piM1r September 29. 1925. Rent a Remington Don't be without a typewriter just because you don't wish to buy one at present. Just phone and a machine in first class order will be delivered $5.00 per month $12.00 for 3 months Wc are prepared now, as never before, to clean, adjust, overhaul all makes of typewriters promptly and thoroughlya service that satisfies (e (Comfortable This Winter V-V i- t!i' tiflii l I k nwr iiiir Iti'ililiiiK t ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 etneii' ..! r .i full in" nl WOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS and BED SPREADS BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. WE riAVE TJEENAPPOINTELT ACIENTS'.FOR . V K Sweetest Jjaid Chocolates "The Candy of Better Quality" I x- h an made Willi lreli dairy rream aim are guurau- tf il to gie saliirtnii lo Hie most rrilual. Then? arc no -'Million altarlu'il lo our guarantee, your money back or a w Ihi. Von inii-t he satisfied. Aorted Fancy Centres I lb. box $1.00 Assorted Fancy Centres . . 2 lb. Imix $2.00 Nuts and Fruit 1 lb. hox $1.25 Nuts and Hard Centres i lb. box $1.25 Cherry Cocktails I lb. Itx $1.25 Little Bits from the East 1 i lb. box $1.75 Peppermint Wafers Mi lb. box 50c. Ormes Limited The iuiieer Drugg'' llexall Store. 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Phone 82 and 200 IimIi-v (! miI Itelaii Druggists NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PtflNCE RUPERT, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to bullilliig next door to l-Vixzcll HuMier Shop, across from tlio Ivtiipross Hotel We carry n full line of CIGARS. TOBACCOS. FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jmes Zarelll Proprietor Local and Personal li.C, Undertakers. Phone 41. Try 037. Valentin Dairy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Phone tfi Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. 1 Phone C78. tf Two cars at your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. If For the busy man jr woman, a lirowa car saves money. Phone 80. tf Goldbloom is hriiiicinsr back fur coats. Wait till you see thern! tf We can do healing at less cost than fuel oil. Phone 303. Casey Cartage and Fuel. If F.rncst Slaecy was fined S23 m Hie city police eourl this uimning for drunkenness. None lo eUa us in wood value and none lo heal us iu coal value Phone 303. Casey Cartage &. I u. l. If Judge F. Mell. Young relumed "ii lal night's train from Smith is where he presided over sessions of the County Court last week. I.. W. Paliiiore returned on laf uighl a train from a trip tc Kdberg. Alberta, where ho spent a muple of weeks visiting with his iter. II. C. Frar, tthiiot inspector Ii-fi mi litis morning's train for Hums I.ake en mule to Fran- rois and Oolsa Lakes on depart - iiient duties. K. J. Conway, field engineer for Ih' liranliy Co., is a passen per going Hi rou ? li on the Cardena today hound from Anyox lo Vancouver. Mrs. F. Mcll. You up and her sisler. Mrs. J. Frank Hreeze. who has been visiting: her for the few day., will sail this af-i.Tiioon on the Cardeoa for the "'uth. J'aasengers hooked to sail this 4iirirrnoon for aneouver on Ihe 'ardent inrludr Mrs. F. Melt Young, Mrs. J. Frank Hrceie, F, W. Allen. Miss Clark and Miss Anderson. Dr. Learoyd of Anyox is iasenger hound for Vancouver in the Cardena which is in port this afternoon. He is enroule to Ottawa where be will visit hi idd home. TT.' .miss I.. I oinblaiit, win) has been spending tho past six months in the" city, sails this ewtmijr on the Cardena for Van eituver ennmle to her homo on W est ham Island. .' Mrs. .Inines Ilnlelt, who ha been visitiiiK Anyox with her luughter. Mrs. Harry Thorley, iirrived in the city from the north on Ihe Cardena this morn ing. She will visit here with her daughter, Miss F.dna Has ll of Ihe provincial government -nir. (iyro Garnlviil and Dance Oc tober U' and 13. Iti'hekah ltaiaar Saturday, Oc- otier 17. Cuiholic Church llazaar, Of to her 21 and 22. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct ober 30. Hill Sixty Chaplty I.O.D.K. ltaiaar, October 31. Anglican Church Hazaar No- veinlier 5. Preshylerinn November 12. Church Hazaar Itovul Piifple Hazaar Novein. her 13. Moose and 18. Hazaar November 17 Ilnplisl Churrh Ladies Hazaar, November 20. All SI. Andiew'8 Ladles' Auxiliary Hazaat'. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Haraat. Decemhrr 4. Aid t oiled Church Hazaar 10. 230 Commodore Gafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Ilrcakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or lletail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon s Taxi Hie original 50c. taxi. Phone 1 34. tf Fur cheapest und leanest fuel in Western Canada. Phone 303. Casey Callage & Fuel. tf 0 Moose Whist Drive and Dance Metropole Hall on Wednesday, September 30 at 9 p.m. 227 Mrs. Frizzell ba moved to her new store on corner of Third and Sixth (formerly Max dJeil-hro tier's) . Our lo' rates nave been an utslanding success and we shall continue on litis basis. Drown laxi. Phone 80. tf Archie Wall, CN.ll. dUtrie! master mechanic, reached tliei city from the interior on last j nights train and is registered a'' the Prince Hupert Hotel. Mrs. Frizxell has opened her new premises on corner of ThirtJ Avenue and Sixth Street, opposite Ormes and will be JideaMHl to welcome old cuslout-Ivr and new ones. An application for a light at Ihe intersection of Donald Street and Seventh Avenue was referred to Ihe Utilities committee witli power lo act at the meeting of Ihe City Council last night. W. Wallulen of -.Winnipeg. CN.lt. superintend! vl of bridges irrived in Ihe cily Worn Hie Kasl on last nighls imiu.and rlurn ed to the-iMlerior! this morning. He wus accompanied Jiere by M. A. Hurhank of the engineering department at Prince George. (5orge O. Hushhy, Conserva tive candidate in the federal election, will return on tomorrow afternoon's train after a ten day trip Hi rough the interior. Hon. II. 11. Stevens of Van- on ver will arrive in the cily next week lo assist Mr. liushby in his campaign. A. D. Malheson, manager of Wales Islam) eannery; J. O. Dormant accountant and Jack Nea- lon, foreman, together with other member of the cannery stalT, are passenger aboard the steamer Cardena today bound for Vancouver, Ihe cannery now being closed for the season. Mrs. Malheson is alo going south. On the proposal of Alderman Uttscy it was decided by. the cily council last night to pay the ex penses of Hie mayor- lo the re cent meeting of the. Fisheries Commission in Seattle. II was thought the hill would amount lo about eighty or ninety dollars. The .Mayor was aulhorlzed to submit a bill and the treasurer lo pay it. U Ihe meeting of the cily council last night a report of I ho city health officer reporting against the buildings on the Tom O Hrlcn estate and urging Ihe necessity of (earing Ihem down wus read. The matter was left with tho Hoard of Works to con fer willi the, health officer re garding tho possibility of Improving Ihe condition or Ike plaeo 'as an alleriiuUve. with power to act In any case, Al the meeting of the cily ... .11 i . -.I., .i i-ouiim kisi uigui mere was a llHIo riurry over the clause in llil whiter bylaw providing that a ii i .. Jeff Lamhtey was successful in passing his examination recently before Capt. L. H. Lindsay, government examiner, for coastwise tugboat papers. C. P. Hyles of the Pacific -Mill? logging staff arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning from Anyox and Alice Arm where he has been on company busi ness. Union steamer Cardena, Capl. A. JJ, Dickson, aVrived at ll o'clock this morning from Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart and will sail for Vancouver and wayporls at 5 o'clock this evening. .Several loggers who have been working for llic Abbolsford Logging Co. which is now closing down its operations at Alice Arm for the winter, reached the city on the Cardena this morning. Professor Daniels of the Uni versify of Washington is a pas senger going south on Ihe Car dena this morning after making the round trip to Stewart and Anyox and other points on elec lion business. Women Auxiliary of SI. An drew's Anglican Church will hold a Tea and Sale of Home Cook ing at the home of Mrs. II. A. Philpoll, Federal Hlock, Wednesday, October 7 from 3 to C p.m. Everyone welcome. A. L. Ployart, who has severed his connection with the GranliT Co. after taking an active part in community affairs at Anyox for several years, reached here i the Cardena this morning and left by train for t lie Lasl. LOW IS NOMINATED WITH GEORGE BLACK CANDIDATE IN YUKON DAWSON. Y.T., Sept. 2'J. Hubert Low. for many years u j member of I lie Yukon territorial council, was cluxen at the Liberal convention Saturday lo coo lest Hie mm! in the federal elec tion against George Hlack, STEWART The I., and L. mine is now shipping ore steadily to the smeller, thus qualifying as the leading property, of the Hear Hiver,-section" today. During the lasl nionlh 12 Vj Ions have been shipped ami twenty Ions more i now being delivered lo Ihe wharf at Stewart. The office of Ihe Forty Nine mine was destroyed by fire lasl wreck and Ous Anderson, super inlendenl of the mine, who was sleeping there, had a narrow escape. Mrs. William Irwin has left for F.verell, Washington, where she will spend the winter. lames KADickson, M.K.. who ha beeii at the F.niperor mine this summer, has loft for .Mexico where he will enter the employ of the San Francisco mines, an Hnglish company. Mrs. W, H. Tolih and her son, (eorgc, have left for Seattle where Ihe