page two University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music COLONEL A. E. COODERHAM Dilrmn. Board of GeYtraen A. S. VOGT. Mil. Dec. Principal. BEALET WILULN. Hu. Doc, F.R.C.O.. Vlce-PriiwIpaL A NATIONAL INSTITUTION Tli moat rn.prtfcrnirl7 eqaippd School of Matte In the Pomtnlen. Faculty of Internfttioftal rretift. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st, 1925 Well-appointed ReeUenc. (or Yoonr; Women StodrnU. PUPILS MAY ENTER ANY TIME Tbo Cowwrratorr Year Book, Annual Krllalxu and Womrn'i ReaMrnr Caleadar aent to any addreoa on requrat. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1926 will be held taroaj-hoat the Dominion, aeeardinr ta laralitr, la Mar, Jane and July neit. ADDRESS Ketktrar. car. Collect St. and L'niecraitr Ato Teranta. The Daily News PRINCE MJPEltT - IHUT1SII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, (he Prince f Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. - II. F. PULLE'N, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year , v $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, -.per .year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 Transient Advertising 'mi Front Page.., Local Reader, per insertion. . ... Classified Advertising, per insertion... Legal Notices, each insertion per inch per insertion 1 , .S2.S0 per inch .25c per line 2o per won I . . . . 15c per agate linn Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDJTIOJ 98 86 Sal unlay, August 13, 1925. Lengthy Visit Of Sir Henry. Sir Henry Thornton has hown by his acts ami word that Prince Rupert is a good slopping over point for Iho-e who use the railway. He sloppeil ovcrhintseir as a le! ami it is the general belief that he did not Hud the lime hang heavy on his Vn.l . It:.. l-.-.l.. II. .. nanus, jus jiarij aisn sceiueii to enjoy me nours tney were Here ami ilouhlless will go away with pleasant recollerlion- of the embryo city iif the far west. it nas ueen uieutioneit that (he question of arranging stop overs is at the option of Ihe purchaser of the ticket, yet every one knows that when a traveller or tourist is buying a lirket he usually takes the advicei of, the agent and is willing and' ready to tnkg it in regard lo places about which he knows little. If Prince Rupert can show that this is a good top-over point and the railway ran .iro-operale, both the city and railway will benefit from a system or co-operation. 1 a Non-committal Address Of The PresidenL hir Henry Thornton told Prince Rupert people at Ihe luncheon tendered him by the hoard of trade that he realized that it was good business Ui build up this, port as it would bring business tu Ihe railway. We naturally expected he would take that point' of view. The difference of opinion lies in the methods to be adopted and in the heartiness with which he and his officials enter into the scheme. o have got In a point now where we do notjt5Xpecl favors. Weiiiro down to bedrock. What we do expect and shall always expert is that we shall gel an even break with ever oilier place,, be-Jt large or small. We see no reason why Prince Riert should he penalized because Ihe port is small. Co-operation In Shipping Of Grain. The next step will be to eeure the co-operaliou of Hie road in regard to Hie shipping 0 grain out of this port. Sir Henry advised. lhat Hie elevator bo built. The railway benefits from every pound of freight thai goes through here. Prime Rupert people seem ready to rustle for business if it rannol lie secured tin any other manner, so there is no good reason why there sbiriif hot in (he near future lie a steady flow of grain this way. We tin mil share the pessimistic view held by some, that the elevatGr'vvill not be, used. Thai is a ridiculous view to take. The western route is (ilt-eaily cs'tiililtslieif ultil 'wiUr'-reVJs'W. o'f the railway rates is bound to grow. Willi an increasing western nulling this port is bound to get some of the business if any ordinary business sense is ucd in connection willi it. Let us forget our doubls and fears and use our energy in creating confidence. .rather than distrust. ' Influence Of Thought On Local Business. The Moulders are the ones who creale doubt and distrust in the minds of thoc who would come here or who would do business hare. There seem lo be no doublers in Vancouver who are looking for an opportunity