park two The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince HupertJaily News, Limilcd, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Cily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United btales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7."0 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch per insertion I ransient Advertising on Front Page. ...$:?.() per inch uocai Headers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion .. .IBc per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 98 SB E Wednesday, Aug. 12. 1925. Keep Prince Rupert Interests To Fore. This is a goo'l lime,lo place Ihe needs of Prince IliijK'rl he-fore the powers Unit he, Sir Henry Thornton and a nnniher of other railway officials .are coming here and in the party will he Ihe manager Tor 'the western region w ho h;is taken the place of A. K. jVnrrt'li. He isjml in touch with the western situation. Prince Rupert people may well iliscliss with him and the others the problem's lhat affect us ami in which we are jointly interested. 11 is always a good thing lo keep in doe touch with our railway steamship officials. Wo can help them a good deal ami they can help us, if they will. There is bound to be community of interest between them and ourselves. The great thing is to speak plainly while they are here and not be uiirt analio in our demands. New Brunswick Change Was Expected. Thoe in eloe touch with the situation expected there! would be a political turnover in New Brunswick. ' The real difficulty is that times have been hard and the people naturally blame the government for it. They always do. Under such conditions it would have been a wonderful thing if they had held their own. ' Salmon Pack Has ' Improved. j The salmon pack this yeair is belter than it was four years ago. IT there was an exact four year cycle this would he an in-d'n-ation that hatchery and conservation methods had been very successful. As it is, however, lliere is a five year cycle as wefl ns a four, home of the fish live for five -years and return id Ihe end of (hat time to spawn' and die. The majority are. four year fish. . : . V It is much more pleasing to know thai at Ihe end of Tour years the pack is larger than it was in l!i 1,'eveti though Ihe Underwoo London Dry Gin The Gin you will ask for again -the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.50 a bottU 0 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I K . H ) In the Letter Box f K MARKETING HALIBUT jKdilor Daily News. . s ! Permitting oneself lo burst into, print is likened unto I lie 'fan on the si.lf lines of a verv interesting game, he ean'l keep Ins mouth shut if he tries. And so il is here. The biggest game of this coast is on, and to an observer who may know .something of the 'rules' and 'practices' of those in the game, i' heroines exceedingly Interesting I refer to Ihe big political football, the Fisheries of Canada and Ihe United Stales. The opposing teams may be said to constitute n league. e find hetelnkai ami Huneri playing: sometimes it is the two political parties o' Canaila; sometimes it's Canada and Uncle Sam; or Ihe political parties of the province; then again we gel the hall into play in our municipal atfairs; then of lale we find Juneau and pelers-burg enter the fray with plenty of vim and vigor. For the past two years or o the score seems lo stand pretty well al two lo one in favor of the American hie, alTordiug the opponents some wonderful opportunities for grand stand plays and speclaeu lar kicknlfs, unusual efforts to even Hie score which always gels a goml hand from the bleechers. J.asi year the American shir picked a crack team from the far in" Commission and so suc cessfully liave Iney covered th; field with the ball that they agreed lo meet all comers unde almost any rules in the Soul I. Court in Ihe Federal Building in Seattle at 10.00 a.m. on tlir Tenth day of (his month. Uiuvc before me Hie Ideally famous I'arilT Commission's preliminary statement of information secure-! in Hie pending investigation for the purposes of section 315 o' the Tariff Act or ID 2 2 with res-peel to the. cost of production o' Halibut, fresh or froen or pack ed ju ice. This will lie Ihe sub- jeel of the above meutiomd 'game. This statement is very interesting, not so much from the information it contains (on Hie front page we read: "All figures, comparisons and conclusions contained in this state ment are tentative and subject l cycle may not be quite complete. Last year was a good one and (revision and mis j ear may not ne nan, considering tlie expectations. Interesting Situation At Glacier Bay. The situation in regard (o (Macier Buy being Canadian ler rilory and (he possibility of a Canadian port having access to me interior is rainer unexpected and interesting. It cuts off the pan handle of Alaska and breaks the lerritorial embargo on the coast. 