i i I 'Saturday, July 25 195 AGIR BIX rms daily nrrwB We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our l'rices aro no higher lliati any oilier store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures- according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filtjng glasses. Satisfaction Max HeilBroner 1TI10 Diamond Merchant of the North Strawberries Your last chance for preserving Per hox '. . 16c 3 hoses Tor 40c Per crale . , $3.00 These berries are in excellent condition Red Currants, pur crate $2.25 Black Currants, per crate S2.75 Apricots, per crate . . $1.90 Mussallem's Phones 18 and 84 You can't afford to walk Time is loo important. We lake you any place, Day or Night, for 50c. Nice clean , Sedans, driven by polile drivers. Special rales for parly gatherings. Kindling Wc arc once again jn a position lo supply th'. well known fire starter. If you need a hurry up fire order this Kiln Dried Wood. "The only wood worth bothering with." We also deliver ice and coal and will n.uoto on moving your furniture. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phonos 189-112 Dancing At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 1 Dance 10c. 3 for 25c Free Admission. L. J, MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information up- R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. I CANNOT INHERIT TILL 50 YEARS OLD Grim Humor Displayed In Will Recently Made by New York Man NEW YOIIK, July 25. In a will recently filed at While 'Plains, a father provided that his child ren the eldest of whom is 32 and the youngest 17, must wail until they reach the age of 50 before they inherit their shares in his estale. 'They will then," ran the will, "have developed a (greater degree of respect for their father than they have shown during his lifetime." SPOOKY MADONNA IN EAGUSA CHURCH Worshippers Astonished When Eyes Open and Shut, Apparently by Machinery PHAOUE, July 25. From -the beautiful lillle town of llagu.su, on the Dalmalain coast, comes a curious story of a wooden .Madonna in a thirteenth-century. church, whose glass eyes open and shut. It appears that-on a sunny June afternoon some girls were making their usual devo- Scaled Tenders addressed in ih iih.i.t- slRned and endomed tor the "Conslruc-llon aud Kuulninent or one 1 1 1 roriv root motor launch" win be rewired up lo 110011. July 30. 1823. nan Mec meat on and rorm or lender ..SI. tut ..!.. it. u.l a. ...ri ... ..... or DotriSll Hav. Plirllinrl rami lAKt iiTICK that the Canadian Fish-"L- .'-,,- of 'Vancouver, n.C, occupa-llon, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for permission to lease tha rollowlng dc- -iiih-i, isnos: Commencing at a post planted at high wir mark, too yards south or Indian riiniKu nouses inence nnrineast P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garrett representing W. H. M. ROLSTON A CO. Specialising in Portland Canal Mining Stocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals Prevent Summer Headaches and Summer Neuralgia Don't get out of sorts in hot weather. Regulate your system and keep your blood stream pure by taking the famous fruit medicine "FRUIT-A-TIVES" The Fruit tonlo laxative tions in the church when, to their amazement, they saw Urn .eyes of "the .Madonna of the Holy Heart," as she is called, slowly open and shut. Astunish-ed, they ran out .into the market place lo tell their strange story, which spread like wildfire, bringing thousands from far and near lo'ohserve the novel sight. And the strange thing about it all is thai even -sceptics -admit lo having seen it happen. It is suspected thai the statue, which has been in the church for fifty years, has certain machinery in its bead which has just begun lo work. An inquiry is being made by the local town council. "C. - "UMTS UI lliei J...,.