yctitl Jroieiv..FMt In Ice off!-Hcrtshel Island After Being Damaged ' U.I., Sepi. 1;'. II ud ii s l',v . . ,nn-r lliiy liuii'i, im !i ill was nnu-iui i , (.v ireim derail. is crpoi ted today lo i' li "X' ti fas i lii ik for hrlp The '. i rtl "(Iff ll i- U- ! U I ldlH lirre Hint "lo v n 1m aide to tuak'-"i" ic. Previous i.'H'i -Hiat the vessel ial hr ' m nide slove in t- a of SO frW and she wa - i-adly. V nn il VKIl. Sept. I.1 Hnd-l;t official wired oiuwa "iusling Ihat overture-lo Washington lo send ' I'd Slnle mller He:r. lukan wnler. lo Ihe 1 ' if llayeliiniw. The oCfi-' iini'd l Kve out a - of ihi- rrrw. but II i I Itn-ir are .13 mei BALL TEAMS AT LUNCHEON Function Qlven by Fair Board Today In Honor of Anyox and Ocean Falls Visitors 'I'ne Anyox haschall and Ocean f'X'Iball teams were guest f 'lie Fair Hoard nl n luncheon : ' was held this aflenioon In Sl llegid Cafe. Afler Hie d hail been enjoyed, inal-nerlalijlnjr lo Uio doveloji-t'f uiler-lown eporl were i-Hi-it. itiiil u plcasuul spirit Jd porlmaiiIilp wnf ox-i'd helwi'uii the repretenta-' 'hi. thriio dlsliicl towns. iicn s.-ir. iiri'sldent or the IVir 1 wan hi the chair, lie re-ll 'in of the dtfViiMillle had heeu mol, tuiavoldahle 11 as the Fair Hoard was ' giuinucd on page six) WORLD SERIES TO OPEN OCTOBER 7 .,. '''HI W1 XIMIIA. Sept. 12. world ehamiilonsliiii scries 'I (uisiMial) (,,ens i, Oetoher 7 m '"' eily winning the National Was unuouueed today. SSUSrLE) SSSSK-X mWW MR. VANAMBURGH i. a uil'V iiiiM'llr.l Hilde student of many year exper-i'iiee. Il' i- a writer on llllili- tiiir and a llilde ptim-ilor f ii"le. You owe II li yourelf to liear I lift ntitltlatiNe li-rloror on n tiilijci'l of wnild inlerosl at tin" lime. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division I. A-i-nal I. l.lerpool I. -i .ii Villa 2, Newcastle 2. Ulackhurn llovem I. West llrom. : limy :', llirmingliam I. I i i inn I. 'loltenliain 1. Ilinldcisficld 1, Canlirf Cily 1. t ir. sirr I. Leeds 3. t,.n.h.-st,T Cily I. Manchosler I niled I. uiis C.ouiity 3. Ilolton 0. Sunderland 0. Sheffield United I. Weslhttm United 8, llurnloy n. Scottish League, Division I. . I.cnlecn :i. Hangers 1. Critic 0. Cowdenhealh 1. iMiudec 2, llamillim 2. Ilcarls ?. I'.lydehauk 0. Kilmarnock 2. Morion 0. Mollicrw.ll IHihernlaus 1. l'arlick J. Falkirk 2. Haiti) lli.vcrs -'. A'irdriiMinlans 1. St. Johiisii'iir 0. Iiundce United 1 S '.Miiri'n :i. iiucrn's I'ark I. LEAGUE BASEBALL National Loanuo Ilrooklyn N Y"rk, SI I ouis 5, I'illshurgh 3. Philadelphia - '" American Leaquo llosion i- WI''"; 5-X.-W ,.rk ?. l'liilailclplua ivli-l "'""' 5' 0- 3. FALL SCHEDULE OF STEAMERS TO START MIDDLE NEXT WEEK The fall M-lieduli for t'.ana-I an National Cat Sirainhiis will i-oiiic into effect next week Kfferthre cwilbbound from il'i'ioee Huprrl on Tliur'day, ,'lur.' will be agrivaltirljii) the, ..'olfi OIF velhela1 nnd Nalur- day fino-nina". awl dearlure r i In- Muth at Hi o'eloek on iTliuicilay and tirnlay oeuiii?. Anvtis will he .ervol wilh Ihe iTid leaving lnre at 10 o'eloek Wednesday evenln?. and Stewart wi!h (he steamer at the Kame . lui Salnnlay nlplit. Ttif Prince t'liarle will run weekly lo Alaska out of Prinn-Huprii, leaving on dnesdav ; inionoonK in 4 o'eloek and re-'uniiiiy Sunday rvfiim at 0 ( Arriving rr iii I lie nouth a u.ual i Mi-xi Monday mrninK. I'rinrr jl'.liarle will ornei'ivl to Apynx mid s;wart, ilimmalin Anyox iii I lie ri lui n. and le hack here edrienlay innrnm? in lime lo larl for Alaiika. After the present oyase of Ihe Prince John, that vessel will serve Ihe Islands liy iLMVinp here on alternate Saturday night .n-stead or Monday oinlits as at preenL PLANE HELD UP AT ALERT BAY BY FOG Aecordinj! to a telegram re ceived last niglii oy t reii MorK. M.P., from hi. son, Hooplas, who was a passenger Soulh yesterday with David Thomson till the Iiurentide Air Service flying hoal, the big plane reached Alert Hay yesterday afternoon and there slaved over on account of fog. The telegram indicated that it was Ihe intention lo continue the. flight to Vancouver today. STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked. H. 0. Silver HO 1.15 Daly Alaska 1 .22 Duuwell .v.... 1. 