'It may be that Canada will not be able (o use the new port owing lo topographical difficulties hut the glacier will continue lo recede and no one can lell .what may happen in Ihe future. It will be eminently satisfactory if Canada is able to filler her own country without having lo ask iK-rmission from her big neighbor. - Letters To Editor Must Not Be Long. A letter is published today which is much loo long. R wa held back for some lime because of its length until an opportunity occurred when il could he' used; However, in future no letter of the lenglh of thai written by Mr. I'olsom will be published. There is no need of writing at such length. The average person will not read it. Our only reason for publishing il u this occasion is lo show that we do not wish lo exclude from our columns expressions of opinion on any subject, even though we may not agree witn the opinions expresscjj. No letter should exceed hair a column m length on any subject, no mat ter how Interesting. World Over Discriminating Men prefer it Hills & n Si are, therefore, not to be considered final,") hut for the careful way in which th commission followed the old rut, and kept to Hie established rules and practices of the old 'game.' After a most exhaustive list of subjects and subtitles, slalisljce tables, prints, maps ami graphs, some sixty eight all lold, an 1 which from all intents and pur poses 'thoroughly' covers the halibut business, we find lliem carefully pavpig the road, to fhose who may care to nice! them, with the seven 'Important questions for discussion.' T!i.' commission 'Invites consideration' of these questions. Thai i Ihe agenda, and llo'y will slick lo it. Cost of Fishing Let us look at these ' 'important question. .'o. I. 'Js there any reason lo believe that Ihe comparison of halibut production- costs in llie.CS.A. and Canada for the calendar year l'J23 and Hie first six months o" ivzi is'imot . rvpiTsrulntiye or IJUJiialfProdurftoT! Cosls!1'! turn back into their figures o costs in an etfort lo fathom their question' ami I find such as this: "Fishing costs, excluding fishermen's shale and captains bonus. wilh and without interest and in lieu of wages ami profits; in cluding fishermen's share, elc; boxing and icing costs: freezing. storing and boxing; Irausporia- i . i . , i i . i Mini iusis ironi wiu-ig immru, n;i Chicago; lo Boston; estimated' wages (based on logging camps exchange rales used in comput ing costs; vessel maiiifciiauce cost; repairs ami repIaPemenls, sundry expenses and taxes, insurance, depreciation; direct fishing costs, food, fuel, fishing wear, ice, ball, navigation fees, watchmen, port charges, sundries; vessel owners' net profit; cumulative percentages of halibut catch at varying costs per pound; elc. elc." All this subdivided as belween American and Canadian boats, Atlantic and Pacific boats, for six, twelve and eighteen month periods, Th tonnage divided according to juices paid fishermen, "pounds of halibut produced al varying costs;" "Various sizes of vessels grouped according lo llieir noli tonnages." According lo "avcr-l age crew per vessel." Ami this' re-subdivlded and reclasscd an 1' rehashed and ro hunted and re-I kicked and Ohl Hoy! what i 7ZE. Ci.UUi ffSWS "Wednesday, August l? i,-.j Along the Banff-Windermere Highway 41) Katraae la fcUatoaa? Park trmm Caaarflaa raelfle Camp al Sla-elalr C'aayea. (XI Tka Raaff-Wla4eraere Ilea trm Slarlalr Caayea. (J) nansaUw Can at Ven-illlaa Craaalas. HI Maaatala MU sampllag aalt prla4 hy Tarka Itrparlmral, la ea tire taem 4mi t Ike benler at Ike lUaa. from the fisherman lo the consumer; the intervening trans porlatioii, distribution and selling agencies may be likened nolo the web. of Ibis great loom which is supported by the fish ing fleet and by the-coiisumiii); pulilic. l.osls have Jin more right lo be figured in,inonev than they have to be figured ii fish, or in labor. Neither is om part of I lie loom to be imm closely examined for defects than another when the machin ery seems In go wrong. Why al' Hie .scrutiny of the fishlnf fleet, the cataloguing of t!i'ir nITairs. their shares, iirofits, bonus, e. limaled wages, .r.ompnrisons, . .i.i -i-il . .rt. ......... I..- publlo jXy: for lltisi to Uieiu il.Js-l.l cost. Tjiey larl this pioney ,alo(lg (llj'sfchaiinel es-tablisbeil by the flsli fiuslne- and if we have a commission go ing into such 'ip.iesllon as tariff, they should examine the entire route and not one end. Why expose Ihe ciillri' business of tin- fishing fleet and not the entire business of all those conneclei! witli the industry? Yes. Why? Well Ihe commission seems lo realize that their hands were lietl fur they quote an apology on the title page as follows: Too Much Secrecy "t'osls of manufacture of individual firms and other information in Ihe mature of trade secrets or processes are excluded from Ihfs statement, as required by secliou 708 of the revenue acl of iUltf, Ihe jierllu-enl provisions of which are