hi ii i PAQE fotm BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ii SUNOCO 1! i novt ,it to bocA' I WELL hw;WE' I, " If 3 PICMIG BUT NAflE.KhO'Wb I'VE. OT A, CO Try TO I ' TO To-r,K.c voo BCARO IT TeKC.- Ote.CE. . TOCY to Chatter ! L,Ll- HAVE To thin opa cm MCE I EARL- Cr" y T "t R KIM IMC, TIM- TOOAX I - film I WACTC TO -TOO NUWf"d . 1 J P OUT Tnnio CO I I II l II II " 1 Free I 1 I I I BT a. I 1 I II 1 I 1 60blNEit: OIL for Fords Try a filling and be convinced Kaien Hardware Company i I! I I I I I I t .(!! CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready al any lime lo receive your phone call, to lake your instructions, to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. SashDoors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Joal, Hand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano .and Furniture Moving. im Imti. rcruf Sckvki. ic Ctl nli fifkti rrvrirH 7 BASEBALL GAME WAS ONE-SIDED Sons of Canada Won From Sawmill by Score of 10 to 1 Yesterday I lit' league baseball game yes lerday alternoon between lite: Sons, of Canada and the Sawmill was a ratner oiie-Meil airair, I be Canucks winning by a score ..r 10 lo 1. Chet Seblenker, hur-ler fr the Sons, pilebeil one of f Ins best games yet and was, given rood support by bis leant male, ban Lidslone, pitcher for Ibe Sawmill, was bit rather more freely than usual, but it was poor tipport from the field (bat was largely responsible for the way things went, Eight error were chalked up against Ibe mill. Smith. second baseman, making five of them. Th Seal Cove boys would, have l-u shut out bail it not been for an overthrow in Ibe last half of Ibe ninth inning. The fitting of W. Mitchell wis a feature of the game. He made one three-bagger and a double as well. I. Laporte and Howard Frizzell were umpires., lite crowd of -peelators was not very large .The Box wtirei WBlarfnLlnw.nJ Itiidderham, Vallance. ss Sawmill ab r c 2 0 . 4 0 Hansen, If. . 1 0 Smith, 2b .. 3 0 I). Frizzell, ef I 0 MrKeown, rf . 1 1 Irvine, lb ... I- 0 Lidstone, p . 3' 0 Lauder, 3b . . 3- 0 b 0 0 1 0 0 po 9 n 1 o 0 0 10 0 1 0 2 28 I 3-27 Sons of Canada ab r It po l anjiibar, 34i. 5 110 W. Milcbell. cf 2 2 1 Kalfoiir. e .. 5 1 0 13 V. MeuzieK. Hi 1 2 1 9 Seblenker, p. . I 1 10 H. MenzLes. 21,!. 0 A. Milcbell. k 5 1 2 3 Lambie, If .. i 12 1 Wnlson, rf .. i 1 1 0 a 5 0 1 0 3 ,1 1 0 0 39 10 10 27 11 3 Two-base hits MilchelJ ami MrKeown. Three-base hit .AV. 'Mitchell,: Strjke-outs By Lidstone, 8, by Seblenker, 12. Score by inttingf V 12 3 t 5 C 7 8 9 Sawmill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 s. on:. . 10222200 i 10 The league standing to date is us follows: W. h. Pet. Sons of Canada . 5 1 833 Sawmill I 129 Gyro Club .... 1 200 WAS SUCCESS Big Program of Sports at Dlgby Island Yesterday About 150 were present at His SI. Andrew's Society picnic yesterday on Mipby Island, A good program of spurts bad been nr. ranged nM Ibe whole afternoon was of a very enjoyable nature. The Joy Bird. Tseekwa, and Alvi (lien made several trips to carry the picnickers over and in Mm veiling these were assisted by boats from tlm BiUliby fleet p conveying the crowd "home. Howard Sleeri, .1. McKechule, J. J. Little, B. Ferguson. M. Harris, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. J MrKechnje. and Mrs. W. Ander. son comprised the committee In charge of arrangements. Tb(5 following was the list of 'sports winners: fitrls 5 and under I. Catherine Maker; 2, Jean Ilea (lie. ley. Hoys, 5 and under I, Jackie fllilcbie; 2, Geo. Haker. (iris, 7 anil under Vales; 2, M. Jabour. Irvine; 2, John Husbby. C. Lemon RIFLE RANGE -I. I rem -Hoys, and under I, Ja. Irvine; 2, Alfred Ililcbie. r.jrls, 9 and under I, 'Evelyn Ialgarno; 2, Celia Currie. Hoys. 9 ami under I, Laur ence Corrie; 2, Willie McLean. Vttrls, 12 and under I, Join Arthur; 2, Jean Hitebie. Hoys, 