CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrltt-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to take your instruction., to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. II J I I AIM II I . IBs? Ml ' Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Slore and Office Fixtures. Rand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing, (lass and Glaiing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 i lars tor bale i i One Ford Coupe . . S4O0.03 One Ford Sedan . . $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery S400.00 These cars nre thoroughly overhauled and ree indil ion -e. They bear the Foul "Winged Pyramid guarantee. Easy payments if desired. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. , Cartage, Warehousing, and OWtrihutlng. Tcml or Motor Honire. nl, Coal, Sand and Gravel We Spaclalli In Piano and Furniture Roving. CLIMACTIC BALL GAME Ambitions of Gyros Shattered at Hands of An tie red Herd by 1C to 14 In spitr of n climactic last in ning in whicli Ibey scored nine even runs, the Gyro Club's would-h baseball players lost to the agile I.Iks by a scone of IC to 1 1 in I he alleged ball game at Acropolis Hill grounds yestcrdav. There were times .during the game that runs crossgd the plate so often that it was very diflirult to keep track of them hut lli-seorekeeper snid Hie flnnl sror was IC to It and lie ought to have known. The (lyro Club fielded bona fide members in the game and did the FJks, but the latter had more ball players to choose from. At least, tlfat' is the Gyro Elks' Club's alibi. Moreover, the lat ter say if they had had a chance after the fifth innings they would have been so warned u that lic r.iks wouit nave Deen Teiegaicu to the tall timber, there to tangle ticir antlers iu the ignominy of the thing. However, that is win! might have happened but it didn't. 'Dim-' Kenny, hurler for Ue F.Iks, pitched three good innings commenced to weaken in. Hit. fourth and entirely outlived hi 3, usefulness in the fourth when aforesaid nine runs were scored liy the Gyros who, however, started just a little too late. Hoy McNaughlon pitched three inn ing for the Gyros and was pull ed in favor of Stan Taylor who. apparently, had not been warm ed up enough. Rubber Chest Jarvis McLeod, short stop for the Elks, was one of the feature of the game. He gave a wonder fill exhibition of base stealing in t lie first inning and crawled I h rough S. K. Campbell or some-lliing like that, landing safe On third base on his chest. Jarri aNo denionsl ruled Hie resiliency of his cheat in the fourth inning Iwlien he tried to use this portion of his body to slop va sizzlinic K rounder. It didn't hurt Jarvis any but the retuiund almost Knocked mil Charlie Itiggart, th llnrd baseman, who. a few min uses later, forgot all about tin game while he was searching as 'through the nnrskeg for n foul. ball that he' should have caught tii'fnre it gut that far. No count was kept of the errors in the game nor of the bin which weren't as many as the runs, in themselves hard enough to keep labs on. The conclusion to he drawn from the game is that the Gyro should keen their offensive in the Tulare Tor the Itolarians or j jsomc oilier aggregation In Ihnr , uvn class. Of course. Manager j Eddie Mann was not present t pit his wits against those of j "Haiti-'' Fortin who seemed to be, 'in command of the Elks' nine.! t Hail Eddie been there instead of George Tite, jr, the result would i have been different even if il be-, caiin tu'.essnry to "gyp" Ibc score slieel. . How It was Done The following players were responsible: (lyro Club Millon Ooniales, lb.; Iluy Mrt.Vaughlon, p.,' (Stan. I'aylor ufler third inning); Char- lh) Sinrr, '.; (George Tile, jr.. after llnrd ; Doug. Stork. Jl : CUarli" Jlalagpo, cf.; JJarol.l.JIii EWn '.: 3. K; Campbelp, 3b ; Joe Greer. If.; (Dill Cruikshank after third , :' Hill Nelson, rf. Elks- Hrick Skinner, c; Dor p.; George Mcllmoyle, Doc Evans, 2b.;' Jarvis Mc Leod. ss ; nller Vahde, If.; Eddie Clapn. cf ; Ilalnh Smith, rf . Charlie