-,. TlV,.tl, ,l.l....l ... II .mer rorewer .victoria: l ie Ijlsirlct Vur.i . f.VJ' r:,""J..V.'..,."v ester. Court House Va icouver Viid ' ui.. "ersnrneci aim enciorseo "i r..-wir.n run III strict Kw.ier" Vrlm'e I u ner't. m . T.,ES" . . waived at ll.i- orIce of p.lt or iu.oo. which will be rcrunHed on S.r&WrS.nT..i. ' fJ ' Ilv arrrntert 3rd. 1913. Tor Hallway Ties Ui le inanu- O It nF Hum i"f..b' in. i.i..'.vr, a.n Tinwrark or Cedar timber, rut be- tiepiitv nepniv MlnUipr minnier nr or i l-nH. -n,u I I . i.ctolier 1st. 15. and May lt. LAND ACT. CAS8IA1 LAND DISTRICT District or Casslar. stlklne Division. TAKE MlTICK ill.11 I. Waller Jiillun (Hetunied Soldier), ur Teleifraph Lieek. D.Cjr ovrunatlon Miner. Inti.nrU in nM ror permission to niirrhaiiA tim rniii.u.nft described lands: Uiiiiineiicii.k at a post planted about one mile east or McLeods slouirh near the Stlklne Hlver and about 3t miles oulhwcst or Telegraph Creek; thence north 80 chains: thence east 40 chains: liienre toulh 80 chains; thence west Au .nam to point or commencement ami containing jjo acres, more or less. WALTfcll JULIAN. Awltonl. Aprl. 10th. LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply lo Laas Land In SklnB flanfm K I .nil m.llM ...... - ---. v ..a .... ...9.IIVI, l III. u Hiipert, ll.C., and situate loo yards north oi vimer nariMir, roarse island. B.C. TAKE KOTIIK that tlw ran.i.ll.n t'l.l.. lug; Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. n.C. occupation, Salmon Camiers, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a Post nlanled at hlirli water mark 4 0 reel rnm miir nn i.r.ra line: thence east one chain, itwnm nn.iii CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. TENDER FCR SOFTWOOD TIES I and delivered between January let, I I Dili, and September 3Uth. I02C, T.o.b. i i.ru Canadian .National Hallway, In -i-ordanre with Tie SrH-ririratloll ;o. 1 saw I.J, dated July 2(ltli, I04J. All lies with the exrepllon or Jack 'Ine must be fueled. Tender fnriiH ran be obtained at tin- orflrc of the Tie Altenl at Moiirtun. ToimhU), and WlnnlH-if. or rroin the urrirv or the (ieneral Tie AKenr, Montreal. Tenders will not Ih- considered unle? made out on rorm supplied by the Hallway r.onipanv. TIh lowest, or any, lender not nere-arlly accepted. W. II. flltANT. Orlieral Tie Aireilt. Canadian National Hallways, Montreal. (Jue. Julv nrl. iu:. one Dutiowi tmi twraiy . rhiln: Inence Hlver across l"'1 ir:i'TVrt iiiairtci. ni iu vnore line one cnainr iiienr ni . . - . . southerly direction rnllnwinv ihn ii..i.u line to point or commencement, and. con- laminir iwrive arreg, more or Jess. THE CANADIAN FISIIWO CO. LTD nated antli May, tots. LAND ACT. TIMBER ALE X717S. Sealed Tenders will be received liy Ui .MinlMer or Lauds not later than iumjii on he sixth day or August, I0t5. ror Uk purchase or Licence X7I7I, lo rut 7l.0(l lineal reel or Cedar Poles aud Piling on an aiea situated on the east bank or Skeen.1 river rrom Pacific Station, Two (1 years will be allowed Tor removal or limber. Further parllrulars or the Chlel Forester. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, 1'rlnce Huerl. ll.C. , TIMBER SALE X6464. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaia Land s...ill Tnulpr will be received by the In nanslar Land District. Ilecordim Ins-1 uinwier or i.amls at Victoria not later Lllci p',.nre .F,ul'rt n c ,n(1 situate sUth (Dili) day or - north; than inmi iwkhi imhi wiii oik the iiiv si... i ....j tiiiriKi mi.", fur Oh. i.nrrliasi' r Licence XIU0I. lo cut so.uoo reel or Spruce a'kl Ji.ooo Jack I'lne Ties on an area sltuatid on the south shoiv or Francois Lake ot-rumlu. Collvmount. llanm: 4 Coast District. Threo (3) years- wiy be allowed for removal oi iiinoer, Furiher parllrulars uf the Chler Vor one ester. Victoria, ll.C, or District Forester, chain: thence southeast onn hundred and prince Imperii ll.C.' 