25 TAXI Boston Grill nntl Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand noyal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. vi XV NO, ;io:' FIVE FIREMEN HURT GOING TO XMAS FIRE M 1 ,1 1 '( Ml I ). Mass.. Dec. 30. - 1 ii 'inas ' andles which set fire Mir window curtains of u dwelling here resulted in Injury five Medfoid firemen, when i i.i-i. ii M-urt. uii wiiii-ii iiii'j ivi'i r iioiiiliuu to Hie alarm skidded f ion Hi t! rond and turned over b; i eay pit 20 feel befow the high way AeUng Provincial Police In-"Iteeiar W. Sdller relumed to he oily on tlte sleamor I'rino.j nupnri tins aflccnoon afler hav-'t'K Hiken prisoners to Okalla 1 ''iiod fai ni. win are also making the trip. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheat 1.70 II.C. Silver I.3 1-75 Dunwell 1.33 1 .art (Hailstone :30 .33 I.. & I,. 13 .15 Marmot ' , Premier 2- 2.-0 Porter Idaho tlVi .10 Surf Inlet .D 'IVniilnu '5() (2. P. II, M.0 Daly Alaska l3 Howe Sound -7.50 Silvereresl 1 1 J .2Mi Until Hope 31 '30 iranby ..: - -'" llufns l8 l.ucky Jim I3 -,c Hau'llon Indian 05 .00 Clacler 0Vi .10 Ilnyvlew W Nutional Silver.... .14 U .15 VICTUIUA. Dec. 30.- A seven leeu-fool launch supposed to b owned in Vancouver has beci found adrift olT Waldron Island Washington, the customs depart ment here has been notified l mam IN HER HOME Death Came In Tragic Manner to Mrs. George Crate Yesterday Afternoon Willi tragic uddiiuMs, the drtaHi occurred elerda afternoon al 3 o clock at iier home. 42J Heveiilh Avenue Cal, of Sir Amy Charlotte Crate, wife of A. O. Crate, city police eontnlik- itboiil warning. ilecHeil col- iaped and expired. 'She late Mm. Crate wa of li in deeeut and wa burn in the Ujiilwl HUilu thirty-five year ago. ishe enme to Canada SI y;r go nd ha resided li Prince lluperl since HMO. Ileshles the widower, decawt I urvied by four eliililnni. 'raw. Harvey, I.loyd hih' (leiinflliu. Her mother. Mr-I'.mil Hvanson. live al Porlul North Dakota, and there U i brother tn Portland, tin-con. DerNied was a member of '.In local lo'tee of Hie Women of li' Moosebearl Legion. Funeral nrraiuemenl. whirl; will be announced later, are ii the hand of the II.C. tlndcr-takern. VANCOUVER BOAT IS FOUND ADRIFT Seventeen Foot Launch Picker up off Waldron Island by U.S. Coastguard Servloe the United Slates coaslguarc service. Vancouver newspaper-ami empty food containers Vancouver origin were found n Hie boat. STOLE MONEY AT ANYOX: SENTENCE BY JUDGE RESERVED , Joint C. Edward, having elect ed for speedy trial ami pleading guilty lo a charge of theft of various sums of money at Anyos appeared before Judge Young in the provincial police court yes. lerday afternoon, and wo re manded for senlence. The pri somir was brought down from lbe;;north -yesterday ou the. Car tleno' by Provincial Constable Smilli. .vale.r an hour. Mie immediate:) inderwent a survey and it was otinil she is not seriously dai.'i-iged. The fifth day of Hie fog find diippiug out oT the port com-delely tied up with only a few Coatwie vessels moving. Deep ira boats are remaining al Vienna until the weather clears. MONEY FOR BUSINESS Hoad of Bank of Commerce Says Capital Is Ready for Industry TORONTO, Deo. SO. Approximately $125,000,000 mora Is 'available In Canada today for gnneral business purposes than Is usual at this time of the year, Sir John Alrd, president of the Bank of Commerce, states. He further declares that there Is plenty of money available for Hie financing of new undertakings needed In the development of Canada. VANCOUVER DENTIST DIES AT HIS WORK Dr. Daniel W. Massoy Collapsed In His Office and Succumbed a Few Minutes Later VANCOlVF.il. Dec. 30. Dr Daniel W". Massey. dentist, aged M. collapsed iu his oTfice al 1708 Charles