K, inlay. December 12. I02R. CHRISTMAS Temptation Sale i H WATCH THESE COLUMNS 1 or Klnrlllinjt llargaiii in M-'I - ami Hoys' Wearing , ,,;ip'I .ii'iii'iuiiiK in large NilVeH iSCincills. erne Impor ers Third Ave. Flour Specials FLOUR IS ADVANCING m, oiler lt"l l 1 1 -llH'llta ... .i.-k $2.75 ;i. -m i $5.25 ii. sack ..' $1 60 ti. -ii.-k-. t ark for $1.25 v ii r.'.t.iv iK'i M"int.i) only Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575. Phones 18 and 84 417.423 5th Ave. East Gentlemen- Why Not? i,v !i.i- n lailor--n. t :in i-tinnif We make you a preent of $5.00 I 'ii Suit Length to fr..iu. We gi a . ,nl n( 5.00 mi vefy purchased fr 'hril- liM'k mrltitli Mine !- - mi. I nit kinds of nia"eii..t I'll and ' unrno'ed. ORDER NOW. LING the Tailor 821 Second Ave. Phone 649 Ladies' Shoe Specials J 'i -i a few nf our mil-' ilinw Specials fur this '. h only. W mm 'h Patent Leather si ihtm. wiiji low rubber Ii.! Now mill real snappy. Only .... $2.95 W'.iurii Kul F.vnlng Klip-ti i wilh Spanish leather heel. Duly $3.85 Women's f jtenl Leather ankle strap F.vening Slippers, nil sires. kOnly $4.45 Women's Tine Quality Pluck Snlin KvenlnR Slippers. While they last only $5.45 Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357 DRESSES for Evening, Party or Afternoon In great variety at most modern! prlres. "Demers" Wo aim In please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. ! Wairefront ner. Kilkalla and snri-iniiidiiiK Miinls for the dual purpose of 1 11k 1 11 jj on iUiristiii,iK vtipplie ami loivinc mechanical wiM-k done on Hie power plants. Thi native families. almnl In a man, wit' remain home for the fesHve tsa- n after wliicli the majority jwill rnnlintie trappinc opera tions. Some Excitement Archie I'alon and lo (mlo. nclh had some oxcitenicnl no 1 uml the fomor's sntmal whiln nmn: jii from Lewis Island o"1 Tiieiay, and for a wHil thinirr looked serious enoiHrii o wvrranl some deti think inc. Ttu tw hoys were comlnp in and just IT Holland Hock litrht alHiul t p.m. the ensrtne Uippe. Th wind was hlOAVing a Kale and Ho wave wore running high. No amount of porsuasioti could sot the iradtts fnncltoninr and re course iuii to lie made to raisina the shnrm vail, which undotWii i dly saved Hie day. Prorious to peitmu the sail up, the ImisI was driftTiui dangerously near Hi rock hut with Hh sail hoisted the wind veerisl lip boat away. Iinrine the afternoon and 1on after 'dark the Imat drifted from Holland Hock on the outside o lntrhy Island and aniund th.' Tai l her end, or Metlakatla Pas-sajre When Hie strHiided mar- 'iners siehled the Indian village they had no idea they wer so 'near home, and wilh all III buf-r..img they had yon through Hi might have been Van-'couver instead of the weleiuno ! Mcfiakalla. l'in seeinft III huhis the hoys dropped Hi anchor and came to a slop nr the reef, pete l.e.ijjlilon went out Ho their assislanr jinl lowwl 1 1 he ImibI safely hack lo port on Tuesday nnhl. Tito craft has heen taken up on the, Wanl wnw 'or in sport ion but does not seeru to bav suffercil fiiurh !;tiimpi., Still Flshlnq. , I There is ipule a UlHc flrt of l.oats out fishing in' nearby Tho schooner Swing, owned by Messrs. (ioo.llad and Hnborson, I is also out afler crabs. Ibis " limit lias been laid up for n 'while owing lo Ibn illness of hd owners. However, the hoys aro tiack in the ganio again. Training Seagulls ! ii heen said that Dm cn 1 ....... .... ir.ir.len seaKUll caiinol bo itrained but -Doc" Clapperlon tN0 ACT. 