p. 'nvember 20, 1023. Uldiuuuu Engagement Ring, $150.00 We have the best value thlt year we ever had. By buying direct from the cutters we get the lowest price. This ring Is a flawless stone of good size and color and wo will set In fancy or plain setting to suit your taste. Other rings $15)00, $30.00, $50.00, $70.00 up to $600.00 John Bulger Jeweller Three Big Specials For One Week Only Tomatoes, .'V. regular ' lift (ir 3So Corn, -. Hiciiil, - ' i 95c Peas, - t'- 2Hr, special, s f"f 90c c mried jrood hi :-'.-k ami every 'in in Kivr atifar- ('.ii 1 i-ulnr In Hut . .r ciiriatnian loi- mi .-4t. Who jjt linilar y.uinvr B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phone 45 SHOE PROBLEIVId vahish When You Wear ONYX Shoes Has Iti'st Known Shoe V 'i . h HI id Young I, m all fittings. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. MILK Phone 357 From Bulkley Valley fRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wr ;pc ially cei nnmend T' ! am nt lie for Oi aiity and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats 8c Jacquettes An l xiiuisitc Stock of Fur immings at low prices. B. C.PUR Co. "t Q.W.V.A. Third Ave Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST CAMPAIGN FOR BISHOP'S FUND Matter of Raising Money Discussed at Meeting Last Nlqht With Canon Gould OTHER FUNCTIONS The man rr (,r a future (( .,(). ial endowment funil for tale "Ionia diocese, I ho ohjoi-t being . hlive n l.ishoi, niMHllul.'il lo ir coed I ho io Arrliliiln((i V-r. HOT, WO llCUey tho niooli:,: "f Anglican ehunli iieonle wu district clergy with Canon (i..u!.l general seerelary of tho Church of F.ngland Missionary" Society in, Canada, laii niuiii wml niin! wore laid for (1, Martin? r a eaiupaigri to mi,,, (hp necessary llli.iioy. The nio. iiilM wa presided over liy An lideaeon IS. Hue anil aililioii wore given lo an. m lioiihl ami Ihe archdeacon. mi morning ;inre wan u devotional service in Si. Andrew Church hi which Canon Could delivered (ho Hildre. The mrru- iiiioiil wa adiuinisteresl. At I o clock Ihere wan a clergy jioni-l n in Hi Huston Hall ami iionight i ho it will he a aocial (evening in the Church -Hall. I Cunm linnlil will nail on the I'nrieo llujrt tomorrmv morning jfor Vancouver, llev. J. S. Hrnr-( field of Anyos anil llev. A. W. II. .li!ey of Stewart, who riimi-here to tit I cm! I1ie meeting Willi 'Canon iouli. returned north Ian ' eight NICE COMPLIMENT TO JAPANESE PEOPLE BY YISITOR TO RUPERT In Ini ail.lro-. u( n,o I'liitofl 'IiiitIi ('n(rn'.iiiuii!il upiior ItH-.ilHv ihkIiI lr. S. S. (Mlorhnul .ail a Kiral complimml to the j.-o.. of Jupan. Aflrr lolling of; ;iho mpitl iiroad of Christianity in Dial rounfry hr rrforroil lo i ho Jaimnon- n boing a woniler-ful .ooio. r fonnil that tholr o-...THlion wa Mplrniliil. Thrrr wore no ilKUh Irnilrnrlr amons I hem with Canadian". AmiiiiL' I'.lirUlinn lovnllv In Ik Mikn.lo Xooinrrt In ho lmiifprri.itl,""ald ihrir rrliKion. fom of Iho miinnarie returned lo Japan j witlimit any mean of support nod they refuted lo aeeepl al-iry for fear omoone would ay lo'v wore workinK for money. ueiiiii, ninety xr eeui 01 wnoni uere exponent of Christianity. F. err walk of life in Japan wa permealed and influenced liy i'.irilianity. TIMBER SALE, X 7475. i tltrrr will t' .'if.iTil rT Sale al I'uti-I in Vhi'Iimii. it l pi" n I'" I"' ' i iM-irmlir', i'.. hi Uh irnre t the l.i.ln. i I.,m .n-r, i-iinre iiuiwn, u.i IIh- I irHirr X)!l. i UI ..! Had 43 Bolls And Carbuncles At One Time Mr, Oand Mdanaon, Caatleford, Out., write: "In regard to your remediea I have to say that B.U.I1. m tbe onlr medicine I could get to relieve roe of my boila t,d earbunclw. I had forty-three at one time, sad ny doctor told me to take The firit bottle I took gate me rock great reiiulu that I took three more, and after I had used them I wan com-Wetely relieved of my boili and ear- LUJltlcl. " Put uj calr by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BAPTIST BAZAAR r i,ruiv llnnlork and redar vn tn ra " " .iiul.ll ihe .iilh ! r Tno l .mi. Hirhird'oii Iiihi. Owen ijianoue I ii .. . . I i 1 irir ill be allovveil rr re- i ...) ..r tinnier. CriitlllO! inl lv W hihiht iv auri-t he uilhHi iii iienuKi aiajr aMiMIl e1ed ihiiIit in lie niirnrt! al Itm tHwr f ioc don and ircl-d a ' WU lurihrr particular ' the Chief Frea-ter. Victoria. It i... "r Plltrtel roreater. I'rlitce llilpcrl, B.C. . TIMBER SALE, X6491. scalnl Tender, will ! ivcelveO oy. ttie I'nrllHT iiartli inara r inr .mci r...