A (t.-ji '15, 1925. '-z "- '"" " ,. TTTF. TlATf.T, WKVm . . ' - vnr, mis i . ... f - . j . . .Iff .W--!--tr- i' ' I 'll ' ".. - F 1 re? -nsirF rwM i iriiijf r Doinga of the Mosquito Fleet whirl. I. i fWKT aticurite pipg johacco chief tourca of Prince Rupert' prosperity Euilns Picking Up - i picking II i ini'ilKiM of opinio..! waterfront this week , tl mul marine up-- in kept going al i , ami roimldi'rah'f'i carried on at l!n" .' .!: A i:ll.. machine shops ry work ami tMa I Willi till- il.l- i' trolling mill seln- itffllUT Willi pool .-.I tiy llif luenl loili-in Hrriilalin Mian fur Hip pant and i-oiirriioiiK arc ' iiing up. Good Halibut Fishing i' lihlng ha been WATfR NOTICC. Uii a.) (Ismis. i tin i Wlltism C. l-pito, l.kfv,t ill Burr, ii i'i'i for s Hn-ifs hi . iii.imi ttwhss lall Sttal . ,n n- f wstrr nut nf in ... Wliull II. W Millbrrl), -I a in r wr p.,fllMli 1 i..rt.. ox', lit. TUJ'I ..4lH-llr Slid rnrrj ik Hint itrwrttwd s Lsi , i in.- , oiKn lsarlilc nit s nlrl ua iiv ism tut ut Ids. if.ur Slid sa s4lSIMi '.!..! iii ttw urrirr of 4tv ji i-riiv iiuri. h c. r SMllrSll USD b. nid i IT Iiur4rr U f rr HISMS. PIHII i Vlrirs. H.r. 1IMS1 ihr riri sufMrsar irf i . '-si tstiir. 11m 44 1 i ..u-n fhis nll U . W C, sri.l. srosKiht., WATtR NOTICL Olttrtls sn Utt .n SMdr fr s. Nri ii. i.-isl ! ruUr l-l viiM-r rrk Slsn knosrs s. ....I, fv, irrlf sad iiki .irra SlaaSI SI it. wsfcrr IH U illMI 4ii, sl S v1ttt SliMI Ilk .1 IM Vltkf) rUtlS. i r..r iinntrtiir r - niM-d i iu- iJiriawr pMlMl as IS .mI) amawl itsr m Jan. ' ibu Mt.llr' swl so S t Ihrrrla sod In lb . rHrd in Itv otnrt ' "U-t si .HHn. obiw :iiislln tnsr la nlral lvt. r DanVr SHia IS tUr riitiua. I rtltln I a. B':. wlihio ibirir t stisirsnr r im 'aittxa of M rwillr " ."i n Mir l.Ti, im:. M)tsil . H'limWl llrot. itm WS.TIR NOTICE. DlMrilcn sn4 V i IhSI tlirtltrvr OnM. Mrwss I IsifMt 'ii sriJr ft MrH I fi niMr frl I usiiMwr Cms uMrri ( 1 ml ilrahu In I Wl Tit'. iiu.-ii i:.nip itDi ""i rr.,tn ttMi irrsm si i iilmi rurnr f iso "'iiii, i viiarrsl num. ''I li,r il4THair tain.i .... ii..rnlM,t sa h Irnimi n. ,11.-.. vvs Mala on lb 111 iMtlv r.4H iiar r JiiIt. 1 ' ttn milirr and sn sp ' "11 thrrrin anal In It , " M. . .ir.l. r st Allm. lililiw si.in iu4 n,ay ij, (n ' wji'-r liri'onlrr nr wlih n ' Waltr lllnhla. ParlKinrnl : ' I" . links IIHrlv Itt fii.t sinsrsiir bt Ihla ', " ,"tPfr. Tim !i i-iitiii. aiiitn ( , n. li Ml '.y, 'Mill iiui.n MMF tTtl.. INC. .. 'lllsl. "UWitiaUl lln k, lnt. LAND ACT. f " '"'"'I Is Appl, to Lssas tssJ - r v Zn .,n,, rf.r.in- Ms- rlh. i8 ,,"I'"rt. n IllUlrt UII i ii?..; "f '"-"I'll iwiini . i r ,L n' ,H-'" i anil ba.kriiis frmn TrV rutin. l l,r .k.. . - . . , 1 nm iiriuari r , " ' iiipsny l.liiiur.l, if . i "'iiiniion I'arknrs, In n mf.i, ma ., ' ' . .... "k al ii.i. ,.' . i pwn'wi ' i"" i-i I,,,,, ,. w,.r ""I'll N.i 5" ! W' rfM 10 ' I1iik ''" I" low Slrr ll" h . rjr,h' ""IM"I fffl, mart ' i' ii. "r,',r'v I" rnsliu. m-r ' , "'""mni'nrinM.nl, sml w-i'VmJws n,ro!'.r,,u t'M.ki.Nn r.n. i.to.. LAND ACT. ' " ,0,,"- plr I. tsss, Lsn. I'Uc - in. UMIIh ,i. . .. ""!. Sllil Ii iiiism 111 r) II ai riulli I llurih .....!". r J'"U . "V1 Inlrt. llMHII '""1 ' ' In h i rib-sal rnr l-i,,l -n. in,,., nriliini H I,. .ri'." A li''lt. nrmps. ins ii "rfI l IsmU:. ' I -ih rl. . !"' iilaiit.,1 ahniil I Ii ..... ."'". H'iril,al fiirniT " '' -itiriv . .,,v,m'- nrshsia Msaif. .."i . v,.:,n mirk J i,.i. iiimri on Nautical Magistrate Mauislratc Tom MrClyiiMinl i Ihr lute! applkwHl for u hcrtli .Zr rrnl nf llr vilur f Ui atk. l-y Mr in lb onWr J lb Trsurr, :sn-aillan Nslli.nsl llallwsya. Tli lni "r sny l-iwlr not nn-irtly srrr.i-tl. ... , ..,., .Nn " 'niM-rl '.Minarrr. V0iu.