Hir'tsart, :ib This. is the way the scoring is, Ot2J said to have been done: I 12 3 15 ! Gyro Club.. 10 0 4 0- lti Elks 5 15 1 x- 1ft George Friiiell made a good natured umpire with Utile Ernie llatchfonl as an eftieient assU'-ant m Iase. The scores nugbt possibly have been the same if anybody else hail been the nm-pires for they both meant well. A good crowd saw the fni if they didn't learn much aloui baseball other ttian that fellows try to' hit balls and bubble around a diamond shaic.l pace on the ground. KEEN CONTESTS AT ELKS' RACES 1 Many Entries In Children's Sports at Flag Day Celebration All the children's races at Ike Flag Day celebration ye- terday afternoon were kreitly eont"fsir In some of the evenJs there were as high as thirty en- lite winners were: Girls. 6 and under 1, Lillian Itogers; i, Mildred Hunt; 3, Jeau McLean. Days, C and under 1, Keith McLeod; 2, Harry Lindiuist; 3. Mvm James Daly. Girls, 8 and under I. Vehna Wallers! S, Margaret Johnson . Lucille H rook shank and Mav Hyrne. Hoys, 8 and under I, Garnjw Gomez; 2, Frank 'Derry; 3, Arthur McDonald. Girls, 10 and under I. Velrnn Wallers; 2, Irma Thome; 2, Aleita Dodd. Hoys, 10 and under 1. Erie Chrislison; 2, Hoy Fong; 3. Dii 5lrcbriii,n unod- Martin Ihin-n. GirT?K: 2hnd under 1, le Hailey; 2, Muriel Vance Hoys. 12 and under 1, Ale Walters; 2, Henry, Hizzell; S, Garfield McKinloy.1 Girls, IC and under I Oft yard I. Kathleen Hulger: t. May Ness; 3, Annie Smith. Hoys, IC and under, 10ft yard 1.' Eddie Smilb: 2. Hronsoh Hunt; 3, Hobert Irvine. Pie Ealing Contest Henry Hizzell Roy Fong and American. Dominaia. HIGHLY DANGEROUS She Is if really as dangerous the doctors say to dye the hair Ile-It is thai. Why. I had an uncle who dyed his hair an. I n month later he wns married u a widow with five children. Bow to make DUTCH PICKLE 1 quart green cucumber. 1 tmal cabbace, 1 quart oniora, 3 red prppert, 1 quart grten tomator. 1 lrgt cauliflower, H cup aalt. Chop alt fine and pour on enough hot water to cover. Let stand half an hour and drain, then make a dressing of the fallowing - tafctoapoonfuli Colman'i HSJr. Mustard, 3 cups sugar, 1 tea- spoonful turmeric, 1 cup flour. I Vfkx with a little roegar unol' smooth, add taliture to I" quarts vinegar stirring con-ataritly over fire, until thick-ened. taen pour over vrge-, tables. olmans Mustard aicls digestion i . i j Int-v Fcatunc Sicc. I-1 CALLIES WON OPENING GAME Second of Gilhuly Cup Soccer Series Was Well Contested The Cjillics won their opening game in the Gilhuly Cup series last night by defeating the Son of Knglnnd 1 to 1. The first half was fairly enly contested but !he Scots set a pace in the AeeomI Ual the Englilimen were unable o meet." The score at half time-j was one to ml for the Callies, 'he bulk of the scoring coming m the secml periol. Tliere was 1 very good crowd on band to witness the .ontesL Tom Jnnen fereed. A. Clapperton and G. lohnson wer Hnesmen and the :enms look the fieM as follows: Sons of 1 itKlnml A. How let t; Howe and !.' Kelsey; Doherty.j . Hales and I). Ilnwe; Dido Gurieh, II. Hanson. J. Johnson, . Dickens and J. Furuuhar. i (Allies I' Mr Lean; H HamiN on anil J. Harris; G. Mitchell, S. ".urrte nnd It. Wods; A. Mjl- hell. It. MeDougall. D. Seott, V. MitchHI and J. Hamilton. The Onllie kicked downhill in he first half and Dave Seott sored the only Koal of the period vilh a pretty back kick Ilowjett, .-oalie for the Son, figured in in impact around the gnAl rnonll ind was foreeii to leave the field or five or ten minute on ac count of an injury to his hip. He wa relieved for the time hy Dick Howe. Callies In Control The Callies, through forcing day, bad control of things pretty veil in the second half. A peu-illy was awarded the Scots but ')ave Scott's shot was saved by I owlet I. Sam Currie had better uck with a second penally and cored and the third for the Onl ift was made when Howe klek d the sphere into the wrong oal. MeDougall scored th fourth and Inst for the Callies ifler w orking I he hall nicely hrough three or four of his op-tonenls. Towanls the end o! be game, the Hons of EirIaiH tarled to press but it was to ale. Their find and only score ame following a rout when imck I owe kicked in from the sid :ne to Jiminie Johnson who sue essfnlly nejrotialed. Shortly be ore the final whistle. Jimnil lohnson took a penalty shot. 11 vas Sloitited by lUtdie McLean allies' goal keeper, and John aught it again on the rehoum ml toil the ball into the goal ul the referee did not admit is a score. The next Gilhuly Cup game vilt on Tuesday between th obf storage and Calljes. The toague standing In dale i i follows: . L. Pis I ' .'ill ICS .... 