"AOR SIX TEE DAILY rTEWS We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Eto. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRESH BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND FOWL. Compare our prices. Uniting Jieef, per Hi. . . 6c I'ol lloast, per lb 10c Oven Hoasl, per lb. 12'2c Hamburger Steak, lb. 12'2c Gainer's Ham, per lb. 40c Gainer's ilacon, per lb. 45c Saturday Special Gainer s iNire Lard, per lb. in bricks 25c Your money back if this is no) I ho best lard ever used. Bulkley Market (Formerly P.H. Fish Market Phone 178 WHAT LOOKS BETTER THAN A Pullover and a Plaited Skirt When on a Plcnlo? Our selection is of the best. "Doners"' P.O. Box 327. Phono 27. DANCING At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight 5 Piece Orchestra. 1 Dance 3 for 25c I t ee Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, tin- great lady phrenologist from Jerusalem, will read your heart like an open book. She will (ell you nil about your past ami pre.ent. Iiou'l miss this threat opportunity. 820 Third Avonuo West. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST HelQorson Block, Prlnco Rupert, D.C. Offieo Hours- -0 lo 0, X-Ray Service Phone C86. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings HALIBUT ARRIVALS TOTAL 222,000 LBS. Prices Ran Between 10c and 12o For First and 7c for Seconds at Exchange This Halibut arrivals marketed at the Fish Mxcliauge this morning- totalled 222,000 pounds, 37,00,0 iiomiils llpintr fnim l.in.i.li.iii i boats and the balanco from' lAmericans. Prices for first class fish fluctuated considerably ac-j cordiiiff to iiiality from lOo lo 12c while second class fares went up lo 7c which the nvost of the boats received. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Yansee. 80.000 lbs., at 10.1c and 5c to the Pacific Fisheries. J and 7c. and Yule. 1.000 lbs., at Oonah, 17.000 lbs., al 12c and io.8e and 7c, lo the Atlin Fish 7e; Sherman, 15.000 lbs., at 11.9c eries. and ic. ami-Cora, C.000 lbs., at p. Iorrecn, 12,000 lbs., at 10.8c 12.3c and c lo the Month Fish-. and Jc, to the Hoyal Fish Co. cries Co. . I : Middlelon, 18.000 lbs., at 10.1c alid 5c, and Kuslem Point, 1,500, lbs., at 12.0c and 7c, to the Atlin Fisheriti. Canadian LAND ACT. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load SG.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per loud S6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. I Best Summer Tonic the active principle of fresh ripe fruits. You'll enjoy life if you keep your system normal an'd healthy with "FRUIT-A-TIVES" 77 Fruit tonlo laxative and 5c, ami Glacier, 11,000 lbs.1 - : rr-. ? at 12.3c and 7c to the Ganadian'ic, to the Canadian Fish and Cold Fish and Cold Storage Co. Storage C. Ivanhoe, 28,000 lbs., at 11.8c. Point May. 8.500 lbs., at 10.Cc HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert V. J. Abler l.iniil tint 11 and I.. 1). Meeklev. Montreal: J. 