hwdncsday. December 30, 1025. Start The New Year Right Dun t overload the imud w,t, uum-. t; -ary dcla.l Use a Diary One slip in the 12 moiilhsnuy cost jou ten times the jn i' Diaries don'l forget; people do. For the Offlcei . .at -SxiiN 4 . , 53.00 No. :iKr,mX7 - 1.25 No. ;iS7 5 xS 1.65 No. 52 ."iVixK ' 1.35 . :t;,,ii4x7 75 For the Pocket: No. .'.(It 2 tin)- to page, :tAxI $2.00 No. r.'.Mt 2 day to pne, :ixt', 1.50 No. Ill a days to pago, ax.'.'i 75 Tlie-e mid nunieroii other rHuging in price from 2.V up. hem lileudnr Pads 75 hem Calendar Stands $1.00 eMflaeSivs.Jjd TAPESTRY Table Runners for your library table, buffet or dresser Many patterns to choose from in making your selection BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue Phone 123 And That One Word Is "VALU W 'i- ii hi article of iiiW".liiniiiig incril is olfcred In III S'ji ii iici'0 becum immediate. , I ... it i wilh our latest "FAMILY SKItVH'.KS," ... wmil rmi explain their quirk acceptance and stic- . i l thai yitc word is "VAI.UB." Wri Vb 1irifl-T and Soft' Finish her arc - ili.it "imply hrim over with nil th features of Jf v. ii.-iiitie. nnd ronomy nl one !! mT three. (.mpHnon and demonstration prove the value of our h.tii!y Ser ices. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Prlnco Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN VltllWITi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fw tfTCWUN. WRAJ1CF.U, JtlNUU. SKAOVAT f"1"' is- 2S F YANCOUVH. VICTOWA 4 SEATTU .IWlr 1. J'r 1. Si. MIXCESS HUUICE , ... ... for RuUdtlt, loimoii Bt, UH It BIU, Oen rM, Nmu, " Ctmpbtll Rlttr, in4 Vncuf ir Sur4( 11 . l (or ll BWamihlp Ll. 'ult Inlormillon from W. 0. ORCHARD Qorl hfnU . , 0rsr f 4lh Strttl nd Ord A . P'ttx Rrfl. " COMPILING! DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ENGLISH Words Originated and with New Meanings Supp led on .his Side of Atlantic Will be Included CHICAtiO, Dec 30. Call a man "awful," u play "awful" anJ and meal "awful" and you make use of a word moulded inlo its sense by New linglanders. In I'.nlaiid refer In the Maine uroup of dislikes by the word "frightful." Ail.l bORiis, "caucus, Kor- ryinandcr," "boom" wid "buncombe" to your vocabulary and you have inert-arc.! it by six purely American words, say Prof. William A. Oaigic of th.) I'niversily of Chicago. The professor came to Chicago from Holland, where he edited the Oxford dictionary, to compile a dictionary of American Knslish which ,s to include only word Mia i have oriariualcd in America mid those thai have had mean ings supplied by American writ ers. Need of Dictionary Wlnlc at work in KnglanC Pi-ufe-for Craiffie rljVcovere.l tha no serious effort had been made o trace the history of the who! wir.it Hilary whicb had been in u-.' -in America from the coming "f the first colonists. "Karly American writers and records, if cited at all," Profes -ii- i.vuiftu- points out, were i.suallv qtiiited for the ue of -.me uncommon word or phras while modern writers are com mi'iily cited only for some Amor iraiiiMii. "Ihe natural conclusion wa that then- wu a need fur a die tin nary of a new kind one of the meriean tongue a a whole The cooperation of laymen and students throughout the country will he secured in compiling the dictionary. The method consists mi writing oil on separate sli f paner, ouch passages from .elected hooks ax contain either-unusual word, or phrases, or ..I rxniiitilcH of the use of common words and phrase. "..t rtbly will the main strcan he dearly mapped out, ays Dr. C.raigie. "but there will lie niMiiy lit I It tributaries and quiet backwater to rxplore fur those Mho delight in the byways of knowledge." Special Studies ''Spheral tudie in the ocabu luty r uartidHUir author of definite period, of type- of literature, of area of the country f farming, roiiiiii? and lumber mil. the names of plant. trees, lord and fishc will he made ! (lie same method of noting each item on a separate paper with clear indication of the source. From these million of slips the editor,, umhr lr. traitrie'j di-reelioni will begin Ihe procex: oi tabula) ion and compilalinn.' The place for slans. I'rofesso-Oaiitie ays, is either on the toiurue of lhoe who like il or in a lan dictionary. He admit, however, that a small peicenfane n' the .laiit! of one general ior will he Ihe usual speech of the next and will In the end become-a natural pari of the written language. To this extent he .a'" il ioimI be ieeojrnii'i in any dictionary, and one of American i:iilih will alToid nuinei'.iiii examplei of tin rise ami fall of word. P M. flay, local manager foi the It L. Johnson Co.. Ltd.. re hili,. , I ihe eity on the s'eannv 11 it:. ' U'.ij.ev' 'ii:S ,i'!.'i no 'ii af ter lii:i- spent 'he pas! ten d;i - .ii ' .! s.'.'t i '" a ombine--. tin.- :. -5 anil ,.ica.i. I Shine Up Your Silver Our silver polish is tho fine-i we have over used. We K'aranlee it not lo scratch or do any daniHKC to Hie finest silver. II will shine the blankest piece in short order t used according lo itireu-i lions. 