K.-pfemne.' il, 5ari bly on Egle Brand il jcu :nnot nur him. Do pri experiment with looJt ami i ; thetllh, may Le hit life t f jf (.7 jrf r Eazfe Brand ha the leading infant food. V te (or frro helpful Baby Welfare Book The Borden Co. Limited 54 VAMCOUUra Do Your .Eyes Bother You? MipiiHjr installed iiMHlprn optiral I'lii. added to s ..f experience f fr., twd with i:ire of Jutki I kul -. - Jiirit graduated optical od- . ..iiver. places u V 'pti' ll.lll) iTOod lake care of .' : mhi'- . ..mUi"- wr at "i nfthpal irlf nurf jtui the ifanlton. Lnei Ground on tho Premise John Bulger Jeweller. Blfl Aisortment of Finest Quality Silk, Satin Veivet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, 1.1 reasonable prices West of England Store Phone 753. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS T Laundry of Poraonal Sofvlce, Phone No. 8. Flnlshod Laundry, wct Wash; Thrlft-T-Servlce, sft Finish, A"d Dry Cleaning. Nv arc ready nt nny tlmn ' r"''lo your plmim call, 11 lko your Instructions, to ai'?' pers.uml cliargn uf )l,Uf luundry and Dry ' li'.ning KwJ ,i f ",0 M"' Ftoet which ! the MS? I Og illlll llPiivy ttV.llll.T . . , , ,,. deep-sen ground an. I in ur-iniuuling waters Iiiivp been Hip emic of light halibut ;,,i.,t. tin- week. SHii.nii.-i - I,,, iKMiirh lit make fn.ii I,, loii-pfiiipiire benefit toil ti re. i iNinu good pi-ii-i'o mi Mip 1 ih Lxclmnge fur lml h fu mid mv-nd .la-. call-lie, all liotiuli flu j American liavp had the bettor "i 'in' iic.'ii in Hiit :ap. dio. TaliHih. Western, May, lla-Ilroiliprs and llrisk. All Talk Huntjnn It all Hie fellowe get mil with url iiui ami kim hhiio-iwiiik nolhliig left. I'aip is talking ,.f returning lo Prince, ituperu walrs Mand in ,. tr-.ii' tland Voiiw, SIW rUl ii.,,,, hoa-i.Tly ali Wfh water, mark f..rn nrai ImlidrHl TpH. tniih' r 1,... i a h.-i marknl Xn. .K.; lhoW .i.,.it in ,'hiB mure fir Ipsa. In low (ii.r iixit: 0sm- .Krthpiprl.v al"B ........ li: theiM. . . . Im.m In iMllllt " ml ."..iila tiiiif ,v, nn...- . - . A0l" lUIITISII COM'MBIA I'ACklXU 0O. LTD. At leant rrr .Vlier E. Wklker. Ap-nu paled lulv tlln. tm i....i. ih. ore LAND ACT. Notlca of InUnUon lo Applf to Purthaia Lanct. In the t.nml n..ngillnt PIMrlfl ef rrlnre li.urt. nil iiuat al gtjatwMjn iu TkK ViTtCK tttal 0or Mlllerjl, tin -mil of Van.t.nver US-. rrt..iUon Ml- S!i"in t esnhav. Ih hol6lii rif - ' r.l"n. eJ! ninVf ur lew. fn." V,V n.s-theat y roriwr l.;t 1l (J-- tti.1i i I'-ilii'i Hienee "oiith rtialnji in riiam.. more or lea.. l ,w ""T tt.-.i ' ...... ....in. itkinilirlti of riMmwnfeinenl, ami "''Vn. ! ' 1 .L .-i.. imii. or lea ronu.n.n. . - M ;unn I.IMITFP. Aillrant Per Will. o. Mllrlirll. Aient IHIM lnl Oi " . LAND ACT. Nolle of isuntlon to Appl, lo Purcha.a rv'llrlr thai l'rl-irs l.jn.lte.j .T.?V. ee 11 lllir .ln , 111 ' ' . ' nierrwn. Inten.l irf I'm 1ur, i u lt Ai.i.Y rr IT''"; HW,"'arfeSr.lMea M ihe Coin cii.ii...nnnit nii'h('lli l SV,i'l!,v.r, ...'..,,.. ,r"V 1111 M l " . H..rtii.;t "s-oer ;p; rillll' raimi' (" ;.' '..:..,. 11, .urn went r file five rive. ..mill itiirt . ' , ,.',, plain rhalna. foriv .IMIU-. ",i'r mark: Iheriee .f ill ii ......, ,, . ar.T BH.e mmll IIHIK I" imini nlaliiinir cltlity t.lMITHI, AtiPiictnl, A.D.. !. 1MB. Diled AUIUH gaine than the actual pilot, Mr tialdwell. That some ladies re fueed to so up unless Mr. Saint fixed the helmet ts a well-known the artillery lhi ensou who! fart, and il wa doubtless u talk laal Why, Hw deer. geese!great aul lo the flying men lo ami -lurk are in for oiiip exit ing I sine. Jiecr hunting opens on Saturday, Septemwer 12. while the duck huniing come in on Seplemlier li, Walerfntot con- dave such the Job. a willing worker on Schooner lleiuune, owned by Jack Hradliury and Hon Velf, is eralion among the naullcals joif the tlr.vilock afler undergoing coiisianlly circles aroiind past a general overhaul. Among Hie jfpal with the rifle and gun, and .fixings nn Ihe various ga.lgiU is ,Mhal wonderful exploits Uteia new Afwaler - Kent ignition game can look lor tins year. ; system, taaiaiieii ny 1.0ms Aina- j'Hie main thing cmslo, be to Ho. The Hethune left porl yes terday ttflemoon for (Jucen Ifore (Upl. Ab, tue wonder shot j Charlotte Islamls lo continue 1 olherwisp there . .poeking ojieralions not roper, 1 may .. 