'A3 SIX rwn o.n;i 5kws Monday, Dumber l i9f Only 3 More Days to Christmas We have a wonderful slock of Useful Gifts for every member of tfiu family. You are assured uf courteous ul-leiilion at all times here. Come mid see fur yourself. FOR LADIES Ladies' Handkerchiefs in boxes or singly from 10c to -2.25. Silk Underwear in great variety. (Moves, Fabric or Kid. Scarfs, Hand Hags, Umbrellas. Silk Hosiery in great variety. Jaeger Pure Wool Hose. r Dresses, Coals, elc. FOR MEN Ties in (lift Uoxes. , ' Linen Initial Handkerchiefs in Muxes. . Suspenders and Armbands, Hoxcd. (Moves, Sox, Scarfs. FOR CHILDREN Dolls from nr.c. Aprons, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs in Iloxcs. K nil led Wear for babies. Sweaters. Huggy Covers ami a lot of other Useful Gifts. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL XMAS. WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. "SIEGE" A vibrant epic of Uic light- and shadows of matrimony. The dramatic mlurc oi a young girl wife who had a strong desire for lire. Tor the pleasure thai youth demands, who was shackled by the conventions of her husband's moss-backed, prim relatives. Kverj girt nuil, at some limej face this struggle with her husband'- family. "Siege" will show yon how to overcome this obstacle to happiness. A photo-play for husband's, wives and for those who expert lo marry. Strong cast. Virginia Valle, Eugene O'Brien, Marc MacDermott, Harry Lorraine, Mary Alden, Beatrice Burnham, Helen Dunbar and others. COMEDY THE SPAT FAMILY IN "BOTTLE BABIES." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c The Rupert Pharmacy SUGGESTS GIVING for Christmas Ilecuraled French Ivory Toilet Sels. Hriisli. liomb and Mirror $27.50 Decorated Ivory on Amber Toilet Set. Hru-li, Comb and Mirror $20.00 Manicure Dolls $15.00, $10.00, $7.00, $5.00 Ilouhigaut's. (Juebpies Fleurs Perfume Sel, Perfume tloin- pacl urn Lipstick S12.50 Ariola Perfume Sels m Harre; .... $7.50, $3.00, $2.50 D-jcr Kiss Sets (Kukoff, $7.50, $4.50, $3.75 Three Flowers Sets Ilndinil's $5.50, $5.00 Olher Perfumes 25c to $13.50 ROCHON'S FAMOUS CHOCOLATES Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94 3rd Ave. and 5th St. We deliver Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD t Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 ; ' i !: WEEK AT THEATRE. Monday and Tuesday. '"Siege." Comedy. Tlie Spat Family in "HolUc Dallies.' Internal innul News. Wednesday and Thursday "One Way Sheet." Comedy. l'alho Iteview. Friday and Saturday. .Marion Davies in "Zander I tic 1 5 real." Comedy. "Duty Huddles." Pat he News. !hy Samuel Hopkins Adams, Sven iiad who directed 'seige." has I shown this family w ith all iU pelly jealousies, feuds, hales and 'ragedies. 1 That this dominant figure of ,the woman vvlio rules her clan, is, a real figure hi the American: ! faioiiy. is the claim of Hie author who wrote Ihe original story. He had made an intensive study io: inai sqriion or im country known a New Holland, looked Notka of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaa una In I'Onre !tutwri Land ileeunlinr DU 4 eirrr ip cmnu nr oicul oiuii ur i AN AMERICAN FAMILY, Taken from Novel It Depicts New Englanders Steeped In Puritanism Allhotifh il provides Hie basi for a good many of America's best popular and most shop worn jests, Ihe American famtiy conceals within itself many tra gedies, sorrows, heartaches ami drama. A graphic portrait of a typical New England family, iron-clad in -adilion, steeped in Puritanism. and ruled by a dominant, ruth less, cruel old womqn. is drawn in "Siege,'" tle Universal-Jew el picture starring Virginia Vail nd K.ugene O'Hrien, shown here tonight. Adapted from the iopular novel I tru i uf I'rnwre lliiierl and tltuate on lhe i-an iiore or uarnaru Aie, I'nnn-ti llnyal ltaw1. Cinre rur, Cial Dltlrtct. TAkK .NMTICK thai Ronienillle Cannery