ri(j;;iNm. a,,,. ,. Two nr ,',' M "0 Hie braiieh it! .., '"Trial "" Hank "uiik of or Canada Canada - i tin. H.,l or lt, clly ,n,d " 'vlll, ,,r,(.n. ,,,. ,. 11 ....... " few w iiilniil,.. ml,,l'l''" nflcr ri.. i..... leaving i.. ur ,,, Ulls ,nur(lir V.9. Honnry. dlslriol foreter here, laleil tin moming that Prtriee lluNr dltlrlel wnn ninKii-Inrly fi rtiinale al I hi lime a far a furot firen were coneernel but Ilu- iilliiatlon wan haiardous warrniiling Ihe grealet of pre-"aoUiiii heing taken hy the public al large In enaure aKaiimt Irnce'ly Iwfalllng Hie lie pole and lumber iiidutry In Hie interior. There ha heen Utile nun in (he Interior during the pant thirty day-. TluTf are only two fire alill hniiiinx In Hie ilUlriet al Hie . . I u I,. ........ prr-eni 1 1 in-. .ir. i'i") r.n.i. one at Heaineni eai oi iiiwei-l on. and Hie other al nh Lake ..mill of Horn Lake. They are hntii well under control and are lieinu na rolled hy small crew. Mr lliuuiey ailnouneed that o far Ilu neanii there have been 101 fin - in Hn dilricl inxolvinn little ilc.tnirtion f Hmhwr. laSDS ARE AT WORK T . - b i III IK I In r( M ArPl I ioii-c wrre nunwi wini efnin lUUUUlJll UUU1 14 VI KILLSHIMSELF Hinry Schwartz Puts Bullet Through Head When Surrounded by Police AKI i Aug. 10. TrapiKHl t 'infill. Henry Schwartz, n naiion wide nearrh in a iih a myalerivua Uu panfic (i'llulne 1 hI Walnul Lrck, r i -uicide early on Sun- ' n helicril In hae il a (adorer and allenipl "pi. tie (he hod)' m n Hf.i limirnnee In ex f Kin nno. : Inmncit throuah I lit v ; .lice K'irrounded the ' ' 1 whirl) he had hecn BOATS DAMAGED IN COLLISION Sttamers Manua Ala and Mel ville Dollar Had Impaot off Cape Blanco J'"IC. VN'l). Oickoii. Aiw- 10 I DC I (...... ..i. . "''mi iiiit nu -iiiii.. JU" Ma and llic Kleauier Mel- l"Har rolllded off Cape ( raily Sunday innrnlng. A "'III (! Kallfl ,,nl ,. " 1 Miren ntiilnu Iiii in i'.1 1 -idu and that the "'i"1' . ad a hole punched In her I'lll i : 1 1 TORONTO BANK ROBBERS CAUGHT Qfi W,Ly llh '1.S00 But Wore " r.CKod UD Thla Morn ing IN GREAT BRI IAIN Aliened to Have Been Injoctlng Dlscontont and Disloyalty Into Army and Navy LONDON. Ann. ! - Coiiimu-nMW propaganda aimed to ne-iiIp diMMinlenl and disloyally In . mk. of Hie llriH.-h army al)( livy in alleged M have h.jen lime in ev- I,. ..,,L.r.-i for mime .,.1 ....i.lre ami garrlonr e.-perially al AMoi hIioI camp. I lie principal military m 11 . .. i i filmtr 1(1 Soulhern r.iiKiaon. iin.-... - rU. The goveriimenl Is Inking fining measure . . i ..... : rlmiiii.it. eru'iu'iue mu m "" ' ALBERTA '0AKES LKTliniHDOK. Ana. -un.ri.1 ...th.iuake shoekx won rell in rmir towns Allierlii Ihls morning agn i rep" of Soulhern No ilain- u anl I Iilfit Iim usti nniinruillit iioiiip oi jp.n,c.f nrr ..nepir, ; ftrc,(f,n, PrUrreil al 5 O1- PiHine wer wlpe.1 ul. Twelr;cIock aJ (, nrypr fN.painPlI c,,. hon.fi and a mill near .Vwton. riJ1JMH.. Ue .lif.l later in the are renriei i nae ieen mini- P.nij I 'I Iia liflf ta't Near lleelalke. a eriou firelprmpn , ,,,., jj,,,,,,,,,,, wherr uireairnn wie ujwii oi .iau "-;j, family reside Ham. The entire eamp of the Lament Lirliia I'-o. near llarrinon Iale wan deilroyel (Oi Sunday. NAMU HAS BIG FIRE Chinese Bunkhouse Burned 125 Lose Their Belongings A fire at Namu cannery yes-tsrday afternoon totally destroyed the Chinese bunkhouse and, as a result, 12S Orientals lost all their belongings. Tho C.N.R. steamer Prlnco Charles, Cnpt. MacLean, was passing at the tlmo and noticed tho flames and Immediately went to tho assistance of tho fire fighters. All the cannery buildings warn threatened but, with the aid of the ship's hoso and a bucket brigade hoaded by second officer Geo. Coles, fur-thor damago was avertod. Tho arrival here of the Prlnca Charles was delayed today owing to tho asslstanco rendored In extinguishing tho flames. STOCK MARKET Hid H.O. Silver ; 1. 