tosay "I told you so." All seem In have perfect faith in their city mid in Hie ability of their citizens to ib the business. The city is being carried forward lo success on a wave or supreme uplinusm. Prince Rupert inn also succeed. Ml she needs is Ihe men who will Hunk success, work toward success and enthuse oilier wilh the idea of success and the desirability of joining mi d here This advertisement Is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. the 'MANY hIatters ARE DISCUSSED Board of Trade Lays Before; Railway Management Mat- ( tcrs of Vital Importance SYMPATHETIC REPLIES Sir Henry Thornton Explains Some of Difficulties In Re- i gard to Local Matters f A I. the conference between 'a committee of llit local hoard of trade ami Sir Henry Thornton nd other, juffiujals of Hie railway held yeslenlay a memorandum : was haiil'i to Hie visitors laying out Ihe views of tln comiulltoe ami lo this Sir Henry replied In ilelail. The memorandum lows': II is with great pleasure thai to this district. While you are amongst us, we are srrapin- nie opportunity lo personally Ibank ynu for the grain- elevator which is now in course of construction at our port, as we believe that it ts mainly through your efforts Dial it is being built. At Ihe samr time we wish also to brinsr before your notice some oilier mailers which are of vital importance (o us and of interest to your company. Mall Subsidy to Skagway Whereas the Canadian gnvern- meul pays annually a sum of money to the Cauadi'an Pacific for rarr'yiiis mail lo Alaska: This hoard considers that il would be advantageous to keep the money within the an- eruiiieiit by having the Canadian National boats increase their earnings by carrying the Alaskan mail after beiiu; distributed through this port, and hopes that your company will lc carrying Ihls mail, upon Hie expiry of the present contract. Queen Charlotte Isd. Mall Subsidy Your company has a contract with the government t'u carry mail to Oitceti Charlottes, and which expires March 31, VJ26 These island are very close to Ihis port and are in our territory At present you are operating this mall serviee from Vaneouver, while il was Ihe intention that it should be operated from this lorl. We would like to know how you are uoiug to operate this mail service if you should again be awarded the contract. Freight SerVlce Alaska and Prince Rupert Whereas there are considerable quantities or freight going in lo, and coming out of Alaska at all times, and whereas only a very negligible quantity is pass ing through this port and over Ihe Canadian National Ilailroad: this hoard reels that the business should be vigorously gotten after and secured for the bene- f it of the Canadian National Hallway and Prince Hupert. Cannery Service Whereas there are about 5,-(liin persons engaged in Ihe salmon canning industry within a distance of 10 miles of this port, and whereas the passenger and freight traffic connected there- is now.handjed by the C.IML ayjJi they Union S.S. Oo.i This hoard feels that this business naturally belongs to, and could imjrq economically be operated in .connection with this port, and believes that a small boat making its' headquarters lure would lake care of Hie business, increase the earnings of your company, and also be of benefit to litis port. Peace River Outlet Whereas Ihe construct ion of a westerly railroad outlet from the Peace Hiver district may be eonimeiiced at a near future dale: This lmanl feels (hat before 'any decision as to the route is made, all feasible routes shall he hiM'stlgaled, and that the railroad when built shall open up us much arable country as pos sible and at Ihe same lime link with the main line of the C.N. II. at a point which will enable II to reach the Pacific coast ,liy'ns westerly route as possible. Oriental 811k Through Prince Rupert As the Canadian National It .It, is now takhiK care of silk shfpmciilH from the Orient to the Kast, and as this Canadian National port Is 180 mile neater the Orient than Vancouver, and that wilh Ihe completion of our grain elevator Wore xhouhl be transpacific steamship service from here, this board feels thai a (rial silk shipment should be THE DArt. mfv.8 If Troubled With Diarrhoea YOU SHOULD USE LtBaaleBa JaA,,J I e m IT WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT RELIEF This ralu&Ue preparation