'wenly chains: liven sniithueii m hnrl ... ....... ..a.,,, luriu,: iinrinnesi innow- TimnEH SSLL xiiaia ng the shore lln to point or commencement, one. hundred and twenty chains, and l.u.i Tinkers will tin received by tb containing twelve acre hm n, i... i Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not laler . ,v l.. .. .. .. . i. ..r I. . llUK ill. i:a-VAiu.tN rifliuvn rr. . T I . I man iiiii.n nil 11111 juui ii.ijr vi a.ii.i. . . Dated mill Vic. mu ' 'iror the purchase or Licence .al. to . : ini i 1 15 IKIO tret at Snrure. Hemlock .aaiaaiiBiaBBaaaiiM.iaaaaaaaaaaIIaiaIIIBa Dalsain and Cedar 1 an area sllualrd at the inrlli end or .Moore i.anc, rut isnuu llange 4, Coast Distrlrt. Three (3i years will be allowed for re imivil if llmlier Fnrilier particulars or the Chler -Fores ter. Victoria. n.C;. or District Forester, I'rlnce Unpen. n.C. TIMBER SALE X7172. Sealed Tenders will be received by the i Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later ! ti.... ...w. i. j. tin. ni. lli ilav or July. Itlii. iror the purchase or Licence X717. I" rut l 14.0011 Jackplm: Ties on Uie w.utli l- or . Lot CUJI and the southeast 1-4 of IJ I mile south or Hose Lane station, i lunge S. Coast Dlsillcl. i Two (9 1 years will be allowed for re moval or timber. . .,.., 1 Further particulars of the Chler Fores ler, Victoria, n.C or District Forostei Prince Unpen. U.C. July Clearance SALE For Friday and Saturday Only Men's Flannel Shirts, light anil dark grey. Heg. HC1.00. Kale $1.95 Men's Blue Stripe Overalls. Heg. $2.7!). Sale $1.85 Men's Khakf Coveralls. Keg. .$i.2r. Sale 52.85 Men's Working Shoes, suiliri leatlicr. Secial . . $4.75 Men's Woollen Bathing Suits. Heg. l.no. Sale $3.00 Men's Cotton Bothlng Suits. Heg. $1,515. Sale 05c Children's Rubber Sole CanVas Oxfords in Hrown, Hlack ami White. Heg. 81.25. Sale 7Bc Children's Rubber Sole Running Shoes, in Hrown, Hlack and' White. Heg. 1,515. Sale 85o Children's Cotton Bathing Suits. Heg. $1.00, Sale . . 65c Ladies' Woollen Bathing 8uits, Penman's. Heg. $'i.25. Sale $2.05 JABOUR BROS., LTD. BATTALION ORDERS lly Licul.-Colouel J. W. Nicholls,-1 tttn.. I'.. II.,.. lol It.. I WUH.L'1 l.UllllllIIUIUlt I'll. North ll.C. Ilegt. (102nd Hn. G.E.r.) inastei;s' StqrcsNwill be'bel'd ddr-ing first week' in Augli All ranks are- requested to have clothing ami equipment in their possession in readiness if In specting ollicer should demand production of same. All 'members are requested lo attend snecial meeting of regiment in the Armoury, Tues-ivlre day evening al 'J p.m. lo discuss nieet Itegimeul fuiid matters, and other business on social ami i f 1 1 lii I if fi r I ! 1 1 I nw 'I'ti 11 ti 1 1 a-ia IIIHIL III' UL II t (lit .T, I IIL I 1111 been granted from School of Instruction, in Visual Telegraphy. thence east rollowlng the shore line to point or commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. T1IF. CANADIAN FISlll.AU CO. J.TU. Dated 30111 May. tali. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaa Land In Skecna Ilanrn 6 Laud'Herorillnir tl- trlct or Prince Itupert, ll.C. ami xlluale liayiiacK liianu, aouoi or waies inanu, U.C. TAKE otice that inc uanaaian risn- Inir l I 111 or Vancouver. ll.C. occuri- water mark on southwest point on Walei i.iand lie inence norm one maim thenco ei.l ten chain: thence south om chain rnaiii to in shore niiviv line; iiiii thence, iii.jiiv.,- west aUitiar n AscanU Auit 19, !epi. i. i . . Aur. it. !epi. i. UCI. 1) TO LIVERPOOL Aur. 7 AurnnU . Auir. . . HI TO QLASQOW. July 31, Auir. J Ailir. 