10 2.00 L. nnd L .20 .21 Lucky Jim .15 .I5H l'remier 2.25 2.35 Silver Crest .13 Surf Inlet 00 :o9j 'rermlnus .30 Howe Sound 21.00 tilaoier 26 VI .28' llaellon .02 ,v. ...u... .0t'4 Marmot ...... .12 I'orler Idaho .ly - .2f Silver Sinilh .23 i .25 H Clailsloiie .. .... -..i 2.00 2.08 Hnfus .18 Orauliy 17.00 Indian 01 .0(1 Selkirk 01 .0U(, Uayview 05 M- I'HILADKLI'HIA, Sept. 12. America w ins I lie tennis cliamiiionsliip of Ihe world. Yeserday Williams and llieliards beat l.aroste and ltoroia in doubles, thus securing Ihe Davis Cup for tiio I'nited Slates for Ihe sixth successive year. The match was decided in three straight -sets. C 4 . T if . Boston Grill 25 main t fee Cream goes with dinner Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. ttuU,n' '';'; floor for hire. siana noyai noiei, jra Ave NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8t. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIPECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper yi if, XV. SO. 21' PHINCK HlTKKTv H.U., SATl'HDAY, HKl'TKMHBIt 12. 1025. Y..t.rdtyt circui.tior. lew str.tt ut.t ses PRICE FIVK CENTS. MONTREAL ELECTRIC STORM WAS FIERCE FRED STORK NOMINATED AT LIBERAL CONVENTION TO CONTEST RIDING 'r" Cyclonic Storm Hits Montreal and Causes Half Million Damage One life lost and number injured when city is struck by electric disturbance and deluge of rain MOYrilBAU Sept. 12. Pre. cded by hii hour of tenn-: "if n pbIii a Hit electro- -lurm, whirh almonl amounted (o idhur!, dowoiidcd upon Mon I mil yesterday afternoon. T were uprooted and Ihe windswept street became literall in- of water. Th .lorni wit of cyclonic proportions causing niiieh eon- and a general fopMige of business in Hie city. One man; t. Miid ami tt iiumlier of person were injured wliife Ibe pro-i t. d, image t intimated at nol v-- Hi half j million dollar-; Mtr ditriH. ; th'-ide Hit i y . building were wicked md or h irds and r -a g rops destroyed. ! BAYCHIMO CREW CALL FOR HELP MILL SITE FOR DOCKS VANCOUVER Harbor Board Makes Two and a Half Million Dollars Purchase of Property VANCOUVER, Sept. 12 The sale of the Hastings Mill site to the Vancouver Harbor Board Is officially announced today, the consideration being $2,-450,000. A new mill will bo constructed at Moodyvllle at a cost of a million dollars and on the old site the harbor board plans the construction of new docks and railway terminals. NOMINATED LAST NIGHT. Fretl Stork,, who for third time was i Iiosen by Liher uis as slamlaril hearer in Dominion campaign. 4 AMERICAN WINNER DAVIS CUP EMBLEM TENNIS CHAMPIONS N0THFR FIRP AT I OUllllill I II1U ill RIIRNS I AkT TAm uuonu uniiu inuuj Iheir GARAGE AND A CAR Hl'UNS LAKE. Sent. 12. The garage of Short and Mclnnis, known as the Short Cartage Co.. was destroyed by fire last night. One car was lost. j No other buildings were near l enough to be damaged. EIGHT DEATHS OTTAWA. Sept. 12. Kicht deaths yeslerday in F-aslem Canada resulted from train, automobile an. I drowning accidents. Sharks Followed Wrecked Plane Which Sailed Fifty Miles a Day Until Picked up by a Submarine HONOLULU., Sept. 12. Cammander Hodgers. issued uti of ficial statement telling of events connected with the plane that was missing for U days before being picked up by a submarine, states that he was 50 miles from the fuel ship when forced down. lie made a perfect landing and afler alighting rigged a sail from the fabric of the lower wing. In this way he made oil miles u day. and when rescued had sailed approximately 100 miles. Seaplane survivors tell story of sharks following the disabled craft most of the lime. "The big fellows trailed us day after day, always waiting for choice bit of human flesh," one member slated. W. E. VAN AMBURGH Secretary-Treasurer and Member of the Hoard of Direclors nl the Watch Tower Hible and Tract Society, New York Cily WILL LECTURE In the- Wostholmo Theatre on Sunday, September 13, 7.30 p.m. Subjoct: 1925 In Prophecy and Fulfilment," Stork Was Nominated . at Liberal Convention Held Here Last Night Delegates from interior points say that good majorities will be rolled up for nominee of party Fred Slork was last night nominated to contest Ihe constituency of skeena in tlie Liberal interest for the third time. The nomination was unanimous, nu olher name being mentioned. Olof Hatisou of Srnitliers, presided