Ye it whips easily and it delicious! 1 A favorite with British Columbia housewives I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors I" So oflcn you hear that remark. It is only because those people who make it, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish libs no floor troubles. Try CI Floor Varnish nest time, we guarantee il, to give satisfaction. Sold oniy by Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. v e are ready At any tjmir to receive your" phone ipjl to lake your lake personal charge' of your Laundry and Dry ' Cleaning. ' FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Ford Coupe . . . . $400,00 Ford Sedan . . . . 5500.00 Ford Truck. . . . S200..00 Chevrolet lie Ivy. . $300.00 Terms if desired. See Uie Ford Marine. Motor at our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store, and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and l'lanlng. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 NEW YORK. Se-nt. 1C. The! Granby Consolidated Mining, Srnelllng-and Power Comparand its prospects are discussed in i the weekly analysis of Cameron. Michel A Co., stockbrokers, in which the company Is compared with Iwo other companies, Calumet & Hecla and Ray Consolidated. The stocks of all are selling around 413 to SIC a share. Calumet anil Hecla operates 1 he largest system of properties in the Lake Superior na tive tipper district of Michigan. Granby owns and operates the largest copper producing properly in Canada, and Ray Consolidated owns and' operates two large porphyry copper proper-lies in the southwest. Similar interests are cjosely associated with the managements of Granny and Ray Consolidated. All three properties have favorable past records as t production, earn ings and dividends to Uieir crediL This comparative analysis, to be of value, must attempt to deter mine the present position and relative future prospects of the three enterprises taken in conjunction with the respective selling prices of Iheir slocks. Bonds Outstanding Granby is the only one of these lliree companies whih has bonds outstanding ahead of the jitock. Hoods, which amount to i,t29.000, are followed by 311,-J'JU share of slock. Taking the bonds at par, and the stock at current prices, Granby Is valued in toe mar-fcci ai approximately, i,t 15,000. Against this figure working capital at the end of 1921 amounted to 1,63(5,400. Inasmuch as this working capital will lie retpiire to lake care of bank loans arid complete equip ment preparatory lo bringing I he Allenhy properties into pro duet ion, il will not he deducted in I iguring the present stock market valuation per pound of rapm-ity output . Considering the Allenhy properties brought into! production, Grauby has an oper ating capacity or co.nno.ouo pounds of copper per annum, which Is now valuel in the market nt approximately 15 c a pound. Costs, including depre ciation, for such a production, will he around 10V4c a pound Ray Consolidated has out standing 3.077,10 shares, . and the properties have an operating capacity of at least lf.0,000,000 pounds of copper annually. I) dueling working capital from the present market value of Ray, il production capacity Is selling for miller 20c a pound. Costs including depreciation, will also be about IOVjO a pound. Calumet & Hecla has outstanding 2.005,502 shares of slock and operating capacity of al least' 100,000,000 pounds of cop per annually, with possibilities of 120,000,000, or even higher on occasion. Deducting? working capital from the present market valuation, and figuring 100,000,-000 pounds per annum as capac ilv. (his is al present valifed In Hie market at 1(1 He a pound. The cost of making this output, including depreciation, will fig. ure around 1 2c a pound. Appears Cheapest At first