PAGE FCU3 II II II II II II! for Ford s Try a filling and be convinced Kaien Hardware Company SUNOCO i Chatter II Free j OIL Important BargainNews Our Entire Slock of WOMEN'S and MISSES' DriESSES, SUITS, COATS and MILLINERY at 20 per cent discount Ten Days Only Mrs.S.Frizzell Third Avenue J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ff ye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Rand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. , Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. n hp weg orv nres Are Good Tires .Made in li.C. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY .We Have Them In Stock. S. E. Parker Ltd. :v .1; BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus v CALLIES HAD O. E ( Cold Storage .. 0 HEuuo-tscce i cuueo " v mc . . - j'c 0VNU v "7 Compaq y g oco MK EASY VICTORY (be score being 4 goals, lo 1 the Sons of England had a new man as goalie and bis work was entirely satisfactory but I heir forwards and backs wer not equal lo the aggressive play which Hie Callies put up. The Callies team look (he field in, a reorganized form which illd not work out as well as expected and I he opinion seems lo-be that the players will do better by playing in their old positions. However. af no stage of the game from the scoring of the firs! goal until the final whistle, were the Sons able to threaten (heir opponents with defeat. In the first half the Callies played up hilll. The Sons opened the scoring through Han son and S. Currie equalized for the Callies with a free kick. In the second period, with positions reversed on (he field, the Callies added Ihree more and look n stronger hold on Ihe city championship.. The scores were Mc-Dougall 2, and Alex. Mitchell I. I'om-Jones; was lyferee, and A Glanpertnn ani) J, Johnston acted as linesmen: The. teams lined up as follows: Sons of England: Jlowlejt; a. Howe, and G, Howe?. Diqkens, Hales and Waugb; Farquhar, Anderson,. Johnson, Hanson and ameron. Callies: Eddie McLean; Hugh Hamilton and M. Andrews: J. Harris, S.. Currie, ajid;Il. Woodi; I. Hamilton, V. Mitchell, I). Scott, It. McDougaU and, A. Standing to date: V. Callies I 1. W. V. A. .... 2 D. 0 1 I o L. 0 i 3 3 Pts. 8 5 3 Sport Chat ( Baseball fans would welcome a return game,belween Hotary and tiyro. There are a lot of thing: lo be settled, and fjne is why can't Jarvis McLeod and Consul Wakefield occupy tho third sack at the same linlef They both got mere ami ir aiioweti to come home would have tied Hie score. Geo. llryant, too, was bitting LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Re cording District of Prince Ilu- Hooney Point, Masselt Inlet. Graham Island, Hritlsb Columbia. l ake Notice that ' Langara Hshing & packing Company Limited, of Masselt, U.C.. occu pation Packers, intends to apply Tor a lease of tho following tk scribed lands:- Commencing at a post planted two miles In a northerly-direction from Rooney. Point, Masselt In let, Graham Island, Hrilish Columbia; thence easterly five chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark one bun-: jdred and sixty chains; thence, westerly live chains; thence, southerly one hundred and sixty; chains, more or less, to point of i commencement, and containing, eighty acres, more or less. I LANGAHA.. FISHING & PACKING PACKING CO. LTD. t Applicant.f Per E. 11. Simpson, Agent, Dated June 13th, 1925. Central WatcJi him in action again! Perhaps it was fhe coaching of (be Gyros in the early part of Mm iga me which was weak. Manager Eddie- Matin is a regular Connie Mack on the sidelines,1 conmicl the game from inside the diamond. Iloberlson tried some biff i ball game, either. personally conducted lour. TRAP SHCfOTlNG Joe. Scott Again High Man at Park Avenue Range Last Night Joe. Scott was again high man in trap shooting at Ihe local range las) evening. The following were the score: Joe Scott- 19 E. S. Tail r...'. 