VIS Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician has lind over 25 years' experience in the larjrc centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North CORDED HAITIENNE A new taffeta finish Silk, heavily corded, for every day .or iiarly frocks. Comes in black, crushed rose, mauve, peach, ocean, French blue, etc., 36 inches wide. I'er yard- Hallow'een Specials For This Week APPLES Fancy Mcintosh Reds, per box $2.80 Jumble pack, per box $2.25 Johnathan, Fancy, per box $2.75 Jumble pack, per box $2.25 Hallow'een Lantorns, larwe, 15c tMnall 10c l'uuipkin. per lb 6c llihhard Squash, per lb. 6c (rape, per lb 20c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 Ann MX TK1 DATL1 !OrWt! Ladies' Handbags Latest Designs Lowest Prices $3.50 West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753. MANDLEBURG ENGLISH RAINCOAT S For Ladles' and Girls' Capes RUBBER COATS lllack, Xaxy and titey. TRENCH COATS AND GABARDINES The best you can buy regardless of cost.. Xew I'.oals arrived tins week H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phono 9 Phone 9 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holtjorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orrice HourH U to 0. X-Ray Strvtoe Phone C8G. Opon Tuesday, Thursday und Hnlurday hvenings MESSAGE FROM ! LOSTHAYSPORT Bottle Picked up Down the Coast Relates to Fate of Missing Auxiliary Schooner Jarvis Mel.tuul, collector of cusloinn, has been advised Uiat u bollle linkage was rerenlly picKeil up in Kilkiine ,lnlet in I'ierre Canal by David Oordila of (iiiiiiiuT Canal purporting u have enianaled from the school) er Iluysporl No. which was supposed lo have been lost with villi hands on board in Millliaiu Soimd lasl January wlnie on hervay from Vancouver u Skagway with a cargo of ex plosive for I he Yukon. The nieKsagi. whicl slat's thai Ihi Ilaysporl was wrecked with no escape from dioviiing of the crew, has been takeir to Vancouver by Mr. MrArlhur, mana ger oi Jiuteuale i..annery, lo whom it was given by Cordila. FEWER FATALITIES IN MINES OF B.C. Only Five In First Nine Months of this Year, a Record for This Province V1CTOHIA, Oct. 27. Accord ing to of'icial figures issued by lion. W'illiiiin !sliiii. minister nf' mouths of the preenl year ther were five fatalities compared Willi 1'IL'llt in lln sntnn i.irrul i metalliferous mines the total j fatalities for the nine month this year were three compared wilh six in the same period last year. The alKve is a most favorable showing and is due in very greal measure lo the care with which the mining regulalHin of th-' province are being enforced. I lit improved rondiimu under which the miner. are working conse- CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTlCt IS ItKHCUV (ilt. llul 111 n-wrvf eilsling utrr Lut IMW, lliiife Cuil Dislricl, la ciucclied. O. IL AAlit.N, liinulv illnlHiT uf Land Lllidi lieiurlllielll, ticiuna, u.i.. lld Sypf.. mi. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notice of Application for Br Llctnt. NOTICE 1 IIEKtBY HIVES thai on llie l Mb da nt Oi loU-r. I8i... tlie uml.:r-ancned inlciid in apply In the Liquur :uiilml Biurd fur a HrfiiM1 in rmpvi:i lu umiilM-K. IwniK nart uf llie liuildmr loiiiwn an Skldrrate Hoarding- tluuw, ltu atvd at SkidPKalr. uiuii tin- land d cnixa t i.iu in. hiimk 4, arriH-dinr a n-irKicrca map or plan (H-ponltrd In the Und lii-rlnry orrire at tlw ciiy "f I'nncf iiuinti and numbered 48, for tin sale uf beer b tlie rla.n or by the open buttle fur riiiiiniptliii mi tlie preiiilie. Iiawd at Skldeaate B.U, thla iUi day or sepieinlMr. iiti. EU.MUMl C. STEVES. nn.r ROCHON'S Chocolates We are sole agents in l'rince Htiperl for these delicious sweets. Hulk Cream, per lb. . . 