h.vs ben on the market for the post tight) year, and holds a reputation, second to none, for the relief of all bowel complairt Manufactured onlv by The T. Mil-burn Co., limited, Toronto, Out. made tlir tirli tins port in the near future, with I lie object in view ot making II u perinaiienl fn-i route for this traffic. I Alaskan Passenger Service National passenger service lo Alaska should be through this port in conjunction with the Canadian .National & Steam ships, and requests that jn time lables and tariffs In the L'niled Slates. Prince Hupert be put on the same basis as Vancouver. C.N.R. Tourist Hotels You devideil, two years ago to build tourist hotels at this port and at other points eat in order to link up with youneliaiu at Jasper, realizing thai the full development of the tourist traffie nvilenally deluded upon these This would now appear especially apparent in view of (he succc. you have achieved with your hotel and golf course at Jasper, and we trust that ytirj slill have this in mind, and that the near fUltire will see this project nua-sumaled. Development of the Interior Our citizens T.aliie that the growth of Ihis port and the suc cess uf this line of the railway are linked -Bp 'with Ihe settlement of the tortile valleys adjoining us. Tins board recalls the promise of craliou hy the , railway company iu furthering Hie settlement of the country along Hie Hue and would like to know what steps. H any, they have taken to develop these argieultural lands. Sir Henry Replies In replying. Sir Henry con gmtulaled the delegales on the improvements in the city and es pecially iu regard tu roads. Tbel various mailers in regard to the Alaska servtec, he said, were un der consideration. Nothing could well be done, however, until there was a proper servjee. This year lite serviee was lungely ex perimental. He explained the difficulties in regard lo booking passengers on the American side and said efforts would be made to have this rity placed on the American tariffs. In regard to the service lo Ihe '.ueen Charlotte Islands an at tempt bad been made. to operate Hip steamer l. this port only LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaso Land In. Laud jltecordjrjg. District of I'rinc!! Hupert. and vjsiluate at Fergftfon Hay, -M also It Inlet, ' Q.C. Islands, U.O. 'lake Notice that Oosse-MH- leiil, Limited, uf Vancouver, H.C. occupation Salmon Canners, In tends to apply, for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing Hl a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571: thence south 3 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence south 2 chains; thene west 10 chains to west boundary of Lot 1571 thence south 8 chains; thence west 0 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence east 2 chains, more or less, t beach; thence following meandering of shore line lo point of commencement, anu conialning 22 acres, more or less, CIOSSE-MILLKHI), LTD. Applicant. Per Wm. fi. Mitchell, Agenl Dated June 26th. 1925. Ede-H:,Caw? Ft-EasyCuttiri 'SIMOND! SAWS mom ctMMs.vto.LTB. 0NTHrL .ai h.a. (but it' had been threatened that j another boat would enter the business if he O.N. It. ilitl not run , I heirs lo Vancouver. 1 Hie president said they were 'now i lives M gating the proposal to handle rumo'd salmon from this port. The shipment of silk try 'this port had also been sidered ami probably a trial menl would be made. I ' In regard to' I he Peace lliver 'outlet Sir Henry said an outlet' through H.C as proposed would cost s.i5,omt,in0 and froiu his e-! , iierti'iice he would say another !33,iHiii,l5iu would be , required ; fttr feeders to Hie railway. Thrs was an enormous sum to ak tort jut now. When lie line vva built, he thought it would be of, great advantage to Prince Hn-l"rt, ! In regard to bringing imrm-vrauts to the interior valleys Sir Henry said that nwim? to red I'hls jvort being 55j nitlesitape niellmd this hoard Hiram has Hie nriilei:cl closer to Alaska than any ter of extending lo ou and your as-i minal port In (lie south of us, soeiates a erv cordial welcome Ihis loarit feel tlial ianalian Peace River i s. immigraliun had come almost to a standstill dur-j ing the past few years. The two' big railways were getting to-; gether in Ihe matter, however, and tie had reaon to believe there was a better prnpcel of getliug settler