glance, therefore. practically exhausted with the! sary to effect improved facilities and greater operating efficiency. so that including such charges current costs arc probably close lo Ilea pound. ( The Allenhy propej-ty Is prae tically virgin, but enough ore has been developed, averaging nruund 2 per cent, so as In give excellent prospects of a real mine in the property, and carefully prepared plans have, been made, which are expected to secure economic operation, which means favorable cosls. Assuming lhat Allenhy is oble lo produce 20,000.000 pouiids of copper al a cosl around 10 Vic a pound, including? depreciation, Granby properties together will have an output of 60,000.000 pounds of copper, wliich should be made at a cost, including bond interest and de preciation, or around uvjc a pound, or a possible, profit tin a I5C metal market of between' 0 and $7 a snare. It will be seen, however, that In estimating such results quite a few- assumptions are made which may or may nol materialize as favorably as anti cipated. Hidden Creek The Hidden Creek properties of Granby had developed al the end of 11)21, 8,400.870 tons of 2 per cent ore, In addition lo which Ihere wa developed 1,587,070 tons of 1 per cent ore and 500,-000 Ion of probable tire carrying 2ty per cent copper. At Ihe Vtc sent rale of operations these or reserves ave sufficient for slighl ly le- th mi len years' operations, and while additional de velopment work may put In sight Granby appears the cheapesll more ore at Ihe Hidden Greek i : i PAQE fOTO nrr. ;nn.v. .tot 3 10 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui r COR COOON) t5AC Tle HOTEL jOOt4-T CMi MUL( T HNT 't THE. XXJfO MW6 TO l COUUOm't rN.D r, . . . - . . TWAVCt rA(lCl XM txl it - y .r-.. .. . . . I 1 H Tr WP.r. n. t.. u . . . . I I LJ . - -vl THH '- rv AM A nin- I H - I .POT Oh ME 13 u. ir- ntl. PlAsC i Ut,HT to .ceo exception or taking out the law-raping 1.81 per oeMt hacks, old pillars, etc., together or a lower grade Ihnn being pushed pretty hard for New York Brokers Compare Its production, and while the pre Position With That of Other Companies sent workings are in splendid ground, including the rich fissure vein, which nicely sweetens up lengthen the life of the property' and make good the facilities already provided and capitalized. Allenhy is estimated to contain more than 5,610,000 tons of ore copper, in the with some small stretches of Hidden Creek, hut known to be commercial ground. Ahmcek is amenable to concentration. There is probably two or three limes this amount of ore in the Alien- by properties, as otherwise th"H tonnage estimated is not large enouph to greatly improve the the avcrace of the Kearsage lodej status of Granny as to ore re-: rock, il is a question how many, soared. To gel a production of years this property can be de- around 20,000,000 pound of pemled upon for 30,000,000 to: copper annually would call for 32,000,000 pounds ot copper an-jlhe mining of about 800,000 nually. Other lhan a rich eor-'lon annually, or about eight ner of ground in Centennial, notlyears life on the basis of Ihe ore at present available for economic, now in sight at Alienor proper- mining, little can he expected from that properly, and Ihere is a similar uncertainly with regard lo the Osceola and Xorlh Kearsage. This leaves Jhe reclamation of the waste Sands accumulated in (lie Tikc Linden and at Tam arack as the remaining sourceJ of production. These sands should be capable of an nnnual production of 25,000.000 pounds of copper over the next ten to fifteen years. Summed up in all its aspects. Calumet & Hecla can be depended upon, under favorable conditions, for an annual production of from to 125,000,000 poundi of coper iluring Ihe next eight or ten years, with cnls ranging from lie lo 12c a pound on the aver- nge, including depreciation. Sixty pounds of copper output per share of stock and an average 15c metal market could he depended upon lo yield from 1:80 lo 2.t0 a share for Ihe stocki or 12 lo 10 per cent on lb present selling price. Large Production Granby is producing right now at Giei jrale of slightly over 10,-000,006 pounds of copper annu ally, at a cost of 9Vc a pound, before depreciation. The com pany lias been making very heavy charges for depreciation in re cent years to offset losses In the xcrappiug of equipment neces ties. Until the Allenhy is actu ally in prodiK-tion no accurate idea can he had n lo its col of production. Excellent Possibilities Including Allenhy, Granby has such a relatively large capacity, output ner snare 01 siock iui, lhat mider favorable metal and operating conditions the com- lin should be able to eiear off its nornled debt and return siz able share earning. Hut, as in Ihe ease of Calumet & Hecla, one of the properties has not a very long indicated life anil the other has ' nol been developed enough to actually determine the extent of the ore deposits. Granby slock, therefore, may be said to have excellent possibilities. but as is usually Ihe ease cons id erable uncertainly exists as lo what results will be achieved The slock in active copper -.hare markets has been a very good aetof because of these possibilities. The element of mystery conrern'ng some of Ihe phases adds to. rather than dampen, speculative ardor. SPORT CHAT K - There were plenty of deer low- down according lo the first "mowirh" hunters of the season who were out al Ihe end of last week. While there were, apparently, not many hags hrmuhl home that was not the fault of the deer but of the hunters. Dave Stuart says that he saw Iwo that should have made good shots hut he missed them both. Apparently Ihe hoys need some prarllce af ter the long sumjner' inactivity 09 far jijother hunter u 110 wa's out at the end of last week was Capl.-Oeorge Ash the trick shot who penformed al he Fair last week. He is said o have last his way on Digby Island but, apparently, the deer steered clear of ills deadly range Capl. Ash, leaving today for Al aska lo fill engagements at Ket chikan, Juneau and Wranpcll will be back in about three week time and liis local friends are planning to lake him 011 a rea hunting irip In where ihe. goal and the grizzly bear range With the bird season now open Ihe forthcoming week-end will see Ihe local iifnirods out in strength for all varieties 0 game. Roy Cliffe, the comer from the Coinox Valley, prelly nearly lift cd Ihe Canadian light heavy weight crown from Ihe brow o Jack IU-ddirk in. the houl al Van cquver last week according fuller repnrls of the bailie southern papers, Cliff, who ha the champion going for fair In, the first, second and ninth rounds, was credited wilh four rounds, Re.hllck with four and Wanted For Sate For Rent WANTTB SJ 4 I C C-..B .U j y J 1' " ANALYSIS OF GRANBY MADE BY DEALERS question. Calumet & Hecla's conglomerate lode, which provided practically all of its past 'success, is 'A GIRL WANTF.D for general FOl'ND. housework. Apply to Mr Frizzell. u store. FOR SALE FOR SALK. Dining room suites, bedroom saites, Chelerfield suites, ranfe. stoves, bed linen, towels, window blind-, Inlaid linoleum ami printel linoleumn, lounges, chairs, Chiffionieros, Drensers, . lied-steads, mat tresses ami uprinp. Dining tables, kitchen table, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. IMione 775. FOR SALK Upholstering and furniture repairing done on the 1 remises by exftert workmen. Let as quote you on retiring your old farniture. Reasonable prices. Call and inspect our workshop. Fur-nil ury bought, sold and exchanged. Agents for the 1MIK-MIF.R RANGI-.. Prim Rupert Kxeliange. I 'hone 062. If ALUMINU M WARM AT WIST. We are selling nut our stock pf Aluminium ware at rost.ow-ing discontinuing t lit line. We build Chesterfield's lo your order from 4IMMM). Prince Rupert Kuchange. Phone 052. FOR SAI.F Cheap. Chevrolet five passenger touring car. practically new. Apply F. 11. Tomlin, tin Mussalletn Apart-inenls. 