latter will enter the University of Washington. An important strike of silver copper ore running ll2.o( to the Ion has been made by K. H. Harlholf on the h?ad of the' Sal mon basin. He has named the claims, which adjoin the Iteltyi the Silver Cliff group. A shipment of ninety Ions of ore was made by the Porter-Idaho mine lo the Selby smelter last week. ALICE ARM T. A. Kelley, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, isited Alice Arm lasl week. He had nothing to say as to when he might start logging operations in this district on the (iranby limits. An early start on the eoneen-Iraling mill al Ihe Torio mine will be made next spring staled J A. (.. II. (icrhardi. maiiagjng di oteiiseo puilliner SllOUIlt make reolnr nf tin. Hnii..l!.l.. Mini..., ..n. ..... r,. ,. . . " r i vmiiiitvikmis. .xiut i ui' re nil. i 1 ; been considerable speech-making! on Ihe subject Alderman Drown 1 p. 1 tadeIu tsked (hat the clause be eliniin-' IflWilMf.rk v." " lied and thai iu nlaeo of ft IIbWI 14bM 1 1 ni AnnCD .BBMVBfmBBBBBV "TV !""" i ii fro siimuii ne a clause urovid bbjmbisivwv j:! iug that the work be done to the Wt 1 1 1 Eh CaPta satisfaetiou of the plunibing in spector. bem raiua jend us your name end oiJI send, you this illustrated Supplies llcANADlArJ Vcinc bcxk ojT beauUful X-j! Distributors for: ' (fOham K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. PACE THRKF H3 Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock ywTvohtr's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonts 116 and 117 s Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE t.S. PRINCE RUPERT lad PRINCE OEORQE will Mil from PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, nd Intermediate point eacU SUNQAT and THURSDAY at 10.00 p.m. For ANYOX Wtdntiday, 10.00 p.m. For STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES for KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL, JUNEAU, SKAQWAY, earb WEDNESDAY, 4 pan. t.S. PRINCE JOHN rorluirbtly tor VANCOUVER VII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRrNCE RUPERT DAILY aictpt Sunday II 10 a.m. for PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points EiMern Canada, frilled Stairs. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offka, E2S Third A, Prlnca Rupari. Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far UTCH.'IAN, f RAN (Hi, JCNEAD. SUCW1T fl .Seitraacr 7, 18. 28. far TANCmrVU. VICTORIA ui SEATTLE italciaarr 5, 12. 22. IS. PRINCESS aUtt For Butadala, Swartaon Bay, Eaat Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Rliar, and Vancoutar aary Saturday 11 a-m. Aanncy for all Staamahlp Llna. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Afltnt. Ctrnar of 4th Strati and 3rd Atanua, Print Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing irtKQ more Rupert or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay. and Alart Bay, Tuoaday, S PJB. 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUar Cannarlta, Friday A.M. I2S 2nd Atoau. 4. Barnalty, Afanl Prlnca Rupart. B.O. It Development Co., who visited here last week. Dick Ilredenber? has returned to Alice Arm after spending tho summer ijr the Cold Pan Creek district. He says little more than wages is being made tliere bj prospectors who are working Hie Ijlacer ground. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1). Hire and family have left for Prince Hupert where it is their intention to spend the Winter. BURNS LAKE Work has started on the concrete basement of the new community hall here. The entire structure it is expected will be completed bv December. Word has been- received tha1 r. i.. iiecKsteau, formerly or I f i Mrs. Gordon 11. lobb is on a trip to Moose Jaw and Chicago. Col. Pragnell, inspector of Indian agencies, and It. II. Moore, Indian agent at Fort Fraser, were visitors last week to Ihe Ootsa Lake district. Ilev. Langdon, who has been located al Ootsa I.ako and Wis- jtarla during the summer, left .last week for Kingston, Our. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i I.UST. Child's Hrown Sweater j near elevator. Finder please phone Uwea 280. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance. DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer , 139 Second Avenue. Phone SS0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. who lii lturns Lake, is in hospital asliVidritb result of im automobile accident. Nice Waffles? JvroaiTl I Mrs. Nantt'ii is ati Did Country girl who is trying lo learn Canadian ways of rooking. She is particularly anxious lo have a recipe for waffles. We . sent two, but there isa morn simple ope easier In junke. Would someone heVl this woung wife? We shall he glad to forward reeipes 4-her In your tiamo. , Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and AbboUford, B.C.