TXaz F0TJ2 ii BRINGING UP FATHER jBy George McM anus What About I I WA&e -tbK ' fui-CT THE OOTUC. . PUAsV POKR-i TO Pt VERT jBjr . fL Evet;-Y fnt f ti A POKtW. CrME H L , J OFTCN WITH CT HK ' New Year? 'M K HAO.tMObT Hlb S TOOR LOCK A ,J PlgS , If you want a good turkey or goose, we. have ill Shipments of fresh killed g " Jieef, pork and veal twice weekly. " Sealy Doodsoo The Home of Bulktey Valley Produce. Branch from Smithers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. NOTICE We have just been appointed selling agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Kasy to apply. Watch It Dry Dries ready for use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors, Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. Gentlemen Why Not? Why not have a tailor-made suit ffr Christmas? We make you a present of $5.00 100 Suit Lengths to choose from. We give a discount of $5.00 on every suit purchased for Christmas. Our stock includes Wue Serges and all kinds of quality materials. Fit and finish guaranteed. ORDER NOW. LING the Tailor 821 Second Ave. Phone 649 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Hair load $3.00 Large sacks . . 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Will he on exhibition about November 10. Price's Unchanged S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 3 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. fcitage, Warehousing, and Oistrihutirig. Team or Motor Service. jJoal, Sand nnd Ornvelf ; WVe Specialize In Piano and Furn'tur Uovlng. wy&xmm I L . J 1 : 1 1 THIS WOMAN STILL NEEDS HER HAIRPIN Declares She WMI Never be Caught Again Without One LONDON". Dec. 30. Kven in lese days of shingled locks the nairpin remains a woman s in dispensable tool in mechanical emergencies. Mrs. Elliott Lynn, the air woman who was lost in a fng for everal hours while making a nlo flight Jo quality for her pilot's certificate, lias admitted thai she almost regretted her Hie ignition system of her aeroplane. "I was a dispatch rider for the old pin, and I never will be again," she declared firmly. The test, which includes the 'titling five figures of eight at 000 feet and landing within 50 yards of a set mark, will be taken again, by Mrs. Lynn, as it was through no fault of her own that she did not succeed. Mrs. Lynn, after leaving the London Flying club at Edgeware, ascended lo 6,000 feet as required, passing through a thick bank of fog. When she came down again she found herself over strange ground. She had neither compass nir map, and. being unable to see the sun, look 1 lie wrong direct imi. Mrs. Lynn doe. not see anv reason why womei should not lake up flying as a' profession. and feels that there should !' room in tlw? commercial world for women pilors vfho "love I ho game." ONTARIO LEGISLATURE TO OPEN FEBRUARY 10 L'.Ule of Contentious Nature on Agenda so Far I TORONTO, Dec. JO. No lepis- latino of a contentious nature is as yet upon the horizon for the approaching sessirn of the Ontario legislature, uiiich will convene on February III. Announcement 'of' the opeijji'g date was made by Premier Howard Ferguson, following a hmgthy cabinet meeting at which routine mailers TIKBCR SALf .'X 7370. Sealed Tender" will 6 ,ff'rd by tta MimMer nf Land il Victoria not later Hun im.iii mi (lie 1 1 el day f January, mi'', fur tlw jmrrha of Licence X717i, t.i .in n.ti.uuu niM-al feet or i:edar I'olea and filtnr un an er. situated altotil tliree mile ueal or I'urt Clement. Or-ham I'IiimI, ou.cn Charlutte l.aland Three (1, yeare will he all.med for r'iuoval i if lliiilor. I'urilwr parllrularii it the- CMrt For- -lfr. Vlrtnrla. II. K.. t Dlnlrlrl ForMtrr, rnnrr nnpn. n.n. - LAND ACT. Notka of Inttntlon to ripply to Laaaa Land in Qwm cnarloti nnirlrt Ijnrt He-rordlnr MMrlci of Prlnre lluprl, and ilnatf at Slunrxin Hay. TAkE NOTICE lint tolrt C. Ootue b( vanrouvrr, ll.;., nrrcpatlon rannrryman. irirnnt 10 awny lor a ieat or ine roi lonlni ikucrilM'd lands: ininini in ai a .out plantrd on an iinnaniro oiana ijiug ,n.no iir. w. (II rain,; nmn or Tfom ouinfM ror nr f Lot 1141, Q.C.1 lianire I; lhrnr iKllowinr nipamlrrlnt 'if chore line of said iiaiH' 10 (Muni or cDiii'UFiirrnieiii, an ronll olnr tV, acrr. nirr or Iraa. ftl'DEIlT C. OOSSE, Apllrant. Per Win. O. Mllrhdl. Aren rti nn,.h.. a LAND ACT Notice of Inlestlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In pinr liiiivrt Larol lurorrtinr liltirlel of r.nait fun it I, and alluale on South rurliid Inland. T.KF NOTICE that Alfred Swinaon, of rniit-e iiuimti. ix-ruptlion Mariner., intends to appl) fur a lease or the follow-Int (lesrrllwd linr)):-- ri.iiinif nrlnr al a p't planted on the ouin nonu nr noi'tn llirnaei ifami) uii-n around nun war marie to tn (Hilnt of rdintinnrin'nl, and rontaliiliif ou arrea, more or im. . ... Af.l'IIED ftWANSOS, Apfilirant A. K. Wrlihl, Strut. Dated oriohrr lltlu tvtt. frioc nuicrt. u.C were cleared up preparatory to most of the ministers leaving ti spend Christinas at their home me ijate chosen indicates that a short session is expected by the government, since Premier Fer guson limes the opening with a view to- 1-JKter adjournment. ALBERTA WHEAT fMjSMOWING Total Membership Now Nearly 36,000 with 3,457,597 Acres Signed EDMONTON. Fec. 30. A loL.l shingled coillTure when she was signed contracts with the Alberi;. forced lo land ami borrow oiwheat pool between January I hairpin to make a connection wand December 15, l!)J5, areord- week from the head office s 0 twiol in Calsarr. This increase ! flying corps and drove for membership represents an nddi- he navy in France during Ihe.tional area of 501,707 acre war, and during all that time 1 1 signed up to the pool durlnV this never was caught without a hair- time On December 3 1, I92t. the membership for the pool wa,r-ported to be 30.7 1 1, while at December 1 5, 1 925. this - had risen to 35.903. The total acreage signed up to the pool had increased in the same time from 2.952.890 acres lo 3.157,597 acres. Officials of Ihe pool are very gratified that the drive for, additional membership, which has been in progress for the past few month, ha bet-n allemle.t by urU succes-iliil refills. PROTEST METHODS OF SECURING CONVICTIONS Hotel Keepers at Had of Lakes Allege Fa'se Pretences POUT AIITIIUH. Dec. 30. Hotel keepers at the head of the lakes, il is said, may appeal to the Hotel-keepers' Association of Ontario for protection against operatives in the employ of Ihe Ontario Oovernment Liquor License department, registering at standard licenced hotels under assumed names and inducing persons in the employ of hotels lo secure liquor for them in pr- der to secure convictions under an amended section of Uie O.T.A. The action is being taken, ft is staled, because of Ihe arrest and conviction before a 'xa'l magistrate of a bell-boy from the Prince; Arthur hotel, owned and operaled by ?lbe (ianadlaji National railways, for oblainlhg liquor. . The boy's evidence in the court was. U the effect that the men urged him to procure n bottle ,of liquor. The boy secured a forty-ounce bottle from a' taxi-driver, he said, and was given a fifty-cent tip by the men who afterwards had him arrest? cd. The lad was fined $200 and costs and thirty days in prison. Friends have appealed the case A Fort William doctor was alro sentenced to jail under what friends declare as evidence secured by M' -prlenne. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to L.aae Lan In prlnre IK'irt jnd Ilerordln Dlitrlrl of Cot Hanre i. and altuate i North r.arhael Island, TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Swanaon, of Trlnre lluoerl, occupation Mariner,, in Utid to apply for a leaae or the follow-inr derriid landa: Conitnenrinir at a post planted on the south Hlnt or .North rurjiaol Itland; then around hlrh water mark to ihe point of rotmnrnrriiH-nt, and, conialnlnr in acres, mors or w. ALFIIED 8WANSON A. E. WrlrhL flated ortoher fih. Notice of LAND ACT. Intention lo Land. AoulliauL aent. I of 5,192 new members havl ing to a statement Issued 'd thi of 111 Apply to Laaaa III the Prince Huiiert t.ind. Uerf-dlat IUntrlri and niluair m . VliltcMiid Mand near uiiimm. ixiihi, nine frlnt It.M.. l THESE RUSSIANS NEVER HAD BATH IRKUTSK. Siberia, Dec. 29.