PAHS TWO Send us your name end w oiJJ send vou The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. "II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and .Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - this illustrated Supplies book of beautiful uc-mes... Distributors fort (fOham K9L9RED "3HIN0LE3. 1 Tl.'!-fl!''v't,y,lwwlwwv Lumber Brick Cement Lime 98 86 All advertising should bein The Daily News Office before h p.m. on day preceding publication. All ;ktJveitisiug received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Whispers Of Death Injuring Canada. Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1923. Every time a politician fries to make it out Dial conditions in Canada itre bad, he is injuring tho. country. One of the most active of the bine ruin orators is the Conservative leader who i trying to show that higher tariff is necesary. In pile of the howling politicians and the newspapers that support them, the credit of Canada is belter today than it ever has been, her securities and, the securities of her industrial concerns are growing in value. People vare anxious to lend money to the country and it is noteworthy that the recent bond issue was snapped np almost at once by Canadians. What we waul today instead of whispers of death is a little more life and enthusiasm. - Bfg Power Scheme May Not Be Visionary. The people of t lie state or .Maine have set themselves the task of carrying out a huge power scheme, which it is thought will revitalize the whole oT the stale and also bring prosperity to the part of Canada bordering on the Hay of Kiindy. The plan i to dam Passamaipioddy Hay and Cobscook Hay and to form a pool willi 100 square miles of water with a dam t,000 feet long and 70 feel high. The wall will be provided with three gates. Another lower pool will have ."0 square miles of wafer ami. will be enclosed by a wall 2,i00 feet long. The power houses are to be on a dividing wall, which is :t,000 feet long. The gate of the upper pool are to be opened only during rising tide while those of the lower pool are to open only during falling tides. This will keep a supply of water in the upper pool while the lower will be constantly emptied. The fnll of the water from the upper pool through tubrines into the lower pool will afford a continuous downfall, whether the tides, are rising or falling. . Similar Condition Exists Right Here. While ther.e is little similarity in the location of the pools a similar scheme might be carried out here. A dam would be built across the .Shawatlan narrows just beyond the sawmill. Other dams would be built at Hutze and Zeuardi rapids, all having gates to admit or slop water passing thronnJi. At high tide the big pool behind Htilze rapids would be filled from the Zeu ardi end and at low tide the basin between Hutze rapids and the sawmill would be emptied and the gates closed. Then the water from the big inner pool, would flow info the outer anil provide a continuous flow one way at Hutze rapids where the power house would be. Glacier Bay Important To Canada. A short item which appeared in the press a few days ago escaped the attention thai it deserved, says the Vanrouver'Star It was the announcement by an engineer Of the I MI provincial government that by the gradual receion of a great icefield at the back of Glacier Hay. the panhandle of Alaska had been cut, and Canada had acquired a new ocean port, on her own soil to the northern interior. . Had such h discovery followed closely the Alaska boundary award, it would have been hailed with national jubilation. Had it transpired during the Klondike and Alliii rushes, its significance would have been widely appreciated. Yet its importance to Canada is still of the first order. Coming at a time when the gold placers of Cassiar are promising a revival of old activities on the creeks of that district, the discovery mentioned is mot opportune. If duly authenticated, and taken advantage of, it permits Canada an independence in gaining access to her own fields which will rob Wrangel of its tactical value ami Alver-stnne's derision of its sling. Whateer Canada may have to complain nf in the pasl in regard to the lack of m-operalion of arbitrators, she