! 8 WAL * Se Cee R COREE T h a Fa Prince Rupert Da ly LACE’S Pt Nae te t 1952 Look | Millinery News 1952 SER c eee e eR SESE Ree ee DEPARTMENT STORE ! Wallaces De ot. Store fasemeuse TA ae NE, race Ss Vept, store FOR , cm PAAIL BOXES VERANDAHS, PORCHES LETTER BOX PLATES FOR YOUR DOOR I e you are ready for the tal service when it Phone 46 house starts, Gordon & Anderson to-house NEW REFINERY—Manitoba and Saskatchewan will be previded with high octane gasolines and other petroleum products from thi i-mill dollar refinery at Moose Jaw, Sas., which was officially opened Sept. 26 by Pre Douglas of Saskatchewan. The British American Oil Company refinery will process about 15,000 barrels of crude oil dai With 180 employees, it Will “be the second largest mai plat 1 Moose Jaw, a « f 25,000. (CP PHOTO) Drug Haunts Visited by Federal Officials sar f t OLD FUR \ctober 2nd, comm < AUCTION SALE NITURE encing at 2:15 Auction Rooms, corner of McBride street and Fourth Avenue, East. d by the several owners, I will sell by Auction RESERVE the following articles of field Suite in maroon velour; one new); Mahogany Bookshelf; Mahogany le; Large Living Room Carpet, size Lamp; two Table Lamps; One G.E. » very large Mirrors; beautiful Bedroom e Tables; new Dinette Suite; two Lamp ‘iachines; two Enamel Coal and Wood Mirror; Hotpoint Electric Range: Twin i ‘5; Easy SpinDry Washer; Hoover ge Canvas Tent; Boat’s Mast and l Table; two Lawn Mowers; lot of Bedding and other articles too i 1. Must sold ur goods for this sale before 10:90 a.m. Thursday. Nothing too large Nothing too small. Sharp on Time Terms: Cash or Cheques Phone Red 127 or Black 846 or B.C. Messenger 6 THE AUCTIONEE SERVE * famous si VICKERS’ LONDON DRY GIN is distilled in Canada and ‘distributed by 78 eorge Jas. Dawes R ) VICKERS? Oy aIN nce This rr Shoei is not biablished or displayed by the Ueasec sake Board og by the { wovernment of British { Columbia, VANCOUVER The shadow- addicts and traffickers, point- ures to cope with Canada’s ed haunts of narcotic addi ed out by veveran officers who narcotic problem, ; Some up darkened stairways have fought a long battle The Ottawa officials met here vi ancouver waterfror against the traffic in Vaneou- wi ovincial and civic auth | dis t, have had distinguished — ver. orit ind With groups inter- visitor Mr. Hossick accompanied | este arcotics reforms At the end of a two-day cun- by Robert Curran, senior legal Problems of an all-over adult | ference on narcotics ( ontrol, f ir advisor in his department, | In-|and youth education program on officials from Ottawa spector R. F.. Kerrow, RCMP, an extensive scale: segregation were nh on a tour of sor chief narcotics preventive Offi-| of addicts from others in prison; }the more notorious haunt cer, and Dr. C. A. Roberts, head | fr¢ linics for distribution of | Heading the visitors was K of the federal division of mental) drug to sea and stiffer ie th Hossick chief of the x hygiene penaltie for trafficker were jcotic ec ntrol division, Dep They made no comment | gj ec sae ae the suggested ment of Health and Welfa after the on-the-spot tour. But | ¢}, would involve amend- In darkened doorways and a spokesman for the group ex- | y¢ federal laws back-alley hangouts they saw pressed hope for reform meas- . ; ; Lene: Mr. Curran said compu ory rather than voluntary treatment ° for addicts was favored Most Popular Stars Listed! ..':°':.3i'% @21 sos . /p e there should be some measure of control over the addict, even By US. Celebrity Service 38. eronn es said Mr. C j lof a renewed drive against the | | doctor press | uplift Fee Splitting Held the Major Leagues | Place his foot ; in the band th. b of the year for the New York | “heel passeq sines The NEW YORK (AP)—The Ameri-| Yankees, 25 vears ago today In | toes and Geop Y Over can College of Surgeons today|his whole career from 1914 to | foot, unharmed He w Se aiakasdiae fee-splitting between | 1935 Ruth, who died in 1948, hit | 42 industri; as|714 homers, physic! lans and surgeons “dishonest and unethical’ and harmful to patients. Thirteen college officials told! frank science kick-backs in a conference with writers. They honest, most doctors are “few bad apples” | medicine a| said but a fees, giving black eye Fee-splitting means a division of fees between the doctor who | first diagnoses a patient’s con-/| Orleans, dition and the surgeon who op- erates on him It leads, the college officials said, to these evils: Over-charging in bills; ypn- necessary operations “ghost surgery” When a