25 1111 1 k. IK lll I M am we TAXI nnd Ambulance Servico Anywhcro at Anytime. Stand Royal Notol, 3rd Ave. and Cth St. MATT VIDSCK, Prop. urn u BEAR WANDERS INTO CAMP AT WARKE CHANNEL """l fireinnu Kemlall of "'""'mill hp f e mmsciiacr ''U killed at noon, loilav i ; !'!' "V: l"bir eiiBlne niunliiK ' "lll.d with Iho passeiigi' uric. iW0 olu.. members l'liK(,i rli.vv. ........ I.... I 'i'""'1' with twelve iiassengers, ' vvlium were Injured si-rl- tli people Oi the eomiHMiHiy at well a Hie building uf the ele The lrecU rnal a lot of money. He (hanked Sir Henry for hi en-iixration in helpina veeurc Ihe elevnlor and exlended to him a hearty welcome on behalf of I ! oiluenn. Stork Ponl&tcnt Sir ll'iry Thorn ton said u wa always a pieauro for him l come lo Prince Itupert. No trip w'( was complete without an app'irluiiily lo ee this city and meet the Jople here. Me aitpreviaieil Ihe Kecroa welcome aiven him. Although not piMiiiMied In invade the realm of poiilro he wanted lo eay that in Mr. Stork Ihey had an enthu-.lastic adoole. Ha ra eei ir.'nlouii in lh interel! of Prim e 'lluperl. "Jle never giee me a moment' peace When I am in Jericho oitawa if there in unylhiiiK be waiitn fr iTlnou lluperl," he aaid. The vivitor wild thi win an Important day. It wnt Iho hlrlh-day of Mr. lvon, director of Ihe railway (iipplnuae . He would nay this nf .Mr. Hanson, that no director coulrihuled more (he welfare of the road mid mine wa held in muro eetecm than the one from Prince Hupert. He hoped lie would he Mirod lo aive of hi" natre advice for many yeur) lo rome. Benefit to City Menlmiiinir Iben Ihe hencfils likely to nrcrue l H'" oily from the icIeviili-T vmialrucrjon, . r lleinv -aiil thai he bad met a nmitl r Ihe board of Ira.le during the ii(oinl"K '""I I'" waiJ nhle lo announce Hint they linked There were no .... ..v.i v snhJect. .:rr l e wim anxious io OI I M .i ..v ...viii.nft iiossuhle lo pro ' ' . i.i i.. ii... in erects oi i iiiuv ii. i ihf sreal Pacifio pod ""i" x . i.. selves. .iiwi.neil to become ....!.. il.i. Sir Henry made clear thai Hiey wen' t lliU-,l.,.,,plsls but that al present Ihe ,,,llway was passing hroui. rndli .,. r less unprodurlive anxious I i il.v w-re liflptnsr Prince ...i. ....v. Mv per ' ll.ey were helping ll.em-. . lnlnre,U of Iho port i i ii.. in- were .MtrHtlttot. t.-aa grin mm tlaMnktfi ... " " " " . ihi me nut hrown ii rur nenry. ne ried Prin'-e lluperl a iuk' l uille (own in I lie IM- M.iiiiinii. Although uwill. it had Phil Brtnlten Follows Him to) nil lite earmark of a big city. WckxJi and Now Bruin Is no Wora cable rtrileinenl wa M, I lev. in V Hrown a! Uarke Channel hImiiiI noon when a .n k bear wvfndercd un : into the place. Tl' Ihe IkmI Tnplow,' "mi. tool. In- inioly1 huh anil returned ' ' i minute with an- Iii credit. FLYING BOAT ON WAY HERE lchlne QN Leave Hcach Today for North Duo at First or Week r tx.f li.N which in I" ti" aerial fishcric pal-1 uncut here, left .lerichn '! iiic-iniver. I liia inorninK '' ll nite il, The nhip i" 1 " ronie ai far ii'r!'i 5 ' swaninii Hay, cnniplel-' 'litfhl to Hie hae ai 1 I ami ut Hit. first .of ilia 'in iiio arrival of N "inilh, one of Ih.i ! ; a :r i,w ,cn, w III lie taken wui'tui l.haiiollo Island io : ai i, ori,.,. imo tmil Ihe 'it 'lif M'ttNiin. COLLISION ON C.P.R. LINE rusher Englm, Ran Into Pnsson 0r Train and Two Mon Killed 1 1 illimilMtH, Aug. 15. " Mnhlletou of the pusher 11 mutual. The Canadian Niln TVIa In ! d- ,.n(lt(1 , ass.st.nK ,'OlllMlUra pff ,AV0 Lastoo and Axe Used at Queen Charlottes In Capturing Big Brown One ! liunlinj; HAYI'Oll'P, Auk. 15. Alex