18 Douglas Stork' 17 S. Taylor 17 Harold .Nickerson 1C Arthur .Smith 1 i E..C. Gibbons I t (). Donifld ... : 13 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. A. Henibam, J. II. Tudhope, F. Mawdsley, K. G. McCullagh, John S. Tail and E. L. MacLeod, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. Reynolds, Edson; -S. E. llurke and E. M. liuike; Hlcbmond, Surrey England; W. J. Hooney, Edmon ton; Mrs. Hover Jean and Hetty Terrace; Mr. Sansretgref and Mr Lapoinl, Montreal A. La point ...... m. .B nno.ii iwamiMsiouawa; Mr; and Mrs. M. S, Todd In n timll.Hl. .It If ... ..u.nHMy uirccuon irom.l'aVv w V. V;.lker. Arr.indale. G. IP. Tycho, Smitbers; W. Montgomery, Chase; S. Robert son nnd J. D. Martin, Edmonton N. Varsons, L. Garfl, F. Duggan W. Canipbell and S. McEachran C.N.R.; Mrs. McDonald and Miss Pain, England. d:warons StoUT Builds Up Your Health hoM. ISft a. tK4-k tbr Ub. Muld at all Uadlnt J! ,f3 M. AMiK.V & CO. t TcnporaMa Hit Tvraala, Onl. MACCE. b . WVChT ILL CAUL ON HIM GtH A.KI- TUL HM t . QOM'T WriTiTHl POuiCt" AN1 "'HEN a.tCLL Hn iOME OK V M-t psot4ri. FT m,t r w i 192J a l.Ti Feature Sirvicc. Iwc Crra. Britain. ngL..rervri. 6a al four as he over-mn ocv cf n aiirnnnnv CATIAI would accommodate George next lime so Thai it would reach half viiv nvpp In Miii'd ihficn rIl 1 n t BY ANGLICAN LADIES Texas Leaguer which Geo. Affa,p oa Andrew's Church Munro knocked out is only a Defeated Sons of Enoland In sample of his, bag of Iricks. Football Game by 4 to 1 The Callies were the winners again last evening in the foul hail nialch willi Hie Sons of England, Grounds Yesterday Was Decided Success .The Jea hebl yesterday afler- rtoon on Hie Anglican Church fm'unds was a decided success. the sum of G0 being realized Mrs.. A.-E. Wright bad charge of ine lea 'tables and was assisted only Eddie forgot .and tried toby Mesdaiiies McLennan, Phil pott, Willf'tt, Cox, Crew, EviU, West, Cade; Xicholls, Green, Tucker and Smith and Mis so leagtn- stuff with his bunlinr Hushby, Hlx, Tremayne", Cross. and made a fine' sacrifice. It isWest and Wright. sain. .Mc(iraw has asked for his "rs. urcnanl had charge oi release from Ihe Hoyal Ilank.",? boine' cooking and was as-Consul Wakefield skipped sisled by Mrs. Harnsley and Mrs. first to second like a lwo-year-MaVklo.-,.. Mr. Creech and Mrs. old. That is not all he can jo inIWot""an'"''iPrved Hie ice cream and strawberries, while Mrs. Vickers a'&isfed by Mrs. Wilton, Two bank, . managers on one"131' r'large of Ihe candy table. learn and a couple of -lawyers be-i,r- J'y'P wa cashier. sides ought to settle the matter without any further argument. The court is adjourned sine die. Hill kelson, is sort of peevish at Eddie for being yanked so un ceremoniously. Hill claims- Ihe longer be plays the wilder he gets, which of course may lc takeu several ways, Charlie Slarr thought he was in the fish exchange when he yelled ' How riiany chicken Who was it that tried playing Ihe grand stand as well as the ball and gol away with it, too? Dr. Granl nearly forgot himself once or twice and thought il was the Callies be was rooting for. MeXaugbton for pep. o wonder Mac ii scheduled for every school teacher party or During ilbe afternoon the stringed orchestra consisting of Me.sdanies Hryant, Minion; Collar!, and Misses Lancaster' and lllack played numerous .Helen-lions which were much appreciated. PRINCE GEORGE As a resHlt of tho activities nf iquor Hoard operators in the city last week, Slepjien P. Welch, leward of the G.W.V.A. club, was fined for selling beer Illeg ally and -Charle Lundgrem was fined similarly for selling liquor Catherine. Whit tier was fined "0 for receiving liquor illegally and Martin Zadielovich of Ihe Empress Hotel was fined $350 for selling liquor. T. A. Carmichael, vice-princi pal in Hie local public school last year, lias been appoinled principal, Miss Enid McKeo lias been appointed vice-principal nnd Mis Mary Williams will lake Mis Enid McKee's former class. Miss Olson Jn Vancouver has been appoinled lo lako charge of primary work, The local hospital board con templates ma eriwuioJi of a nurses' home which It is estlni ated will cost $4,500. Stanley W. George,, on- bebajf