Company l.linilril of VanrnuTrr, B.C., oc- tcrlbcd laruts Conitneniinf at a pott planted on Ihe nortwal lmrr of Barnard Cote. Prune hnjil Mjn1. rtanre I, Coaat Dltrlr ilieliie caMerly Iwenty chain, ; ihenre iiiiitherly ality chalni; the-nce eterlr furir rtuitu; ttwn'-e northerly fle rhaln. iisire nr lew, to hlrh water mark; thence ri.iiominr man water mark in an easterly and miiilierly dlreellun In pulnt of mm-menrenient, and rontalnlnr .one hundre arrea, mure or ten. SOilERVILLE CAJtSEflV CO. LTD Applicant. Per W. J. Tboruai. ren ri oti t o LAND ACT. Notice of Intestlon to Aoolv to Ltata Land In Prince Itupert Land Ilerordlnr IHMrlct of Cuatt nanre s, and altuale on Siiiiiii Rartiael I and. TAKE liOTICE that Alfred Swanwn, of Prinre huperl, occupation Manner.. Intend to apply for a leaie. of the follow In desrritjed land: Coiiuneneina: at a r-"t planted on the south point of South !u-hael Island; then around hlrh water mark to the (Milnt of roiiinieneement, and coutaloliii 60 arret, more or lest. ALHIED SWtlSO.t A. E. Wright, ., uaieo ociouer lain. ll. Hn " - M ppllranl Areot. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Write for Recipes HI Jhtr' We have a Ilecipe Department, which is kept gouts by women who send in favorite recipes or ask for something they would like lo make. ' Not everything is on file. Iul so far we have never asked for any dish lluil some good rook has not furnished it. Write u any lime. There is no charge whatever. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories; Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. into its traditions, its arislocracyleldied away. Willi bitterness Hie and its beliefs. The reulf is "Seige," originally popular as a novel, and now presented to the American public Kguin on Ihe screen by the Universal Pictures roriMiratlon. LAND ACT. Notice of InUntton to Apply to Lsase I Ltnd. lu PrfTire rtupert Land lierording Itt Inn of enure huivrl, aud ellnal i north hort' ef shannon Bay, Ottrrn : :tMrkit lulaiu.., B.i . TAkt oti:K that Jan.es lleldlna slrang and Robert (.. uikx. or Vancouter, , 11. i:, unupatlon isnoeryuw-n. Intend to : apply lor a lea of llie follualag dr . M-rtll foreshore at Shannon Bay. Omwo harkdle llin:- i i ciumieiH-inr al a pt planted on tlx" -Ix.r 'if stiamma Bay alxmi too til lo ' i utlii-ierly dirrrtiuii fnu aoulb Mf-I r.iriHr ( ImI I5I. said pott brin i iHTitw aii i-urtH-r nr an aipllratln lu pur- rw uj rirfuinir siranr; nifiirr -.iiiiivrurli rnlKiwuir hi rti water mark i.f Shaui!n Bay atxxjl Two O-fl to a ll . irri MHjin ana 767 rri ril ur fooui mI mntrr r Ij.t !H; thrive el frl ti Die Wrti water mark or an I'laiHl belnir an i'ilirtnn to leaw by llnliert :. 04: tneitre nortlierly. et rrty and WKJlhweftirly fullowliir tlio hlh , waier mars or aia itianu lu a imini ev ' ' . ..... t. . . .. ...a . . - - . . . . . ifr, .fuiii iihj im .ni ill mi iii- wet eiirner ISIS: ibenrr ni loo feel: Ibeiio- imrtn Slo reel, nnire or le; Uienre at i feet, more or lr. to tlie ixdnt uf rniiimenrrnient, ami ronlalnlnf I acres, luore or left. ROBT. :. OOSE anil JAS. HtLDI0 STBA.0, Applicant. Per Will. O. Mlt'lM-ll, Arit. Inte1 .iymlf ith, ifs. LAND ACT. ONE WAY STREET HAS A STRONG PLOT Tae of the Havoc Wrought by a Woman of Strong Person-ality. If it is irue thai "the story' Ihe thing." thou "iie Way Slmd" the mid-week picture here, should l the success of Ihe year, for M boasts of a plot I lint is unusually --troiij; and tiniuue. The author has fashion-ed a tale that, while gripping in its suspense mid universal in its henif, yet was particularly adaptable for screening. The slorv is that of a famous opera singer who at the heighMil of her career had -I lie world worshipping al her feet. The pon-seor of a iiiajrorlir pevwoialitj a in I of much charm and heuly. she found life glorious and ex- hilaralm?. Her admirers wen: lesion ami I hey counted il a privilege lo honor her every desire. Hut he ears passed. The beauty of her fare faded slowly anil the influence she exerted singer realized that . "he was treading Ihe "One Way'. SI reel'" uf youth. Suddenly she disappeared. Years later a tabulating woman, with m Ifosvral bloom on her cheeks and alive Willi th.i igor of youth, made her up (tearance i it Loudon sim-imI circles. Not li nig was known of he.