I i PAGE FOim the d.uli fnr.ie BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus Bargain THM- I'LL OCT COX I LL, OOTOP DRtvE r- , V i enough : in .iTM THVT apawtmemT BIRD CAGES 20 Percent off all CAGES this week only Kaien Hardware Co. English Broadcloth iu full range of colors. Fine silky finish. For Slips. Underwear and Presses. 30 and 40 inches wide. Reg. ?i.OO. Special per yard 80c West of England Store Phone 753. J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Slore and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing:. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Cars for Sale One Ford Coupe . . $400.03 One Ford Sedan . . $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery $400.00 These ears are- thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned. They bear the Ford "Winged l'yramid' guarantee. Easy payments if S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel. Wa Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. MANY MERCHANTS OF THIS DISTRICT VISIT VANCOUVER Merchants of this city and di trirt. who have been registered at Vancouver this week in con lection wiMi iiuyers TeK, in clude Mr. and Mrs. Chambers of I In- .aas River; C. E. Imeson of Hums Lake; Alfred Adams, Mas-set I; J. It. Agar, Terrace; W. V. Anderson, llazeton;--T. Ahola Ocean Falls; II. Atkins, lrince Rupert; G. A. Hryuildsen, iteiia Coola: II. W. Campbell, Ocean Falls; Mrs. Carolan. Stewart; R. II. Carter. Prince George; A. Chrislensen, Bella Coola; Mrs. Dunlop. Suiithers; Mis K. M,, Earl, Prince Rupert; K. Eby, Smithers; W, L. Flynn, Fort George; J. C. Gavigan and Mrs. R. Gordon, Prince Rupert; J. If Hall, Terrace; Mrs. Iitowsky, Prince George; D. Jahnur ami Mrs. Johnson, Prince Rupert; TV J. R. Jones, Anynx; E. T. Kenney, Terrace; Mr. ami Mr. Steve King. Prince Rupert; T. J. Lar ue. Hutton; George Little, Ter race; tt. li. .MrUorKell. ancou-ver; A. J. MrCullough, Queen Charlotte City; Miss A. Mc- Loughtin. Smithers; Thomas Mc-Meekin anil James MeNully. Prince Rupert; H. M. Matthews, Smiiliers: C. (i. Minns, Prince Rupert ; Fred Morrell, Ocean Fall-: E. A. Mitchell, Yander-hoof; P. J. Mulville, Grassy Plains; A. H. Osborne. Anyox; (i. II. Outram, Prince George; T. M. Ovens, TeJkvva; A. F. Priestly, Aiyansh; James Richmond. Terrace; S. G. Ryall and Mrs. I). 1. Ryall, Fort St. James; L. (5. Skinner, Copper City; I. Spaner. Prince George; W. C. Sparkes. Terrace; F. D. Wliilmoro, Prince George; C. II. Wrinch, Hazelliin, and R. Itoyd Young, Port Simp- Mtll. ELEVATOR PLACES CITY IN POSITION TO BECOME ONE OF GREAT PORTS OF PACIFIC SAYS SIR HENRY THORNTON. (continued from page one) vancement oT lhis strategic point However," Sir Henry contin ued, "it tkes more than water and railway o make a port. No railway can grow faster than the development of the land to which it is contiguous. II was neces sary to settle-up the fertile val leys of the interior if the rail way wus to prosper. Operation of Railway In regard to Iho operation of the railway. Sir Henry told his audience that for the first six months of this year the gross earnings had decreased by nine million dollars and the expenditures Irad decreased more than ten million miliars. 1 lie increase in the net earnings were therefore t.lnn,nO0. The Can a dian National was the' only mil way in Canada I hat had substantial increase during Ilia first six months of the year. ing having 'been made in transportation expenses nnd in in creased efficiency. With increas-I I II . I - 1 " en eiiicieui iiieiuiHis anil nn nbundanl crop this year, he Ihoughl the railway would show! a larger iiyrease next year Ihnn It did In 123 which was Ihe year in which Ihe greatest increase fhnd been shown heretofore. New avenues of economy were being found ond new method of effi. ciencv. In nile of the critic, of his nl niiniHt ration he asked them In imlire him by result. If, good ami satisfactory service want being given he would stnnd on' his record. Settlers Wanted Sir Henry said be knew of no better opportunities for settlement than there were in British Columbia, There were rich landi consumption. I Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 15, 1915. Sir Mackenzie Howell, form.