PAfig TWO THE DAIL" tow. I The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published. Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince. Hupert Iily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 11. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mad or carrier, per month $I.op By mail lo all part of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $"".00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $i.0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per fhch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. . . .. . .SJ.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion.'.... 2Tc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Hie per agate line Contract Rale on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 120 feel by Ihe end of 1fSL TMs tunnel has been ih high-grade . 98 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before A p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, Anjrust 10, 1925. Labor Trouble At Elevator. It -would be lurlieulurly tinforluiiale lo have a lengthy in terruptioii on the elevator construction at this lime. The woi k is of Mich a nature that il must be proceeded with steadily and! without delay if the hi grain plant is tii be ready to handlc-the! crop Ibis year. II woild have looked better Jf any differences it. .:!. i i i 1...1 ii .1 1 . i 1' If is to be hoed that the present difficulty or misunderstanding will be settled without delay and that there will be no serious hold-up in the finishing of the vork thai means so much to Prince Hupert. Provincial Election In New Brunswick. With a federal eleclhui looming up, particular inlcie-i will be niaiiifolcd in tlie result iif the provincial electtoir in New Brunswick today. Whichever.. vide wins will 'undoubtedly be heartened for Ihe larger conlest though the result .if the pnv- vmcinl voting is not necearily to be taken a an indicalioti of how things will go in the feMeral field.- Elections are jreuerallv won or lost on issues and, while a provincial election may lie some criterion of tlie trend of nolilir .feelinir Hi., .iiimilinlil'"" Allogeiher Miis property J Not a bit worn out yet! The mild, pure Lux suds pressed through and through the garment, actually fitat the tin particles of dirt away. Dipping not rubbing is all that's necessary, and that is why fine fabrics may be washed again and again, in the mild and pure Lux syjds, without showing signs of wear from washing. LUX Lerer Brothers Limited, Toronto. Hint- iuiiu iiiiir iirrn iiciwrvu till men ,11111 uic 4 11111 jhiim nnu W been settled before the work started rather lliau after it got un der way. - This spring there has been a labor element gelling estab- very profitable investment. A lished in Prince Riijert that resembles fbe old I.NV.W'., if il is comfortable lug cabin was buil' not really a hraneh of that organization. The I.W.W. has nol this year, bui another will he been Very popular or successful in this city in the past and rer-jadd-d early in tin- spring in an-taiuly the nnive nov taken by the men is not met with popuhu -jlicipaiion f die employment itf acclaim. . more men in sloping and surliiiu out. Hceommendaikms will h-maile for the reconstruction of a portion of Ihe trail to iuipnMO shipping facilities. . Ruth and Francis The lliilb and Kraneis grou? of four claim, situate! on Hi? Xorlh fork nf iflnriar (lrek, i owned by .lame XrttHt and Andy Arcftie, of Slew-art. T1ii fea,smt, while pj-ospeeling l lie ground, Mr. NesbHI discovered a small vein in a high bank ju-t across the creek from the cabin. carrying litgh silver value in involved are irenerallv not of federal' ,-tfo,r,V. Tl.e,,.tf '.k.1 'r,'v eiMMr and. silver siilidrWIe. -are not in this New Brunswick elect ion. '"Therefore, if Liberals, or Conservatives are Miccessful in, New Brunswick today it doe-' not follow that Ihe same parly" will be in federal contest. Two Uttle Words That Mean Much. "Thank you." Just a phrase (r two little words vol what a (.,. ih of thouglitftiliiess ami courtesy is-hidden therein. 