I l!i I 1 'In Vjt an. " I i ' Aujruit 10, 1125. a k LAND ACT. !; ,irl Land llrf.ildin- Id unrr Miliar I, Mill alluali . . .ilin--l lnrr ft Walra l I . IjtIUI IHirlh IMrifllr from t l land, ami lrna -! .nun . isi, 4iikiin laland. a- f. thai Alil firllltU Col rll IJU) I.IMlll.nl. ftf c , . ,,rrii.ll.iu 1'arkrr., In r,.i tra of tin- fniiuw I, lamia ,? it a i"-i Planted ai hirh . . ..ii tlx- miillrn atmrr r i in a Miillifi N-a r I ii r north , . . . I . , k I.I...,. . .. .. . .j r..rl firhl liundrrd frrl. . Ihrnrr iritrly I a ha In t, .. muil lit rufuturiirriiiriil. (:'. arrra, nmrr or Iraa. . .11) llllltl'H till I will l-AUI.NO W. 1.1 Ii.. AppliraiH i Wur r.. Walkrr, Armt. .-ufc. im. LAND ACT. Bl -k A. Vu "JuiWUr mxirr a HHira un Ihr t.f flr i.f llwl Out fna-UiT 'k.M iiMiu i nui-r III anJv fr a ltw tax Ifaal ur ta rUr Ii '.i-tiw-r i rrrk alt.. knin mliirh tWi mrtirii) anil - ) laku Ann afeiul al im walrr mill dlvrrl 'Mm al a imini almtil ibr . ' .f lit Markrr Hauii. I I. ituftiMttr artt i. . rilml at ht ' at ikmImI i -nt wrnnd iiar .. " i.urinrrr imii, 1n water le.tii tlwi tirrani at a "'" Ihweat nitot nf Uir '.ii,. - taia. .v.. k Mitirral rJtmi .. ,,,.,1 fr .,4llr,lf 4irmMt nrrni a Hit Ijiaiuivr war ittil nn III" tnt H-riiini itav at J air. ' "i una liotlrr ami ail l "m Ibrmii and In lb a a . ... 1 til l. .. .. . ",,n inrit ir- bulai IHirlh mJ v . l.. u l . ,i .I..."." 'tiana, n.r., ' ii!iT".,: rrViianii nadlan ain, . .. . v",unir. li I t",. flh luvniia 'In: ion T..."'.. 'A""".. tinj ftt iniHi. '"i n.iinwiiif tin ' lll,ll...n ... I hi i . i,"1' .'A lw'l MantH t hliiti ",; aiin'r . Vtrr ,-' "i liam "lAwal limit1 1 .in. .n! xwnrr ln rlialnl HfiiM. '"iirr jiihi nn rlialn: 'i i if ' rhfire. linn lo ", m ." ".""ni. ii'l rrtnialnln i Vftit, , u.""!! "ino co. t.Tn ma. - - tANO 0T. - 'nuntion I. Appl, to t,.,, ttrM, " 'kwna n... . 'r"iii iii.im.. v.." 1 ntnnri, i. i a lo i r urn i inu.ii ....i at. (Hand III r.f t, t.niiniliail ll.il' tlllW.I. in. .1 7..",""JVt'r. li c atrriuia-, I'ihi.-iiim r'T"' '"id lo aiijf "Hii "' lha followtnt 0 lamlt n,i, "I lllllll(ttal .'"" ' : ' t iHial itaiMA.I ml lilirti ij. ... "land. J, I "n.J'Miihwrai rxilfit mi Walot norih mm rlialn) '"" ' ihin n..""," t",e titn W" Him lo L , ' ",,W y"'nl a 'ntllnina oii?tV,,,n'"'V'":'V,,1,'n' n,, rn.rt'M.ti.r;NAniAN riaiiiNn An nn v. .M. ItlalHl. vm? DATT.t NRvni pun mm w A V MWAJKS A A A A .JLMkJ A A A 1 A A KJ BITTER FIGHT HMIONTON, Anr. 10. V4Ui i and I'ulnt. sitklan Maud ; 'lie Mill lotre of III'' .n-rli aUdit Man walrr ti.,fi,, nt,.i j,.t,.i.. .. L .1,1 luimtrMl frrl. i luarkni .vi. f.i;.; iimti' iijii.-. ni.r or in low ilriir.. imrlhawau-rfjr ikxiri nmrr I.I uri ...... ........ H Canadian direc- lorn(ei thrown mlo tin. fwhl in an I he far-fameil 1'enee Jtiver traiejiorialion iniblem inn i .... 1 1 . t;..irl laiul flMVdllu 1X4 It'lM III IIO i unit liiivrl, and uiwalo al Irnl of the - flafif'T im 1 w.'iS T nl r 6Mioo and Imn a r.mrk- iNw in anliHmnteed that the ralen on the Wallt-r K ii tm. WATIR NOTICC Uh anal Strat Aioliram. U'alkrr. At'BI "i: ttial WltHam C. .i4an. which (he C.J'Jt. oiMtrnten the piad eipireo ou July 36, awl the lI.I'.H. ha offered to l'Uew ut for a peHiel of neven esir at i. iwariuri luuiwrri lh- new rale. n aHl Ii a Honr ft Miiatrr' Mvtir aUil) audi C.N.R. Offer nlb ut a Irr