w a? October fi, 1025. Special Value $10.00 Girls Wrist Watch fir Dim tittle Nvalrh . K .ft for Hi.' tilth' Tue (-.no i gold fill it. white or , li jewelled rnnve-: t we K"iarHnle' it to -onnlily K'iol limp- John Bulger Jotveller You Had Better Gt Your Name on our list For Dry Kindling kiln ilrisd ami I-artfe luiid IG.00 i a bandlffi al-r II. 00 do Tail" Call 112. i ii ami rendv to ill hour. One enwr any-60e. 1 :iin Swlan. COAL V -i new n on $11.00 ir ton deliv-1 ,'in.l ery llttl V I -r feet range and ttrmely ton now! 1 ' til kind al- inntly. Stand345 Vhlrd ft.o. Alio Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Taxi 75 Taxi ' .f have thfl best Phono 76. ' " "i II'hMoii Supcr-i lioirge-. Firat and . i is-enger Sedan In A ' new closed .'nrs. RATES 1u. -tigers 0 l'nssengrrs ft I'asxengers $1.00 51. BO $2.00 -figer Sedan, per ' $4.00 -tiger Sedan, per ' $6.00 To Cold Storage and Across Hays Creek Bridge, 1 or 2 :i -' tiger $1.00 ' mliliti.'nal pacnger B0o pach. TAXI 75 TAXI Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phono 676 DENTIST Fur Coats & Jacquettes An KxqulMllo Slock of Fur ''''immliiKs nl low price. B. C.Wr Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, JUNEAU PAPER PREDICTS WIN FOR LIBERALS Victory of 'Bob" l Forecasted Dally Empire The Alaska Daily JlllHHlll. newspaper. in.- victory or Holier! Liberal railditlulc f t(. romiiig federal eleHmn I'li1tiir eil la -I week: The iinwcnri seems U pre-vmt thai Itnherl fju- nt vi.n 1 ilrrtiMHl pMid tfM urnrtenl vrrln if lh Win "f iHMnn In -Urn mmi hhi rni. IMt li rHfthof oritored mil tlw liitx- for rnirrinr is iriof lijr T"U In ttw WW I fit fatnnwu In thu artlnn t within thirty 1y ftr IN Ul IMlWlrMll ef ttlrfl IMtlr. If it i iir intention lo il-fii1 thli trti.m yi.u will lwi' to ealrr in appear anr In the llrfUlrv Offlrr of lhl linn i.unlile i ...in il Itie timrl ll.aie. prtnre rtuH'it. n..:.. t ine writ or hunmhuk Iwrrln wllhin thirty 1yo nt Ibr Ul iiiiiiliriilun. "thrrwiw th.- I'lilmirr may Iiriierril hrrpin. , lTt UHl tllh rty of Srplrmlwc, ",4 M. OONZAI ES. SnttrUor for Plilntltr. O: rrmplur nilTrl'n kfrr. IWfMWl.Ul LAND ACT, Nalle at Intntlan la Apply la Purchna una. In lh I anrl Drmnlina tll.lrlrl of Prltire lluprrt, lint IIUitr it ini. iiinuui 01 Mir rl! OiTk whlrtl now una im Kr.ull lllvrr I bout IS tnllM fnm IIA Inrilllh TAkK Mi1li:E that Jntin A. Smllh of Prliier lluiirrl. 11.0.. orruillnn lnnil)r man Inf.iml. In BOItlv for IWHIllMlon tO IMirrhit the follnwlnr (iMrrll.! Iml: riiimnrnrint it a ngil plamnl it tlif Miutliwril rornrr or t.t S5; luntf four; thrii.-a 30 rhilni norltirrly; thrnra SO rhain ittrrly. more or lr. I" th Eca-l. It lllviP! thrnrn Stt rhaln HiulhrrlV! lli.nr 10 rhalm entrrly. snd cimtimitif , arrr.. ,r. or In. A jviTll. Art'tinnt, ntM Per C. P, niaf. Arrnl LAND ACT Netlc of Inlintlon lo Apply lo rurthat In ! I iii'l H nuns' nuirlrl nf 1'rliirj Unpen, m.l illiiita on IUS fs U Creek Mhirh flowi into Hi tilll Itlvtr limit It mltra from lt niniilh. T.UK MOTirK that I'rlnre ltiix-rt Sprtire i ,nit ! nt Prlnre IllllXTl. o.'rupi- ii.... ' ii.'n,iu.r .iiurnet nrrra. IntrmU to m.ly ror rruilloii in piirrlune Hie rol-Inwliis tlonrrlbeil !".- .h, , ConiinHiniin it a iin I'm"" " rh n norihrriv rrniii inn """''-" nor of l I'"' f,lr rlintn iv.rUierly Jt.ei.re 40 rhiln. ra.tft Iv: thrnre in rhiliti onthrrly: Ihenre 4 Ll.'.i!.. in nnint of riiniiiimrr 0 6 n'fni. iml nmuinlns 100 srrr. more or """"i'lincR nttrnT ernttcB", AppHr'inl Per r.. p nitf, Ainu utud Autuii e ib. m. UNITED CHURCH rr: ue u.nl tin ..rUiihr. " n,m M" li l -aid Ibat the chnnce eem more than iucce- i fanral.lc for (heir a prominent Liberal family. A brother ha er.-i! tunny tcrimt Mi Mi.- Ihiiiiintoti .i! tiiiiii.Mil n a Liberal art member. MARKETED HIS CROP in thc suraiMt court or COLUMBIA. Himri Allml W. ilsrka, rUUHIIf; r HOLDS BANQUET neopening of Church Fittingly Celebrated at Enthusiastic Lowe In Yukon fl'flr Lait Evening bv Alaska I " '- aimmii zoo perou were pn -phi at. We )iiiiiint last ntKlit - J winctt ,yva in-Ill to celebrate the I.r-.ti.-tM r,l",n'g' "f Mi.- Fiuted Church Iiut. " '""ry unpen. The affair forlli-,wa "f mf"nial nature but t,r ",",',t !ii.ip. ami the prtl- npl. tii-orge Mack, i-.r.-i.ii... urn,n wa a v.-ry interesting one. miultr in the i ii,,,,.,. i m. Uiree ki i-Moiih of the. church following editorial which mmrar. w.M'iai nun winch were fillcil with In (Wests were very prettily iNiornler for Ihe occasion. Afler ample justice had been horse, the I.iheral nominee will lo r1rnlil supper Ihat le cleriril lo I lie Dominion' par-1 'r,,v'''','l. Mis K. M. Karle, liameni from Yukon Territory ' wl1" WB" r,",ir'n, called upon notwithstanding that Cant '"'rm '' " lead In commii Hlark. the present mcnilier aiid'ni,y "'""ff which proved most Conservative nominee for re-,ir Soloist of the election, 14 also popular. Hot. ov,"mJ WT" Mr. McGregor, I..we has been a resident of Yu- JHr" i.eou, nev. Kvnn kon Territory foe mure n.i.n ,,ukpr nt Kingston, Ont., ami uuarler of a eem.irv it. i.n. "nice Stevens. The aeeompan- lived at WhilehorM. and been Hie1'?''' M'M Way an1 Clifford inot prominent citizen of that lOWH from the liiKrttiniiio nf II..' "r- hergln gVe atj ad the other hand, Capl. I Mack left: the Yukon m )nr apo and i- lew n practicing lawyer in Van-j rmiT. j I he upMHerx of I Job Low. will make their campaian witli VS 4 . . , . ... 'lace. Il ha been a meirtl-r of."rr" ",r nH,flrJr 01 ,,,,, I he Yukon TerriloriAl llimiu-il -nice the organisation of that liKllie l.iHly, and l knew church iirakinit many (nu-rntln3 references lo pioneer daj' In Prince lluperl. Hev. H. O. Hacker i:ann..i. ?ok" ,,n lh" 'r-,"t outlook of Yukon like a bk. on wic cniirnn ami nev. n . J,.i'ar ".in oi lerrace was alo n ieaker. The program wa concluded willi an orixmal and hunutrou- i-kelrh, "Wliy .-lut.anil I,avo LI,.... L... ti . . a . a .ll.e .L.tran V.iL.n V..k i n"",r' " '"" ""p "0:OCK ci. t :i i Hr "-.i.irr' i.Miiit.- .tin in iiir i-litin-h under the direction of the i preicitt. Mm, v. A. Mallie-on, lln.lgh.be..,,, , p.Mlnir e'mM,,.rf J"" ,:',n,,U0,I, W,J 1 Unl am' "art"- hat lloher. !.we i, a member f V." made the arranvemfiil for program. REV. AND MRS. PARSONS i hole p4are ery hard lo fill. I he ARE LEAVING TERRACE WITHIN 113 DAYS .wb- Z11 Ct:x? 0nL Two itaVM ttfllr ll tint tll mmI In llin KroHinl. wheal firoMn on tti 4 tarni ir llert i.learwaler, near here ha been unlooded at port Arthur. Mr. Clearwater l.eiran hi needing opemlion on May rcconl for r.Htinda. mora aunoayi ociore uo-108 I lUth Ti:H.i:i:. Ocl. o. Kxpree- Kina of keen rearet are being beanl on all ide ince it be came generally known lliat He . , i.nd Mr. V. J. l'aron are oon to never their -ouneclion with IT tif hl year and- fiinhed ... ,:,., nh..r-,i, here in.rin. iiimmnd on .;' ; " ,hpir fonr year in lerrace Mr. grain had bn unloade,! at he h Mp ttrMIIM hBVP very lake he ,.n nlfrnJr 7. Ibij .rVP iu . n., of work wllien wheat which was sown on snrln? . n. .. ' " wi4ii iii- niun in iiit- ploughing, . .. yielded SI I-? bu.liHs rolininnHy, am, specially I., uie acre .Mr. t.iearwa.er, a)onft , yaQng e ,h(,y matnlalni t lit i- a new speetli ., . w. .t mi.4(wl .i British Mr. Parsons lia ben very actlM in 'leen ap" girl work, while Mr. Pareons ha been the And Tplr Hrrlmm km, PriMMMl. , ,, , ,, :.. . . , . ,i T.. oii e umi m -un i'lealr of the boy in lliejr I rail fitiMuenrm triia.t i.u ov iw o.i nanf el.illtr .m tk a;u. .U if Hm Hanger anil Hoy nhi! aclivitie if., .a ttrt .ir is ww -win r.r 4i iiurimr uie yar lie l.n Iioaii rrhTXVie'Kr.Vh " president of the ,7?t,rV,t.ir rSeT frlC 't-Teacher AMorlallnn la-l is. watrh Mm A-tr-Mini i. itai.il .ar ami IkiIIi he nml Mrs. Par- am! Vufc v.Ti.T umi i.y -n ..rdrr . n werf very inlerei.le, work uf iiu iii..r jnd yint. .ui-ii tiw n , a n-"ockitiou. ,irr..t itui imbnratiiin f thi,' neiir. in l Mr. Parsnns will occupy the nilawr riiMtbl II rnwf imperi.' It i . ..lie- i r for .... n I I. .. r.r r..m lh. nnvl I.e.. W 1 1 n ror rk nhali: i""!'" ' ' V" day, after which they pxpeel to leave fr Vancouver, prior lu go ing to their new local Ion. TERRACENOTK Mrs. A. i'.. Fowler and Iwo children le'i on Sunday for Vnn rouver where I hey have pone lo obtain medical altenliun for the baby daughter. Hilly Vnnderlip relumed honif lat week nfler having spent tin last month In Vancouver making ailJulnHMil. wllh the Compen- nalion Iloanl ill rcsranl lo hi injured hand. While there he renewed acquaintance with Carl I.indliloin, an old Terrace friend and report!) Carl gel I inn alons fine. He also visited in Victoria ami lliiuk Ihat cily is the only place. fi. H. nilberl nrrived home on Sunday afler .spending several days al Prince fleorftc. ,. H. I.illln and Frank PhUcn- lor left on luesday In prospect around I he hills across from Vamirsdol wltero Ihe recent slrike of Rood looking ore was made by V. H. Van .Meier." Oeorne I.illle also spcnl several days in llial vicinity last week and all. are very enthusiastic over the pros, peels of a real find. II. Foray of Ileum was In lown nl Ihe week end. Thos. Conruy of Kalum Lake TKW TTXTT7T WCWJl On llt Jlnlng-ronm loot It sAoihi lU haullful "Dallon" Jtdgn N. 516, a floral moll ivUh Hue laiktrouna: In lit ilchtn It "Moulc" Jetlgn No. 408, m popular Hut and uhlU tilt atttm. Congoleum Gold Make Dining-Room made a trip to town this week. -Mrs. J. Anthony and son. of llemo, were in town on Saturday A. C. Head left on.Mon.lay lo Visit .Mrs. Head and new baby .latip htri in the Prinen llupert iieneralAnopltal. .j 4 i)ave .MoWhinney of Vartarsdo was in lown on Saturday. It. I.. Melnlosh nrrivod from Prince lluperl on Thursday lo spend a short time .11 his sum tier home here ". K. Vnn Meter arrived home on Sunday nfler having made a business irin to Smillters. I. Smilh, foreman of fieorse l.ttlle's woodis oniup, went lo llazelton on Saturday In visit F.mll Itaughlnnd, who wiis .seri ously hurt iu the woods about si week s njto and who is si ill a patient in the llazelton Hospital. He reports Km it lo lie. slowly "re covering. Mr. Smith relumed "to Terrace on Sunday. J. Frosl, local forest ranger left on Friday for interior poinls on misiness in connection w In Ihe Foreslry Departmojit. He was accompanied by Mrs. Frosl, who will visit with frionds in llnzcllon and Smithers. Mrs. n. I.. Mcintosh,- who has recently been (o Vancouver as delegnte from Prince lluperl lo Ihe Dominion Women's Auxiliary meetings, arrived in Terrace, on Friday. She was accompanied hy her sister, Mrs. Wnlnwrlght, of Hamilton, (Int., whim she mot. in Vancouver ami who accom- Seal Rues S" s So Cheerful ! What a real satisfaction it is to any housekeeper to have an easily cleaned, durable Congoleum Qold Seal Art-Rug on her dining-room floor 1 The hospitable warmth of its rich, tasteful pattern creates an ideal setting for her furniture; and there's the added advantage that, like the Congoleum Rug in her kitchen, she can keep-it clean with a very little effort. Easily Cleaned Waterproof The smooth, sanitary, waterproof surface doesn't absorb dirt and grease like woven floor-coverings. Just a few easy strokes with a damp mop or cloth and the cheerful colors are spotless. These rugs lie perfectly flat without any fastening never curl up at the edges. Congoleum Rugs are becoming more and more the choice of up-to-date women all over the Dominion. The variety and beauty of their patterns -rich Oriental, motifs; dainty floral and neat tile designs enable you to select a suitable pattern for any room in your home. I Congoleum Qold Seal Art-Rugs are made . seventeen sizes; ranging from the handy 18 x 36 inch mats to the 9x 15 foot room-size rugs. foNGOLEUM j GOLD SEAL 4rt-Rugs Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians 1 Gunnil n otiripl limn nl l ln Intosh's summer home "The Crossways" Kilsuni Kalum. P. Magnussen and niece of Vanarsdol .wcre In lown on Sal-unlay. They expect to move lo Terrace to live in the near future. tiIr.V.. V'VVUurj)Plt and ' Ihe Misses Dobh, Andrews and Maloll spent Saturday nt I.akelse Lake. Dr. West and Dr. Tremayno o' Prince llupert were week end visitors al the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Mcintosh. Prince llu perl. Wm. Little Is excavaling and pulling a new foundation and basement under tie store build ing occupied by Halt Pros. Hard ware Merchants, and owned by Mrs. Lnzello. , J. K, Gordon, , Terrace Holel man, leu on Monday for Prince llupert lo-receive medical attention for his arm which was broken about a month ago. Miss Hose Dye, of Vanaredol was a visitor on Saturday. t During Ihe- irhsenco of Itev. . I. Parsons Mrs. .(Mass conducted services, principally choral, in Ihe Knox United Church on Sun day evening. Mrs. Thos. Tiffin of Coppor Cily vislled wilh friends hero on Friday. TELKWA A harvest thanksgiving service panicd her north. They will was held in the St. Stephen's Step into your home-town dealer's store and see for yourself how beautiful and practical Congoleum Qold Seal Art-Rugs really are. Look for the Gold Seal Don't be misled into buying some other material said to be "just as good" as Qold Seal Congoleum. "Just as good" is neccr as good. Look for the Gold Seal shown above when you buy! It assures you that you are getting every cent s worth of floor-covering value. Congoleum Qold Seal Art-Rugs have a dominion-wide reputation for beauty and wear a reputation that has been earned only after long, hard service in ' homes in every part of Canada. Buy the genuine and be sure of satisfaction. yCongoleum-By-the-Yard The same sanitary, flat-lying, durable material as Congoleum Qold Seal Rugs, for use where it is desired to cover the entire floor. It is made two yards wide in a wide range of beautiful patterns without border. Congoleum Canada Limited 1270 St. Patrick Street. Montreal. Quebec' At left It tf "Motait " Je. $Jfn, a popular k'lthen pattern ; telote It tin ' 'Kashmir' ' Jeiign, No. 562, a pattern tf ttmaiable beauty. Church on Sunday evening. The church was suitably decorated with fruits, vegetables, flowers and grains. Hev. M. Cibson preached lo a large congregation, a very impressive sermon on ihe harvest and its relation to nre.; Hunters , are keenly disap pointed oveV the- scarcity 01 grouse this season. Mr, and Mrs. D. Cochrane and Miss Mary Mcllae of Hums Lake accompanied by Miss Margaret Palmer of Decker. Lake and H. C. Fraser drove through from Hums Lake on Saturday. The W.A. of St. Stephen's church propose holding' a harvest supper in Ihe Hall on Wednesday evening next. The weather has been very fine for the past two weeks, and Ihe farmers nre working very hard in order In finish up taking iu their crops before a chapge comes. Mrs. Whilesidn is spending a few days in lown as Ihe guest of Mrs. H. Hou'son. Mr. and Mrs. .. Mclnnis of North , Hulkley were visiting friends in town on Friday last. A NARROW E8CAPE. The companion lo an elderly lady was reading aloud the newspaper report of n fire, In which il was slated Ihat one servant had lo escape down a waler-pipo. nt the back of Ihe house. "Ilul how I liin the poor dear must have beenl" exclaimed the old lady. -Royal. I LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Lsaa Laa In Prince llupert Land Rrtontlnr Pis trlct of Prlnre lluperl, lud llut on tlie northwest emu of British (oiiim bla. Portland Canal, and being al Spl Point, Portland tinil. and bearinr north matnrUc from Tree 1'oml. Pcre Island. TAkK tOTICi: tbat Antrlo-British CoV urubia Pirklns Company Limited, u V'anrouvrr. B.C. orrupation Parkert. In lemU lo apply for a kite of tlie follow-nir ilesrrlbeit land; Oomnienrlnr al a pot planted It bird water mark at Spit point. Portland Canal; thence MiutheaMerly alonff filttt wite mark for rorly-elirrn hundred reel lo pan marked Mo. I.S.E.) thence southerly 10 rrwilnt, more nr le, to low water mark; thenre northwesterly atone low water mark rorty-elrht huntlred feet, more ur.lessj thenre northerly 10 rhilns. more r less, to point of eonunenrement, inrt tiniainini ' acre, mora or less. AMILO-BIUTISII COLUMBIA TACklilO CO. LTD. Applicant Per Walter K. Walker, Agenl Piled iwlv ilras Ittv LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon lo Apply to Purchite Land. In the Land neronllnr District of Prince HuperL and belnr 1 portion of Lot twenty-four (SI), llinre five (:, Coast District. TAkK NOTICE that Frlttell'a Limited or Prince llupert, B.C.. merchants, intend to iply for permission lo purchase the rollowins described lands: Cufliinenrlni; at 1 post planted il the nortlwist corner of lot tweniy-ruur (J4, rnr rive (5), Coast District; thenre south thlrty-lwo rhilns; thenre wes forty chain; thenre north elht rhilns, more or less, to hlah wner mark; ihenre nortlMasl ilonr htrh water mark to tmlnl f rommenci'inrnt. ind ronliliilnt elshty (80) icres, more ny;les. HIIZZKi.L'8 LIMIT O. Arplleint nnwl nmt ISth. .T !. I.N THE MATTER ACT. ind NOTICE. OF "THE COMPANIES I.N THE MATTER OF INVESTMENT COMPANY OF NOIITHKU.N BlliriSIt COH!MIUA. LIMITED. TAkK NOTICE that the above Company, whose reylstered of rice It al Prince Rupert. B.C.. will spply to HI Honor Jiidre Voung, Loral Judre or the Supreme Court or British Coliimbli 11 Prince Huner), li.C. nn Thursday, Ihe 5lh day or orto-Iter. 1V5, 11 the hour or eleven o'clock In Ihe fnreniKin. it tlie Liw Courts, url llnnse Prince Rupert. B.CM for III order res'orlna the said Comiuinv lo th" rerlsler nf Companies In the office of the Registrar or Joint Stock Companies. Victoria, B.C., tinder Section IfiS of the C4nnnies Art of British Columbia. IHTKO at Prince Rupert, Hi:., this I llll day ut Septrmlier. A.D. IJ. M. noiMZALES. Soliclior for Cemsu,