12 and under I Gar- field Mckinley; 2, Kric Cltristi- son. Girls, li and under I. Eleanor Tile; 2, Heulab Mckin Married Ladies' Hace Mrs. I). Jabour: 2. Mrs. J. McLean. Men's 100 Yards Hace 1, James Hamilton; 2. I). Barclay. rour-legged race I, J. II. Martin, J. L. Cdrrie and I). Me-Alister. Fat Men's. Hace I, S. Ii. Mae- donald; 2, J. H. Martin. Ladies' Kicking Football I. Mrs. Howard Sleeii; 2, Mrs. J McKicbnie. Gents' Kicking Football I S. Currie: 2. I. Scoll. Football Committee Hace . J. WalM.n. The Ladies' Tug of War was won -Iry th (eam captained hy Mrs. I. McCormick. In the Tug of War between Ibe Married Men and the Single Men. the sing.'e men were victorious Lieut. W. Brass Winner of Spoon at McNIcholl Creek Range Yesterday Afternoon Ljeul. W, Hrass was the spoon winner al Ibe North B.C. Hegi-menl Itifle Association's shoot on the McMcboll Creek range jeslerday. The scores for Ibe day were as follows: W llnril,ln Sipiire IT. Wilson G. Wilkinson 200 500 COO W. Hrass 28 29 28 M, M. Lamb .. 21 31 2 JGawlhorn:.. It. Wilson ...v 23sv2 23 21 20 18 16 19 20 23 10 20 21 25 18 13 9 13 Sport Chat The first game of the Gilbuly cup series will be played this evening between the Sons o England ami I lie Cold Storage, The Cold Storage feel that Ihev have slrengl boned their leaoi considerably lately and point to l lie game on I riday last wi'h the Callies as proof of this fat t A good nulcli is expected tonight as the Son of F.ngliuid are determined (but In this series they will make a boiler showing than in I lie city league. The teams will line up as fol lows: Sons of England: llowlell, It. Howe, G, Howe, Kelsey, Bates Cameron, Farquhar, Dickens Johnson, Hanson and The Chicago While. Sox, twelve games behind the pace-maker in Ihc American league, have not given up the pennant fight. Safe entrenched In third place Mio team is now ready lo strike at the leaders with a pitching si a IT strengthened by the return of little Dick Kerr. The hurling department has been one of the weak lines in Mjm team since the start of the race. Willi the hero of 1919 back In the fold as a result of reinstatement, by Commissioner Lundis. Kerr reported to Manager Collins at the end of last week. CASH MONEY GOES BEGGING IN RUPERT 112 Taxi Could Not Get Rid of $10 Bill on Saturday Even- '"9. I here i etleiiily too nmh money in Prjwe ItupeH. In fact, the 112 Taxi. I'riin-e Rupert Traiwfer-W Taxi G.. eeuld noli ret rid of ten dollar bill n Saturday rilgbt between 7 ami 0 o'clock. In accordance wild their ad lertisement in fat week's issue of The News. Jimmy Mitchell, of the Canadian I'inb A- Cold Slnr- Mge Co.'s staff, was I he man se Hoys, 14 and under I, Bnbileele iiTieti iij- ,y S T - a ii; iati in carry ine . f I nin I III I I . , loke Willi everal liniMlreils f mrun-r ef 1 1? Tai tktkels. not one person asked if he liadj the "leu spot " to spare and up! to 9 o'eloek be Mill bad tbel iiHiney iii hii isesHion. mis aiiveriiKing stunt wa such a seei s that on Satunlay week 112 Taxi will give away $15. Surely -..inelwnly will get it next time. BARNARD COVE HAS WIRELESSSET NOW Salmon Trollers for SomervlMe Cannery are Reported to be Doing Fairly Well Salmon (rollers around Barn ard Cove, where the Somervlll Cannery Co. is operating the floating cannery Laurel Wbalen. arc averaging about 35 coboes & lay and 30c apiece is being paid. Ibe gill net fishermen in Gard ner canal are reported t he not doing very well. t The Somervilfe Co. has put in ;i wireless siil al Unman) Cove, the size being similar to thai used on coast feamer. W. Morse. formerly operator on the I'nin'. steamer Canlena, is in charge RAILWAY PARTY Number of Prominent Officials Are Coming Here With Sir Henry Thornton Ibe parly accompanying Sir Henry Thornton, president of Hie Canadian National Itailway, on bis present Irip'to Mie Pacific oast im-hidos Major