'O'llourke and Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Island Point. Sltklan lUml. ! I (.nimnui TAKE KOTICE that Anxlo-ltrlllsh Coh "''-- - """". imbla l-atkinr aiiruuvrr. ICIUM lo int (tescriU-d . ett. ami II aies isiana in a position ueanna- norm ,i d i,;i,i-., Port ii,,-i i.' ;rri..,. . II. 11 limnetic from IMyalark Island and true Children, hsSIIlglOli; asi rrom isiana roint, iiuun uiann; ,. frank, Terrace; .Mr. a ml .Mrs. in-live nuu-.iri ij siuiir iiiku water , , , , n , mark forty eiriit bundrrd frft. more or Hull, Digby Island; Mrs. Gaplam viulbcrv 10 chains, more or Imi. to low HOU.IllOI. ami tiatlf-llier, Iiazei- wattr mark; theiice norlhwrstrrly aU.iiK 0u; V. F. Hilllls and Harrj" Mr-low watfr nark fortyelirht bumlird frei, ... , , ,, Hi-ire or Imj; thenr northerly to rhalni, CoUVer, iwtlllioral; h. I.. JlaC- tnnre or u?f. to point or i omniriireiiK-nl. i .., f.,. n and txintalnlnr 7S arr.. mrp or Ipse. i1,tuu' last u.ul, A0LO-DltITISII COl.LMIIIA Central It. Futvoye, Y. J. OatppbclJ, P. Whitby, F. Duggnn, L. (iarfi and C. Donaldson, C.X.H.; Mrs. Geo. IJillerl and Miss Gladys Millert, Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laata Land Vnii Tit:i " t1' In l-rlnre llupert Land llerontinr o - JLU' trici or erinre nui?rt. ana slump at - - . . Bartlelt PnlnL Wales Island, British TAKE viTICE that Anlo-nmih Col- Nolle of Intantlon to Applj to Purthat undila t'arkinic Omiiuinjr Limited, of Land. Iluiert. and situate al Shannon Hay B.C.. Ma.sett Inlet. O.O. Itlands. B.C. TAkE OTK.E that Omse-Mlllerd. Limited, of Vancouver R.r... orrupatKm Minion ranners, intends In apply for permission to purchase the following de-srrlbeil lands: CofoiiHnrlnr at a I't planted apprml-malely 15 chains rl, more or less, from tin" iiorttip.t rorrwr Lot IS! (T.L. ?5S1M; thence south 8 rhalns; lnen-e west 0 chains; thence south 1 chains; llieiire west to rhalns, more or less, lo beach; llienre follnwlnr meanderlna; of beach to tailnt of roiuiiieiireiiient, and 'DtiialiilniT I arres more or !. GOSf;.MIU.ErtU LIMITED. Applicant I I'cr Wm. 0. .Mitchell iiatxt inn -in is LAND ACT. Arent LAND ACT. Notlt of Intantlon lo Apply to Leas Land i In I'rlncp lniiprt Land Hprordln llirlc ' of Prince IiiuhtI. and situate at Yrs talum Bav. Ms-i-lt Inlil. I TAKE .VITII.E lhal KliKene II. Klmpson, i of Masselt. II.':.. ix-rutialloti raiilieryinan Intends to amily fur a lease of the fol- Inwlnir desrrlliPd lands :- tUmimenrlna at a Post planted alx.ut Q rhalns westerly from the S.E. romer or Lot iiilt. Itanre i, 0at lilslrlct; I thenre west all rhalns; llienre north three l ' halm, more or less, lo lilrli waler mark: llienre easieriy aiona nuru wsier inara ih Hlnt of riimnienceiiieni, and ronlalnliii t acres, more or !. ELEE II. SIMPSON. Applicant. Nolle of Intantlon lo Apply to Ltas Land In Kki-Piia II a n ne 5 Land lilslrlct, He-rijrdMiic lilslrlct prince llupert, ami sit , uale S'liilliwi st point of Wales Island. TAKE .NOTICE that the Canadian f ish-In i:o. Lid., or Vancouver, lu:., orrupa , Hon, salmon Canners, intends to apply for permission to lease the following ! scribed lands: nomnirncinr at post planted at hi Hi waier mara on souiiiwesi xnni on waies Island. B.C.: llienre mirth one rhaln: thence east ten rhalns; thenre ami Hi one chain to shore line: thenre west alona shore line to point of rommenrrment, and coiuainina- imp arre, more or less, THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD, fisted Tod May mst LAND ACT. Nolle bf Intantlon lo Apply to Ltas Land In skepna lisnirc a Land Dlslrirt, Prince liiiiert. B.C.. and situate I'm yards north oi nnier iiarieir, Pearse island, li.c. TAkE .NOTICE that the Canadian Elh-Inr Co, Ltd.. of Vancouver, li.c orruoa- t Inn, Salmon r.anners, Inleiids to apply mm- iTinii"iii jo lease ine rouowinc ne wrllied