-past, for she never spoke of P, Hut Ihe jealou women of tier sel wen puzzled, for tln-y woioa' reremldetl the opera singer who had disappeared. Men fell under her sway am' succumbed men of nil age. There wa ono ytnilh in particular that' she sel about lo capD-vale. lie siieclltiilieiT lo her ardent appmaehee and then- - The atlempl of the woman ruin Ihe youlh when he came to liis senes and reiuled her; Ihe reflation of her identily, and th sudden transformation of th' woman into a hideous Una dur ing a stage performance eomhin lo make the cunmx of the story one of Ihe msi powerful ever conrciw-d in Ihe tirain "f an au thor. COMEDY AND DRAMA "ZANDER THE GREAF IU1WIMI 1 IALCIS. IIIWIIUS tl UVIHJ I II I . J . M , . . v . . m iH.miiMi.m t., purrhaM iihs foiiowmr a- Week-end Picture Is Full of Sur- prises and Tells about Rum-runners If "lie Were to tell in detail Ihe plot of "Zander Hie fJreal." which LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Land In Oueen Charlotte Dlntrl't Und i)e. fording Pistriri of Prlwe lUerl, and annate at Shannon Bay. TAkK SOTICE thai Huherl C. Ooaar of THE STORE OF JEWELLERY BARGAINS Satisfied Customers make for successful business Max Heilbroner's Christmas Cut-to-the-bone Prices have just Doubled the Turnover ONLY THREE MORE SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS-SHOP IN THE MORNING WHEN WE CAN GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE. TOILET AND MANICURE SETS. A tnol wonderful assniimi iil nl Toilet ami Manicure Sets hi S!eii, . er. Pearl. Two-Tone, Torloiseslicll and W hile. From $1.25 SILVERWARE Tea Set, Waiter, llakiog Dihe, tiasMrole, Dread Tra, tJake Piute, Fruit Dishe, Smou Tmys, Holler Dihes. larttiklmle Sels, Salt ami Pepper, lu fad we have n njmplele line in silverware in any article joti may wih for. Yi-il our tlhiuu ami llrawure Dept. in the ki-cnicnl. A sliiHudous selection of luirgaiiis lliul will surprise ou. packed into lln human 1 11 f-r-- screen olferliii. have Hie llaw.i and surprise Ualitiei of an O-Ib'iiry utory. "Zander I lie lireal, ' starriiiu Marion D.ivies. piocd a complei-surprise lo those who have irruwn aceue turned to viewing' Mis D. ivies in li.e elalxirale perirv) ri.slrme of "Liltle fill) .ew York," "Yolanda" aud "Jan-! ice Meredith." 1 From Orphan to Beauty J In this picture, Miss Davie. evolve from a III He orphan firli in an asylum lo a ounr wumanl of strong clianu-ler, pnal heauly and charm of mauper, but il is 110I on Ibis slender, thread thai Ihe picture is based, rather it is iiMn (he cSiciHMi' inciiletils and unusual situations that arie from Ihe fact that as Mamie, the lovable, whimsical heroine, Miss Davie find herself the centre conies here j the week end, half ,,f hotbed of plot, couiiter-plol Ihe enjoyment of future audien ces would be spoiled, for tlie situations, inciilents and climaxes, as well a Ihe comedy and drama aihenlure and romance generally. A ilillerent mule and a new-twist ha lieen Riven the (day by the iiilnxliictioii of several comedy characters, who divide tin picture eipiaily into two portions --one devoted ewluively lo the comedy element and Ihe other lo .in epic drauyi of the far west. The ipiiuk moving plot is pun vaneouver. B.C.. wrupatlon ranneryman,; ,lai,..i ii, rrii.e inovini """"u 1 u wiin 111 swiiur movuiK Intend lo apply for a lease of the fol- lowinir deerlfed landa: action of cowbovs, hanilils and Coiniiieiirini at a tsist