75c Hulk Assorted Nuts and Creams, per lb. . . . $1.00 i-'J lb. Itoxcs Assorted Cho- colales 60c 1 lb. Hoxe-s Assorted ('lioco- lales $1.00 2 lb. Itoxe Assorted Choco- lali-s $2.00 Hochon'e famous Almond Crisp, per lb $1.00 These goods are all specialities made from purr whipping cream and cream ery butter. Phone 94 Rupert Pharmacy Third Avenue and 5th St. Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 16. Afternoons -. . 2 lo 4 Kveiiiugs .... 8 lo 10 Good Music both sessions Competent instructors lo touch beginners. L. J. Warren - Prop. Phone Black 449. ipit'i.l i : j t 1 1 I he .-."rp'ul si'm Of inspect ion curru'd out liy ol l'i-j COLD TO TIN IN YUKON TERRITORY kanoa MINERAL ACT. Cartlflcata of Improtramenti Sfxikatie Mineral Claim, ultuale In til LAilD ACT. In the Atlln Land nutrlcl of CaMlar. t In Prinec lliirl Ijirnl iKTorditir Ola I l.i' i. am) Miuali- ai Splrer Ulaml. Oh, HI Clt.UO I'tialm. MUitlH(FHy frwn tie'' 'Streiii. northwest (lid of Splrer Uland lid alwtit cliaiAa eat from HKltuMi-1 Pan.. I Take notice Dial W'aJLire rululr. 1 111111.1i. nr vanr.iuver. n;., wcuimilun .llllieryinen. iHl.-IKl t M.ljr for a eae 'if tlie rulli.w-lnir prcM-rtbed Und: oliniM-iH-liir at a mm! nlanted almt m'.iiii i-haliM in a aimlhratterly dlreriiim 'turn ilw exlreiiH! wirthweft eiid of il.ei- Inland, and I4. roallM ait frwn si-lKHinei- eai.; IheiiiH mnitli rlialtw: nen-e east 44 rlMliw: thenre inirtb tteterl Imaiiilnrlllt llie Hlie of limti tulr tn nrti i.f niiimieiieeiiteni. and eiiiiialtilnr t.nn anre, mure Or leai. r-iHF.rm: iimitfh A,'plle,"L ti.led ,.len,l.r tfh. 1M. Atiin Mlnlnr olMm of caviar nliirlet, on the em xd f rtlr ll.irn mer iu ine ram hi and adjiillilnr the f.dln Mineral Claim. TAki: oTlc: mat i. rrnd ijm. iirenl rnr Arnex S law.n. free Miner's rtlflile No 70?4r Inienda day fnun Ihe dale liereof. lo apply to tlie Mimim iierumer n'r a lerniieaie ur im-iinivetiientu, rnr llie titirriose of uliialnliit Cniwn Oram nf tlie almve rlnltn. And further tale nntlre thai artlmi. itndtr aeeilnn J7, nmsl le eiMinnrnred I nire tne isaue or sued Cert meats of lm Iiriiveinent. tilled llila SOtti diy of unl. A.n oa TAKf NoTli:i: that I, Ktlplilet Not! roller, of New York. X.Y.. 1 1. MA., orrii- patlon broker, lnt?n1. to apply for ier-niMslon to purrhane tlw fulluwInK described landa: Coiiiineneliia' al a poat fdanled almut tO chain south of Itarlne'ii I'olnl on IIih west tide !f TaxlMi l.uke, ajiout eleten ii.i i.-k Houth (if the Yukon txiunrlary line; llirnce uM SO rlmln; thenre north 40 rli.ium; heni'e et to rlnlim, tlieni-e, aniillierlv following alonr tlie ahore line or Tairlsli Lake to Ih Hii of romnienrcnient, aald parrei cuniaininr su arrea, more or leaa, ELti'iitXT nott poTTrn. waa Son,?' ApplleanL rren uwinn, Areni nid Aiio 1ih. i ota "4 i ;tNii v ShocPolishajj J'l urUT OIUJI like NCjj THE MAN IN THE MOON ... I. ,.l . :. r. ....... oi im'uimi otiiutiuiia as sair as 'i MiinLu timLin was possiwie ior mm -worKei-w any iMiiti,Iff nlmul sine groatesi care nils aen exci dale!'"''1 m ,,,p f!Biil t,f ',,e the present year to I,,.- i.,.., ii... -,..,.ii..-i ...... .i... iregulal ion, la Uii work Mr. UH .IIIUIIV f"l IIUIIUIVI I . of fatalities !fl,,a" ,,- ",el w,,h , n'ail ,'u,- m the .al and nielallird-ous mines in Khe pro-,'"'" 1Ium utw h;i 111.,. u. ..Ii ll.l - ... I I . .11 vince in the lasl ijuarter of a ' century. lor the first iiim result that ..f fill ulil ifs l.n M regards protection for lb" 1521 in coal mine., wliile in the'!'; the annual loll been today steadily i .