can have nothing but praise for Nature. The latter, in her" noiseless re lentless. but reaseless processes has been gently nun-king the aeiiiteralions or I lie pundit, and the high sounding ilelivernio-e nf nuppet' men. She has Jieartl our lament. She tins brought relief. Miiure is with us. Canada is on the. side of the angels. Plaster I Stock your winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 PRESENTATION MADE WIRELESS OPERATOR SOMK red and I there. DEAD TREE POINT Qlfford Gray Recipient of Valu able Gifts Before Leaving Queen Charlotte Islands SKIDF.IiATK. Sent. Hi. farqwell parly was Riven at the school at Dead Tree to Clifford I! ray who has been in charge ot the Dead Tree wireless station for the oast seven years. A large parly went from Queen Charlotte and skidegato and spent a most enjoyable lime. A presentation was made of a large lluida totem ami a earveti slate tray from the residents ol the Cast coast, Tlell, Club Hay. and Sand-out and an address was read In the citizens thank ed Mr. Cray for all the courteous acts done during t lie seven years of faithful service on the island. Hefore the parly separated all expressed personal regret at hi leaving and Anhl Lang Syne wa sunjr. Mr. Uray goes to Winni peg- VERANDAH TEA WAS DELIGHTFUL EVENT Affair Took Place at Home of Mrs. S. Dawson for Baptist Church A very .successful verandah lea and sale of home cooking va held at tlie home of Mrs. S. Dawson, Hays Cove Circle, yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the Haptist Ladies' Aid. The weather was delightful ami a large number Of ladies called luring the afternoon the affair thus rfalifing a substantia! sum for toe work of the church. Mr. Dawson, assisted by Mm. K. i turner, received the visitors Mrs. Iloliinson poured and Mrs. Ivarson hail charge of the lea tables. Mrs. II. J. Foss was in charge of tin home conkinc Mrs. Heii Morgan was convener of the tea. ably assisted by Mrs. (!eo. Johnston. Mrs. J. S. Mardonabl acted as cashier. During the af ternoon Mrs. J. P. MacMillan and Mr.s. K. (J. Turner sanir nolo, ac companied by Mrs. Holfc Walker at I lie .oiano. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: PITY there arc not some more political parties so we could have some more federal candidates in this riding. IK there were only more cher ries, Hiere would not be so many birds after the one. CIIAU.VCKY Depew says read ing newspapers keeps h i m younjx. Now please don't all come In willi your subscription' at the same lime. The office Is small. I people paint tho town others put carmine on' their cheeks THK way to reform the Senate would lie In send newspapermen JAKK sayK' "How do-you tret ihat'wa?'- ' IK playing cards were just a matter of holding hands, I know several shieks who would b! Rambling all the time. I WAS remarking that a dollar did not go very far jut now. when .lake sneaks ui and says it oe a darn sight farther because he notices lhal it never conies burk Ten Years Ago in Prlnc Rupert September 16, 1915. K. W. A. O'Dell of Hauullon. Out., and A. M. Itigg, M.I'.P. of Innipcy, were speakers at a largely attended meeting held in Hie Kmpress Thealrn last night under the auspices nf the Trades A Labor Council. S. n. Mn.. donabf pinslded. At the iniiiiii'ipal tnt sale yesterday only 13 lots reverted to the city, sixteen of these being owned by men serving nl the front lo whom they will be returned. The sale realised $18,-105.53. Co, Currle. M.l of Toronto, officer commanding the tHlh fuE DAILY SfcSfB Wednesday, Sepb-mher t, ijij Ambling Along With the Trail Riders Tt&jE0 y nil' 'i i i KttUV - ii WW I Chief BuSiW UU14 Loot Lance. iJ) Lunch o tb Weltertiw rtaiau. )l On 4 thtm CU-. ,4; On Hm WaU FUlma with iMotkUal CWrl U IM t.l. Vlj dil LavO Art I wim hit jxrttn l4iM. The Official Hide ot the Trail Riders of the Canadian rtoekirt. commenced this year on the moraine of A u rust 8th and ended at Wapta Camp on the night of the tenth. Over a hundred members participated. They root acrcss country between Marble Canyon, en the Banff-Windermere Highway, to the Bungalow Camp at Lake Wapta. The Rider, among them a number of prominent society pec pie, scientist and artists, all travelling on horc-back, blazed a