3k 25 TAXI Ambulance and Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service witli newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. '4 1 i. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIOECK, Prop? Jeasl. Phone 487. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper y.il XV NO. '88. I'HIN'CK ItlPKHT. H.C., HATUIDAY, DKCKMUKIl 12. 1025. VraM-ritay ClretiUllun. ISO Slrrel Sale. i: PRICE FIVK CENTH. NEGOTIATIONS WITH U.S. fl 1 I iniTTI TV IT ITU 7 Tlinr Trni nv mm mmnTin mr HAL1BU1 IMJH milWU) W MAIltltt IU Conference Planned to Adjust Differences on Halibut Fisheries Here Question of tariff is involved as well as use of ports of either country by fishermen W SIIIliTON. Dr.. 12. Negotiations Willi it in i between Canada and Ilie United Sluice ti lUve to the halibut filirlt' uf Hie North i l..iii.li.in tiggenlinie t free port- bv fishermen t another. i .ii)!.ilili- lli.il n joint 1 4 t jf -t hjii - involved ami - I STENOGRAPHER SHOT herself : Twenty-year Old Girl Put Bullet Through Own' Forehead at Vancouver H M JI. Dec. 12. llrtlr- . . Ht. -ru w rt5inrnieinicri""rm"' " "r--h.i,i ni of Daiilm. VVnshl I ' ililn lirokrr. Hashed lit- iin oceiiH-il hy Jel t 5(i-yer-wll leno- i(erly uffriiinon and ' Ivintc ih Mil w iili a re- I I III mill ll Ii- r Irelieal. -ll l l .inreij r fir if Hie gnl. Hie poller '! Hie n-Vnlvi i wal Hie I A. I'. V i lylil. Hie f Ilie I : ih '-nipt")!" Ink'-n fnni hi aiilo-. .1 tirin I In- liiiihliiiu ie ila . iippoeilly h j (- rl CITY MANAGER NOTICE GIVEN It Included In Town Planning Bill of Lady Member For Vancouver I' Hni A. Dee. 12 Mr. Mary 1 iiiiii liu- Kien notice in I. Kinlamie that nhe will lay Uf I Inline tier town-plan-ii in ameiiiled form which ' pni)l miiiiria1Mlen to lie manager rniin of eivie tnr ii ir ! Iiey no denire. REID Is 'APPOINTED GOLD COMMISSIONER TO YUKON TERRITORY ' 1 TAN A. Dr. . I;'. P. I. 'l il tni nier eluef cunt roller or ' :i n'ne imiiiiprratioii. hu heen uied cold roiniiiifnloner for ' i i Territory with headiuur- ni Daw nnti. hint luin heen ruiirlioniiiR for mi' tnonilin im unld conimln- : Me pending official transfer ' In new dulies. BERLENBACH WINNER LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING LAST NIGHT NI AV YOUK. Dec. 12 l'aul "'''Iriibach, wnl-ld'a liuhl heavy-'pislil clittinpinii, niicccHHfully leremteil hU title in a rant 15 riiiin.l male!) lualnnl Jack De-iiuiey or Hridgppurl lant nluht. lrlonlmch wan awiiidod the de-' wi' v u narrow margin. view to a In aijjiml Pacific arc finer Hit- iiiclini of tariff and of one nntiniiiiily in Hireling will Ik lield to to letomrtioiul reciprocal nr - inn on I lie pari of tin Iwoaov- eminent. I'reotniialily Hie ae-iimi will lake the form of a npe-. al trr.iiy ..r aim-mlineiit In cx- Iiiijj : i-i'ai !. NOT TO UNDERTAKE LOGGING OF GRANBY ALICE ARM LIMITS; T. A. Kulley. pi "iiiiui ni l.iiiei'ii! l..r 1.1 Ml Ihi. mrtrnn." Il.nl he , ' . , .... , , .......... ; itfnM Mlit"i mr iim vi mim.-j lukiiMr Hie luiriNnsr off of Ihi ll...t... I llratlu... fiM.f.K in ill. 1 wm" ...". , ,1 Aii-i Ann iiiairtri mere nam aimouHceil thin "iin: Mr.'U'-- with iMH-i, n ewol.alionn Ki'Hev lo (ttk rtinnse or Hie work toil lie liun ilecideil not In proceed. Mr. Kelley. aIio arriwtl from Vaneolivei on Hie Princenn Iteill- me Dim iimriiiiM in Ho- eoiire of a periodical Itiininenn iri. ayn I hat omtHoii nl In eanipn; on Ilie liannn iirf iinnrniiMh li'adily. He will not vmil (he Inland on Him trip expectn to ri lniii lo Vniii-i'iiver on the I nnli'iiii next Tio-'ilay. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENQLISH LEAGUE Division I. Arnenul I. Went llroinwicli 0. Anion Villa I, lllackhurn 2. Ilnllnii ii. Iliiil.lernfield I. Huntley I, Toiienliani 2. I.eeiln 3. Manelicltfr City I. Leieenlei 0, Hury 2. Liverpool n, Cardiff 2. Manrlienter l". I. Sheffield I!. 21 .Newcanllc a, llverlon 3. Xolln tjiint SLSiiiiderland l. West Hhih 2. Ilirininiihain 2. Division II. riilliam a. Ir Vale 3. xii.i.iiK.iuii-oitKli I. CheNen 2. tUdham-Derliy County not played pnrlnmonlli 2. Hull tly 2. Prenton I. Clatdnn I. Wednemliiy 2. Soiilliamplon i. South Shield :. llarnnley 0. Sloekport I. Mrndford Cily 1. Stoke Cily 1. Xoll lorenl I. Swaiinea-IUarkpiiol not played. Volerliaiiiiton . lllackpool u. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Clydcliank 0, Alrdrieonlun I. Dundee I. Kilmarnock 0. Falkirk 0. Uii" I'nrk I. Hamilton 3. Diin.lee Cnilrd 1. Heart I. SI. .Inhimlone 2. Morion 3. Cowdenbeath I. Parlick IhWHen 2. Alierdeen S llaith llovor Jlollierwell I. Maimer 3. Ililiernlan 1. SI. Mirren 0. Celtic 2. TRAWLER ON ROCKS. vim Sniiln. Dec. 12. fix iH'Hl.lied when n Irnwl- and nank at ee ran on Hie rock Ihe mouth of the river Vljrn nonr i..'.tftf. The veind' holler exploded. MORE GRAIN i COMING WEST Proportion for Pacific Ports of Total Shipments Is Still ' Very Small WINNIPKU. Dec. 15. Ship. I iu-ii I of grain to Vancouver by jthc Canadian Naliuu.il ltailwa juliiiw an inereif of nearly fi.500 car over nwe lor m iiii' period la1 year. The lutiil dale by ttuil mile i 7 810 ear'. Shipment to I In- lake head front Ilie prairie province thi-Mmih mi far hiiiiiiiiiI to loo.niut rur "i- ::.5nr.tmn Uie'tiulieln. Thin in mine lli.in In- jever tieen nliht'ed lliat way Tore during Hie name time, tho 'pwviou rcmm im-ui-.- m rji.' when for Ilie name period 117.- 107,0110 lui.lieU w'n- shipped. Sliipmeiii n arc -(ill being inaili on the taken. During Hie week 85 vessel - a i )! eariying 20.-"01.00(1 bimlieN. CITY POWER PLANT OPENS . -., i . " -" morrow After Month's Shutdown Dale for Hie lireliininaiy trial J. l J J. - I.Hil- .ooernitendriil of thai piaim were wins uiam- u. restore li;M aud power nervier from Hie city plant at Shawal-htn Luke tomorrow aflerinioii. 'Ilie pbitit han lieeu iiiili'i(ioiii a tliomovh overlnuit and. nince XovCMilier V, the cily han Ihmmi uipHed witli energy from Hie lr dock plant. The lizhln wne out for half an hour curly thin moriiin wh le some wire were neius enanen nl the dry dock and will lie oil npniii for a nlmrl period tomorrow morning while nniiie nwilchen are li.'inv iiinlailed. WESTOWARAIS MOVING NORTH Jury Rudder Has Been Rigged and She Is Proceedlnfl Under Own Steam tlllHDOVA. Dec. 12. The n lea nice Went thvara. thai has been ilriftuiK for neveral dayn belplen in the north Atlantic lo (he noulh of Ihe Aleutinn llaud t uiniiu under control A jury rudder ha been rigKcd and ."he nleaminu northward escorted by the Admiral Dewey. MONARCH STEAMER IS LOADING AT ISLANDS; Skipper Surprised at Site of Spruce Timber he Sees at Quo,en Charlotte City SKIDIKJATF., Dee. 12. The fieigliler Norman rouarcli of the Hlanaow Monarch Line, i iio in ihirinu Hie week lo li.widprure iiiinner ai ine mm. .ncr man-iilff, Ihe nhip will illnolnifSi' part cttt'tio al Key Went, Florida, ami proceed to New York. Capliilu Kaieu nf the sleamer exprenned hiinnelf a niirinlneil at Ho; nlie of Ilie pruce tree licro, Thej are llif laiwest ho has neen nnywliere in Ilie world, lie ) looklnir mil for po.ible loca Hon for nelller from Irelnnd mill ln 1 linpreed witli Ihe po- nlbflltte of Hit district. 3EHHP in (ieorgia Hale. Charlie Chaplin' new leading lady. Cliin lie .a tic in one of Ilie wiil beaulifiil girln lie ha- ever een. MURDER PRELIMINARY trim . kE Ht'in snnN M M 'Three Half-Brd Will -Answer to Charges In Smithers court Neit Week ..... ...... . , I-..I I in .m-. nii i iv ,,,,,., eliar!! wiih the mur- f Matlliv .Mclaeau at Hazel- Ion la( year, liu been lenla-lively net for November 10. The Hrrui'pt'iiieil ari !ulijl lo traimporlalioii Ikmii? renlored on the railway line. The trial will lake place al Smilliern and will pmhahlv he roudgcted by Stipendiary Masinlraie S. II. Honkin. I.. VV. Palmore will proneculc and the aicimed lialf-breedn will be defeuiled by V V.. VVilnon of Prinre ieurge. ALICE ARM BANK MANAGER IS WED F. D. Roo Will Return North1. next weanesaay wnn nis Bride AI.ICi: AHM. Dec. 12. Accord-, inp lo word received here S. F. D. Hoc. nvanacer of the local liranrh of the (loyal Hank of Canada, who ha bii'ii noulh on bin iiiiftua va-rulion Jlriiv will return next Thurnday with a bride. 