Mil at ani .... : tirh m Mithrtty.; (hi the other hand tie Oina i ana r wn ixtihMi ....... . i ..m.. i it i.. i... c ii u- i ib afr ,.M ,Hler than that of lliel ;bi Il rarlr I lb r i ...... I i.d t. aumt . i C.I' It., irt that it alxt offer nmftil Popular Femle lfL.A. Nearly Caught In Forest Fire Recently VHrrolllA. Auk. to Thoma Uphill. Kfinal Irt-h wit of the linlih tdiimhia leMahire. who I li.ntKeri i, here on iitiAtne r mi. iv .lira. -! al an ?. narrowly narrowly eCa eeape, Tiki; .Mlli:r; thai Antlo llrlltah Ct,-- uiiil.ia I'aikina v anr-HH" . " . imil. i a.ns ir a irati iiw niii-m-lilt drtrrlliral lamia; omiuiHH-iiia at a 1 danird al I htrh abr mark al "4I Itant. t.rtltnd Canal; ilirti.v iMiiitln.atli.rlr alui hnrti watrr mark r Inrly i lllil humlrnl n-rl m a iMrknil . a.K.; tlwlire iWMitlH-rl) Id rhaMK. Hittrr lea. In lw watrr1 mark llirnre imrlliw-rlrly ab.nr I" laalrr mark lrtv talil limidrwl fwl. Wf.re or Iran Mirnrr tiurllirrly l rlialna. Iimrr i.r li to .ml f rummrnrriiifiii, and "m" Mjitainliit J. arrr, Imin" r tr-t Yvil.o IIIIITISII t:o.l MIIH I'.Ukl.NO CO. 1.1 D.. AhiI Irani. Irr VValtt-r K. VValkrr. Aarnl. t " 2.it iirtr turd. 101ft. j UANO act. Nollca el Inlanllon lo Appll to taaaa Land( m irlnn llmirrl UihI' lleMirdlnir Malrlrl " '"' '""" 4 thi. i. Ill t Xln" "trth "r II- li-rlhratt V?r "r Indian tiwerw .d. Oraham ai irf Vlati'lU Jlrtlltlf nnliiml.la. an-nip. '""'.'ilriv' a rhai t' ' 'la. hV ra.lrrly K. nuilamlun 4 "J', simpsoi. t ...iilinant Oakiidjiiiie SOlh. : CAND ACT. 2 Ktstl. of inlanllon t. PP' -fth" avawiiw in' .h Land nmanr Mriel Pr'" ' .' H'.. . ... i.mrt fltdd- T ..V" 'iniiiilir'nr urnMiaUm. neritaMl laiidt: planind it Writ Ci.1.1 irliif . VLV ?! ire rhalnt w.ir mark. Awmd ,'l''r morn or f " iq ahalna n-MUi lb.i - llrr!' " -.mi. i' rnillllirnrrliwlll, UlUllllliK Prr Wai. o nalJ July Tib. Kit. rati rlialna mint of Ul aorr Miirlirll. ago (in- iiulHr interior politician sallied forth with otlmr in- ihahltniil i.r I Jaffa If li-a f(ff4a 1 fSrrt at F1VIWTI!W,",, " cr"",,,,"f ill Jlulll1i,'BUil,,, a,M ' p" Ooth C.P.R. and C.N.R. Bidding For Peace River Control fi in iiif town. After ue had foiled for hour with i he other firp Tighter. Mtt-H'iaa fire DreakA li) prtitfct the rwii'l. Mr. LtilnII mKhlPiily noticed Ihal the Tin- on Hit mountain above wa raeinjc dowi at terrific -e,. jj4. 4,w. ljg H,ove nw ami lmk i, ,u IW.J, heat un effort to keep nmlrol nf Hie inf the flames ,y a fpw second. IMiJiniiliiii. 1 MinvfKaii and Ilriliih1 ' Culunrhiu 'railroad, and Hiuh hold Hie key to Hie iituation inwifnr TERRACE NOTES The I'riniary alei,arJiiienl of ...... ...I 1 ..1.1 .1 ... . ! I llfl Xlltlil'... a I ..... 1 ..II E . . . i tfriii-J, film wiui me eeuierft til; iiuoi ju-ju iih HII-(T lllie district afferleil IiiiinI un ,llwI Ii ou Thursday in the Ml,i ( IntaMlofl it Appl U Laaaa land Willi the llliadinil NlltioilHl AVx-."" a" Aykinyd place on - , a I a. ,.. ir effort to Ret eon- ""c"- " leather SI road, one of the moil 1,nr'"' "l (.riflilli, we l.itla-r hatlleA eer foiichl In ll. Mm. Nanh. ). houe which completed. 