- The record is one of which Mr. Sloan In justly proud PETER RYAN DIED AT Hyan. a former Toronto registrar of deeds and tor u long time pro-ininent in Liberal and finaurial circles, died last niylil after a long illness. He wa 83 yearn of a,e. V nys: all mi: by leaving Hie telephone pi-eiver down. ItCIXtt lull of -I ii! n ir dees not chs of the department, and thfH,ep you much if you ar short rcaunirss won which me iiuiiillg 0f funds interest. comply Willi llie tie f parlmenl'tt ictjuimnctil in llie o Conservalivi it. jirogiess e wli matter of saMy appliance, etc .w,uM mUm syVHt ,, ',, ,,Bg Fata ittcs Fewer j,, a, Ul w ,,,., ,1WN(, lbvm ' j riif ormel iriy ijiVjvi n s of a hot iron as Minister of Mines, lr. Hoan! lias aimed ai mailing uiptnines t Hi..iitv .,. wlm mean A l.ibernl is lttii whoim-ll cares what a Ltberal is JAKli .sa,.; what's the ue o' wailing 1W Thursday Why iwl Ocfiiirftlp ,"s flection """ ""'f iri..s.i jodHy. Tben wt d 1h' L.oiumina - mine rans at me ton i. HIC VIC ITXHriICII i ion. sure lo A CUT ka nine live l.tii a ca' has nothing ou a blind pig. OXT! of ttte American i-nlutnn- ; ... ...... . JI... i THDHMTA unarir.ion wan m- I CT MIPUT lUKUIuU LflJI iXluni -N enfttl hy .eme I mud oul juinp- TollOXTo. ti. t. ting from a frtske and landing oa Peler u I'oreupiuo. STOHK" urny 1m- nimble And Stork may be ytk llul I'll trtl you lie Iki nothing mi Xick If you wtileli your step On HeeMoti day You'll se Xik there Uul Stork'n ctonie to ttay. VA1t:ilIXO th big fight iu KYaucomer belweMi Mefieer ami lAM). Oct. Si. The Steven niaken one aliiHt firge! transfer of the niinint eniiieewlln there i a flirht locally. mid equipment .f the Yukon field; fc 'ompany s camp owned by tbo J.KK sav iLere i to. Hgltl. ii!flgenheim ml.-r.-sts lo the tin n H walkover, lie did not av mines yMied by (In- Malay IVii-'v.n r,- 1,.., !,,,. sUys be i insula Rrm is now proceeding. (,t , ,.,ni t-. LAND ACT. I ftotlco of Intention to Apply to Leata Ten Years Ago lr? Prince Rupert October 27, 1915. The crew of Ihe American halibut scloftmer Jenny 1'. Decker had an exciting experience last week wben the rudder of the boat was lost in a havy gaje fifty miles south of Ketchikan. Tlie fi.T.I'. steamer are a greal deal of freighl these days including copper from Any- ox for l'rince llujierl ami fish from l'rince Itttpcrl for The Debenture jjroup of mm- j eral claims on the Jlabitle Hangi'j has been bond'ed from Harry , HrriiUin and A. II. Morten liy1 T. II. Ilea of Toronto. PORT SIMPSON TO ; GIVE MAJORITY IN FAVOR OF LIBERALS For llie first' time iu the his-j lory of the ridfng. Port Simpson j will if I ii in a liberal majority at j the federal election this week: say Fred rilorK who addressed u' meeting there jjast night. Mr. Slork left this afternoon for, I'ori Ksshigloiuiilid llslatid wlmro; he will uddreftsj meetings this! evening. - Father Chartfe in rlved in I ho city rrotn Ktewfurt ou the Car-dena this inornfntf. "Molhcr," nut a Utile boy uf-ier coining from n walk. "I've seen a man who makes horses." "Are you ullro?" asked his mother, "Yes," ,e replied, "He had it liorsV nearly finished when I saw him, he wits Just nailing on his hack foot." Our Dumb Am- nmls. ADVANCE POLL ! WAS OPENED , i:.X.lA requires thai everv uan tins week shall do his duly.1 Less Thnn Doxen TooK Advan- WO.MKN are not good