lands:- - f iiinrnriirlnir al a iit planted at tilarh water mark 40 feel from rock on shore line: 1 hence east one chain; Ihenc north one hundred and twenty rhalns; Ihciira west to shore line one chain; thence In a southerly djrertlon followlnr the shore nun io iMuni or commencement, ana ron-talnlnt twelve acres, more nr less. THE CANADIAN EISHINO CO. LTD Dated lotb May, tm. future Klhri.la on ARRANGING FOR ENTERTAINMENT This was Chief Business at Regular Meeting of St. Andrew's Society Last Evening Plans for entertainment dur iiiR the forthcoming fall an .1 winter constituted the chief bus mess at the regular ineclniR of the St. Andrew's Society last night. President A. H. Sinclair. was in Hie chair anil S. 1). Mao- douald acted as secretary. t .......... 1 1 I.... . 1 .,1 1 .... nt , Itflllllllllt'U Llllintlllb Uli Howard Sleen rliiiirman. Hem arrango for other lines of enter tainuienl. The playing of uarpcl howling was an innovation pro posed. that the affair last Sunday on Digby Island had resullcd in social ami financial success. Three new member were Ilev. lr. II. It. (irant will ad his reeepl trio In Panel nnd C. J. Pol I inter. Vie- NO ff IIFS FniiNn IN til: II.. ... .no- ....1 . . la.w w w m,, v w . , . mil ins., ai m.oc .inn mria; ., i.. iiaKlwin, i. perry. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lani ELECTRIC CO. ROBBERY Lund. Fjlmonlon: Chas. Wrighi.i u iwiim'i: in., ir. itnv.m.i lu Prince llupert Land Hei-onlm : 'nl l!iesr 5,11 r Fticlaml' Itnliert Drinir . ' r 7,' . inn i.f ITIiira- llmiorl nA alliuli "p.'lIIM , llOlliri IM III,.' p rp,.f,VPrV flf llll nlltllllinhll.t r.i. ninioiirtn ft- at m Twist nMiitort at tilah ' ' lull ruillirrs mill IIUW IIII"V rsrm - . . . . t i i. . vi.. I .. . ' i . Miirr mar on ine miuuiwtui snurr ui ni.iini rump, ..n., .'lis. lujuir COLLIER SINKS. t" - HHKST, Fra'nee, Au?. 15. - Hleven persons are missing a a result of the sinking on Fridav of a French .. collier, . , which was - iimuuirr. !.... intuuhkhi i arftrrs, in- tends to apply for a lease of tbe follow- I" . rrliire . . nupert . . Land ...... Olstrkt. Meeorduij. ,,,, ,. f,,J, ..,,ij(r l'.nlM Inir dprrild lands: i nisirirl or rrinre unpen, ami tona.e .. .... - Comrm-nrlnir al a pot planted on the siwnnon iiaj, u.i. atnlh clu.rj. f.f n.. 11.11 l..lnl l'.l.. I. O.I.. Iflanit. land, at lilrh vil.r mirk- o'u-nrp In an TAkf 'MlTICE that James leidln easterly riireetlon alomr tilth water mark stratir. of sunnyslde. H.. oectitutKni rorl -elrht hundred Tret, more or les, Mnnerynian, inteiMis to apply rw l-ennis-tn a thmi nurkMt Nn i f ih.nr. ainiih. alon to purchase the followlnr deaeribPd erly to chains, more or less, to low water lands: mark- ihpnrp in a u..i..iv rfirrii..n UMiunpiirlnr at a tMt planted 14 rhalns alon low waler mark rorty-eUht htindnd 3de(r. west, more or less frwr feet, nmre or less; thenre northerly II) southwest rortier or l.t ISIS; tlieiice rhalns lo r"lnl of rommenrrnient. and ""u,n JB rnin; thenre el 3U rhains.i contalnlnit 7S arres. nn.re or less. ;"',',"' ,or " edre; Ibenre A.M.LO-IIHITISII CO I I MHIl imniauip iiir.imrnni "l uriui l Jiuiin, I'ACkl.NO CO. 1.TO . of ruiiiinriireiiient, and eontalnina; 1 arre. Appllrant, ""lrc v' " Per Waller E. Walker, Arent. Dated July 18. tVS Just Arrived! The latest styles In ladies' hosiery at t lie lowest possible prices. Ladies, it w ill pay you lo come in and take . advantage of these liar-gains. Silk Hose Regular price 81.50, reduced to S1.25 Dawn, ltlack, Cork, Camel, Hrown, Flesh, Peach. Silk and Wool Hegular price $1.25, reduced to $1.10 Grey and Fawn. Fancy Silk Hose Hegular price 1.50, reduced lo S1.35 Fancy Silk Hose In Grey and Fawn, reduced lo, per pair SI .10 Sllkollne Hegular H5c. 75c, reduced to per pair .... . . 