1 2 0 l b arc headoumrTera r r i - - l " ,i i rnnitj i aeo EE! FREE! pmnnstraHon s v. . in in By R. Brarrdey .nialiun rnMitiN&TinM SPECIALS AT 1.UU 1- I for iwn day - Die lat demon v ir JMi not mi . l-rk and Means, l nil Ifh ami Ilean, 1 Oil HEINZ CHILI SAUCE Kmre. :i r .r l .00 I MtllHf t I Hcatr -m.ill io-ri ma!'. rider. . v V... e' -W a' -up, for. ' HpIikIi und I ln it. Miiat) ' laheili. inall' f Tonwilo Hoii, Hre lladxli ' S.,miietli. mnll ' I'miked .pa- Wire H LLi JLJ Gmmol 0 ' a 1 ' 'am of Tnninto 8oun, .ill 1 ' 'Tain nf Tonialii Poup, 1 - m 2 ' ' " h Tnninlo Soup' rook. ' s iihlii. ond pork and nw ii lie .. n I. . "Villi 1111111 "nil hotllo Worronlrr iii r i m & . Ill II BfllllU Hm I IHUIli UUIfUII THE MAN IN THE MOON y: l-KT ii ron. wiih ii. a I,..,. m the election ycslerdav. They have lie-- advantage of bfiiiK hi l he majority. IIFIUrS (o the lf.pr Who wa beaten al the poll HeV hail the experience And lightened hi rft. URDAY AND MONDAY ONLY, , ,,a perhaps. He may lry to nm am.!,. Ami fn tlift meantime tip May (urn out ami train. YeA, here' lo (ho hundred Who fahVd to Make II, n hlmy all deserve credit ror (ho showing llipy'iiiado. XOW let ii have a rare lo nee how miieltlr .. i i i. . y-. -, ... , ,, pr, ,i;lcK n nwrrmil. KLKOTIOX n over -And I lot my M, Hill r have not (.., enough To pajr II yet. TIIKHK'S manv a ltn iu..t "P nt Hp. ami there' many a mis In ejection goeet. IIF.UI-rS lo the man who lol Ami paid up like a man; Ami here to thi candidate fild a an "alft ran." AMOITT the IMftl liurrMtenuii thing I know i mjtn try-iffif l M funny. AFTF.H the excitement of ltal few Ulc f nwiuunuul joflrnMon ta mm an Unll.tof? or faffi? that lry rlitHrh haxwn. I IT ami drink my n WkIiHut a pOM or a uprr. I hear fioall talk liul I lonr In walk. Ami l tint of my niiiry. j TIIK rhfcf ton t h. In ;lrn from th" Inn "U Ik at mofili will hi ixwplr no nia(lir wkal you Ml thm. JAKK ay llnr ar two kiid o oiiiTmi!. one i th niuii who anrr mm emi in the front lawn esmvn to hear , Hie tiinl inning, ami lb other i Ihr jiolittrian who hear lh moH rtieer al lli loeeting and exterl they art' gums lo vole fnr him. t t)W that tu MerlKm i mw; it i lo I" hoal we Khali hear ik. more of tariff, and national il"liU, and duty lo the mninfry, and enuiK the entle (ailhfully until al lai four year from .now. . CANCELLATION OF RESERVE smut h ncnt.nr givkx ut ib nwrc vuiliai rr Lol nm, litntr 4 Cnol PHlHrl, l riKOrl. O. II. .VUHLX, trpIIT MlWtlrr of Lnd Uixlt iwpirtmrnl, Vkturi. Hi.. IimI H tttl. LAND ACT. H9K f IdUalltD U Afrl U PrhM In iitr Umi rrroMinr puirlrt or rniK ltliwrt. u4 beoir rtlHi (if tM iwruljr taiir (III. Hani fir Hi, tutu nlitrift. tahc .vuict Put rniifn umiii a l .m. a Ii . t ii niaiphinll Inljtrul lo ply for rrmlIMi ki prthe iul i;minnn i rot plinitd t the hrlfcrxr rtrir ftf M iwftilT four till, rtiit fn U.. : Milrlrt; ttwnrv oulh Ihlrfv iwn rhm: thMir wh fr:)r rliln; tlirnre nurlh Willi hin nr or !. . tilih wilrr mark: (hrnrc nirirmit lr turn mtirr mirk la poim f roiiimrnmiH'nl. itxl rnnuinlnf rifhlf f0 rr. more r '" nurzta j umitid. rp"i"Di oM foii ink. ..h mi AArrtit on oAMit or chance raoHiBiTiD SOTtri? t nun iiy nivr.x nm I tuve kw-a hinnifH-d h irlrtl i-nrnrre !"r-ii i of the r.riiiiiiMi i imi r i n(i mlil.l liukrn II in mdlrliMe nffrnre 1o lurl guv wliniw. piinlrtvinri'. or r-Him ir nr llllit fir .li IMirtmw of (le Irrnilnlnit Iki ire, lle rmlihr lf k'l. Uriel. aumlMT r rlwiirr f iny lr lriy brum uM or tllpnnl f, nf Jl-iwe f any ix1, are iir nifrrhamtie lv inr nMM or rnanre or murn ' t ami niill or hi imlnre any rrn m' laH liMfiwy or ullH-r valualili prorly or Ihlaa on lit rrnull of any lame "ft rhanre. lit ll ur oihrrwlw. or In nm-. ilurt any lonrry or rarrie. . . Thi m-iIiiii ilura imt arnlr to rafflra or rllr nf a value Imt lu rtirnl IMI.un In anv tMtaar In-Id for rellflnii or rtiartl-ahle imrrmre, pri"llet wrinliMl ' rtrl olitaliwl rw'iii tlie Mayor nf Inn r.lty In Imlil the aatiM. W. II. VKKKIU. 