11 ens I nothing no extra effort or time and helps In sniooHi over the rough spots in the. daily grind. It i a J it He tangible something like a ray of sunshine with its brightening and mellowing lunch adding much to the zest and happiness of one and ail. Bui how many of us go on from day lo day forgetting this magic formula, relegating il to days gone by? This lack or thought, perhaps indifference, is so apparent at limes that the ipicstion arises to whether courtesy has indeed 'gone out of fashion iiowndaysw- or whether the hustle and buslle and spirit or inde lence swaying the preent-day generation is responsible. Various Glacier Creek Mines Are Dealt With in Report of Provincial Mines Department (By (!. A. Clothier, Ilesident Engineer The L, L, (ilacicr Creek .Mines tin. Ltd. was incorporated in May, with a capilalizatian of )2."0,0fi0, divided into l.UOtMMUhares. .The La: c.m.sisls or three claims Sf.AN,,-',t 'N',d.,VVund LAm L. Fraclion cilliali'd on he .mrth.lo.'k of fil'biidl& W iif-fi lacier ceeL The HaflS have.beeu surveyed Ibis year and appjicalion ninde for crown grants. The work done on the properly tin lo Ibe first, of n III VH!I I understand thai, so far as i could be explored Ibis year, the showing was very satisfactory. The Windsor (iroiip consists of four mineral claims Windsor. Windsor No. I, Laura and Laura No. I owned by Ben Lawrence, of Slewart, and associates, t he claims are sil-tialed at a general elevation of about 3,711)1 feet on the south aide of Bllter Creek glacier aiM about nine miles up Miller Creek from the bridge on Ihe main Bear Itiver wagon road. There is a fair horse trail up Hitler creek lo the font of I he glacier, which is then diagonally crosseil lip to the foot of the hill on which the claims lie. Shipping transportation would be obtained by means of a tramway frjm I lie properly to the foot of the glacier along its south side Bitter Creek Formation The general rock formal ion it tlie Biller Creek formation, consisting largely of slates am! aigilliles, extending south lo Mo' Duuwell, Lakeview, Portland Calial, and oilier properties. The showings on the properly consist of. two veijis. The upper one" I did not see; but is described iivvli yjvoji'aiis, belng .a hart-oW-,,ri.fmfztfd?!irup in K or Id'1 inches in width, hi' which. nn-riir patches Uud small lenses of f ..'galeiia-iiiiic-bleiide ore carrying consisted of four open nils, tracing the vein a distance, of luee "'gh values in silver. Koine work rij-u cui exposed iiiij ore-body varying iu width from: a few inches up to three feel at' heavy sulphide ore id zinc-blende' and arsenical iron in ahoiil! proportions, with some galeifa and gf-ey copper, Ihe latter iu doubt 'carrying the high silver values obtained. I'ntlcr Ihese surface exposiii a tunnel had Jwen driven-on the vein a distance of 225 feel. e-tending under Ihe first two surface cuts and about up to Ih.' third one uilhoul disclosing anv appreciable amouul of ore sue1' as exposed on the surface, though some good-grade ore. wn encnunlered al. aboiU ISO fee! from the. pnrlal. This year, under the supervision of .1. I". Breeze, the tunnel was continued o feel, beariu-x to Ihe right and thus rrosftcult-ing Ihe formal ion for ahoul till 'feel, but without -encouraging results. An upier I tin ne w a ther started nl tlie lowest open-cut, face. A sample taken at the mouth or Ihe tunnel of one 'ton was shipped (o Trail, from which ivJurns were received ot 0.10 oz gold, 2T:.rt oz. siher lo the ton. 21.1 per cent. lend, and 1 1 ppe cent. zinc. Later another ton taken from SO feet iu the tunne' was shipped to Selhy, California, giving assays of O.lo oz. gold, grade ore was shuck and has was done this summer on this vein and the owners considerlh" showing very promising. 'The: jower of main vi'ln consists id a bell up lo 18 feet in width, in which there is from one lo five' feet of heavily pyrll-Ized ipiart., Iho remainder being slate Intersected with ipiartz-seains initierallzed with jiyrile. ft strikes N. .'