ttllMltlH Tl.l it s, PAOE roua - -t BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus H Yes it whips K easily and is a delicious! M TP" i4 favorite with British Columbia housewives I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So oflen you hear that remark. It js only because those people who make jl, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try Ct Floor Varnjsh next Um,e, we guarantee it to Rive satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. New Fall Coats DRESSES and e MILLINERY "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Ford Cars NEW AND USED Kasy Terms if desired. SPECIAL BARGAINS for the balance of September. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures, Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Cliass and Glazing. Sash, poors rnnd Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Bue 268 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage PhOM CI. Car age', Warehousing, jnd 'itatributing. Team or Motor Servtee. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Having. deliveries of grain to Van corner by the C.N.H. up to Sep tember 25, totalled 297 ears. LOCKS OF WITNESSES BEFORE COMMITTEE ON SCOTTISH HOME RULE Graphic Description of How Costs Were Run up and Fees Drawn Down by Lawyers LONDON. En Canadian Press Despatch demonstration in favor Home Hulo for Scotland, Thomas MIUTIMri 1 1 iTirp inn Johnston, M.P., gave a graphic illUillUl ALII 1L) Attfc description of the experience of, Ihe citizens of Glasgow and of neighboring districts V before a Parliamentary committee - sit- ting-ul Westminster to consider a Kill' which these Scottish au thorities were pro.motlnjt (n Parliament. To London came flocks of witnesses, said Mr. Johnston, "Doctors, lawyers, town clerks, engineers, burgh surveyors, education officers expert witnes ses, one if whnin got $250 for an hour and half in Ihe witness box. Theso skilly men, engaged at so much per day, were housed in great hotels in London. On tint poiiimitlee of inquiry there wa.i no Scotsman: there was only one Mr. Johnston. No, no, not ycl. One inrmbcr of Ihe com-millrn tpb hipi that tho costs up til npw were opr 200,000, anil it was not finished. The Hill was only through llo House of. Commons Coinmillee. The lawyers declined to accepl Ihe tie-' eislon of that Coinmillee. anil the bill was now to come before. . . : , , t-7 n I s T 7 I . I I Hll ff I 1 II II II I II I j-v . " ' " 1 I IBIR I Mil A. FX k.fa IJ I" LIT fTT t- . fltVMaa.PWWIIfl'' vrr.i'rtiiiv kpi.i n rim Succession duty is described as a capital tax. Its enforcement takes out of the open inarke. each year a percentage of Ihe available funds of tho country for Ihe purpose of defraying expenses of the Government, the memorial slates. The work, of launcJiiug the memorial, A. H. Crnddock, acting secretary, said, has beep initiated by Ihe associated . properly own ers of Vancouver anil Ihe personnel of the memorial indicate its sponsors. Some representatives of large corporations and Sept. 29. 1 private business concerns in Vancouver are among them. man on it who had ever been in Oliver slated Ihal the receipts Scollnnd. There they sat for fn"i the gasoline lax are used to months in the Weslipinsler Committee room along with n flpck of over twenty advocalcs. some of them at 1000 down cash on ti pa; a retainer it was called and 10 a day as a refresher. There they were, Iweply of them, with wigs and gowns, spjnnng the tiling out 'Oh, Lord, et ,it last a while." At the end of it all nobpdy was satisfied. Neither the proinolcrs por the opponents believe they jiad'gol Justice." Cuimlnghaip Orahatn. "Sijre-ly lie lawyers were salisfiedt" GETTING MORE THAN COLLECTED IN THEM VIGTOIlfA, Sepl. 20. At the convention of the union of Hrit-jsh Columbia municipalities held in Victoria ft was slated bv Pre mier Oliver that provincial grants to municipalities out of provincial revenues is grealrr than tho revenue received by the province from wilhin municipal boundaries. The premier made this statement when referring In a request that the municipalities he given a portion of the gasoline lax. In explaining why this request could not be granted Mr pay 1 no marges on the money borrowed for highway purposes Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NR Tblt (top kick htidactM. rtlUv billeut (tUcht, Uni and rtfultl th llmlnatlv organs, fnaaa yM fad fna. "tttrTliiB PIUs Far Uvr Usr ORMES LIMITED the eo-opernlion of the local custom liouVe in the war on smuggling from the United State. Attention has been drawn by the local fxeculive lo a warn- Mmviiininl liiuiuin' nmt't m.'1"? ilupd the Department of hi , mil that oriai ''. point, of the associated properly lnier nnwniliiienli to the Cus- of owners Vancouver scoring Tbo nearest total succession duties, personal prn-i,0.m" a,n,pu 10 e" to this came on Scpfeniber 18, petty tax. income and olhcr tax, 01 .rar' ,l"u"nf " 1925, when 1,480 cars,. as at present in force nPumliaW. hy mppionmwl siul loaded. Total loadings are now almpsl hreo times heavier than at this date last year. From August 1, the opening of the grain car, lo tiiidnight on Sunday last, 21,817 ears containing 33,'Jfi,000 bushels of grain had been loaded on C.N.H. points, agaiii-'t 8,7 47 cars with 11,593,000 at the same dale in 1921. That this year's grain movement is being handled with even greater dispatch than last year is, shown by the facl that more than British Columbia, was again before the directors of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce. At the last meeting it was decided thai copies of it should be placed ip lo hands of the directors before -it was discussed in detail. It was declared the levy for income tax is ineuitbalo and if proving a stumbling block In the Influx of capital so much desired for the development of the resources of the Province. Personal properly lax, the memorial 5,000 additional cars have beeniPontends, is also acting as a loaded than in 1923 and morenenace and should be disallowed than f. 000 additional cars have been delivered at' f lie lakehead. Grain in storeage at country points on the C.N. rt. now total in view of f lie ilelerrinx effoel it is having on' Ihe. development of business owing to Hie manner in which it is levied, whether nearly 1 1,000,000 bushelsjl" industries operate at a loss against ii.imiu.uimi at Hie same;' date two years ago. heavy penalties without power of remission. Where the value of the smuggled anoits are over 200 or over it is an indictable offence. On conviction terms n' Imprisonment may . he imposed up (o ten years ami not less than one year. . The law requires. Ihe notice points out, every person bringing good into Canada, whether dutiable, shall report them . at the- nearest customs house. AnyJperson ot making this report M guilty vof smuggling. To erreet a misapprehension it Is emphasized that articles brought into Canada for personal uc are subject to re port at customs in Ihe sanwi manner has merchandise for sale and are regarded as smuggled when not so feported. Chamber of Commerce directors oday assured the retailers of their support . LIBERAL MINISTER" IS ENDORSED BY THE PROGRESSIVE PARTY Vincent Massey Adoption Criticized by Edmonton Conservative Paper Kdmonlon Journal Mr. Fnrke slates that the en-dorsatioii of Vincent Massey, Ihe liresidenl of lhe Mussey-Harris 'ompanji, Mr. .King's newest cabinet colleague, by lhe Pro-,m'sive of Durham County. Ontario, "lias no parly significance whatever." The principle of local autonomy, he declares, is recognized liy the movement of which he is-the federal head and any unit may take sirch a sleu vititiiijl J:0mm(l,li.4 the pany as a wimie 111 any way, Hut it must be admitted that its prestige is bound In be nffecled by Ihe acceptance of Mr. Massey by Ihe Durham Progressives as lliejr randidale. In many dif fcrenl parts of I lie nounlry Mr. Forke's nominal followers have joined hands wild lhe Liberals and, if this process is carried much further' between now and nomination day, Ihe public must reach lhe conclusion Ihal Prn-gressivism has been largely dissipated as a national force and that 'it can be represented in lhe next parliament only by n shadow of the strength which it possessed in the last. GOOD G0(.F SCORE PROFESSIONAL PLAYER Wanted For Sale 2 For Rent J Foil JULNT. Pianos, player pianos, .phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's Muilc Store. If FOll IlKN'T. Large modern roouiy anartnient vyilli ffro place; close in. Apply Max lleilhroner. TO HUNT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone 18 or 81. If FOn IlKXT. Modem houe. lhe rooms und bath. Munro Hrui AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALK will be held al 9.10 Ambrose Ave. on Thnrs nay, weiotier 1, at 2.30 p.m consisting of small show cases, senlcs, stools, chairs beds, springs and mattresses bureaux,. pIc. Philpoll, KviM A Co., Auctioneers. 227 LOST LOST. Gold watch and chain downlowri. Finder pjeaso re turn lo Daily News office, lie ward. LOST. Cjiild's Hrown Sweater near Klevalor. Finder please phono Green 280. vlnus best scorj being 71 Jliminer was paired with II flee of lhe Kdmonlon Municipal EDAM 1ACDCD DADlf , '-'rse against Sullierland of Ihe. niVIH J.JlLn 1 rtllijp,oiinlry Club and Spillall pf th " Mayfalr Club. These Ibreo bad Made Eighteen Holes at Edmon- played Ihe Jasper Ooursc with ton In Soventy Thus Breaking Record There JASPl'Il PAIIK, Sept. 29. lliuimer last week end On Sal unlay Gee arid Illmmer won their match 0 and 5 and on Sunday morning (his pair won Playing his third round on lhe again one up. In the aflernoon. TfYLW; TO iKdmnnlnn course in a return Sutherland nnd Splltali won by, match ylll the professionals of, one up, Due In superior work on! .1 fUUHKVE L TO CMRCC fOO BY TE HOUR. VT THE tjAvMif. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL CARS FOR SALE. -I'JSO Nash five passenger louring IH50 -l2l Overland Sedan 7nfl -1922 Ford Se,lan 1125 -I Ion Font truek, panel body . 37S 1918 MoUushliu light 6, S pass 1250 -Fonl light delivery ehasls rtd.ulH 1173 All ears guaranteed tn good mechanical condilinn. Make your own terms. KAIEN QARAQE Fonl ami Chevrolet Service Sla linn. Goodyear Tire, Ga. Oil and Greases. WIIKCKINO SFItVICF. DAY Oil NIGHT. Phone 52. If KINDLING. WOOD All dry inside wood, kindling and blocks mixed, tO.OO per load delivered. Outside wood, tt.30 per load delivered. Norwe gian style Salt Alaska Her ring in 30-lb. and 80-lb. kegs, 10c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone lllack 161 COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Columbia llecords no scratching. Finest re productions ot latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call In and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MU8I0 STORE Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Studc- bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmprc Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B C. Taxi Service CAHS MKKT ALL TRAINS. Tours arranged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone (77 Baggage, Furniture Moving. f you want anything sent for or delivered, phono us. P.O. Hox 009. FURNITURE. lie niree iMimopuMi i-nuis on iiie polling igneens, mramers'j New apd Secondhand Furnl eauiniay j. niipmer, pnue.s-; mng orives leatiireit the gnmes. ure Slore. We lluv Sell and Kx ibmmiiii hi nil? juspi r rum uiHiHu nun in ins nisi nun seronri tune change Nevv and Secondhand course nere Lowereu uie jirevions over nie course lie equalled the Goods, (record on Ihe difficult Kdmonlon course record of 71 which he; O.EO papadqpulizi luouiiuy Liuu 10 4, mo iuv-. iiuirr rtuuvtu. 83 Third Ave. PhOlO 010 ALLRiChtV- : ILL Van V VOO! ffv-nj-j-- i TTT CwillnkieH Cifc Mill RAPID WORK LOADING GRAIN Records Broken for Single Day; 297 Cars Reach Vancouver by C.N.R. WIXMPKO, Sept. 20. Hrcak-ing all records for a single days loading of grain into cars on the western lines of the Canadian National Railways, farmers and elcvaior companies, in western Canada on Saturday loaded 1,557 ears of grain containing 2,f)JG,- 000 bushels. jlDAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS, 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement aken for leu than 50c WANTKB AOKNTS wauled In all parts of II.C. to sell Gehrke's Christmas