I 10, 1925. r - Tnr. UrVUti unvra PAG ft THRU! L I 11. 1 .11. . II). These are Short & Mason Barometers M.hIc in Kugland. FAery instrument guaranteed perfect. Prices arc same a sold at in . I -a-1 cm Canada. Ask or vrili I. ..li,.,. I., ii... ii:i...i i i..f ' liK"1 iii'iiiun int in ii mi u mi irfi i Hit! weallier. ; No. 2200 u" uiamcier-urass uaso-uoou Crado MovcmonU Price ... $11.00 No. 2021 waicn ncroiu. unni- in n.oou v i i'l'" 520.00 No. 2501 cauio aneroid, smwi-w. in wall ii Ik n( $11.00 i il PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures I'l'irc- i.iiifc'r li'illl $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. 3rd Avenue Ulk. Planning That Vacation Trip .k Mn i." I lli.il mi will ni'i'il lot.- ul . lean ) ili.ng-. I" I"' I'oinfiirliiltli ami I. I.' lake Ihl ilrlailcil prviwratiou off ymv hands I M ile up m-rvtliiiig von are like!)- to ileal, ami send v II liiio if l k prompfly, beautifully wiwlieil and lv III pi k. v I it-el i . t. r. too, if you have h le clean house iix hnv il loiik after ycMir hoHwhold it . mi I w piti nway, ready fur .mr rrlurii. Phone No. 8 ami v will -etui "in driver. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY S.S. Prince Rupert Prince Cesrae Princo Charles For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle i ' ' .... I 1.111' p. 111., .HKl ' Ml' Mlflialf purls and .Saturday. for Anyox and Stewart Momliiv mid Friday, p.m. jForSkagway and Alaiku Polls, WVdiies.lnv, U0 p.m.. S.S. Prlneo John for Queen Charlotto Islands ami Vancou- 'r, roiiiMgmiy. etllNQfn trains iivt eniicr nuriRT I DAILV Ll.."'"rt ""H 11.10 in. f.T Ii tl'Mirif. rnnNTD EDMONTON, wiNMrto, (ii (luinu i:itii r.inil, initrt suir Q'CV ALL OCCN STrWMie LINES. CIl, ' T,t Ti.i . ... Olflt., B2I ThlrS ,tH rrlnc Rup.rl, Phon 2(0 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. i, .., Ssillnirs utn l-rinri- li'u."i ?0 JISUVlH' V'"OH., iw.n.on B. ,r Al.f( By. Tu4.,. 1 10 A. . VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Al.rt P.,. .Ad l.i B., S.urd.. 'Of ANVOX. III. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 533 Gr. C01 "lack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones C37 530 Or. 601 Black 735 local and Personal KU. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Taxi, 00c. I'lmiin inn. ANNOUNCEMENTS August 13. llanar, November 20 Arthur's It Salvation Army pjrnin. Digby Maml. Tuesday, August 11.' Two rant at your service. Khrddon Taxi. 1'hone 13i. If Football Hill at 6.15, tonight, Acropolis 8.O.H. vs. Storage. .' When hack from he holidays. ry vaienlln Dairy. 1'lione 057 Ladies' tf For Hie busy man or woman. i llrown car saves money. Phone eu. ir Mrs. Qrahlman Is now located In now store on Third Avonuo oposllo Third Street. i.-.iu uur an. ii may mean I0 lo you. I'rillPA llnriorl Hauler ami Taxi. Phone 18'J 1 1 u Police nniiiiiiiMkintT J.touibs "' lW I'rhwc Hupert denial ll...ilal today for medical Ui-allill'llt. Our low rates have been an 'ulslaiiiliiiK icce and wo sliaM "Kilinue on (hie basis, llrown laM. Phone 80, if Major' C. M. ,rUr of Hie H.C silver mine. .Stewart, is a visitor in (lie city registered at the Prince It ti pert Hotel, Dominion Constable K. G Ni'w nlum of Hie .Naa Itlver ar rived in the city Salurtlar after mii and l registered at Hie Onirai Hotel. . Mm. A. K. Uibb anil her sou W. iibb, who have been holidaying at Oota l.ake, returned to 'In- city on Saturday afternoon hi their way to Anyox. Mr. ami Mm. Steve King sailed fr Vancouver on Hie l'rinre ii-iirjj Saturday niKht. Combin ing Iiiites with pleasure, they will be away about a .week. I ii but sfoaiiifT Caniena, Capl .. II. Miilth, iiortbbouiid from Vjiih iiumt In Stewart, Anyox a'ol hce Arm, wa in port last night I mm 7.30 until III o'clock. Mr ami Mrs. V. S. Arkroyil ami their iliiugliter. Miss Urac" ckroyd, are leaving shortly for Vancouver where they will take lake up their future residence. Denny Allen Co. Sale of tiros venor F.ngHsh China cups and iaiicer. 