-i. Min. HSIII mb. ! good tin week 'oMi ri.,io il(. sliinilpotiil (r volume of fih landed mill tiio J,--,,-.- i.,ifin ii' on (hi. .uii :pl,anK,.. week' n have t,n(.n marked by Hi good i h ' .. ire rod for ttonndinn second ela-i enlehes wluVH has keni Mli..lillv i -., while AnuTlcnn have averaged arouiiu t,. uh Monday, Tuesday ami W.lnlay, Um a total of Snfi.ono mohiiiIii of haL. .but was inarkflml, the prrte jumped in l le arnl fie, for Airier .... k i is s & mil nun isc ami jc ror Uaiia iliau. Arrivals From Monday In ycslenlay Uin rollnwlnir halibut Mlnpnvrs mar k"tMl eatrhcs this wik: American "lllionu, Iipriii', iuiiihj. luknn, J. I. TwM II, Calor, Fonl, Ausrusla, Wimnl. May, I'lnnoir. MllilrMl II., 8wn, lUy. YfllowHtimr, SramUii, aloroii4, V(iv. ChUi-a, Hiiml-iIk. Itarntilr ami Siriu. Canadian MarB-iirHi. Nulrn. Inmlk. Kairn. Ii5.'r.. Fihir. I rainii. 'rirnin. " I'annlit " F - Koi.t ' I ll SI lh Mrttrrri , . i tiMrti ir ih r ImeriNl II.. .Nautilus. IJvinmiMM ...! 1. SUHII S.SOO Ml I I l.ili.liitl v a ,..l "i l Oirril rrma a t"-)tll i ll mmiit. Slfl mnstraiirr. Cannery Extension Many iiiiprovpiiiflntu ami alteration lia rwnlly hn tiNnla at I lis Sniiiiiirrvillr caniicry, Sil i:uV. uliich is uiulfr tin man-airrr4mul of F. It. .Masker. Til main bufliting has Xteen PxteiwlMl 5 fwt ami sevrral imNlrm machine fir !i rullimr am) rkaning of fish luxe Iwen in stall!. An olwtrh- motor liai hn inslallfil fur h Mfalln if an FiiillfH ImIi which uivm nisi ronr nowihi fisli frmn Hip wharf to Inn a.Ulrr t rMisrl , vmnnr-rj n llrl r irtrr- iiralttliaa rlmn, ruin ami lruh' IIm fitli in one otiralion. T hi atira ranmns i ilnn by uiachinrrv. thr canniiiz munhlrn havins a rapariity of ) cans per niinul. I'lie canmry ulnfT of lnlwtH 0 ami '.mi is practically mlirly iiuHUHiAtil of while lirlh. New UunkhiUMs ami a in hoio ha" Itfti imvcIinI outh of l!ir railway truck. Tlie Uk1 ranncry ! ohlaininc II fh miiWy from Hi Naa ami .Skwlna riior ilii-irirU ami i also workitiK in cunjuiirtion wllli tin' floalini; aiiiM'ry al llamaril Oi. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Wlrn Rafts.. i in Ti:ni:m will b iwii st IIh if fir i.f tlw i bk-f Lnr, Wlunl in-i Man . iinlll trlr ji ilurk !. IIm i -'lav. Ilk fultl liti "f Auiut. !&, fur ih n-issl or rrplsmiii-nl ajllli rrils .i-- iirij i"tT , ISI IfllllHT IHTlim. I1MI r.wa.rn.i.J. w : rl tl . II n-iniorrwi nairn-ir if.a i.-.f. SI MO '-! llc Iraaa-r anb hlvlskai. i L.b. .iHrirraiuifta ian iiiriu in . laari ii'iar l rfll snd furiu nf tlnlr ..blaliMHl it ibr iifflro of I'-btrf tiiflnrcr, U liiiHIarl V ; IMainri r.iwir-r. ",',J hi liMHrl llirlmor. liliiot-l, Alls.; .Hliai rnnir. iim"' ,-, lie nviiim isrmw, '.uprr. 'TribT HI I" runslUrrral uiiIms uuOi' "i h f'THl U4lrU by llif llsllwsy r.Mftsii sisl irr.niiii-.l by sn srrlr,l LAND ACT. Not Ks of InlMtlos lo Applf to f-urthsts LenJ In ,n 1 lbs t.n. nror,linr Ul.lrlfl of rrtn" nJJri sml sliaslr st Awuiu. Illvrt. Aw inn . Msli Inwl- linu. TAkK NOTI'K Ihll Mr.. J.''.r'f J''; Inr Strsns. "f sunny!"' iiarrLt.,1 .111411. Illll'i- !