riday Seplrnibrr j 1 in 3 aw J Comfortable and Sturdi nonos Sots 423 530 Fpr Gold, f . r for Ltki'i t jour .Ftf V.IV! (! U C. Some in v v 1 II X Y a .mi i ie?T w r 17 9 wilt ar in our big als Clean-up Sale nigo Nurtes1 Fccto Disinfectant, lit k. i i- SANITARY NAPKINS ;;. f- ! r V. s.tl- n i' 40c . ..;.kil - M. ! n,, I k. j.r M-r . S.il- pri.-. 45c r . . i r-- I Ii w .1 r wi bvi isuvt . i - RMES LIMITED FOR SALE Third Avenue. alibut Gear r w w $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks i. -- . r i i i n . i"1 f I 1 anarinn !sh & Inf .Vnra?e I.O.. .10. w PK1NCE RUPERT, B.C. UGBOATS Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 6S7 539 Gr. C01 Black 735 m am t H SWlrU P atiina Mi Ls MM L llllllllllli X AMftlta Flo-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi Ulllttl i.iiial' llli'.llill.- lor lb"' n : i m m ... I II l Of SASH, DOOnS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER :iImi r.irntM in --ii" V . I II I I t U . . I I I.. I. nl tll l'il I 1 1 1 1 1 I .il' H I I V - Mini'ly. v urn v u im am mm m n a HAS REMOVED l buUdinir Muxt ilm.r to Kri.z'll l'il--h"r hlnI. uuss fruin the hniprcx iintri We chit (1 fllll ! ul GARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CAINUlLb snriAi nnoM in CONNECTION r. ' Pponletnp l'.- . Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. I'honc 078. If l'rien for ,the hel dancers lo- nlsrlit in llm J)oiloi Hull. Two cars at your service Slieddon Taxi. I'hone 131. If For lhebuy man jr woman, a Ilrown car saves money.' I'hone 80. tr : Slewaft'9, Orchestra lonisht in Holoti Hall. Their own musieal Miilomioris are ltrovintr the h-1 of all. Mrs. James llrough arrived on yesterday's train from Sinither pft a (en-day visit and -is reKis- tered at the 1st. Hlmo Hotel. Mrs. J. 1). Thurburn and family arrived homw yesterday on the l'ritic3 CeorRu after spend-in;; the holidays in Nova Scotia. Mr. Ho anil daucrblC Miss Klizulielh Huss, returned to the 'ity on the I'rince lluperl lifts iiiornitiK after a holiday (rip MJUlll. Mr. J. toriuk and her son I'aul of Woodcock came to I'l iiici1 Hupert Wednday to vis ii fnciidx and will return home -oine day next week. Major u. is. .orlli, superin- lendfiil of tin H.C. silver inina, a aen?er going through on ihs I'rince ltuprt totly bound from Vancouver to StewarL Mis Kleanor Peek is a pas senger on Hie Prince llupert to lav bound for Stewart, where lie will be married on Monday iu'xI to Thorns Power of Hy- l.-r. j I. (i. luwsop returned lo the i i'y on the Prince Itupert this morning after a fifteen-day trip KhI. He visited Montreal, l'iKiing one day there, and re-lurni'd by way of Victoria. Ir. and Mrs. II. K. Ylyolfaon Lutheran Church Ladies' Uaraar. Dccembrr J. linled Church llazaar Decem ber 10 230 1 mmm (MTWI1I. ,hn CATARRH tit ih BLADDER .'. vaunt JUcli Camule DtM runt THE DATLT IfBWB PAQR THREE Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ilreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Hefrcshmcnts Our Specially ls Homo Made lee Crearn and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 Slieddon's Taxi the 50c. taxi. I'hone 13i. town to attend Ukj l air. row morning. original tf Itohert Corlett, ploiu'er ranch er of the Terrace district, is in John Hergman, fisln-nnaii, was fined 25 in the city police court this morning for intoxication. Our low rates have been an outstanding success and we shall continue on this basis, lirowu taxi. I'hone 80. tf The charge of theft against Ethel Coomb." was withdrawn in the city police, court ihls morn ing, there being insufficient evi dence to proceed with the ease. Mrs. Tho Wallace and Mi J. Perkins of Viicmiver, who I. l - . i i iia uci'ii viMimg wiin ner, arrived in the cil" from Claxton I hi inoi uiiig. They will sail for Vancouver on the Catala tomor John Kyle, organizer of tech nical training for the Department of Education, will rt-tuni to Victoria on the Prince Rupert tomorrow afternoon after hav ing spent the pal wi-ek in the city and district. Hubert and John Stewart and jr. i.