? Vfl ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few days wc will be moved lo our new store willi the largest and finest stock of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc., in llio North Our Mollo as in llie past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician We Save You Money Christmas Goods f ancy Cups an.i Saucers in Ye (Mile F.uglish and Limoges. A targe selection lo choose from, from 75c up Hand l'ainlcd China Something particularly attractive. You will appreciate its beauty, "Very suitable foilChrislnias (iifts. AYrinost reason-aide 'firiccs. IfTsji Linen Handkerchiefs direct from Uclfast. The finest in the world. In pretty boxes. From 50c up Kxceplionally good value in Ladies' Silk Hose. Always acceptable. Papelrics in beautiful fancy boxes. From .... 30c up Christmas Business Is good. There's a reason Gordon's Grocery Sventh Avenue East Phono 447 Xmas Suggestions Table Idueii Sets. Towel Sets in (Sift ltoes. Initial Handkerchiefs for Men. Suspender and (Jailer Sets. Silk Dress Lenghls in Hoxes. Fancy Handkerchiefs in ltoxc. Silk Hosiery. Fancy Scarves. Ties. etc. H.S Wallace Co. Ltd Phone S. 3rd Ave. & Fulton Fish Dept. Kastcin Salt Herring, l'acific Sail Herring, Kaslern Mackerel, Holland Herring, (mall kegs, Salt Cod Fish Hricks, Salt Cod Fish Whole, Finnan Haddies, Salt Mack Cod, Kippers, Jiloaters, Smoked Illacjit Cod,, Halibut, Salmon, etc., etc. . ' Ordor Your Christmas Turkey and Goods Early Sealy 5 Doodson The House of Quality Phone 455. Wo Deliver 1 RAIL TIE-UP AND MARKET Both Supply and Distribution Is Being Seriously Affected by Trouble In Interior The tie-up on the railway is I having a serious effect on local j rdlail business. Supplies from the Last are interrupted and dis-j jtribution to the interior is, of j i course, interfered with, lluller! lis short in the city and a supply had to be brought from Yaneuu-1 Ver this weeks Other lines of produce are alsiV affected. i I. It is tiueslionable if Christmas iurfcrys will be delivered here by rail and "Itsjs possible Uiey may jhave to eome by- way of Vancou ver. Turkeys will sell -here this season at 10c or 15c a pound.: They do not seem such a luxury here as in Seattle where C5c al pound is lieing asked. l'oultry is scarce ami iNo. I masting chicken is brinigiug a higher price than turkey, (Seese and ducks will be here in lime for Christinas and will sell from 32c ha now started on its usual! seasonal decline. j The flour market is holding : steady alt limisli there has been I advance since the the last report. The ful urc is uncertain. A pen-. eral advance in feed lines is re-j corded lhisveek. I With the arrival of Ihe new j crop of navals. the price of , oranges, which has been unusu- ally high during the Tall, is now ! starling on a "welcome decline. FINE NEW STORE ' TOWEN TUESDAY Splendid Place of Business on Third Avenue Is Credit to City Max Heilbroner' s new jewellery store, in which business is al ready being conducted, will be formally opened Tuesday. The store, which is one of the finest j in the city, has been a centre if a! I met ion during I lie pasl few ! ilays. The premises themselves are indeed a credii lo Prince Itu- pert and. together with Ihe splcn-l Clock Specials For Monday Cash and Carry (Upstairs) From 9 a.m. till 10 a.m. only Fels Xiiplha Snap, per lytrlon 75c (..alifurnia Asparagus, tall tin 20c O'Oilar Polish, ipjart tins, spr- eial $1.10 10 MORE SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS Visit our Men's Dept. Here you will sec a woniierful range of it necessary. Clock Specials front 2 3 p.m.. only inly Canned 1'umpkin. 2V. p.m. till special . . 15o fiold Imst Washing I'owder. larue package , . . . ... 30c Toilrl I'aper ltolls, 7 for 25c Sclerlinig Ohrishnas d'resenls in our Linlies' fctoro iitid Dry fioods liept. has heen nmde very easy this year. We have a.splen-did variety of novelty vand! staple goods In choose from. Clock Specials from 4 p.m. till 5 p.m. only Alalkitt's Itesl Tea, per Ik . 