of outside, 'capital,! lias taken op Hons on .sixv cla rns; ohf Sir-Mil Creek. The "deal has renewed local inleresl in the district; Rev. S. Polliirger, paslor of SI Michael's Church, is a patient In Ihe Prince George Hospital. Mrs. R. A. Renwick and her daughter, Myra, Marjorio and Maude, have arrived in tho city from Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert of Edmonton and the Ml.sses Lambert of Winnipeg aro visit ing here with Mr. and Mrs. J. II Lambert. Mr. and Mr. Frank Whitman: and children left last week for a motor trill lo coast cities. Robert Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson, has joined Ihe Canadian Government Mer chant Marine and will sail from Vancouver for Iondon and Ant werp on I lie Canadian Pioneer next week. The local Rebekab Lodge lias elected ollicers as follows: past noble grand, Mrs. Clark; nobl grand, Mrs. Wallln; vice-grand, Mr. Sales; recording secretary, Mrs. Allan; financial secretary, Mrs. Dupre; treasurer. Miss Ruth Douglas? warden, Mr. Me Neilli chaplain, Mrs. McNamee conductor, Mrs, Hcavysides; TELL Wanted For Sale For Rent I VAN! TO TT i J . DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WAHT1B FOR SALE. Stove trouble sol ved. Why worry about your oh stoves when you can exchange them as first payment on a new PREMIER HAM IF and have complete satisfaction. Halanro on easy payments. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf FOR SALE. Annual sale of hens, pullets and male birds White Leghorns and White Wyandotte. Very vigorous, heavy laying strains. Writ" for illustrated catalogue and price list. L. F. Solly, Lake-view Frm, Wttholine, Il.C. ' ' ' 171 FOR SALE. To loggers, timber cruisers. Rebuilt cruiser 30 by 10. 20 H.p. medium duty engine. Sleep 5, roomy. Ooo sea boat. Cheap. Phone lllack 138. FOp. SALE. New bouse, semU modern, five minute walk from post olllce. For partic ulars apply 438, -Eighth sAvo,, West. If FOR QUICK SALE. New boiisc and lot on Eighth Avenue East and Alfred. Very cjieap. Phone Hlue 590 after six. ' 173 FOR SALE Level lot. on sewer. close in, $100.00. Phone Red 720. 182 FOR SALE. Rlack Spaniel pups Apply 225 Third Avenue, East TO RENT I'M, CUAO lOO CAt"tC CC. MR JlC.CS A rAAW UNKU -ou 171 TO RENT. Furnished room Hoi and cold water. Cent rally located. Reasonable rents Norfold Rooms, Fulton Street Phone Hlack 320. tf FOR RENT. Modern bouse, five roouiH and bath. Monro Hros FOR RENT. Clapp apartment Weslenbaver Hros. . tf right support of grand noble Mr. Welland; left support of noble grand, Mis Ruby Douglas right support of vice-grand, Mr Paschke; left support of vice grand, Mrs; Oolder; organist, Mrs. HehL A Colpltls-llnsselt (our parlv from Tho Eastern Stale conisl-ing of II person arrived in Ihe city from the East by train last night. The excursionist are making the round trip lo Slew-art on Ihe Prince .George and will continue south to Vancouver on the steamer this evening. FOX FARMING WANTED. Plain dressmaking. ALASKA HU E and SILVER Reasonable rates. Street. 7IH. ress. St. Regis Cafe. AGENTS WANTED T 1 Fraer WANTED.. Experienced, wait tf AGENTS wauled for mad-lo- ineasure raincoats. Write a? once for particulars. Glasgow Rubber Co., of Canada, 18 St. Catherine St. Wesl, Montreal. FOR SALE L'R.NTTURE and Ranges bouglii., sold and exchanged; household effects packed and shipped; auction sales conducted; fur-ilure and ranges for every home. A. MacKenzio Furniture House. Phone- 775. tf OR SALE. Pleasure hull in good condition. Cabin over engine and canopy lop. Suitable for 5 h.p. engine. A good sea boat. First $100 lakes it Write Uox 203, Daily ' New. If 1ILACK FOXES for immediate or laier delivery. High-grade stock, ,it lowest prices. Pups and breeder at lower price now than later. Cash and term, no interest. J'reo llook-IclSj reference over period of sa. ' years by six hanks. .Mrs. 11. Welch, Smitbers, ll.C. is our local Hreeder-RepreHenla-tivo; of "One of the Worlds largest fox farm," (4,200 acre) Cleary Dro., Fox Farm. 1153 Empire Kuilding, Seattle, U.S.A. BOARD HOARD and Room, or board only. 443 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Red 707. HOARD -- The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137.. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICES OF EASTHOPE 4-CVCLE Marine Engine 4-II.P. without clutch $IR.r.00 4-11. P. I cylinder MD 200.00 C-H.P. 1 cylinder HD 450.00 8-M.P. 1 cylinder HD 750.00 8-H.P. 2 cylinder MD 450.00 I C-H.P. i cylinder LI) 475.00 All Die above except the first include the Famous Joe Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best thai money can buy. Easthopo Hrbs., 1747 OeorgJ.i St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service Prince Rupert Boathouse," Agents Phone 381. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, J'aul or GurI) Special 0 and 7 passenger Studo- baker at your scrvico day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across' from Empress Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything ent for, or delivered, phone us. i P.O. Ilox 099. ' PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. Hox 1544 Prince Rupert, ll.C. Service and Satisfaction Guananteed. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl ure Store. We Buy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULISt 839 Third Ave. Phone 440 KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now re-modelled.. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, July 25 High 3:49 a.m. 8.0 ft 10:37 p.m. 18.1 " Low 10:21 a.m. 22:13 p.m. Sunday, July 2G High 4:31 a.m. 17:10 p.m. Low 0:57 a.m. 23-28 p.m. Monday, July 27 3.9 " 7.1 " 17.7 ft. 17.7 " 4.7 " 7.2 " High 5:17 a.m. 10.0 f i.8:02 p.m. 17.5 Low 11 :30 a.m. 5.7 r Article Lost and Found, &c FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair Shop Jtiv pairs of all kinds proinp ly af tended lo. We repmr fyim writers, gramophones as d do picture framing. Carpi; Ummj; Furniture crating TOM BALLANGER Phone. Hlue 025. :I8 FifMi St COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia II- no scratching. Fm.-f productions of latest Trol. Song and lustrum music by world famed a Call in and hear t i.p m. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue BEDDING OUT PLANTS. irils M'al -13. Plants that grow and repay y,i'j for your labor. M' .. .ys bedding out plants ar. -ally acclimatised and . : relied upon to pj ! . good. Sloro Phono - R.-.Hsi Greenhouse Pimm- W i f) MCCARTHY'S. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue Beauty Parlor Public Rel Room f ' i Mrs. Love Stephens' Illock, Tim i Av' Over McCaffcry A 14.1.)-- ' PHONE 36. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC TION ACT R.S.C. Chapter 115. THE CANADIAN I COMPANY LIMITED her notice that il has umJc 7 of the said Act. depo- the Minister of Public W Ottawa and In the off i' District Registrar of t Registry District of Pi pefl at Princo Rupert. description of the ite plan of certain work ing of floats, wharf on i structure un pile for"' proposed lo be const Eraser Reach at Province of Hrilish Ot Water Lot number 2?r.l I: i, Coast District. AND TAKE NOTICE 1 the expiration of one I r from Hie date' of the f cation of this Nollce Tb ' dian Fishing Company I will, uiujer Section 7 of Acl apply lo the M Public Works at his off' Cty of Ottawa for apr'" Ihe said site and plan ' leave to construct the sum wharf on" pile and sliur pile foundations. DATED 'in Vancouve 1' (bis 24lli day nf June. M' ' THE CANADIAN 1 1 1 COMPANY LIMIT! P 11 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for B6' Licence Nollce is hereby given ' the 2811, day of July n ' undersigned Inletuls to 1 the Liquor (2onlrol Hoar r ' licence In respect of V being part of Hie Jmildui ' merely known' a Killas ' ' ffl Parlor, lluale on Third Prince Rupert, ll.C, "P' " land described n Lot v " IS, lllnck Number 22. s'' Map Number t23, Prlnr- l Land Registration Distil ' Province of HrltiRh Columlni'-tbe snle of beer by the ' ' ly open bottle for con- :"1!1' on (ho premises, DATED (hi 27th day in' 1925. JOSEPH SIGMINH. Applied