75c. Tea ami bread ami butter plates, 3 for $1.00. Cake plates, iuga, teapots, etc. For me weeK only. 185 Mi Kleanor (J. Lennox, Jap anrse missionary lor Hie An iKli'im ihurcli, arrived on 1 1 1 r in . , . . .. i.. .. . l'rinre i.:iiiiit' iinmj iroill villl- ouvit after having spent 'i month s vacation in the south. I iiioii freighter Cbillivvack, r.api. J. D. McPbee, arrived in pen early Ibis morning from Hie ui i'ili in roule lo Vancouver, i-iii'l. McPbee is being iicroni-iiaiiieil Hus trip by .Mrs. MoPluv. Miss A. M. llarhcau is sailing tonight on the Prince Hupert for Scat He and will be away about three weeks. She will bo accompanied ns far as Victoria by her niece and nephew, .Mary uiul Hill Sargent of Hazellon. tieorge W. Nickerson, president of Hie ollard of Trade, sail ed on Sal unlay night for Sea 1 1 In where he will attend tho halibut larilf confereneo epresenling lb Halibut Vessel Owners Associa tion and also the Prince Hupert Hoard of Trade. Ibe Union sleamer Haiuosu'i left Vancouver last Thursday on a special run lo Lagoon Hay, (Jueen Charlotl,e Islands, vv'tli supplies for the cannery there. Coming north, Hie vessel called al Margaret Hay to pick up men and eiiuiptiieiil for Lagoon Hay. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ilreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Hefreshmenls Our Specially is Homo Made Ice Cream and Confection-cry. Wholesale or Hetail. You will be pleased with our service. Lcl us please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 131. tf Olc Johnson was fined t25 an.l cost this looming for being in loxieateil. Holier! DunMop, charged wilb intoxication, forfeited liis bail of 25 (bis morning'. Our kindling will burn. It's all !ry kilned. I'hoije . 1 1 i and I8'J i'.H. transfer A Taxi, t S. Itretliwaili) wl coiiimiltetl lo stand trial tills morning' by Magisiraie .Mcuiymoui. lie is cbargeil with assault. C.lMt. steamer I'tlicesft I,ouie La pi. lalerI anlvwl from the south litis morula? at U o'clock ami sailed for the noi l It at noon When you call II -' Taxi you aet a car. Xo disappointment courtesy ami safety, l'boucs 112 or ISM. IMt. Transfer & Taxi outb tonight. t CN.lt. steamer .Prince Hupert Capt. D. Donald, arrived from Alaska points this morning at 10 o'clock and will sail for the A party of scouts anil guards of the Salvation army who have been cauiping' at Revlarvale r I timed to the city on the train Saturday afternoon. Lilian llrant, charged with be ing an inmate of a disortlerlv iiouoe was let go on suspended sentence this morning. Chri Mathers, charged similarly was fined 25. Flight Lieutenant Carl Mac Leod, who has been transferred lo Ollavvu to lake charge of lhe Hoyal Canadian Air Force station there, will remain in Prince Hupert in charge of Hie local fish eries patrol detachment until the end of Hie season. 11 " Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oavigan and family sailed for the" south or lhe Prince Oeorge Saturday night. Mr. (Javigan1 will visit Vancouver on business and will ilso attend the tariff .'conference it Seattle this week, lie will be iway until netir the end of the month. Fred Kenning,, who has been a resident of the city for mauv years .and Mrs. Ilennitur arc caving at Hie end of lhe month Jor New York when they will probably locate. Their residence o Fifth Avenue Wesl will b taken over by Mr. and Mrs. M. M. MacLiichlan. According to arrivals on the Princess Louise this morning Hie fire situation in the southern part of Hie province is very bad, pnrticulatlly on Vancouver Island. The, smoke is noticeable for miles and gives lhe impress ion of a number of firiw extend ing over a wide area. A very successful jllney dance was held m the Auditorium on! Saturday night when ' a large, crowd thoroughly enjoyed dancing to excellenl music played by n fivv piece orchestra until midnight. Kefreshnienls were served during lhe evening and L. J. Marreu ucled as floor manager. .1. F. Dulhie, well known shipbuilder' and district oneralor. arrived mi lint fl'ic- F.lks Flag Day and dance tiena veslenlav annr'nomi .i Thursday, llaptist Church went through lo Slewurl. Mrs. (Dulhie and daughter stopped oh AM .hero anil are registered at Hie (Prince Hupert Hotel. Mr. Dulhie, i . !ou his return to Prince Hupert, I SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary will go to Smithers lo visit the liaiiiar, December 2. Dutlwe mine. .ALIBUT PRICES ARE BETTER TODAY Ten American and Five Canadian Boats Sold Catches this Morning Halibut arrivals this morning totalled about 150,000 pounds. Prices were better than those of fered last week. Arrivals and sales were as fol lows: American Ithonia, 1,000 at 14.10 and 6c to Allin Fisheries. Imperial, 11,000 al 12,80 and 6c to Kooth Fisheries. Haltic 13,000 at 13.90 and 6c to Allin Fisheries. Yukon, 28,000 al 12.10 and 5c, to Pacific Fisheries. J. P. Todd IL, 1,500 at 14.10 and 6c to Hoyal Fish Co. Castor, 7,000 at 11.10 and 6c lo Hoyal Fish Co. Ford 5,000 al 14 and 6c to Al I in Fisheries. Augusta, 12,000 al 13.90 and Cc to Kooth Fisheries. Wizard, 51,000 al 12 and 5c lo Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co. May, 5,000 al 13.10 and 6c. 10 Hoolh Fisheries. Canadian Marguerite. 