' ee SPORTS ROUND- UP | today is notning taking over in soccer conscious public sat long coming. season string of Middlesbrough's rhe Expert Soccer Player Resigns in Disgust By EDWIN 8S. JOHNSON Joe Harvey their tripe fish c¢ out fitter, Cant. Joseph Lachance (second from left) d bass caught in the St. Lawrence river among the yme as large as 12 and sometimes 19 pounds (CP PHOTO) and the team’s in- tightened and disciplh Press Staff Writer ide forward, Len Shackelton, ures enforced were match int int LONDON—Wher : ‘ sbrougi nounced dropped for one leagu Th acti ha ee] taken anotl 1er game that went club spokesman said, to unde! column score the principle that honoring of other clubs have the rules and playing the game that player rules will be is more impot than winning ¢ ears and l. Jack said he eaving a sport t ) keenly compe a : ; h ce NEW YORK (¢ ght Jersey Joe Walcott, having commercialized be given a ( a chase a l pate, y at all costs It i To the man in charg 4) oldtin Le | failure was almost certa yoint 7 at } aun veteran Normar as t veadl severed connection with W break 1er Oo but t a tol f sett can wheres fard on the s of his it champion ly for t romwich Albior 1 y rvi lor now 18 32 years on the club rector- |S Tree A hot. But that’s the way ate. it has to be g a death sentent a. he a3 DIRECTOR QUITS ayoff He charged that directors were in the spirit that ther s too much he meddling in team managem and that the wrong men t¢ be B Keenly aroused, the iWaited the next move. It in't man fo x ing Club asked It ain’t going m7 Ds indoors, for certain, un- Australian Slams they r tadium or it won't be that Miami.” oe Where do la , eam | ine to put « winte r the And it hit directly at Jack's Asked how “victory at all costs” indict jthe contract ment, a challenge which ironi- | fighters cally came from Middles cott a brough, the club he had man day aged for the last eight years. plainer Riding the cre I ways return fighting for the agus Ke ad, It bination was del out of gear when time were idelined training rules STIFF PENALTIES other th 1 pl I iid whic retur that winter is on the figures to improve Per By GAYLE TALBOT returned from the shortest retirement on record, will oa to win back his title from Rocky Marciano and it will draw close to $1,000,000 at the hat will not be until about next June, igh break for the? iethal blow, a large number of ing in, for at hi ill afford the long us the new young een knocking out old women haps it is a bad| pnoey he promoters too a a4 when a return gu ficial damage, and their type you think we're go yn a fight like that r time?” A spokes ir International Bo> oof over Yanker S g . . . sa nit ave British Cooking kind of rough in LONDON @ Writing in the about the clause in| Journal f the British Associa- signed by both! ™ of Teachers of Domestic . cae Scie: € slosber in Aus h guarantees Wal “4 ee ats mn bout -Within go; =") SV clenee teacht ie ILB.C. employee ex Ma, Aes serves its repu- that the old firm al omises a champion 1 rloste he pent ix out within 90 days month toul lany of the always in the contract,” | country s 1 ts and hotel but inythir Probably any difference one way or the as Al nintere The of course it doesn’t ater ationing has little to do with t tandard. “The food offered to the travelling public it doesn’t make ol he whole monotonous, ig if its the winte game old codger The playet ‘¢ a nhi from Camden isn’t ever going Tom Blenkinsopp a1 he i ; to win his ationalist lf Mannio1 q| Marciano—not after that ter be belt | The scar of that one remain if he fights un vi asked Yr “Opin'on. on rible chin must th li Without their services, Mid in the dlesbrougi: lost its next game Tha 1-0 to Stake, It was the team’s n t ur will next mig 1 ee first setback of the season, a delivered in loss which sent it skidding five |e difficult places in the Jeague standing. | Wasn't r disciplinary a n wa cott’ oughly ber having b When alibre that recollection close hit Just PHONE 210° FOR % Appliance Repairs % Electrical Wiring, power or lighting % Commercial or Domestic Refrigeration Service or 1 an before title back from 1e caught in hi he more than le preparation of lad. poultry ill be gunshy vegetable | iid lack of imagination and the ame mon t well have been Otony 1 vwiere yunch as ever w B the ring It would! 