i CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any time lo receive your phone call, lo take your instructions, In lake personal charge of jour Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Cars for Sale One Ford Coupe . . $400.03 One Ford Sedan . . $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery $400 00 These cars are thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned. They hear the Ford "Winged Pyramid" guarantee. Kasy payments if desired. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST I I I Y Y Ytl II 1 J. L. Blam I Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbjng and Repairing. Glass, and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I, Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bontee. Coal, Sand and Gravel M Speolallze In Piano and Furniture Moving. 1v as 112 '5 ' and Steps Taken by Board to Fill the Position At Hie meeting of the library hoard held last evening the re signation of Miss Violet .Mortimer as librarian was accepted with regret. Miss Mortimer said she was leaving the city and wished to resign on October I. It is understood that she is to he married and will reside in Cali fornia. II. F. Pullen, chairman of the tioanl, spoke of the unfailing courtesy Miss Mortimer had shown in her work and of her general efficiency. They would all lie sorry lo see her leave. Itev. G. f!. Hacker saiil Miss Mortimer hail been more than courteous. She had gone out of her way to help patrons nf .the library and no trouble was loo great for her lo take. Personally he was very sorry I he librarian was leaving. G. V. Wilkinson, secretary, said when he first heard that Miss Mortimer would he leaving lie communicated with some of the librarians in the south with a view to getting n person trained to the wi.rk'fo lake Miss Morli mer's place. The result, had so far not net'ii very satisfactory The replies indicated that the larger salaries' paid in the United States had drawn away most, of the younger librarians and none were available. However, it was thought that someone might be found. II was decided lo ndver Use in the two local papers and also in one of the Vancouver papers and also to write several cenlre.s including Kdinoiiloti, B.( gina and possibly Queen's Uni ersily. Melnbers of Ihe board expressed Ihemsehes as deter mined if possible to secure person who was trained for the position In order that the good work so well .started here might ko on. SALVATION ARMY Carlyle. 0 lo K Hobble Shrubsall, Wil- lard -Hue, Clara Pierce. 8 to 11 Ularold Hond, Frank Pierce. Girls over 12 Helen Sims, Amelia lUley. . Married ladies Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Itae. IMS mr Iwt-i.- F tna.i Suaviet, .Cit BiiUia iloita trrti PICNIC IS HELD Enjoyed Festivities on Dlgby Island Yesterday The annual Salvation Army picnic was held at Digby Islam! yesterday afternoon. Weather was auspicious for the event which was fully enjoyed by a crowd of some fin children and adults who made the trip to the island and back again aboard the launch ,loy Itird. Capl. Ha was in charge. W inners of the races were as follows: Hi boys I'dwaid King, John Pierce. Mixed race Amelia I'xley. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Purchm Lino In Skwna IKnirn I In ml ncrorcllmr rl Irlrt or I'rliKi- iiiK-rt, li.c. ami itmu MivnvK ifinnn, numi or wtin Miami iu:. TAKR NOTiri: lli.nl Dip Canadian Flh Ina f.n. l.lrt., of Vaiirnuvfr, ll.C- occur a lion, haiiimii f:annra. Intcmla to aim v kit irtiiiMin u, purina(! lli rolNwIiin (lpM-rllii-il (Wrrllii-il Intuit---- IninU: 1 (Winiiiirnriiifr at a pout planlnt at hlrh water mirk nn thorn of MariiaiK lalanil: tlirnr north wivrn r)ialn; llunif rati arvrn rhalnv, itirnro aoulh trvn ftialni; thence n Mmi rlialna, and containing- rtvr arrra, mnre or Int. TIIR CANADIAN rlSlllflO CO, LTD Dated ttoi Uajr, Hit. LIBRARIAN IS ! ANOTHER FINE LEAYING CITY! BASEBALL GAME Miss Violet Mortimer Resigns Sons of Canada and Gyro Club Played Nine Innings to Draw Last Night Another fine baseball game for local fans was played last night at Hie Acropolis Hill ground when the Gyro Club and Sons of