10.000 at 11.90 ind 7c, lo Allin Fisheries. Nuba, 5,000 al 12 and 7c .to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. i Toodie, 7,500 at 11.90 and 7c lo Hoolh Fisheries. Kaieu, 5,000 at 11.70 and 7c lo Mlin Fisheries. D.S.T. 7,000 al 11.90 and 7c to Hoyal Fish Co. TRAIN LATE. The train from Hie east, due al 3.30 this afternoon, is 8 hours aifd 15 minutes late. Included in the passenger list is a League Oi Hnipire parly from London, Eng.. in charge of Mr.-. K. M. Ord Mar- hall, C.H.F... who is honorary secretary of the League. lhe train is delayed through damage to bridges between Dunstcr and Croyden, east of Mcllride, in Hi course of construction work. Th steamer for the south will be held ponding lhe trains arrival. Miss May Pringle relumed from Vancouver on the Princess l,ouise this morning. .Mrs. Harold Parker and daug'i ter Leona are booked to sail for Vancouver on the Prince Hupert this afternoon. Mrs. Parker wil' spend some time visiting in the south and Miss Parker will at tend Columbian College at New Westminster. SALT LAKESSERVICE Launch "23" will leave the Prince Hupert Hoalhouse on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. PIHNCF. Ml'PF.HT HOATHOUSK Phone 381. TENDERS. Sealed tenders will bo received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. August 12 for certain re-const riiction niul repair work pertaining lo Hie Inhibition buildings. For further particulars, apply at the Fair Office, City Hall, Northern K.C. Agricultural and Industrial Association. 184 I . i t SMALL REC PES NOT EASY mm VVaiktakTfft So far only two women have sent recipes for small cakes to be sent on lo a young bride who is leaching herself to cook. Such recipes are harder to get Hum for large cakes. If you have any good recipes; wu know this new cook will 1 1 1 1 II..... I no nioM KruuMui u nuu mem. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vanoouvor Factories at Ladner and 'J 'TKT A Nit TO. NIGHT" GRANT'S "Best Procurable joimiual THE ORIGINAL! Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICJILAND MALT RvltM .ml firaatrl bjr William Gnat h Son, Liauwd CiraliddKk aad Balteiut.ClciUjft DutiiWna. Dvll-lowaj-4 Xjluiw, Scvtlaad. Jm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of RritUh Cilnmliix Two Candy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers Tender Jelly Patties in Mint ami a.-sorted Fruit Flavors at 40c ib. Purest Milk Chocolate Three kinds: Plain Milk, Peanut Milk, anil Almond and Filbert M!k. a 50c I b. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Films developed and printed for amateurs. Mail orders have prompt attention. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Uur plant is equipped lo handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF Boat Builders! We have 20,000 fect of 1-2 inch, 5-8 Inch, 7-8 Inch and 1 inch Cedar Boat Lumber which we must sell as we require the yard space for other slock. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117. (canadian Vacific YkiillWaT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fn mCHIUN. WRASaiL JUNEAU. SKUWAY Fm VANCOUVER. VICTORIA ! SEATTU SS. PRINCESS HART AiBl 7. 10, 17, 21, ZS. 31 At,ut S, 8. 12. 15. 22, 26 For Buttdal, Swtnion By, Etit Bella Btlla, Octan Falls, Namu, Atari Bar, Campball Rltr, and Vancouor ry 8aturli it a.m. Agincy tor all SUamthlp Llnii. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD CUntral Agtnt. Ccrnar of 4th Sfrt and 3rd Axnut, Prlnc Rupart, B.O. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Ro-located at 230 Central Street, Vnncouver, with additional machines Tor Hie manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS . LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried iu slock. Save bundling charges by hnviiig direct from the source of supply. i