14 Halurnla .. Sept. 4 fdam mcia vnRK TO QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL Xamarlii . Auir. 1 l.aconla .. Auir. 15 Uai'iuanln .. Auir. Kranconia. . aii. x TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON rterenirarlit Aur. 5, 8. Sept. I Maiirelsnla AU. II HrpL if. IS Amillanla u sr. 18. Scot. II. 3U TO LONDONOERRV AND QLASQOW r.iiluinhla ..Auir Cnii.croiilil ..Auir. 15 California. - Auir. ? Assyria .. Auir. . TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON . CsninU .. Au. 8 l.nnciisli'U, . Auir. TO PLVM0UTH-CHER8OURQ-HAMBUR3 AniUnla .. Au, I. Sept. 5, Oct. 10 Money orders and draris al lowest rates, Poll information rrom Arents or i.ouiiany a orrices. tin n5uuj si, n., Vaucuuver, B.C. i Church Notices United Church The church of service". Pastor, lliv tliui 1. Ilnclrcr. Deaconess. liaml pracliee on lueday iinu Mjss ;,.,.,,.,. fa,iook. Sunday Thursday evenings, July 2H ami ,,,,,,...,, ... 11 Voek. Mornina; 30 in Hit; prompt. Armoury al .8 p.m. topic: ''The Power of t lbe cxpan - sIkii," 'Kvenimr service, at 7.3(1. Itecruits attested Tuesday T()pjc: 'Tho New World of in.u.-Mn, uh-iiimss ,110 ii.m.. 'Labort" Mr. Hacker wilb peak Rifle range practice .MoNi.choir ;1, ,,,,,. services. SiiiidAv school Creek, Sgmtays, , July 20 nnd,wj, nol m0l,tj August 2. lloat leaves tJow JIayi ph.i- rhwh Baptist Church 1 n -m .. ... ,.n ........ .7.II1II1IJ 111 '.U1J, tl.lll. llg llll J H - bet's of Hie - lli"imihl must .1!- uSuinlay Solmol- at 10 a.m. inmi' ,1 1 I.... 1 .;-?."2.;,r.a'fl"'3 service ai 11 ocioch, ... vfvi..i...nii..l.i. ......i..... during". n. subject: "'Ihe secret of, Aiclory. (Ik .".v-tuvitUHJ.UlH.il. IlllllHK. .Hi ... summer nionths. in order- I.1. .... i ti ... ti.ii.j ll 1 1, I ? 'Ill f .' 1 1 14 L . II I llf l.l...l. Ill J lI.rn, comply with Musketry repiln. .'. linns and earn government' "" " ' T . 7 grant. Inspection of the Uuarter- mill Jim uuu inniT 111 iriiu in imiiii of these services. You will enjoy the sinking and' will bo 'interested in the addresses. Presbyterian Church Morning worsliyi at It o'clock. Subject: "Yeslerday's Religion and Today's." Evening worship al 7.U0 o'clock, tiuhjeel: "The llhrist."- Hev. Dr. H. It. Grant. 1 . . . . the in 1. . 1 will preach al both iser- .Sunday School Will noi Salvation Army Army .extends a speciitl invitation tri lourisls, io Hie overning play on I lie lenniii tailoring men, lo young people. Court are being ignored. (Special. In all. .Sunday tl a.'ni. Holiness, attention -is. drawn to llule 3 of.30 Sunday .School. 7.30 Salva-t lie regulations posled on His lion meeting, subject: "Need I Tennis Court.) Extract from June -'5, 1U25., - have been granted from I Apologize. Saturday and orders, 'day 8 li.m. nieetiiigs. A live Certificates message for a dying people. .Scbpol Lieut l.iiiiils' ; of Instruction to l'rov. X. V. l'ringleA. U. Hix anil S. Hazell-.lones, qualifying as Lieutenants in the Xoith II. C. itegiment. Extract from Diilrict orders, .luno 25, IUJ5. Certificates have SMITHERS REBEKAHS NAME NEW OFFICERS Mrs. James Brough Heads Lodge at Interior Town for Forthcoming Session lo Sergt. A. J.'Souirc andl'rivates SMITIIEIIS, July 25. The W. (. Walfonl,' (i. L. Warner local llebekah Lodge his elecleil and (!. V. Wilkinson, Grade A, ollicers as follows: ."Soldo (irauil. 1'rivales 1. T. A. llbick and J. Mrs. Ilrough; vice-grand, Mrs. W. Palmer, tirade "II," and l'ri- DawMjii; past noble grand, Mrs. vale E. W. llurgess, (irade "C." iobeen; recording secretary, Extract from , District orders,, Mrs. Champion; financial jecre-.luly 10, H25.--Infanlry, Xortli lary, Miss Mamie (Iray; treasur-II.C. Ilegimenl,( lO-'iid Itn. C.E.I'.) ei, Mrs. llannislcr; warden. Mrs. lo lie Captain: .Lieutenant C. V. Catlirae. The installation was Evitt, 1st January, 1025. Ifonilncled by Mrs. Norman Kll-S. p. JOHXSTOX, palrick, deputy district presi-Major and Adjutant dent. Attd. 1st Jin. N.IJ.C. Ilegt. i LAND ACT. Nolle or Intention to Apply to Laas Land In Skcena Range S Land District. He ! cording District Prince, (tupert. I!.C. and situate Vi "'ne north or Wales Island Cannery, on Wales Island, ll.C. TAHK tier, inai me uauauiaii r.im-lug ito. Ltd., or Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Canners, Inleuds to apply ror permission to lease the rollowlng de-H-rlbed lands: . " Coiiiinenriiig at a twist pianieu at uign water mark, near iilnt M mile north rrom Cannery on wales Island! thence FROWNS ON SUGGESTION AS GOVERNOR GENERAL Earl Halg Thinks he Is More Valuable as Private Citizen Continuing Present Work SASKATOON. .Inlv 25. "I am north rha'n; thence west ten chains; ' ... " . ,!' one , , , i...ti..., i ., old. and I heliee I can oo inence south to shorn line one chain; getliliK more for Canada in my .present, capacity of a private citizen,' working lu bring the cx-nervice men together in (lie inlercils of liberty, justice and good fellow-' ship," 'said Field Marshal Karl llaig in replying In n siugpcitioir by Major V. A. Carrolhers, al a I'.aiiadiau cIUIl luncheon, that Til 1.. I... .. i.. Canadians would be iiaiiiiy in 1 on, sa HHin uanners, inienna io apiuyi . .. ., .. , , , ., tor ncrmlsnon lo nurchaso the rollowinir welcome lite dlsliligllished soldier denrrlbeil lands:- .In C.i mihI.i'h nntl o-nviTniir-ircii- Coimncnclnir It I post pianina at iiorn d - water mark on weal horc or llaynacK oral, IHIIIMI; iiicmu nur.ii bo.i-ii Ul.in., thence east aeven chains; thenco Koulh iieven chains; thence west nevcn chains, ami containing rive acrea, moro or les. TIIK -CANADIAN FlSlllU WJ. I. Ill baton Slrnl May. tstr LAND ACT. Notlca or Intantlon to Apply to Least Landj In Skreua Ilanirn 5 tanrt lilstrlrt, Hn-rordlnif lilsirlct Prlnco nupirt, anil Ml-uate southwest point or Wale bland. TAKE MlTICK that the Canadian Flsli-Inir Cm. Ltd., or Vancouver, U.C. occupation, Salmon Canners, Intend to apply ror permission to lease the rollowliiir de scribed land J: f-firnmi.nrinfir st a nosi Dianteo ai inn DANCE LAST NIGHT Affair Ih . Elks' Home Last Night for Miss Laura Frlzzell, Exhibition Candidate A fairly good crowd was pre sent al. the dance in the F.lk.i' Home last night given for Miii Laura Frlzzell who is a candidate in'Tlhe Inhibition scholarship conhMtv 'llalph Smith was shore line to point or commencement, and ou the door illlil ii. DoilgtllM , l i, llzze'.I it containing- one acre. more, or less, I.,.,,. .,,,,1,,,. ,,t ,.,.,.,,., nil,,. THE CANADIAN HSIII.XU L.I1J.I " - "i w.vw Dated ind May. tjj. r aaguo, Kenny Hood, W CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL, rn pi VMniiTU.r.ulRBOURa-LONDON Ausoula . A u if. I . , Sept. i Antonln Alnunln l.etltU Athenla Cooper, ami Alex Mitchell com-prixed the on: lie sir a which 1 1 i . -ieined iiiii.hIc until about 'i o'clock when the dance broke up Dining the program "hoi dogs" were on alc ami coiilrilmled much toward making the evening it complete nuccess. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY LOST LOST. Fourteen fool, row boat, painted green out.side, from Cold Storage. Finder please notify P.O. llox 835), Prince lliiperl or plionc uB. tC7 FOUND FDUNH. Al tfio Prince llupert Tran.ifer and Taxi, lbe place lo get the het kindling - either In bundles -or liy the I load. ' lo' t. ClearanceSale SHOE DEPARTMENT EVERY PAIR OF SHOES TO BE SOLD WITHIN 30 DAYS '2t tu'r cent reduction is offeclive on every pan ,)t shoes. As lines become broken lliey will lie cleared re garilless (if cost. Kol rowing arc clearance limvs priced to sell;. Growing Girls' Black, and Brown Calf Boots, ies ;i (1 ( v ' Heg. $r.u:. To clear .. 