4Wa 4% the poor standard,” she to prove that 1. “They have had it $0 long a man of Wal- "ey l accept it as a mattel is chilled so tho yur he doesn’t remen | ver a riod vears their een hit and has no| P@t ave ome dulled and of anything for | Uaccu med to tasty food.” hour, he has been} “ een In Rocky threw the Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C expert it ringside had become onvinced that the Brockton Block Buster was something of dud and that he must have thought they had seen Walcott with everything in arsenal for 12 rounds without doing more than super- writer fingers were itching to Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 30, 1952 Sea-Caught Rocktish Make Good Eating, Fair Sport By ERIC S$. MARTIN There appears to be very considerable misun- derstanding of the names of some of.our more com- monly caught types of salt water fish. All of us are familiar with the “Rock Bass,” or is it the “Rock Cod,” or maybe it is just a “Kelp Fish” that comes in various colors? e Now let us get this straight Ni Aides, pov Magy ty These fish are of the genus fair Ge oe oe Sebastodes and there are more! !eti! — on Silias ti than twenty species of them in f se he m«¢ ae the North Pacific, and their} Still Do not try ig oe correct title is “ROCKFISH” HOUL CRs Hee with usually a color defining : ® adjective preceding. Most of r , ie those that annoy the trollers { ; o a ae are Black Rockfish and Orange) !}*! oy hos aes Rockfish, in general conforma- | *h« om , a a tion they are remarkably sim of a pret b ien brown ith a ilar to the fresh water Small} cont Ve ree fin, small Mouth Black Bass moult 1 large oe al fins istaken for a But they differ in fighting} wt: Maanetadie tactic t the “K $ - acti in hat the Rockfish in n the frying pan variably bores down for deeper water when hooked, while the fresh water Bass does much of his battle in the air. In any use, you will find that theses Rockfish are some of the finest eating ybtainable, yarticularly : i ( 1 I 1 var sel er} » catch a larger than when skinned and filleted. Do 7 ; : 1 id with alternating not throw them back in disgust ’ ' ’ iarkings on the ook and enjoy them , ‘ d rick] i { 1 { i in ric Kie al + + + } Ki i Ove i Vill be prop tarry Floundet i treat! + good eating wings of the you are lucky Then come the ubiquitou Bullhead.” These fish are prop fis) ae ae erly called Sculpins and come inj, “ . cen ga varying degrees of ugliness and | y . a Be prickliness, and they concern ’ uae a atonsiil most cooks not at all. The ,, rh will nrovide ‘plen- smooth-skinned, olive- green and ; ; . { grownups and Go to it! + + ream colored fellov’ who bris tle out his gill covers und cheeks to display a pair of min iture antlers, is not really s« ue \ eport on yme intimidating after all. His 1 1} A t rought to town makes a durable and readilv ac t to use because cepted bait for bottom-fish, be i been taken after sides being quite wholesome fo : be sure to hand mankind, although we have no y the head and in- need to use him as food, being!" i Nance of sweet so. bountifully upplied with) ™° ) Frosty’s” daily ra- ther more attractive fish Hi ) on the treatment of name is Cabezon ' i woodland meat +} + .] ! nn more notice of Other local fish 1 id ee be made much n e of ; 41 Ed. Martir nd al the kitchen, are Tomeod | ‘ game irde:is throughout and the Greycod th 1 the p n re rightfully seek Gadidae : n o-operatior of the These are easily distinguish-| , ts. Each warden is making able because all the true God cetailed reports on the amount have three dorsal fins, and aj°m? Kind of game and _ birds, re taker barbel ‘a sort of whisker) b ken. length of time the lwunter sper 1 s eh hodth the centie Of. tha. lower ite pent in taking his quar } : he ters ae jaw. It should be remembered ,?’ hunter’$ opinion as " © Whether there is a scarcity that the Tomcod rarely grows : S a scarcity bigges than twelve inches, an ' ide of game in the nth while there are other character oe ecently covered istics which differentiate hin re than likely that from the Cod, the most notice e ve uch overworked game} y ible is the position of the vent. ™ irden will not happen. to con- which is immediately beneath '@¢t you, but do yourself a fayor the forward dorsal fin in the '% the future and make your |Tomcod. and below the middie °%" 'eport to his office These dorsal fin in the Cod (Continued on page 6) DRIVE IN TODAY FOR A CHECK-UP We won't tag vour car “OK for winter unless we're certain that it will perform right through the cold months, under the worst winter conditions. Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 EXTRA GRIP SNOW AND MUD TIRES THE DUNLOP DEALER IS READY TO SERVE YOU NOW taken from our | Earthquake Recorded at Victor; VICTORIA ®-—A moderately strong ea, ri to have originated under the Pacific Ocea; Islands, Was recorded by the Dominion tory here. Local observatory officials ; trouble prevented exact timing of the mately 1:38 p.m. PDT Wednesday. “quake oft the ae trophys Said while quake TO BROADWAY Peter Dyneley, 31, husband of Katharine Hep colon burn in Bernard Shaw “The Millionairess.”” Dyneley, known to audiences of the Montreal repertory company as Peter Gy tain Mo an Hes White, Sey (CP Photo) Mrs. Jim Coleman Puts on Blue Bonnet Reports it Best! blended to satisfy the taste of British Columbians. Try it! You'll like Captain Morgan | ‘ It’s richer, robust, full-bodied... i i Black Label Rum, 1 Fully Aged in Smell Ock Cosks te Be, — Captain Morgan M rs. 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