1: 'a Aienl.l rs. re a- Sun- h.:e thai AnstA umi.h CM- ,ii-,.,i ,.u ..t n.. .. dal and J. .M. Halt lliullv i 4iiianr I llnllf i.f l' nnimin 11 nmri II mi- . return '. Hi udn in now hwiiK wiilfixl here. I..r I lra i.f WC landt 1 I he l,.l'.lt. now of (em nn ,rarnei n,e children hack and I furlli fri.i.i il. mm ..L... i .......i . im- r..iiiv ItffUlllin UTI Iheir Irurkx. a woiuierful liie children had afternoon wiCi "l' h4h ""' . , 1. . i race, jiiat for tuMiin.. ... i.a mimmi ii. riKrfr air ,' man wtu lie reiueel 10 tlie liuillll . , , ; J' ir-i Vi itrtm tMjib ; ,-i ii ; 'i iiMtnJl rauihle and ganei of all i..rr or iM-mm. ui aiar. i.-. ihMne niiM-tir lujnilet uhnie from 13 renin to 27 .1 ... niimiirwnHnn, BIPII a't iiHir tr ! I 111(111411 OOIJ t4i II Vll Jlrfi 11. ..I - I .. .. iinairifi. nte coin ran unner krnil. Mrn. T2n- ""Icenl per hurtiel uihI woutl ' i.i 'il "mi. I1"" ,,nln,' f the PiV HIverLV . .'L. ' . I.L.i.i.l t J. K. (oiidou and the Mon of Portland arriv- atlernoon. i -Mr. Ktol of Seultle ar- riel here I riday and i viiliiir her sister .Mr. Geo. Utile. J. M. Halt left for Vancomer x' hi M T dioi'7r,io r,, n"i mWRten tnjon Katiinlay. He on a mhieA l iMl at lit aMtrrr MUuk,. nit Recessary imprf- tH ilutiM .or atHl tAyutuft .. . ... . Ik. lawl V.rrAir. aa l. IIM'UIH OU lite tV-ieoi MHt UttHI IO Mr. V. T. Kn etrtertained at hrtdye riiurday eveniiiK. There wer five tahten idaytsl ami Mr. Iielle earrietl olf the flrt priiej ;iay lite tiovertimeiit half of any! Mr. H. Akrnyd ami her lain day 4 Jul), lM. olteralallit and ! it utr a, crue after II I rofil thai nay ac-.dWBliler. Mi laaa StaAkS 1 1 fa.1 All U WO Ma left ai t fciZV ieeu taken rare .if. The Na- wrttiht. aH.ii.ao.4i mar i rni iii.iinl nv.iciu akH a ten-year. '" P Wi. i Htirtlfr i lln Wao-r HiaMa. l-arlu Jene. ..M-ia. ha:, aiiaiin th riri awaraix i al llrl 'MIT 1Ik fit If ii.ai'.in nf iih miw It W C. API P llrlM WATIM HOTICL Ditaftlaa a4 Uu f-j: TOM UPHILL HAD NARROW ESCAPE there. connected lle 'l"iriiliiU relumed to Vnn- "".''ri... ....... i. Im......v f lertiie.'piver on talurday, r.inipleliu? with hi life Mmrtr triji l.y way of Ja mi inrrrm ami in u - nir tit t nimi m iti ttrrm-i winir fijililmn fnrl . lire in ... lho.r". aVii,..;.." Ky wWnr-' ,Nel Pa. Some day IVdU-i KwiiMfr or lll Ihr! 1 Wain Iilrlilt. farllaniditl . ",0 i.n ncT. CI' 'i, B.n.. llhin twny Ibr in.! ai'K-araitrr nf Oii-i . ......i i. i .... ai liaiialr. Tlif daU- " ""---"' ; ' 1. 1 Ira iloi t ihla iMAirr " it?-. 1 mi 'nu.n Mnr i.tp Ai(IIAaiil. IV: llrttnaH Hrv.k, Afftil, WA11H, NOTICE. Dliaralon and Ua "v" ' ' K IImI Knalnrrr 1ld .i rh..-n a.Urrta it fjiatiHfr " j: . will ai Mr fur a Ih-mmh il l tH iiital ur Irn rtiliU frrl ' " IntiiM-rr f.rt-rk wiarh and iliaint in in Wrtl Taka ' ih Ilfat . I. will t rib'ri rn 1hf iifHiT '.imr al tllin aikilnr 1 "t'1'lli'alli.ii mar lie Ilb-d i wjw limirdrr or with llir ' Walir niahu, ParllaiiHUl '"'la, ll.i: . wlltun Ihlrlr iw oral idu.ir.-. ..r iij. l',al finu .hum. ri,. .i.im iHililiralHin nf ' ihla nntlra- 1 1. . t uu nun) mine i.tii., nr. . km'Uraul. ' Jlv llnrtwahl lrw,k. Aarnt I LANO 0T. ' "nilon to Apply to LfcMl imd la frliM lluprrl Und llrrordmc lt-trtrl nf I'rtnra liniwrl, and llnal jn Mr. A returned lYhlfl). Maude AVniTil. for their home in Wain ?ak. Friday. Tliey will mice It n pert and Vancoti r enroule. Mm. Fred Akroyd. wetil a far a Prince Htijiert and i Mtidinc a few day viMlins J. liallaixl and children to Prince lluperl on Mr. McCook and Mi McLetM of Memo were viilor to town on Friday. Ml Millie Smith and