-'rentier of Canada, accompanied y his son. Jack, and grand daughter, Miss Jean Howell, ar rived on the Prince George li is norning from the south aiui went East by train. Sir Mac kenzie is 02 years old but h says that he does not feel hi age. He certainly does not loo it. Coming from New-York via the Panama Canal, the trim Utile steam yacht Ituna arrived in port . early yesterday morning. On board the boat are R. I Vogel and IL O. Vogel whoe leslination is the Aleutian U lands. City Clerk Woods js, enrolling men who ilesire to go lo Hie prairie to assis,t in the harvcl. Already 78 men have signed on. A special rale of Ic per mile go ing and 1 Mic per mile eoiiilnt; back Is offered by the railway company. EAT WHALE MEAT OSLO, -Norway, Aug. 15. Whale meal is a popular form of human nourishment among Die poorer classes of Norway. During Ihe spring months large iuanlilies of this fond were ship- iped to Trondhjcni, Hergen am I flair, Ivila. I Im liAif niiiul . , . I.I , , , W.TIH, flllJ lilt ' 1 CBII14 UHini .tiauiieiiance nan oecreuseii oniy ' , , , , , ,', .. lender ixirtions nre selected fo . . , .i t ii three per cent, mosl of Ihe sav- . human ,, tnilW1ilMUtkBBgBBBBddiKXKl bWEKT J R&vgHCE.i J IL fa J V JPk n OlMS OlMS v v Ihtl Ihtl Fiatu Fiatu Sckvici. Sckvici. Ic Ic Cmt Cmt Biitaia Biitaia riikb riikb twrtrd. twrtrd. which produced grain and fmHsj pynn riltp PAIIRD abundantly. Minerals were there; u 1 AU V.LUD InlLLU in plenty and the province had the largest supply of timber in! the world. The climate was sa! ubrious and agreeable. The problem with which they hail to deal wws that of bringing in the rijht kind of settlers In order that they might attaiiv their ultimate des tiny. .No province offered greater advantages than Hritish Columbia. The railway president referred to the increasing quanttly of prnin coming to the west instead of the east. The point uf divide would nsive steadily east until eventually it reached a fixed point. II required no great vision to prophecy the great prosperity em ports as a result and in that prosperity Prince Rupert would share. Progress Here Marked progress on the streets was noted by Sir Henry and also in the general development of the city since his recent visit. He said that if this progress continued in the future as it had in the past the city was bound to continue to her, final destiny. Questions he had discussed with the committee in the morning were in a fairway to final adjustment. It was a pleasure to come to Prince Rupert and he would be back here next year to witness the progress which he was sure would be maintained. prince forge otel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Busines District 250 ROOMS too M PXttti BttM UMUPKAN PLAN . WINN1IT tMOMrSON. MAN-O. CIK. (KKXKXXKKKlBnnni ' m KximnmunK Dr- TO FIELD TEAM SO FORFEITED MATCH The Gyro Club's pitching staff fuilliig to turn up for lat night's Senior league baseball game, the match was forOiicd m favor of The Sawmill. A pick-up game was played with some of the Sous of Caii"la ntcu in the Gyro ranks, the batteries consisting o: Sawmill l.idslone and Mc-Keown; Gyro Club. Moran and Astoria. The result was that the Sawmill won by 12 to G. Have I la I four ii m in red and there was a small crowd in attendance. n Itirtl tli tklavr rnav rnn. that wan bound to come to wl-,(U1, to jn anticipation of the Fair Week games, a pout- season series of games between the Gyro (Hub and Sons of Can ada is now being arranged. The Sawmill will not be in this ser ies but some of the mill pla)er will be taken in to strengthen I tie ranks of Hie Gyros and Sons. The first lf these games is to be played tomorrow afternoon at the Acrottolis Hill grounds. In the Letter Box FOOTBALL PROCEEDS ilitur. Daily News: The Great War Veterans' As sociation, through the ' medium of your paper, wish to extend sin ere thanks to the citizens of Prince Rupert for their splendid fcupporl on the occasion of tjie nil hall game between 1LM a pel own ami a representative! Prince lluiert team. The proceeds of this ime, lesa xpeiises, were to be handed to this association to help delrny ur entertainment account. The game was handled solely by Hie officials of the Prince turftrt Football Association ami the sum of ill was taken nt the gflle. We have roeeiveil a settlement with statement attached as fol lows: Cr- Gnte receipts ' ...