'AO MX ran DAiLT ifKvra Diamonds In t lie Latest Design Soiling Finest Duality Sloftes from $25 up Value Guaranteed or Money llcfunded Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience in Uic larso centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of tho North A Big Bargain on Heinz Products Combination Specials 1 hottle Heinz Tomato Ketchup. 1 hottle Heinz Sweet Mustard Pickles. 1 buttle Chille Sauce. For $1X0 1 hot lie Heinz Salad Cream. 1 hot t lo Heinz Chow Chow, t hottle Heinz White Pickled Onions. For $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Will Save You Money. Phones 18 and 84 RIBBONS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Fancy and Plain Ilihbons, 5 lo 7 inches wide. Regular values lo $1.00 yard. Per yard 35c H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phono 9. Cor. Third & Fulton St. pecial Value $10.00 Girl's Wrist Watch Ve utter this lilHo wal eh as a nice gift for the little girl. The case is gold filled green, white: or yellow with n 10 Jewelled movement mid we guarantee it to ho a reasonably good timekeeper. John Bulger Jeweller FEW EMIGRANTS LEFT BRITAIN Number Dropped From 130,188 Previous Year to 68,951 Last Season LONDON, Kng., Sept. So. (Canadian Press Despatch;. According to official figures, there was a remarkable drop in the number of emigrants last year, the total being 1 15,900 against 230,1)11 in the previous twelve months. The largest de crease occurred among male adults of eighteen years and up-) wards, the' number of these emigrants being (58,'J51 against 130,-188 in the previous year. Hy far the largest groups are those of the young men who left the coun-j try to lake up agriculture and 3,701 professional men, and 771 miners and quarrymen. The women described iiii iu ui" sei ja.umi persons wuo came into tbe counlry during Ihe same period. These includeili 1,603 commercial workers, 1,118 engineers, elc. 2.0 1S farm work- Vilb I Packaie Jimssii i m Now VOlir ffrnrrlia w - - -" D' ...... I A. 1.-1. s. ,n l's handy the young women who went inlo;ance there was a net loss of domestic service. Nearly 19,000 population last year by emigra- ones who are coming nome. Whereas more thuu half the were under thirty ago two-lhirds of 2,- Ihosc returning exceeded age. that : a i 1 1 a t a Ait i . I 1 Hieil emiKiaieu lor jarin WOrK, lion ut u,ju iuuilm uiiu oi.ui.;, r.imi.nlalimw ntrrro .1 I ...... m I. m . - . . .... I ......... tl rt unu auuui (lie same numuor ui leiiiates ui 10 years mm uici. n women entered service abroad is the younger men and women in households, hotels, etc. Commerce and finance absorbed 138 men and 3,079 women; 7,- 7iU men were workers in the emigrants engineering or metal industries, yeai , of ALBERTA SUPERVISOR FINDS FREIGHT RATES STILL MUCH TOO HIGH KD.MONTON, Sept. 26. - An analysts of the new freight tariff on gram, as contained in the re cently issued ' Canadian Pacific and Canadian National schedules. has been ino.de by A.Chaiil, freight Iraffic supervisor for the provin cial gurerumeut. For purposes of comparison a nunfber of points Ihrnughoul the iroince have been selected and a rale for each worked out on the basis Of the rate for equal mileage lo Fori William. The result shows that the published tariff, which has been issued in response lu an order of Hie railway commission, and which is lo apply In pram shipments from prairie points to Vancouver, is still from one lo five cents higher than, the rotnparalive Fort William rale. In only one or Iwo cases do the Mr. Chard says be is unable l figure out the method by which u uul V, ' ,UB Ihe railways lithe arrived at Ihe new tariff and has not yet seen an explanation of it. The point is to be dealt with, he understands, at the meeting of the commis.oion in Ottawa. S. It. 1 U'iiimIx riiinioi-l fur Din irnvi-rn- as Of the immigrants 13,000, , ,.,., .,,.. .,, ,,,... "wives or housewives" numbered came from. British Xorlh Ameri- also