65c f'orn Flakes, II iikgs. for ... 25cj tsnider's Chile Sifuce, large ,hol-j lies ; 30oj f)ur Hosiery 'Dept. ha keplj liace with the season's newest in Women's Hosiery. Here Vouj may gel I In' very latest shades! anil yon will find value received.' Universal Trading Co. aBBJWI, aaal "I nlTajVen troubled for some years with dyspepsia. lirer trouble and kidney trouble, from which it was impossible to Ret relief until I started taking "Fruit-a-tiTes", which had been recommended to me by a relative. Before taking this wonder ful Fruit Juice remedy it was impos- . lo 35c per pound. 5b,e 0UJ ". dlijf wotrk; but Will, a more plentiful supply The .i.-TK .nd'.ble to of fresh eggs, the price of eggsj do my household duties without phi or fatigue. -Mrs. i nomas r.vans. It. K. No. 1, Everett. Ont. The remarkabte medicine, "Fruit-a-tives," made from intensified fruit juices and tonics, has more than 20 years of success to recommend it. It can always be, depended upon to gi'e positive relief from pain in the Hack, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia and Headaches, which are due to improper action of the kidneys, stomach and bowels. Sold everywhere, 23c. and 50c. a bos. did stock being placed on shelve, will present a place business mailing any store kind in I lie province. EIGHTEEN MONTHS FOR JOS. BARNES Sentence on Forger Passed This Morning by Judge Young The ptiliee having found that .Monday evening, leciiihcr I tj had a previous record, Joseph all rank specially reiiucsleil to s. I tarn, round guilty, yesterday attend this parade, on a charge of forgery, was sen- The following rluiv of ln-ti nicl this morniiw liy Jinlgc nlrurlipii will Itf bcM a fIIfiws-Young to eighlfen inonlhs' iiu- Lewis gun sec.'ioi, Tuewiay, a ni isonmenl with hard labor, v.iu. ' Itarties is now a vrisoncr iu "' visual seetifui. Wwlnfstlay, P i i y 'jail awaiting escort lo p.m. (ilia Via i I'irsl aid class, Thurday. H 'I'-iu. i .. . . ... i . . x.ivn-ii.f. in ih iilv Nw .Musketry. Miniature rang" WATER NOTICE. DUaralen ind Uit, sirwf. Vawuioer. H.f: will wiy o.r u.;.i,.- I,, fikr anil II. r Idll.OKI rallollS upolrrlv rnmi mirllimt'l I. I5l. rvl l- nft Tor ritnw tmriioH- Uiii tin- liinil (lwnlH-l is l. ISO Is'liiir part f t. l&iH IT. I.. 8JSr Till ume-r wan imwIkI mi llie uriiunii nil llw lOlli cla of Mnn-iiitHT, 1S. . A rtinv r thin rnitlrf and an apnrallrfi imrslMiit llM-relii ami l llw "Walir Art" villi h rtll In llie i.rtlrf of Ihe W'alrr Hrmmler at I'rllirc lluprrl. H.fl. Objrc-lku tu Ihr atllran may I ftlesl wllli llw sain water nworinr r un FROM HALIFAX TO PLVMOUTH-CHtRBOURO-LONDON .iliij Jun. iT.. Fell. 3t TO OUEEN8T0WN AND LIVERPOOL I Mamiia . Jim It i ariMiiniii Feb. t" FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL t... ...... It. . IU Vut I1 Tiua'iiii ' ' . " i .Mi urn n Jim. 'J. Fi-b. . Mar. 8 TO CHERbOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON Uiiiiriil.inia . . On I'.. Apr. 7. qullaiiU . . JJH to. I'.'li. ti, Mai 10 llririiuaiia in. 1. Mar. li. 31 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLAtQOW Atlienia Hn'. IV I am 1'iilila .. Jan. 1 f::ileiluiiia ... Jan. I''.. Fi-b. I.I. Mar. II . TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON Viiw'iii.i .. tier, fl Infuiia .. Jan. 9 TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURG-HAMBURQ Andania ... IV. Jn'i. n, March 13 FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Ainaiiiii . Jan H. 1 rli. l. Mar. St Money order-- anil flrafla al lowest ratra. Full liifiirmatlon rrom Ajenta or romnany'a nrricei. llatln 81. W Vanennree. R C, illlllW! IW use w SiMONDS Machine KNives i Theyatay aharp longer. awoNoa canhd atw co. tiuirca WONTDtAC v.naeuvts touohto at. omm. i i j rnn oaili mrws cue 'IT I lT Iff- 'LIQUOR CHARGES adjourned again KIDNEY TROUBLE Crown Is Not Yet Ready to Pro- ILLNESS ENDED BY "FBUIT-A-TIYES" i cced with Case Against Con- solldatod Exporters Nine charges of violation of the io eminent Lbuor Act j against the Consolidated Kxpurt ers lo. Ltd. were again uu-jourued for a week when L. W. J'almorc, is conducting the prosecution, announced In the police-court this morning thai the Liquor Hoard had not "yet completed Ihe checkiistg oT the company's stock ami removal iv-rords. Mi'. I'atmoiv slated that i- other work did nol iulerfere, lie expected to le ready to proceed jtii December lit lo which date the trial was adjourned. S. W. Taylor appeared for Hie defence in Hie absence of Milton (ion-zales. i LODGE VALHALLA ! ELECTS OFFICERS A. Akerberq Heads Organization With "John Dybhavn as Secretary Lodge Valhalla, No. (57 of W Sandinnvtan Fraternity America clcrlcd officers last nuhl as follow: president, A. Akcrberg. ' Vice-President, Aid. Oscar- l.arsen. Secretary, John Hyhhavu. TifMsiiier (I. A. Johnson. Chaplain, Mrs. ( corgi J'riU. i .viarsiiaii. .Mrs. r. ivurson. 5r Inner guard, Mrs. O: A. Jobn- the "u,!- 0r Oulet guard ami lrulee, Olof 0f Hanson. BATTALION ORDERS Hy Lieut. -Colon! J. V. Nicholls, Officer Commanding, 1st ltn. North II.C. Ilegl. (102ml Hn. C.F..F.) Parades. llatlaiiou muster parade in Ihe Armoury, nl H p.m. pracure snooi, rriuay l linlld. rtdrm. I J ii i "vfiiincr x-r ily i.r mer Mil t I'nkinmii, ly! twilling .Satitntiiy .Saturday, klMWII !i I UKIHIWII. lllll llii iril l.ii I i . . unit rtrins Into sImihi'HI Hy. fJ.C.I., B.t:, B.tiVLieul. l.ieill. J J. about 1l rtMlii.. imire r ir. ',.u,,t SelI rn.ni n'irllwal ronM-r I.. 1518 ( T.I..; -'" " r' Muc.i,. Tim uill itm rfivrtil rntfil I lie trKi!ii xl iliil alfiui rlnlit iliiln "inh 'fs.ni SlMnirm Rv ml fft rhaln at k p.m. Turkey hamticaii slnml In iie nr. j ranged for this 'siimc evening IH. i Orderly officer for the week liereiiilif r ID Harnsley; Orderly A. .1. Sijuires. S. P. JOHNSTON SPORT CHAT fer- Major and Adjutant llachrj 1st N it.'- Ilea Ity lira t m v' Jimmy ionJriHi m 4. ....iH.lt.n aJ Vl'alif fliirlit. I'a rllltlfIlt ' fl . . aw t a . 1 . it ' Men s Shirls. Ties, Pyjamas. CTiYm Vi7iwfrii.": wWwn iillrl!",,,',,,, u """"ayjiiigm ot in s Hose. ele.. nea.ly put up in fat.eyj ,li,''f.,t t-XZlT' v ,!a.e Hork' .KaI,'i!l t'.hristnias hoxes, for which then i no extra chiige. Clock Special from 11 a.m. till 2 noon only California Fancy Tahle Itaisins. I Hi. hox . . .' 20c Heady rut Macaroni in hulk, v lhi. . . ... i 35c Cooking Onions. 8 His. for . . 25o Our 'clock sneeials are open to r tin- ft-nl piil.llratum 'if Hill li'itue ii'.u in- set iiiiii'rii iu win uhi Nv.,b,M t';:,9'-;i,ILt:ItII ,MITK jll.au fourteen year ago i.amel.v Appiirant ' i he iMpturiiig of, the world's Will ft Mllrhr I. Affnt ,. ,. ,, , t ,,. li gh Weight ehaininons lip title. anyone It. huy. We put no re-CANADIAN SERVICE stnctions on tliein other Mian to limit Hie uanlily wjierc we find III was. a stirring liFlceu ruutid Miout iiihI Ihe veleftiti challenger inixcil it hard wilhflhe clinmpion all the way finally, winning on points. The following is the way nhe sport writers1- awarded the ; rounds - first, Kait-as; sccvnJ even; Jliltil Jansa; rourin een; filth, (ioodrich; sixth, Kansas ' sevenlh, (ioodriehf eighth, even; ninth, (ioodrich; tenth Kansas: eleventh, even; twelfth, ccn; lliiili'i-iilli, Kansas; fourleentli. even; fiflecirlh. en. Itolh liox-ers were slaggeitil once 11111 there were no knocKdowns. Tin fight ended with lu'ii'iNstanding toe to toe and -liigsin with al) Iheir iniglil. ft The luls for IIIIIiik passes tu .in ft.