Heid, enaineer of Ihe Maritime Fisheries, was seriously injured last evening when one of Ihe !tpes In t ho cold stornuo plant burst and struck him in the face. He was taken to Port Ls- sinSton hospital where he is in enre of lr. Niger. Dunwell llnzcltmi I.. & I.. STOCK MARKET Hid 1.70 .01 .2H H Premier S.I0 Porter Idaho .... , Silverrreul Daly Alaska .... Indlnir Marmot Meluls SurX Ijil'-t HiifU? ; M.a, Silver f raiiliy Selkirk .0.1 .01 1.20 13.00 .01 Terminus Howe Sound 2(MH) flliulsloiio 21 H Hayview 05 bear with a rifle or even a li"l gun in not an unusual uport. II lay for llufus Watt however, to invent a new method of toying with brum in bin own baunlx. It wax in Masrett Inlet taxi Tueday thai Ihe exhibition wa given. A bear was. feen 'Witnuun in Ihe inlet. Watt, who was finhin?, HpprnarlDtl from Ihe water and larsoed him with a rnc he had in the boat. Hruin iel out for -bore lowimr Ihe boat and net and it became evident to the caplor that unlessl fellow would : 1.1 cai' Jnxl as Hruin slrupcl"i ul of i tic water on lo the beach. Mr Will I (4 liroiislit an ave down mi In head and bowled him . over. IS VALUABLE Hon. Dr. King Says It Will Bring Cycle of Prosperity VICTORIA, Aug. 15. Canada's nraln crop for 1925, Is ' estimated to be worth $400,-000,000 moro than last year's. Together with Immigration on a larpe scale It will be the means of achieving another cycle of great prosperity, according to Hon. J. H. King, I minister of public works In tha Dominion Government, who arrived hero today. He returns to Ottawa next week. ENGINEER INJURED MARITIME FISHERIES Haysport Man Goes to Hospital at Port Csslngton For Treatment Asked I.K3 .02 i .no 2.15 .21 .1(5 .21 .00 -.15 .05 .18 .01 .18 .20 .09 VJ. During Past Week, 278 Men Have Been Sent From Hore i to Harvest Fields 1 ... During the past week 278 menj liave lefl Prince lluperl for the prairie harvest fields it was an- nouueed at the provincial labor; bureau jllerday morning. Thirty went yesterday morninp, l on Thursday and 52 on Wed nesilay. Ihe bureau now has an order for fifty men to (to i.iaik. Saskatchewan. DOUBLE YICTORY IN BASEBALL MAKES A CHANGE IN STANDING CHICAGO, Aug. 15 . - New-York's double victory over Hrooklyn yesterday permitted Iho (iiants lo creep half a game closer to Pittsburg, which now leads by four full games. Philadelphia is leading Washington by two games. MAYOR DONAGHY OF NORTH VANCOUVER IS LIBERAL CANDIDATE! VAXCOl'VKIl, Aug. 1 5.-. Mayor Donald Imnughy, barrister, of North Vancouver was nominated at an open meeting of Liberal for the new riding of Vancouver North ns Liberal slamlard-bear V for the coming federal election. BASEBALL Amorlcan League Philadelphia 0, Huston 3. St. Louis 10, Cleveland 7 New York 0. Washington 2. National League Hrooklyn 2-3, New York 1-5. Hoslon 8, Philadelphia II. Cincinnati 0, Pittsburg tl. Chicago 7. SI Louis t. Xijvertlsfs In Hie Dally News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUNLTv III I'KItT, H.G., SAIL HI JAY, AUGUST 15, 1025.' VMttrdir'f ClrtulUoi 1729. Miss Hoiiiue lira;, goes under and over her hor-e at the gallop in an exhibition of stunt riding at Ihe Calgar stampede Notorious Mail Robber Shot Man Who Caused His Arrest; Companion Convicted Murderer M UN Gi. Indiana. Aug. 15. CHOLERA SPREADING AT SHANGHAI WITH HIGH DZATH RATE SHANOHAl, Aug. 15. A thousand cases of cholera exist here and the plasue is spreading. The death rate is twelve per cent of those affected. z SOCCER SEASON OPENED TODAY Games of First Division In tlsh Loague Plaved This Afternoon LONDON, Aug. 15. The soo-cer season opened today in Sen' land with the playing of a full list of matches in the first division of the Scottish League. 