(ii ned to lb.- city , pn UM5tU4iOR director of the l)unwill rrmce imparl nit morning ku- ' lowing I heir marriage rwehtly in lAjmiar, Mamtoha. The bride wa formerly Mi Liua Maguuson. J'he fishiug Uiat Pro A. weni iufti drytlock ' today for painting and minor rental r ami i he cannery temler Xew Fraser c.iwtr'i''Hfi(inowftig repairs lo her hull after going ashore last week. Mr. and Mr. Isaac Kendall of North Vancouver, after spending a few dav in the 'city visiting with their daughters, Mrs. C. II. lilkiu and Mrs. II. A. Ilrcen, returned south on the Prince Charles Wednesday .evening. i'.. J. Fletcher, secretary of the llrtii.li Columbia Medical Asso ciation, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince 'llupert Ihls morn ing and will leave for the interior on tomorrow morning' ii miii, iitmg Iliucllon, Mintli-ers, Vanderhoof and Prince iicoi'gi' on In way to Jasper and Vancouver. INMOUNCEWIENTS Ciilholic C.lnncli llazaar, and :8. (Jyro Carnival and Dance October 12 and 13. Anglican Church llazaar .No-veniher 5. Presbyterian November 12. Church llazaar lloyal Puriilt llazaar 18. llii)lit Church Ladies' llauar, Novoinlior 20. Aid SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary llazaar. December 2. mine are passengers on tue I'riiice' Ituperi today, where they will make arrangement for resumption of . operations at (he mine following the recent reor ganization of the company. I'nion steamer Catala, Capt. A. Johnstone, having called at the Skeena Slough,' arrived from the: south at U:30 o'elock ljiis morning and sailed at 10:30 for the1 Xaas and Skeena rivers. The vessel will be back heTe tomorrow morning and will" sail for the south at 10 o'clock. The school board met last night, but, owing to the absence of C. H. Ornie, chairman, ad journed until a week hence, only business needing immediate at tention being disposed of. J. C. llrady, principal of "the lliidi School, was authorized to purchase reference books for the library, provision for which has already been made in the 'l-ti-mates. Those present at the meeting were Trustee1 Rochester who acted as chairman, Trustee W. O. Fullon, Trustee S. D. .1 ii Ii u i I fl ii o, Secretary W. D. Vance, Principal llradj', Princi pal D. 11. Marines, t-Principal Mis J. A, Mills, Principal Missi It lit Ii S'tewart, Donald Ross' manual training instructor... Airs. Darlington (domestic science instructor), and John Kyle organizer of technical Irainmg for the education department . SHORT BUT SILENT I The victim Cut the whole, three short. The barber What three, sir? The victim Hair whiskers and chatter. REAL SALESMANSHIP. Customer I want a quarter's worth of carbolic acid.' Proprietor -Veil, dis Is u pawn Aid, shop; but, miler, o have razors, ropes and revolvers. I Capital "Do they convey the Idea of .poetry nt nil?'1 the modest yuung author Inquired, I "Ye, they do," thu candid Icrilie replied, ' I i "There is something h every, line that conveys ''the idea. Each1 hue bosinc with a capital letter.' 1 GOLD MEDAL FOR BOOTH The llig Hay Lumber Com- pany's booth at the fair was successful ill carrying off the gold medal for the best industrial booth. This, is the second year in succession that (he finished lumber display of this company lias won (lie gold medal in its particular class. (laincrs Limited, curers of bacon and hams, won first prize for the best commercial booth and Swift's Limited, of l'remium ham fame, won second prize. DOMINION LOAN IS IN GREAT DEMAND Orders from Large Institutions Pared Down to Allow Small Investor Chance OTTAWA, Sept. II. Judging by orders received, the Dominion loan, I'J.'a, uas almost set a record for successful govern ment financing. Orders for financial institution have been larger than in either of the pre vious refunding loans, each of which was recorded as so highly successful. Had