'Nolle of intuition' io pplv to tMit tynd roW.nrPMriTXpr.'nrV"H..;ri. .ml Ultimlr it Slwnisni By. - . TAKK M.iia: I .nn'"l C. Viini..rr. lo h.u.. I'pl.v """ , " "f im lal-lnlfii.li rwl t:o piiriiia . at ITi..p!ri u n i'lOunn lii iH.mt of .riiiniiiencrniwil. "' r,,..,...x V4 'Wa,Kc nost Prr Win. 0. Hltrlwil, Aieii Ctwd Octobor ". .....us nun (xi iieiai ninny ioal 1 lie nr.s ini-s Ihrir old pals nor an all couiiiik in for a fair haiolliat lli. dose reason lias sep of overliaiil am) painting, and;o many ( Hie rinliermen leave every conceivable pace for waystfor distant part, ami for thai is occupied. Immediately aflei irasnn Ihc jfuiu t,.,.n f, Hie close season came into ef- lamer mid more u.ci.) ihle lo feet 11 niiinher of Hi boats .l lliiiuian companionship. Xo lonjr-Ihe lialilnil flcel were eoinmis-jer l iliev fly away Uin Hie ap-sioin-il on Imnllnd Irips hut with ,i.ii acli of man i.i'n rather strut study of Hie seaKiill and its .'luhits, to join forces with Dor and start a cotlene for the educatins of the aKull. If Hoc can get lorrfn, Is np on Hie pontoon for a Koi.-'ral lookin? to ami si.riiip husinoss. The schooner Fisher, Cpl. John Hanson, and the power brtal Kleaiior Mao, ownoil hy skljiper Mcleod, nrr was complelcd this fall on Ihe Power boat Flying Spur, owiv-ed and skippered by Len Weaver, rolurneil lo mirl last week with W. Hol.lhlooni, the noted fur man alroanl, afler a successful fm buying Irhi down the coast. "lloblie" Is very satisfied wlOi his Iriji as he was successful lit securing some very fine pells Most of bis trading was done wilh th Indians who seem to lack nothing of Hie g-nod things of life to insure a happy Christ inns. VKH DAILY KBTO! s-e:nr came off I he McLean way this week after undergoing extensive overlia;:! and repainting. T.lii Wigwam look resplendent In a new emit of paint ami is re;uly fiii' action at u mmm-nt's notice Cupl. linn.nei Hanson brought hi In world famed imat 'I helrua I. tins week from I. .mix Locker lodging caiiijl, situated mi Purcli-j er Island. I'jlie 'iiinm-r has been! gimg leniafjiiitili- uml valuable.; assistance W Louis in Ins lotf-gniK operrifjrnn Tor Hie past month. "H. business is now has nrovnil .mi.fi.ci v n.f ! ?' n,,"f,v '"fined to lMal repair such a itirtein.-nl is a liliel or! The frailer Salvor arrivel Work. Illit schiinners. trolling I In. ' waterlroii" .....i...i ...... turki'Vs v :il iif.illr ....n.in : i ......i ..i.4TU' Hie ih-er season cIokinI ami Hi eanm for ilueAs ami ffisese ler-nui..iiiiia at Hie end of the monlli Hi trips arc prartically over. N"W iKial owneri. are turntiiK their attentions once iitrnin lo flie ! uius iile of life in onlr that e..iylhin( may ho O.K. for Hie fn-l . la - Ii to Ihc hiKh spots in I Hire. Unite a nijinlicr of native boat. Iiai. calleil into port this rwek from l'ftrt Siiopon, Xims Pally ahead like a do?. In his few part moments Hoc Ira beeo -hicaliiit! Hie IniiN to fly to Hi window and eat from a plate on ami discharged '("" Nmih of Na naiiiro-Wollliiloii eoal at Hie Al-herl-MKJairery wharf. Schooner Sank While eoiiiiiis in from Kelchl-kan over Jasl wwk end the Amer lean schooner Valorous, Captain Peterson. frhck a roek situated Hii eml of the Meliakalla oas-safrf ami sajjkk. Haul. A. Swansor rendered n-:tanci. from Hie I'.U. ltoalliuui. ami towed the which he place dainty morsels 1 schooner into HripiM-n's Cove particiik.r!y suiled to the ap-'wliero a temporary patch was petite of Hie si'Htrull. The hirils made to Hie hull. Tin' Mchooner have hocomc o accustomed ti!wa lalpr towed to the lny Dock Hoe's llroirxhlfulnes thai theywhere repairs are hciiif: carrieil will now perch on Hie side of Hi out. plate ami peck the hits Hn-icfroin t The next step in their training' The Bushby Fleet is to have I lie birds anwer In; The iHgboal M.T.3., ipl. R their rHHVtive name, ami line Hreen, loft port last week end ti a s suiryi'stcd railing fori for Lewis Island Ui low in a li-liier for names to ho np-'bonm of lo?s. consist int: of lull, plied h. the hints. Influence is; 000 fool of lumlicr. from Hie lieniif liroUKhl lo hear upon Hapt. t.ouis IM-ker 10111? raorii. This Harry Ormi.ton. master of Hi hoohi was desUnod for the Nrwiiiglon. who, for Hie pa ;eorelrvn null hit inclement ert vwks lias hecn makiuc ajwoalhor interfered with the rapid the Hat Pan theatre nn I he: Hay yards, the iuc left port on watrfronl. i Jnestey wilh two empty scows ami rlumd wilh a sov Constantiue M Iclmeloff, mecli-jof lumber for Hi Canadian Kh'i anir wKIkHio Akertirw-Tlimson .