n'ednt'day September 10, 1025. PAG THREF C3 SlUL tbcWorld-oAmnnl If 1,1 mm Hills & Underwood LondonBry Oin Distilled by the famous London processthe y,in you will ask for again. The standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.50 A BOTTLE fa. herliseincnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor MHiirni mmm nr iv hip uovernmeiu of Hrilisli Columbia Some Specials in our big Clean-up Sale Rlgo Nurses' Fcclo Disinfectant, II. u-. . n j.V. Sair I- ! , 10c SANITARY NAPKINS I, t'l Vipkni-. -in..ii. ivft. proe MV. Hulc Price 40c I. -'. r .i.kni-. ii" - i i iii. rf . pine imic. Sale i-i- 45c I. -in Napkin', l ugi . in. price tl.O'V S iri 50c K . , Niijikiii-, rvg. l.1f. Sale mii-i' 50c Porter's Food. Il g. u i. :". Suit- price 15c Herbert's Barley, rcg. pine ."(. Suit- price 15c ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists FOR SALE Third Avenue. Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Silk Panels (or Doors or Windows Tlic.M limiiliriil Ail Silk ni or While. mil be had in Ciuld, SWISS AND NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED l" building next dour to Kmdi i..Mir Hlmi. wnm from the 1 ii-. H"t'l We enrry a 'till hue . ..-.r. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES R00M 'N C0NNECT,N Zar.lUC,AL Proprietor local and Personal 1J.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try 057. Valentin Dairy. Phone tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phone t578. tf Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. I'hone 134. tf tieorge llushby in confined to the liou today with a bad eold. For the busy man jr woman, a Hrown car saves money. Phone 80. if loldhlooui is bringing back fur coals. Wall till von set hem! tf Our Jow rates have been an lulnlaridfng success and we shall continue on thin basis. IJrowu taxi. Phone 80. tf II. K. Hciimhi relumed on the Prince- Charles this morning af mm- making the round trn to sii-wart on tiiat vesnel. rh'belnh. Whist drive and dance 'night' in (lie Uoiton Hall at H..10. Aduision, gentlemen 75c ladies SOc. Ilefrcdimcnls. Good mu.ic. ioneral meeting P.M. IVilliard l.i-aicue will be held in city police ''mil Friday nuil 8.30 sharp. All interested in- the game re-iu'l(d to attend. T. II. Johnson .manager of the Canadian l'ili & Cold Storage Co., who ha been on a brief business lri couth, relumed to the t-iiy on the Prince Itupcrl today. Chief and Mr. M. X. MeKav arrid yesterday ou Ihe Canlena frmii Kiiirolith on Ihe 'Nan Hiver niid will he a few days in ihe cily lefore returning to their home up river. (iltOCKHY S110WKP.. The Hidley Home will be onen for m- i-ectiiiii on Friday, September 18. liift of grocerW will be nnifli appreciated. Tea will he crved from 3 to 0. 216 ' ' ...... . Heal Hawaiian fluilar Dance iireliedra at the Itostun Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings from H.ao to 2 a.m. and Satur day from 8.30 to It midnight lientlement . 75c, ladies 50c F.verybody welcome. 210 Capl. A. K. Dickson ha re uiiied command of the Union -N'uiiwr Cardena afler an ah -nee of several weeks during which lime lie went to the Old Country to lirins out Ihe com pany new steamer Lady Cynthia. Capl. C. It. Smith, who was in command of the Canlena dur hi absence, has now gone- to the ihilkoot. After passage of exactly a week from Vancouver via Ihe Queen Charlotte I.-lauds, C.X.Il Mcamcr Prince John, Capl. K Mabh. arrived in Kirt at 7 o'- loi k i his evening and will leave Vain'ouer mi her next trip norlh n September 20. changing her sailtiiKS from Vancouver and : prince Hupert from alteniale Mo ulays as al jnes'iil to alter nasc Saturdays. innouncehents Knighls of Pythias Whist Dne and Dance, Scplemher 28, Oyro Carnival and Dance October " 12 and 13. llebekah H.unar .Saturday, Oc-loher 17. Catholic Church llazaar, Octo ber 21 and 22. Anglican Church venihcr 5. Preshyleriiin Xo ember 12. Moose anil 18. Ilaxaar Xo- Church Hazaar Hazaar Xoveinber 17 lloynl Purple llazaac Xovein ber 18. llnplist Church Ladles llazaar, Novciuher 20. SI. Haiaar. Ijeeeiulier 2. Lutheran Church Ladle' Aid Dauitr. Deeemhrr Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. JJroakfaftt, Lunches, Afternoon leas, Dinners and after Theatre llefrcshmcnts Our Specially is Homo Made Ice Cream and Confection-cry. Wholesale or Ketalh You will be pleased with our service. Let usplease