Wednesday, December 2nd, was Victor Day. On this day the country at large gained a newer and finer conception of. the beauties to which reproduced music may ascend. It was the day upon which the new Orthophonic Victor made its first public appearance and astonished all who heard its miraculous musical performance. The reception accorded this remarkable invention exceeded even the most liberal calculations. It Was tremendous! It was inspiring! The new 4sV Machine Company llritisb Columbia bat. steadily Increased with but few yearly setbacks. Thirty year ugo, in l!l.i, the province only produced mineral to the value of S,-(11.1.012, und even leiryear ago In 1915, the! prod net Ion w lest than half Unit of the pivseut yctir,-, being only 29, "Th year 192S hat, however, been your Order As a result, speed ahead, Orthophonic onssess one The date Orthophonic depends upon your order Dealer. Do it today. an Important one, not only for a record production, but also for the large amount of development, exploration and prospecting, that ha bent carried out. Production In any one year It largely Die result af previous development, to thai to have u healthy Industry, development and prosiiecllng must keep pac with production. It Orthophonic "True InW Sound" Victor our manufactory is working full day and night, to provide an Victor, as soon as humanly possiblefor each .eager music lover impatient to at once. upen which you may have your Victor beside your own fireside, the date upon which you place with the "His Master's Voice" of Canada, may be conservatively said that in the yrur 1923 a greater amount'of real development lus lieen done than In any previous year In the history of the province and much of this development has been satisfactory In adding substantial new ore reserve lo Hie Industry. A large number of prospect have been bought or optioned aud uioro or 7 PAOR nv year of 1921 In at follow : YEAR'S MINING Production Table Quantity Value now, riarcr, nt 19.3.11 40fl.KKI MAKES RECORD (iold. mI o, m.iiw 4.i2.xnni Total Cold, oz. .... 2:1.1,100 l23.031 Total Value of Production. Wa $61,. 491.000 a Again,! S18.70l.60l laat Vrir VICTOHIA. ,c. 30. All prcvlou record for annual mineral production In Ihtf Province or llritlth Columbia were broken during 1925. accordlnc In Hie preliminary estimate of the year'! priMliifiion jtioi itttird liy Hie Hon. William Sloun, Minister of Ml net and Provincial Secretary, ami based umn figure compiled by John 1). fialtoway, Provincial Mliirralogitt. It I ettimated that the total monetary value of the mineral production of Hie Province for Hie calendar year 1923 will be approximately fil,l9,WKI. Thlt U a reconl output for the mln-lnX Induttry of Hie province and l a large increase over Itie prrvlou year of 1921 when aggregate production m valued at M,Tul.01. The actual In-create amount to 12.7Wyi9fi, or 21.2 kt cent, The Increased output It mainly due lo increased miaiitltlea of teveral of the product! of Ihe indut-lO. ml partly due lo inrrriited metal pricet. The estimated production of the variout mrlalt and mineral for 1925 at coni.arctl llh the prrtlout WATER NOTICE. Dlttrtlon and Uu, TAVF. Vm;i: mat Uoate Mlllerd. imiiiea, n. idrp U 3t How :u-r." tam-uter. in:., will apply for a i -'lire i take and u9 tna.nou gallon i ila ..r walrr mil of I nkn.mii, alo Linwii at l nkiiovn. wRirh flow norUo-Hr nt (-. .Iuiiim, or lev, weMerty uu i .nhn.1 n.rnrr I., uu (T.l f Tin- water will be diverted from 11rva.1i ai ulli f. .in thanmit Hat and la i-huiw ''-I''"'' fiolll nartillMtl I. lilt