-r.- ler. Vlrlorla, B.C-. or iMMrirt lirlttr llilfwrl M I' . TIMBER SALE X7343. t'nrealer. Scaled Tender will be received by tiii.t..H ..r i ..i. at Vlrtitrla lint than u..n isi 'llic ifSrd iUv r I'c'-J''' the later rr iiii pun'iiae "i jV tn nil S.nilil.ilUli reel m i.etlar, sp"'rei Italnain and lleiotork mt n re ou' .n ramline jkr, Kat Von "f Prajnev Inlet, lUii.c .. ',l,',l,r'rJ , fur r re-innval allnwcil Three 1S1 ear will he of tlinfier. . ...... .. i.hl fr iw Further parilcnlar nf the enter, Vlrlorla. H.i'., nr Hltrlil tore-ler. I'rlnii' llupert, B.C.. LAND ACT Notlc of Inlantlon to Apply to Ltaia .1.. rl.fi1!!in Ulanit Miitrlrt IS BEING HELD Affair was Opened at 3 o'clock this Afternoon by Rev. E. Q. Turner Tho annual bazaar of Id l-ailio' Atil of tin! Fir.l Jlaplin Churelt w oponoil in Iho ncial imrlont of llii r tin it'll al 3 o-I'lnrk Hi ia aflifnurtiii liy iho pa-lor. Hi'v. K. (J. Tumor. There i a wido offerinpr of ilainly an.l uiM'ful ariirle anil Hie affair, wliirh will elW al o'clock lhi eveninir. give pnmio of Imina an nutwlamling iucicoj. Mr. Krank MorrM, prejtlilon. of I ho Aiil. i goncral nonvonpr with Mr. Siil If ainhlin BHUtinir. 'Hie various 1hhIIi are ir. rharse u follow: I'hiin ifwinir. Mrs. llohinxon ami Mr. A. lvaron. iay. I ancy work anil novellio. Mr. C. ). CawirH nn.l Mrs. Phil I.iinUny Home Cooking. Mr. I.'arkin ami Mr. Ilihhanl. Candy Mr. J. Tliurber ami Mr. V. S. llamnionl. l'arrel Pit. Mr. Iter! Mor gan onl Mr, (ienrjre Jnfinloiio. Tea room. Mr. J. S. Mar. Mr. ' Fos ami Mr lou tallies. Sir. Jack l.ind- Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Hevvi- lon and Mr, (it iiiivvoihI. Cashier Mr .lame Hampton. .,, K-pe there were ,.700 --JTOR0NTO WOMEN IN TECHNICAL SCHOOLS They Learn all Sorts of Things Even How to Look After Their Own Cars TOIIO.NTO, Nov. 2C. More and more the technical school is beeojiiinjr a favorite evening resort for women of all ago and all sorts of tastes. A punctured tire, or some difficulty with 9A.A0II fetliihn nniritw, iirA.nn I tut i,i,lil,t to the woman who has learned at Iho Onlral Technical School the vvhv and wherefore of molor collapses and bow lo remedy them. Again, in nn ace when women, am doing men'. work, it is not surprising to find lliem studenU of carpentry. I.asl yeur flflrim public school leacbor iiresenteil?''',th1nfteWS at classes in manual training, viiunicr nf land al viruiria wa ltrj , tiuiotlv did Ibev tiroirress "Oil so iini iij inn uiij pronnss Han n.,n mi ilic I Tin day of UecHiilier, ma. r,. flM, imi'fhfi i,r Licence .ntVI l. imii l.lSt.iMiu feci ',r rio-, lleiakirli, IUImiii anil i 'lar i.n n-lr WlHl. Int-laa Channel. niie 4. i nilrlcl. T ( car- will tc all..ed for re-ni'ival nt ilnilicr. that wnen ine nigni scnooi term was over each proudly displayed a lea wagon eonslrucled by her own hands. WTood-carvinglat-Irtiel lhoe of a more artistic bent, and a few very ambitious girls have taken instruction in architecture. Classes in cooking, household management, dressmaking, mil- jlinery. drafting and designing, and embroidery, are nlway. well palro.nlxed, mil nol a few girls nre inleresled in Ihe making of potlery, Ihe construction if jewellery, and Ihe nr! of photography. Many seek to improve their monptnry position by learning showenrd writing; some master illuslraliiiig. while others devole Ibelr nMlinn to object and nnlinue tlrnvvhwr. The study of lexllles and nf methods of V:!rV.Xre,rr;e,itUn!; eleani.tg and washing ,11 fferenl nil ii"- iiT"r anil Pllillic t i i i i I nay, vi.eti Intel. fubnes, also