nParm? ' iUUj jjr cUanl may 20,537. The relative percentages) ca, 10,000 from the United of emigrants in relation to oc-j States, 0,800 from Australia, and cupations show 5.000 from South Africa. , a steady increase over iinii! TA Dlllin MAD I? in the proportion of agricultural JArtH iU BUILD iTlUKb workers anions men and domes-! DVJ P ft CAIIIC CAVC tic servants among women.. iu i u. u. 1 niiiiiu unu As against this exodus there PRfiHIRITIflN SlIffFSS BIG LINERS TO PLY IN muval or timber. - mo inn esiai)iisunieill 01 a I1CW snip-. rrovided any one unable to attend thei Amendment violated on every ni,.. firm iii, ..v..P,,w...i lender" to nbePe"ed"it iSS'XlLr'or'Voc-I nrl. he had come away quite Mibsidy or 1,000,000, .nibiacing 'TumferTufaVaTr ?ne";hler r,i.lrn.ril!c.,:,,',,,a' P?hlWHon was anialgamalion of the Nippon Yu-, er, Vlrtoria, B.C. or District Forester in lll( Llllleil Mates lo Slay. Iin K'aUlin. Ilsk:i SIiiw.mi k'nUlm l-rlnee nurt: 1 ... . . ,, . ' ,, , , , L-..-i. Applicant isth. A.n., ton. I AND ACT. lollca of Intantlon to Apply to Purchata i-na. Diirrhane tlie follnwina; desrrllied lands: I In Ommienrlnir at a post planted at thel oulhwest corner or Ut 3J. Itana-e four; j meme iu cnains foumeny; tnenre n lialns westerly; Ihenee JO rhalna north-"rly; thence JO chain easterly to polnl f commencement, and coutalnlnr 40 acres, more or les. C. r. WEI.. Applicant fluted lurint 14 Ih. 10J Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Ariernoons ... 2 to 4 KveningK .... 8 to 10 Qood Music both sessions Competent Instructors lo leach beginners. L. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. New Shipment Fall & Winter Coats Just deceived. Oil! tfule al Moderate l'rices Third Ave. Bents Phone 651 1 uiiii iirjuinnrii naiim, llio lillfTV ur.o act. was a war. anil in on v I hree il ii..n,ir -i.(..,.i...r Notic. of intaniion to Apply to Furchai l feel certain that liquor was be- Land. I : , ,. ....... In the Land lierordlnr Ulslrlrl of ITlnrei seriu, lie Sldu u. Huiieri. ana Deinir a Hirtlon or im tweuly-rour -ill), lunge rive 5. uait Dllrlrt. TAKE .NOTICE tint Frlllell- Unilteil f i'rinre ltuiiert. li.C. mrrrliaiiln. Intend lo apply fur permlisluii to puriliae llie follottiiiif described landi: conimenrinir at a post plant:! at the ANNOUNCEMENT. Delivery Time Tanle Seideinber 30. Hffecthe noriheaat corner of lot tweniy-fisir (tl),iM: ilflivi-t-v i1iih4 ul 'I five U(llir tiosi s at J a .l.lll. in ranire (Si, Coat District; tnei uih thlrly-two chain; thence ett2lld delivery closes al 1 0.30 a.m. forty rhaln; thence north elrht chain. .... . .i..i;,. ... ., . .. iimre or ie, to lilirh water mark; thencel"" '""'J t'1""' u I'.ni. iK.rtheat alour blrh water tnark to point' 111, ,l,.ivirv ulnm- :il 1 :t(l n in 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 II Ml IfCII if 1 1 .fi.l pnnl.lnln aI-Ihh " Ml orders taken between 1,30. next month p.m. and closing time will go out. on first delivery following , day. Last delivery Saturday evening I 1111,11. 'tt H :lfl fl, m m the Land. Recording District or Prince ol,otro-r ts m c ciiont v on RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY Unpen, and rltuale at Bl Fall Cree CO. wnirn now inio tcMan niter atrnui 18 tulle rrom Its mouth. TAkE MOICE that Cllft'in P. Kiel of LAND ACT. rlnce fliipert. B.C.. occupation lumber- Nolle or Intantlon to AdoIi to Laata Lino nan. Intends to apply for nerrnUslon toi liartlclt I'olnt, IVilmtilila Ctunnienclllf at a Dost Iitanted mi Hie south shore of Bartlelt I'olnt, Wales Is. land, at high water mirk; thence In an easierly direction alorir hili water mark inriy-eiirni nunoren reel, more or less, to. a post marked So. I.E.: thence aouth- erly 10 chains, more or less, to low water niara; inene in a westerly direction aionr low water mark forty-right hundred icei, more or less; ineni-e northerly 10 chain to point or commencement, and containing; 75 acres, more or