$77.00 lasi hire o and from ground .. .. fM.OO Hi doz. refreihment .... 30.00 2 dez soft drinks ...... 2.00 Sundries M5.U3 M. .i ; , fo(i.Qz elual amount receiveil by O.W.V.A. . 6.05 At a general meeting of the association held on Wednesday evening it was the unanimous decision Hint you accept Ibis small amount, ami hand same over nt your discretion lo the first deering cause that comes under your notice. II. L. LANDREY Secrelnry Sport Chat Local surinlers should begin at once, t prepare themselves for the mile race, 100 yards dasl and relay race at Ihe Trades X Labor Council's annual celebra tion lo be held on Labor Day These will be only three feature of an unusually good program that i being planned for Die day. the cuinmiHee having plan in hand for the ccelebralion wi! meet next week lo make final iirraiigeinenls. The Labor Ciiiin cil usually puis up a good day of it the first Monday III Seplem her and tins year's program will be equally nllraciive to tho o Ihe pasl. oniy 'wo per cent or Gee inany s population apply 'hem selvee regularly to any fo-m of Wanted Z For Sal For Rent i PkKt I I -I r L:,l UNIOR CLHRKS' EXAMINATION FOR RENT. Pianos, player for the Civil Service of Hrilish Columbia will he held on Saturday afternoon, August itf. IUJ5. For application forms and further in format inn apply fo the nearest Governmen' Agent or lo W. II. Maelnnes. Civil Service Commi-sioniT, Victoria. H.C. LIIIRAHIAN wauled, must b fully qualified to take charge of Public Library. Salary ftOiMH). Unties to commence October I. Apply by letter giving full particulars and experience In (i. V. W'iliinson, Post ellice Im(X I r.MO. WANTED. Two or three room ed furnished house to rent, enfral and modern. P.O. Hot 2G Daily News. ISK WANTED. Plain dreMinaktoir. Reasonable rales. 7lH. Fraer Street. if FOR SALE 'f)R SALE. -Stove troubles sol ved. Why worry about your old sieves when you can exchange Ihofn as first payment on h new PREMIKIl RANGE nnd have complete satisfaction, llalanre on eay payments. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 6&2. If CUHMTUIIK bought, sold anJ exrhangetl. Iteniinkm inlaid linoleum ami Harry, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, inlaid linoleum. Furniture and range of all da-criplion for sate. A. Macken zie Furniture llmisn. Phone 77S. FOR SALE, Pleliure hull in good condition, (iabin over engine and canopy lop. Suit able for - 5 h.p. engiue. A good sea boat. First tlOU takes It. Write Hex 263. Daily .News. If FOR SALE. Furnllure. leather arm and rocking chairs, heal er. dres)Mr, etc., W31 Second Ave. (upstairs). I ' FOR SALE. Yieirola. APO Mrs. Heveridgd, Onrtier Fifth West and Duiisiniilr. Ptiope 298. 190 sport arcoiiling fo Theod re, l.ewnld, under secretary nnd pre sident of the German coinrnltiee for physical culture. Of the U 000,(100 members of Germany's sporting clubs he figure Hid only Iwenly per rent mav be called active, that is, go in for regular training. The iinin ob ject of Hie German eo-umiliee for physical culture is to pn mote athletic endeavor witi the end in view of iinpro- intr the general physiijue of Ihe German people. SALVATION ARm7hAS SEVERAL MEETINGS The Salvation Army yeslenlav held a noon meeting nt the ele valor site for.th benefit of the men. Iloth Ihe visiting officials. Colonel Knoll and Col. McLean spoke mi "The Workiiigman's hriend." Capl. Mirrlam lloucli ion sang - love to fell the slory. There was an onn air im-chng on uie sireel at seven nl which soinelhlng like iwn hundred pen. pie were present and later Iho Citadel was Rfowdeil, the same speakers and soloist taking part. The parly left this inormiu for Port Essiugun where they take part in the Nutiv0 Confer ence. tt ii' a 5 TO RENT 1 - -- L-Xs3 pianos, phonograph and sewing machines. Walkers Music Slore. f F HI RENT.