AOE SIX ExtraSpecials for Fair Week In Every Lino Watches from $1.50 up. Chains from 25o up. I'ockcl Knives from 25c up. Non-Destructible. 1 carl Heads from $2.00 up. I Bracelets from 25c. up. Special Discount on Odd Cups and Saucers Real Money Savers Watch the Windows Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Coats! Ladies' and Children's Coats LATEST STYLES. REASONABLY PRICED. See Our Windows. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 Fruit Special Mackintosh Apples. J.ox S3.50 liartlell 1'cars, doz... 40c crate , $3.75 I'eaches, dor. 40c crale S1.90 Prunes, lb. 15c, crate- S1.40 Watermelon, pound . . 6c Cant Hop, large 15c Itanauas, per doz. . . . 50c Take advantage of this Special. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 18 PHONES 84 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Do Your Eyes Bother You? We have recently installed the most modern optical equipment. This, added to the ycat s of experience of John llulgnr, Sr., and with the assistance of Jack Duller, who Iihh just graduated from the U.C. Optical College, Vancouver, places ug in nil exceptionally tfood posilidn to lake care of your eye troubles. ' Wo are positive we can give you an optical service which will assure, you the utmost satisfaction. Lenses Ground on the Premises John Bulger Joweller. SALVAGE SHIP m. 4 m I.. Purchased by Same Company That Keeps Vessel at This Port VICTOIUA, Sep. 16. Replacing the steamer Salvage Chief, for- 'inerly known as the Nitinat which was wrecked on Merry Island last spi-in- tltc C.lMl. steamer Tees, which lias been continually under charter to the Pacific Salvage Co' for the past year, has been purchased by the company from the C.l'.R. The Tees will be renamed the Salvage Chief, and will enable the Pacific Salvage Co. still toi have a vessel in port while the Salvage King is out on rescue or salvaging work. It was the Tees that salvaged the Taljaua she went ashore at Villain? Island, Harclay Sound, a year ago last winter. Alterations have already been made to. the Tees to fit her out! as an up-to-date salvage ship. and all modern equipment for salvaging of vessels is being in depth. With the purchase of the Tees from the C.l'.R. the Pacific Salvage Co. is in a position lo consider the stationing of a vessel at lianfield for use in life-say- inz natrol and salvuce work li Iff II I If I li j n it mtn I 1 1 it a. I i t Victoria to-" attend to more local .liMlmfi Till Yuiipmivnr l)rri!v tli .nun-, w irw ijoiuiuiis arr urwnwTi a uuiOIUm tvn fn.un nrtttlAtft flnr.l tf-l.lntA Shoe Qioice is Easy when you look over the ONYX models for Fall, be-causq the styles anticipate the trend of fashion and there are shoes for each occasion that women and young women want. Our Fall stock is now complete. We stock A and A A widths, nlso wide widths. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue. Phone 357 Auditorium Will open for a month s Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 lo I Kveniiigs .... H to 10 Good Music both sessions Competent instructors lo teach beginners. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxipilsite Slock of Fur Trimmings at luw prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. and preserves it. Keeps it pliable, smooth and free from cracks. Keeps it "Young". Did you "Nugget" your thou thia morning "NUGGET Shoe Polish Black. Tan. 7Wy RtJ. Djr$ D.'$ Brown Brown and and H'kilt. hiU stalled. The Tees is a steamer : of C78 tons, IG5 feel in length,, work, uni ss be .'o reel in beam ami 10 feci aim in uiui ras "I FccJslLcLcailier Kins is sen I out. The ., company also has a brain li ul Prince Ru- Ipert with equipment and vessels to go to the assistance of any vessel jn distress in that vacin- li(-- Hie same time the companylMIWinMARIPQ FA PC- - ---o Leave i t r 1. 