1 The general ulility powei boil Lifter filliiiK eiigageiaeuls ill Ihe Xnnardi, Capt. 11. i a in 111 on, , . ... 1 ! which ha been LAND ACT. Netk of lntntln to Apply lo Liait tint In crow Iimw! Unci Her.mun W-irtri of l,iim-r'ioiM'ri. ami sltuatr tiw, MHiihKr.t IhM' .t Wai ! uh1. 11 :.. iirtt twra iiMwur iruul miliar imn, wni w " ,.!. I.Uml I I, Sllilao 1-laiHl TAkt .MTli:E that Antlo lirltlli (1 ; uml.ia I'arkinc rmnisiny l.lniitril, -t VaiH'.uirr, IL1 ., urrujtalliin I'atkir. In-irmt i" it'i ir a R"m of iim folfc.w- inr iltrifril lanl;-- 1 1 .rtiMurnHiii at st planleit It tTi alrr n.aik. Uip koUimI Mt or bntlMon niiffiiHin bMrint tmtrina tmrin imnn Mtrk lUaaa ind tn ejigageil this son son in log-lowing, is on the drydoek for scraping and The mission boat Northern Cross, skipiMred by Canon Jlush-brook, has been on Ihe Wifd ways for repaiuling and general overhaul I his week. Exhibited at Fair Angelo r.uslachio, who has been truck farming on the Queen Charlotte Islands fur the past meu'iMiiit ruimtrni ret.ioii years in Ihe vicinity ofltrad rnn,'il '.rk, arrived in Ihe cilyon Monday aboard his iHiwer boat, bringing in several varieties of garden luff for exhibition al Hie fair. Angelo left porl on Ihe return trip yesterday and in- Itettds lo return at an early dale with some three or four hundred head of cauliflower for Ihe local market. A 14-pound Trout? Yes. sir, il was a I l-pouml trout and Micro is no mistake annul it, because Ihe integrity of Ihe angler cannot be .denied. Mr. and Mrs. Unite Walker took a parly of anglers In Shawallans Lake over last week end, and a very enjoyable lime was liadby all as the schoolboy said in his letter when Idling of his first encounter with the strap. Kvery-liody angled, but possibly not In Die rigid spot. Mrs. Walker, on return to the Yacht Club, was telling Sheff, (be genial assistant commodore, all almul. Ihe exploit, Sheff being the Whiffs man's source of Information. The lady angler slated, 'without llm glluhlesl signs of emotion, "I caught a Iroul weighing 1 1 pounds, which was enough In feed the entire parly without any afler.s moaning pie . Sheff says he can t Lcllcyo it yet. Dut titb datey Hnvrj wlin would dare lo. deny it? Jon Crerar and Jack Lindsay jhavc gone on a hunting trip over; ilhe week nil on the former's gnshoal Inlander in an effort to' I bo Hi- f i rjt hunter of Hip s,ea-( ,on In bring lionif Hip bacon. 1 hey arp expecting fireworks al iPnrchcr Island. f'tirmneru Itni'pn W n li n a I, Gape Spencer and While Lily have been on' ty? Ward ways jlhi wppk for. repafjrilinj;. 1101II1 for Hip express purpose of' '"""uncli Slorliglitskippered Improving t,at (,. Bam n.,,'bfT owner, Jack Hlnfnn, left port always ;il Hip move. fault for keeping on S. li,.n-i I.yrtpkil, Capt. I'pIp Ipiihpd. arrived in port on Wed-MPHiJay Willi 5,000 pound of dog aImou from Cttmshewn Inlet. 'J.C.I., fr Hip Sommcrvillc can- '"'y. Cap reports Hip doirs are Wi ll in-1 ln-vlnHlitff tn rim U'i.ll in 'h- iiiilpr weather, heavier .ir-jthat dulrieL v I ar. anticipated. The Paehena, Capt. if . . , , . .... .IIIIIHUI, M...,day heing Labor . lay and arrived from Maeanlav mt n. a Imliday. lite l-'inli Kxrhanifp .h.l llankn Mand diMricI .Wednesday ni 11 pi ion. hip heatilifnliHriprnoon with 3,000 p(,undf of w a'lo r prevailinir was fak. n.poh,... dojr and hump for the I'm- .i.iwiuiaup 01 ny me nauiii-ai.Snuiprville eaunery. iii' M in porl, their relative and, 1 - " ".Li.. hPvr(1 nauliraU took I The adtent of cool niBIilR ha 10 1 he air fnr a change andlheeu the niirnal for pnitin.r nrt (horoiitthly enjoyed eeing Hip1 Hip ean at the Salt Lakpu and Mimmndlng eounlry tbroujfh tlie ponwipiently regular lanneli pye or a lorrt. Jluwevpr. tire hpdiilp havp I.ppii panpn...i niajorily. of fiaiiernien look in Only a few oX the more intrepid hip i.aiMir nay ponn, wihip IiuIIiptm are uin2 Hip lake now ioiIp a few made Hip dav Hi H-eainn for picnicking and e- Alex. Make a Hit ploniiK ih the iiwny Ueul beawiy There wouhl have been no joy " ifr Hip ladle taking flights on 'Labor Iay in the big Virkers Arrivals 1 Viking Veaplane if the manlv !.'