as follows: 'It shall be unlawful for any member of Iho 'U.S. Tariff commission, or any employee, agent, elc, etc., lo divulge or make known In any manner whatever not provided by hiw the Irade secrets or processes of any firm, corporation, elc, elc, embraced In any examination or investigation conducted by said commission or by order, elc." Why all the secrecy of ono branch of Ihe husiness and the exhauslivu proiiitilgalioii of the affairs of .another? Have Ihe This is the Banff-Windermere Highway. It rvally needs no introduction for it is numbered among the most famous and most prrfrtt Motor highways In the world. Above are the latest pictures of some of the country it passes through and some of the mountain goats one is sure to encounter just outside Banff. Here is what the "Motor News" nays about it: "This wonderful highway, wide and smooth and hard and level as any the old Romans or the modern Americans ever built, is in the Canadian Rockies. For 114 miles It twines its tortuous way through unbelievably magnificent mountain scenery, from ilanff tk wrtrW-fmoin reaort in Albert, ta Ilr Windernwr". In British a i n e . i tribute Iihvc to dominate the en- I have nothing hut the ulmo- jlire business Legally. IIm'v admiration for men witli Mm have. Hut from an economic ability to carry on in this 'fasti- slandp t the husiness as a ion. True it is a hard flghl fm whole should beMhe property of them bill they know what the em will be. They do not realiz that under Hie existing system there will bp no end. They only Miis commission for a proper in- xesligation of the larilf question. Thinks System Wrong I wish to "slate here Hut know that they are playing ac-.(hough my theme may appear ordinx to the rules, aceordinu 'o tliev 'syslem' and who can sa I hey are not men of ability, play- ng Ihe ganie. well? Production - Costs antngonilie to certain hr'Hira of this business, that though tuv thoughts here expressed liny smell of animosity toward Hi business end of this great io- Producliou oosts! tlost t. dustr', is md the case. . whom? Who pays for this fish lam not one to envy another b-- anyway. .Most certainly we see'eause ot ginxi oriune; io i it 'bought' on our own wliarfijealotis of Ihe successful becauf daily, but is that buying' or merely an exchange of convey ances? ror one who lias liee-i in touch with the handling or this money il rciiiuds him of a shuttle. Tim fish In the sani'- picture would resemble a weft being conveyed by this shuttle of their success. Hut my nh-servntion of our present organization of society, in my limited and humble way, leads me to believe that oiir system is wrong. And I bHif've I am reasonable It. so expressing myself. It Is one of the illusions from which each aenenit inn suffers, that the institution in which, or by which it lives an in some peculiar way. unchangeable and permanent. Yet since tin Ix'sinning of lime various institutions have Jieen successively arising, developing, ileenying and becoming gradually superceded hy olbers heller adapted to co-existing needs. Why imagine Hie present rungn the ladder of time, on which we live, lo be dilTerent from the countless ones before us? "Jus' as the Sumerian, Hgyptian (reek, Human and the Chrishan mediaeval civilizations hav? passed away, our present capitalist civilization, as mortal as its predecessors ,(s dissolving be 'ore our eyes, not only in lhat 'septic dissllution' diagnosed by the Heap irt.JH.- J'HiJI'h broiighl tnoiiM(s by vihvairdScui,ahl by geuuiiK' ieace, hut in that slower changing of the epochs which war may hasten but which neither we nor anything eWc can hinder," writes a member of the lale Hellish Labor Hovernmeul. The present system must change. They mus lie improved iiinih We have had an epidemic of political panaceas since Ihe days of confederation In Canada, ami since revolution in Ihe I'.tf. Its about time we inject a little Inn incss scrum into tho industry of uie I'ouuiry ami slop making political footballs of the affairs of the people In H.H. we bear and read a great ileal about the resources of this big province, yet tho re ii i sources uiemseives are of tin value to us. It Is only because we can exchange them fop cash, a medium of exchange thai they bi'couie of any value lo us. Willi s medium of exchange we can commandeer Ihose, things which are of Immediate value In us. And Ihe degree of proficiency snuwii in 'converting our re. sources into cash will determine the degree of prosperity which Ibis province will experience. Non Rosldent In Ihe past, whether it be In! mining, Ining, luiiiberlng or fishing, ihJ men who produce fish Im right big money has been made bv lo know Ihe nlrnirs of those wwinon-roshlenla. 