Graluim A. lieu, ciepiiiyfniJjilMrr iif, rnUwny! for Canada' anil vice-prrtslilent.of Hie C.N.H.; J. Mill Gardner of BrockvlJie...i direrlor; W. A Kiii'-'sland, iiew general manager of western lines; A. F,- Warren, general manager of' the central region; J. H, Cameron, eneral superintendent at Vancouver; (ieorge A. McMcboll, general passenger agent at Vancouver; Hubert Creelman, passenger traffic manager al Winnipeg, and members of the president's staff. the parly will arrive here on Friday from Vancouver and will spend a couple of days in A he city liofoi-e proceeding east. HRE IN CANNERY DELAYS STEAMER Prince Charles Will Not Arrive From South Until 3 O'olock This Afternoon Having slopped al Nnmii lo give assistance In fighting a fire at the caunl'ry there yes tcnlay afternoon, C.N.K. steamer I'rince Charles, Capl. Harry .eiiien, due here from the south Ibis morning, Is lale and will riol arrive until ,1 o'clock Ibis afternoon. The (rain for the east is io lug bold until the arrival of (be Prince Charles. Advertise in (he Daily News .vrv . ,Ay. i f . - L 'TeB.aBmiu.n j - Wanted For Sale For Rent WANTED. Driver for milk LOST round. Must be used to horses Apply Valelin Dairy, Mcltnde Street. 1 8 1 A.M ED. Experienced girl to handle Soda I'ound.tiiK Apply Boston Grill, T'ltinl A. If GENERAL SHHVANT Want!. Mis. F. Mr B. Young. Fourth Avenue East. WANTED. Main dressmaklnr. Reasonable rales. 7 1 8. Eraser Slreel. if POSITION WANTED LADY requires situation wit i doctor or dentist as asiiant and bookkeeper. Apply lo Box 201, Daily News oftice. IH5 FOR SALE FOIl SALE. Ga shoal "Sea Hawk "; 7 feet overall: H titoi leam; new csl.in; nw gus tank; gMMl dinghy; 2 anchors and rope; 0 h.p. heavy duly Fishentun egiiie. AIhhiI tw t years obi, in finest working condition. Price (B00. , Apply D. Brown at Smilh .V Mallet' SllOft. FOIl SAI.it Stove troubles sol ved. Why worry about your old loes when ynu can ex-ehauge them as first payment on a new I'KEMIEIl HANG I'' and have complete nalisfaclioti. Balance on easy payments. Prince Huperl Exchange. Phone 652. f Of MID seleelli'n of household Furniture for sale. Player piano vietrola, dining room furniture, leather dateiiort, two beds, silling room chairs, aUo lawn mower, hose, ete. Hoimc for sale, Apply Mrs. Alkin. Phone 23H. FtiJlNN FHK bought, sold an I exchanged. Dominion inlaid linoleum and Barry, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, inlaid linoleum. Furniture and ranges of all des criptinu for sale. A. Mackenzie Furniture Hon 4c. . Plume 775. FOIl SALIm Pleaiur hull in good, condition.' Cabin over engine and Canopy lop. Suitable for 5 h.p, engine. A good sea boat. First $100 lakes it. Write Box 203, Daily News. f FOIl SALE. Household furniture. Apply 519. Seventh Ave.. East. Phone Dine 528. IH5 FOIl SALE. -Fruil Jam and canning racks. Price reasonable. Phone lied 214. H3 GOOD piano for sale. Snap fur cash. Phone Blue If.O. FOIl SALE. .:i5 I7.50. Phono clariond 100. TO RENT for It FOIl ItENT. - Pianos, player pianos, pumiograplis and sewing machines. Walker's Muslc Slore. f FOIl JtENT. Two room furnished apartment hy day. week or mon I h. Phone p., 007, ,f FOH Ill-NT. Modern house, live rooms and bath. Monro llros. FOH HENT. (n)p nar,l(int Wesleiibaver Bros. ( BOARD HOARD - The Second Avenue Inlander, H30 I'lioiuj 137. BOARD and Room or Board onlv Pbone Red 707. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTS LOST Smalt ilniili) with uiir from Sail l..tke n VVitlro-s day nifht. ui "Chum painted on -fern Kinder plion Blue ?''. Itewnrd. 181 LOST.