new pauce across the Wolverine Plateau. Sis countries were represented: Canada, the United States, Australia, France, the Weit Indies and England. The artUu, of whom there were six, made sketches of the virgin scenery along the route of the newly discovered trail. Seven Indians were In tlx being Kootenays under Chief Louis Arbtl. while the seventh was Chhf Buffalo Child Long lance who gave a lecture on the Indian Races of Canada to the Canadian Club of Montreal during the winter, and is rapidly becoming famous a an authority upon Indian affairs. The artists included Leonard Richmond, R.B.A., and A. L. Lei .h ton of England: Carl Rungius, Bel more Browne and Richard M. KirobeL of I.'en York, snd R. Palenske of Chicago. Paris was represented by tbe Due do Nemours, who recently purchased a ranch tear Calgary. This was the second annual RI!e and Pow-pdw of the organisation. On the morning of August the eighth., motcr cars conveyed the Riders from Highlanders. :oried in Mm n' last night and went squill on the idcamer J'rnme lluiterl accom- ( pained liy Mrs. Currie and. daiishler Curne is home1 on leave from t lio Front. PRETTY WEDDING AT , QUELN CHARLOTTES; Farmer at Southeast Harbor lanes uriae irom new i ,York Cjty SKIDKOATK. Scjd. 10. A verV t pretty wedding took place at Hi"! home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Schafcr at Southeast Ha Hi or when Mis I.tilikuaw of Xew York tllty be came the bride of (Jus lloss, a-old tinier here wht) tins a fa runt Southeast llrtrbpr. Ilev. J (lllett, anglican uftsslonury of-flclaled. A banriuet provided by the ladies along the coart wA served and parlM-s from Skidcgate Missjnii ami Uueen Charlotte attended Hie wilding. The young couple will live at Ocean View J'arm. PURSER OF PRINCE JOHN PROUD FATHER Fred Coram Received Wire Last Nlqht that Son was Born In Vancouver Yesterday, I'rcd Coram, the popular purser of the, steamer I'rlnce John, never felt belied In his lifo since receiving a (cleerani from Vancouver when ho "arrived hero with bis steamer last night to the effect that yesterday ho had becomo the father of a bouncing, baby boy hi first. Fred Is re- l.lV-,l, Hllllft...l..l..ll..t. it. A . . ...... . iing i ii'lllill inn 11(1111 I lie local shipping fraternity and his SKATING CARNIVAL rir.f ..r ii, iiini.. ............ ..n.. kaling carnivals was held. Kx- .1." , . LO.NDOX, Sept. o. London is roll of tourist from practically ill cnMilries and most of the .ereas visitors never fail to be interested in the stalwart guardsmen on duly at the Horse (iuards headquarter in Whitehall. Some stare nl them deliber ately and one French girl .refused to believe one motiunless figure was alive. She stood alone and gazed harder, then suddtnly Joined her Knglish friend looking somewhat flushed. Hho ex-P.laiiifd Hint the soldier was real after all - he had dellberalely winked at her. In The Letter Box APPRECIATE COURTESY. IMflor, Dally Nfivs, On behhlf of Stewart Orchestra ami the native of Klncnlllh, I want lo thank His Worship Mayor Newion ami Aldem inn many I'rlnco Ilupert friends. Casey for the very kind word lake Louise and nanff to the point of departure on the Btff W.rJrw. Highway There guide and horaes were in readiness and the puxj U mediately mounted and the Ride commenced. The trail led up T.aWttf Creek, past Tumblicr Glacier and on tht. Wolverine plateau there msu nervtd . The ride then proceeded sJong the Plateau with th writi Palisades. Mount Helmet snd the WahmaspU Ice (kid and Wau'iJiti theleft, giving the riders a View of the Ten Pesks on the right That night camp was pitched on tbe Goodsir Plateau snd before the campers gathered around the me for tbe usual sinrtong, in rheih4v of the diff which ruKsheer six thourand, five hundred feet above 1-4 vaUT. On tbe second day the ride led down to Goodstt Creek acd up VI Artsu Creek, put Lske McArthur. That night waa spent of the shorn t Lt O'llsra, the carap tbert tjetng placed at the disposal of the Tr It in J the Alpine Club ot Canada. The dsy ended sgstn ith s sing-ng On the third dsy, Aurutt 10th, the final ride waa made from Last O'llui to Wapta Lake, where the expedition was concluded ith t P. w-o. lite sonr and psle-fsce dsnce at Tlpl Camp. It is expected that anothrr r itel s similar nature will take place next year as tbe ur.dertskisr imprrwed who took part a one of the r.cst enjoyable cutting? they have exp rietre4. Not only does the Ride provide sn uncommonly pleasant bothliy 'or itx ru-men from Canada and the Ucitrd StaUs. but it alsi serves U i-.