("V .r"r 91 ...laal.m III IllirflU-l" ttl" f"Hl trr immI ii"i" rununcnrin st s i"" low Ink il- ,ai nlantfil st tilth !!InI;Vr,n.,-,;r K'to H.V,hVr:i' rornrr I...I "T-an rl.ali.a aailith. ttlflir 15 rnSlM ISM, .,,,h. tiH.nrs a rnsni' wV? I. VnrV " rrhaVn. lh r .,i,,M,....ni 111. mil nillllinilis luorif or. Is. rlMW1 aTnn WIIM. Jir. ri' Appllrsnl. rrr win. n. '",,",(;;.llt niii inlv lh. I" LAND ACT. ts Applf to rurths.s Nolle, of tnl.Mlon MtflFM n.n- V,!,"PrJnil"iltM.f ITInn tuip-rl, K1,, irlri .r 1 llivatsik t'lsml. "" r NV,,P" ' " take MiTirr ii-m "" "S: tcrji ilrarrlliptl iiium ibImI st hlfli lAn rniiiiiicnrlllf St pnl t,M" ;"ii.aia7k IbMii'nl walrr murk m writ ..'bor ' "I,.,,,.. ',n film n ""rly ten; talnnit: tliriirs liorin wy , Ml" l f r. Hr2inriii.nl, sml Ihinr- ssal nrvi-n , "V,n rhslns. KlToKr.:".r!... .. . 'hl'VL Kl'lR less, . ra iub lorn, tUl ' oiMrson, inn rnnimnins '!V.rv. j,,,iijfl CO. LTD. Appllciut.1 tiik i:a',''''':: Dsltd ItOit MT. OLD CHUM al the IMt. Yachl I'.ltib float, he i-luli . iiriiniliiiii wlYirii js in fer MokuI. ownoil try the Coast- tfi a ...v .... h a . ....... ... r w . .. ...iaK fiiiiii.ipr, ,i,r- pin! nilll I'UUII' l AITS. .Mri.lllllilll an.. Mave from Alx M.-volnnulil nt Mrn. Tan?r. who are fiKini for fire hall fame. WhilT reaili-rs will recall ohl eiiloilH of thi womler of the ileep uniler liet former skipper, as it wn lle Maeve whieh nearly uierlook llif crab when ruiiningr olT with the anchor at .Mr. Vie lull rreek. dip!. .Mcciymonl lias nail I he .Mnevo. owner roeenlly uverh.iule.1 nnj paRile.) atiil ulie now look re.pliiiloii'. in a coat of while paint MUue- wiial reiembliinr a ilaHry al fii time. IliHibllesA our rvnecli,.l law ailjinlientor will hit the spilt I lp lit of publicity with hrs nauti cal lunt5 when leal ciepetiti"; il. Cipt. (laiupre'a) jpower "1toat (ierlriide came olT the (low Hkv Creek ways Ibis wecR after un- ilerpiiins- repairs to pnbin ami hull. Claire Smith, the budding lum ber majrnale, ha recenlly pur- rbael a nifty looking -2 fool hull, with rabin altarbed. in which he will install a ft li p. Kasthope engine. lioulilless Claire will now gel some kick out of piloting the big log rafts in to the local spruce mills. Bushby Shipments l)ii Monday last a catiload of oil vn shipped ?at fvim the Rupert Marine l'roiluets plant, presided over by (Seorge lluslihy, the tugboat king. One hundred Ions of fish meal was alu shipped Miuth by the freighter Kmt-lioltn, owned by Ibe Frank Valerhoue Co., Vnneouver, -.vlio also'owu Ibe freighter Robert 1'. Merrick, and have recently juir-rliasnl the SS. Aran Firth in the Old Country with u cargo rapacity of 300 tons and a jipeed of len knots. Mr. Ilushby stales that, while fish ntT.il has Ii;eit scarce during the past mouth-I here Is a decided improvement in the supply at the present time and seowloads are- arriving, daily al (he plant. New Swimming Club So many fiao swimmers reside around I'aeifie thai il has recenlly lu-en. found necessary to organize a swimming club. In fac the female population boast of severul chatuu'l swimmers in its' ranks, Iberefore the fair, sex figures prominently on the member register. Ait open air swimming pool has been eslnU-llsbed in a secluded spot nea I lie river and umbltious list of prines has been arra'iigeil. It Is quite likely the laelfl Swimming Club will be sending out challenges lo tbo oily and as far south as Honolulu in tbo near future. The ait of llfo savini; lias a prominent place on the llif Imoko they have not wrillrn on awimiiiinjr. Thi.e'1l8ilie Rave ;i life avinj ili-plHy on ?alur-lay lal iiuich to Hip Mtjoynieiit of the native. ' ('apt. fieo. Hryant. Aklpjier ai'il nf the cimkIeiI eriii!- Ilarla. Accompanied by his two sons .