1 Co.. looks after the mainland WATER NOTICC TAKE NOTICC that Montr II. Kcui iur iuv tniiwer uuia ninei Lia.. for China VANCOlYKIt, Sept. 10. Dr. T. Moore.:!!. Williams of Winnipeg, mem- Dr. Williams also goes alone, j Ins wife having died during the year. They rejurned on furlough in the spring of I U2 1, after a term of seven years at Cliungchow, ou the Yanglse river below Chungking. This time Dr. Williams is wanted al Luc how, above Chungking, in order to organize medical and surgiral services at a hospilal which was almost completed by Itev. W. It. Morrison, of Sas katchewan, missionary builder, who is now returning home through illness. I.uohow is nearly 2.000 miles by river hunt from Shanghai. Dr. Williams is a graduate of I lie l imersily oj Manitoba, having put himself through medical school by working ou tho railway mail serviei. on trains running oul of Winnipeg. He was uorn iif Oxford County, Ontario, lie is .supported by the Sunday chool of. Young M e in o r I a I Church, Winnipeg. Mrs. Williams was Laura II. W. McUIrr f Winnipeg. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Ltait Lan in mure nupri Hcrorum? I'll trlct of I'rlnte Muptrt, and altut on the nirthet coast ot HriMih Colum bta, Portland Canal, and belli at S) I'olnt. Portland Canal, and biin north numii'lic from Tree I'oim, l'tr Itland. TKt OTICh that AiikIo Iirlllili Ci'-iimliia I'arkinr compjnr Limited, i Vancouver. li.C, oreuiiallon Parker. In lends to apply for a Irate of the following deirrllx-d landt: CoinineurliiK at a pott planted, at lilrt) aairr intra at spn ruini, I'oriiaim uinii; iIk-ik'O aoulheaaterly alnnr IiIkIi wale, mark for rorty-elnlit liundred teel to pott iiiarknil .in. 3.S.K.: llicnre southerlj 10 rhaln, inore or Pi low waler mark: thenre rxirtliweatrt ly alonr low water mark rorty-elrht hundred feet, more ir lent; tiirure northerlr Itt ihnln. iihid r to point of rndimrnrriiient. iih roiniininit 71 rrf. mure m lea AMCLO-tllllTIOI :OI.IIMIII I'ACklMO t:o. I.TII.. Appllranl Per Waller T. Walker. Arnl Oated lulr llrd. IU Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours -0 Jo fl. X-nay Service Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnlngs THE DAILT HEWS WedrtMar. September- u. 1925. STINNES FAILS CASHALL GONE RRIT1SHCOLUMBU Fall of Famous German Business House Follows Death of Founder HKIU.IN, Sept. 15. The fall of the house of SI nines is com plete. Less will be saved Troni the ruins than was heretofore imagined. The enemies of Sl n-nes are exultant ami point tu the wages of, megalomania. Friday s "Acliluhr Abendblatl published an apparently' reliable eport that Kdinuiul Stinnes, the Mdesl son of the late Ilujfo SI nines, had appealed lo the Prus sian government lor (lie small sum of three, million marks, since he was unable to pay even the 100,000 marks v -'3,11(10, due in wages today in the Aga Mo' r Works Jlerllu, alone. It is known 'that after the first crash the stinnes possessions were divided, l-klimiud taking the motor works ami assurance I'oiupauies. Hie bunking consortium formed to assist lb" concern decided after inquiry Itlial Kdmuiiil hud received more urn financially if the debts were greater than was supposed. Hut Sliiines declared thai lie was iot obliged lo go further. 