(0 degrees ' nar- 2U.1.1 oz. silver In ihe Ion, lO.SJalleling the glacier, and dips per cs-nl lead, and 12.2 per cent zinc. Al I lie time of writing (February t the face is al H0 feet, still in hi grade ore, obtaining a deplh of Oil feel. ThU upper tunnel shows (lie vefn lo have fnu I led In two or Hirer places, the laleral displacement being, ii,l i to five or x fpet, A raise Is now being driven from -1he lower Tunnel, starting annul 120 reel in from the portal Jusi iiurlh of n shnrl crosscut. Ill culling oul for this raise high- about 10 degrees W. lnlo the hill. The work on this vein consists of several open nils and a cross cul tunnel, 70 feel long, culling the vein, which Is about 12 foci in width as nearly as could he. ascertained through a heavy, soft oxidation, due lo sccpa'e through Ihe pyrlle. The heavy iron sulphide i comparatively flaw grade, but lair gold Values-are obtained whore the ore shows galena and zlnc-hlende. One cul gave I2 a Ion gold values across five feel. 'ri... r...i.. i.. ..i- n .i..i.. joe O'lii in silling, wen iieiin eoiillMUed continuously fur tlie led and ns mI.iIciI. uliou'ii fine nlnMil 70 feel vcrlically hoM thei 10 feet raise lo date. The vein value at several tdares along main tunnel, ami driven about Ten Years Ago In Fringe Rupert August 10, 1915. A in 'iimn sijinecl ii 1IH cul lens la lieen iire.eiiSi'il tat the city i'imiiiciI as'rvintt that 'lie mayor and aldermen accept l Ins year lull salary in view of !h conditions providing Alderman Mooll, Maillumi ui d Casey op-pifaed (be ino. wiiile Alilcrmi'i Mantgoiucfy mil Dyhuavn we eel in favor of a cut from Angus' 1 pi, this year. I he prayer of rtie petition was ae. tlmxly nufi granted. j Ab acoiiiwl to .t,e .if Hie val-j Ws at the powTur ionise at Shaw-i at lap raised washout M.m morning which will ii''ecllale a shut down fj.r jovliatdy two week. Tlie he;iy rain of yesterday wa 1h.- cause of the trouble. rriekrt fits I w;i fm-med las! even iux -willi A!Ye. Cars a-president, and Kmest Woods as serretkry-lreasuri-r. .. I). Jobn-f-Hi ' apiiiuii j i-aplain. Sieve Kiiif ul nyeive jan interesting letter from I'en v j J uiA.-r ;'1in is with Ihe 7Hi Ita lalwm MWiewliere in Flamlo I Percy is fit and well and w i lresel wieii Art Noble and ii. I i ! l 1 ' r-llinier"1"!! rer' wnunijeo. ' The Man in the Moon j J . YSr- J S.S..-.. S.... A KKl.l.OW a fuunv fee! ing when tin- ii-use is full o company and Ho- landlord cai! or the rent. I II K trouble with holiday auli eipalioii is the cn.t anticipation . irHJiUJSll frog is rull o hops it des n"t necessarily fol low Dial it make good l'T. OF course yon've Ftfard tb-sli.ry about ibe man wb wante., Ins l-'oril car buried with him because it had pulled him out o so many lmle. I I is plain to .see that most Scotsmen were brought up on the bottle. I OFTK.V wonder why mnlm boat owners don't wear black shirts. AND why lhee fishing parties are not called hands nt hope. A WISH woman has said-Some men hiv poor, lot of thein me stupid, mo-l of them art ugly, and all of Ibeui are con- ceiled, bul neverl lodes they ari as indispensable ns bread. BKAl'TY may lie only skui deep but thank goudness the skit wears well. GEORGE EASTMAN OFF TO CASS1AR Well Known Kodak Manufacturer and Hit, Party Going North , on Princess!' Louise Today ; Kirfoulc . In tlnl Caiisiar dis- Irict on an'olher big game hunt ing trip, (tcnrge haslman or Itocbesler, New York, head nf Ibe I'astuiaii Kodak (To., was a passenger going .'through- on the sleaine- Princess Louise this morning, lie Is - lodng acepm- panied on this' tffp tV Dr. A. J. Kaiser. lev. (leprge K. Norloi and .Mrs. Noriftjl. ; 'lids is- lb" third successive year that .Mr. Kastinau has hunled in the "a--slar district. Despilo his years, he i still u very active man and he was looking forward this morning lo bringing out another big bag. The party will be oul-rilted at Wrangell and Telegraph llreek and expeel lo pome out ahoul Ihe end of September. cohokatTundas" island not thick Boati Have Been Getting Only 1B Fish a Day Whereas Average at