you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi the original 30c. taxi. Phone 134. tf When back from the holidays, .ry Yalenlin Dairy. Phone 057. tf Sweet melodious Hawaiian dance music ai lioslon Hall Thursday, Friday and Saturday 210 Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cabrera ar rived un the Prince John last night from Maxell and will re-Uiru there by the same steamer ibis evening. . , It. K. Moore, manager of P. Murns Co.', Ltd., reiurned this morning after making the round irip to Stewart en the Prince Charles on busiuc, Mrs. V. II. W'rfghl of Ocean Falls, who has befJfi the guesl ol Mrs. Alex Slrachau, was admit-(eil to the fJenersiHoi'iiilal yes- fwday to undergan oieration. Mr. and Mrs. It'uy Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Roll llarlowlcfl on the launch Miaoeaiu .NO. z yeslerday aflernUB&-for Porcher I 'land where flics, will spend a vocation until tlfr end of the week on a huntinpHiip. II. F. Kergin. M.L.A. for Atlin diflrtet. will ail eM the'PrrnS :iiarles this afterupbn to visit .'lorlherii parts of hjf oonslilu iMicy including Telegraidi Creek. Deae Lake, Atlin, Kngineer Mine and oilier points. J. W. Schoonover, purchasing asenl for the Maxell Timber Co., relurneil to the cily lAst Iluekley Hay. He will proceed to his headquarter iut Vancouver on the next sleamer. Calvert and family will proceed soulh lo spend a vacation. D. J. Mulhe'ftnii. cily treasurer will sail bv the steamer Catala on Salitrdny morning for Victoria where he will attend tho conven tion-of the Union of Muni- ipamics next week. .Mr. Malhe- son will he back before the end of the month in order to takol barge of the municipal lax sulci which win uiko place on Sep tember 30. M l C.X.Il. steamer I'rlnce Charles, (('.apt. Neil McLean, returned at iH.I.V I hLs morning from Anyox Andrew's Ladies' Auxllhirv.aiiti Mewnrl ami will sail al 1 oeiock Hits aflernooiv. for Skag way inaugural lag the company s, fall H'rvlee to Ala-kau,porls. She Is due Imek next Suiid:y eseuiug and will lay over here unlit Wed I' lilted Cliureh Haraar Hecem-iuesday when she will muku ihu Ler 10. 230 uest Alaska trip. 1 ll. A. nichmond of the H.C. Fur Company left on Ihc Cardena yesterday on a business trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Every dollar saved on grocer ies helps to build another house Don't forget the grocery shower at the Ilidlcy Home on Friday J. II. l'illsbury, I. C. fiibboiis and Jack Keefe had a successful gooe hunting excursion to De lusion Day, Digby. Island, yester day afternoon. The parly was only out, a "few hours but they bagged seven fine honkers. (!. W. Morrow, formerly of this ily and now representing the National 1'iscuit Co., is a passenger going through on the Price Ilunert today bound for Anyox. He will be back in Ihe city towards the end of the week G. C. MacKay, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, is leaving this af ternoon bv the Prince Charles for the Telegraph Creek district on a trip of -inspection. He ex peels to be away about three weeks and ::ay go through to Deasc 'Lake thoujli it is thought that condition' with the ap proach of winter are such dial it will be impossible to get that f;w. NEW FLOAT BUILT ON KETCHIKAN WATERFR0N1 KF.TUIIKAX. Sep. 10 Through eo-operalioy between the cily and a private firm another float is available for boats to moor ou the Ketchikan waterfront. It is located at the mouth of the creek and is 2o feet long. The sily provided the labor for the construction and Drager and Erskinu provided the lumber. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DKJIJY ISLAND Clear, calm nighl afler visiting Ihe plant aH'd H. Henricksen and X. A. Helurninz officer Mortimer ex plains thai the time'lor rcgistra lion of voters commences Sep temper 21 ami closes Scplemher JO. Among die qualification. inr a voter n inai ue or sue he a resident of Ihe constituency Iwo months before the issuing of the writ which look place on September 5. A number of vuhng people were delightfully entertained lat night by .Mrs. M. M. Lemon, 057 1-tfth Ave. east, in honor of the birthday of her daughter, Mis Muth Lemon. The evening was happily spent in card playing. games and music, delectable re freshments being Mirved during the festivities. V.. T. Calvert, .forest ranger at Port Clements, and .Mrs. Calvert and family arrived ih jbe citv oi Ihe Prince John last wt'i'inr?. M-. Calvert is here to itndortiike e lensive yoconaissance work for the departirtenl in the, inlerinr during tlis next Iwo months. Mrs barometer. 