planted on an . unnaiued island lyiLf 8.o der. v. (11 rum-runners, who eiiKae in a rhaln. nmre or lean from southwest ror- I ' i-f "'meliunu iiiiiitiui. IMllin Ii ililn in n, id,- tm- .m-...,,. ner of Lot sweep- 1S48. O.C.I., nanre S; them-e iHMiwma iiiranoerinr i snore line oi saia uur Spurt's 01 IIU) .VlOJllve llesvrl. Island to rmlnt of coiiimencernent. contslnlnr 1 acre, nmre or less, HOD Ell T C. OOSSE, Appllrant. Per Ww. O. MltehoU. AKen LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Land. Apply to Lease In tlie Prinre flupert l-atid tiecordinr' lilue mm Ibis provides the wester i seipicnce, which is enacted axaiusl the towei-in? walls uf hiyh mountains and on the broad eapense of desert, wilh a sand-slorui of tilimliiiK iiilensily. In a villus cricket match lilslrlrl ami Imale an unnamed I let' no xlrmmer u:im was tiermiiulaiil In nl ,rw,l(?l pcrsuailt'l llj 11CI in tlie Ea.lern entranre lo llnd.n Bay: . f I'assaae near Iiuiulaa l.lmd H.v. II. TAkK WiTICK that Henrge nordmi lliish-hy or prime huperl, II. Mantifaclurer, Inlenda lo siil fur a leae of the following iV'srhlM-d land:-' I - -V"-. V . 11 uiiiiire. inures uoiUlllg llj il," he was lobl. "If you're listed jusi Kive your iionesi opinion. " Presently Iho wlckeUkecper i .iiimiii-iii mi ai a imi snuaie mi a .n.i i.iui....i i . . partly aiihinergf-d reef of rorka radiating: ohl a ,, lirillialll piece . of slumping. iniin same hi prariirany a tirrie, naring. " i iiu". w iuf' " " lie rrlivl "'linn ' ' raillus of alHiut i.juo fee( and ton-! , V cllc, tainiiig too arre, iikhh or less. I iny soul, its marvellou8l"-rc ijr.wniifj ifiriiirir.i PUOIIOI. 1 I tMUifl tlni'diili. ill, tail ' piled t in umpire. CUT CLASS Punch Howl. Vlr. SH-. Whisky Sets, (kit ila Uni.-Hom Hon Dibc, Vase, Perfuin Alouiiaers, lluiidkerrhief n.i Ibe. Clock. Slem llolrtct-. i slicks Sugar and llream in in.m eul i iils and design. PEARLS. Wonderful Values In Indestructible Pearls, from $2.00 up. These values cannot be beaten. We carry a full line of Novelty Bracelets, Earrings, Elc. FANCY CHINA AND BRASSWARE UMBRELLAS AND HANDBAGS rillbrella-. mid HaudbiiK-vnrielv. We i halleuge a liatiadu lo ripial our price u- w we in (In. line Seeing i be in ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS. Slguel Ititig. Walking Cutie. Smoking SeU. Suit Cae, Ummtt HA i, . t;ioek-. Welmiister (lliinie. 10u Day Clock ami an inimeliMi aaiiajiri.tM n' grades. A isil to ottr lore will t-mitiitce ,011 tb.it al lal nu hae Ihe upfmrtm. pilltf ill a. store eiptnl lt iinv of - l.irge tlo-.. A FEW SOUVENIR BRACELETS LEFT FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT GET ONE. DONT FORQET TO VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE IT PAYS MAX HEILBR0NER Third Avenue, Diamond Specialist. Third Avcnui Santa Claus Message Dcir Mad.uue or Sir: "Your problem or selecting our gifts w iT von .hop al Jaboor's." c have more or less ever) Hung I bat I man or (llnbl desire.i. Our variety of Christina fiifU appeals ! a jour purse, ami while jou have mi man) K .a)s von lu ee our slock and ctmpu;ti lh p' Here is a MiggtuHjoti list: For Qenllement (ilovcs Hcarfs Initialed l.lnen Hamlkur- cliiefii Ties Cuff-Link Hells Socks LA NO i-ruff Whirls llamlkeroliiufa Ilelfs llraces filoves ami Millcns For Ladlesi Kid tijuvti I-'iiih Mueu lliH '1 Purse (IIIMH Is HoleprtHir s)id lv. - stery -Slnmpwl fSopl Silk Knilled I' Start Kilk Umbrellas For Children! Tool Self Mechanical Tons Animal i Dolli. S(ore opens l-AcuitiK 1 inlay. Dec. IH, In TIimi. I.iV t Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7th E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, wilh uddillouHl machines for llic niaiiu facltue ui 8ASH, DOOR8, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, 8HINGLES, VENEER also carried In slock. Have handling charges by buying direct from Ibo mr 'e supply. of