Street yeslerday while working on a, patient ami died n few minutes laler. VANCOUVER SHIPS 5.250,000 BUSHELS VAiXCOPVER, Dec. 30. Merchants' Exchange reports ri.S50.OnO bushels of wheat shipped from this port during De PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper MUNCH ItUl'EHT. B.C., WEDNESDAY. DECEMHEH HO, IW25. Veterdajrv cirmmiun, im Ashore at Vancouver Tuesday; Motorship is off Siwash Rock VANCOl'VEH. Dee. IJ0 The log carrying bare Hniguinoi; which went a-bore near I'oinl (irey in the fog while in tow of Jie lug Czar and with nearly one million feel of log uTumid ol off al higJi waler on Tuesday with the aid of tVo lug after inloading ortic of lac log into a temporarv boom. The Pacific Steamship Co.'si molorslup Hoobyallu. ashore tear Sivvuh Hock, was finally refloated early .'hi- morning after hree togs had winked with the vessel i erd;i afternoon and FISH STATION WORK STARTING Tenders Called For Building be Erected on Government Wharf The new government biological station, lenders for the building of wliicli are iiuw licini: called. .. ;.i i.. .,, i ..n.. . arms win lit; oi wtrtjiiii luiisii uuiiuii Hint will lie HiluatiMl mi the west Slrwl SlM, 47 Iirrni lease for the ground floor of the premises at 303 Fifth Ave. which is immediately north of 'orty jecond Jslreel on the easl iilie of The Avenue. "The new offices were opened yesterday for business, ami the lutein pole came right along. This particular totem poie was II is, probably, the ugliest thing on Fifth Avenue, not excluding the public library's celebrated and simpering lions The figures, according lo Hie of ficial announcement sent out by the railroad "are true or heraldic eioblems of the family to which to the totem belongs." The totem itself is really a memorial column intended to preserve the memory of tribal leaders and lo secure public acknowledgement of the title lo the successors. No Thing of Beauty I , , . . . ,.: ..r end of the iiiuvineial aovernmeul l0le, l'ult" ,s "lm? .I,.. !. II... lmil.hi.L- will i....Hsiiri. oeauiy; ami mo init-uiar p.-,-. no r....i i.v .-it r...o n.i.i win I... two men vu lulled In the canauian National Itailways office is nolh- storeys high. Wbile .the ereolion of the "'8 ' ,,-sl et'r w T"' building Will be under the super-1" win an Atlantic City oeaui. vision of the nrovinclat denart- pagani. us inree graues. ai menl of nubile works, the Do- rl ug lo iliose who are eApcn minion government will be ro- " "ie interpretation or totem sponsible for the equipment. poles, which is itself a (He long ii..f..,-.. ....iwtr.ioii,.., u-iipL- ni.n siuuy, iciireseni a scupim. a actually procee-l upon the creo- siiatk aim a sea monsier, i: linn fit tti- ulnllikti Mitk I semi-human form. Any one wharf unileruealh has to be con- ''" l,is lu,em Pol Wl" aiderablv strencthened. ' Plans realiie nninediately that a scui and siieeificalions are now beinir pin, a shark and a sea monsier iness since UM0. The exclusiv I . . . m I oienared locally covering this l setni-iiuman torin. wne-n ..... .... work in order Hint lenders may crowueu logtner on one loiem be called. This work will occupy pole do not make the sort of an anoroxinuilelv u month and It ensemble winch a man should will be some time in February observe closely afler a rough before (he building proper is plight ul a rough night club. A fiiiiiini.ni'...i niiiiit hv the contiiio- less attractive combination no tors awarded the contract. totem pole architect was ever able to imagine. .... . . . . ... j VM1P nilPIKtrCP III i"" io'c'" I'oe auracieu a io AlUHJ DUJ111EJJ 111 of attention ou Fifth Avenue yes- IflMnOM WAQ nnnn ''' It is to be a permanenl Exclusive West End Shops Re- , port Stocks Sold Out exhibit, as is