1-Iiiglish games do not commence for two weeks because cricket is still in full swing. The following were the results Ibis afternoon: Aberdeen 3, Hamilton A. 3. Celtic 5. Hibernians 0. Dundee 3, Morion 0. Hearts I. Falkirk t. Kilmarnock 2. (Jueen's Park 1. .Mulljerwell 2, Clydebank 1. Part irk Thistles 3. Cowdenbeath 1 llaith Hovers I, Duifuce U. 2. v St. Johnstone 0, Hangers 3.' SI. Mirren 1. Airdrieonians 1. TEXTILE WORKERS DISPUTE SETTLED Thorough Investigation to bo Mado Bofore New Negotiations Commohco V LONDON. Aug. 15. A dlspule between 200,000 textile workers mid their employers has been set I led on the basis of the old scale pending negotiations which will be renewed afler a thorough investigation. Ihe employers threatened n reduction of eight per cent. Slratt ! M. Were Guests at Dance Given Last Night by F. G. Dawson at His Home, Fifth Avenue Sir Henry Thornton and practically all the meudiers of his parly were guests last evening at a dance at the home of F. (. Dawson, Fifth Avenue. Muiu was provided by the Serenade orchestra and everyone had j most enjoyable time. HutTe'. supper was served at the hom. of Mr. aiid Mis. 11. 1". McNaugb- tou adioiiim-". which had been loaned for Ihe occasion. M .. Boston Grill Large tps'air Dining Hall, Willi newly laid dancing floor for lure. Don t forget to visit our NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest ami best tor the least. Phona 457. PRIOR FIVE CENTS. FANT GRAIN PORT RUPERT'S DESTINY POLITICAL ACTIVITY AT OTTAWA CENTRES ALL EYES ON NATION'S CAPITAL t Elevator Places City in Position to Become One of Great Ports of Pacific says Sir Henry Thornton Visitor says Slorh never gives him moment's NEW METHOD peace in uuawa; nevtews hnance of Railway ANXIOUS TO CO-OPERATE WITH CITY There were a number -i tilings Prune lluperl wanted al of m previou viil here, and out of llicse wa a grain N"v that Hie clvvalor i being limit (he rity will be Ui take its place a one of the greal porta of the So mikI air lleurv Thornton. prcidciil uml chairman ."I if director of the Gmiuilian National ILulwav, at ' i) given in hi- honor yesterday afternoon. Fred Slork, Mini uml there wire also al the head table I". IK Daw- member or Hie lnnl of director, Goiiftiil Wakefield, tiicy uml a number of prominent visitor. In w louting Sir Henry Mr. Stork Haul he wan come again in a po ncer coiiuitunify. He pointed Up improvement made here by HUNTING BEAR Activity at Ottawa is Attracting Attention Possible election following dissolution of House is matter of paramount importance; Larkin from London i I OTTAWA, Aug. 15. With Ihe Canadian high commis-t sinner in Loudon arriving at Otlavvu today und with 'the Dominion prime niini-lcr and Ihe premier of Saskatchewan engaged in conversation looking to, the entrance of Premier Dim-, un.g into the Dominion cabinet und with a full meeting of the cabinet summoned for Monday, Ihe coming week promises lo ! be an active one in governmental circles. j Premier King has gone lo Quebec lo meet High dommis-jsiouer Lai kin and they will proceed lo the premier's country 'home for the week end. Ihey: iwill be in Ottawa for the 'cabineli nieelinjr, however, and probably Mr. Larkin will make a report on the conditions overseas and the work of the departments under his direction. ci.sion the cabim-l will make as lo Hen Ilance and hi- wife wt;re( whether dissolution is to lake shol (o dealli jejiierday by a man whom ilance idenlti.ed shortly place soon, followed