- fiovernmenl sanitary inspectors have discovered several hundred miles from here a large com munity of Itussians who have never wahed or bathed and who have never used water for any other purpose except to drink. When Ihe inspectors trie! Ir, induce the natives lo bathe, there was almost a not. The first ncni who was compelled lo bathe wa reported to have died of fright. The members of the com munity. who live in great isola tion and under the most primitive conditions. Ii.nl never even washed ihrir Hollies or their cooking and eating titnsil. RETURN OF FOREIGNERS TO YOKOHAMA IS SLOW TOKYO, Dec. 30.The des truction of Yokohama by the 1923 earthquake drove many for eigners from that port. There were but a few hundenl left after the catastrophe. The. progress of construction work, how ever, caused many to return, an l at the end of October it was e- timalcd there were more than 3,500 foreigners living In Yoko-hama. This is les than one half of the number who resided there aiythc time of the earth quake. - HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. W. Strombeek. Alice Arm. W. Smith, Anyox; Mr. S. It. Donaldson. Port Essington: Mr. and ..Mr F. II. Aiken. 0car Olan- der and Mrs. D. W. (Missel and daughter. Terrace. Central Paul Paulsen and Jensen. Anyox; E. (i. Newnharn, Naa lliver.. . - . SMITHERS D. A. Smith, of QiicsneJ Wa a liuines visitor m town on Tuesday. C L. Dirnoek, assistant district engineer of the provincial de partment of public works, leP for Ilaielton Tuesday evening on a business trip.. A. W. Howletl of Prince llii- pert arrived In town Tuesday and entered into his duties at assisting arrnunlani at Ihe: local branch pUie IHui'iU Hati J L. 11. S.awle, editor of the Onilneca Herald, New llaellon was a business visitor in town on Tuesday. Another jolly dance and house parly was. held at :thc home of Mr. and Mrs. M. MaeMillan on Monday night. Miss Durham of Terrace fs spending a few days in town Ihe guest of Mrs. .1. Fca. After being out of commission for several days, the Kelly trucks started again on Monday hauling ore down from the Dulhio mines. The colder weather of Ihe last few days has greatly improved the road up In the mino and Ihe I rucks are being worked to ful capacity to gel the ore bins cleared-.nid. haul up .supplies. STEWART Wnrk Is progressing steadily and will continue all wlnler al Uc properly of Ihe Ore Mountain Millinir Co. in the Killer (!n.nt TAkE NOTICE ,llnl Joieph flllnson a..itn ii...ii. , , , lloaera of prince Itiiifrt. Il.t:..' SerrelaryJ"? ,on- HeSUlls are said lo bt inii-nnii vi appijr ror a iea ci the foi-erV irr.'it fvlne . lowlii dmtwd land: - . !' until ij inw. Coiomrnclna at a imihI mi the.alioee ihi the East aide of Whilesand Itland; thence 1,0011 feet norlhwrtt; thence 3,000 fret rati; thence l.uoo reel aoutlij thence 3.000 feet weal to the point of com-lliriireliienl. JOSEPH 8TINSOM nOOEIIS. Data. Dectmitr itb, 19SI. As soon n. Hie weather and roads will permit, A. K. Young, who has , the contract for the hauling of (en ton jf ore daily r Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANT MK.N WANTKD to learn Auto- traclor, Ilaltery ignition. (Uy-aretylene welding anl vulcanising. We also leach bricklny. ing. plastering and tile-setting Write or call, Hemphill Auto" Kngineering School, 10 Hastings Street Haul. Vancouver U.C. tf IVDIliS WANTKD lo learn Iteauty Culture. Write or call for free catalogue. Moler Iteauty Shop, 10 Hastings SI. Bast, Vancouver, 1I.C. !f WANTED. Plain sewing. Phone 580. .!! FOR SALE FOR SALK After the first of the year, complete dance oul fit of drums and aecessorie and set of 2V4 octave Dagan orchestra bell. For detail, and further Information, sec C. U, llorie. 30 FOIt SALK. llrunswiek nbbno- graph, upright style, In fumed oak, almost new. cost 1 85. Price I00. Pullcti. Daily News Office. tl FOP. SALK. Sn.ip. 3 h.p. He- gnl, I cylinder, t cycle, with equipment, ?&0.n0. For two days. only. Northern lUehattge TO RENT FOIt HKNT. Modern four warn ed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Illock. Weslenhaver ilros. If Frill tiKST. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs nnd sew-Igg machines. Walker' Music Store. tf FOUR Ilnom Suite fur Ittnt. Hnl water heal. Apply Smith A Mallei!. Lid. tf MODKItN FLAT for ItenL Apply Max Heilbroner. if from the Dunwell mine lo the Mewnrl illicit, will commence. moving the, ore. There are now well over 1 00 tons sacked nl the mine awaiting shipment. Slewarlilei vlslllng in tin south include Harry Tanner. A. McDonald, and Allan Carol.. SPORT CHAT Mild weather which bus been prevailing so far throughout the north has delayed the starting of the skating season and hockey schedules at various points where by this lime of the year, the sport is usually well under way. At most of the places the rink s are still wet and outdoor lakes and ponds have had Utile more than a skim of ice upon thorn. The advent of .lack Frost is be ing awaited with a good deal of impatience at such places ? Alice Arm, Smilbers, Hums Lake. Vandcrhoof and Prince Oeorgc. The finish of the first half of Ihe basketball schedule at Anyox found n winner in only one lei gue namely the Ladies' where Ihe Mine Oirls won. In Ihe Inter medial- League, Ihe Concentrator and High School uro lied while, in Ihe Senior League, the F.Iks, by winning two straight games al Hie very end, upset the dope ami made It all even with four wins for each learn. With the situation such as it Is, ihero will he a great deal of Interest ul-lached lo basketball when schedules resume after the Nov Year in the smeller town. BOARD IIOAIID A IIOOM in coin for lal home. Apply Hot 287 Dailv News office. 3M IIOAIID The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 13? IIOAIID AND HOOM in Private home. Phone lied 101. li tMxly I Fonl light rebuilt - LOST LOST. lady's pure co'iImiiiiiiii sum of money, in or near th post of fir. Kinder ple. notify Daily News office. LOST, iold wri-t watch. Finder plea return to Daily Ncwe office. Ileward. MISCELLANEOUS PAPF.HT Window Cleaner olfeia services to stores, apart men.' and residents by Job or routine!. Phone lireen 7tM. 3ol CARS FOR SALE. I itX Oldsmobile I. 5 paMea ger touring ttf04Ml I I'JSO Nash 5 paagf tour- Ipg IriftOiH I 1031 Overianil Slan.. 47(W.f I 1010 Ileo seven iassnffr touring tIMM t I'JtS Fonl Coupe, balloon Itre car like nw ............ SM0 on I 10?S Fonl Tud.r Ws. Ittt OA t 1022 Ford Coupe ... 3S0.lo I lOV I l-rtPil nlN lim leautli ekiiatal ... , HII l. f delivery flkftMU, 11710 AH ears guarantee! in good mechanical condition. terms can be arranged. KAIEN QARAGE KaM Fonl and Chevrotal Sen ice' fila lion. Agents, for MelwipghlrB. Oakland. ObUinoblle ami (Jbav rolet cars, Ileti. (l.M.C. anil Fetleral Trucks. WIIKCKLNO SKHVICH DAY AND NIflHT. FURNITURE AND RANQES Till. Holiday Season afford at oppnrtuicily to convey my appreciation of the splendid fip-Hrt I have received in business. In the future as in tn past, I shall endeavor to give the best service, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and n Happy and Prosperous N ear. A. MnrKeniln, Furniture. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Iiaggage and Hxprrs slamhLiilln's News Stand, phone 352. Ites. Phone flreen C2fl CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baogage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything enl for, or delivered, phone us. p.n Hn OQ PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, December 30 High 1:51 n.tn. 18. i fl. 13.20 p.m. 20.0 " Low 7:37 a.m. 8.2 " 20:17 p.m. 3.0 " . Thursday, December 31, High 2:32 a.m. I8.0 ft. 1 1:00 p.m. 20.5 " Low 8;I5 a.m. '8.2 " 20:51 p.m. 3.1 " Friday, January 1 High 3:00 n.ni. 8.7 fl. 1 1:12 p.m. 20.1 " l.nw 8:52 a.m. 8.2 M 21:21 p.m. 3.3 " New a ii l ture Store w flbiif (ioods. TAXI cuuciej LoijlaJ round, & Phone 67 Tail (Call ii . Sis- and s. v baker al 50c Sc-iita ROSS 6R0S. POOL ftOC Meeke B'sct Arroas (..- FURNITl't GEO, PAPADOPlXOt 83t Third TRAPPtRJi I NKKD i well yum buy the n VV. COLDetOOM. The 303 Third Annul Plinncfr.,f... to VeaotSMte v MAIL SCHEDULE foe Ike Ua our-uisa. WMlraU tat..' at . -' i iMiii ' To Aerei, AIK A'l". n-ac 4 I - . To AfM, Pert ice-) - r-s To Alaaia Peieta- . Ha. I. T q 0kf;-u4 u:ti is-coisa. frtm tn faat-al ... from Veeae Swaxlay TtacMta)' iper. If. . from Aeroa, A fr . , TtM(l4f frem Aayaa, rorl -9" m aitae Coiaia- , Sitnrtf . rem Altai a Felntt-- From 0en CharleMa li'i l r,l pecnil.' r to . STEAMSHIP muvt"" ee Vantoutee Tula I'riday i tllurdS) ' . I'rin.i - i Jin I - . I ' 1 From Vance. ter Xtmday a v Wedneeday ' Thiiadar samrdar 1 l.lMhl,, k. 1 ' Pec. It P r roe fort limpaen and n:f " Thursday i , From fort tlmpaon ana1 "aaa e Saiueday For Alatia life, ts i From Alatke Ian I a. I " For Itawart, Antei - I Sunday- ' Wedneada rrom itawart, Aeioi M ' " Tueeday 1 ' ' rrlday i'IJ ' For Aejoi Thuradav From Aeoi atMMlV f ' ' 1 . For Quern Charlotte H''"' liee. tf I' ' pee. I ti" .'..de-ra.m ou.an Charlotte - ti ... a Pre. 10 M I'"" " peo, 14 M. rrinf job