--Dimtitnwn, large brown paper envelope nddretml III Irict Forester. Finder ptMf return lo District Forenler's oftice. Court House. H3 LOST- Black and while collie dog without collar. Kimfrer pleat phone 9M. Reward. If T B0AT8 AND LAUNCHES I'ltlCKS OF EASTIIOPK l-CYCLK Marine Engines 4-II P. without clulnb 1 1 84.00 l-H.P. I cylinder Ml) SftO.OO 0-II.P. i oyliiNler Hl 8.II.P. I itylfmlw HD 8-II.p. t eylimler Ml) 1 0-II.P. t cylinder LI) FURNITURE, I50.0fl 760.00 ,460.01 475.00 All Ibe alnive except the first include ibe Famous Joes He-verse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The bent that money ran buy. lias I hope Bros.. 17 17 GanrgU St. ". Vancouver. H C. Always at yasir-servicie. Prince Rupert Boalhouso, Agents Phone 3H. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Gust) Siieei.nl 0 ami 7 passenger Stuiln, bakers .at your sen Ice day ami night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mprei Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono. 177 Baggaoe, Furniture Moving. If yoti want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Box 699. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest re-product bins of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world fntned. gftlU Call in and hear thrill. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Slore. We Buy. Sell and Ex. change New and Hocondhnnd Goods. QEO. PAPADOPULI3, 839 Third Ave. Phono (Ho. KEITH'S CAFE. When in P.lewart visit Keith's Cafe in king Edward Hold now re-moilelled. Up-to-date, Dinimr Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, August 10 lllKh 5:5.1 a.m. 17.0 ft, 18:22 p.m. JH.3 " lv II :5 a.m. 5j " Tuosday, August 11 lllKh : 7:02 a.m. 15.0 ft. 19:19 p.m. 17.5 " Low ...... 0:15 a. 111. 0.3 " '12:15 p.m. 7.5 " Wednesday, August 12 IMkIi 8:lti ii.m. h.7 ft 20:27 p.m. f 7 . t " Low 1 :50 a.m. 0.9 13:51 ;.m. s.U " Thursday, August 13 High 9:38 a.m. n.rj 21 :?U p.m. I7.I " ' Low 3:19 a.m. 0,7 15:11 p.m. 9.0 " !Artid Loit and Found, lt PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN PO. t it Prince Ititpei Ji 1; Service and ri-i,-:,., Gun nan! I MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOISO. is Itlt VMi4rs, Wrt l T ViMt WHiSri Miirla T AIM Arm, luavi A ew ftmUit ...... rrnuii 1 1 T erl IIBMM mm hua a,. k . . T AUtk fslais Sitssla) Ortlum a Xtbn Ate. . 9 ll Av. i (Ik . . . am At, a riiin ri. III Aa. A TteaoaMMi 1 ' l ltd A SWtrur v t Ilia A a, a oaartl si 'j r. la A .llir fnw Ar. h A llir Cma rjrrac i'. lb Ave. A CoMuM SI. lb Arr. A VrlteMe H. rm. Oat I. I' Mi - rro. Ootl. Wlurf ... ' i O.T.P. Whtrf I ' O. T. P. SMtlan . . ..If' ' u.1 (ii r. tiwl A. A tixl SI. . . I" i " Jrrl At. A I Milan SI loll for Vtncuitr Miih.U ITIli.r II' 1 TikxUi inlrns WlHllWvlt.V I'llll"' satunlay . I'alala t. rrtweaa Ma . I'tinre Owiir'" rrom Vtncouttr SiHnUy-. RaHtena MimmIijt . l'rliKt iim'1' WlallH-iutajr- 4. I'rknrr Krlilay . 1'Htire Itni-ri ' h. (aula l 1 11; 1; taiMi t. 1. i" 1: 11. a Tt Qm Cturtti ltl eM- ; ai frm is iMt iw-comsa. VImmU). Wnltp4n ti.i 1 at trm Vir . 1 I tl4nl 'ft. WetoeMUr . I'riatkt l . rm Ari, AIU Arm, AOaflF-M . . ' . I ... Mlaeatf H f rm ert Sims 4 hut S frm AUil Clal rwi ... J. 1.' Fram Qntta CKaHalU ltl4 JIM I i OX COLLECTI0K IK ri i :h t Til t : i ! :i; t .. t , i i : c i ts i r i Ml I $ 10 ' ft Ave. I its SI. I" " 11 1 ' I I . IDlll rr .. I., Mi I 1 Haluriliy .m. Criwr-far Pari Slmpaoa ail Naaa R't- Iriilar Calais rram earl llmp.on and Nui S,,r"( saiuntiy . rjiiau I or Alatka ....... .... i..rrr IU IT f I as. rnii" AuiuM . l'rinT Iiiii" . ithkmA A n a. I'rluraas Luui-r . iTIiH-ras Alio' 11 rrlmvaa tula. fram Alaaia Min1ay-t. Triife Imi"" ' Allfiol. - rrlncrs i:lnrU l-aa, I'rlno a Alur IS- . rrllll iSllr It- . iTlnre Allre t- I'rlluru Limine. . lar Slawarl, An0 and Alki " Hunriay- . cariloiii 4( i,..t. 1, ti.iM Miirlr . .1 ., , . , Friday . I'rlnra Oi-i.ns rrom Stawarl, Ano and AH" ' ( Tni'ta i:arilciis Vliii'Hilny- . rrlni't saiiinlay . I'riiire For 0 0. Iilandt . AiisiihI. t - . I'rtiirs John. 31 '. I'rlurp Jiilm. rrani Q.O, Itlanda A II 1011 IS . Prinee i'lin. 10 - . I'lliire Jnlin. Advertise In Ibt !) iJlirtr" If