by a general before living as (ieorj?e Anderson, companion lo (ieral.i Chan- i elect ion. The, government has man, the iiutnnoji- mail robber, now under senleip e of death in mwre MirenuntiA effurlsi . wefelGiHiHMlimit statelprisoii for the mmder or a New Hriliuui-ice.brterm set lo run but may re- I ' 'J ... . ir . .. I man. Ilaiire was responsible for Ihe arresl of Chapman. Anderson was couvirled with Chapman of complicity in ai eommenn tne dissolution or par- ou, tIL. -,..!. of p i, tiaii tfll, liamenl at any time and lh" ,0UM; iarii. crop and stock ne liovernor would undoubtedly ac- lus a destroveil. Mr. and Mrs. million dollar mail robbery al New York in 1021 and was sen-c,l,, "'e recommendation. leuccd (' prison for -5 years. He escaped from jail at Atlanta. PRAIRIE MOVEMENT ! FROM HERE LARGE Dawson's sister, Mrs. (!rb?Ve. acted as hostess. Most of the visitors danced and for tho'! who did not. cards were provid ed, 'the party broke up about two o'clock. FOLEY SUCCESSFULLY , DEFENDS HIS TITLE HEUINA, Aug. 15.-Vic Folev of Vancouver successfully defended the bantamweight title last uight gaining the decision over Jackie Lewis in a fifteen round bout. BIRTHS On August 11, al the Prince lluperl General Hospital, a daughter was born to Mr. an I Mrs. Ralph Morin of Seventh Avenue West. A daughter was horn al the Prince lluperl General Hospital on August 15 to Mr. and Mr. Ilichard Kiblay of Prince Hupert. A daughter was .born al the Priori1 Hupert General Hospital on August 15 to Mr and Mrs. Morn- Mark ot Ma-ctt. 135 CATTLE ARE FIRE VICTIMS A mailer of overshadowing; importance at present is the de- Ranch Near Slocan City and Sev- eral Pole Camps Destroyed SLOGAN UITV, H.U., Aug. 15. ltiilx'i-l mi .(Iri.U fnrpst ftrn ii neanj a year ami nan oi us ii c iprat-l ically out. On Thursday i. Hall barely escaned with their Hau l in hand with (he pro- iiVe. The fire killed 35 head of posed election goes the m;ilterj(..,n le iMmiyinj: to the Halls and of cabinet reorganization ami injseveral pole camps were wipe! this connection the ivinlinui'il ,,ui preenee of Premier Dunning inj n,t. fjn. on Thursday came Ihe capital gams in importance. jwithin two miles of Slocan City Mr. Dunning, it is understood. ; wliiefi wa saved only by a timely bus been iven an opportunity of.ehaniie of the direction of the entering tin- gowrnmcnt as min-Uviml ister of immigration. ' SIR HENRY THORNTON !rIlL UlAilllCL PARTY ENTERTAINED UlCHIMf CI AW llJ-llMU JLVTI Boats Not Averaging Moro Than Ten About Fifty Boats Working in Neighborhood A slow run oT eoho salmon is reported from Wurke Channel by fisherman arriving from there today. The trollers1 are not averaging more than ten fish to a boat which i poor fihlng. There are about firry boats working in Ihe Yarke Channel neighborhood now. The fish are distributed from (lie Flewin A Hrown camp to Yv ales Island and the Skecnn Itiver. some also reaching Prince Hupert. PRESIDENT OFCOL-T STORAGE VISITS CITY F. Perry of Montreal Is Hero on His Annual Inspection Trip Going East on Monday F. Perry of Montreal, presi dent of Ihe Canadian Fish Gold Sioraa-c Co., is in the city on Ids annual visit to Ihe local plant, lie arrived from Iho south on the PriDfuf itopert yesterday morning accompanied bv Mrs'. Perry who Is making Iho round trip to Stewart and Anyo ami who will be hack on the Prince Hupert this afle.moon. They will proceed Mast on Monday morning' train. SLEEPING SICKNESS. NFAV YOIIK. Aug. I5 Mrs. I .l 1 ( ...!. . 1.. rierponi .nor. an, wue oi me international banker, died yesterday follow'Hijt I wo tnoiitlii