-pent a wonderful and fishy time nt Khtada Lake over last week eml. The Hire nicalorinl fi.tli but did not me?l with a fisli wie Steamship Sc Harje Co., it was . necessary to semi a iliver ilown to cut looe a length of wire cable which had become wound around the propeller. M.T.3 Busy Tugboat M.T.3, (iipt. HeRpie fireen, flayslup of the llusbbv towiiis fleet, lias had a liuy week. The tugboat arrived from the Skeena Iliver canneries at 3.30 on vMonday afternoon with two scowioad of offal for the wonderH caiiplit n li!tvy m oflluerf .Marine l-rodnels Ltd., buyer nn tlie return trip. ThM mediately for Oeorgelown re- parly relumed (o norl on Wed nesday. He's In the Fashion Sinee it was mcnliOnf-d iu tin" WhilTs the oilier week that lav lliomion had set a new fasliion in b.ilhing suits at the lake manv have nnilcavoreil to emulate bh "fresh air" .style. Il has been nio'lly amoDg the men-tlmL thi daring departure , in aqtinti-. flnlliing has fonml root. Wliil" .nne loaik, lo say Ihe lensl. nifty" in their new slyic baln-ing suits, it has taken the genin Miko .McCalTery to pul Iliem all iu the shade ami now Dave i- tearing his ir lo think lhat Miineone ha-i pul one 'over on him. 'Mifce'n swlmmlrigslylo it a fiit (laf 'ng (nil at the saii ttnv U has "a-afcly first" wtlllen hi over it. When in the water the collapsible collar can b low)re; al'a moment's notice, the water thereby being cast out, as it were, and the swimmc-fllghtem-i1. While coining in from Shaw-allans Lake on Weiliuvulav vening I ho coaslal launch Tseekwa, owned and skippered by Have Sluart, had the mlsfor-Itiue to iilrutlure her propeller lo a tloatlnir olistniclion with the result thai it was badly; bent. The runabout F.lizalielli. skippered by Louis Amadiiv lost her propeller while returning from Ibe Salt Lake, on Sunday evening. The propeller dliHiot float according .to guarantee and Louis gained some exercise wllli I lie oars. James Lewis of KUkalla had some engine repairs executed on bis power boat by the Imperial Machine shop while in port this week. . The power Jinn I owned by H. N. Valentine Is having her hull rcplanked at Ihe McLean shipyard as a result of being In collision, with a forestry patrol boat. , 1'rlor lo iloparlme early .or. Thursday mornlnit of the freigh- Tucks Inlet, and left again im- lurning at midnight with a scow r.t (111, 1...., ii... r,.i CI... the Afcerherr-Tlinm.nn u-lmrf until a new one was obtained 1 1! from the south. All is jakaloo! now and Hob is a happy man again. Cannery tender Ray Roberts had her oil feed pipes overhauled al the Akerberjf-Thonison shops this week. age and a scow of lumber for Ihe'goiiig again llig Hay Lumber Co.'s yards. The lug left at noon on Thursday for (Jeorgelown to bring down fish boxes for Ihe Atlin Fisheries and lumber for the local yard. Light house tender Kslcvan, (.apt. Harry Hilton, and tug Fearful, which has been working in connection with the Arnelt elevator fill contract, took on coal at the Allnrf-.McCalTery dock on Thursday morning. A scowload containing 3.0 tons ot eoal also arrived on Wednesday for the Albert -McCalTery interests v.. A Good "Kicker" Some people will kick at nothing while others will evei. kick a' a football match but the kicker to beat all is ue who wilt kick at a picnic. And that's Junl wha. its all about. At the St. Anrew's picnic bebl al Higby on Sunday last il took the ladies to show the men how to really kick when il came fo kicking a football. None other than Mrs. Howard Sleen won the, blue ribbon in I bi event for ladies and to sn? that lady kick would put a goo.! many loeal footballers Iu shame. It is said Ihe Callies F.C. have approached Mrs. Sleen Ho sign up fur