the oil painting in the front ofHce of Mount Hobson, in Hie Canadian Rockies, and llio broiue lablel beside the enlranco which displays the arms of the LONDON. Dec. 30. Merchants nonunion ol Canada, and or Hie reporled the best Christmas bit various Canadian provinces w est end shops, especially in I LIQHTS WENT OFF. UUCAT IKI HCrrMDCD ',l,m' Street, - announced tha mtbHI III VLbLlflDlilX 1 1, olr slock had been sold out while cember to Europe and the -Orient. s.i!iUclory The city electric power went manufacturers said .they I off last night, betw een lt.10 and The were satisfied In the wisdom of 10.10 o'clock, owing to the fly- pusliing the slogan "Hritlsh wheel on Hie oil pump supply goods arc hesl" and "lUiy Hril- iug Hie gftveuors at Stinwatlan Ish good. Ibe response wasll.ake power house breaking Large LpsUwr Dining Hall, with newly laiJ dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for tlie least. Phone 457. PRIOR FIVK CENTS. ERIOUS ROODS EXPERIENCED IN EUROPE VANCOUVER HAS SERIES OF SHIPPING ACCIDENTS ACCOUNT OF DENSE FOG Much Land in Britain is Submerged; France and Continent Suffers LONDON. I)e :io. Itapid thawing til snow ami i-oiiliuucil ut .i! - ciiii-iMK serino- flood in many jiarl of Hie llril i ,.t tract-, or land are being submerged and in ovv li 1 1 m i ii k i- tied np owing to the rapid rise or water on Mil1 It : M l . ,! (- -iliiiilion i alo reporled from France and in n oi Hie continent. Many live. are being lost in ;,; ait'.r uil'l Hungary. i . ii i i .1 vii i .11 iirit i ! AAA mm W W mm mm GONE BANKRUPT Herschel Parker Files Petition In Federal Court at Portland i' III I f . M I Ice. .III. fliMscliel i.i.Mi-i and ricntil. . ' ,, i . . -) ' iiiii of lutMKi i.iiry li: . . i.- ui court l.-rc ycicrday.-(( d.-i.'. include notes ag-t. i "Hun own I U Hie Hank r u...iii' and to Thomas ... u'.-k "I Auotiuragc. The v it---" !-imI irHmlf iiilr-i! .t.'ii ;irn' of wild laud in K my district of HrilMi OLD ACT IS TO BE ABOLISHED nrH.m. ka rfTr ftH In fine cession Prlvllogoa In Great Britain Mi. I let-. .HI. Aholislliltfc .... winch huve e-sisleU .-ud.il day- In Ureal HrM-i-.-w nil ib-alina with Um-- -,ii:iin nf ..-'ai' dl i IVi.i;.l H Hi. Now Will'. l! dial cider uu ami . .... .. .ii. i w.hi (lie i.'innif " in advantage over i. ,,: i,.T Male nnd w i .ink etpmlly in I!,; .11 (! .-tatc'-i. w t r w w-i t. v w u I B i 13UKILU AL1VL IN COAL MINE "o Miners Wcot Traflio faie ai Black Diamond, Washington 'YITIF. !. :I0. Trapped Hie re.'! iielow Hie ground i.: I . in mr (.OHIO ' limn- " II h.iiiii .iul. V 11. limner and in I'uitiei were buried, alive II Unitu i body, with lift ' . Iieii oil!. wa ii'i-oxeied lat ii WEATHER REPORT I (iiivernincnt Telegraphs) ! Prince Rupert raining, ligh! southeast a tml ; temperature, 14. While Hore Cloudy, calm; JO above. Dawson cloudy, jralm ; 10 above. Yukon average cloudy, ealm. lb )iliuf, some new uow fell yesl.-nlay und during (tie nighl. Terrace raining; windy: a above. Aiyaiish cloudy, calm; 31' above. 1 llawliun oudy, ailni; froal. Ilurn Lake -- okittd)', calm; light frost. sjmillier Cloudy, culm; light frot. OLD SCHOONER IS POUNDED TO PIECES SAN l l.VNl ".ISi:n, I lee. UO. The four uiuied nehooiier lloul- pu. one if f In- oldel veel on the I'arifie eoal. wa pounded le (tietiu by l-ioavy a ou Wach-iiMflon lIaml in the Knulh I'aci-flr aevonJiug to word reeivtd here flertlay. Member of llio eww were uianeined until they weire pieked up by the power ehooner Hon I'.rane. which I iiuw pctK-ecding In Honolulu. OFFICERS HERE. II. r Keelev, I'arifie eoal manager of the Canadian liov-ennii'.'iil .Merchant Marini' ; l. 11 Curwetl, uMrinlendenl enginepr with liiMobuarter in .Montreal, and 1'. W. Ilaldwin. local