in large iiiintfier The Man in the Moon J YSj- TIIK most foolish people i-i the world are men who wi-ar Lath e-al and vyst in ho vv eat her. TIIK more a doctor know ess I. alio tie uses. the. IN our youth we believe in fairies and Santa Clans and later we believe propaganda lalitir. A FAII.L'ltH is a man who stands with the bal in his hind oaking no effort lo hit Hie hall while the umpire calls I tut- strifes. A MAN trying to eover lit ha Id spot is something like a flapper trying to cover her knee. energetic e-op-twhen the wind is tdowina. Hu! the bald man tries. WHAT i lam wondering is how Ihe readers get a thrill since the salacious iniisniines have ten banned from Ihe mails. The flapej- is she is painted. not as bad as V rnnfemp. jays bad things In lose are your auto, )Dur temper, your job, your reputation, and your wife. I should like In add that there Is just one as Import ant as any, ami thai is your cash. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He cording District of Prince llu pen, ami situate aooui one ami a half miles east of Massctt Lighthouse at Hie ntouth of Mas sett Inlet, (irnliani Island, lint ish Columbia. TAKi: NOTICE that Ungarn Fishing x Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occupation. Packers, intends to apply for a lense of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, (Jraham Island, British Columbia, about, one and a half miles east of Massett Lighthouse at the mouth of Massett Inlet. (Iraharn Island, British Columbia; thenco northerly five chains, more or less to low water' mark: thence westerly, along low water mar one hundred and sixtv chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. IUM.AHA FISIIINO Jk PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. uaieu June win. tna.V LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to tease Land In Queen Charlotte Lnnd llo-cordlng -District or Prince Hupert, and situate, al Itooney Point. (Iraham Island, Ilrttlh Columbia. Take Notice that Lnngara i .. . . V, n,y 1 ftl'rn Islond,; Ilrlllsh Columbia; thenco northerly five chains, more or less, Satunlay. Aunu,t J 5, i)?y PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures Prices rahge from $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. FOR SALE $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks 3rd Avenue Halibut Gear Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C When vlann.-ng 1 lo low water mark; thence west. rly alor.g low water mark one i I 1'acklng Company easterly ono hundred and sixty ii i Limited, of Massed, H.O., occu-i chains, more or less, to point of paiton Packers. Intends to apply ior a tense oi tnc following described lands: Commencing at n nnl nlnnin.i hundred and slvly chains; llumcof southerly five chains; llience commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. I.ANUAHA FlSllkXn PACKlNOi PACKINH CO, LTD, Applicant.! Per K. II Hlinpson, Agent Dated Juno I2lli, 1025. v wa s a m A a, as Don l overlook Ihe fai l thai yon will need bi ilolhs, plenly of change, ! Im cool and comfort .: look your best. I.el us take Ibis dclailed preparation off youi ft just bundle up everything ou are likely to need. .. it lo us. will have it Iiack promptly, mvniilifully v -' ironiiil ready to pack. You will feel heller. Inn. If ynu have a nice clr lo ciiiiic back In. Heller have it look after ymir ! linen now. so il can be put away, ready for your r Phone No. S and we will send our driver. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY SALMON TROLLERS lie fore outfitting it will pay you to inspect our ' Trolling (icar. We have a new line of Salmon Hooki Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our stock you will find everylhinff you rc Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kin P.O. Box 235. Phons Hull and Copper Paints, Qalley Stoves and Ulcnsils. If it's for the boat we have iL Hoats are lost every year by fire hnvo you g t v Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? Wo sell them. Call and ee us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi additional ninrhmcs. for Ihe iiitiiinfarlm-t' SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Have handling charges by buying direct from Hie supply. 20) Richard Garreli representing W. M. M. ROLSTON A c' Hpeclnllslng In VorlW Canal Mining Sto"' llw" Porter Idaho-Marmot