'Piere-j industry. luneyra w lou i, tw. ie. u7, ..n-nan inuiiinc jkiki-, iiicj may lake away one or iwo "V..iir Duirirt" Thu sWatkU. "5?3Ki POticl Mime weeks ago, the mis-'of ,y undertakings, but they ySweiHr2mn?i at Chcngtu urged shan't .get me." wns his com- api.ilraiion pumuani tberno and 10 iin'oa' tw Me lorty-eighl, llev. mnt before explaining liuw tMiLpte..r,W,-,"rtS?:W. J. Mrtin.ore, P.A., and I)r..,is opinion the H-ealle. Assist - jmions may bp mm 'im the Mid wucr illiems, be perniilled lo sail anc Consort urn had Ibiuidated "'luiuaim Hpnirder or lth th OmiMroller of Water! , .. Hiirhn. rarinnwnt Buildinirt. virtorn, regardless oj conditions iiu t.. in the old Hugo Stinnes firm in h .V"- 'r. rfimore. who is way which praet.eally reduced The date or ihe rirst publication of thi siwrctary-treasifrer of tho Mis- Moorirottin8h,S Wife a"d eMMml Ul T- Montr It. ironto. the family lo poverty. The fact - is that whether the llauk Consortium wished or not for the family quarrel, or for the second iu:(rrcl between Dr. Kd-iiiiind Stinnes and Ilerr Jakob (ioldschmidl, president of the Darmstadler and National Hank, the name of Stinnes lias been thrown down from its pedestal the entire Stinnes possessions losl. the financial reputation ot (iermauy lowereI, mid her credit abroad temporarily shattered. "I myself would really be satisfied to retire and gee. the world," said Dr. Kdiuuhd Stinnes. "It seems a pity to abandon all my father's undertakings, but ralbor than lie down to . Jakob Cold Schmidt I will , willingly . faeu bankruptcy." k Most of the newspapers consider Slinnes" offer of stock to workmen another proof of his incapacity to direct a big industrial undertaking, hut personally young Slinnes makes an excel lent inipiesMon. Some of advanced idea-. The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Uns produced .Minerals ns follows: Placer (Sold, $77,a81M5:i: Lode Gold J73.IIK); Hiker. $OS,S2l,.Y70, Lead, $70,5 1H.57X; Copper. $ 1 K7. i Hl.:t7K ; .,(,,' f V 171.107; Miscellaneous Minerals. $l,; lloal mid Coke, 2ll(l,HSO,otH; Ilnihim. Stone, llrirk, Cement, etc., $1,25,811; making its Mineral Production to the end 01 ,?t IV? I show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 'I he Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal nnd (lie fees lower lliuu tho,,. ol any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Hie Itntuli Umpire Mineral locations arc granted lo discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of win h ,. guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information together with Mining llepcrt avl Maps, may be obtained gr,t,- ,v addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.H. Practically nil British Columbia Mineral Properties upon win. h dei :..,!f ,,) work has been done are described in sonic one of the Animal Hrpnrl of the Ms.n t ... of Mines. Those, considering mining investments should refer to ueh report- The are available without charge on application to the Department of Mine. Vi. t .,., u Meporls of the Oeologieal Survey of Canada. Pacific lliiildiug, Vancouver, ,.re mended as valuable sources of information. '',;" !- KETCHIKAN SCHOOLS promise to support the coiisotii-i , , ,. In ... TROUBLOUS TIMES inir :unl H.irsrp Co.. wiiii-h is :.f- .wages. He Tw0 United the Sho filial,.,! II... PaHifr Salvacn Representing ChurchHo LESS HALF AS MANY ! AS IN PRINCE RUPERT upon the banks shut uff all KKTCIIIKAN. Sept 10. In the credits, and Mnmes appealed to public srh..ol tn-re at tin- opening the government fur aid. t ,lot tlie term pupils registered Offers Shares -and there are. 00 students in the When' Saturday arrived, he. high schoil. I found himself unable to pay! The kindergarten has been. therefore presented 'suspendeil for the present owiifg Council two million 'to lack of nreomniodatiou in the marks worth of s haras, thus giing up his majority in the company. The workers in Ihe Aga mb'or nt II... M...1 I I lose irtorn Is tnglnrer Mint. Atliu. " l"v uiiuivii 111 ura uac iiui jot uidiir up jo'""' ?Kr'c?rT.Dd0oflIlit',,'l -MKion to West China,1 their minds whelber to accept PUGET SOUND PACK ! OF SALMON LARGER .'SI WJihanai recently, re-turning to Stinnes has ,uccceded tn hisL ' ' . , isir.i2r .viv.'