5I rhlef nf police. LAND ACT. Nolle af IMMtleir ta Applf I - Land. In I't-lnre roiperl Lml Itrrordlnr nla-trlrt. ami allnale al MrwromtMi llarlxir, I'll! I omul, alxtul one mi In norllma! rnun lie niiraiM-r I" I'rlrrl Cliamirl, and about fine mile wmllierly fpn Hie imrllira! M.HIB, .if 1.1 IAI1P Take iHilli-f that Wallara ntirrlei t.lnilliid. of VinrnnrrC, nr.. orrnpan.ml rantii-rjiiH'n, InliinU In apply rr t lrae Of lim rolnminr prrarrllnd land: - ; CoiuMM-nrlni at t I'lanlwl about on mile in a millM-rly (llwillon from! lb iirlhnt rurner of I.M HUJJPi tt'nre aniitlv t.ll rllalnn; Ihnnrr rl 6.00 rhain: Ihrnrr north o.io rhmn; tlMira faimrlv iiiianilprlnr a Inn I th tllrni water mark in "i"l of coiiiiiirni'rliii'lit, ami nintalnin f.no arre, innra nr WAi.t..rt-: nsiiKinrs iimitfo. Appliranl. Dlltd fPlM"tir Itta, till. TWO SPEAKERS ROTARY CLUB Hon. T. D. Pattullo and Pat Malt-land Wera Quests Yesterday- Afternoon Mueli nf Hie .mere of I'rmov HllIK'rt U due lo ,e uplendid coniiniinily ,,iril round here, ar-roftljim u, Hon. T. ). Pnltullo. HllinMer o' land, who wa I he chief p.akHr at the Horary Clith lunrlieon yetenlay. The elect Ion al the time he wa epepkinK wa, a he naid. "in the lap of the (Sod" hut mi mailer who won n tfU ure they would forjret their differenrei, and turn onrr more t the work of forwarding '-he Intern.! or the eily. In l'mce Huperi, n,e miniHler ahl, then had heert fewer fail-lire than in ai.r other city of it iC A fine healthy pirit haA prowa uft of late year and Ihi aceounlril for much of the pro-Kie een here. Mr. PaMullo aid he had been imire or le in puhlic life for Ihe pat 35 year. He Ihousht etry man owed it to himelf and lo Ihe coiiHiiunity to lake an In-lerfl in piihlh affair. Any man AlrAiild anwer Ihe-eall to eenire if riven. He cla!-e.l himef a a ftolilirian heeaue ixililic wa hi cien of ftovernmenl and he believed h wa a nluderil of Mdltlf. If h were fYirinlnjr a rarimet he wohIiI prefer a person who had had onie experience in public affair to a raw huine. man who knew notlunir hut hui- fte. Serins on rholhoard. Uy wiiMWrl and imilar hodie helped to train a per.nu for poll. heal Hfe. Builne and Po'.lt'cs There wa a ?reat difference between puMh life and huineA In huone a man dM what he wihed. In pottliral life the puhlic Itad a ay a lo wlral hVld he done. Thi wa an aee, Mr. Pattullo afcl, when mlwritle jrovernnl. A militant irrirtoHty wan rulina in almot all walk of life. tiroap wen fornieil and they wefp nuaHy urge on by one individual who expected to he leader of the proup. New function are be ins de manded of liovernmenl and llrec are colly, with the reult that laxe mcreae. They arc tohl that tin cot will be only a few dollar but often it amount lo lhouand. Town planning wa an illtixtralion of thi. The adtnrale of tbe cheuiA want In create a bureau which will have U lie nahf for. nere i a mllifant minority tnfluciicinif 'the major ity. Mr. Patlullo paid a compli ment lo the htilneinen ot Prince HuperL lie aid he did not know any place, and he knew at) JlrllMi Columhia, that had uch a large proportion of high rla men in it. Apain he urped thai with Ihe election ocr I hey hoti)d reunite and continue the pood work in Ihe intrre!. of the city and incidentally of tin province at large. Pat Maltlantf Pal Mail land, pa.t prcidcnl of the Vancouver (Jyro Club, who wa alo a kuc1 of Ihe clitli, ox-pre.M hi apireclathn of the iiihlre of the Mlniidrr of Land and of the biMlefilriTiKMre.VWiV-lained from service club. In what way. he asked, couht he have been able lo hear an ad-drr from Ihn Miniler of Land or the Mirrifer tft hear him?' There wa a piril of cama-raderie not to be oblaincd elc-j where. In the old athletic day or school day there wa such a .plril and Ihi wa perpetuated in Hip Hotary, Oyro or KiwanU club. They brought men