nppeals lo a good Inr Ma Li Ticru,!u:,. .T.un'rV' i-nWr: many practical housekeepers. Of Intend In apply fur a lcae nr ine nnii- tnr ilencrllicil land: .,.,, ihe C inciicUiir at , lt lIa" " 40I,Vm nn tilali vviiter mark alimit Vil cliali et 'mm lln tmrtlieM cnrn rr ... . --- ( llienie tmrlh .10 feci in w VIr1.,1" "r: llii'iice n-irtliwemcrlr 0 feel ',"Jr"rt,?ri : thence ve- inn i'-" we! eiiner nf K. II. SlniPHim 'a .prllcii- ll, m In lee; lliclii e -'''71" ' ni i.i.h ,.a,-r mirk In the pnlill i 'i?.,. . ;,.,...niii. and i imUlnliif two "' "r "SiVnesK ii. simoon. Per Fred. Natli, Dtttd November m, Applii'iint. , A lent. (he 500 student nf eleclricHy al present enrolled nt Ihe technical school, 5 per cent are women and ocrnMonally n mere female enlists in the cbemlslry classes. Waller, this coffee Is nothing hut mud. Yes. sir, 11 was ground only a little while ago. WHEAT STEALERS AT VANCOUVER ORGANIZE i One Member of Union Fined Ten Dollars: Novel Method of Tapping Grain Cars ' Wheat Slealer..' IJnlonl Harbor nolire laichoil wlu.n 1 1..... i... i ii... . I in- iimni no: ll'rill ajl- (tlloil In a juvenile gang. Now hoy ilon't laugli. 'Hitter war lias bi'i-ii o)onei apain! a xecrel rolilior (taiiK in winch Canadian I'aeifir Itailway, ami Vanirouver oily police have boon akeil lo help. Hay I he Vancouver jlar'. When Maurice Kirby wa haled ;o police court today and fined 1, harbor police, a represented by !ftl. Frank Water. and Constable McMillan who made the arrel, believod they had a minor member of the youthful cliipie. ' .. .. . I n t Bl use uime novel meuioas Itloiidjnn )uiiio methods 'Willi the theatrical, the Wheal isioaler' Union ha carried off thousand of dollars' worth of wheat since the iiioiiin? of the jrrop miivemeni by drilling holon in Iho car bottom throuah which Brain flowed into ready luiff. Aflerwards bole were pliisared and I he car chalk-marked with a myslcriou device a rnut'lily drawn rat. Self-Appolnted Chief Officers have boon elected by this rat union. That is, the ex-eeulive boanl was elected of senior boys near the "tvvenly" ape. iho chief appointed himself. Harbor police have boon able lo palher that mooting are bold on an old hulk somewhere near Hie foot of Core Avenue. Very youiif; hoys are employed lo do Ihe actual slealiiiir. -They deliver Ibe sack In oldster and Ihe chief dms the marketing. IWnre the "kids" ape given Ihe foiinlcrsif.n they must swear "by Ihe nil," that they will never di-vulse the inner secrets of Ihe order. Hlood-curdlii))t penalties are provided. Sounds Foolish But Harbor Ktliee said today they smirked at Ihe . dime-novelish-nes of Hie Wheal Stealers' I'nion. bill lliey' have been forced In dent erioiily wild Ihe situation because the whrat is actually beiny stolen. MUSICAL CLUB HAS CLASSICAL PROGRAM; Compar'ison of Sonatas of Three Great Composers Subject Discussed by Meeting Mrs. fionrgo Woodland and Mr. Willratii Millar were responsible for Ihe prouram al the gathering of the Prince Iluper' Music Club at Mrs. Woodland's apart menl at Ihe Wablron yesterday afternoon. Tbe subject fo; the day wa a comparison of Hie sonala form of Ilrahni, I.iszi and Heethovrn. Mrs. Woodland read a paper and this wa illustrated by a series of piano selections bv Near Let a Cold ,Qela ' StarL Vapors Check a Cold Overnight There are many ways to treat a cold but only one IHIIKCT way with vapors that can be inhaled. Vapors penetrate immediately into every corner of the air passages and. lungs, cWithlmg and healing with every breath. Vicks Is so remarkably successful in treating cold troubles because It ac.ls like a "vapor lamp in salve form." When rubbed over lliroat and chest the body heal releases vapors of Menthol, Camphor, Kuenlyplus, Thyme and Turpentine. Al the same time Virks Is absorbed through and stimulates (be skin like a poultice or plusler. This double, direct nellon often checks Ihe worst cold overnight-. Ovu 2IHiluonJars tsco YkAnr The Man Who Talked at Random sat in the window-corner of