- Two room furnish ed apnrliiient by day. week or month. Phone Red 807. If FOR RENT HoiUri. house, Mv4 rooms and bath. Monro Hro FOIl RENT. Clapp apartment Westenhaver Hros. If BOARD HOARD The Second 'Avenue Inlander. H3ft Ph. IMC 1.17. HOARD and llooin or Ihtard olx Phone Re.1 707. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICES OK EASTIIOPE -CYCLK Marine Engine- - t-H.P. without eluUdi 4-11. P. I cylinder MD 6-ILP. I cylinder HD K-ll.P. I cylinder HD 8-II.P. 2 cylinder MD 10-II.P. I cylinder I.D 1185.00 2C0.OO 150.00 750.00 4M.00 All the shove except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical ami propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Easlhopc Hros.. 1717 Oeorpu Si, W. Vancouver. H.C Always al your service. Prince Rupert Boathoute, Agents Phone 3H. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Gust) Special 6 and 7 passenger Stude- hakcr at vmr service day an. I night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Metker Block' Acrosn trom I'.iupre-N Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox 009. i COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Record t no scratching. Finest ro. produelions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world fumed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE nUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenuo FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Huy, Soli and Ex. change New and Secondhand Goods. QtO. PAPADOPULIS, rt39 Third Ave. Phono Hn KEITH'S CAFE. When In Rlewart visit Keith's Cafe in King I'M ward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-lo-daln Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manaqer. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, August 15 High M:37 ii.m. 1 5.7 2.l:i.1 p.m. 1 8.0 Low . . fi::io a.m. 5.1 17:10 p.m. o. Sunday, August 10 Hih I2:IK a.m. I0.5 23:50 p.m. iH.tt Low tl:ll a.m. L7 IH:07 p.m. H.O Monday, August 17 H'gh I?r5? p.m. 1 7 .2 Low 0 18 a.m. 4.0 13 47 p.m. 7,8 ft ft. J IDAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. J3& 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement tiken lor leu than 50c WANTIB PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. i x Prun e Riij.rf i i Service an l - . 4 Gu.in ii '' MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOIXO. Tpr lh Cul MlSy. WkIiw-.Ij rtmrt II T Vn(Mtr . M4r . Tnnasy WiS idiy BMnroSya T Slk Arm, SUwt hm. tiMta T Cfl tlmpf t4 Km iiar h 7 AUtla Ptol T Ql CirMt Ht4 fWei- AMI .. . IX-COKISO. ll ( SawUr rnH frm ri f 'rM nm M satunltr I rm AUtkl eii Vnnt f Trm CMrlut ItUM evi . . 80X COLLEOTlOi. Itl At. lih St Sill Ate. A rnlb 'i Am. k It sn'- n lltk 4 ShMfcr.tr A I Ilk An. A Nir.t -i i a it mi ' h Ar A c4l - tlh Af. A MrKrwIo -I'm. Oovt. Illi n. Oatt. SMff Q.TJT. Vhrr .. 6. T. P. SUllxi tort A A fml S Sr.l Ar A l"ll. n - nl Aim A 'III l STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS far Vcf ymUi v. i-r.ii- ' tMlr - ft. i rw ' WntSMHir. e i t sUiri)f- . enmi-. 11 - m. Priii. v Vif U US. Clillr. -- I tt ft. I'nii . I'rtii. Frem Vncinf SiMMtijr . i :i MwuMy- . I'rui' fiiNaif rri 1 1 l'rW - I'riiMf " M. uuu l rrUire An-. tl I'rierms a"h if Ctiiiw SI I'riwo." I sttuMav I'"" ror POM Slmps t " iTWy . 'sum from rol SlmpMii t4 Nt" SilunUy . ilU ttr Alk , PlfWSMllV I' Aii"l' l IT- ft. ITIIM'i'-- ' ' I tl ft. ITIIir.-- I SS ft. I'tllirr-s A' I II Irln-e Fm Aln , MutnUl -m. rrliire " Anrn'' I S--. rrliiri'-- 1 ' I tl ft. Pfllirr- A I t- ITIIirrU I ."Ul .k ror SUwlM, Ai t SlIIKlJ) . 'r.l i" I MnfNlty I'rlii'' 1 i lrl.ly frlin-' ' llk,l"'1 Frtm tttwtrl, snioi TiiMiMy fsr-ti k. WeitfM'S'U.v r I''" Sliinl.i I'rlii' ' ' ror go. iittndt Ar IT t. Prior J',in' 31 n Prlnre Jnhn. rrom 0 0. Ulindo Auit:'. It -it. rrlnc Jbn. to , Prlnc ioha. t l i '1 i; tl