33r. u Jar. John Bulger The Jewllep run DAiLi jarvro Local and Personal B.C. UndeHakera. Phone 41. 7f Tail. njghl. Large safe for sale, Max Heilbroner. 50o service, day and tf cheap tf 99 Iaxi and Transfer. 50c service. Day and night. 1 Dybhavn. -tf Scandinavian Dance on New Year's Eve In Boston Hall. Llnd-scth's orchestra, 30;i Archie Walt, C.N.Il. master mechanic, arrived on this morning's train from l'rince George. We can onco again supply dry kindling by the bundle, l'rince HuiHfrt Transfer and Taxi, l'hone 189 and 112. . 30 Hogmanay Dance, under aus pice or M. AHarew s ocieiy Ladies' Auxiliary, in Auditorium tomorrow (Thursday i night, December 31. Invitations. (In New Year's day Ihe post of fice registration and general de livery wickel will be open from to II ajn. The lobby of the post office will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Part id who have heard the new- Brunswick l'nuiiopraph pro nounce it an amazin? instru ment. Klectrir process through out. Hear it before you buy. We expect our samples early in Jan uary. Macl.aren's Music Store. 307 Attached lo tins morn in j; s train arriving from ihe Last was; an International ("orreKiiidenc-School instruction car which will remain here for a few days for Ihe benefit of local rxilway em ployees. J. (iill of Montreal is in charge of the car. Wilh Ihe Cardena due fur her annual overhaul, I here will he A change of steamers witliin a week or so in the In ion Steam cessfully passed examinations qualifying him as a chartered accountant there. Sid has been active in athletic and service club circles here for a number of years and his departure will be regretted by many friends. C.'.VH. steamer Prince llupert. Capt. II. Neddeti, having been delayed by fog and storms comin,--up the coast, arrived in port at t o'clock Ihis afternoon. .Passer -gers for Prince It n perl included Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Keeley, Mr. umi Mrs. P. W. Baldwin. D. B. Carsweil, J II. Hunter. Mrs. K. Kdwnrd. W. Splller. P. M. Hay. C II. Monlfoinery, Miss Adeline Chrislciisen nnd Mrs. Duff: foi Stewart. I. Crawford and N. Bclysis. PATENAUDE RALLIES HIS DEFEATED ARMY ' OTTAWA, Dec. JO. Hon. F. I L. Paleuaude would now valher ItOKclher the pieces of the liallooi: which bursi mi October SU last.; l' t . . . .i 1 ic nas peiu. on i h i'uii 10 tue can- MeiKhen that lie is not Ihe man for fjuebw. As a couulci--dcmtmslr.l ion to this Pateiiaude activity there is the liveliness of Senalor David Hides, BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DF,0:5VIBEn, 1924. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,382,0515; Lode Gold, $118,-473,100; Silver, $08,824,570; Lead, $70,548,578; Copper, $187,580,378; Zinc, $32,-171,507; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,431,340; Coal and Coke, $200,880,048; Iluilding .Stone, Ilrick, Cement, etc., $52,225,814; making its Mineral Prodticlioii to the end of 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those ol any other Province in Ihe Dominion, or anj colony in the British Kmpire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties' the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information together with Mining Ilcpcrls ard Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. TIE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.U. Practically all Hritish Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Ileports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer lo ueh reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, II. C, Ileports of the Geological Survey of Canada. Pacific Iluilding, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Currie s Taxi and Messenger 1 Phone 5CG night or day. tf Two cars at your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf Mrs. P. Stephen sailed last evening on the Canlena for a two week visit in the south. Miss Adeline Ilenricksen, who has been holidaying with rel.i lives in Vancouver, returned ' Ihe cily on (he Prince Huper: (his afternoon. One of the most enthusiastic end-ofIs ever given a bridal couple in Prince llupert was that which was a ceo r del Mr. and Mrs. Cecil . Nason when they sailed for the south on the Canlena yesterday afternoon following llietr marriage earlier in ihe day Then" was a host of friends at the dock ' lo see them olT an' wish them happiness am pros perity in Iheir wedded life. Mr. ami Mrs. Nason will proceed lo ship Oo.'s local service. It is Vialifornia for Iheir honeymoon expected that llie Utlala will lake the place of the Cnrdeua on Ihe Prince It. i per I -Stewart run and I hat the Venture villi replace th Catala in the l'rince Ituperl-Anyox cannery route. Sidney Hazel I -.tones will leave next week for San Francisco where lie has accepted a position with a large accounting firm. On a recent visil in 'Frisco, he suc and will later return to Vancou ver where they will reside. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrMfrved. aurveynl Crown Un.ls may be pre-emptwl by Brlllch eutjecu over 18 years of a, and by aliens on declaring intention to become BritUh aubjecta. condl-Uonal upon residence, occupation, jid ttnprovtmcnt for aKrlcultural ourpones Full Information concerning rem-Jitlons resardlnit pre-emptions la Clven In Bulletin No. 1, Land Seriea. "How to Pre-empt XAn&" copies of t ihlch can be obtained free of chars ly addressing the Department of Uin.lt, Victoria. B.C or to any Gov-jrnraent jcent. Recvrds will be granted covering only land aullable for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over 8.000 board feet ner acre west of the Coast Rang and S.OtfO feet per acre east of that Range. Application! for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division. In which the land applied for It situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. rre-emptlons must be occupied for five years and improvements mada to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. Kor more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to lre-mpt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum rice for first-class (arable) land la i per acre, and second-claaa (grat ing) land (Z.&0 per acre. Further In- dldates w hom he mi successfollv formation regarding purchase or lease '. of Crowr. landa is given In Bulletin ii i ,i,f.i ...ii. led to defeat on that date lo mod No l0 nlf,, -purchaa and hi convention for the purpose of' Lease of Crown Lands." Ihei M1U- '"c,or'. or Industrial altea o soliilifvloir Iheir noitinn soilillivinir III) II position i.s as UlC 0 tImb UnJi not Ceedlng acre. new Nationalist movement and may be purchased or leased, the con- airiiin to serve notice to Mr.! dltiona dltiona Including payment i atumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding tt acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and lm- I !..,....,...... i... ;v : ......i. . crovement conditions are ' V . ' " " ' ind. land has he.n aurveyed rvi-oiniiie me voi'iii-,- iieopie 10 the Conservalive party, and who. II is said, cherishes ministerial ambitious should Mr. Meiben be called upon to form a government. Between the cabiuvl aspirations of Messrs. IRspcrance. Fnuleux, Monty and Bellev. on the one band, and thn altucks of Mr. Palenauile on the other, the fortunes of Ihe (lonservntives in Quebec, aeeordinR to local rom- tllPtll. Will he .':hierl., (o OIie rulfllleo LEASES For grazing and industrial purpose areaa not eicedlng 840 acre may be leased by one peraon or a company. GRAZING Undr th Grating Act the Pro?-lnce ia divided Into grating district and th rang administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are issued baaed oa numbers ranged, priority being given to established owner. Stock-owner nay form atclatlon( tor range management. Free, or partly free, permit are available for settlers, caliper and travellers, up te lea Ksad. 8 Candy Special Walnut Stuffed Dates Fresh llallov.i Dates stuffed with meats. He-rular 75c. Special E5c, 753 Third Avenue Fuglish hnglish sweet walnut ner lb. 5 lb. box $2.75 Full (V Cream Caramels Pure and Tasty, made wilh fresh cream and Special 45c. Ih. butler. Ormes Limited The He.xall Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Store open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 lo 2, and 7 to 9 p.m. IMPORTANT Announcement During the last two weeks we were deluged wilh requests lo remain a little longer to enable our customers lo slock up wilh needed materials. We are pleased lo announce that we have gained permission lo remain another month. ALL GOODS AT SALE PRICES. WEST OF ENGLAND STORE ww 4 i-l Stea.mship and Train Service sS PRINCE RUPERT Will l.. PRINCE RUPERT ti.r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE anil lulertiii itlalr p'.luls raiii FRIDAY at 8 a.m. It. PRINCE RUPERT ( I STEWART ami ANVOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. t.S. PRINCE JOHN Mrtultblly for VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY WONDAV, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al S p.m. r.ir PRINCE bEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG., U pliU taslerii :auada, I'nltvd SUM, WHEN REMITTING, asnd Canadian National Eiprsts Monty Orders and Foreign Chtquti. WHEN TRAVELLING carry Traiellsrt ChtquM. I'ur Mle Ii) ili.iilllli .ati.i:i3l ll Tl.-kot Afii. v snil K.vpresn Of.Ce. YOUR NEXT EXPRESS SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket, Office, 52S Third Am, Prlnc Ruptrt. Phon 260 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sallln( trom Prince Rupert, ' 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swnsen . nd AUrl Bay, Tussdty, P.M. er VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert 8, end Swsnton S, Salurd), 10 A.m For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Nast Rlr Canntrlta, Vhursday p.m. For PORT S.MPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. at tnd Atenve t. aUrr.l, Ant. Prime RueeM. O. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo FruzcU Butcher Mliop, across from the Km press Holel We curry a full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Zcrelll Proprietor