at business because I hey usually fail if keep down the overhead. VXl'.IKNT argument in iimmI- tage of Opportunity to Vote Last Evening !at evening the advance poll was opened with J. . Johnston ein polilifs are like old wine in in eJmnjre in tlie vacant Morn at new bottles. SIXti a sons i i'liti's Iweryone at -. Talking h.'s of -ill.' K"" None tiave mmim' but toe. IT the corner of First Mm.' I und 1 Third Avenue ami less than a doyen look advantage of the op portunity to vote. , It may nut le yeiierally known thai fishrruflMJ. who mw lefivin Jtown Tor election day. have the Used lo lie dial Hie poor right to take advantage of the ' liunuiy. Today it is the advance poll which is open t-ti who ace trying lo feci liMftrl night and tomorrow nigUI from B-cglit bark to nonnal liy lite even to ten p.m. Other- lo asinift process. wtoini it applies are raihwiyiti'" Hid eoHiinenUal traveller ami A MAX may eaill mi hi lboe workiiwr on steum or other vajavttpl. j POLITICAL PUNCHES XnmlM'fs of li'iter- ii.-.-n reeeiviil iHioKtina riou ramli-dates and dealing with malli'is of a more or les persomil n.i-Uire ami not with national i-oe or mailers of onliey. All ueh lellers must lie paid for a ttoey art1 wriltPii purely for pro paganda puruiNies. In other words I hey are advertising. Y'lerday evrral political bet were made. Hie ol these was a large um and was taken at two lo one lhal Stork would be eUtcl- ed. (lher were offeied lhal Nicker-on would lose his d posit but then- were no lakers. Iluhby has been making a strong cuiia of the nearlaf part of titf Miintilueiicy and is receiving cMmklerable ipHirt. He ha been asilci by V. V . Wright. NOTICE. IX 1Uf. HATTfJI of m p(IHailin lui Ihr laaue ut I'rui wtutxl Ornri.aie .. Title lur I...I . ahirk t. U' 9 and Hi. Stork l.'rt 7 ana s. nitnk II t...a -i. I, 1 MHt S. Mke-t l: Uf I .Ml Blurk l, U I tad I, Murk i. I J. 4, 7. a. 11 aMl Yt. Mirk i; h antf If. Btuek t; U1 t and in. Hhs-k l: l..iU IU. 11 and It. Murk fi. I 4 I. S aad 4. Hlurk t4, and Lot 3 bi'k I. il hi tie rtfM Mdlllun. T-.u.u. ..( I ni ttwpaua. Map 4I. And. the Mm tial of fart If acre T l.t t. hnv r Cal tMatrlet. Haliarton prunf or the lu r tie niriratra or Title'lif Ihe alf laud. balm bean prtured . ne n My taMaaatka to bwoe after Inr eptrale.i' if nor laaaMli from ike rinil publirati.ui iiemif. ProviMoual Ornriratea uf Titn ha tbr bar land in Um name of ntlBI-M 1. J'IUo( Ttte orifliia' CertiflrjUea iT Title are dale! tlie Hi Aaroat. tens, the rd iaouary. fll. an I Hie lllh nnen.har. li.. reteiirh . "i1 are wimlwrrd im.Mi . lineal. ani I04I-.4I Land H.-vti orrire, phik H.iri, K.C.. tklh ScptMnlwr, 5 H ' MarlColi. fteaitrar o t ii. RAFFLES ON GAMES OF CHANCE PFOM1CITEO oth& H Hf.kt.iiv (vt:y iimi i lmU meeiiel1 1 irVlly eufnrre se. lion n nf Ihe Ortmmal CmV i.r ijiim.u whti'li make ii an imtirtable nrreme i. 'nwlnel alii nelieam . i ulrn uli- . iih-atioti of an kitMl tor the Mii-p,... ,r ! lernilnliiR avln. are. lie- IviloVr- .r w'feela. mnnlier ir rham-e of an pr. , l-efi Imhta old r dlMwa ol. ut ili-lejee n any iniurtr. maeea. m uierrbanili i hy aay -nstide of ehane or muni riian aaat kHI ur who Indto't any iernu lake mmy or other pr-rn or lomi on n- iriin hi an aainr n rhawe, l wlteel or olhenklae. mi i n duet any hittery w rtffte. Tln ei-tniii diN- ia apply I" rarrh .riir or a vali'r led lo rji-e.! .a... Ii any Iwiaar Iwtrt ror reli1nn m . uni fMirp"'.