11. II. I.itlle. who han been re lieving during Mr. line' absence, will return t Prince llnierl when Mr. Hoe e bark. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheal 1.53 ll.C. SiUer 1.51 1 .60 (iladntmio 30 .32 I.. A t .12 .18 H PremW 2.23 . 2.27 Porter- Idaho 07 .ni Silver Crenl 07 .till Surr Inlet .! 4 .10 Indian .05 .00 ENCOURAGE MINING Legislature to Spend More Money on Roads and Other Facilities YICTOUIA. Doc. 12. -The mining committee of Ihe I.mllalure decided today lo inrrea'ne the Hual appropriation for the development of the mining area ilirnuali construction of roml mill Ihe provision Of nlner " facll llios. ARE PROCEEDING in nrniiTnnnn sm nAtmnnntTin Bfc UfolUfcU Al lUMLKfcNlt, 11L" NFW Vruinuvi PANNFRY WAV. V M m mm Site Chosen by B. C. Packers on Inlet is one of Best on Inlands SKIDl.lj.VTi:, Dee. 12. II is learned here thai the It.C l'a'-'k-or? will build a new cannery al fratil Hay on ki. legate Inlet. Tlii-bay in four miles nuulhwcst uf Alifonl Hay. The men who were here looking for the site were laketi to Hie bay by Captain Crtinhy of the launch Iteliance. The location they have chonen in said to be the bent on Ihe Jiieen Charlotte Inland. Il in only a nhort dintaiire front the went coant tlirouyh Skbiegate Narrow to South Day and one of Hie ben) salmon ntreauin on the Inland in only half a mile Iroiu it.. Work m expected 'o be com- m(. m.n, jlbou, Fcbruary t. COWPER CASE IS SETTLED Bakers Agree to Reduction by $500 In Taxed Costs and Will Withdraw Further Action YA.NCOl YKlt, Dec. 12. Set t lenient for dauiuige and co-Ms in Hie Haker libel suit imaiunt J. Cow per wan reached yesterday whereby Cowpcr acree to pay Iho 2,000 uwilitled the plaintiff while the Makers ngree to a 500 reduelion in Hti cost. When security for Ihe !axe cost of the action i liaudei over liy tUiwper. the Makers drop the action instituted to et abb; the transfer of hi Pacific Street house to hi wife' name. BAKER AND SOWASH MURDER CASE APPEAL JUDGMENT RESERVED OTTAWA. Dee. 12. The Su preme Court ycsleiilay roncludedj to Ihe charge, staling he was the hearing of Hie appeal in tho, prepared lo show why tho oc-cime of Maker and Sovvash con-Uional indcmnlllos nliould not ho vicled of murdering- Cnptulii Oil - li. The declUm of the court will likely be made known on December 18. Humorous Touch to Political Filibuster at Victoria This a Week When Government Won Pooley led attack and carried It on all night but it was Dick Burde who broke it up in eany morning iTlie following rary aecoiuit ot Ilie political lilorkuile in Hie l.egifalnre t.irly 111 Ihi week is from Hie pen nf . A. iletirdves nlalf i oireniMiinleiil of Ilie Vancouver tilar; : .Opposition MiHkade taclir. eoiitiiiued with iiiiininenilile ilivinUnm of (he l!on-e and terminateil at u a.m. Tiieday, when Major" Dii k Himie, Alherni, started a one-man fllibimler, and wlift ii he Uireaieiied to iimiiitJiin denpile all protest, unlesn ail-jmiiiiiht hl wan grunted, featured an all-night cnion of Uie llril-ih (io'.niiiliia Ltgilatiiie, which roinnieiieed at S p.m. Moiiduy evening. ' ll wan a nennioii which, fur eunalin!i. neldom paralleled any .nillinsr of the local, annenihly. r i-iMpienlly the vole wan close. Aj vote of ceii'tire iiiiaiWl Hon. Jolinj r il i t for certain aetionn in con-1 necliiAi Willi the L'liHemfty over-! esiemtilure. tallied lo The IMeiiiiem nalary earned 5ii in 58, lmt ailing toward niortiins the riovernmHl majority nlren-Iheneil a the inenibern lired, and 1 fl. II. Pooley and hi chief lieutenant carried on the fray by weight of verbiage alone, until Major Iliinte launched bin lac-tics, which brought about an ar-:liii.iice,. . -v -m m - -Brought Forth Mouse The mountain labored and imiuglit lorlii a mouse, l or days! There was ten round of bril-hrouixi ihe legislative corridors. Haul boxinp. Foley held the lead liiere have been rumors of Iheiiinring Hie early part of the game ..I... ....II. I.....H .i.i..ti .. i.kut.