Canada went nine in nings (o a one-all draw and Ihe match had to be called on account of darkness. Features of the game were the splendid work of the Sons of Canada outfield and would probably have- won as they made nine bits against the Canucks' four. The Gyro Club got its single run in Hie lourtli inning wiien Howard Frizzell, after nuiking the only two bagger of Ihe game, was brought in by a sac rifice. Scldenker's run for the Sous of (linada in the seventh was of a lucky nature. He was on third base, the, only nvon on the sacks with two down, when .the ball bounced on the home ida'te and he crossed success fully. There was a jrood crowd in attendance. The box score was as follows: Sons of Canada ab r ti po a e Fariihar, 3b. 3 0 0 I 2 0 W. Milchell.cf 4 0 1 4 0 0 Italfour. c .. 4 0 0 5 0 0 V.,Menzies, lb 4 0 0 7 1 t Srhleriker. rf 4 1 2 2 0 0 II. Menzies, 2b 3 0 0 3 4 0 A. Mitchell, ss 2 O 1 0 1 1 Lainhi, If .. 3 0 0,5 2 1 A. Hoy, p .. 3 0 0 0 0 0 30i I 4 27 Oyro Club 10 3 ab r h po a e Mornn, 3b. .. ( 0 1 3 1 0 Hobideau, c . 4 0 1 7 0 0 III. Frizzell, lb i 1 2 14 0 2 IJones, 2b ... 4 0 2 2 1 1 Hill, If .... 3 0.1 0 0 0 G. Mitchell, ss I 0 0 10 0 Shaw, rf .... 3 0 1 0 0 0 Tulloch, cf . 3 0 1 0 0 0 31 1 9 27 14 4 Two-base hits: Howard Frizzell Score by innings: 1-23(50 7 8 9. Gyro Club 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 S. O. C. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Laporle and Glbbs were League standing lo date: I.. Pel. Sons of Canada 5 , 1 833 Sawmill 3 1 429 I Gyro Club ... 1 4 200 The next game will be on Fri day niglil between Ihe Sawmill and Sons of Canada. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Garden, and G. Garden, Toronto; Miss V. Scott, Oshawa; Miss Hubs Taylor, Miss Jessie McAfee, George Mc-Afe and Mrs. Ira Held, George, lown; D, Campbell, F. T. Curry G. A. Durie aiid ('. G. Denliam Vancouver; .1. A. Stephen, Mr ami Mrs. D, A. York nnd Mr. am Mrs. J. K. Russell, Anyox; F. A Pelerson, Duliilh; A. M. Kipp an. It. Gibson, Port Ksslnglon. Central Mrs. M. Ilndden, Toronto; S D. Murray, Anyox; Hob Mllle and F-d. Kemble, C.N.H.; A. John son, Kelchikan. Advertiiefla thTDaiTrNewi 8- I 1 a- Sport Chat j A lot of interest seems to tie j taken in lenm tourn.-ynents be tween various towns in tins l!-tnct. Anyox goes to Stewart, Stewart goes lo Alice Arm, Smithers goes to Hums I,ake, Vanderhoof joes to Prince George, Prince George goes l. (Juesnel and so on but Prince Ilupert players nexer go anywhere and no outside tennis teams ever come here. How about it? Prince Ituperl undoubtedly has tennis material1 a good as any town in the country and some good games might be arranged it seems. Probably the the pitching of Ilabe Fortin for, tiling could be worked the Gyro Club. Howard Frizzell also played an efficient game al first base for the Gyro Club, And Sid liazett-Jones, on second, made a nice running catch. This learn was, however, weak in base running and if they bad performed better here they up so that gate receipts would pay Hie expense If necessary. Last week Prince George ten nis players paid a visit to (Jues nel and lost in Ihe tournament that was played at the terminus of the P.O.F.. by six t'wnl to four. The play was featured by the nerformanee of . J-. Max well, Vernon High School princi pal, who is visiting at Qilesnel. The players taking pari In the tournament were: Prince George Mr. Wood land. Miss Kate llciiwick and Messrs. Hornsby, Fool, Wood-ward and llennel. . Quesnel Mrs. Clarke and Mi Foster, Messrs. Mnxwell, Hutch-rruft,-Thorneiand 1'rnser. Tomorrow afternoon the Klks will singe their annual flag day an event which, through Hie fun provided in past years, has become one of red letter import a nee in the lives, of loeal kiddies. The Hrolher Hills have, as usual. a fine program lined up and 'rom Ihe lime of the parade to Acropolis Hill grounds opening Ihe nITair until the end of the Children's Masquerade dance in Ihe evening, there will be a fine bill of entertainment for old and young alike. One nf the feature of Hie afternoon will he a ball game between the Klks and Ihe Gyro Club. The latter