. .11 I. .... "in iiirnw; nMin inn 11 r ri- nailtl OI ,iei. aill. Hie KO-Cp Hay nooa the follownm lMai ter at tae Prince lltipert Mont had mark led rakdieH during Ihpjhouee, had not been there lo fix wek: Canadian liiiipriPii'.)ieiii Up with Uie helmet and loodte. Mayflower, White Lily, i guggle. Alex. wa at the float . a-ii. a a nine era Mmtn, iiutreu 11.. ail nay ana was constantly in Kutipr, Hoar Hpit, Proerily A., demand by the ladies to ilo the Point May, Aiken, la nay K , AHi,jneeary fixing of helinH ami anil erali. other gear npeemary Ui a flight AoM-riean Hi Oil I. HWan. Slar,,atnwng the clouds. It is prob- Allen. Daly, Majealir, leiii rai. able I ha I Alex, cervnl an ap i.liuin. June. Augusta. Prosper- nrentiebip to this form of land flying and was more adepl at the ypfderday at noon having nhoard Huhprt Ward and (lliarlip Kvitt on a trip to WpIcoiiip Harhor lo visit Mm, Ward'H fou Harry and a parly of friends who are holi- Jayitijr tlipre. The StarliKhl will reluni lo port on Tnpday. r The 20 h,p. Itelh Iutrh) en gine has lieen Inslalled in lhe new llavmiiller ti)-oil halibut boat recpnlly eompleled at the McLean yards. The deeking and buildiiiK of the pilot -hou.e i now, being proceeded vvilh. Schoorter Vorna, Gapt. P. 1'hompton, i on Uip McLean wa for repainting and general overhaul. ' Launch Wake, flapt. M. L. Clarke, arrived in porl Thurs'- lay morning from tiporgpl own sawmill bavins alioard Mr. anil Mrs. Martin Miller, A. Wooi- linuiip ami l. Nelson who are In town lo see the lair. I he party is rpturninz lo the null today. Davp Thomson, Hie nickel ju; gler for the Akertorg-Thnmson Inleresls, fleil lo Vancouver on the Viekers-Viking seaplane yesterday. Dave has been in train ing for some time, and spending his spare time climbing up lad ders and telegraph pole to get accustomed to high altitudes. Tugboat P.ll.T., Capl. Harris Kerr, of the Iliisttby lowing fleet, was up to the (ieofgelown mill on Wednesday and brought don two scowloails of lumber. The semvs enntuined Iwo cars of lumber for shipment easl via the C.N.H., and lumber for the Itig May yards. Grizzly Hunters Mr. and .Mrs. L X. ,cson of Price, Utah, who arrived in Ihe city on Wednesday aflernoon, lefl on one of the Prince llu-pert Jtoatliousc launches on Thursday iiiorninsr on a grizzly bear hunt which will take them 150 miles down the coast. Mr. Nelson, who is eonneoled with the First .National Hank in his home town, expects Ip be away for some days. Dr. Lenvitt and son; and Dr. Pressey, of California,, recently returned from n, grizzly lytnt in the same looalijy and liroucht back one of the. largest grizzly hides ever to lie seen in Hie north. Dr..Leavitt wa5,.o pleas ed with his trip thai lie has promised lo repent Ihe perform ance ucxl year and to firing a larger party. Jack Cook ha recently pur chased from Capt. Krclium the laiincu Joy mm, wnicti ne 11a Iippii iiiprntiti'r iluriniZi Llie sum mer In connection With the. Northern Construction Com pany s work. TERRACE NOTES Miss Slmone Do Fontaine left on Wednesday for lluperl, where she will enter SI. Joseph's Acad emy and continue her school studies. I Miss Sylvia Tafl was a pas senger to I'rtnce unpen on Wednesday. t Mrs. Hallowed lefl for Prince Hupert on Wednesday I visit her daughter, Mrs. Holier! de If Troubled With Diarrhoea V0U SHOULD UK IT WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT RELIEF Tills YfduaLlo preparation haa heea on the markrt for the poM nighty yean, and holda a reputation, second to none, for