lo-pcllior and pave opportunities for working up a spirit of friendship uch a could be obtained In no other way. PRESBYTERIAN TEA AND SALE YESTERDAY Event Took Place at Home of Mrs. R. F. McNaughton, Fifth Avenue East ' The I.adie' Aid Society of Ihe Preshyferian Church held a lea and sale of home rnokliitf yesterday afternoon nl Ihe homo of Mrs. n. l McN'aughton, Fifth Ar. KaL The irnest were; received by Ihe liosless, assisted by Mrs. Sam Massey, secrelnry of the 'Indies' ,. j The lea table were dalnlily iirrantred, decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and presided over by Mm. I). 0. Stewart and Mrs, II. li. Qrant. Those asslst- BEAPISITED FARM Don't Fail to See AFTER FRESH BEEF Was Killed to Trap on Occasion of Third Visit D. A. Whvle of Vancouver, who is visiting at Cha. Uarrelt's Diamond l ranch, had quite an adventure with a black bear on Wednesday evening last says tlic Interior4 Xcws. On coinc ilown In look over Ihe slaughter house where Mr. Harrelt ship dressed beef, nml after swinging the door shut, he spied a bear coming towards him on a plank a few feet above him. As Mr. Whvle lim! evidently interrupted Mr, Hruln feeding on a side of beef, he llmiltrlil liA it'iid unriiiirnil ..a Iia had no weapon with him, and would not have tune, to gel lo the door had Ihe bear attacked him. Happily the animal passed overhead and made his way out 'through the opening above, the slaughter house, which is open at bold ends on Ioq. The bear came back next day. when Mr. Harrelt had a shot nt him, hilling . liim in Ihe back. The shot evidently did not wprry the bear, as he again showed up on Friday night, when u trap was waiting for him and lie was finally shot.' The lwar weighed nboul -0(7 pounds and (lie skin is In fine condition. Advertise la the Dally Newt. GOLD SEAL the New Congoleum Rug Patterns Again Congoleum Canada Limited makes a real contribution to the art of interior decoration. In the newest designs of Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs, distinctive motifs have been combined with harmonious colorings to produce elTects that have been found until now only in the most expensive woven rugs and carpets. Pattern No. 562, the rug shown above, contains more than a hint of the Orient. It is'a floral design, the flowers are in light blue, magenta and old rose. The buff background is relieved by a coffee-colored cross-patch design. The border is old blue and lends a finishing touch to this exceptionally pretty pattern. The colors are admirably adapted to either light or rich-toned draperies. Your Dealer has the New Detigns Of course, a newspaper illustration can convey only the merest suggestion of the wonderful artistry of the new Congoleum Rug designs. To appreciate them you must jee how" decorative fijNGOLEUM RT-RUGS Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians RECEIVE NEWS IN THE CITY Many Opportunities for Getting Latest Results Last Night J;mght'follavinsr receipt of the election returns the Liberal were jubilant because they had elected Fred Stork and the Conservatives because it seemed a if their parly had swept Ihe country and would be returned to power. The candidates addressed their followers in their rrvspeelive committee rooms and in Ihe Conservative rooms Pat Maitland of Vancouver also made a congratulatory speech. The candidates were also invited to visit the (i.W.V.A. rooms with their supporters and this was done, short speeches being made there. Throughout the evening Ihere was much excitement, which was kept up by the enthusiasts until very liile. Relurns were received at the various committee rooms, cigar stores, pool rooms and al Ihe War Veterans club rooms and also wero announced from time to time in the theatre. America contains many tnl' storeys, and many Americans are Moled for relating" "lall" stories. One of the latter met his match some, lime ago at Queensfcrry. He