29.92; lemperlurae, "0; iea smooth. DHD Til HE POINT. Clear light northwest wind; barometer 29.95; temperature t; sea smoulb. Noon IJIOHY ISLAND. Clear, calm barometer, 29.90; temperature. 38; sea Mlioottl. DEAD THEE POINT. Clear, fresh northwest wind: barometer 29.90; temperature 53; ea rou?h HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert T. J. Stephens, A. C. Knight. J. V. Schoonover, J. M. Holsloii, J. M. Holston. S. D. 1 1 rooks, A. V. Do Long, K. (i. McCullagh, Mr. Elliott, Vancouver; J. Kerr. Vic toria; S. L. Simpson, Mas.elt; Mrs. O. L. Dunlap, Mrs. II. A. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Calvert and children, Port 'Clements: Mrs. Jesse Stearns and Miss Margaret Lolhrop, Stanford In-iversity, Cal.; Mrs. !. Freeman. (teorge Freeman and Miss Con- lance Freeman. Queen Charlolle Cily; Miss M. lluss, Skidegate. Central F. J. Lancaster and A. C. Chas-teney, Vancouver; A. Shaw, Slew-arl; C. Hristow and Dob Miller, lit) mon ton. CHANGE IN C.N.R. . STEAMSHIP SAILINGS See display advertisement Ibis paper for Fall Steamship schedule effective September 17. Note that sailing of the Prince Charles southbound on Wednesday. September 10, has been cancelled. Effective (bat dale, this steamer will lake up her Alaska schedule, sailing from Prince. lluper! for Skagway each Wednesday al 1 :00 p.m. Full particulars from City Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue. Phfcne 200. 2ie rvt PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, September 17 High 0:53 a.m. 19.1 " 13:21 p.m. IP. I " Low 7:10 a.m. 3.8 " 19:32 p.m. 5.i ' r, , i , . . i vj.vi l i.i'i.iii.ii- i YmTT) P Cancelled Cheque l.V5T TO A RECEIPT ' F you pay each account by cheque L on the Bank of Montreal the man who gets it automatically signs a , receipt when he endorses the cheque to get hb money from the bank. He can not cash your cheque without first signing his name on the back, thus acknowledging payment. It is because of this method of doing busmess that payment through your bank is the sure, safe, economical way. You need not even call to pay a bilL Just mail your cheque to the person to be paid. Open a Chequing Account with us. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 ( Totd AueU in excess of 4 700,000.000 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lauder, and un washday morning you probably fc,et like singing the same thing. So why not end thai ancient drudgery to-day? TftRIF-T SERVICE Just tall for our TlllUFT-T SERVICE which will do every hit of the washing anil iron Ihe flat work. too. With Ihe wash out of wash day that " hale to get up in the morning" feeling will he gone for good ami all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge SI .00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ami PRINCE OEORQE will tall rrom PRINCE RUPERT tut VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, mil mtrniM-illate ilnts rich SUNDAY ml THURSDAY at 1000 p.m. For ANYOX Wtdnwdar, 10.00 p.m. ' For STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES rr KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL, JUNEAU, SKAQWAY, -a ll WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN furlnialllh for VANCOUVER Ma QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY atcapt Sunday tl a.m. ri PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPCQ, all pntiiK I astern i Hindu. I'nlli J Slates. AGENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAM8HIP LINES. Cltj Tlciat Otflct, B2S Third A, prlnca RuparU Phona 260 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing trora Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaan Ba. and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, S PJM. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bai, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S PJN. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 123 Sad Aaaauo. 4. Bamalay, AnL Prlnea Rupart, BO. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional niai'hitiet for (he manufacture- uf SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also i-nrried in slock. 8 ve handling churges liy hiiyiug dirc-l from hp source f supply. ' - . .