an.1 c il In ii'. it f.,r ni.fM-rs nurtartet uiHin the ir. dw ribed a I. tit twine part of L. i n., nit iwii.r ikmimi nti ihe troamt 0 thr l"lh day of ..rtnilr. Kit. A p- f lln m.tire and an ippliratlon I uninl li . i.. and In Inr "Water Arl" will Iw r d in !m ..rrire nt ib Water --.riier i-rmre Hll(4-rl. B..: ll)Je aAKSr. ' i impit- iier ..r Wter IllihU, I'trlUnieni H iMinic V.. n.i:., likm thlrir in: - ri ' lh flrt apiv-aranrr .,f thu .lire in l-M-al newnpawr. The dale J Ihe n i puthraik4i f Ihia noilee l .temtt Hi. Itfl. OSE viLirm LIMITED. Alrllrilit wm n vtifhii. Arem, DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WOREt. Natlc to Contractor. Bi..ii.i.i ButMitMr. I'riitre Rupert. ;vt. TIMiKH. enw.1 -TeJr r r n i.-ii- .1 Huiktinr. rnnrw H(ieri, ' W'l X ir. ...inl bv the HoMHiriU IHi- ' I-' I l-uhli WtM-k tip lo t k "'" "r Tueita ihe finh day nt laiM. I'..-', r..r iiu rreelkm itt a II ''! -ut.. i I'rinre l(-rt in llw i ...... ii-n-t-.i t.Hvt...l lutirvt. i ii im-alii'ii, OMitraei. and r..m. f Vender nu) ! wra mi and after lb I Till Ua '( lierendr, IVfk, and fnrthrr .:ir i-niaki 4umuhI l Ihe Hi4ririi ( I 'Mi- W '.rk. Ptrllaioeni nulldttie. ami ai ibr f..- mar trfftrea itt Hie Oot-riuiMHit At.ui ai Va.M-..urr and prlnrii lu.fM. ..f iun. (nrieali-i. etc.. ran I iaut fnaii Ihe rpartiueai a par-Hwni I a ..f r dollar wMrb w it l r-n.mted m retttrn of the plan. Ill $ imi "rf!tll ' h tti -i any lender not neeea t!- '" a. i-r.l P. PIIIIJP, ftefiuly Minller and 1'iihlie Worka Fadneer. pepartii.-iii nf I'uMIr WMks ..ii.i.K-ni BulMini. v ,. . na Br,. LAND ACT. Nolle f Intantlon I Applf I La Lan. In fnnre nnprn land llerordint Ilt i t ..f irnpeet, atkl annate tl ' r.annnn Bay. Utieen Chariot le llanda, n TkK rT1Ci: U"l Onafe Mlllertl. ' Initial. ' if Viaraajter. B.C mierel la -t' f..r a lrae nf Ihe fnllnnlnf deteribeil laud aimieiMinf al a po'l planted about It halm. or lew. wet from north-al n.rner .f 11 III (T.l fttlPI: Ihi-nre north tt feett throe Malt) dr w.-i two feeL moee nt le 'in e Miuth na feel fa the tilth water fi an, in a tinrlh-eaierij airerinoy I lnu ta iImi nnlnt of rom- .-I mt.w ttr . - . . ... . I U. :7m:n : "na r,lE Mlt.tlhll, LIM1TIT). At'ileanl, Per Wm. 0. MIlehelL Arenl rtt4 fnvAtf,h ili LAND ACT. notice f InttAlton la Apply to Purchtta Land. In i ami ttrroniinf fllrrt of prince IMP' and .iiiuile on the iilh .thore f apialn r...-. put lOarxt. Pmvinre of I. ' h kF, .MiTIi K thai William iwrph rfp urn if I'rinre Hilprri. B.c oeeiii I 1 ann- man. hiienda In apply I -ni -M-n I" nir br Ihe following IU. il lntt -nimen, mi at a Pt planted on to h, i-e near ine nean nr . aniam I'm l-ian.l. Ma n re I. CuaM Dulrlrl, : e r Brltuh Cnlitmlla-. Ihenee .-Di i-liaiaa; Uietu-e wel twenty Ihi-iH-r north twenty elialn. imire - ii. huh water maiSi lla-nre et-ai .lie huh water mark In point of tirtiH-ni-einmt. And enntalnlnr forty l more 'r let. wii.imm jotKPii jt:nrrtsoN. Applleant. Per W. J. Thorn, Airenl. rt riwml Hh ft LAND ACT Nolle of Intantlon la Apply lo Ltaie ,(nlcni nn, tenting of low grade de-Lanal . 1 .. ... ....... n..- ...i.... feci rh"".ue of gravel. An lnlrrrain: nr. l-'MIt . In ttu. Queen llan.l. ni.lrlcl. land liei urtlini linirlei of Prlnre Huperl,lnf the year placer mining war the and tliuali on Ihe forethor of Yealalton Ha;-. Maortl Inlet. TAkt: MITICK that ruirrtie II. linpon. Of Mattoit, ni-.