00 Daly Alaska Dunwell I. .10 L. and I. Premier Selltlrfc Surr 'InR'l HiuoHiin ..." Porlor .Idaho . PHIyef 'tJrest Teiiultiu ....... Murinol Melals (Iraiiiiyfc llowiV Sound (Hadslono Hay view IihIIuii .28 U 2.1 rt .n'l .oi 1.1.00 20.(10 .05 .or, Asked 1.25 I .'.10 .33 " ''5 .20 .01V. .05 U .02 M .15 15.00 ONTARIO DROWNINGS .07 .20 TOIIONTO, Aug. 10. Six ilealh fifim drowning were re por'eJ in On'ano on Sunday LOG SCALING HERE ACTIVE Forestry Officials Have a Lot of Work on Hand Local Mill Uslnn Much Timber Provincial foreslry oltlci'il uro having a rush ofyscaling jus! now. There are about COO sco lion or approximately fifteen million feet now being measured up. The logs are at (larduer Uanal, Swanson Hay, Alice Ann Surf Inlet and Ocean Fulls. The local sawmill 1 now tak lug a good many of Hie log cut in Ihe dislricl. The second de livery of tons for Ihe Prince Ilu pert Spruce mill from the T. A Kelly camps on Hie (Juecn tlhnr lot I r Island i duo here till week. II will consist of approx iuialely one million fed in Hi rorm of a Davis raft. dverllse In the Dally Nuws. I BOSTON GRILL Lcg'sliilito Library 2 Mar. 31 '20 Large Upstair Dining Hall, Parliament JliiilJin with newly lajd dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for nvwhira at Anytlma. fiances, banquets and wed-ding und Royal HoUl, ,3rd Ava parties. mi. mi For 'rates', apply to Doslon ana in ot PRINCE RUPERT drill. Third Ave. IHATT VIPECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. XV NO IH Yll, PHINGK III PENT, 11.(1, MONDAY. AUfifST 10. 1025. turdtr'l CIrculdlon 1633 Btrttt ! 42. PRICE FIVJ? CK.NTS. FOREST FIRES ARE STILL RAGING IN SOUTH AGED COMMANDER MAUDE BLINDED BY CONSTANT GLARE OF SUN'S RAYS Vancouver Island, Mainland, Fraser Valley and Southern Interior Districts Suffering - , Courtenay camp partly deslroyedschoolhouse, QY linmir ml nnrl nnmnc ulinatl nnf iiliiho. imiii uim uiiif tv ipiu uui II? A P III I l"1 TV near Vancouver TTld iMLLLU T5 DISTRICT FORTUNATE Hazard also prevails here and the greatest of caution is necessary says district forester Bonney YVCOIYEII. Aug. 10. -The forH fin- filiation on fjl Slil and Sunday wa retried In lie extremely scrintu at AVlllff In high Wllldf. A ( olepay. Vancouver Island, -evcral logger narrowly !f 'Mi when fir ragetl through (he limber adjacent In x l ogging Co.' minp. Twrul) home belonging lo ..ml r i f t-u building owned by the. -ouiMii) are re vrd with a l.i- approximating 9100,000. v- II-nntnlif llay di-lnrl vh. aIo besieged by limine i Xeiir ClpvrVdah? in the f raer Charlie Hay ward, Aged Six, Victim of Accident at Inverness Cannery on Saturday Charlie llayward, a six-year-: old Indian hoy, wai accidentally killed on Sal unlay afternoon al' Interne r.annery when he fell from a trough and sustained in-iurie In hi head. The Injy was apparently al-'emptiug to climb the old trough ulileh wim situated in a narrow llry way and wliich liail been ued for ront eying can. 1 tic tincture Tell oter on him ami !ie wan truck on the temple he- tide liaviiw the hark of hit lead injured in hilling tin wond-Ni platform. llb little STsdert, ivHIi whom he Was playing. iiiirvnnrt niinnnnn " " ' mmi vuvw-il..j i,,. i,- ii,m i ffcaUaattaaYBaaaaaVftafliWaMt3BaBBatt