hit the orders received from institutions been accepted in full, only a small amount of bonds would havt been available for other classes of iirveslors. It is understood. however, thai the large orders have been scaled down by the syndicate to the extent of more than fifty per cent, and as result more than one-half of the loan will be available to the smaller private buyer. In adopting this plan the syn dicate ha followed its policy of endeavoring to arrange as far as possible to fill all orders from private investors and lo assure a coast-lo-coast distribution of the new loan. Although public offering commenced only yester day, and although bond-house prospectuses were not inailf until last evening, it is stated that a flood of small orders i already in sight. The reception accorded -the new loan is a tribute to Hie 'inancial stability of Canada and Canadians. The fact that Canada has proven herself duly capable of financing her own re-iuirenients, plays un important pirt ir so strengthening C.m-aca's credit abroad that her securities are in demand In the principal mcney markets of 'he world. TRYING TO REVIVE INTERESTIN LACROSSE Leonard Talt of Victoria Is Vis iting His Son Here for a Few Days Leonard Tail of Victoria is in the city for a few days visiting his son, Dr. E. S. Tail and Mrs Tail, and, will try a shot at the birds on Porcher Island al the week end before returning south. Mr. Tail is on his way home 'rom a lacrosse convention in Winnipeg, where v a y s and means to increase the interest in lacrosse throughout the country were discussed. He has been discussing the situation here with such veteran lacrosse men as lie.u'jfe Tile and others. How to make DUTCH PICKLE 1 quart green cucumbers, t small cabbage, 1 quart onion, 3 red peppers, t quart green tomatoes, I large cauliflower, H cup salt. Chop all fine and pour on enough hot water to cover. Let stand half an hour and drain, then make a dressing of the following -8 tablespoonfuls Colman's D.S.F. Mustard, 3 cups sugar, 1 tea- spoonful turmeric, 1 cup flour. Mil with little vinegar until smooth, add miiture to 2 quarts vinegar stirring constantly over fire, until thickened, then pour over JT8C C olmans Mustard aids digestion (Canadian PACinc Look out! Two winners are coming! The flavor makes boys and girls pals with Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Put sweet, crisp, golden-toasted Kellogg's Corn Flakes in bowl with rich milk or cream. Delicious with fresh or preserved fruit. Easy for mother too. No sticky dishes to wash. You'll like it Get Kellogg's Corn Flakes from your grocer. Ask for Kellogg's at restau rant or hotel. OctwhtA ALWAYS tMjlr-CTUp. Til' M ' Why Kellogs it alwayi on topt It' hm Htvr mrrIu, ln!cribakl that makes KrU !(' Con FUkM th leading tlr among rtadf-V-at carta!. fir CORN FLAKES CORN Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert F KTCHilAJt, WLL1COL JVSUU. SUCWAY VaimWr 7, 18. 28. Far TMC0UYER. YiaORIA J SEATTU SKer S. 12, 22. Si. PRINCESS MARY For Butadal. Swanton Bay, Eait Bella Balla, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alart Bay, Campbell Rler, and Vancouver ser Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aitnut, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTO. Sallinn from rrmce Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon B, and Alert Bay, Tuaeday. B P.S). 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanson Bay, Saturday, 10 A.SS. For ANVOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naat Rltar Canneries, Friday A.M. US 2nd Aue. I, Barnatey, , Afent. Prlno Rusarl. B O. , "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE mooucs or scotuxo 0ttKll T.l tilaxooKK IM aMMwe-.CUV OvMi KH9 The Original Label look for it at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." . This advertisement is not luiMhlied or displayed by llio Liquor Uoiilrol Hoard or by Iho flovcrnnjcnt of British Columbia