1 0 1 ... I 1 Id storage ft I. 0 Sport Ghat j Wi'n Any ox and Kelclilkan Icoming to play basehall Ocean F ills to do battle 'he loca! for soccer Ik lie I-air Week program of and . . .1 i i tins year win uo as uucr'i as any I ual lias been sfagil I tmst yea -. The local socJn ' may tnay be. be. . xpccld xpeclcd 10 lo tako c, 11111 take-caJa-UAii4Wc been dolnir Ihe withnos? of t,1(s sesfma JU' prnlml.1v be at tluld Vlil' (t ,fe cmI v I'r l -hemsehes in, con.netRloj, he visiToTs from the paper town! land ..d Ibcre s.onld be a.ood aerie, of ganws. Perhnps, however, (ho baseball panics vlll be a more 0T,raM-e A-anrrc. rripce mi - inrl rii!,vnr hniA' hpnn fni n tr -Irorig this year and turning out i ;ng -. ball (hat Anyox and I ............. KitlrliiL tin ill ,., i,nm li on innm ,.v .v. r Uo beat There is no doubt but For For wan SS DAILY By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER Bargain I'M tOWf-ROUT D000 6CNO NOW R.EMCMfc?(V PUAX j I'LL. OCT THM" sOV UP FOR. NE-1R? 00 TO CONTINUE the. ccHTLcrnnr ( in I iMTT- TEIA. f OOj ooj fiR rv STvlPi? to ICX orTHl- E3 PLrWlH'-OMTIL- I-1 I'UU MSXG -lti n t-uREO OS POO. BIRD CAGES 20 Percent off all CAGES " this week only Kaien Hardware Co. i . tf! En". ROTTEN 2c per word injadvance. No Advertisement Liken for let than 50c WANTSB WANTED. Two or three room ed furnished house to rent, central and modern. P.O. Hot 2CI Daily News. 1'Jft WANTED. Plain dressmakiuw. Ileasonable rates. 718. Fraser Street. tf FOR SALE OOD seleeth n of boUehobI furniture for sale. Player piano, 3 bedroom table, dining room furniture, leather davenport, two bed, silting room chair, also 60 feet hose, etc. Ilouan with electrical fiUnres, electrWi rr, litre, curtain ro.l and window shades, for sale. Apply Mrs. Atkins. Phone 238. 'Gil SALE. Stove Iroubles sol ved. Why worry about yonr old slove when you can ear-ehange them as first payment on u new I'll KM I Kit JIANG F and have eouiplnle salifaetk. Halsnce on easy payments. Prince lluperl Kxehnnge. Phone C52. tf FU II MTU HE bought, told anJ exchanged. Dominion inlaid linoleum and Harry, Kirkcaldy. Scotland, inlaid linoleum. Furniture and ranges of all description for s.ile. A. Macken zie Furniture House. Phone 775. r Gil SALE. Pleasure hull hi goHt oondillon. iMbln over engine aod canopy lop. Suit able for & h.p. engine. A good sea ImihI. Firs I (100 takes II. Write Hox 203, Daily News. tf FOll SALE. Few piece o household furniture Including "DiiHtda Pride" range, Sin moods' steel couch, chest of drawers, infant's ,erib ami chair, torlable lypewriler, nut eJc. Phone Hlue .117. I MM FOll SALE. Furniture, leather arm and rockini ehalrs, heal er, dresser, etc., U3t Second Ave. (upstairs). Iko FOll SALE. Vlclrohi. Apjuy Mr lleveridge. Corner Fifth West and Dunsmuir. Phone 238. IIMI GOOD piano for snle. Snap for cash. Phone Hlue ICO. that Prince lluperl will make belter showing this year in in- Icr-limn guuies than il has done; for several season wt. Tonight's Senior League base- br,ll Kame between the Sawmill and the Gyro Hub gies promise of being a pitchers' battle Danny LidMnne may be expected lo hold things well in hand for Ihe Seal Cove -men while the Gyros are looking Tor Habe Fur-1 lin In give a repetition of the pretly. performance he staged on Tuesday night last with (he Sons of Canada In spile of the importance of the nilrlilntr il I. '!ibowever. quiln rtossfble that ll.p wisheie miy be won or lost on Indian ing Fortiri saved Ihe Gyros' lo dfru.