aggrega tion, rocky as a result of their win a few weeks ago over the aged Ilolarians, aro simply rearing lo so. The Klks are promis ing them, too, that they are go ing up against something Hint is'l going to prove very soft. - K In the tietter Box, ! FOOTBALL QUESTIONS Open letter lo the Prince Ilupert Sirs. Football Association- In the interests of Hie Foot ball game many players and fans are desirous of being on lighlened on the following points: (I) Under whal section of. Hit. Constitution or It) laws of the Association were, the G.W.V.A players suspended? (2) Will the Association stale the reason why Hie players were suspended? (3) Will the Association slain I lie reason why Ihe players were ordered lo apply individually for re-inslntemenl when they were suspended collectively? (4) Will the Association stal the duties of the Hoard nf Con Irol? (5) Is II a fact Hint the As social ion has gtven mil power and authority lo one by the name of George. Sinclair Itussell lo act as sole arbitrator yllh re gard to Ihe lifting of snspen sinus? (0) Is it a fact Hint at a inee Ing nf the Association Ihe with drawal of the, O.W.V.A. team Avas nccepled In a regular manner by a motion put and passed? i (7; Is it a fact thai Ihe fl.W V. delegate was not notified of Wanted For Sal For Rent FOR SALE OH SAI.K. Slnve Iroubles snl- veal. Why worry about your old Moves when you nan exchange them as first payment on a new Hi KM I Kit HAN'S K and have complete satisfaction. Il.il.niee mi e.isv ii3iiiiiila i -Prince Ilupert Exchange. Phone C52. If UllMTUHK boughL sold anJ exchangeal. Dominion inliiM liuoleutu and Harry, Kirkeably, Scollatid, inlaid linoleum. Furniture and ranger of all description fnr sale. A. Mackenzie Furniture House. Phone 775. FOIl SAI.K. Few pieces or household furniture ineliiding "Canada Pride" range, Siir- inond' steel couch, chest of drawers, infant's crib and chair, rugs, etc. Phone IIIiia 317. 188 Oil SAI.K. Household furni lure itictuiiing inning room Suile, Itedrooiii suite, ruus separate chairs, beds, etc. Fred Heiining, 727 Fifth Ave. Went Phone Itlue 511. I HO (ill SALIX Furniture, leather . arm and rocking, chairs, heal er, dressi'V Mci v9.1( Second Ave. (upstairs). hj FOIl SALF Piano in good con dition. Snap for cash. Phone Itlack 401. 180 GOOD piano for sale. Snap for cash. Phone lllue 100. FOIl SALK.I35 clarionet for $17.50. Phone 100. If TO RENT toil ItKNT. Modern 4-roomed house, near elevator, for tv months from August !. Apply "on. telegraph Olllee. I-OH IlKXT. Pianos, nlavnr pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines, Walker's music niore. if FOIl IlKXT. Two room furnish ed apartment by day, week or iminlh. Phone lied 0(17, II. n ,,,,.,,1 !.,.. ..Ill .i . tf FOIt HKNT, Modem house, five rooms and balh. Mutiro llros FOIl HKNT. Clnpp aparl.nenl wcstonlinver Hro. tf Mi.. iiiitt u wnirii in,) players1! wero suspetiiied? If Ihe Assoelalloii cnti anils faclorlly answer Ihe fiire&olmr rpiestlons t will go a bmg w,iy no iiminme seiiieinenl of (lie present Dispute. FHKD GKO. pyli:. Pres. O.W.V.A. Football Club tVANTRB 001) selection of household WAXTIID. Plain dressinaklM. furniture for sale. Player piano, 2 bedroom tables, dining room furniture, leather ilaxenport two beds, sitting room cliair. also 00 feel hose, etc. limine with elerlrteal fixtures, elect rto rat rise, curtain rods and window shades, for sale. Apply Mrs. Atkins. Phone 238. Iteasonable rales. Street. BOARD HOAIID The Second Avenne TAXI 718. Franr If Inlander. 830 J'lione J37, IIDAIIH and Himuii or Ihiartl only. Plione Itetl 707. LOST LOST I Hack and while collie dog without t'oilnr. Finder please phone U8. Ileward. ff BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIllfiKS OF KASTHOPK 4-CYCI.K Marine Kngines l-II.P. without clutch tlHS.on (-H.P. 6-H.P. 8-II.P. 8-II.P. IC-II.P. I cylinder Ml) 200.00 I cylinder III) IMMlO 1 ayliuder HI) 7&mhi 2 cylinder Ml) I50.U0 ( cylinder 1.1) 175.00 All the above except the first include the Famous Joes Ile-vcrse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Kaslhope ltros.. 