greeted a solid Scot with-"I say, what guy slung up tha framework?" pointing to the Forth llridge. "I cnutdna say," the Scot answered, "but I ken it wisna here last niclit." Poitttn No. 562 h thoan on Ihe timer. It It a limuilful Orknltl dttlgn. they really are. Your dealer will be glad to show them to you; also other patterns of Congoleum Rugs suitable for all parts of the house. Congoleum Rugs have many other qualities besides beauty to recommend them to modern women. They are sunproof, waterproof anct sanitary. They lie flat without fastening. Popular Sizes at Low Prices Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs are made in seventeen sizes; ranging from the handy 18 x36 inch mats to the 9x15 foot rocm-sbe rugs. Their amazingdurability and very Iowprices make them the moat economical floor-covering you can buy. Congoleum-By-the- Yard Ask your dealer to show you the four new patterns in this popular floor-covering. It is made of the same durable material as Congoleum Qold Seal Rugs, for use to cover the entire floor.. Congoleum Canada Limited 1270 St, Patrick Street. Montreal, Qyebec At tit hi U Patten AV. 560. eo the not Je-JJfiu. Brlotr h Patient A . $52, m Chinese Jesifn, ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE GOLD SEAL ON THE GOODS YOU BUY inir were Mr. C 1-.. Siarr. Mr. I.. W. Kerxur. Mi Milton (ion-nle. ami Mrs H. A. Harlow. Tint home conkn:K was in charge of Mr.. 1). Mrl). Hunter, asisiod by Mr.. Murray. Mr. llenri llorie wa cashier. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. WATER NOTICE. Dlttralon and Ua. TAKE NOTICK that llnr.v C. Gltirerlrtv aarnt ror UK Knrlnrer Oold Mine Ltd.. lu, Mhone aitilres I Enrlnerr. Il.i: . will apply for a ItreiiMi to take and ue "0 ru. ft. (r arrtiiul r watrr nut of Wann nivrr which riowa wntrrly and drain' inio Tattsh l.kr about two and one half milra mitt or Hie Ewrlwfr Mine. Tlw walvr will be diverted from the atrram at a point about tn mile from the ter-nilnu nf the Mid liver Intd TaiKh Lake and will be uwd ror hydro-fln'trlc iuwer lurpoe upon the F-Wrineer Mine, whose iHitdiiiir ara drsrrlbed a Hevru Crown drained Mineral Claims, surveyed a lot .nm. id. id. i oft. in;. u. sis, e?. VS, 970. 171, ami li4, ftroup I, Calar htstrlet. This nollre wa ponlrd on lh rrnund on tlw istli day r orr.4er. 4s. A copy or litis nutlee and apptlranoit pursuant iherrtn ami to the Water Art, tll. will I filed in the orrire of the Water rteriMiUr at Ailln. Il.r, objertlmi may be Med with lite said Water ".reorder ur with Hie Comptroller or Water Itlahu. I'arllainent Huildln. Tlrlorla. B.C.. with in thirty (lav arter the apixiaranra or this not ire in a (ieal neuMHiiier. The date r the nrst piilillratKm of this nollre l Ihe tllh dav of October. EAOI.XHEn COLO MINES LTt., INC. Henry c. Qleyerhrh. Arnl. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notlca af Application for inr Lleana. NOTICE IS IIEHKBY CIVEJI that on Ihe 15th day tit October, MIS, the undr-minied lutniiN tn apply lu the Liquor Control Hoard for a lifeline In respcei hi premises, hem it nan of Ihe buildltir kimwn i Sklilemite lirutrdlnc Hume, MM-attMl at Skldeirale, upon the lauds described a l.ui to, ninrk 4, arn.nlinr to a realMrred map or plan deposited In the Land Reaurry Orrire at the city nf Prlnre Ituperi ami numbered 1(1, Tor the sale or beer by Ihe rlasa or by the otwn bollle ror ronsuniitlon on the preniUes, Hated at skldeiiale. .Ci. thi I II Lb day of September, till. tDJdUnU C. STEVENS. Owner, AppUcaai Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Hair load $3.00 Large sacks 60o DRY BIRCH Per Idntl $0.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 50 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TIRES 'A 25 par cent advance In prjees has, just taken effect. Fftr the balance of October -wo wjlj sell at old prtcas, Save riiohey by buying now. S. E. Parker Ltd.