after being elected president of Ihe Skeena District Liberal Association, prior lo that Ihe chair being occupied by Colonel Mc.Mordie, who was chosen vice-president. After the eonveulioii the ileiegates, me majority oi wnom were from out of town points, vere the guests of the local Liberal Association at a banquet in the St. Hegis Cafe, where a number of c ur intulalory ad-, druses were jriven an delegates from a number of $?ntre ex-, orese the iiini"ii that Mr. Slork' would secure good major-' die in Iheir districts. ' Old of H8 vol ins centres 120 were trprei'euled at the meeting, eilhei Jiy ofwxy or by delegate., first duly of Ihe gallferfTIk Two and a Half Million Shipped was lo organize, which they did; Thursday and Equal Quantity officers beinc elected a follows:, t0 0 Next vVeek linn, rres., iiigui non. Mackenzie King. Hon. Vice-President, Hon. J Oliver. President, Olof Hanson. 1st Viee-presidrtt, Col. S. J. Mc.Mordie. 2nd Vice-president, Pete tor-l rigau. See.-Treas, II. F. Olassey. Frectitlve to c.uisisl of the lresidents of all .local Prior to nomination a resolu-' SALMON EGGS STUART LAKE FROM LAKELSE TKItltACF!. Sent. ll'. II. (L JOhll l',..,.vfii..l mtiit'tfrA. i-,f Ilia Slllnrl Iakc hatchery was in town this week in eonneclion with the Ihe shipping of salmon eggs from Lakele hatchery to the one at Stuart Lake. Some two and a half million eggs were shipped ion Inursilay and it Is expected an eipial quantity will be shipped next week. T. Kalon of Ihe locil ; hatchery staff was In charge of , the shipment. nop wa passeo lueo.-niT ui (: w Harrislon. Vancouver, nominee to carry out as far as iu!iUH.Uir of hatcheries, who has possible the wishes or local ''r-;L.n af Lakpht iaichery. left on sanitations. Thursday Tor Stuart Lake where The nomination of Fred Slork, , m .mrnlpI1,i ijie dislribo- was moxc.1 by II. F. Kerpin of;Uon of ,h), a,mon vf,g Alice Arm, wito sam tiiai uie; . member had done1 a lot of uood work. While in baseball tonus it was not always possible to make a hit, Mr .Stork's hattins'j average had been very high. He believed the convention would do well to nominate him and the dis-j trirl to elect him. The nomina-i lion was seeojided by S. J. Mayer, of Smithers. Some discussion then arose In connection With the Yukon, telegraph Hue and a few local matters in various places in which I delegates were interested and Mr. Slork was asked several Iqueslions. A motion by L W. iPatmore that nominations close was withdrawn and every opportunity was uiven for discussion before Mr. Stork was declared to be Ihe nominee of Ihe parly- Mr. Stork, who FINE GALENA NEAR TERRACE Assay of Ore Gives Big Values In Silver, Gold Lead and TFIUlACi:. Sept. 12. Specimens oT galena brought from Tlioruhill Mountain to Terrace land exhibited at Iheotfice of I Fred Nash, laud surveyor, are attracting- a lot of attention here. The discovery was mado by William Dald. a veteran pros, pector. Assaysw llie ore show viiints nf :t do in' 'iiiil :u'i.r was received, ounces in silver 'anil ol per cent wil enlhusiasm. Ihanked thejlead. convention for the nominationi The specum-iM are said to bo and promised to do his best tojthe finest eer found in the dis-desene Ihe confidence that had'triel. and il is Ihouaht will been i!acel in him by the elecl- l'iinn Thoinlnll Mountain lo the irs who had now chosen him a. alien! ion of mining men. Iheir standard bearer three limes, ir,! ARRIVED SAFELY AT llll- CM. II'KI5 ilir MI'I1' U SIllllPI- uous repast was provided. Dinner Speeches Al the dinner President Han i son again welcomed Ihe delegates, QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY YESTERDAY and said he was pleased la fee Hying Officer A. H. Hull in that all the sections of ho eon- flying boat UN arrived at Queen sliluency were representi'd. He 'Charlotte Cily yesterday afterr liked exeryope lu hae a say andjmon at 1:25, having covered the-then w hen they hud exprr?edi I HI miles helween Dlgby Island themselves to work together and. and that point in one iour and eleel their man. jflfly-five minutes. Flying OffU II. F. Kernin urged unity ofcer Hull will remain al the l-piirposi an. I detPrininal ii-n to'lands onhl Hie rlose of Ihe Ma-'inn! in ;d on page lwt I sou on f:- pairol tlul e