- provided pernilnni i. nrl olttiiliieit f mii Ok- Mayor of llin i i lo IhiIiI He- aine. W. II. Vi;klll. 5I Chief nf Pi.llre I ENI PAIN Th ZAM-BUK Wayl Mr. Ckm A lUrrjman Grfr, Wttiea KiHtruli Hit, llemtUtu, bh "A badly aprained abouWer put mc out of buauiesa for a tim. The Iaat turn or twist of the body caused tartar ine; Pin And I couldn't fAue the arm, even to tiae the 'phone, "Three different liniroenU were uaed for bathinp and rubtnne my ahaulder, but for all the good, niicbt juat aa well have uaed water. At Uat I tried Zam. Buk. My wife rubbed thia balm well into the ahoulder morning and niht, In a couple of daya I felt great iniproyeiuent. In a week 2Uun-Unk drove out all pain and made the abaulder aound and atxoug at ever." Uaed for anything from minor pirn plea and raaliet, cuta or burn to itnWiorn caaea of eciema, or poiaoued weunda, Zam. Buk glaea equally good rtaulu. Puitly krlMl, Mm Imi all aniunK, Tupydar, Qctoi,fP 9? MILLBANK A WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 8 "How to Educate a Wife" KIiihii tiln's pnngi iil pl.ij odtue "n j A smart alir'ual pliolo pln ol uc?lihlr liiisbuuds winch pr"-ent nu riitirch m w' align t'll'Xill H'iitefll. ulliivtv will .1 Iw'-i Ml il-stry of a lmUami who irn-l -I l..i in." i ami triisled Iimi little. A decidedly iiffTcul kind m presenled with all Hie brilliance mid '" faitioiis female philosopher uf lwe i itcrieKl. ami liiislling Iiii-IxiikIs. (Jaxemeii riis roioh' cs. Monte Blue, Claude Gltllngwaler, Crelghton Hi't, Edward Earlc, Marie Prevoit, Vera Lewis, Deity Francitu, Nelly Bly Baker and other. "FLYING FISTS" SERIES No. 3 BENNIE LEONARD R "THE COME BACK" INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Steamship and Train Service ii. princc nunnr oi ruiNCi cnirui .i rniftct RUPERT ( VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, ICATTLt Mid Imwimmu PRIOAV at AJn. and SUMDAT, It am. It. PRIHCI RURtRT ' ITtWART and ANTOK. WICHflOAT lira A. PRINCC CHARLtS I.r ITtWART. (ATUROAr. 10 pat l.l. PRINCC JOHN f..riuilill for VANCOUVIR Ma gUttN CMARIOTTI IILANDI. PAIIINOIR TRAINS LCAVC PRINCC RUPtRT DAILV aitapt tanday II .10. am t.,i PRINCC atOROC, COMOATP. WINNIPCO, all l ml- I.4.ITD atiada i.lir.l i. . AOINCT ALL OCCAN ITCAMIHIP LINtt. CUT Tltltl Offka, BZS TMf A.. Prlnca Rvpan. Pt.rtu t iCANADIANl wicinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Saiunps from Prince Rupert f ItTCHIIAN. WUKOU. Jl'NUO. UACtAT Odt ' r uicdiiu. YtcioKu tU sunu otw ix -. ss. rmass CAtm Pef Buladal. anao ai, Caat Balla alia, Ota Falla. Rama, Alat Campball Rliar, and Viiiuiiih att latMrdaf 11 am, Aflnc (of all luamanlp Lima. full Infermatlaa W. C. ORCHARD Otfiarat Aaant. Cernar of 4th Itfaal and it Ataaaa, Princa rapa'U "O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C LTU. Hailinra fln I'nor Hurrl 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. I.aaaan lai. aad Alan Baa, Twaaaaf, I P" or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alan Raf, and anaea B., taturdat, Tor ANVOX, PORT limPION and Raaa Rl.r Cannariaa, Thuradai p.n T ?.RI ,!reo". NOX. ALICE AR!. STEWART. Bandai, I .m Watson s Underwear Children's Woollen Combinations with Short Sleevos and Knee Length We received u shipment or Vsun N o, i m I wear ror l.iulien und Children uhoitl Oeluiior 1st 1 ( 151li ve were mi! mil nl the rliili!reii' w v wired the furlory lor nnnllier hliiitneiit mid m-etved Our Stock at Present Is complete. Wo have sizes fror 20 to 34. livery mother likes Iheiii Lfi-diiM.. Uy ore j.i '' ididil Biirtneiilh for Hm rliiiiireu'. Jabour Bros., Ltd. . htrii C1ATZ C45. i Phono Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St.