-. iiuiii ..ni il'Iui li'ivn 4I1(1 IIVIII III4IIIJ IIIVII VIIF aaua, done much hig jjaiue linnling says A. Hryan Wliliatns writing in "Hod and (iuu"j! it is then thn looking for gatne.Jlii! watching.' and alms e all tlnq stalk that in most fascinating, When I lie odds seem against yoip and you are iuiijielled to iisi your hralns f oulwH soine wary fileiilzeii of Ihe hills. What pleasure is there in coining on a poor, unfortunate. Iieusl hy accident, &v approaching one that is in o, favorahlo a position dial inilyfvcry ordinary prec-iuillons am mjedcil lo assure ail easy shot For those who are new I-j I lie kaw it i 'iUi(e( Furs! IIIMH Imm ii;i't I , l'f ' u is as f 1 1 "'g mi i li'''i ' n was in mat -f pre-iMs1". inn- TIMBER SALE X 7522. J S,-al ll ftllllll-. Wit! l IMrlHil b lb-; tnrlrnt r'lrt-.liT H.-I lat-r ilisn ih "fi; lb Hi ilit iJ lirrrinio-r. I"i ! mim4mm i.r I kultulls SbMIXb.! Masorll liiifl. O.I .I., I" ftf.i fret I IsmmI mraoiin- 4tf Spritn'. llrfHiurk. ill .j4r salir. Two 1 .trars wilt Ins alluwwl fur rr imrtal 'if iimiirr i iirllM i irtlriilar-. .if Ihe l Wrf ' ler. Vlib-na. nr lh- IMtrKt rumtlrr. frtiHT ll'iirl. II. i . LAND ACT. Kotlc of Inttnllon la Apply la L Land. ' lu the frllKf IUiimtI Uwl HrrurdtM tll.lrlrl aiyl MltMIe WMIesaml If4wl iwar HWl4ft I.Ulfl. IHlH! CMill It M. II. TAkK .MlIKl: (itl JuMfh MilW4 llorrrs r I'rliK-r Huprrl. Il.i:.. WfTfirT. iiiIpihIs In ape's rur a Iraw f tim'M lilnir ilesi'rilx-fl UimI- i miiliM-lv ill al a isist m Ihr burr i !) K. iv of WlHlnaiid bliml. Ihelire J.tinii frrl iMirllmi-.l. llMlirr :i,imi reel ll; llirlli'i' 5. Hull fir I uilllll, tllenri-l.iinii frrl rl tbe SHl if '"lu liieiH-ritwnt JOSKI'II TIsn liiiiil.llS. Iialril lirn-iiibiT till. I'l-.T.. Three Big Specials FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Our Popularity Contest is cnriilltng many voters. The lieaoliful pri.e we are of-feiinjj is envied hy inniiy. I.omiueiiciilg Momlay wc offer for cash I hox of Kat-ifornia Tahle Fhus. 10 lh-.. for $1.75 and 25 Voles. Or 5 Ihs. of Mixed Nnls n: Ihe shell for $1.25 and 10 Votes. We Itase a large assort nient of Fancy Hoxeil Clio eolaies. You are entitled to 10 Voles on any box over $100. Make, a deposit on your Turkey for Christmas and be credited with 25 Votes. B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phones 45 and 574. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTI8T Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. OfHcc Hours9 lo fl, X-ftsy 8trvlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hverifiigg Saturday, December t, mj Furs! What could be more suitable as a Christmas Gift Our Christmas Half Price Sale offers a golden opportunity for solving your Christmas Gift problem FUR COATS from - $75.00 up MINK CHOKERS from $6.50 up COMFORT GIVING AND SENSIBLE GIFTS We are always pleased to show you our stock of beautiful furs and advise you to call early while selection is coinplstc B.C. FUR COMPANY Third Avsnue Next G.W.V.A. Phono Green 120 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "SEVEN DA YS" An adaptation of (lie liilarnuis singe I I it t i . hy Mary Holier! Itmcliarl Olid Awry II" screaming domestic runied) -drama. . A liv '' -ar. a siitallMi ipiariiitline, a Imrglar, a spin i'-hiisninil mil) wife, a Inirly ci. Mtl mu "i-uiiiiI. The cop CHlchen Ihe Ittirgfnr, DUillrti i 1 cop. Ihe whole jwrly raUdnts siiihIIimix, Ihe ftuu' " whole purtj, lite umlii'iice eutclit - a -verc ,illa t ingilis. Jnsl imagine il, agmvnleil liy fl aunl. li srnallpox. pursued hy police, lwicged Ity scared liy a spiriltialisl and doggeil liy ilior e. It'- There is not a dull moment. Sttperli cast. Crelghton Hale, Lillian Rich, William Austin, Charlei Clary, Eddie Grlbbon, Lllyan Tashmnn, Mabel Julienne ' Scott, Rosa Gore and others. CAMEO COMEDY "OUT PATHE NEWS. BOUND." 50c and 25c 95c SA.LE Our 95c Sale Continues till Saturday Night, December 12 Do not miss tho last bargains of tho year. Also you view our selections of Christmas Olft a' wil Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 045 Cor. 3rd and 7th