55c, G5o All Dry Goods considerably reduced. Come in and see for yourself. Mussallem's Phone 18 or 24. Fifth Ave. E. Dated Jnlv J A 3. rlELM.NO 8THA0. Appl leant. Ter Wru. 0. Mitchell. Acini I. Tth. to LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Purenata Land. Ill the Land Reeorilmr lilitrtri of I'rinr HAZELTON Mayor Newlun of Prince llupert has consented lo opon (he I lower show here on August SI and Mrs. Mary lillen Smith, M.I..A. of Vancouver and Mrs. It. I.. Mcintosh have consented lo act as judges. S. II. Scnkspiel lian opened a new pole camp on Nine Mile road and has twelve men work ing I here. .Mike tioorge has a number of men working in the same vicinity. . F'athqr Cooper of the Unlver sity of Washington W visiting (he Ilabiue dislrict. He held services in llazwilgct last It is learned here that K. I.a- Trnco of Princnr llupert has been awarded Hie contract for the erection of Hie new school here at a cost of J,i00. , Fred Sail is In the llazcllou Hospital suffering from a broken leg sustained while unloading ties. A son .was born at the llazel- lon llospllitl on August (5 lu Mr. and Mrs. John Spilzel of Cain iby. II. V. Ivlwardsou has been appointed leacher of the New llazcllou school. llt lll lake up his dulies at tho opening of Hi. Fall term. Miss Mna Hickman, who recently Bxaduated from the Ha.el-loit Hospital training sehoid for mirsus, has I6ft for Kilwiium wliero she will visit for it few days before iirocecditi. to Mrs. Law and sou Jack, of Calvary, are ' hero lo spend a month visliuijf .with Mrs. Mac-Kay and family ... Hill Lariner liati retiiriiod lo llazeltou aftep- an ubsencc of severul weeks. Mrs. Larttcf molher of Dr. Law, has left for Hie cons! 1 ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaIaaaaaaaaaaaBMaTaTaT.HBaaaVaK aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the dealer who fecommondi 2ik1 ShooMisK isbanklnaonyouM continued patiVTnac. WIRELESS REPORT. DKillY Mils eveniit; 8 a.m. ISLAM . Overcas, ! lialjfamo. James Simpson, fu.'rn,": '"i'",,-. ao.SlJ; leiuper-! Abbolt ami Jack Walson ww n,ure- "n "hhii. o..iu a.m. . . . .. ......1 .. .,i t.l...l...l ei.... ' named lo arrange for anot ter .i mi crun-r. series of Scollisli dances. Olheri'''" KHrlllkaii for Seattle; 8 committees were appointed lo1!' "'- l,oke "teainer nxxr tow- iiipT Pioneer, Anyus lo Slewnrl. '.Ml miles from Slewarl. IIKAII THKH POl.NT. Clear. calm, barometer. 30.21; letuper- The picnic commlllee reported "ture. 55; sea smooth. HULL HAItlKlll. Ovf-rca' lilthl norlhet wind; barometer,1 30.11; ifniKralurf. 55; ea moderate; 8 ii.in. fpokc molorHltip Challftmbra, Seattle for Kntc'n-kan, 232 miles from Kelcliikuu; dress the soeiely in the near 8 "' teaiiM-r (rdena 'n .loliiK-tui SI rail s north Itoiind. Noon HIOIIY ISLAM t. - Ovtrral. (Vilm;liroiiielir, 30,30; Irruprr nliir, 01; sen kiikmiIU; uleuim-r Princess taui due Prinrr 1 1 n-pert at 3.15 p.m. IllIAIt TIlKK POl.NT. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.25; leinper-ulur 06; ea nmooili. tfirEK;!!t,K"3!r:l; A-."- Land used ... the NV,nipe'm j.j imn - II'L"'';. '-". lher: " a.. iKleetnc V. r.dd.ery within aL"p,Z". PACkl.NO CO. LTD.. Appllrant Ter Waltpr E. Walker. Arcnt. Oalpil July ttih. tBjl. It i a 1 1 y escaptsJ, from yeslerday's ?87,O0O holdup. AUSTRALIAN WINS - Ovrrl, I t ' I . . . . . ' - I I- . I ... I I p . ..... - ... MiSitt noruiwx'Bi u. wimi; irunn'iiT. f. If,'w tl"1 ce,, ,l,ei3lt .III: l..,n,-.,.,r 115: ... .....!.! 'atainr Company company Limited, i.iniuoa. i.f ir l.uillllllZ . n; and anil nuru Dorothy y G if. lie I. ..t..... ..... i r , r. b.i: occupation 1'ackeri .In- .. rml". i ' u"-'erale; Prints John due Skldegal. n v ippijr rdr a t-ae of tbe roitow- Vancouver, an l.. v. iuis, D.vU Winni w mm- rovcr t.,j . ay glues . as lo who are rt ' iIuhI lanrtf lands: Mr. 1 1 I SI... Mrs. II 'I' - ' ;IL 0.111. CN.lt. steamer Prinrt John, Capl. li. M.ihhs, from Vancouver via the Oueen Cliarlollr Islands, ii not esjMrlfMl until MiiihIh. . . . , . .. . , i lie rrtutei rTjioriB iiirsr-ii tiitf i MONTHKAL, Aug. 15. Gerald nrrh a skiilejrle at u m l... . 1 aa 1 a Patterson of Australia defeated YVillanl (Crocker of Canada in the singles in a Davis Cup match this afternoon 6-1, ll-'J, C-l. Capl. .1. 11. Glllalt and -"it .r Samsptl. who have, been vimting Die city for the nal two we-k-,i ...in ... . i .. i win rnurn to iim vurr" i.iifi-lolle Islands on I he Prior.- Join M i md ay night . Advertlj .n iih IihiIv Nrw TIMBER SALE X7343. Sfu Wnt TatasVr Mill Lp rpretfptt hr ILs MHiMiet' or Lands a I Victoria ml ler, I Asa mom oh the I7lb d of septeiiaWc. Iti. for tita I hi rrlMjip .,r Lsepcxe XJill. to rut 3,M,)d let ol Cedar, ttftrur. ItaUani and llemlurk, cn an area alius in) n loe Last Aim of Oruiey Ja4, flame , Vjfi Outlirt. Thror year, will be allowed fori retaxtval of OtulH-r I loiicvr parliroar M the chief tr; aier. , iriorta. In:., or liisinn Eoreslrr. rniKT nuri, n.i.. LAND ACT. Notle of InUnllon I Apply to Las Land In Cualar Land lilalrtrL hecordnti Ins- irlel rriure liuoprt. It t:. . sad situate rwftl) or iKmruk Hay, rortUul (.anal TAkE NOIICE that II i.aHaJlait nh law lUi. Ltd. of Vann, over. B.C.. urrisM lion. Sahisrfi (.aimers, HilesM to apes lor permission to irate on iwsuwina ue aerllipsl lamia: lUMuinenelna at a tm.t tdanlest al hilll waler mark, thai yards sou 10 of Indian I smoke IsHisea; llworp isurthpasi use chain: theie-r aonilipast nnr hundred anl twenty chaHi. llienre WMithviest to snoir line uoe cm in; llienre nuriiimesi rouow Isr I lie slater Hop to Instill of omimeiire niPirt. one hiiiMlrt-d ami twenty rlunis. and rssilalnlnr twelve arr. neire or less. THE CANllllAN f lglllNO CO. LTD. Iwled aoth Mav. tyk LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Applf lo La.Lnd In gketna lunae h l.atKl distrlrl, lie rorilina liHltli t PiiiM-e liorl, n.( .. aixl sllHatr U mile north or Wale lalaiei i.anopry. on Wales Island, B TAkE MTH:E thai the ranadlan Hh In o. Ltd.. of Vaneoiiver, II ix rupa I Mm, saliieiii Caiuiers, intend, lo apply for -Mnlskjti to lease the followint ilr scribed lauds: - OimiiM-nrmir al a pnl planted at huh waler mark, near point U mile norikl from shim r on Wth-a f.tand' thenT north one lia'n . IhriH'o wi-( t ri liato-llirnre S'.nih to -hore linn one 'ham lliem-n rut follow nr the 'Ifire II in ti point t imm'-n' ' mria. and '.oniainlna one ai "e more i l s Till: rANAPIlN riSHINO tXi LTD Dated auih M, 1 CANADIAN SERVICE mOM MONTREAL. i TO PLY MOUTH-CM IflBOURQ-LON DON Allium i Aiioiiia Asranu HK, tt -..'Id . l. In i n Vox HV -.