-h field work in Ihe aij lions. This'iile the. Mm on Sunday iluctcil at flvi.chind LlrUlone lt,. L'illlilrfiM i,r K'fl,-t ..vl "muiiiji-. me way i ii o nlah wr Merl Mae's husband . i - .. v. ,' ' . . : o i vii L'tA Herri--Yoa i. i,,m fidenliallv thai he , i.i.i . - . . "" , jftll-U in llPr Im.-inltxr .. .11.... In- found in her vauuum cleaner NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. & TO RENT FOll IlKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phoiuHcraphs and sewing machine. Walker's M usic Store. If KOH BENT.- Two pmiwi furnith ed apartment hy day, wwk or month. Phone lied fio. If KGIl RENT. Moderi, house, live phhh and bath. Munro Hrm. KGIl HKNT. - Clapfi apartment Weslanhaver Hroa. If BOARD I ID A HD Thr Inlander, M30 Second Avenue. PlHe 137. ItMAMD and Hoom or Hoard nl Phone Hed 707. LOST LOST- lllack and white collie do without collar. Fimfer pleaeJ Phone K. Iteward. If BOATS AND LAUNCHES PtUCES OF KASTIIOPK l-CYCLK Marine Engines (-U P. without clutch IHft.O l-ll.P. I cylinder MD M0.M 6-11. P. I cylinder UD 140.00 8-H.P. t cylinder III! 7S6.O0 8-II.P. ? cylin.l.-r MD 10 00 IC-H.P. cylinder LD t.0 All Ihe above eicept the firal include the Famous Joes lie verse Gear, and full tlertriaol ami profiler euiHnenL The best that money can any. Enftlhope Hros.. 1747 GeorgU SI. W. Vancouver. H.C Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phnnr 3HI. TAXI Tal 7 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gul) Special 8 and 7 passenger Stud- bakers al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kio.r.'-( Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Photic 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want nnyihniK sent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox 000. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Procen Columbia Ilecords no scralching. Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music hy world famed artists. Call in ami hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Aveniie FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furm ure Store. We Huy. Sell and Kx change New and SecniidliatiH Goods. QtO, FAPADOPULIS, 39 Third Ave. Phut tii KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now rc-modelled. Up-to-date Dining Hoom and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH, - Manager. TJ PRINCE H J" nun- rf7J?l rr 1 -rmrV I t High u''Sl IC;r. . a.m. 15.1 ft. 2ir..M p.m. 17.3 4. .il a.m.; 6.2 IK:-; 2 p.m. 0.5 Saturday, August 15 High Il::i7 a.m. 15, 1 l p. in. IH.o Low 5 30 a in B.t 17 10 p.m. 0.1 PHOTO FINISHING P. J RYAN P.O. H v I ( Prun e H i Senb'" hi ! Guiui.i MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-C0I10. roe tM lti Maeeufi. w.ii.- t, rMMMi si Ts Vtsm le .. Taasjr W4M4ar Satar4ar . T Afl, AU Afm, (!! a m-tsr Mttt rnaqi . . WAM m.M K a. - t aimU ru T QM CharMI ll ft!M- laoxmo. Vilyi. M'Mtor- It c at rat m TmiiIssi WMtanMs). SMe4u r u mm -- mm k .U B M, rrm Hull r4nl - rrtm Qwbmi CttarUtt UlsH Srm- BOX COLLECTI0I DntM a. nam ' : IM Am. A ilk si tfe Art. A ull. i Ik AM. A Thon.i -1 1 lwjruil.'' I Ilk Air A 0rl 'II A tlm'C.rt o SUl Ar A Cnll. I Al A Mrnri'l -n. 4ii I KM . Oail. Wharf fl.T.f. WMrf . 0. T. P. SHtmn r tl Alt. i JK1 si tt4 A. A ImM'41 -let 4IS. A ! St. STEAMSHIP MOYBlM Willcll) I ' ilk l- 1 1 WV4l hUi - I Sslunl) " . I'l lit- ' M. I'riiMf frm VtncSMftr SMUdSJ . ' iMadsr-u. inn Wittsdsr ' rriaiy . f r i ' i " SS. CsMM ssueasr . rsr rri Simpson snf rrMif i sins Irsm rrl ilmessa sits SslnnUy ' I for AliiU U'mIwsIij ''' IS M. I'lilK'-- IT s. I'm" l . I'riin fl M. ITIIMr"- from AUtls ,1' MotMMf I'rliti Allm-t .ss. I'rtnrrss ' In lie. It- . friiicess AH J II. as. frlncess I-""' ft- . frlnresl aiht evr eiisi'ii w - - pr s nVir(r-. Csnl-114' M Mi4Ktsy--M. rrmce .tin'" , l,M,y . I'MIK-K i. ' tr. tram siitrt. Anrot sni S1" l tQeMMy s.. isruroa ii' ! WrilnrsiMy -. I'rlnt -iluril.y ss. rrliye lor J0. UUndsSy t IT i frince J'ltsi il I'riiwr inliii from Q.C. Uli Ansu't. H st pilnfe )li: ft frince loliM Advertise In tht DM