This Time Is 76 I A slim run of policies is reported in the Dumlas Island area by fishermen from there who were ju town at the cud of the week. The li-ollinu houln were only gel-. in ihe raise is from I:! to :toihi surface. I think the poMi-'imK abnni I f fish. a day whereas inches wide. Ilulllv or develoni n d- ii liionnire nf Din iivhi-iil-m nl Hits I lino nf Die luniter, AuaruM 10, New "Baby City" of Ontario n'lmr.m timiiiii 'i'iuii'1 iMiniiiiMuin in mm"" '"'""'ii minimi iHHiinii unnnini mwiiini mmmmzEmi HI I ii niimiii niiiiiiu itiiimii intiMiiii miuimt imwitu inmiiu iiiimiii mimiu miiiiiii iiiiiuii irn (I) Xrih B.j. M.U Strl. i --.i iu ..ii... i . i CI Tf. Vmrilir IIiiIm, -nk Hay. (3) T r.i OlfV. a Old Home Week Cebbratlon , tlcalty rebuilt, two prtrattly owned the hut municipal ctntzi t XTl lo celfirate the atUlnroent or parka bare bad to be takes over for at J J.Oll, wtlle lie rsp',4 City status will be the blc attraction ; Ibe year sad other Urge expend!- Ibe town this jrtt Ind. for Nortbrn Ontario the flrst k 1n An-mrt. North IUy, to-day the Urcwtt Town In the lrtnlnc, with jl poputatlea offlciallr eftlmated at 1J.011. will become the Baby City of Ontario on Sunday, Autmt Ixid. I'or the fonowlnx six days. It 'will be a case of "open bouse" with alt (be wrtll-known hospitality of the .North Country. Spcial sendees In ail the Cltr cbnrcbea, eondocted in most rases bj former pastors, Vbo were Identified with the early hlstorr of the Town, will Inaugurate Old Home U'et-k. The following day offlcUl- dom Ubes cj.r with "Civic Day", wbea the formal presentation of the "Ity Cliarter will be made at Memo--tal Park and representatlTea of the "edfral and Provincial Governments . '1 extend their concratulatlons to Gateway City of the fc'orth. v race track has Had to be prac- turrs Incurred, but the ritlaena are behind Ibe celebration morrmtnl and are determined to make It sometblmc that will be lone mnembrrrd In tb .Northland. The bUtory of North tUy Is one that la not generally known to all Canadians, even tboush the nam la familiar from the Atlantic to the rartfle. aa a rreat railroad centre. North Hay was originally dlM-ove-ried by Samaelde Cbamplain la K1S and aa a post on the old trill from tbe Ottawa to the Great takes In tbe time of tbe xreat French explorer. Ttie first settlements bere are recorded as In Utl. Vith the romlnx of the first train over the Canadian radflc Hallway. North Pay was never Incorporated aa a rfllajre. lAe Topsy. It Just mw and became officially a town In 1891. In 1S95, the population was 2.021, In 15 It was 2.113. and lo 191 S It was 10.01L and not expected there will be any from northwest corner Ud 1571; l isliiug & l'. s large run this year. i thence noulli 3 chains; thence Limited, of Mac" I There were still a few springs west 10 chains; thence south 2'patln Packers, in1' running around Inimlas Inland, 'oliains; lbenc ! to ehaina lo!for a eae of the ' it was reported. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert. Dugald Campbell, J. O. Wilcox, C. K. Sproil, H. Jins. I il. Cook uud I". K. llarrisou, Vancouver, W. A. libh and Mrs. A. K. Oibb. Anyox; .Mr. and Mrs. II. Dawson and daughter, I'orl Arthur; A. I.. Sharpe, Premier; K. I.. AWkiII and Klinor I. New-Ion, Chicago; A. II. S. Mead, Winnipeg; E. II. t'dgier nod U. II. North, Slewar! . E. I.. .MacLeod, K. O. McCullagh aud 11. Hooper, Casey Cove; A. O, Lbristjanscji, cily; . .L, I'raser. Digby IsbindJ lr' and .Mrs. T, llasbaw and Mrs. I). Mi-Clarty aud daughter, Usk; Harriet j Wood, Minneapolis; II. C. Dar-roch, Calgary; W. Fasken, London, OnL; W. II. Manuel, C.N.Il.; i: I). 'McNiven, Viclorla; Mrs. .1. I'. Dulllie and Miss Ileeji Dulhie, Seattle; I. Stanley aud T. Doll. Woodcock. Central . Marlfnolicli, Jlarnard Cove; E. 8. Newnhani, Naas Hiver; Joe Smilh, Vancouver; It. N. I'ulvoye. .lack D. Willis, II. Jlromley and .1. P.iulluk, C.N.U.; (leorge Elliott, T. Lough and W. Hearn, Prince Hupert; J. Hyan, Swanson Hay. ' Patrick Joseph Moran has been appointed police inngislrale for Hie eJly nt Prince (leorge, Ibn H.C. fiazelle announces. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Hecnrdlng District of Prince Hupert, and situate at Ferguson Hay, Mnssett Inlet 0.C, Islands, H.C. j I'ake Notice thai (lose-.M wel boundary of 'o IS" I ;oribei lands: thence south 8 chains; thenoej CouunerMsIng at a west JO cJiains; thence north 20 two tnllea In a imrth chains: thence cast 2 chains, ! from Hooney Point M more or less, lo beach; thence! lei, Oraham Island I following meandering of- shoreUnnbia; lhemve r line lo point of commencement.! ehln, more or and containing 22 acres, norcjwater mark; thetn ? or less. ! along low water na C.DE-MILLEItn, LTD. Idred and sixty eh. Aipllcant.lwflerly five chin Per Wm. O. Mitchell, Agent Dated June 20th. 1 05. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to , Lease Land In iueen Charlotte. Land He cording District of Prince Itu aerl, and situale nl llooney Point, Ciraham Island, llrillsh Cfilumbia. Take .Notice that Langara Fishing ,V Packing Company Llmlled, of Massetl, 11.C, occupation Packers, Intends to apply Tor u lease of hn following de-scribed lands; Commencing at n post planted at Itooney point, flrahnm Island, Hrltish Columbia; thence northerly fle chains, more or less. In low-water mnrk; thence westerly along low waler mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thenco easlerly one hundred nnd alxty chiilns, moro or less, to point of aoutberlr tine h'indn j chains, more or b-ss eoinmttneeipeiil, uu -cighly aeres, more LANHAHA 1'ISIII.Ni. PACKINfl Per Ii. II. Surr e; . iV; ' -"! conlalnlng elgldy V;.:.7: ' : s m- pen, ami siumie al.out Iwo inllen more or less. J 1 ! will be at Wast 15.000 w :a n tiia IU posltloo as a City text Ac Tba Canadian Padfle pt .1 tV way for North Bay Th c i -ul Trunk followed with i'J " f-Jt In Jnne. 1811. Next w.i r:. r.Vn Ontario's oVrn railway tK.? Vxziz kamlnc and Northern Oa' i' i sa ball t north to the r t tin from North Hay In 1901, c-a train betnr operated out of r.r es January lth, 1901. . Tbs m? Northern wa the ftmn ! come la here, their first tia arr tnr oa SeptembT llth, 19r5. mm M . v.l . U Vrf. Hon pass thronxn Nonh t i r.-n month from the Northern IHzn jrether with 11 tons of ;'ir' tc X MJ tons of Wrt-rrade t" "T 6.030 ton of pnlp and w of paper- It makes a fc-r'-d- amy when checked op. s, Paled June 1 3th. t LAND ACT Notice of Intention to PP' Lease Land In Queen LliSilot cording District of V perl, ami situate ul" ' ' half miles eal -f Lighthouse nt Hie ni' sett Inlet, nrahniii I-Jsli Columbia. TAKE NOTICF tha Fishing it Pocking Limited, of Victon i. ' palion. Packers, inlet for a leaso of the fi scrthed lands Commencing al a p- at the north wel tr .-ii -' l r. r. tr M '3 M- ... II ii- I f-rt planl1 ofl Iti ilisk commencement, and cnnlalulnB"" ,i I a 'Columbia, nbout niai.iv clgtily .' - u less. one .i ncres, mnro or LANdAIlA ITPIIINO & PACKINfl PACKINfl CO. LTD. Appllennt. Per E. II. Simpson, Agent. Dated Juno UMb. IP2V LAND ACT miles past of Masseit I .e is , ,, ,or leaso or thelln a northerly direction fr.o,i I wnku nanivn PV1"' mdllng grade is sulllcient to year is 76. I nlesn the high lldes following described lauds Intel, ore varying from 8 lo 30 Inches; wing up well and has all Hi. (jusMfy consnlcrahlo development .dunng the next rew days bring Commencing ul Massnll a post planted raham Island Hrl uhr .l in width from th0 collar to the, earmarks at present of being a work. 'the fih in larger numbers, It approximately 20 chains ,3 fi! Notice ! that L '.oliirnlilal angara al the mouth of Ma (Indium Island, Hri'i CO, Per i lislrt f !U' bin; then,. northerly f ? morn or less to low wa' '.Jitf thenen westerly, along ' j mark one hundred ml fl lt at I Ii n ii n a eill Nolle, of Intention In llu .J"."." " " n. Ml" iiuinn, lornrii ensiriij , , . Lease Land ..... . . . . ,mir " iren una sniy cnams , In Oueen PJinrloiln l.nii.l n land 4 r .Alitl b r in - ' ...... 1 - r- -t , ,., M,k III -a. ov I. LTD., Aimliranl Iv. II Slinl"""- w Dated June 10th, 19S5.