& Oidd Slorago Oo shops, reliiine.l on Hie iardena lasl Sunday from an extended trip lo San Kraneico. whore he had heen visit nig hi sler. Hon- sl airline is all hot oj. wilh Ihe splendid lime he had in the son Hi Iwnteis for fbit fish, cod, cr ah sJ cLoan ways 'ami shrimps f,.r the Macon Fish- ei-ics. Among me n-o ih vi.i-ployed are Messrs. Hall A Slaney, who are out for coil, flat flb and crab. flop!. hns Larson land his regular erew are also lout. Tom House is fishintr erahi with his trolling boat, and sklp-Ipor Majrnus is hxiokinii end in the .harbor from a dory. transit of tiie low to I lie northern lumber centre. TuffboaJ P.H.T., Tjpt. Harris' th Weil to sUmJ Ihe strain niKrr. weni to JooretJiwn lasl deliver the auint he will profi-Sulunlay lo tow down a scow of ably pul on a seagull entertain- lumber nir eastern shipment and 11111 1 early in the New Year at a scow of lumtier for the lliv Little Hunting Wilh Christmas less than (wo wok away, which make extra work for most people, there are till 011 the outside. The bird s?aon rlosese at the end of the Iiirtinlinie, a number of the em loyee,s' nre on vaiytlton bent. The eieiMilive Stair Js jitJH on Ihe lob Uiwevert' aiW;,tfier will Hons and repairs made at the plant during the olostdowii. Uoiirjre llnsbliy. hteh mosul ol The Improved Sat on Stern After all ii lakes Capl. Jarvis Mrl.eod and his jroml ship Klea-nor Mac to stage a real live hunting slnnl. Last week the jmod ship left port with. her owner at Ihe wheel accompanied by monHi. HouhHess ltie- will b!'r. W. T. Kerpin'and Alex. Pru.l- a number of hunting parties on! over Christmas holidays to use! up their las supply of shells for !he sason. Marine Products The plant of the Raperl Marine Products at !e!Jii Hay is now closed down for Hi winter after paintiiiK in readiness for Iheiaii aoHvo and sussful season boiiiinc for the Houlas Channel district on a little bird bunlins exploit. AH went well until tin skipper became seasick and ordered all hands lo come on deck and sit on Hie stern to keen tlie propeller in the water. From Mien on things aboard began lo set dirty in keeping with the weather. If Kleiuwr was ever a nn.l the oroduet is heini: moveo naughty girl she certainly show lo Ihe market as opportunity oN ft up to form on Ilie trip, and fers and eomlMinns warrant, would have put a bucking bronco eHvii.,. iiii in rrtimi.e.i ni.mit I in the shade for rearing and also on Hie pontoons for nver-lllie end of 1 ebruary and, in the liaul. Work is progressing, satis fao lorily iMMin Ih installation of Hie 30 h.p. llein 'H'utrh) fgntcfVrMiably be sump minor alfertf- in the new llavmoller boat, vliili plunging. JarVis came on Ihe Itesi hecauso lie had Ihe wheel to cling to." "In tire excitement one if the decoy ducks became loosened from its .moorings and sI'HWalpjIhteribuWth" over lures of Alex, lo pul out a boat to recover it met wilh no re- ponse from the captain. The parly secured spine game and Ihe 1LM.P. activities, said a fcwtraughl bad cobs. weeks ago that he intended to keep his fleet of boats runnin? throughout the winter if heeouhl possihly pel business for IheinJ lie seems to tune boon successful along these lines wilh the resub Hint Ihe fleet should be working most of the Utile. Tho P.lt.T, Copt. Harris iwtr, delivered, a boom frvim handloggers on lh. Skeeitn lliver lo. Hie fioorge'town mill and yesterday afternoon Ihe Tide Hip. 4 '.apt. "Handsome" .Mm Morrison, was negotiating' with " The lugboa'l Wigwam, owned 1 10 fool ereosoled pile which va and operated by Clnude Kelchum, hnitighl in Hiis side from I) why SAFE SPEEDYDAIM RELIEF wrAIIH 1 mt CAPSULES In SOe.nd tl.CO Boi.i. Sold and rrom. tn.nd.d b, J, COO Canadian dru(UU. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM wXcvritis Lumbago Sciatica Sftcltl I Scth! lOcfor ItluitrtMd booklet and trtalaamnlt toTcmpktana, 111 Km W.,Torontol. Dunk Is Back The old time propeelor and step dajicer Dunk MOInlosli or I'sk, Jilew into town this .week from Telegraph Creek, rangoll ami Stewart, afler an oh;hJoen monllis -prospecting trip. Al though suffering ' still with little rheumatism as the result of the big l".