card, manufactured in Vancouver. Liberal commissions and exclusive districts. Positively best cards in Canada. They srtl on sight. Writ Gehrke.'s Limited, 560 Seymour St., Vancouver. S3rt FOR SALE FQl SALK. Dining hkjih lillf!. bedroom unites. Chesterfield suites, ranges tove, bed linen, towels, window blinds, inlaid linoleum and prtnteJ linoleumn, lounged, chairs, ChilTioniercs, Drers, lied-steads, niattrestas and springs. Dining tables, kitchen tables, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie. Furniture House. Phone 773 FOIt SALK. Ladies lloady-tn- Wear business in Prince llu-perl. Fall stock Just arrived. Exclusive model. Must sell owing to ill health. Apply Mrs. It. Goldbloom, Third Ave. 225 F.ND of Month Clean Out. 26 reduction on all cash ale Prince Uupert Hxehange. Phone t'A'i. FOIl SALK. I Hack Knjrlish lUhy buggy in goinl C4nlitin. Phone ltlue 5t. 227 Ft ill SALE. Huffet and chinn cabinet. Phone 3(1. If TO RENT FOll HKNT. First olnss apart ment. Monarch range and water free, CJapp bloek. West enbaver Hros. tf MISCELLANEOUS KXSKHVICK men and dependents inlereed in the fm Uicoiiiiuk Federal election are invited lo mail their name and addresses for particular of a national tnoveitient In secure Justice and fair play by lh use of your ballot. ft. t North Went building, Vancouver, I I.e.. 230 CARPENTERS U'lll'.N liaxing your lioue repaired, see A. II. MarPhrrson. Phone llln.k iH7. If BOARD HOARD - The Inlander, KJ0 Second Avenue. plume 137. IIOAIID and llimin or Hoard only. Phone lied 707. Surgical and Obstetrical 3tS5 3th Avenue Wei (Kerrts-dale , Vancouver, H. C. Dr. Ernest Hall, superintendent. I the House of Lords Committee Hefore four or five peers, who might peyer have Jeen in Scotland, the whole f;rcc was to be gone over again. What a waste! What an insult to a proud and intelligent people,' explained Mr. Johnston. VICTORIAJCONSIDER? VANCOUVER PROPOSALS REGARDING TAXATION VICTORIA MERCHANTS WOULD STOP SMUGGLING Chamber of Commerce Promises to Co-onorate In Securing Enforcement VJfiTOim, Sept. 20. Hefail merchants of Victoria will seek , - . T Slart t4 frtstlar salunStr INOMina. f ram In lt ll K4jw rrMir siiMtr ua . Articles Lett and Found,&c MAIL SCHEDULE I OUT-COIUQ. Tor IS Vi'ljS. Vntnr.i. TMMNtSr TkarMStrS . . Samr4ay . . . lt. saHtUyi . . T Ff SlmpMS t4 Hut RHK Pit- TharxUjt . . IvH. SrJ II T Qv CMHtUi UImS elicit ftm "!!. A'es St!' ttm Part SIlM 4 jm I WI ItUtrtltr - Ttm Alatla falat I .P.ti afi if frm Qutaa CfcarlaU i" fram At and AlWt Arte fraaj SttKart tad rrt!-- siina i ... BOX COLLECTION f Orihtin a inn Itt Ar. A ItB Si. till Atf a rwlwrfi i lh At. A thump 1110 1 tUftovXr ttin A. A Conrad i (lb a IUr Cota A" lb A IUf C an 1. Ith s. A Cation -1 lih.ltf. A MfSrMM i Pre. 1. nwn. Pro. nri. Wurr O.TJ. Whiff T. f. SUIksi . in.i fml at. A fsd st 1M svr. A NIIH SI Inl . A (III l Tf Vantauiir k suiwliy I'oii" Tud)f . inl-m Tmn-U) . fcni" 1 . Siturilir rauu " a. rfiif W ' spi. tra. mii'r-- ' From VintouMf SmuU --m. lUrdrna WMii()r piiu' S rrtilijr ( tills sjiiunity rnii' Kltlittlay . Priif v Sriil. IS I'rlina Sri. f- . rrini-r-- 1 v ', 'S -o , ! ' :l I M I T I II II tl !l I 'I 111 lit 111 STEAMSHIP M0VB1ENTS n ,v - for Port Slmpien and N ai'C- . rniv i. caiat , fram fori simaton and N . a'alii.1aW fltf'lllA for Alalia WnlnrwlVy- -M. run Srpl. I A al. I'MiWf.- v rrom t a Slitiiliy l. Pflur t Srni . I'rlm r-- For Slawari, nri ad rm' Similar rifil'iil from SUwarl, iti and ." tt TurSdav- .. drum For Anoi Vwtnpili)ri- r 1 if i .1 from Annoi , ,,s Thursday rrim 1 for Si.wart- ., . .. , , Saturday tl- rtn From Stawirt . ;. SnruUya- -. I'rlnre Om.rro LAND SOT. Nolle of InlintM ta Appif -,,,..1 In rrmrn tlnport; I nj'J I'-'jf ? i ' nf Mrlll.h Cnluililila. : . .1 !(. miinlh nf Mlsrll ' ; chain" north fmm Oi " nn nfi' nir of linliin Hwrve V TAVi-'shTicB tM ,1. rijt;;' ,:.. nri. of Mmsrll, Itrlllfh ' ; r , lion pirkor, intrinl I'' , , nr thf fniliiwinr, to',r ,14 k J CimuiM-lirlnr 11 , ',,1 ,J7 noriti frwi "m" ""IV.imib " t,t initlun liMfrve o, one lW $ rhiln In 1 y"''fr,h.r n IS fBsrw v&5 v II m Ditad Judi toib. Ml.