next season. This week Ibo Akerberg-Thomson shops shipped a 2 h.p. engine to .luliu Patrick1, Topley. Julius is going lo put the enginn in a boat which will be used for fishing purposes on the lakes In Ihe Hahine district. The Wallace Fisheries temjer No. 0 hail considerable repair work done on her engines this week at the Akerberg-Thomsoii shops. The work being com pleled, Hie tender left for duty on Thursday morning. Hob Johnson, an old timer on the ijueen Charlottes, arrived in (tort on Monday aboard his power boat The crankshaft broke enrouto and kept him at Claude Leigh, t:e shrimp king, had the misfortune to break up! his shrimp net and as a conse quence the ship llesquit has been tied up while the net wis repaired. However, nothing sticks Claude and the shrimps will meet llieir Waterloo on Sunday when the llesquit gels Capl. Harry Streilhorse, skipper and owner of the power boat First' Place, was in port this week to have the valves ground in on his engine. Capl. Chas. Lindquist, skipper of Ihe Ingred IL, was over lo Cape St. .James light this week with supplies. Cap reports that the hoys are all O.K. and that the new dwelling for the lishi keeper, which is in course of construction, Is making great headway. I.ighthoijso tender Kstevar CaYt. II. IHllon. left port yester day morning for Langara light lo bring back three carpenters who have been working there for Ihe -past-few weeks. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of I-rinco Ru pert, and situato alioul two miles in a northerly direction from Hooney Point, Massed Inlet, (raham Island, Ilritish Columbia. lake Notico that Langara fishing it Packing Company Limited, of Massett, H.C., occu patipn Packers,, intends to apply Tor a lease of tbo following described lands: Commencing at a post planted two miles in a northerly direction from Rooney Point, Massett In lei, r.raham Island, Urttish Col umbia; thence easterly five chains, moro or less, to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mnrk one hun-! dred and sixty chains; thenco westerly five chains; thence, southerly ono hundred and sixty chains, moro or less, to point of commencement, nnd containing' eighty acres, moro or less. ' LAMIARA ITSIILNO PACKINO PACKING CO, LTD. Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Dsted June 13th, 1025. $e c? acuum(Ajrf$ht)Tin I SG TOBACCO 121 Through the use of the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin OLD CHUM SMOKING TOBACCO is preserved for you in perfect condition ; it is always as fresh as when it was originally packed. aWW Alwaus ask for the Vacuum (Air-Tight) Tin r fdnudclurec iu Imperial Tobacco Co.of Cdndda,Limiied it n Kindling! - ! When you are buying kindling why not get something that will start (he fire in a hurry? We handle only tlie best there is "Bone Dry Kiln Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you gel value. Full load $6.00 or nicely tied bundles, 5 for SI .00. Our Tal number is easy to rememjier, "112". and "Service"' is our motto. If you use our cars today you will use them nain. 50o is our charge day or night "all the time." Dray work of all kinds .attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Bread llig, wholesome, nutritious loaves of delicious nut-like flavor, downy lightness and excellent keeping qualities. Five Roses Flour i For Dreads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries. John L. Christie Sales Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 E REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 70S.