the Pullman's smoking HE compartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large1 opinions in a suety voice. It grew late, as so often it does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped print ing em.: Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with his advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and added himself to the congestion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving cream; brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar on an advertised button, he neatly knotted his advertised tie,gave his advertised suspenders a tug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who never reads advertisements! Everything worth using is advertised. Everything that isn't, rarely is. Read the advertisements for value's sake members as follows: F. Sharp Minor Sonata by Ilralmi, Miss Way. Liszt's Sonata in H Minor, Mrs. Kenny. Heethoven'. Sonata Number 7, Mrs. Ward. Heethovcn's Sonata Palhetiijue, Mrs. I. Wilton. Moonlight Sonala by Heethoven, Mrs. Kenney. TERRACE NOTES Sam N. Look of Smilhers, who lived here for a time two years ago, is renewing acquaintances in tuvvn. . 11. X. Cory returned on Sunday from I.akelse Hatchery where he has spent tho past two weeks assisting with tbe work of. planting the salmon egg brought from l'emberlon Hatchery. I.esler lloslwet who spent some lime here several years ago arrived back in town on Monday night. Mrs. Chas. Haven who has been Iho Ruest of Mrs. A. K. Fowler for Ihe past two weeks relumed tn her home at I.akelse Hatchery on Sunday. Archie Kennedy who has spent Ibe summer al Smithers returned lo Terrnco on Monday to spend Ihe winter. . J. Calhoun, manager nf the Canada Products Co. Ltd., Usk, was a business visitor on Mrs. Oeorge Oriffln was a pn-semaer to Prince Rupert on Wednesday morning's train. J. McLaren of Vannrsdol was In town on Monnday. H. L. Frank returned to Terrace on Monday night from Victoria where he attended the meeting of the Farmers' Institute Advisory Hoard of which lie) is tbe member for District H, P. A. Donald of Ihe Canada Products Co., Usk, was a business visilor on Monday. Mrs Ceorge K. Keith entertained Ihe H.I). Hridge Club on Tuesday evening. QUIETWEDDlW Miss Nelly Nllsen and H'.lmar Mork Married at Lutheran Parsonage Yesterday Afternoon Jlev. P. K. Haisler officiated at Ihe wedding of Miss Nelly Nilseo and II dinar Mork which took place at 1:30 yesterday afternoon at the Lutheran Parsonage, 219 Fifth Avenue West. The cere-motly was a quiet one and tbe wilitesses were Mr. and Mr. John D'ohl. Mr. and Mrs. Mork will reside at HI Seventh Avenue Wesf. the groom being engaged in marine business. LICENSED BOARDING" HOUSES ARE NEED . i Treatment of Girls Discussed by Magistrate Margaret Patterson In Address TORONTO, Nov. 2(i The need of licensed and supervised board-houses were stressed by Magistrate Margaret Patterson in her address to the American! Women's Club on "Some of Ihei needs of thoeity revealed by the Court." Vividly the speaker pio-lured Ihe old-lime courts anil contrasted them with those of today, telling something of the domestic relations tangles which she has o unravel. Speaking in de fence of tbe indeterminate sen- lence, she said that II wns the .only way of getting girls away from undersirable companions, ' pajr ma COAL COAL Let us put in your coal supply for the winter. Have you tried our Reco Coal? A nice clean hot coal at $11 per ton, nut size. Stove coal $12.50. Lump coal $13.50. This coal will not fill your pipes with soot. We can quote you low prices on lumber, also at-i ' tend to small deliveries promptly. . TAXI New clean Sedans at your service day. or night. Charges, 50c for one or two passengers. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue. Phones 189-112 Bordered Flannels The very newest fabric for Fall or Winter Dresses. Hest quality nil wool, in fetcliirog color combination? -5l inches wide, S yards for a dress. Per yard $3.25 West of England Store Third Ave. Phonav 753