17 47 ifeorgi.t St. W. Vancouver. Il.O. Alway at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. Tail 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) special 0 and 7 passenger Slnde- bakers al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kuiprc4 Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want- anything sent for or delivered, plione us. P.O. llox OUU. COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Columbia fleeord no scratching. Finest re productions of latest Fox Trots,. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni tire Store. Wo H.iy, Hell and Kx- change New and Secondhand Goods. QKO. PAFADUPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone MH KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Keith's Cafe lii King Kdwnrd Hold now rn-modelled. Up-to-date Dining Iloom and Lunch Cannier BOB KEITH - Mannqer. rvt t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wcdnosday, August 12 High . 8:19 a.m. 1 1.7 ft 20:27 p.m. 17.1 " !w 1:50 a.m. 0.9 " 13:51 ti.m. h.i Thursday, August 13 Nigh ...... 9:38 a.m. ll.O " 21:29 p.m. 17.1 " Lpw 3:19 n.in. 0.7 " 15:11 p.m. '.() Friday, August 14 High 10:15 a. in. 15.1 ft 22.31 p.m. I7.:f Low 1 :3T a.m. 0.2 10:32 p.m. 11.5 Saturday, August 15 HiRh Il:37 a.m. ir.7 ft 23:13 p.m. 18.0 ft Low 5:30 a.in. 6.1 17:10 p.m. 9.1 V :r.M.1:; U PAQE F0U1 I92 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus Bargain 1 HVEUU-MOTHEti.. y er OA,rtTeQ -cot HELLO DtMTf I've. : PI- t2'ffl FtCORtlO COT - . , OP IN WORil i ruiWr ALL in AV Trie. mCajt TO THE. DOtC AM' ruu IMTCRRUfT HIM- I NCVfiC. 0& ftCHT OvCR TO tKW HIM 0 AMCaTXXj'-S TfXU OU wvaKT BIRD CAGES 20 Percent off all CAGES this week only Kaien Hardware Co. xtrs M"f r-H RACCt t WWiT TO . DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. S 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOIl SAL If. Gasbo.it "Sea Hawk"'; t' feel overall; 8 fool beam; new cabin; new gas' Link; good dinghy; 3 anchors and rope; 0 h.p. heavy duly Fisherman engine. About tw years old, in fluent working condition:. Price ?500. Apply D. Ilrown at Smith & Mallet's shop. FOIl SALI! Pleasure bull in good comiillon. GMiln over engine and canopy top. Suitable for & h.ii. engine. A good sea boat. First HOD lakes It. Write llox 203, Dally News. t f PHOTO FINISHING P. J, RYAN P.O. llox l Prince ltn .-j j Service and -uana; 'r MAIL SCHEDULE Tf t ft Frn U I aV OUT-flOISO. Muaxlar. Wriliif-ii t rtnM it Ta Vatt M4Hlayt . tMMar . Wi4MMy . TO A0f, AIU Arm, SUaari 1 suMitr - l.a). rrtaMina . To fart Clmpa t4 KaM N.iar Tkurxtsjr To Alaalo rolnta To ) CAorlolt ItlM rM Anai m-coaiaia. Mtai, WrrtnMU a: . al I rrM vitr SMMta - VotMlaia WwliK'dai rrHM. . TNMla 1 W i-UrHUli I' Saliinlat. u rrm fM llaipMa 4 nu a rr rm Sltunkt U ftm Ataaka rlil not . . ; . ' ' from Quaaaj CrtarUtta lla4 ftw BOX COLLE0TI0I Otaliim A aim Arr IM Ate. A Ol SI till At. A Iwlion 'i tin At, k Ttiii-n lift 4 WMlilr A-- I Ilk Air. A Conrad -I r-lk A liar C At-lll A IU Cm ir I- Slh Arr- A llil -1 ffe.Ao. A Mrllrhtf -1 Pro. Onai. VMr rri. Omt. Wharr O T.r. Wltarr . T. I'. Ktallon and n. Arr. A fix! st Snl A. A 1'nllon SI Inl Arc. A 41k M '1 ; ti . SI , t. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT. tor Vancomar VtOKla? I'iMiri- ll Tik-mUv . iihl'in WrdiwMhr ron SaliioU) 1 aula . rriiii" V! " , ITHII-H From Vantoyrar SiiiHlar auIrM Mwnlay-- a. rriii" " Wnlitrwlay I'r frlday . Prince II h " h. ratal . Salunlav - . Prin for fort ilmpaon anf Naaa Si'"" , I'rhlav ratal rront rort Slmpaon ano" Naaa '''""j, Saturday . uiaia For Alalia Wrtlikmlajr . ron-- Aii"-l 111- a. Prlncr I 17 a. PrliirT" A'1, ' II- ao. Prlnri- f M. ITllH-l-i Al' ' 31 I'rlurr l.uiH-' From Alaako MciiuUy '. prince I i1 i! . . 1' t i t ! ,1' I' Anri. S . PrlnriM i h.n' ll'' l--M. PrllMMK Alir- rrllirrM r ft aa. prlncraa AlKf tft- prlnieaa l.milw For Stawart, An,a and , Suinlay- -. ronlriia , -t Prim : 1 1 - Mmiilay - aa. ,r From Stawarl, Anoi and llt Timailay . .anl' WcilnmiUy I'rliii 1 Saliihlny a. Prim-For Q0. lalanda , Aunt 17- . Prlnro Jnhn-3 1 aa. Prime John From Q.0, Iilanda Aiuni't I51 . Prlnrs Jolm. I aa, prlncr Jnlm. Advertise in the psil .1 I It il: