pahs; -mo jcnd u5 your1 nam? andw oifl send you rap. dact.tkuvjw . . v The Daily News ANGLICAN CHURCH HAS II tiip ii iu im Tur i m h ill 'i i aia i in PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA GOOD ENTERTAINMENT' """,m".';' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLK.N, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United states, in advance, per year $0,rtOJ u vu uuicr couuirit-s, in aiivauce, per year 91.AO 'Iransient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ...$2;S0 per inch Local Headers, per insertion ,.2iic per line1 ciassmea Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal notices, each insertion 15c per agate lino contract Hales on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 80 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Census Figures Are Conservative. Suppl this inustraledV booRcbeauufal distributors fori (fDlmm K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. N YVeiietJay, Dec. 30, I J25. Mr. Mi'Lennan's estimate presented to the city minu-il this rr t,ir no- ursi iiiieiugi'iii itiea oi me population of Priui'U Riiperl that ha been forthcoming for Mime year". It is likely however, that there are more people in Prime Rupert than fli.j; 0,1 il shown in hi" reinm. Mr. McLennan took on the wars, nf census (akin? in imMU j?. i . i. . t i . - . ... . -1 . imui in ni regular tniiie- a nsesor ami without, extra emolti- mem. m reconls rover only petiple who were living on ty and other properly that he was railed up to inspect in conr pf his aemeht work. ThN being the rase, it may be expee!oI that Mime people were mise in the count perhaps several hundred. f . , f . . .... . . . i .iMiijf. .mi-. s esiimnie a a nais, u may lie assumed that the popiflfllion of the city at the present lime is jnt about 7,000. ThN eem to be n little more than a good manv people thought. Pulp And Paper Development Here. - That extensive timber cruising operation which have been going on this fall in the Kil-iimkalum and Lakete district" may result in the ultimate establishment of a pulp and paper industry in thai region i the interesting suggestion that i now nmtc. The district abound" in timber more suitable for pulp and paier manufacture than for any other purpose, and "ooner or lalcf undertakings along that line will undoubtedly be emharJU'd llfKIII. With the. row material for. pulp and (taper gradually beenm-ing depleted in other part" jif the continent, it may not'be nieny years before the maniifnrlnrers'turn their eye in this direction and start actual production. When that time come", there max be several large plant started in the immediate vicinitv or1 Prince Rupert in the interior, on the coast and on the Queen unanoite maud. TlH?re an nbumlaTice of raw malf rialthgTdereIoiHiieit of .which vyouftliiot only lie greaTy..bei'jeflrtal liijlhe a-itv and di- Irict bnl would nlo be in the be-t Interests of the district timber Stand. Pulp and paper manufacture has for ome years now been recognize! a" the logiral ue for the greater part of the limber wealth or this territory. In The Civic Election Arena. With the municipal election scheduled to take place on Januay Ii two weeks from Thursday it is now getting about time for the candidates for the mayoralty, five aldermanic seals, three school trustees and two police commissioner, to be announcing themselves. So far only one definite announcement has been made namely that of Co. S. P. Mc.Monlie for lb mayoralty. People are beginning to wonder. espei-ially in view' of (lie minor that have been going around lately whet let there will be anyone to oppoe him. It is desirable that the citizens .hould takea keen interest in ninuieipa! affair. but. during receiityears, about the only time any such interest has been shown has been just immediately prfr to the election. Civic government is jut a important J tj the people residing in the city as federal and provim-ial repre seiilatiou. Candidate hould make their intention knowr eavi instead of holding back until the last minute lo ee what "Jhfl other fellow" i going to do. It is to be hoped that a M o good names for the various offices will be placed before the electors and that this will be done early enough n that the -iti-zWU may have the opportunity of learning what thVpo?ine ,nm ajjiis pf the various candidates may be, thus being enabled f exerci-ejlbeir franchise in eonlingly. - ies Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your vnnter's supply oi I Nanaimo-Welling- ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonei 116 and 117 .iMmi.:7rffri.TFjmT Successful Affair Took Place Last Evening In Church Hall The annual AiiKl'ean I'.hrsst-mas tree entertainment. helt lat Iliirtit in the rliiiirh liall, was a Kreal sueees the hall beins "I led to capacity with children aa l Bieir parenls. An impromptu concert w siven by the children prior lo Ike distribution of pin. Those rak- Inp part in the proKrnm inehitteil Mi Audrey Parkin. vtiin dis .Mis Margaret mlelirisl, piano olo: Stanley I latby. Frank Mi' lord and Hilly noltlsnn, Christ- mas carol; Mis Lenvre Millenl. dance and son?; Mis W'iitni- fred Tucker, reeiiations. Mrs. I)ao Wilton irted as at-i-mnpsiii- i.l. At Hie conclusion of Hie musi cal program Sanla C.laus appeared on tin srene ami pr-enl-ed every child preenl with a suitable gift. K. V. Tucker, "uperintemtent of the Sunday rliool. aitet by Mrs. Mcr.okrie and Mr. Tufke--. va responsible tor I In- une of the evening. ANGLICAN XMAS TREE AT SMITHERS Presentat'pn Made to Mrs. Hos- klns and F. Page SMnifKHS. Dep. 30. The an nual Christmas tree and soeialof he SI. James Anzlican Clnircli wns held on Tuesday evenm? and proved to be a inot enjoyable affair. Ilefore supper was servl he children and Krown-ups en-oyed an hour or two at same and after supper an impromptu concert w as held, I hi wa fol- ow ed by I he en!r' f Sanla Claus. To Hie delicti! of th youn?siirs. he pneemel to ban I out Ibe presents with wmrh lfi. re a laden. On behalf of the congregation j tanla ?reetel Mr. S. II. HnskiniMt.l with a pair of brass caudhtiek as a mark of appreciation of hei serviees as oryanij'l durine U. year. Rise.:jh tapirs' war- den. was al- the reciiiieut of i gilt from the congreiiniio::. TO RAISE BLACK FOXES IN SOUTH Leonard E. MacKenzie of Princ Edward Island Is Brother of Mrs. G. A. Woodland of this City Leonard K. MarKeruie. presi dent of Ibe Maaic Silver Illaiii Fox Co. of Snnimerside, Prince, Kriward Island, and brother of Mr?. O. A. Woodland of this city. now in Victoria for the pur pose 0f selecting a she in that vicinity for the raiing and car- tus of black foxes. Mr. Mackenzie represent one of the tar-?esl fox ioibjslries in the Kasl and is considered one of the fore:ii(i-i auiiiorities on the Inisi. ness in Canada. ; In a recent issue of the Victoria Time. appeared a picture of Mr. Mackenzie and a shipment nf live foxes Maid In be Iars.est -ojipicnment of silver foxes evei reeeived on Vancouver Island. THREE KILLED AT CHRISTMAS DANCE Quarrel Over Partners Followed by Shooting In South Broolyn NKW YOUR", Dec 30. Three. unidentified men were shot and i killed last week as the climax oil i'i.-:.t i . .. it nanep ai Hie Aiionls Social club, a soulb Hronklyn resort. The police state that the men came at midnishl to the elub, where dancing was goins nn. They were accompanied by girls ami it is believed that n iuarrel arose l-tween the stransers and the dancers over choice of partners. The Iriple crime was discovered when a policeman found one of the bodies lying in the street. He- made his way lo the dance ball and found the oilier two dead men lyins amid broken fur-illlure, which had appnrenlly been wrecked in a terrific struggle. The hall was deserted. Ilesidents-or Ibe iieisliborlumd aid I but they had beard nn shots nor any sounds of a struggle. Advertise in the Dailews I M Mi re tHl MM I Mil' aii navv ha oiiimenced a heavy n iiuyere. Yes. blowins hol. in the olovse. n.M.Y a worm would hide lie-bind a wwaian s kirls. Anl tn 1hee days nf snorteiiftd klr(U lie d niUj 'hae lo tx atul af lifjr. tHIIKK Wker s ;w Year ml- o ii-vAM-thiinT cflnie- to Hi who uitneifclils. IT wait an H' ' )' save his f.uiier a walkia? slitfts for a Christmas pee en t. TllKFtK e.-ni tn have been a coiner on iuilleloe Ihi fetive eaon. I d like lo have seen .1 lulle imre nntlehe in the corner my.lf. MY tdea of a snappy honey-moon would he lo take (he yeunp wife out to Hien to the fog IlKCAliSK a, man i Kntenl o: the Oarter il doe not necessarily follow that hi duties are elastic. DUHLXtt .hl frosty Waatner. niit jtihrm? from the mdniw in wtiieh snnv.' people hohhlv abtnf. it wonbl seent poIe 'bat llie woukl gal along faster If lh had a pair of studded mills oi. their hands instead of ruhber heels no their boots. IT was toasn lock on the aspirins beavvwcisht who droppe.l Ibe hore-lioe ihi! of his riitht mill on lo bi own head. A WOMAN hover has recently married an Kalian count. Women are sure lo lake the rmint ssioaer or lat"- IF .all the batUes nf whikey pun-ha-rd hrtween now and New Year's aw rr plareti end lo In lb alwnp fhe railway trae doublleoi several prominent ellt ens )iuM pel rim over. Illl. man look the cake who ent his sirl something for her nerk at Christmas. A box of I'almoiite somp. Ml need to buy a nw diary rr S9W. A scientist has asnin pifOieiod that the world i rowing io an ewl in February. A UOO exunipJe of a hero is ne man who it itollte of beer from a fire mi Christina'! day. Ten Years Ago in Prlnco Rupert December 30, 1915. The Prince Unpen Amateur Athletic Association is arranging to have the llaellon hockey team down here for game on Xew Year's Day. The iM-a twiys Iwye a ,:uul team at Ihelr roni-mand and. If the ice on Mors Creek holds, a real game shouts result. . . . . I 1 .iMr- . ,i iMr- urn nni nr-, rive until after noon today, bavins been held up during lh-nlsht by a blinding snowstorm. A. Kailey) of Inverness cannery came north this mornins accompanied by .Mrs. Itailey. I'ear! Fleming, the well known real estate man of Victoria, ur-ried from the south this tiiorn-ingnnd left for the interior. ' LAND ACT Nolle of Inttntlen to'Appt, to U4 In Ourrn rturMlc liUnd. lan, nr. rordlii, pflrM-l .if rrlnrr lUilwrl. irwl ""'' L" "W Mlf Ml e. of! TkE oticf. ttui n.:. rihin Park inr uiin. l.lmliftl, rriiaihin -almuti awl w. i ani'iHitrr. iiK'iKiirr, I iiniH-ri, inirnil. intrtHla I'l-iy rir a lra r kh- rril,rl LiihI. B.C.. In It Maiirr of lha ftfaic at V. HllrliM. to riiliiminr ila- Csiinw.i.iii at a tsxt flnlr1 i ih et rnl or small Bay ..iih hiimli! yard. r.J?T iMoijiri or umuiiied alrrauii llKurf ajsiin ri- i-halii.; Uimi'r ran .irrn rbaina; lln-iir north lb tbiri lata; lnnr r ll (nr .ih.rc Him to iilnt of cimii-"'"""en', and nmlalnlnr fn an-l Ihrrr qiiarlrr arrra niora or IrM. n.i:. risiitvo k ruwvi co. ua. Atllraill. rni-. far M. M. tntuti. txinti TOi. lafs, NOTICE TO CRI0IT0NS MIIt f ihf Adiulnliirallon Arl: Larrnrr T.UE Xotici iliat I, nnd raitnrdj a apiaiiuini adinlnlMraUir or tlw r.Hie of Uarriirr Murti. Bixlar and by, jlrnir of an ordrr of ill Honor Ju.u "", f SriUMnlr,1 !! H'Mdi hatina any lialma ariln.i Ihr arr to fll lltvni ith iiw, tha MtHlrriiiiitd. at my ifflra within thirty, daya I run iiw do bamf. ami all iwr-' ai. Indrtdnl tn Ihr a.tata ra riiiirad, In maka pa)iwiil fnrlliwllh. oalmt llil. 1 9th day nf irrnilr, I til. MOHMAM A. WATT. Official djnuuitrator1 - -- -- - " : - tin - - - . xinnM i fc ii a ii a aaa ill The Man Who Talked at Random HE sat in the window-corner of the Pullman's smok. ing compartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large opinions in a suety voice. It grew late, as so often it does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They 'have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped print, ing 'em. Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with hit advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and added himself to the congeiN ion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving cream; brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar on an advertised button, he neatly knotted his advertised tie,gave his advertised suspenders a Jug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who never reads advertisements! Everything worth uiinj is advertised. Evrythinj, that isn't, rarely is. LAND ACT. Notlc at Isttnilan u Apalr U Laata Las. In FrHw RiiKrt Land nw.inlint l tril of I'ritHH lluixrl ami tltuaie "at oorih .hnrr r rum un Bar. Unrra Mriio i.uuc, n . i TAkK Trfc that iainea nMiai Sirtna and lUsVrl C O.Mtv, of Vanroarrr. Hi:, urrapatiaai raarrnw. InlrmU to ipW for a Ma uf lh Mtmttni dr wrilsiHl fihir at sImmmhi Hi). ijorrP tttartaila Idtmt Osnnmvinf at a pl plialrd nn h air of skaamm Bay absti i u in a MMUtrriry Mrrnim frntii "Silh mavt ronwr nf Lijl IS. aid brlnt, iirthra.l rurner ftf an apHnti-.n p' rtua by Ja. Ki.Mm Strant. tnr MHiltaasirrt flbinr tilth !! mark 4 shaattisi Ba Mmj Too trrt t a p"1 at tcrt smiUi a ad ;T fri i.f ..son. (unirr of I.'- IV4. Ow.i.r IJ. fft u lb Mali wilrr ma.-k r ani ItUnd lirhii an imtr.lMKi l.i Ir.ui bv P.4rri C. 9ntt: ihntrv tmritirrlr, et I rrtr awl naihwrxerl foOowint tna hub vaiar mark af a.hl 1 1 Lin. I i.. a taiim aak frt anultt IM Ittl frl rt of ...iith-l met rwiirr lilt, ibmrr tun tm-.t ttrarr airiti no fret, nv nr ! ihrnra rati 9H frrt. mar or k.. tt tha point 1 of omniiimtiat. ihI niniaiiiini f arres mnrv w ma. BOOT. C noaaR ami rir.Liuvt TIA?IO. Apfll-anL fer Win. o. Mtlrhrll. ttl rrnxl ittwnif i am. i,n LAND ACT. Notlca af Intaatlafl la Aaal ta Parrh.i. Land I In Prlnra Btrt land BOonUnr Dli-IMcl of I'rinr iiuiwrt aitd altuata on tha at almra of Barniril lrr rrlnrrt nuyai uurni. nanaa rour, rs.l ni.lrlrt. TAKE MiTICK thai -iinrill Cannarj Cunany Minimi f Vanmavrr. B.C.. or- rupalHm parkm. lulnxH tn apply for fsrnil.sKsi lo pnrrlMta tha fallolnt di arrlhfd land.: Cnmmrnnnr at a post planted on lh iMirttwait ahorr uf Bamaril lv, prlivrM iioyai MUtid. nanrr I. coatt DKtrlrt, ttwnro raoarly Imrnly chain., Ihrnra otilhrrly amy rlialn: thancr mr.lrrlr foriy rtulni; llienr tmrllwrly nt rhaint. more or b-.a. to hlrh air mark; Ihonrc iniHimiiir man waiar mark in an radtrly ami northrl dirwtlon tn polnl nf rom-irwnrrtonl. and nsitalnlnr una hundre arraa, iikut r 5)MEBVii.i.r: cA?i.ii:ny co. ltd ncMcanl. Par W. J. Thoinat,' arn r.f. a LAND ACT. Notlca af Intantlen ta Apply Far Laaaa of Land. In Ibe I'rinre lliir Un.1 Baronllni tH.lrlrl ami alluata on an nnnamrd lM furmlnr eaia nf thn laraa tmnp nf In lludon Bay I'a'Mta niiolt flora l.aniiin I'olni. Blita I'rlnl DM. If, TAkK JiiTli f that Marrl krr of frlnfa Buis-ri. B.r., Varliwr Inn-nd" lo apply for a lra of lha follomlnt dr-rrilird land.. (imiMinn at a pn on Irs. hora on Ilia Fa.l aids of Ilia abut da.rrllml l.lvl, Iheiirv J.O0O frai mirllral; h"tira jaod fral nnrilwa.l: tbrnra ,0n frrl SniilM aaM; Ibjnra s.noo fwt omlliwMt lo lha silnt of romnirnrrinant, rritiiatntnr l0 arrra, mora or laaa. . iiAnnis krnn. t . v Agent, Jowph 5. Botara naiad OwiuUr ilu, ItU. , "I; Read the advertisements for value's sake T U G B OATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. O. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. HOLIDAY Suggestions For Men Tle, Caps, Sweaters, Box, BIU For Boys SulU, Caps, Baits, Etc., Etc al most reanoniihlo prices Steve King Third Ave. Phona Qraan 86. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 575 DENTIST Black 7H CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDif and DRY CLEANERS Tha Laundry of P-1 Service, Phona . Finished Lsundry, Wet Wash, Thrlfl-T-Servlee, Soft Finish, nd Dry Clanln9- ... ...He at sny l''l o l c ; .. .iv vni Phcae ti , .,.1 lo take your in lake pcroiii! ' -rft your !.aunilr nJ Cleaning. MILK From BulkUy "' FRESH MILK AND vVH" ... plHG,?nL our i am" 1 Half Mnt. ... Ouallty nn.l 8rle Valentin Dairy Phone 657