PAOtt TWO The Daily News PMNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupiii t Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 11. b PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month . $1.00 oy man in ail parts of the British Empire and the United oiaies, hi advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ,. .$1.40 per inch!per insertion Transient Advertising on Front, Page ; $2.80 per jnch Local Readers, per insertion . : 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. ............. 15c per agate, line inmraci itaies on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - S6 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before A p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subjeel to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Ivdinontoii Jouniul In the course of an intervl at lbf rfi.-ist M:ivni' Ittulf' Tuesday, October C, 1925. '.Working Up Interest 'In The Elections. I Jnteret in the elections is iijereaviiiir everv dav -and looks as if by the end oMIm month people here might really realize thai an election is taking place. There are to be plenty ;of meetings apparently, if lii week is any criterion or what i :to follow. . v , So far there have been no personalities ami everything has been very friendly. That is as il should be. 11 is very different ..from what has been taking place in other cities. In Vancouver, the names of Prince Rupert people have been bandied about in . a scandalous manner and in the Kast the elevator has been held up as an example of Liberal reckless expenditures. Apparently Prince Rupert has been getting a lot of free publicity. That class of electioneering is o be deplored. It acts as a .boomerang on the people conducting it. The Conservative 'will gain nothing from their campaign if carried on in that way, Good Policy In Cariboo Constituency. The policy of retiring the Liberal and allowing McBride to have the field to himself against the Conservatives in Cariboo was good ladies on the part of the Liberals. McBride ha been a Liberal in his outlook and has supported Liberal policies. In all probability he will do the' saftie, ag$un. - If holh he and Fraser had run, the probability is Unit the Conservative would be elected and he would not represent the views of the constituency which are Liberal. McBride will now probably be elected and will give enough support to Mackenzie King to help hini carry on" n stable, "government. "" "t "! Everyone Should Be ' ' ,.' . . ' M 1 V mi i wo meetings. Two opposiiinn meetings are being held this week, tonight1 by the Nickersoniles and tomorrow, bv the Conservatives. Vider' should attend these meetings in order to be posted on the issues of the day. Stork will be speaking again later on the general 'policy of the government and will' doubtless then answer any '.criticisms that peni worthy of ilote. The only way to learn about the national policies of the "jtarlies is to' go to he meetings nml hear the, speeches. Memories Are Precious Things. 'h' 'T While a great many peopleAire thankful for the fact that their memories are short and that they are able to obliterate from their lives (lie influence ofinaiiy things that have happened, I he majority have pleasoU memories that Ihey would like to retain. : 22 cars to September compared with 1U3 up to TO GET ACTION ELEVATOR ROAD City Council Taking Matter up With Railway Officials at Request of Board of rade j . ilonlile iloiley shower was ' kiVimj last night by Miss Dorothy A letter having been rereivedniilliiwham and Ml Agnes rrom the boar.l of tradi' inqnir- r.elnes for two brides-lo-be.' ing as to what progress was be-1. ml,. Violet Morlimer who is to iiig matte on the matter, the oily! marry Paul A. Yelliui in 'tlie i-ouiieil Ieciic. last tiiht " to .njilian Church Thursday, and oliimuiiirate at once with off!