-'-i'tt purpose of making the scenery snd the fishing and hu.iting f : i : ' Rockies known abroad. delivered by them at our uieelioc no Miiiiilur iv.aiiinif lust IV AT RINK LAST NIGHT - ""' "' , mw fit to attend and appreciate .. ,. , . tnosl earneelly their kind wvnl llieire whi n large e rowd i at ,i tlio,, . ,i . . ... , . 1 to us on Ihttt occasion. i were .ui nun iai infill worn I HO ! treated in the nmst manner. have ciijoywl pert instructors wen ..n hand toi., ' .,""'"' '"'P luln teach tmginiiers and mille a T"'. !it niimlier -ot people jolinsl the rink classes io learn the exhilarating arl. Musfi; was furnished, and judging from the larne mini Imt partieipalmg in U)u lax! maht 1'iller skatiiiK ;inam tiecoirie vrv ionilar, STALWART GUARDSMAN WINKED AT FRENCH GIRL WHO GAZED HARD kindly and r..o.. ii.- and arc returning to nur home to look forwunl til the next occasion when It will be our priv ilege ii return, and Vernier any nri l'n,"!";JJ, l"w',r ' help f'JMIVInfiiflWr To make "fair '"" week"' the siiceess . deserves. Thanking you, Mr. Kditor, (or your valuable space. I nm .IAS. K. STKWAItT. Manager Stewart's Orchestra LAND ACT. Notloe of Intention to Apply Lease Land tc Irj Land Ilecordlug District ol I'rmcc nupcri, and suuaio ni Ferguson , Hay, Masselt Inlet Q.C. Islands, H.C. Take Notice that One-Mil-lerd, Limited, of Vancouver, H.C occupation Salmon Canners, Intend lo apply for n lease of the following described lands: Commencing at n post pfanted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; llioncc south 3 chilli; thence west 10 chair.; thence south 2 chains; thriico west 10 chains to west boundary of Lot 1571; llicncn south 8 chains; thenoo west lo chains; thence north 20 chains; thence cast 2 chains, more or less, l(, beach; thence following meandering of shore lino to point of commencement, and containing 22 acres, more or less. OOSSK-MILLKIU), LTD, 1 Appllonnt.j I'er Win. O. Mitchell. I Agent I Dated Juno 20th, 1025. 1 10 ACT. .KoOtt ( lnHU ie spptr Ux. in th Land -' Rupert, od m.i' Die rll .ree ln.h l44Uti Niter it " I i-N IMMlUl. take vomr. owl i ' t'rmee RuBeft. B . lata. iwiMSlt tu W'1 ' purdMM Ik retllns - t i p- i mUomwh mnrt f I ' ilwitee is rkiiti nil"'' etnin WKtterlr. mfre ir till lihef; thrart 10 rhi Ihenre ! rrMln MOrrh te aere. nur or lee rioxt tnrMl Jiilll A. fee ' J 1 LAND ACTIO Uw A tile Urn! ' TALK SOtlrT 111 ' 1 Poller, of Sew Yr. 1 tMUtje ttn.ker. imetxn u v HilHlon ! vrrttlHi Oir ' rrllxMl laixltt coiixiMwinr it t-"i ri"1' hlM NiOlh f lUrlnr I'"" Me of Tt-h Uke, l"'i mMID or lire Tiiki Ixhiikio Vket 0 rtMlMi ISmx-- ' 'henre el f ris: in. rlluwin lUHK Ihr Minn-Ijltr to jsilnl f nitwitr- ' tiireel rwUUilo sn arn- tunur.T S"tr ' r f I,, id J . tit- Be . ...ill mSf' .... .'! .'IK ., . M', ( ttt I'' ;. itWll. -MITI- lf,llftl. rr1 I i nIM nniO ISIh. MintRAL ACT. CerOfleiU r lmpre""" Stv.Lin llliwral I. Illlll. -!'' Allln .Mlnliie Itoi-i" Itlnlrirl, on IIik ei -li lliver In the ""Ml nl n 1 tilwltl Minrl i'UIHI -rtki- MiTirc ihl i 11 rfiil rr A rues I '" 1 Mirirl Ao. TU74.V. "' limit rti'in lhe rt.ile liere. r i Mlnlni liernnfer for t i '' f.h..i.Miii im tiM tmrriM. i crimn nrni r w " . , .ri Ami fmilier un win- 1,ln HiMlrr wiion IT. mil" '.;; ' ... i I ie ,K r,i' " prneinriit. . . ,.. K.t nlil IliU lOlh (liy of " I Bf K LAND ACT. NaII l Intantlan to AddW In frinee Hiirl ''.'', ;; , , 11 ITHirp lllllri. , . ,..kf . .t Ml y .-t'M i It-ait T? it '' . li'H I hurt . .MlWJ . ,.IW"I . i '. ,-i ic" it tu t i H 1 1 Sift" . mtf . ' I' ..ulrtf O 1" Ulloit iue. Meo ' .unr TUB JIOTink ItMt nwe-K tntHiit lo t-i'lv for s l- "r lowltir drrllicil 1ml -ntM ti r.i.ltiinriirinr ii ,'J- r "T. an riuiii nrnlcrlr fnilll l" ' Vuirtf'1 r I.mI tshn, lno ' "'... i liV? ehmns, more or ler, " J,,JJ.,T" msr JJ UiiMirr eMlerle ulnnr hlrh , ,Minn' ,.i... rtf pAintiiAniriiHnl. IlKi 1 rrf". nmre ":.'", r."jrs"'-,i Diitd lira Jul, Ittl.