-upallou rannery manaxer, Intend In apply fnr I lrae of Ihe follow -Inr itpi'rilml lamia: - Ciimmenrlnr at a pnat planted on the Mrti water mark about (n rhatn wet from Ihe nnrlhea! eorner of I. hi thence north Jno feel m low water mar Ihrnr northwrtterlv ton feel more ' p. iheure mi ion feel lo ihe north wrt eorner nf K. II. Ulinpton uppllr lion tn lease: ilntir oniiialerlv fol low Ina the hlrh water mark m the l"'inl of mnimenrriurnt, ami rnntatnltiE t"o arret, mora or le. EllOKNE II. MMrsilN, Applicant Per Fred. Nh. Airnu tVaiitH twvml. ih tttf LAND ACT. Form of Notlc. Tlanr 1, Coati Land l)trlrl, nitrlcl rif 11.111M itioi. . TAkK MITIlK Ihtl NVallare Fltherlet 1 til. nf Vaiirouver. ll.O., orriinatlon ran-lierynien. Iniend in apply for leaw of ine rcillnwlii ilrarrllied land: - Cninincnrlnr at -a poat planliMl about 111 rhain oiitliprly front lit imrthweM rorner of lot n, Itanire t, f.o HI, trlrt; t hence vvel A rlialua, thence touth 10 chain-. Itirnre eat 3 rhtln. more or ", lo hlih watrr mark of r'krnm Hlveri Hirnre fnllnwlnx Hie hlrh water mark of Ckeena Hirer to point of eoimnenreoieni, WAI.I.ACK ilIIUItr.! I.TH.. Ailtratit. Per rtoy I.. Itnrlo, Atent Dana iiib novetuber, I9lt. Silver,' nz l-cud, lb.' . Copcr,lb Zinc. lb. .1 7,1M55 r,0t 1,703. ....23fi,10.(MKI 1H,VH,C8 .... 7Io:i,(nki (.'.(.w,'2 .... 97.722.IKMI 7,720,o:w Total meliilllfcroii lfi.281.9f2 Coal, tout .... .... 5W21MCI fl,filJJ120 (.oke. loot MJtil tttOJitH llulldliig lnalerialt 3,IMN,IMH1 Tola! value I'JMMHIl mi fiold, I'larcr, nr.. .3I,W (mill, hIc, oz. Total, Cold .... Silver, ox .. 8,1I1,7M I 6.W2.181 U-8.1, lb. ...170JXI.181 12.IIWI7 Copier, lb .... a,llVWl Zl.c. lb .. .... 79.ll,97o USUil Tolal mt-lalliferout Coal, lont . 1,939,52(1 9,G97,80l 12210 ll.t.) . Coke, ton, dilln .. .TO.!.. 2ii,mi lluildlng Materials etc. WM.C72 Tolal value nf production IS.70l,t All Deduction. Made In Hie alHive table the etlinulwl uantltic of metal for 1925 arr (In amount of refined inetalt recovered by treatment procettea of Hie various ret, whether treated in llritlth (l-umbia or oultiile Ihe province. All for treatment and slag lottet have therefore been made. The prict-t uted In calculating the varlou metal are- fur gokL the world t standard i.iicr of m7 an os. ior tinrr aim ro'er irie cmifiiairii aerraxe price of Ihete metal on the New ,York market, ami for It-ad and (inc. Hie averafe price im the londtv! market converted to rent a lb. by utinf the areraxe rate of tterling ex-rlunxe. In former year Ihe New York metal market price ha been uteit In ''-J .""Itirlton fr t Hpti.luM. a.lvplk. fM lni IIm axe St. lywit price lut been uted. A all lead ami line ore ami concriitratM are !mhi(Ii! and told In IlriliUi O.lmn-iia tin the I .and on ricrt of tbec metals it I tonofdereti Ittal Hu-e price thiuild be utetl in order to ..Main a correct valuatlmi. Price of Lead Ttie average lead Hire in Hie New York market it nearly alway. cniiik.1-rrably hither I ban the IowIh price, oln to the fulled Stale tariff on bad ami zinc ore. The ltmlon price it the rccnfiiiaed world market price, whereat the New York price it an artificial one atplicable only to the 1'ilitrd State. The etintattl Lead prtv ilueti.Hi of ZJ6,Ktfi(al.tHiiHlt if lAl at the areraxe New York price for the rear w-mild have a TOloatVem nf P1r I18,01, or an inereate of MJkKJtM aa emniiared with the valuation liven In the abotc production table. The areraxe l.mlon price for the year for lac ( December ettlnutrd l It tIKItUy Idlher than the SI. IHii price. Ilie iHfferrnec beiiiE apprntimatrly a quarter cent a pound, liy utlnai the bmdon price far the prnvlnrttl line rlurtioa. iiuteatl of the St. U.ui price, an increaae of 1'M78 It obtained In Hit wlMrtloti. The alxive protlortlon tlit Mr. Sbuin pointt nut, thow llut Hie ktrgett Inereate in metaj pnxluetton wat In lead, followril by line and then copper. The larxe increatet in Icwl awl (ie priHiurtion are due to Ihe inereate. I .Kit put of the tmeller and refinery of the Omtolidalrd Mining and Smelt la ()iuuny nf tiiMla, Ud, at Trail; the bulk of Ihe production routing front the comiMiiy' Sullivan Mine at Kiirt-lierley, ami of the renvaliMter from I lie treatment of cuttnmt ore and coa-crnlraie. Inereate at An jot The lnereaed 'prclDctloit nf cier It due UWT to IU III. inereate I front Hie (iranby 0,miny, mine, mill ami stneltcr at Any ox, and the Hritaniiia Ompany' mine at llrilannia Uracil, and to the commenccineiit of oH-ralion in Alt-gtitt of the Alleuby Oipper (Uunnany mine and mill near Princeton. Offact-Hug Ihete iticrvate, there wat a large dt-crrntr in copper output frwn Hie Kottlaitd mine of the C.onMiliiltl tni)Niuy, which were not producing, appreciably during the year. Hie aa. limaled pnalucllou in 1925 tlioV an Inereate of u.9.'i7.r.07 lb, at cfirniarfl with 1921. The average price nf rop-' r on Ihe New York market for the year 1925 (December rttlmatrd) it 11.98 cent n lb, which It nearly a rent a lb. bighcr Hun the average of Lliril cent a lb. for 1931. During the year 1925 Hie price riuclualcd considerably, going up lo II. cenlt a Hi. ami then "declining. The mil look It foe a price level of bImihI IIH eentt fof the year 19215, Mr. Sloan point out that although Ihe production of placer gold In I9J5 wat slightly let Ih.iii 1931. Ihe yT wat a very active one in placer uevei tucer-itrnl operation of me name nc- vrlopmcnl CnmiunyN drtdgc nenr Ilaikrrvillr. whlrli iii.Kie an output oi gold Valued at IIMI,(Nn. .mle gold thow a di-crcnte of f.9l,-904 ut comiwred wilb 1921. Thlt It l0jiBi-OniiUetl for by a greatly decreased ,rJTpnMlmiioii from the Hotsland mine. WHICH were "on pnniciiie inn i iik . of the y?ar. Mlnltter Satlafled Mr. Sloan Mprctted blt talltfacllon at Ihe tnbstanllal Inereate In coal pro. duclloii In 1935. nt comiwred with 1921, Ihe Incrrnte amouuling to upproxlmnlr-y 3K9,38 long loot. The large lull ic In mil put wat from lite Crow Nest Tat ditlrnl, where over three time n imifh cnnl wot produced nt In Ihe preceding year. The mine In Hilt dltlrlct were closed during n large iwrf rtf I Hit nwlng In labor troubles ami Ihe output wat very much lean limit uorimil. Amicable arrangement have now been nuule with labor, mt mar-ktl have been regained, ami Ihe In-dutlry is now In n healthy condition In Ihe Crow Nest district. A decwite In production of conl occurred In 1925 In Ihe Nlcola-l'rimelon district, and a very tllRlit decrease In the Vancouver Island District. Competition Trout foreign crude uil It tllll keenly Ml by the ski Victor TalldnR Vancouver Island mine. A slightly Inert-used output of building material I estimated for 192 at compared with Ihe precedlng-year, owing lo frrt'utrr nrtlvllj' In building nud constructional work. Steady Inereate "It It InteiesliiiK In note." sold Mr. Sloan "that Hie mineral industry of lace . . . . if y ou wish to be certain of securing yourself 'the delights of the worlds newest greatest musical discovery. - t- - a. for ' and . 4 'Limited let development work done on them. Protprrting hut' been fairly active ami tome new ditcnverle have been re-porti'd. The movement which ha taken place In acquiring and developing prospect which have lain dormant -for years will be a great Incentive tn tllll further prospecting next year," taitl Mr. Sloan. 1 y a i 3 a1? -A V -J - 1 It Vili a. -11 m