Ml Mi Alice Meltoujtall left Sat iird.iy reiiirniiifr lo Vaurouxer ly wnj" f Prince Jlujicrt. Mr. and Mr. J. II. Acar have Ibe rlkrM ra. r liril l.n ...iMn;; , .... .. LuJm Iril) lo Van- iaj isirilaiid t aiial 1'i.inl. rnriiaiMi i aiiai. north iiianwtlr fnmi aim rtuier. Tree I'mnt.l i m i i.... .....I i .jMiunt i imiiisi. i.n t t- - t--it..ni iirrutalliin Parkrr. a in ... I family have lltoved illlo Iheir new ha recently been LAND ACT. Hot It a of Intaatlan la Apply to Purchaaa Lano In kernt Itanre i Land llrrnrdinr I'la trtrl nf I'rimf HiiimtI, a.C- and alUialr llayMaik Island, anulli of Wales Island li.c. TAKE MlTirC thai the Canadian Flidi Inr Co. 1.14. f Vannoiiwr. H.C... trima tk.n. aliiHin Cannera, Inirndt in arnly Tor prmill,n lo urriian tno roiiowHii itrtrrllHHl lalult - nniiiiurnruir at a poM tilanliHl at blab wairr uiara nn wrai anorn i.i naytiara ItlaiMt: tlntirf utirtn nevrn rhalna tlMorr rati arrrn rtiaint- tuniir aoutli M-trii rhatnt; tliftirr wrul wmi rliatiia. mid nmiainiiif rive arrrt, inure r irtts TIIK CANAOIAN I1SIIIM0 CO. LTD liatrat vriKl uar. isva LAND ACT. Nolle of latantlon lo Apply lo taaaa Land la Cattlar Land liltlrlrl. Itrrairitinr Ma trll I'rliirn liuiwrl, ll.t:.. and allualr mirth id Hoaro.li May. IHirllaud t:auat. TAkK MUJCK that Ibr Canadian rith Inr 1-ld., nf VanrmiviT, H.t:.. larrmia Uoiu Salmon Cammr. Intnida In awdir fur irrinttnn to li-ate llin fullawlna ilr M'rMird Inndt: o.iimii'iii'lnir at a lit rlantrd at Mrh maw-r niark, ion yarttt ikhiiIi nT Indian tanuke hoiitr; llann'e iMirlbnaaJ ,iir rlialn; thinrr anntliratt nnr Imndrrd and twivity rhalna.) thrum nuidlivrat In aborr linn nnr rlialn; llirnrr iiinihwrtl fMlow Mir Hi" ahorr line In point of miiinimrr. mrnl, one liandrrd tind Iwrnty tiiaUtt, and mntalnlnt twrlvr aiirnt. mnrr or Ira. TIIK CANAIUAN flSIIHO OO. (.TP. natrd iiilh May 0k LANO ACT. Notlta of Intantlan la atpply to Laaaa Land In Skrrtia llaniw ( Land MOticI, rrlnr HiiMrl, ll.t:., and elluatr Inn yaiilt uorlli d winii'r iiaiiMir, rrartn lland. II, n. TAKE N01ICK I hat Ihn OuaitlAn I'lidi hir i:o. MU, a if Vanrotiwxr. II C. trria rlim, Sahnnii CAntuu-a, Inirndt lo aily ror HTniivn la irate viti rnlttiwoif (If MTlht'd landt: Oiinmrnriiia at a mt ,liutt.d al hlh watrr mark 10 frrt rrmn rni-k ou aliorr IUh'i thrnrn r-t na iHitln; ibiHm- north Hie hnndrnd and Iwrnty rhnlnt. thrnrn twral la aliura Una ui tlialni Ibenre tn. uhut r.r".....-- iirinivn 'TIlANn, anntlirily IV dlrrrtlnn (urrriinn follnwin loiinwina; lln lint lliort ihorr point ilnl nf of riiiniuriiri'iiirnt. roiniuriiri'iiirnt, and and ton- NHS Juan. Aillrntil.i line lo ton- lilulni , Iwrlvr n. arrra, , . n, morn ., or Ira IT.. a. Till: CANADIAN rtSMiNn rn tm Dated iota ilaj. Kit. WEEK AT THEATRE. Monday and Tuesday Constance Talrnadge in "Learning to Love." The "(io-Mler Series No. 5, ,! ire When heady' International New. Wednesday and Thursday Ilelty Ctimpj'Kn in "Path to Paradicc." Mack Kennel t Ctirnedy. "The Lion'' Whiskers." Topic of the Iay. Friday and Saturday. Norma Talmadye in "The Only Woman. Qotuetly. "A Sailor Papa." Pal he Heview. CONSTANCE TALMADGE V 4444 t4 IN TONIGHT'S SHOW Plays Role of Hopeless Flirt In Picture "Learning to Love. Omittance Talraaihe as Pat Hanhope in 'IarninK to Love,"'; a1 lite Welholme Theatre tonight, i n unpelcnK