? .ww K-U,e 'ie,d by f.rff ofiai":- w,,,?, r,r 10 .dr e ,a,;'i. Son V. 1 " r " 1,, ' rr.ji, ilu i,rmlnn i.t ih. ..irf rir.r inm workers IllltV III Hip flllll Ulll-tl Ian him nf lllllitif urtlnlnn In U'liul '"V" Tiirlh Lkc and will I urd for hydro-'..u in, .,f m.. i.. ..r i. ..nJ ,i. .. Jnember of .the state fisheries liclrlr clrlr tMiwrr txiwer Durnunrs purrxxs unin urion tb tbe f'nuliireri Knaliiwri' " ' i'n.,.-3 u; cans atirnin ui mc uautB . k. , missionaries for the to enslave (o rinau builditiK. board, declared todiy (hut I lie I'uget Sound salmon pack this lyenr is I In- largest since IIH3. Ill lt:t. 1,700,000 crises of; 'snrinsr surkeve. htimobMeks and ''!,.,, ... ... ....l.i w.... ... an iipii ncrv tirnrii. nun i- - timaled that j&.0oo a- of huiiiidak alone, valued at 700.000, will be canned by Ihej eml of the eaon. ' LAND ACT. Notka of Intantlon to Apply to Laato Land lU I'rtlKO Hfl lalM Hrt.Hll.IK in-, tncl of I'rinrr IHipert, anl tlluate. vn I lie Miltie.t nK of Wale l H.C., liruia norih niiiiwtir fnn MayiUrk lUlfl, ikI true eatt fnnn I.i.ihI itHiil, Sltklan Ulantl. I T.lkt MiTH t tlial Anilo HrllMt ol niU rarkinv usnpanr Limited, -t Vaiutsitrr, H ... or cup Hon patker., in , U-noi to fty for a Rae of Hit folk IIII tctlir Urnlt - Uiiui..iriur al pl ptnled al lilph aire ntark 4i llir uulne.l tKire of Wale UUimI in a punltiuti larina noun mainellr fitn ll)t'k, Itland anl true eal from l.laml eiMnl. Sltklan IOiikI. Ineiire NHilhrlerl) bt liirh water nark fortr encht hondreil fret, morr or lewk, In a lt marked to. t.t. . IheiH-r Wtlhrrty 10 irlMlll-, inure or te, pi nw aler mrk; Uwtire ,rirllieierlr ahMic low water ..tark forty elrlil buudml feet, more or lxu; tlienr norllierlr to rtialn., more or bw, lo point of oonneiK-eiiMht, ikI cjIIU Hilar ? rr, morr or la. , A.HULO HIIITMII r.OI.1 MHU ' PACkl.XO CO. I.TII.. A )l Mini Per Walter I.. Walker. A ami. biMJ.idJL JlOh it. LANO ACT. Nolle of lntntlon to Apply lo ftifihi Land. I III llie l.twl Iteeoedini Irt.lrlrt nf Prliirr luiirl. ami viiuate at shainmn lit' H.: Maett inlet, y.i:. liianl. It.i . TAkK KOTIRK that Oirtw Mlllerd. I.lln lied, f Vanrmiver Hi:, oriupalloti Ml . . riKMi rauiiT, inienn lo awn) tor pet Ills . million In rur hlut the tolli-wlne ile now considered 'trrr"ZT .. . n.... ......, fantaslic, may be a reality ofi1"4"' ' ri ei,morr r lent, fnn the future. PATROLMAN CHARGED SHOOTING AND KILLING KliTCIIIKAN, Sept. 10 Charged with having shut and killed Itomie Atkinson, u well known athlete, city patrolman S. 11, Van Zandl has been lioiind uver lo the grand jury by L'.S. Coniinis-sloiier Kehoe. It is claimed in in northet corner Lot IH 'Tl at iSP . : tttenee noulh I rluln; Ihenrei el tit r ha inn. tlienre Mild rhaln;i ihenee el in rlialm, more or le, to' hearb; tliepre follow Inr meanderlnr of1 pearn to fioint or eiHiimritrenienl, and eonlalnlnir 4 acre nmre or len. OOSHE Xll.tElin LIMITRIl Appllranl , Per Wm. 0. Mltrhelt. . . . . AtenL hllfl InU ih 'Ml LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Purth Land. Ill the l.aiKl lieiorrtint niilrni of prime liupert. and leiiiv a"n of Lot Unity four mi, iiiuko five (S,, r.oa.t niairii't. TAkK iTH.K Dial Iriurll. lu,le.l of 1'rlnre HiffMei It r iiuirt-iiim. i..ia.i defence that Atkinson resisted w apply f'r iiermiHiini t,, pur.iuo tin- ..Mn..ui l ..i t 0 .i I ioo"oi oi-pi-riwil nun": . arrest but no defence e (deuce commem-nur at a.nom i.ioi.i was given at the preliminary' TiKrT,: tl 'VlZii hearing, thai huiiuf reserved for " ii'Oiy iwo iu,i, iu-i,n r.i the actual trial. IRISH INTEREST IN HORSES Dl'Itl.lX. Sept, 10. Hidries for Ihe annual horo show" of Ihe lloyal Dublin goulety created a high record I his year with OtfL Despi(i n,,i Krowtli hi popularity of the atiloinobile, Iberu hits been a considerable Increase in ln-lerest in Imrness horses. For the hloodsiork sales more I hail H00 horses were entered. .1. It, Itoheitsoii relumed forly rhalii; Itieure IKirih elfht rliaina. iieue or le. lo Mr II waler mark; tlienre iiorlheail alonir Mali waier mark to luiini of rotnmeiiri-uiriii. and iiinlalnlnt elalily (to) arret, more r i"i. lllfZ7.i:i.L'S tlMITKO. .tMlert AilHitl IMh. 1ijJl,'''' 1 AND ACT, Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Purthaa Lnd. Ill Hie Mud lleiorilinif Dl.lrn t of prime iioiwri, aim iiuaip my lallt Crrrk ' J'l'ti flow, into Kr.iill niver alx.ul la mile rroiu lit mouth. T.UK ;MOTi:K lint Clirton P. lllrl of. Prime HHrt, ll.r, orrnpatlou nrnlr ! man. Intefnl t- apply for permUnioii pi piirrhate the fnllowlna; rietrrllied Itmlt-. CoiiiuiMirln at a Hnt iUiiiis at M.lltllU.l f...r,l..r ..9 t ... ... .... .. 1 - ' -. . r.da, nulla lour'i Ihenre fu rliaina toiillicrly , (lieurn 4 ". " p ,r' ' " " rin ttorih-1 nn Oil erlv: I .i he lire til liulu. ipi i.. : the l'rllice Itupert tills morning "' ', and ronlalulnr 40 arre. . i . .. i moro ur leu. ' I after a trip ancouer and c p tur.i V"10"' A',P"'n" baud Au.uat utu im. WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. "Cheaper to Marry" llu-li. mils .nid demi bii'baiiit". Mi-lr . v hove ami biistue. M.irnage and mortal !,. life-long friend and agreoil upon eer tiling ' riiuony. He didn't iielievr in iiinrriago,, a game of give and hike; give up our freedom . . ,,. the rotiseiiPures. She believetl in hive, lie g.n. d. -jewels, flowers and indulged her very ptra.iu.' . he wouldn't give her lliat little, djiii, gold baud I-happier tnarrieil or living wllh ht sweetie. Ts ' problem two young business Miriiiei fuced. s. . i worked out in "ChenMr To Marr." Holdl phimIp ami -iIiihIioii lo keep") mi guesting S .; of favorites. Conrad Nagel, Lewis 8. Stone, Claude Gllllngwite.-, Richard Wayne, Marguerite de la Motte, Loulie Fuendt and others COMEDY "THE WILD GOOSE CHASER." PATHE REVIEW Admlnlon 35c and 10c. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoera, Machlnlilt, Bollermakert, Black"imlth, Pltrn maker, Founders, Woodworker!, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped lo handle a. kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PH0NE8 43 and 3SP canadianT PkZTCj Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fr UTCHJIAJI, MINUU, JUNIAU, MKWtf JtroU - ll fi mcouuh. nooiu a1 sanu 1? r iS. HI1CUS BAIT . ... For Dutdl. twanion B, Ct Bill 111. Otn Fall. Nm, ' ' ' Campbali Rlitr, and Vancowtae ir Btlurdat II m. An foe oil Bttamthlp Lin. foil lnfemtl W. 0. ORCHARD 0nfl A(nt, Corner of 4th ltrl end r Ain, Prlnc Rupart, B O. Ladies New Fall Coats One of the most iiiiorliiiil iun-hases a woiiiao Ihe roiirso nf a year is her fall coal. Ilralixing 1,1 we always endeavor lo secure garments th.d ' the miiiulu and tailored to fill (lie demand of styles. If you have occasion to buy your coal now yjni w All Iho a splendid choice here, jmw ahailes nl iiiodcrnto prices $15 to $65 raiigi" H'll'i Jabour Bros. Ltd. A,...l. r.... t t . .1 .......... r 11. .i...... V, .inn I in ps els.. i ileview I'lillenis, Turnliiill's Wnlsi.n's lud' Arch-Defender Shoes mid Dominion Hubbc i,"iir-; 1