person thinks his own doctor is operating and the selected or “ghost” surgeon does it after the patient is an aehetized: loss of public confi- dence in doctors Dr. Alton Ochsner, of New immediate past presi- dent of the College of Surgeons, said you should be suspicious of ; fee-splitting if: Your doctor sends you to only one surgeon, and later you get no bill from the physician, just a bill from the surgeon, Your doctor doesn’t give you a} choice of surgeons to do the op- | eration he says is necessary, or | doesn't ask who you want to do it Dr. Newell W. Philpott, of | Montreal, a regent, said the does not know of any fee-splitting in Montreal, but that he Knows it is done in some localities near- |‘ by. He told of one young sur- | geon, starting im practice, who| refused to make kick-backs, and an unnamed town had to leave w thin six BACKACHE May beWarning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work: better. months ‘Remember When) 10.03"!" Babe Ruth set the home run | °@ George . . | By U.S. Physicians tear tae his 60th homer | {ouble- decker ENDS TODAY 7: - 9: pm, Wednesday & Thursday Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. 61 Narcotics Act urran By BOB THOMAS “In this way he can be subjected to adequate and proper treat- T TXT r 1 t HOLLYWOOD (AP)—Want to know who are ™e™ : : ; i = ; He id there must be ade the most sought-after star lamorville? ey l ougnt arte ] tars In Glamorvuille’? quate institutional facilities for Here’s the list: Mario Lanza, Judy Garland, t#eatment, and added: ‘ : . Its going to cost a lot of or ao nNyroe ar > ya6 ‘oy, R 97 Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Humphrey Bogart,| money to bring about what we Kirk Douglas, Martin and Lewis, Ann Blyth, Gene ¥"* Tierney, Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth, Thi the straight dope, as@-— renrroent a —neeaianent ned from the celebrity serv-| eyoke the most inguirie y . i i ) GuUuilries i earinghouse for news of When Lanza started his fight outs Of famous peo- | with MGM everyone wanted to ‘ know where he was. Judy Gar- f nas offices in 1d } land is another > wh yndon, Paris, Rom i a ~ ; Fg te _ ; = ae n I n new W ¢ nave 3 He 1AUUCr 18 a ens of calls for her lach reported Lynne Bow- Of course everyone wants y tT poe P ad of the branch Marilyn Monroe's private phone WRONG NUMBER number.. Brando is impossible People out here worry about Lots of people try to get in touch heir privacy They change! With him, but you can’t get him heir teleohone numbers almost| 0" the phone and he won’t an they change their|SWe? messages. I can’t figur why we should get so many ; calls for Ann Blyth, but we do Celebrity ervice supplies in-|, ssa : a rite om ee oe tins visiit® Shae tree: ae A psc a om Zes 1€ per- : st y 6 AL famous figures to agencies, col- Afi. ‘ ; ; Miss Bowers said that the nn and other legitimate ervice had fil n 100.00( is sery a ies Oo YP Miss Bowers had some onalitie Rent = ec sonali 5 2 uésts are On . omments about the stars who ie 4 r — rr j f Every Hallowe'en we get re 4 est f¢ the whereabout if Lugosi and Boris Karloff Boy eported SOLAR SYSTE M YOUR TIRE MAN SEZ: DANCING IS THE ART OF PULLING YOUR FEET AWAY FASTER THAN YOUR PARTNER) CAN “TROMP ON THEM! C'mon... waltz in to our place +. get in the groove with a set of Dominion Royal Tires. DAN’S SERVICE STATION @0LD MEDAL - PARIS 1878 cording to the Oryinal Reoipe w the Old Established Firm of Josern 6 Jonn Vickers & Cole ‘The Distiliery, Fulham LONDON Fill Your Bin NOW with Foothills Lump Egg Boar CP) Ae Denton be a al Safety ho 180 a new *Pecticatin ROBT. CUMMINGS BARBARA in “THE FIRST TIME” DEATH RIDES a NIGHT TRAIN Pa Lick “Ss | i == wth CHARLES MeGhay _ WWNDSOR « JACQUELINE wurTe vi i U ola dalbiedbcneeheAe dal een Adal LY yer ‘ 7 pe eantl hie iene , rae ene ant BARKER - DOROTHY HART & rctcing TOMY CARLTON takai ell =n TOTE A FAMOUS PLAYERS Show Starts at 7: p.m. Last Complete Show 8:20 HEE Meet lovely Leslie Caron (sweetheart of Paris”) on the street of tough guys, hot tunes and tempta 7 Ohi Glory Alley’ STARRING RALPH MEEKER - LESLIE CARON On The 5 Today and Wednesday CAPITOL Kicnmeae i es ee First Show 7:00 — Last conmplale Show 8:26 | FREE Radio Every person who joins the Civic Centre before October 18 has the opportunity of winning a mantel radio, An Americas Same Program VAN JOHNSON IN “Washington Story’ Donated by Vobles or Stoker Phone 651 or 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LID. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES & COAL