flirt. In turn tie mi ake Jove to her professor, to a wllee lioy, to a young Chi-i cago iiiilluinalic and to a French cotinL , However, he fail to make any itupreiwn on iter lawyer ami guardian. Warner, and for that reaMtii promptly fall in love with hiin. , a result of nlUwinjr herelf io lieeouie "enitasietr lo four of her futnre at onfty Pal siarU a row- which land three of her .fiance in Jail. ' !,'( Warner save her from can- dal. tt decJure lie will compel her In marry the next man with whom h licooma entanpjeii. That nive Pat an idea and site ecrele herself in Warner' riMMii aiKl then end a hint of her eeanide to a society scandal; iater. WJiereuimn Warner, loj ae her reputation, force lal to; marry hi in. I However, he refuse to livet with her, declaring that his vife inut he n real woman, not a flirt J Heartbroken, Pat ail for Pan lo get a divorce. On the lioat she meet Hilly.1 one of her former collepe boy fiance, who lell her thai he is on hi wny to Paris to heal his hallerel heart in wild livinp. Pat, feeliiur lhnthe ha mlnnl Warner' life, and f- anxious to make amend by coltinjt him a divoiw. promise Hilb". half- henrtedly. that he will marry him Inter. i group of sightseer through San Francisco' China I own. In an underground ilauce hall Hetty Comiou enters as n ficlitious queen of a gang of rounler- fcilers. She is in the net of Does Your Grocer H Use Scales? E DOES! Because you expect him to weigh your orders of bulk goods. If he didn't you would assuredly change your grocer. The same thing is true with circulation. During' the last few years Advertisers have not been satisfied to suppose they were getting a certain circulation for their money; they don't want to be merely told, they want to know. They want the circulation measured by a standardized and unquestionable measurement The Audit Bureau of Circulations is the recognized authority for proving circulation. It is maintained as a co-operative organization by the advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers who realize the necessity for businesslike methods in advertising. A.B.C. reports place in the hands of advertisers, essential facts that have been secured and Va rified by a searching examination of the publisher's records You don't need to buy Space by Guess.! You can get the full circulation facts on the Prince, J Rupert Daily' News by referring to the last A.B.C. report which will be gladly furnished by request, : 1 However. Warner, who lia' among thieve. first photoplay since secrels. been ecretly In love with Pat nil; The scene shifts to a fashion-(lleversiujr the theme or l alonjr. hasten lo Pari after her.' able wedding reception, (irif-j parent' sacrifice for a son or lUilh of them Maler find the fith, posing as a detective, hashouihter, ' The Only Woman" linnrl-tin.ken" Itillv toastint: iitatitiued to net himself instauetij lens ine siory 01 n gin who sur- Ihree lienuliful French girls in champagne at a popular cafe and so Pal turn back trvher husband uhd haVplno.. ' CLEVER COMEDY IS MID-WEEK FEATURE Betty Compson and Raymond Griffith Star In "Paths to Paradise "Path to Paradise," featuring Hetty Comjisou and Raymond (Jiiffilh. which is cumins: to'the ii Kuanlian f a priceless neck-, lace to te presented to the hritlc hv her father. Hetly is also in the house a