less. A.N0LO-BWTISII COM'MBIA PACkl.XO CO. LTD., ... . Applieanl r. . . Fer - w'r E- Walker, Artnt. Dated July t. iiti MINERAL ACT. Cartlflcato of Improvamanta. Sjiokane Mineral claim, situate; in Ih. aiiiii Mininir Division or Caslar Dlslrlrt, on the west side or Bla: Horn 'liver to the east or and adjolinuir the i.imiii .imeriii i.jaim, TAkE .tOTICE that I. Fred l.awsou aacnt for Aimea s. Lawaon, Free Miner's I.ITIiliraie ,1CI. 707lir Intend. I day from the dale hereor, b apply to the sunina iierorner ror a rrlirlcate nr Im-pnivrments, tor the purpose or obtalnlnt l Crown Grant or the above claim. And rurther lake notice that anion, under section IT. inn.t tie ei,mi,.n, ..1 i. rore the Issue or such Oriiricate of Im 1 I proveinenst, Dated this 10th lots day of Aurust. A.D LAND ACT. In the Allln Land Dlstrlrt or r.asslar. TAKE NOTICE that I. F.llphlel Noll roller, nr sw York. .t.Y., I).l.. occupation broker, Intends to apply ror per-tnUsion id purclUM- tlie oiiowinr de-scribed .lands: Cummencinr at a t"t plsnled about id ii.ini. auuui ,ii imrine s i-oint on the wesl aine or Taalsh l.nke. about eleven miles south or the Yukon houndiiry line; thence aw mains; wieiiee florin 40 lim ns 'iience east JO chains; I heme souiherlv ollowln al'inr the shore line or Tarlsh l.she Ui fxiini r rommenrenienl, said parcel coutalnlnr an acres, more or lesi FI.irill.ET MOTT I'OTTEII, AppllranL firms in the .j... .. ' .""'.T. .""""" . l...r I ll..... I... I . . ...... i cri:5, more or ie. n imii ill ui iu,i (iniers UAceiiii-ii.i hilnii m. II... nil, in. ,1 nrw.il Dated AinrnM FIlIZZEI.I.S LIMITH). transpacific service. This plan calls fur the construction of (hree superior ships to ply on the transpacific run. The plan has liren submitted lo Ihe Deparliiienl or Communications with Ihe support of eleven organizations connected with shipping inil shipbuilding. A new bill has been drafted based main ly upon Ibis plan, and will be WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DKillY ISLAND. tilear, ealm, barometer, .10. JH; lemperatiire. 51; sea smonlh; 0.10 a.m. spoke ; slpn ini'r Cii nlnri!. I.,fl Will,,, la- ITlnce Itupert Mnd Iterordina1 Ins-1. . , ..... , ...... trlct or Prime liuperl, and altuate atjoui siiuiiiijouiim; ...ui a.m. spoKe i.umi, uruiso meaiiier uueen left Keleliiknit TAKE .MiTICE that Amrlu-Brltlah Co. bound lor Seal tic: H a. Ill ..,,,u, ..inuii, .uiifuaiiw l.lllllirtl, U( ancouvcr. li,C occupation packers, iTiiiia ,u I'l'i (iir a Inir described Unds: in. lease or the fo.l'jw. spoke molorship Oregon al Hidden In-, let northbound. DKAD TIli:i: IMH.VT. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.13; lemper-alure. 12; sea smoolh. HULL 1 1 A It I to It . Clear, calm: barometer, 3(UI2; lemiierature. tr; sea .smoolh. Noon DKiHY ISLAND. Clear, calm; baroineter 30.30; lemiierature, 01; sen smooth. DKAD THLK POINT, Clear, calm; barometer, 30.18; temperature, 57; sea smoolh, HULL llAllltOH Cloudy, 'citliii; baroiueliT, 30.07; temperature, 57; sea smooth. A Gentle Reminder j .Mrs. Oldehaiii: Thank you so much for Ihe wonderful 'birthday cake, dear, but tell me, what is (be idea of the eleclric bulb on it?" j Mr. Oldelium It's 10 candlo power, dearie, I Fishing boat Chief -iliassa, owned hy (lie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., hrouahl In her first calch of halibut on the Independent lay today, following her employment during tho summer in packing 'salmon. The vesel is now in charge of Capl. Caudow who had command of llio Ki'iiniji ill ilni'itiJ Hut li.'illli'nl Imc Dat,.i August loth. V;.1' A,rent Umn operation.. I Slone, llrirk, Cement, clc, i?i 11)21 show an OPENS ON THURSDAY Large Number of New Members Hae Made Application For Membership In Club The 1 it ! tn 1 11 1 11 eason npeni nil "I'll II lh,lu V .if I1.I.C U'M.,L' I'laf TRADE OF THE PACIFIC I'1 hupeH HadmliUon Club 1 - 1 1 uas again iaK-ii in ne imxh nan VICTOHIA, Sep!. 28. l'rohibi-; VICTOIIIA. Sept. .'8. A plar, ""d ,wu """ w" he uetl there lion is a success 111 the I nilcf nur, , heing rtii-oi'gl.v stipp'Ml- 1 'mghuul the winter. , Stales in the opinion or Colonel P,i by Ihe DepaiHuenl .ir i:mii. A ,ar'"' '"""her of new people 1 ii t l'.. 