216 FOR SALE. Professional and gymnasium punch bag stand with bag. One new Alwajer-Kent coil. Real snap. Phone 572. If FOR SALK. Household furnt lure. 619 Seventh Ave. Fast. Phone Itlue 528. SIS SIX 1IOI. K KOOTF.NAY RANCH for sale, lighliy uer? Phone 777. 220 TO RENT FOR HUNT. First elasa apart rnent. Monarch range and water free, Clapp block. Wesl- enhuver llros. - If FOR HUNT. Pknos, player pianos, phonograph atvl sew Ing ' niaohines. Walker's Music Store. If FOR RKNT Unfurnished room 10x12; hot and cold water Apply Dox 27 i, Daily News Office. 218 FOR JIE.NT. Two room furnish ed apartment by day, week or monlh. Phone Red .007. tf FOR RENT Modern up-lo-dato flat, Rand Illock. Apply Max Hcilbroner. If FOR RENT. Modern house, live rooms and hath. Muitro llros. portunities name In finish. He rjan fight, however, and can lake punishment. Reildick was slow- ami missed wilh bis vicious right uppercut several times. Referee Addison and .lodge Tom Harriett called a draw and Detective AI- cox favored Cliff. Hoolh School foolb.all leam will meet Ihe High School on Salur day afternoon resuming the schonl-foolhall league serie of game. Next week It may be po siiiio 10 !iav Iwo traioes. Tim two were even. Only Ihe expert- boy are hoping with the ro-rm-ence of Reddick carried him erallon of the lear.hlng staff anil llirouifb the slonn of crashingjweallier pormitllng, 1. .1 v - (l Kel 1 .1 1, 11.. 11 .m. .... ...... . . . . ' in ."' l"e iiin-e. won i.aiumei propernea, uiey 110 not possess niveruanu ngpia wun wiucii tie qulle a Tew gamea before llin end A Hecla second and Ray Consoll-J long Indicated life. In facl. the was assailed by the young Van- of the season. The ground are dated Ihlrd, but other faclpr; taking over of the Allenhy pro- couver Islander. One pf Ihe' now available and die parents mil si be considered which have perl les was ronsldered more or Cliff's faults was lhat lie fail will haae an onr.ori. ,...1.. ..t ..... an bearing on the less of a necessity in order tolcd to use liU left when the op- inif thetn in action, FOUND ... DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per' word in advance. No Advertisement taken for Jen than 50c Hairing and rosary. Owner can have name upon identifying at dsn. Kerr's. Itulkley Market- nod paving for this advert iciucri I. FOUND. Envelope containing needlework. Owner ntay obtain name by identifying al the Daily New office mnd pay ins for this advert i semen I. tie BOARD HOARD The Second Avenue. Inlander, HV Phone 137. HOARD and Riiii or Itoard only. Phone Reil ,0,. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical and Mi!elrieal - 325 3tth Avenue Wei. Kerrlf-ifalc , Vancouver. II. V,. Or. Ernest Hall, uierinlenieiil. CARS FOR SALE 1920 Nash, 5 -passenger louring ... ... $S50 11121 Overland I. Sedan 700 1022 Ford Sedan 425 1918 McUughlin Light . A-iasengcr . . 250 Fonl light deliver) lorrie, retiulll .. 175 KAIEN GARAGE Ford ami Chevrolet SrtiAi Station OOODYF.AH TIRK8 Wrecking Service Day and Nifhl Phone 52 KINDLING WOOD All dry inside wood, kindling and blocks mixed, Hi 00 j-r loan delivered Oulolde wmhI. (I.5H per load delivered, i Norwegian 'trie Suit Alaska Her ring in 30-lb. .'tod Mo-lb. kegs, 10c per lb ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone lllack (CI COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Record no scratching. Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots, Sqngs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear thoin. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Slude bakers ut your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empre-M Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, Bj C. Taxi Service CARS MEET ALL TRAINS. Tours arranged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving If you want anything, sent for or delivered, phono us. P.O. Ilox 00U. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl ure Store. We Huy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Oood, GEO. PA-ADOPULIS, 839, Third Ave. Phone W KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in hlng Edward Hold now re-modelled. Up-to-dato Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. Advertise in the Dally News. Article! Lot and Found, &c WTIR IHOTICC. Dlttrtwn u4 U11 Tkfc VHI'k I lift ..(,., Cm MM Ol'M WON-. I hhiM ff l!BMlr llwllllil( , win appF ir li' -m- ., iu. itt. an r H-n nrrw ri .. a lMr . it", in: .11 rei-s. Mrti fl r.i. it u.fetrr, r m J m.r ,1 J w lv rtrm 4, , ! rt IMMWil l Ilv nK.4. v. Mid mill b su f f mmiit lit, tl MM tl TW n-u. .4, KMfllUi iratrnd on itv i"i .u ut hM -1 in mil i. 11. puriuMM rn r m vnttr H-rr uZ wilh ik WM WiiTr . , J IB iMlniUr ut liii H.itn. IIMirilM. ViriWU ItHrtt ttyr ttnrr Mil. nultm. In t Ihr 1 tal el m nrl itubl 'i w ri tut n it: ui.rvxEH ctissi.i u 11 1. , JtL VIM. lUl'IS I4MI tv m, UNO CT. j Mlk f UUslltMl U pl U ImmIM la r-rHMv Ramrt tmt m-i v vm m rrmr aitn mi nun 4j gjfOI Ismm. l-Uit. Mail T tWTrllct tftal VMrto MM r, b.C, Mtt4tHi rl' ut I'm raw inii tj mm 1 i i i..i i4mim m ni lib UT HMilrlt f m VIM 1 ld. M Well wt na n Mam twwacm MM Bar Ml V t I BVWn timm m A m a.WfT etwtw4l Ml let- Mrl f ' nki ilM VM). mrn uf int. H ii l HMM Ki MOO nt o.rnl Ml Nlk af la Ani " eaii'" IW Wttr r Mb l. t LAND ACT. fttlk t lUKStlM U SMrff untlsn l Applf tha mamHi nt I" tlialM Harm ttnm '; nor or iiMlaa He"1' TV MirTirC UMI I. .ml uf Vaiarll. BHll'h lloa Mrarr. inlredt 1 of tiv rnikiwmt t rnmrnrnrlna rkalna north from Ih hr r India aMrB Mianrf rMirintrty J "" uVnm ftHii.wlnr h rMln In wef4rl wiuiiwriir j rn w; " vrs it. mm Ike Umt rviw4.fcT i.wi W ItM lll. V1.-ii I..-1 Oi I'M THE MiTlt:t umi xr. ii n Mi suwh, nt saw I" ,"73 wiTwa awa, iniriMi 1 mi '' "2 Mf la Mttrkaw ib ' "l rtinti mm- - . .. iMiiniM wa l 1 ri r'"" .'"J vr. mark. Akwi hi" ,hrwi.!rl MM; ! "' ?J tMfM nnrUm rr.ovr I ' ' 'TS 11? maim waui; iwn" , Ikrtw t HuNii Mtlh '" St; IhHK It Bln .ff"J UMl M"i rtf 'iAViE rin 1-1 Ctr Wm nun latT Tih. nt LAN0 ACT. ni " 'lj baln ixirlluHl rnsn i"- ; lt-iK, v iiioimvi in rrnin ins iiir i 1 ''I' Pllail .. .. . ......1 Inolf .lulu ..NiilHil); 1 ......1 il ll A.nll ninuiiiinir llilnr 1' " .r less. ,n. . i- WlUA riil.xr.r. ni'ri.iiT f iivtu 1 ArtM nrrilH.' '; ' , ILJ n ..Mhfl'l vnumiM arjjgj niloit lima IQIh. 'II . -j LANO ACT. M.iUm tf lalaalUa 1 Afifi'Y U ,rrtai r3 , i a , niirl iaj ivviivw vi aiiw'i-w - " - tind. . ftW In Ihe UtHl hanirtinir ' ' '..lM. rnj lnrfmrl. aerliliwir- " ' ,!u tat IU...U IS Willi rr-M. TUt MiTIC.r thai I'"" '. "Zff Mills. I.liailetl. or , nV . ., . ml'" 11111 iiiniiwr iimwii. , irv imiIv for wonlaslon l' 1 ' limliur tlesrrilinl larHl' . a)rat assnianrinr i a e-- . lh,,.i r,r r. r f'l naoca 01 mum -rr . . lino). . ..... nZ In rrtiire nurwr rt IHtlrOI or LANO ACT. ln.l "'-'T iWl !i nf'i'rinre nm a al slmniion luy o.C. Island. . TlK Mil ICR ttva t liimr. tif (iinnvlle. puniifriman. inn. Intrnil iiiinivi- I' 1 n 10 i r ii 1 jt .i.' r." J -- - purrhaia Ihe f"H-in fl. ,! ..Ml ,,Br,mnenrtr II I-"" J'IHjJ siilav. wr-it. nmn1 ";. I7 .iithuMi rnriirr nr I-'11 .. l mil 30 rhalnsi llirnei- min' rr rtie-. Iim, In vrt'VZ iS fMllnwIiir meinnerinr " ,.ii ! ' l"l f" ,t eiiiiinwnrriiient, .t, more or Iris. JAg m,ma jvr Wm. 0 Dllld Julr tin. i'-