'l0 1(,n(.l(i dlslribiilo il than tbosn who ill - man of New York develops om1 easlrru manufacturer for maeti- iniTy lo develop Ihe mine, and Iheii carts off Ihe profits lo develop his home, and Uie cily rtn country in which lie lives. It' the same in the lumber industry All lhat i left here, 1 pah) in wages, which are sent out of the country for Hie iteoph1'" needs. And computed loyHlier wilh taxes, etc., left herr. Us a small amount to the million. II jut are made out of the and distribution of our industries. It's the same wilh Ihe Nheie-We find the consumer pnyln three, four and five times as much for the fish he eats, than J l left in the province for Hi" producer of these same fish; In dirnlliik' that twice or three times as much is made out of onr fisheries outside the ro vince Uiait is made here. And Ihe money we receive here for our c Hurts i again split up among mnmifaelHrers of fishing gear, gas engines, oils, supplies, elc, the most of whom lake their profits outside the country'- 'And yet Hie TarilT Commission asks if their 'produclion costs' are 're presenlatlve or normal. ' The present system is a heavy (continued on page five! LftND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He-cording Bistrlct of Prince Rupert, and xituate about one and n half tulles east of ' Masselt Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet, Uraliam Inland, British Columbia. TAKi: NHTirj-: thai Langara Fishing A Packing Company Limited, of Victoria. B.C.. occu pation. Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following de scribed land: Commencing at a post planted al the northwest corner of Lot Seven. Hraliam Island, British Columbia, about one and a half miles east of Masselt Lighthouse! at the mould of Massetl Inlet, (iraham Island. British Colum Ma; thence northerly five chains, more or less to low water mark: thence westerly, along low walcr marK one hundred and sutv chains; Ihenco southerly five eiinlns; llienco eusterly one bun ured and sixty chains, more or less, lo point of commencement, and contulnlng eighty acres, morn or loss. J.ANOAI1A FISIIINfl Si PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant Per H. II. Flmpson, AenL, Dated June 10th. tl25. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte. Ln,,, n0. prdlng District of Prince liu. perl, and situate at Itooney Point, flraliain Island, British Columbia. Take Notice that Langnra Fishing A Packing Company rp-irm,"inmnim-,--ii,rnH.,.-i .- guf Columbia, dinging to the brim of sheer precipices, cleaving thrcv-rh t ;r canyons, skirttnr giant mountains, spanning giant rivers, overlo ii ag gjt' valleys and affording the most soul-shaking views of rivers and va,,r ; i art mountains stretching sway and away, ever w far, ever so deep, ctct m high, for ever and ever, amen." The mountains goats and sheep, Inddentslly, are quite U me and ilt groups of the mild-mannered creatures not Infrequently make at home in the middle of the roadway and gate wonderingly at th? Lord of Creation who wait Impatiently in their ears for permission to pass. '' Limited, of Mas-er 1 mines, pays a few dollars in wages, thai are sent out of Ihe pUmn Packer, in'-i -country for the tilings that the fr ot 1 j wage earner requires to llxe.iscribivl land: ill iinvs .mt Ins mioiev lo the t"iinniMiflinjr nt a i - - - . v at Itooney point, (im' i British Columbia. Iherly five chains, v to low watr'mnrk; n rly along tow wa' hundred and sixty - oiilhrty five eti.i oterIy one hnn ir-haln. more or l ommeneemnl. a: 1 elshly ners, more - r LAXHAltA riislHNU A i Per K. B. simt Haled June tSth. to:: LAND ACT. Paled June 20th. WZ LAND ACT A Per Wm. a M i'a X'.V. Notice of Intention to Apf ti Least Land In Land lleordiig f Prince lluperl. and Ferguson Bav. Ma--0-C. Islamls. B.C. Take Nut ice tha lerd, Limited, of Yai 'A II If (teciipation Snlni oi t lends to apply for a following described ' Commencing at a approximately 20 from liorthwesl core- 1 1 thence south 3 Hi i wet in oliains: Ihei, . chains; lhenc west t west boundary of i thence sohIIi H rtia wel o eJialns; thcr, chains; thence ea in.oi'e. or Jess, lo I" following misinileniu, line lo point of r itn and containing 2: j r less. fO.S('.-.MILLI ILl . ii vx r.t M9 f it 3K-I1I, I, TP :iani Arnl Notice of Intention to App'r " Lease Land In Queen Charlol'e 1 ri cording District of Pi ' '"' perl, and slluale ahm t o w1 in i nrirllmrlv ilirei-' 1 f!'" Itooiiff l,lnl l , II'1" Hraham Island. Brit' b 11 Take Notice Ilia ' an' , Fishing ft Parkui-f ' '"!!'7 fdmlled, of Massetl. B oCf,! patlon Packers. Inlend "ff for a lease of the -f' '! )R'';I scribed lands: Coninienelng at a ' f'1"' tl ... ... . .. ... .1! itrllffll two 'miles in a norine - from Itooney point. M ie,,Jj' lei, flraham Island, hr & JJ ' !' ' umbia; thence en chains', more or lc -s 1 ' wnler tnnrt-. lln.iire llirlHeru along low water mark ne dred and sixty cha " westerly l-ll.-Iiy five IIH' chains In"' Iheo" Clllll"-'- anil ' jjU , souihcrly one hundred chulns, moro or less, In rn m inn nix ft til ntti! CUlll"" I' llll Wlt !' eighly acres, more or If'' IVN'nAIIA I'lRlllATi A I'A' I.' II Hlrnlisntt. Dated June f 3th, 1025.