-i.uil! I ... t"l 1 - riciniui uui u.j7,,-v u.iuii.u iy It. II. Pooley, opposition er, and Ills strategists. It was to be Hie bomb that was to blow the Oliver government lo smither eens, and 1 riday lat wa the day scheduled for (lie lighting of the rh.-e. Hut ' soinelliiing went wrong, and an agreeiikcnt be tween whin caused Ihe fuse lo! sputter weakly and go out. In ciiieniuity it causeu a lew neari- uruiitgs in the opposition ranks, with some of Hie Conservatives accusing their colleague of be ing Mnwscriten ,and suggesting that oHiers take their places in the Liberal rank. Mul if I ri'tav tiomb proveil a, fiasco, 'the opposition 5oaiil of strategy wan on Hie job Monday; night, nurse. iooi ami arnuery I hey sw ung into artion when the House went 'into committee of suoply witli Opposition Leader Pooley in the van and his cohort marshalled behind him. Al the ontsel Mr. Pooley js- tucit In don. I lie opposition was convinced inai uie govern ment wa not lo be trusted lo handle further sum of public! money and when the first vole hmc up. which wa for ufi,000 for sessional indemnities. Mr. Pooley smirred tn Ihe front and IngalT lo.. read a carefully pre pared stalcmeiijt (bat dealt with Ihe over cnmmUmenl at the university. Appealed to Speaker Deputy Spenker if. (. Perry was in the chair ami wnen lion J. II. MacLean raised a point of order that the opposition leader was making remark on some-lliinu not applicable to the votO before Hid- House, the depul peaker rilled Dial Mr. Pooley wa out of order. Mr. Pooley immediately appealed lo Mr. Speaker, who wa sent for, divi sion bell wen lung, and by n vole of 27 to ID, Mr. Pooley uf fercd hi first setback of the fvetiinjr. Nothing daunted, he returned' i udnl for Ihe premier. "W,l..!..t.l, Whyhdfk .... ill ili .. on of u? y-ki till Iho vole for hi salary chines (continued on pae two) FOLEY LOSES TOBOBEBBER Vancouver Man Beaten In Brllll- ant Bout at Toronto Last Night by Hamilton Lad TMliONTO. Dec. 12. Mobby 'Kbher of Hamilton won back the Canadian bantamweight boxing title lant night when he was awariicd the decision over, the champion, Vic Foley of Yaucou-vrr.- mmef!iemot"-lmll)r-conlestiil battles ever seen iii the local ring. 1(111 j.iuer nlllj OVCICUIIIU II 111 IIIU rounds. FOUR CHILDREN BURNED DEATH Farmhouse Caught Fire During Absence of Mother Feeding Cows MtiN TllF.VL. Dec. 12. Four small children. of Mr. and Mrs. Saul (iervais werq, burned lo death Thursday night when the home al I.asucre was destroyed by fire whirh Vtarled wiieu a lamp was upset. Mrs. Hervais. whose husband work in the lumber camps, found (lie farmhouse ablaze when she returned from feeding the cows. BUSINESS SECTION OF ELKO IS DESTROYED BY FIRE YESTERDAY FKItNIK. iw. 12. Properly damage estimated at 50,otki was eaued by ti fire at Hlko. 20 mile went nf lure early today when practically Ihe whole business section wa destroyed. ANYOX SUPERINTENDENT TO MANAGE PECOS MINE YANCOl VkH. Dec. 1 2. J. It. llaffuer, who i lieie en route lo New Mexico will manage the Pecos Mine of the .(anion Valley Itanch. He i being succeeded at Anyox a general, superintendent by W. It. Lindsay! an Alaska miiiihg man. i ' PUBLIC NOTICE. Light and power will b shut otrVnt S'UbJay nl 8 a.m. for'aboutone hour. CIIy';l,Tghl Dopnrtinent. Vn.