-M man hunt Dunk has vowisl to see the "wee bra 1'sk lassie'" before Christmas even if he has to walk. While In I fie north Dunk says be came across some fine gold nuggel? and while not as large as .wast tubs they have great possihili ties. Dunk is how, tho proud owner of Ihe Porcupine tiroun o' 'claim situated, on Pack Saddl I Creek a tributary of the famou Fiddler Oreek, and if be does nol jdie it millionaire It is "not his own fault. There is a man at to I Mile Greek4, and. a man and his iwife al CO MUe Creek, and l)unk Isays he can't make a living wilh) people piHiing up against him like that. Dunk is .keen on polling in a goo.l lime al Vhrislmas with his old friernl Jimmy Wells Hie man who made I'sk The Tudor Sedan Color Dtu-k bla with black naawl rvtv Inf tear. Allrecl bodr. Nkkclml radiator hell and bcadbmp rim, tower Mtt both front aeat tiiimg. tunc-pwet ventw latiag wiodcKicLiL. Lacbfclothrun visor of new dt tig inclosed a I both tad. Standard equipment include Marter.cord firet, demountable rime, windahield wiper rear view mirror and dath (J'lr C Ump.Vfc .avb. jW,Om. 9 (DD Tudor Sedan THE new allsteel body, lower and longer, gives the Tudor Sedan a fascinating appearance that will recommend it to the fastidious motorist. All seats have been re-designed, adding to the comfort of driver and passengers. The new one-piece windshield combines wider vision and improved weather protection, with ideal ventilation; control for all seasons. The body is finished in a beautiful dark blue with nickeled radiator .shell and headlamp rims, and the chassis in black. &&cC S. E. Parker, Limited Island and loaded on the Prince John for delivery lo Honlraclor few liiinlni, radios lenvine no.!. -MiHoy who i building 8i hut for all that is (Had lo be.'afler th wily duck. From re-'wr' al ,N,rl '"',''l', l. f01 "'"I itn in I Iilil lhun' lUH'ti a train. . LI' . oorls It. Imiii.I there is still eon. oepaniiieiii 01 iuii.ui- ". huntiiiK to he iWaine.l at sur-roundinir noint a little distamv iUipl. Harvey Humas, former f mm homo. 'Die open fall this skipper of Ihe luffhoat P.lt.T. jjiwir has not heen conducive lo and who Is now engaged in lo? ilrivinc th thicks into shellercl riu? down the roast, was in port water and IK lurv fbwks are this week for some ropair work on hi iMiwer tsat . I.eamler. II will he loavin? for the south an. in over the week end. Dryi Dock Work There is considorarhlo repair work being done on Ihe big Canadian srhmmers at Ihe local dry oWk. The Seamaid, finpl. Henry Stationery as a Christmas Gift Is Always Acceptable Here are some that will appeal to yon by reason ol Hie high quality, beautiful appearance and low price. "Symphony Antique" in decorated hinged boxes, feather Pen, l'ajier, Correspondence Cards and Kiivelopes, 52.50, $2.85, $3.00, $5.00 anil $5.25 "Lord Baltimore," in boxes wilh loose or hinged lid, Paper, Correspondence Cards and Kiivelopes, 75c, $1.25, $1.65 and $2.75 Correspondence Cards, Plain or r(iU Kdge, with Kinelopes 75c, $1,00 and $1.65 Whiting & Cook "The finest writing papers Oiat can lie made": Colonial Kidskin Paper, Cards and Knvelopes $3.00 Louis XIV. Period Paper, in Tan,-White orWhile with ('ray Lining and fiill Hdges . . $5, $5.50 and $6.00 Colonial Iidskin Lovely Paper, Knvelopes lufve a very handsome lining $6.00 Parchment Linen, a deckle edge paper $5.00 lienllenienVs ,Salionery $2.00 Vou may select your Stationery from bur slock with assurance of satisfaction. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Rexall Slore 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Hours: 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sundays and Holidays front 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p,m. TU G BO A T S Day Phones 423. 538 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 B36 Gr. 236 Black 73B Use Blue Ribbon III Baking Powder Your Grocer has it