the relief if all ixiwtJ oouiphurU Mwiufactured only I5y The T. Mil-(jura Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, Are You Strictly Up-to J)ate? CVERY day new inventions appear to save " you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. , Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. ' The advertisements tell you where to get these things, how lo gel them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Dont rob yourself of the benefib that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too important lo be missed. Read it every day. Kergonimeaux, who is a patient in the Prince lUipert tieneral Hospital. Miss Florence Vanderlip is a visitor lo Ihe Prince Hupert fair this week. A. Y. Wilson, Hetno, local manager of the KItsum Kalnm Timber Co., accompanied by Mr. Lacey, New York, and Mr. Tucker, Vancouver, .spent several (lays this last week Investigating Ihe timber holdings of the com pany al Kalum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. yMcKay, who have sinl Ihe summer al Kaluiu Lake with Mrs. McKay's 1110I her, Mrs. Coale, came into lown tin Thursday. Wm. McCubbin, Vancouver, is registered at llie Terrace Hotel Mr. Manuel, (J.T.P. auditor, is in lown on official business Mn connection wilh his department. J as. H. Lilliro, Vancouver, a shareholder in the Kalum Lake Mines Ltd., is visiting Terrace and intends to visit Ihe mine, nt Knluiu Lake before leaving. Mrs. Dan MrKinnon and Mrs. V. Soucle are in Hupert for tho fair, going down on Wednesday Mrs. Felix de Kergonimeaux, her son Hubert, ami her son-in-law Paul Waiz, relumed on Wednesday from Ilazellun, where Mrs. Walz was buried on John Smith, sou of Mr. and Mrs. .Muriln Smith had his first train ride Ihe other day when he went to lluperl lo see Ihe sights at Ihe lluperl fair. John Is a guesl at the home of J. II Thompson while in liuiiert. W. Warner, lineman from Kalum Lake, is In town and reg- It's a profitable practise istered at the Tourist Hotel. .N. J. Oden, Usk, is renewing acquaintances in lown. E. J. Hardy, Prince George. is a business visitor in town and is staying at the Tourist Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Wood cock, were in lown on ts. A. Woodland of Prince was in town this week. Hilly Vanderlip made a trip lo Hupert this week to inlerview officials of ihe Workmen's Com pensation Hoard in connection with his injured hand. Stanley Olson is in Hupert this week nt tending the fair. Mrs. Smith, Vancouver, mother of Mrs. L. H. Kenney. arrived in town on Wednesday lo sjiend some lime with her daughter. Mrs. Hattie Smith, sister of J. K. (iordoti of Ihe Terrace Hotel, arrived back in lown on Wednesday after a three weeks' visit with friends in Portland, Ore. Mrs. llaudeiiscliild is in Hu pert this week visiting friends. Miss Opal Cassells is spending a holiday in Hupert. Jack Hell of Lakelse Valley left this week for Viclorin, where he hopes to raise some money on some very good looking ore which he has ben displaying. Kd. Midland, Hold. Corlell and F. Holder, in charge of the Terrace district exhibit lo the Hit- H'rt fair, are In lluperl. I Fish caught I his spring are not so large as the ones caught lust spring, but they will be by next spring. Iota Register Kindling! When you are buying kindling why nol gel something thai will start the fire in, a liurry? We handle only thtf best there is "Bone Dry Kiln Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you get value. Full load $6.00 or nicely tied bundles, 5 for $1.00. Our Taxi number is easy to remember, "112", and "Service" is our mollo. If you use our cars loday you will use them again. BOo Is our charge day or night 'all the "time." Dray work of nil kinds nltended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S8.00 Half load .. 93.00 Largo sacks ... ... . . BOo DRY BIRCH Per load ?6.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone S80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. 1