54.10 Slater's Rideau Oxfords in Hlnek ot: llhiwn ,t!alr, sipm roiiiul toe, rubber heel, sizes (I to 10. Heg; .,)( T: clear M.95 Ladies' High Grade Lace Oxfords iiiilllack or lliTiwn Kid also (trey or lleigc Sueilc, all willt low b eel. All ir lteg. $('1.00. To clear .' . . . $3.35 Ames-Hotden Boy's Black Calf Red Stitch with solid le i!; solos. Sizes 8 lo J0. Heg. $:KrH. To clear . $2 35 Sizes 11 In l;ij. Heg. $ ..00. To clear ... . $2.05 Sizes I to loTi Va. lleg. $i.?r, To clear ... . $3.25 Children's Brown Kid Boots, spring Jicel. Sizes r - in n Iteg. !is;i.r0. To clear $2.45 MEN'S DEPT. CLEARING LINES 11 only, Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas. To clear U5c 22 only, Men's Flannelette Shirts. Summer weight It $1'..')0 lo :i.00. To dear nal $1.45 27 only, Men's Outing Shirts, sizes lt4 to lOVi. K( i - I... i r iil I ll-.ll. I III I M n I. , . . , . 10 only, Men's Outing Shirts large .sizes, I j s cbnii. up price at , . 3 only, Men's Navy Blue Jerseys. To clear at ... yard. To clear al per yard to DRY GOODS DEPT. CLEARING LINES 200 Yards Fancy Chintz and Cretonne.' Values ! I 8 only, Ladies' Picnic Hats. Heg. sl.LTi. .Special . . 6 only, Ladles' Picnic Hats. Heg. 2.00. Special 36 only, Dimity Princess Slips in a variety of colors. $I.2.". Special to clear . t 14 Pairs Ladies' Kid Gloves in Kuwn mid Hrown only :i.7r. Special 11 Pairs Kid Gloves, some While anil lllack Stripe, oi $1.15 o 95c 95c 25c B0 Yards Percale. Heg. Tc. Clearance price per ym . 25c zuu raras ju men siripea riannoicue. iieg, -loe. n pt r yard . . 10 Yards White Pique, nil inch, wide Mripo. Heg. (i.'n Clt'ui aiK C price, per yard 25c 35c 36 Yards only, White Lace. Heg. ;ti)c ynril. Specia yard 17 c 30 Yards only, White Summer Lace. Heg. 20c yard, s cial , 12 c 10 only, Ladies' White Lace Collars. To clear at . . 75c 9 Yards only, Lace Collaring. Heg. 0.c. Special, yard 55c 48 only, Children's Wash Hats. Heg. $Urvhliic. Th is assorted shapes and colors which wj will Hear al ljnlf price 50c 65c 95c II 85c H $1.95 reverse colors. Heg. .r. Special .! $1.45 16 Pairs Black Ktd Gloves wilb While Stripe. Heg. - To clear at hair price $1.25 9 Pairs Corsllettes, While ami Pink color. He jr. $17 S2.00. To clear al 05c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnri trun Prince llupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaen Bar, and Alart a, Tuaa, t P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Alsrt Ha, and Swamon 'Bay, Saturday, 10 A M For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Iwnday, I P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUtr Canntrloa, Frldai A.M. 123 2nd A.miu. 4. Bamslti, AfOiiL frlne Ruo.ri, BO WESTHOLME THEATRi Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Thomas Meighan In "Tongues of Flame" The "(looil Luck" star as lbe lovable figbling hero m Peter Chirk .Mncfarlnne's powerl'ul novel IniniH up screen wilb action. The a lory uf bow mi "easy murk, (i naine iinjiislly blackenetl, becomes baril-bnileii null nuik ' il clean. The ilramn of an innooeiil man .soul In jail, n of how lie won buck bis K'tid name ami a girl. Kvcryhod favorite as "ilell Fire" llarringlon, n relurneil soldier w!i finds more thrills mill excitement on his own Main fU 'eei Hum ho did ou all Ibo battle grottmls of Franco. A phut play nf pleasing romance. Hpeclacnlar fire scones and uii! episodes. Hlrong siijiporling crisl. Thomas Meighan, Bessie Love, Burton Churchill, John Miltern Cyril Ring, Eileen Percy and many others. Comedy---"Break the Ice" PATHE REVIEW. Admission EOc and 25c