-' Mis Hazel .Mnronrv who Will bo rials of the railway company Willi a view to coming to an arrangement whereby a roadway may be built from the city to the elevator. Tlierily is prepared 10 put Hit road in shape to the city limits provided the railway lakes care of (lie buihliiiK of the road on its properly. " 1 1 has not yet been definitely decided where' the connection will be made. eleventh Street was mentioned at the meeting last niphl hut there is a possibility thai it may be front some point in West view. TO PAY POLL TAX COLLECTOR STRAIGHT 10 PCT. COMMISSION Some Discussion In Regard to Basis of Payment to W. H. Sherman In connection with the passing of accounts at the meeting of the city council last night, there were some discussion as to the basis on which commission should be paid to V. II. Sherman tor the collection of poll taxes. Aid. Stephens said that it had been the original intention of the council to pay Mr. Sherman 10 per cent of collections apart from those received automatically by the city from, companies who deducted Hie poll taxes from the payroll. He understood that, instead of this, Mr. Sherman was being paid ten per cent generally which he thought was a viola tion of the rule set by Hie cnun- cjl, ; iMayor tXewlon slated the fi-naneo coniinlllee, subsequent to (fie council dealing with the nial-Itjr, had decided to revert to last year's policy in the payment of commission and give Mr. Slier-man ten per cent on all collections other than (hose deducted from the city payrolls as had been done last year. Ho bad been informed that Hie finance coih-millee had matte such a decision while lie was away from the city. ,AbL Stephens remembered no sfich decision by the finance runuiiiltec. In any case, the 'finance com'mitlec had no authority to change a resolution of Hie council. Aid. Larsen and Aid. Perry both fell that Mr. Sherman had It is not well to live loo mucli in tle past and yet pleaaul' been doin Rood w memories are influences that teiiil to hriirhlen the li es. esnpei-i Pel Ihe straisht I ork ami should ten per cent. ally of those who are lonely. Agnfii and again we can go back in Aid. MeMordie felt similarly and, spirit to the days that have gone. Iind recall Hie jovs wliicli, while1 n view of the fuct that the fleeting enough, still remain ami have "their effect on Hip. whole future, of our lives. , ' . Look Forward And Not Back. While it is -true that we should hold on tenaVioiisly In plehsunl memories it is not .well to dwell -too much on the past. The profit is with us and. Ihe. future ttars promise of great things if '.we only, iifouire. the right mental altitude toward it Lei the memories of the pasgpide is jn Hie fiijure, hilt do noli for n moment suggest lhal''leTiile lh''vaSploa'Uint,- IhcW can ne notiiliig pleasant again. Life fs n mailer of progress. If we do not make progress, we die. The crealor 'intended thai people should enjoy life and not mourn forever about the pas. Forward should be our watchword. WESTERN SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN DISCUSSED Edmcnton Journal Thinks No One Need be Concerned Over Shipping Problem work would hardly be worth Mr. Sherman while if ho. was not paid on such a basts, moved that the, decision of Hie finance committee to that effect be confirmed. This was seconded by Aid. Brown and carried, Aid. Stephens voting against. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MRS. PETER BYRNE IS same day jn 1021. and tl.o test- dancing, music for the latter time is ti I o come. If the ,npf fllPn,9,ie, by John Knox, order of the railway corn-',. Slan,,.y XV(,,,n , nm I...: . - fltfordjieeenl .. .... . . . " V ', .luano; isii sm-ii wuy sum ncavy siopmeiiisj """""i " '-u-i n nioirs i noi i Harold Van Hiiskirk guitar. II ol grain are igoing east "wiiilo' i uerjer-u wnii ami the tariMs or) Vnn lluskirk also entertained there. Is nothing coming to Hie companies are adjusted tol ..m1',in ,.ri,ii,m ,.r Vancouver of any coiispnuenee." The tuoxeiuent to (be bend of the lakes is certainly much langer than that to (he PaciHc, but Ibis is inevitable nt the present lime. Wilh only a few weeks before navigation closes on Hie lakes, grain has to be hurrjed forward very rapidly If It Is to be exported by that route, llnl (here iji not not Hie tlie same same necessity necessity In in con " necllon cllon with with the the rilher. other. One One it 'lis largest' advantages i that it open for use Hie year round. bring them Into accord with IIihI I einjr. onoT, ine, atmiiionai advantage. ii,;f.....i..iu i . arerulng to Hie rariiwr from shipping llirongfi Vancouver will be such that there must be a very large Increase in the business which Unit port bandies. There hae been reports that ocean rates were being increased miilnliaht when Mr. Knox, on be half of the company, presenlrd Mrs. llyrne with a beautiful cut glass set. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. l'eler Hyrne, Mr. and Mrs. J, Knn.x, Mr. ami Mrs. McLeod, the Misses s'i as to offset the benefit of the, H.-Ha Mackenzie, ntirissio' Mac con-Hull rpductioiis. This Is explicit- kenzie, Mae Thompson, Mary of My denied by Hie president of llm OoluuM, Muriel Forsylhe, and Tuh DATLV Sky8 Tu9dar, Oelobrr ft. 10'.1: DOILEY SHOWER FOR TWO BRIDES TO BE - Miss Violet Mortimer and Miss Hazel Morenoy Recipients of Nice Presents From Girl Friends married to ' llnwnrd Pringle on Novembrr 8. i Miss Letneslressed as a bag gageman, tjrlivereil the mirk or doilies to each of the girls, much to their delight, and the beautiful sets were much admired. Tea was served and everyone spent an enjoyable lime. GARBAGE WHARF PILES SOLD TO THOS. TROTIER Offer of $50 Accepted by Council Last Night, Purchaser to be Responsible for An offer from Thom'as Trolier I ...... . i . . . ..V ..! or yon iop I lie piles lit ine om garbage wharf on the waterfront was accepted by the city council last night on motion of Aid. Perry, seconded by Aid. Larsen, the understanding belne thai Mr. Trolier should be responsible for Hie taking out of the piles. It is the intention of Mr. Trolier to use the piles in connection willi the coal ami feed dock he i iyohliuu east of Cow Hay. THE MAN IN THE MOON piickly. ny: I'HIKNDS sometimes like send in verses or jokes for tliH column and if suitable they are used. They must mil be spilefo as that sort ofjoke js not pub lished here. Anyone Minding in verses should .sign them ur send an aecompJtnywg note by then; today Hie editor turned over some unsigned, verses to me which are so good I am taking n chance and usius them anywav The writer says Ihey are writ ten on being convinced wit': ileorge Leek that "It's a grea' day." Info rhyme I g slipping To sing of our shipping, Inch now is increasing Our weary longshoremen Are calling for more men The freight drop" around them so thickly. Our halibut dories llelale wondrous stories Of fish piled aflush wilh lh gunwale. Our trawler, Hit Foster, Tells those who accost her, "I'm loaded plunuY up to the funnel." The wheat of Hie prairie No longer is chary Of seeking Hie Ocean Pacific And our elevator,- , (Though Tories lifrat? her) Wie.ithes !dii facrMAvllh funilos Log barges are coming. Our mill's saws rire humming. linn AT TUEIP UnMCrn,n , "r prosperity's shining UULiU ni lllLilll llUlllLl Presentation Made Her by Number of Friends Who Called interested' in the western route. - , to be concerned because Hie ,e- A , jf ,c ceipls at uncouver are at thel ,,,, ,Iie ,,,,, ,)f M', ',, j, "XV ."VlVler Hyrne. Atlin Avenue, last i v i ii oil William . Ihey are consul- , , wj(J1I, OIIl0,illoII ,c .ably higher than last year, the, ,,C(.aiim Mnfl n paPly or i.V li it ii !.. o,.i.. im.K HlTlWU OI IIllinp nf !, hiHli.tnv -.f lr- 21 aS 11, ,.lwk 'I I, Jk At-nninn. ....... ' . all! v uonn I In tihiidtr fro mna it t, On your toes, no one slouching! Put an end to all grouching! Take a, poke at. the guy who keeps whining. IF I profited by all my mis-lakes I should be the richest man in Prince, lluperl. A Oirl I know in Hupert, Who is on profit bent, She's looking daily for a man Who'll help to pay the rent. Till! walorwagon is a good thing lo ride, hul be careful you don't fall olf. Mr. Mnighen talks a lot about population but personally I be. lieve In Hie home grown product, I'll 1 1 political machine is nil right as lonz as il is a question &f blowing the horn, bill when it comes lo buying (lie gas to make the machine go, most of Hie politicians step off for a few I IIAVB found something new, Vancouver Hoard or trade fn a, Messrs. Stanley Webb, Harold, It's a school teacher thai docs letter ut inn r.oiiinninn noaru. lie Van lluskirk. tin ev W'n . Kn-d not n k alum. iinpr,.i,i No sensational seasonal rush is states tlin, since the commls-; Porter. .Tack Martin, Mac Smith, required. Lion's order, oeean rales have Jack mills, F. liner Thompson, WHAT I like about (ho ten There Is no reason for anyonejone down instead of up. and Charlie, Henderson. commandments is figurinsf on' i nMsnns r wsstsNi how many my neighbor breaks. : I SOMI humorist nays the flni-j pers are nil looking for tins-1 hands. I should say they werei looking for single men who might make huslmnds if thet 1 could ever settle down to the. daily routine. IT'S easy enough to be happy When the sun is shining nk thi. And the little girl is all smiling. it: n- Ah, this is what ( rail bliss. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert October 6, 1915. NcH MacHay, Algy Hunter. Pan Masy, Fred Md.eod, Hill Ft Holt, Allen llnherlson and Arcbl Lamb, local men, have gone Iron-the I8lh battalion in Knglaud reinfonM' Hie 3 1st Franco." 'somewhere ,n S. I). Macdonabl, NV. K. Tliom;' sou and Oeorge lludderham r lirled to the local Trade aid I.alior ('ouncil last nishl on the Dominion Congress in Vftneou ver which Ihey attended. 1'arker Williams, M.P.P. foil Newcastle will visit Princ llu pert about Hie middle of tin- , inonth it is expected. j LAMO ACT. ' Nolle of Intention to Apply to - LJind In rnnri- lturt l.aiul Kemrdint UOlrlrl tit BrIIUfi Culuinbll, inl llutl II the mouth or Mtftrlt lnk-t, (lv.ii. 4 chiln norm rrfiin th ivirthai or-ncr of Imliin Detrne Mn. orx . Orituin IUfm1. , TAKE SOTICE ttil I, . simp I on. or Mfii. Ilrlll.b Colnmbla, o-rMp-' linn -psrker. inlrn1 lo apply rr a i.-4i or lhi rnllnwlnr ilrtrribril lin,l I CfiuiH'n'inr ii a t pUmnl about Ii rnain norili rrmn th iiortliiti ntriwr, r Imllan rtevrv Xo. ilw, Onhain llan1. ilww wrlhrljf 3 thilin to low wair; ihrncf f,.llnitif iw atfr mark t so rlialn In a wrMtrly direction ; ihfurrl otttncrly J rltatnt; tlwnro Mitrrly U0 riMlix, to pidnt or roimiirnrpinrtit. and rontalnlns 41 arri. tnorr or I EIOEJIK II. SIMP9f)M, I . . Applicant LAND ACT. i In !! Atlin land Ol.trlrt r,t Catalar. TAKE .NOTICE that I. Ellplilrl .ol patlon broker. IntM'ili to apply' ror iwr-inli.lon lo piirrlu' tlie followlnr de- Coilinillrlnv at a rwil .l,i rhalna Minih of itarlnp'a point ,n Hie r,i id or Tarlfh Ukr. alMitit lfn mllct oiiili or Mm Yukon tiindary line; thi-nr wt 10 rh.iln.; tliinrr norm 40 i-haln ihrnr fat V) rhalna; Ihrnre Miitthprly Jollowlnr alonir Im hor line or Taauh to polnl or rnnirwiirrnif nt, nald parrfl rontalmnr o arret, tnnrr or m tl.ll'IILKT SOTT POTTEII, Appll antj nald Annul Ifiih I0f LAND ACT. Notlct or Intantlon to Apply Laaaa Land In Prlnrp IllltMTt IjiiiI liprorftmr iiinn. or Prlnri rtiitort, and altuate at Yc t talUn liav. m...mi ini.i TUE NOTICE that VMtrnr II. Slmpaon, nr Maaaett, B.C., orrupatlon ramiprvman. Intend to atiply tor a leano or Ilia fo lowlnr rteaerihed land.- - Coinnirnnnir at a r't planted almtit 0 rhaln welerlv rnun the M.E. rorner or I-t I ISO, llanre R, Count MUtrlrt: thenre weal alt chaln; ihenee north three rhaina, more or leu, in hlati water mark; thenee ealerly alnnr hlrh water mark iii point or commencement, and rmitalnlnt t arrca, more or le. Et'flE.'fE II, SIMPSON. Anpllrant u.,. ,,. MINERAL ACT. Cartlfleat of lmprotmnli BH,an ininprai claim, annate If the Ailln Mlnlnr DlvMlon or Caular nialrlrt. on I lie i aide r HI Horn !X7,f.;n".", ",Jo"onr ,hr n!.. rnr r,K" " lawaon. free Mlnefa Certlfleaie n MTtRC.. im.'nd. ."J rtava rnmt the dale hereof, n apnlv to the Mlnlna nerorder for a Cerlirifale' or Improvement", rnr the ntirrww of nhtalnlnt a Crown Oram or the almve elalm. '"""rr iae noltre Dial aetlon, tinder ertlon J7. mii't he eommenred he Koveme'ti't'""' "f "rh Crr'lrir" ' im isn.'"' ,h" ,0lh ay r Anr'"' vn A little higher in price, but-a wonderful difference just a fciu cents make. NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sportsmen! We are lle.iditunrter for Sporting fionds f nil kintls We rare' Hie faini'Os WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See Us tor Hand Logger Soppiie (hb brist Jai k-uiid Parts t.alte Axe- S;ivvs. c!, . STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue aav.s rr 4 mr to.nicnt" Phone 143 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phonei 687 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 GRANT'S Best Procurable" mii oaiciNAii Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINtTST HIGHLAND MALT Dstltnl ael ralM4 if WJ1,. Ctt k Sana Umil4 Cl.(illd,.k tm4 CalMM.ClMliMi DunlUnn. U.II. to..4iCl..rr., SmUiU. lliis advertisement fs not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Uritish Columbia. ;