-III. (let i Seiil. U. Hi t, o. v,i J TO LIVERPOOL Al.iniia . S' i'i. 4 aiimiii . . sppt is TO OLAtOOW. l-ctnia imr -it. s.-pi, r, Saturiil .. -i-iit. t MhiMiia .. srpi II TROM NIW YORK i TO QUCIN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL i :a mm ma .ur. imnnuiia Aim u ilariothla .. ti,i. r, Inl-iaiis . Spot is TO CHERBOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON l liereimarla u. n, s..i,t t. 1 1. a MauiPlania spoi o. ..I Ail'iiisu a si-pi. u. :im, lot A TO LONDONDERRY AND OLAtOOW i:iir..niu it! a i.vHd. . .ma v Tiisetnia -i i t . r. i aioeriiina . . si pt If . TO PLYtfOUTH-CHERBOURd-LONDON lanca-ina Sua. i.,r . sppi ; TO PLVMOUTH-CMERBOURO-MAMOURQ ".ii"i "i'i! irl li ft,, ' 'ROM BOSTON I TO ourrNs mum an ....... where she will visit some time -"""ana vr r, s vihia n"pi s berore ielU, . u 1 bur home nZr,lin,Zr,X,n'itt VfrUn Toronto. ' VaneiVv, b!c. ' "' ",,,'n W J Saturday, August 15, 9?, IIIBl WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Saturday Mntlnoo, 3 p.m. NORMA , TalmadgE in "The Only Woman A different Nornm you'll innl in Un heuulifiil, never more appe.iluijj. u er i In-ei A greaUr Numha Hper in tin di.iin.i of in. i stteicly belle ie-niarrie n w.i-ln l In e hm, self. Then it WMie-lHsln l derk-, lier fule h hk ?, halmire, he halllea to prme liis Uivo Ut the onh w taiiKlit linn lu be a man. When mw juL Ii over d iiiusls pinler. v!ifii Hie ik'i'iiii is rimmed In ! . a man fight to save girl and n girl dplil- w the greatest battle of Iiim heart. A pliolu pi . Iiiins some f ihe fiiiesl sen -erne ever din rut. Norma Talmadfjc, Eugene O'Drlcn, Edward Davis, Winter Hall, Matthew Deti, Stella dl Lantl and others. COMEDY A SAILOR PAPA." PATHE REVIEW Admission 50c and 2So INVOICE No. A 1255 All khI hi Un- lore liearing I he alni higher nnmlier, lnte been reeeived into our I'ohruary, IU25. Theso Goods are subject lo no special reduction !i5 per renl redllt lioil i effertivl- oil .un in our More under our liednlf of lwk lorn".-year. In other words any kmkIs ren neil pnnr r I, I'-'S.!. if mil alremlv ni. d iml jiiIi( -In i instead of heing an n.el urc ai (u.ill) a halnlilv CUSTOMER'S PRIVILEGE It i Hie etilomer's prmlege . !in,liii ,, . diseoiinl on all goml-. wlueli do not l.rar a lug' Hi hi; All'55 which rover every item u Ihe in f good, reieoed tu IVImiar) I. I ft 5, provi-ranh for lime. IJreilil drriHiuU are not mi;-iIim-oiiiiI. B it!B OUR GUARANTEE No dfparlineiil ui t Is i lnre will he ,iM-'r ' Ihe invoice number on any arte ! in Mn- .!.: save Ihe -pe. i.il diMoniil for di iarltneiil.il -h v , This Policy to be Maintained Next month we will aiinotuirr Ihe invu-e Hie firt -liipmenl rernveil on Man Ii I. !i,'-. renl (li-i-oiiul will he Ihen effn live on all k ill Fehruary. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Girls' Dresses 75c- GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD Wo have lieen offered ,y a wholesale, lion f " iiiiuilily of Ultililren's Dresses al n very low pri" N ' ii'-eepled Iho offer nml lire in u p - i I iou In ioK'1 at 7.ir u jiiece. Hizes 18, l!(l ntiil TJ. I.imil ;i to every ro lra " JABOUR BROS., LTD. 3rd Ave. and 7lh St. Prion" 645