auditor. Vancouver, arrived tin the xleain- er Prince lluperl Ihi uflernoun 'for the puri)0!e of milking Html arrangement for the taking over of Hie Canadian National dry dock here on January I. Mr. Keeley will return oulh on the Piiuit lluperl on Friday morn ing. Mr. Keeley and Mrs. Ilald The giant crane al Hie new Ford iloek al Ford City. Out, handles coal al die m e oi :&: (on per hour. The "Heiison Ford," 8,700 ton lake lion I. named after Henry Ford'. grand-oil. is po'lurcd making' lier initial call with a enrgo of eoal. DIED SUDDENLY Hog Carrying Barge Bingamon Local Totem Pole Raised on Fifth Avenue, New York, is Proving Centre of Interest A lotem pole from Hie Queen Charlotte Island recently creeled by the Canadian National Railways in front of the company's offices on Fifth Avenue lias attracted a lot of attention in New York City. The New York. Herald Tribune of December 2" ommeitled on Hie poie as follows; During a considerable hitory theie have been a number of Dungs on Fifth Avenue: parades, principally, and shops. The 1 1, ish have paraded on Fifth Avenue on March 17 for years:: so j have Hie Htlice; also Hie firemen, and during the wot years itber. was- of course, an unliuiit- - led parade. Al that lime life mi Fifth Avenue was jul one pro- i cession alter another. Vrsi-rday something came I i Pi. Avenue winch had nev?r bee i. 'here be Tore. 1 lie Canadian Naiiiual llailway wa respoh- rtioie for the innoalion. I be in novation was a totem pole. Never before bad Fifth Avenue had a '.litem pole. Jiroiigli me mglil. Hie Aestd came into i.ui't un-'er her ownliiip Haida lower making two niches oil Icolumbia New Office CUSTOMS HOUSE IS BROKEN INTO Thieves Received Llt'.le Reward, However, For Thnlr Pains During the night, thieves visited the private office of Jarvis The Canadian National Hail-! McLeod, collector of customs, in way formerly. had New York or-the post office building. Kn- riees in a building at Broadway irance was gauieu u ureuKiu i.l Tl.ii-lv-lltinl Stnt I lue irauuin cr uib uuur in iuc year that company signed a long hallway. Nothing of value was slolen as the office only contained papers ..peculiar to "the customs business. Mr. McLeod's desk was ransacked and papers -weresl reWn iiVef' tbe floor 'd lis-covery of the burglary was not made until tins morning when the customs staff came on duty. The city police were immediately bruuglit from the teserval,oii of!"l""", "v,-r""' ' " Mrilisu ,n cna.ye oi invesugauons. Indians, in FATALITY AT SEA REPORTED Officer on Board CUy of Vancou ver Washed Overboard During Heavy Storm VICTUIUA, Dec. 30. It is reported here that an accident has The crests are in effect coats oflWeurred on Hie steamer City of Vancouver now enroutc to this port from the Orient. Although no definite informaliou bus been received, it is believed that one ol the ship's oiricers was washed overboard during heavy weather. The ship, which is coming in ballast and making slow time, will not arrive here until Thurs day night. HANGED HIMSELF IN RAILWAY SHED Ernest Rodgers of Reglna Committed Suicide in Vancouver Last Evening VANCOUVER, Dec. 30. A m.n believed to be Ernest lloitgers of llegioa committed suicide in the tireal Northern freight sheds last night. He hanged himself ru in a beam by kicking a barrel from under his fect. OCEAN CITY IN MARYLAND SWEPT BYNFLAGRATION OCEAN CITY. Dec. 30. Fire which swept the summer resort city yesterday with an esl imaled loss or ftbuo.OOO wuf brought un der control lute in Hie a'ternooa when a shirting wind carried tho flames seaward. Motorship Norco, Capt. I.cn Williams. Is due In port this afternoon rroniKelchlkaii with a ca(ro of rrt. lU'ii. ifry Jfran-itbrlallQ'n EaWoverHho Canadian National Railway,