a maid. The-two meet, and there w fireworks. -The; real deleetive arrive, get wiei that there is something funny! going on and chase Itay and Helry all the way lo the Mexican border and back again when they escape with the necklace, under-.'t a change of heart and return them to the safe a second before I lie presentation is made. "Paths to Paradise" is a fast and furious comedy, decidedly offj((,lly rronx jn.mio to 75,000 bush-, me neaieii lrnrK itir urn jiijil. .i of irrain in l ie Doni n on Westholme Theatre, on Wed- nesiUy ami Thursday opens onljHOMAS MEIGHEN ALSO ine M-ene 01 a gutue siiownii; IN TALMADGE PICTURE Leading Nlale Star Is "Extra" In "The Only Woman" Coming at the End of Week "lakiug over nay 'ninui. a Sormn Tnmn,se nm Thomas itkciy looKing snp. actMinung io Melalian bolh have roles in "The her pals. Hay call in a friend,; afler lliey have relieved him of several hundred dollars by a rumple of clever Irlek; the I wo' of thrm flash stars and declare the place under arret. Next firiffith Is found across the street with hi partner dir viding I be itvoney und Jew elry h ii n Jed over as a bribe. Kay's Only Woman," Norma' latest First National photoplay. Meighau recently arrived in Los Angeles ami came over ! Norma' set lo visit with her. Director Olcoll immediately fixed MeiKhan up with a job. Norma was making a scene aboard a yaclil and Meiglian, be came a member of the crew badsn, purposely left behind in MeiKhan jiunpcd into hi role rentiers herself in marriages for her father's sake. j Eugene O'lirien has the lead- ing male. role. Tlie picture will I he al Hie Wesihohne Theatre; next Friday and Saturday. j BIG ELEYATOR AT EDMONTON EMPTY Is Now Ready to Handle 1925 Grain Whenever It Arrives FhMONTO.V. Auk. 10. With ejevator ut Fjlmonton at the week end prospects were that early this week the huge storage bins would all be entity. Not since the commencement of the last crop year has the elevator con tained so little grain, and pro bably never since the first few mouths afler its opening. Last week jaxive! to he an ex-, ceptioually heavy one for sbiii--pi uk of grain from the elevator, and letwccn 300.000 and tOO.000 bushels were loaded into car. for Vancouver. This was chiefly due to e Alice I la t kins tin wheat uinments. as jillowed by thej railway companies expiring al the erwl of the iiHtntlt. One or two lotl grain -(cointianies, however, secured an extension of one month but are expecting to move the dive, tags him as n "San j with such great fervor that 01- pill grain before the end of the ,1'raticJstMi Oh Meter Inspector'ientt told hiin to stick around, and week, thus clcaulmt up the fichu! he's n clever hluh hut crook! I'll build jom'bit up into a good valor for the new crop, who doesn't put any stock In the part j -' inying that there. Is honorl "The Only Woman" is Norma'?1 Advertise In the Dally News i English Broadcloth i.i full range of colors. Fine silky finish. For Slips, Inderwear and Dresses. 38 and 40 inches wide. Hej. It. 00. Sjvectal per yard 80c West of England Store Phone 753. Wood! Wood! Now is your chaiicn DRY CEDAR Full load S0.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks '. , 50o DRV BIRCH Per load S.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 6S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.