L - .. . . , Thif Hudson's Hay Company's auxiliary cruiser. Lac ilu , Hi ui hot. used for transporting freight on llcuideer Lake in Noi'thcrn Manitoba und Saskatchewan, has a rapacity of twelve tons BIG FREIGHTER SETTLEMENT OF WENT ASHORE LOCAL STRIKE Considerable Damage Dona to Mogul In Stranding Near Klew Nugget Light The Coastwise. Stcanuhip A1, Harpe Oo.s biz ffvfcthlrr Mognli rried here Saturday nipht af-j ler hating pone ashore near; Klew .Nusnet lisht in (irenvillej :tianiicl while on her way froni; nyox to Taeoma with a cargo f ore. II was foggy when Hn aeridenl oreurriMl and the channel al this point is tery narrow. She pot off under her own 'team and proceeded here. The Mosul Is lied up al the ocean dnk ami an examination made this morning by a diver slaUlished that ouile extensive damage to the hull had been done. The tessel is remaining here pen.linir receipt of instruction from the mhiIIi. The Mogul. formerly Hie Caesar, is one of Hie largest freighters operating in roast service. HUGE WAYE DROWNS THIRTEENCHILDREN Washed Out to Sea at Hardolot, a Few Miles South of Boulogne, France HOlLOONF.. Aug. 10. Tin oilies of thirleen children wli were drowned on Saluitlay n'. lanlelol, a few miles soulh n: tere when a great wave washed them oul to sea, have been re- otered. IS HOPED FOR; Provincial Government Official are, Conferring With Employers and Men at Elevator J. D. MrXiven of Victoria, chairman of the Adjust men' Hoard for the province acoom-panied by F. K. Harrison. Dominion Fair Wage ollicer of Van couver, were arrivals hy the Car-ilena last eveninj. They lef. Vancouver before the present 1 strike at Hie elevator was called and came north to investigate condition as liev had received reports intimating dissatisfac tion exijifil. t This ' morning they ."held a conference with a representative! f the Carter. Hall and Aldinuer) Co.. ami later met a delegation from The men who are on strike. urlher conferences will be he!i! with the idea or bringing about settlement or the situation. Last rveninz the iion held mother large meeting and repor! that some men who arrived from the east to go to work on the levator had joined the strikers when they ascertained "'ai a Irike was on. More men from the east are expected to arrive horllj DATES OF FALL FAIRS ARE SET 0 .11 Smllhcrs, Septembor 2 to 4; and Terraco, September 15 and 16 ; Fall fair will be held in this listricl during the" month of September a follows: t and Prince Weorge. and t Smillier. t- Mrllride. and 5- Yanderhoof. 8 to 1 2--Prince lluperl. I j Houston. 15 and 10 Terra?e. STRUCK BY TRAIN: THREEMEN KILLED Russians Were Walking on Canadian Pacific Track 101 Miles East of Winnipeg WLWNIPLO. Aug. 10. Three Veteran Navigator Declares He Will Again Attempt Trip to England in His Small Boat CLALLAM HAY, Washington, Aug. 10. Commander Eus-lace H. Maude, 1LN. retired ... who started from Mayne Island on u voyage tu England by way of Ihe Panama Canal aboard his thrriy loot dory type sloop "Half Moon,." landed on Sunday at Lapii-li. an Indian- village, Il.'i miles .