a preat deal! Present civil strife in the country-was explained by him in a most interesting aud informative man-! ner and he dealt to a great extent with the relation of Oreat; ltritain to China and the reasons that had caused China to look upoii the Uritish Kmidre not His subject betncf "Nationality." Canon (iould took as his example of that subject the nation of China and hi discourse was confined to that country. Anti-Brltlsh Feeling Two yearb a wo, Canon Could slated, as a member of the Can- adiau t amine belief Committee, il had been bis privilege to visit the province of bouan, one of the great tactical and strategic centres of the nation of today as it had been in ancient limes, lu order to give a background to show Ihe racl that anli-Hrilish feeling in China of today was ol very recent growth, Canon Could weut al some detail into a description ot Ihe surroundings on the occasion ol his vi-il. "China represents.'" the shak er declared, "one or the greatest reservoirs of human strength, power and intellect to he found on the face or the alobe. As the ouniry is really of such close geiviraphiral proximity lo us here on the Papilic coast, it" problem are something that concern us intimately and will concern us more intimately as lime advances." Present Situation l'lic present situation in China, Canon (iould stated, had been to real extent an outcome ot the Ureal War. China in the war had been on the ?ide of the Al lies who had been victorious and had entered into tne Versailles Conference leading up to the treaty of peace with great expec tations. She had felt that her problems would be given serious consideration and thai a serious attempt would be made lo solve I hem. She had been disappoint ed on being told by the Allies that, while the nations were in terested, her problems did 'not come within the pet-view of the Versailles eonferenre bill would be (liven later consideration. The two meal problems, in China. Cation (Iould explained. - . .. .1:1 ' 7 SUSPECTED MAN of liuht in the course of his ad- Skipper of Japanese Ship Picka dress on present conditions in' Out Photograph From Hie great Oriental nation and! Twenty Others causes that had actuated them.; " a Edward fSamb"rtoli, the Nan- uttly as potential cause lor itsjaiinii bank robbery suspect. present ills but also as Hie mail. Vlt'TOIHA, iNov. 20. A slow-away discovered on Ihe steamer Yokohama Maru on her last trip outbound fnun Seattle lo Hie Orient and who escaped from I hat vessel op her arrival at Shanghai, is definitely identified Captain Shibutami on the by ar- niean TfheirniHimttini(val4HvaKif'tlM4Mieihcre;i1.hitMUshl He selected the nuiu's picture without hesitation from twenty showi: him by the provincial police. WILL ENFORCE TAX PENALTIES Government Has Decided to Take Active Steps Against Evaders, Minister Announces Special to Daily News YICtniHA. Nov. 20. During tin? budcet speech, Hon. Dr. J. D. McLean, minister of finance, suid this u'Aepooii that the government was, determined to energetically enforce penalties nuainsf tax evaders in tulure. At present. I lie minister said, honest taxpayers were shoulder-infr the burden ol many who refuse or neglect to file returjis. RIFLE DISCHARGED THROWN JNTO CANOE Norman Parker Dies as Rosult of Being Shot in Thigh Yesterday NANA I MO. Nov. 26. Norman Parker, 18 years o' age, was fatally shot yesterday at Knglish-maifs lliver when he threw a rifle into a canoe and it discharged striking him in the thigh. He died when en routo to the hospital here. BABY WAS KILLED CRUSHED IN A BED OWF.N SOUND. Nov. 20. A uionih-nld baby smothered tr. death while sleeping with its parents was the. occasion of a warning to fathers and juolhers by - the. coroner, Dr, UulliRiford. were uiose oi eurn-i .......,..., . ljri, (..4M, f a nil lull ii ifiittiiiH' iv i III tnl it 1 1 nil ' ... . . """' "' ,. ;., Jar nature which he lias observ-o Ihe tar HL In connection with,IH, cut ,. a(yise!, a cloM) lo these problems the country was- fop ; ,,,,. governed by treaties which hadi ,,. been imposed ty outside powers. . . , . 1 1 t . anil which sue ciaimeu io ne uneiual. It whs freedom in con-neelfon with Ihese problem? which she fought. -v. .v Extra-Terrltorlallty , Under Hie iiresenl law? of Vx-(conllnued on page two) II. L. Taylor, wire inspector under Ihe provincial lire mar kIihI, a visitor in Ihe city on ofriciul duties. He is making in-pecons. along t licj. , walerfroul and in local hiiiu-frfal plnrin and expects In re'urti to Vancouver totfterrmv -niofumg. .