11.. ... i. . . i.. . . . . hiiVi mti'lii ai tr I inn fi muni. rs. 3.500 women domestics, and . 1 " muim .uhii in japnu. ami which ..... '', 7. , . 1 3,20 housewives. .just returue.l from a six nionll.s PilH fot. ,R. ,.m,elk,n. of "-""'H mhuiwi unoersioou The-e figure lnwed a ron. i'aiauiiua lour 01 uie couiury 10 tire,. or rour sul,erior ships, "r ' ' !' blir:ible inrrwikn ntmn n. -""U11'- Colonel I'allis spoke Meh displacing It.iHiO ions and jm(lMia previous years, hut on the bal-j ia,t ev,"'g 11,0 mwllng hebtj esipable of develoi,ii nineleen' T"" - (under the auspices of the Pro- knots .s to be placed before a motel arrivals TIMBER SALE, X7051. vincial YV.C.T.U. .in connection eabinet council during the early ' ' Rupert with their forty-second annual part or nest month, it was . -"r x,r JoMU - ',0cn. convention. J i learned in ndviees from 3aimn Kelchlkan; C. 11. llrandes and ll. iithIvwI ipcnkwl Iiitp in.ro' I " J- clch. Vancouver; W. Walk- . "The United Slates is as likely to che up prohibition as it is lo .The project for the construe- NVin"bK: Hurbank, Tlicre will be offered for ilc at Vublie' laki In l.pln-r a nwinarHiv." Iip ..f ..-i. i.... i I Prince Owirge: A. Watt. I...VH. .mrniber. ii5. m ue urrio- t tii..itlairtied at one point. He had. i.n, iiicr i..ivpni:.iii fur 1 h.. 1 nni. wnwouii, 1 ripie i- CKr! ","ref-.?"". L."? "cenre imvpli.,l M.rniicli Ihlrl v-lhree ir; '11... i i. land. aiii, iu rui 7z,uu jacapnie lie on in ' yuvuiM nic .umiin- nc- areii ituatrd about 5 miics .Norm of stales, 21,000 miles, and, til- carcb lntitu(e of Jaoan has oiorin. itliougb lie bail gone tbere cxp:l- drafted a idau which calls for the 111 1 c 3 rmi 7 v, ill ur. muni i iir rvi.tir fl.. on.. ai.a i.'i . iinnnih , - Kranrii. Central M. Wrmhl. I'dtn Terrain. IMiiinniiin. Viiiiarsilol : SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreaervert. auryeysvl Crown lunda may M r-mt)te4 by (Iritlali eubjei'ta over tl year of it. and by ullt-n on dechirinai Intention to Uecoinn HrtUsli subject a. conditional upon residence, occupation, Jid Improvamt-nt (or agricultural lurpoaca. Full lnfortnitkon concernlnu ru vllona eKardlnsT pia-emptlona la riven In bulletin No. 1, Land Karlea. "How to Pre-empt I. ml." coplea ot vihlch can be obtained tree of charia tjr addreaelng the UeiMtrtment o( Lumta. Victoria, I1.C or to any Government AittnL v ltwctirda will be granted coverlnf only land aultabla (or aatrlculturaJ purpoaea. and which la not timber-land. I.e., entry Inn over k.000 board feet per acre weat of the Coaat Hang ami SjOOV (tt per acre eaat of that ICinff. Appllcotlnna tor pre-emptlona art to be addreaie4 lo the Lund Com mlaaloner ot the Land Iteeordlna 1)1 vision. In which the land applied for la altuatcd, and art mad en printed forma, coplea of which ran be obtained from the Land Comrnlaaloner. Pre-emptlona must be occupied for five yeara and Improvemenla mads to value of $10 tier acre. Including clearing and cultivating at leaat five acrea. before a Crown Grant cin be received. l-'or more detailed Information ate the Ilutletln "How to l're-empt liod.". PURCHASE Appllcntlona are received for pur clume ot vacant ami unreserved Crown lamia, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purpoaea: minimum price for first-class (arable) land la ti per acre, and aecond-claaa (ttrai-ing) land 12.50 tier acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leaae of Crown land la given In liulletln No. IV, Lund Herlea. "I'urchaae and Inae of Crown Lund a." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea, may be purchased or leaaed, the conditions Including payment ot atumpaga. HOMESITE LEA8E8 ITnaurveyed arena, not exceeding II acrea, may be leaaed aa homesltea, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Im Vrovetnent condltiona are fulfilled and land haa been aurveyed, LEASES For graxlng and Induattial pur poaea arena not exceeding (40 acraa may be leaaed by one peraon or a company, QRAZINQ Under the Oraxlng Act the Proy Ince la divided Into grating districts and the rang administered undar a Oraxlng Comrnlaaloner. Annual graxlng permit a are laaued baaed on numbera ranged, priority being given to established ownera. Htock-owntrt may form as relatione (or range management, Free, or partly (ree, permlte axe available (or aettlera, oaupere and travtllera, up to tart Tuesday, Seplfm,htr ?9 lB?J WESTHOLME THEATRE Tuetday Only, 7 and 0 p.m. The Top of the World' An adaptation ol Klln-I M. Id II - jrriMfr.i ' "". euiiiphx love iiuMern ol inrkel ftrange. teme. dnnnalu- .Irupgle ii.vnhni one w-ornan out on Ihe ni-terniu-. ini(er ill which riilhle Nulure play a frnit ami t p,nt The ainaziiiK adenlor.' ul I hree homan i Kale taken a hand in their nili-rlm ked dMim - of love and fuerifne deenin'd nlon? brand to w lobl annd-1 tlit-altinf? fighl. ritf-ittfr (UmhU, rmi', ,jf and M-eun- grandeur. Noluble ral: Jame Klrkwood, Anna Q. NlUton, Raymond Hittsn, Sbe'don Lewis, Joseph Kllgour, Mabel Van Burcn ollier.t. THE "GO GETTERS" SERIE8 No. 12 - G. O'HARA AND ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "THE WAY OF A MAID." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANDJ SHIPYARD Operating a. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant i.i equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. G01 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night PhonM 687 539 Or. 601 Black 735 Watson's Unshrinkable Underwear Our rail anil wmler order of WiiImmi l.'iihriMK l' I'ndcrweiir ro in and our shirk i etiuitete. There i ' style inade that we haven't g'l. QUALITY, STYLE AND COLOR . Do you want them pure wool, silk and wool or wool ana cotton? Do you want Combinations, Vests or Bloomors? Do you want the sleeveless, with short sleeves or lonfl sleeves? Do you want them In cream, roso, lavondar or grey? Well, we have them, yours Is the demand, ours is tho supp' Wo have sizes mid id In lork. CHILDREN'S PURE WOOL COMBINATIONS Al hmt we huve Ihem as inolliers wan I I hem. (ilii'dn'ii Pure Wool CoiiihiiialioiiH wilh hliiirl sleeves mid li'iiglh. Wo Imvo Iheiii from slse 2 to Jn years. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 045. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. BRITISH COLUMBI A The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1824. lias produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,38:!,l);i;l; Lode (iotd s 1 Ik 473,100; Silver, $08,82 i,57U Lead, $70,648,578 Copper, $ I87.481l.a78; Yaw. .;' 171,407; .Miscellaneous Minerals, $i, lioal ami Uoke, ?'-MK).880,0lH; Huddnir V-i-'O.Ni i; making us .Mincrni I'roiliiclion lo Ihe end u Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 Tho Mining Laws of lliis Province arc more liberal untl Uic fees lower lliau llm ,e cl any oilier Province in Ihe Dominion, or any colony in the llrilish Umpire , Mineral locations are gran led lo discoverers for nominal feus. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, Ihe security of vhi h guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information logellicr with Mining llepii ts a d Maps, tuny l.e nhlniurd gut, i addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, Brltlth ColumbU. N.ll. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon wlueh deci ,1( r work has been done are described in some one of Ihe Annual lleporls or the M or Mines. Thoc ronsiderlng mining iiiveslmeiiU should refer to u h rcxris T are available willioiil . harge on application lo Ihe Deparliiienl of Mines. Vi.-I 1,1 ( llt-port or Ihe Oeologicnl Survey of Canada. Pacini- lluildiug. Vunruiiver, are r uietided as valuable soup-es of information.