-oitlh of Cape Flattery. He was pailty blinded as u result of ihe constant glure of the sun's l-uys. Unable lo take observations or read the uinpass. he was forced lo turn homeward, keeping his course by Ihe im and slurs for many days. iommattler Maude declare AftriAnpr. TA lli.it he will make another at- I SPPI P 1 1 III 'tempt to reach England in the; jnear future. j His blindness ii believed to ' have beeu the reason for him djs-j rewriting the wireless operator al Destruction Island who went out to assist him on Friday af-I lernoon. NO MONEY FOR NEW STEAMERS VICTMHIA. Aug. 10. "We had honed to build two toals this year to inaugurate the coast service 1 ,vbut w bad tojHwlpoiitt our plans because of tact of fund at our disposal, said Sir Henry Thornton, president of Hie Canadian National Railway, here on Saturday, in the course of an interview in which he staled that it was the desire or the company to again operate steamer on the Vancouver - Victoria-Seattle triangle run. POWER BOAT RAY NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF HOSPITAL IS DUE ROBERTS ASHORE; Hit n Btaver Passage Durlnq Saturday nl3ht Little Damage Done The T. A. Kely Logging Co.'s poA-er boat Hay Huberts, while bound from Prince lluperl t. Logan Inlet, went ashore in the fog Saturday night in Heater Passage near White Hocks. Th" vessel went up on the low lide and is believed to have, suslaine i little if any damage. It is ex pected that she would he re floated at the high tide and pro .e.-d on her voyage, ('.apt. C. C Kcti'iium m the gashoat Wig w:ini went out Willi a scow to give assistance. HERE NEXT FRIDAY Miss Jean Harrison. H.N.. who is coming here lo become lady superintendent r the Prince Unpen Ueueral Hospital, is due to arrive in the city from Winnipeg on August It. Miss Edith Mr-Caul. H.N., whom she succeeds, will leave a few day later. C.P.R. BOATS TOUCH ST. LAWRENCE RIVER : Damago to Metagama and Mont rose Is not Known as Re suit of Collision on Saturday unidentified llussiau walking, on MONTH I'.AL. Aug. 10. -- The Ihe Irnck were instantly ' killed I Canadian Pacific liner Mela on Saturday when Ihey were gam a and Montrose touched in struck by a Canadian Pacific the SI. Ladrence Hiver on Sal-passenger train 10' mile east unlay. The extent of the dain-o' W nn oe-,' ja' - '! iwn. FISHTRAPS Dundas Island Salmon T rollers' Association Is Organized DL-NDAS ISIAXD. Aug. to. The Dundas Island Salmon Trol- lers" Association was organized here last week with 50 charter members. The fishermen have eobie to the conclusion that by this move they will he able to market their 'catches to ' belter advantage. The association will also work for tti&?MdftiotMfu fisV trap and forjip-lo-date and ycienf iffc method in Hie preservation 'and propagation- of fish. William Drown and J. Morris are two of (lie most atite member, the latter being secretary. MINE PROBLEM WILL BE ISSUE Secretary of Federation Says It Will be Fought out at Polls Within Year LONDON, Aug. 10. "Within a year the mining problem will be the issue in a general elec tion," - Secretary Cook of tho Millers' Federation declared in a sprctth at Durham on Saturday. Hon. Winston Churfnlll ha issued a skit. 'incut emphatically icnylrig the r.-oorl thai at the line oT the true- he had said to 'ok: 'ib'in.'iiilier this is no a cifi from ii- l'u! it is cheapur ban a revolution." ROBBERS TAKE U.S. AIR MAIL Six Armed Men Seized Eight Pouches at San Francisco , on Saturday SAN FHANCISCO, Aug. 10. Kii'ht punches of air mail which lia.i just arriti'd from the eat were taken from a Untied Stales mail truck by six armed men late Saturday afternoon. NOTICE. All meniber.s of 11 Hatln. N.H.C. Heft, wilh army clothing, rHlce, bay- onels, ele., mil turn these in Imniedlalely ; Ihls for Inspection by Senior Ordnance Ollicer from hoadipiarler. Drill Hall., S oul Ave. will he open evening on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday from i p.m. till 10 i. ut tor the pur- pose of receiving eipiip- inetit. 185 4