PAfie rvo .ifft-. VBtS DaI The Daily News PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, II. P. PULLEN, .Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, y ma Qr carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British hntptre and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in "advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.S0 per inch Local Headers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Xotices, each insertion 15c per agate lino Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 013 Strong Objection To Railway Amalgamation. The Manitoba Free Press mines out very 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit BureatI of Circulations. Wednesday, Aup. 2fi, 1925. Globe Is Becoming Non-Partlzan Paper. The Toronto (ilolte ha since its inoeplioii been a Liberal paper. It saw little good in anything that the Conservative party did and all its editorials had a Liberal bias. Now it is changing Some of the editorial writers did not like the change and left positions they had held for a long lime. The change in policy at the tilohe is simply another development along the line of modern journalism. The day of blind partizan papers has gone and the tendency everywhere is toward a fairer and more judicial viewpoint in dealing with public or any other mailer. Taking an altitude such n that mentioned ihe not mean that a newsjmper will be always on Ihe fence, but it does nieanl that it will not support any party through thick and thin, right or wrong.. There are times when any newspaper should do its' utmost to elect u candidate. At Ihe same time it should always be willing to give Ihe other side equal prominence in its new columns and to allow every poible opportunity to discuss Ifiei issues on both sides. ' i United Empire And Canadian Flag. The United Empire, a propaganda monthly review of Em pire affairs, published in London by Ihe Royal Colonial Insti tute, mentions the Canadian flag incident editorially. It says It is unfortunate that ever)' movement made in Canada, which her stains warrants, is .treated a of jiipqrimport. Canada for instance, is see-king a distinctive flag micIi as other dominion' possess. At onco there are protasis, a though It were a novel slep. Mr. Mai-keizie King met the objectors with a iMisitive assurance that he would support no proposal which did not include the Union Jack as the nio-l distinctive feature of Canada's national flag." What the United Empire does not realize Is . that every trivial event is used for political purposes in this country and efforts are made to turn such matters as Hie choosing of a flag to parly advantage. strongly amalgamation of Ihe Canadian National and Canadian against Pacific railway systems. It says: The Free Press believes it is speaking the mind of the West when it says that the people or Ibis part. of the Dominion will not, stand for any amalgamation or tin two railway systems. The West will not stand for a railway monopoly whether it be, a Canadian Pacific Railway monopoly or a Dominion fiov-ernment railway monopoly. It is a pretty safe guess that Ihe people or Canada will not stand fr il either. .Nothing could be much worse than Hie Senate plan for amalgamation of the Canadian Pacific njid Canadian National systems. Not only would it set up a railway monooly but it would establish it in deception. One is bad enough without the other. The Senate plan, according to its sponsors, would leave the country with one railway system over which the government and the people of Canada would have control. It means nothing ot the sort. '.lt means banding the control or the system, to the Canadian " Railway. The Senate plan provides tor a board' of fifteen,, five. to' be -named by the government, five by the C.P.B4 and these.' tijn (o.iamo anolber five. The public knows what would happen;' U would lie n (ll'.R. board. Doe. the country want this? The plan provides for a guaranteed dividend for the C.P.R. .stockholders while the amalgamation lasts. That means at dividend guaranteed in perpetuity, for who would venture to say thai onco an amalgamation had taken place the C.N.R. lines could ever be unscrambled from Ihe C.P.R. and set up again as an independent system? It is a fino thing for any corporation to have ils dividends guaranteed for nil lime by the people of the country, It is not surprising that the 11 P. It. and il satellites are strong for the Senate plan. They are being handed something on a silver plate. The voice of the C.P.R. speaks in Hie Senate of Caiuola. Capitalists at Montreal and Toronto, if they find it amuses them, may go ahead and draw tip half-a-dozen plans to merge the two railway system,, but the Free Press misses its guess If llicy succeed in putting one of them over .on the people- of Canada. Any government or any parly or any group that nllcmtds to foist a railway monopoly, -no nuttier under whal guise, on the backs of the people of Canada, or flirts with a scheme to create such a railwny monopoly, is putting ils neck on Hie block. If il values its neck it had better keep it away from the block. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED (o building next door la KrizzuM Hutclier Shop, across from (ho Kinpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor Medicine Man Prevents Girl Marrying Man of Her Choice at Kitkatla Indian Village Former Missionary Tells Story Which is Published Capital sjioe shop mouth was ns uominani a factor as ever. The live of Hiese Indians. he-longing as they do to Tsim-shian tribes, are bound up with tiiviiiiiliicv. Should you eer (vauder over from Prince Hupert to thi Utile island yolt will be1 assured or a real feast In storybook lore. They will tall you about Katie White, and Katies dory, which is a recent one. is a splendid example of the Wilch Doctor's craH. Blacy-Eyed Maiden Katie was a slim lilUe black- eyed Indian maiden. VJiat mat ter that her skin was nut-brown? Hadn't she the smallest feet in Prince Hupert? self that such liapoincss could yol last i In In an Hvel Henry Lewis, the one witch doctor. Henry was plot-ling ami plauniiiK to refrain hi power. Occasionally he did ex tract a few blanket s, canoe and Klil.od or so from hi victim in case of sickness or trouble. One day he conceited of a plan belter than all these. marry hi son to Katie White. Katie's uncle possessed fishing stream, the risbts to which are handed down amony Hie Indian as legacies. There was aIo money in Ihe family. In due timp lie approached Hie girl's uncle, whom il i slranjre to say, always lias Ihe responsibility of Ihe children, never the father. Sorrowful Time There was a sorrowful time on Ihe island for the two young people. The wilch doctor had pronounced a curse upon Heber ltobinsou. Should he marry Katie While, he would die within the year. For week's Katie and He. her fought the age old supersti tions banded down to them from every ancestor. At last one uiuht, worn out with against a spirit stronger than their own, the Blrt agreed to marry Jack Lewis. There is a humorous Inclde'iitia conpecled wilh. KaticCs weddingj day which relieve the tragedyj somewhat. She went up to Prince: Hupert to purchase her weddinR'tt finery. The day set ror Ihe wedding dawned. Tables set in Hie town ball were loaded down Albertaj i By Edna Baldwin in Edmonton Journal) Sinrwiiii'on is deeo rooted. It is bom in the blood ami bred in Ihe bone or Ihe North American Indian. U nw be that with the passing or many moonsMhere will alsurpass the tenarious influence which llnvwitrh doctor exerts among Hie red men. Mr. and Mr. erg Oliver, of ll Street and M Avenue, were for! four years missionaries in charge or inc nine imnau Yum'- u Kitkhntla, 15 miles southwest of . Prince Rupert, in the Ogden Channel.' They found that at Hie very moment when to all out-want ani'carauce (his evil had been effectively slumped out "P it come again 'much everything had. 'pmn the food to the bride' gown. This i n custom and U ripidly oberod. Note of Tragedy j Kalie'.s story with its note, of tragedy and Us example rt'f the strong htfltinee of witchcraft exercise, dos pot end here. In Ihe winter of ltMS iekness fell upon the vilUgf. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, art ini; in the capacities of doelor, nurse, minister and teacher, toiled tirelessly anions the sick. One night there came word tba.1 Jack Lewi was down with iuHuentn. Perhaps the evil pirits revenmwl themselves H- l'he man at the on the old wtteb doctor in an ef- said so, and herjfnrt to give, bark to Katie the as soft and as mil man he loved. At any rate hi as the blossoms of the scartelj wires must lmv crossed some-sumach climbtHf: the picket fence where, for within a year or bis about her home. wedding day. Jak Lewis was Yoiins lleber llobinson thought (lead Shall we say of his own so loo, and to Katie's way of tjiinking he was the otie nun. the Prince Charming of her dream. At n&hl they met when dusk was lazily cloinc in upon Ihe island, when the curve or a polden moon and the wind in tin .singing firs heard them whispcrig as lovers ever will, of me iuiure, oi uie day when the missionary, would come acros from Prince Hupert to marry -them. There they always tell silent. Katie said her fathers eurri That is whal Hie Indians say. It would be in teresting to know whether Katie ever married II. -Iter Itobmson. Perhaps she found final liappi lie within the "red pauliou" of her red nuilt's hart. ' The Indian i no long-cr th fierce blood -curd ling, blood-spilling character some hooks of fic tion would Haw us beliee. The Tsimshian Indians abinp th-British Columbia coast are fnl annesin? the Mde of thing of Hie while matt. They live in on another part of the viuagl-r Hvo-Klorey house and dre time: in much Ihe me manner a their pale face brother and sisters. x The villwse of Kilkhatla ha its school, town hal. miio:t house, ehurrli and fir ball. 'Li fact the fire hall contain the very firsi .fir ngiiie complete tie wouhi; wiin ng?iup ami manual, ever owned by Hie eity of Vancouver. The Indian am inordinately pmnd of It loo. j Art in Woodcraft These Indians bae developed u wouderful art in woodcraft Their carv-d figure of birds, animals and flowers are truly beautiful. The(j wooden ioon aud. other utensils have a bauillo beautifully modelled bird. This, art Is being recognized at la) for its real valu ami people are heplnriini: l- adopt a new attitude toward the Indian. . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver both cher-ih Hie hope i hat the men ami women who write about the red man. will tell the true ,lor of Ins evolution from the tents of fighting his ancestors inlead of roloriu : tlodr- Mories with. He terrifyiiiK war-whoops of dlstafd past. A Ten. Years Ago In Prince Rupert August 26, 1915. general ovincinl elect ion i HUM.' i.Vl.. .1 ,.....! It J ) r with fruit. Kveryone in the whole' . " '""' ,, . . . , various iiarh. . are makiiist .i i ii i ' ' "l nre-sellleinent from the last black.!,.el,,(. ... ,, paraiions tor , ,. ihe campaign, eyed .ii... baby to the cats and doitj 4 came. The band went aheadi ' i.-,,i, t.. . Hehind it came Katie proud In? ? lt i Tn o T"1 her white salln weddin p.m-nj rli V ,,"nMfM- , , ii,,,, pen s nrst goidleY to return u from and veil but there wa sou.e-I,,,,, frw,)t , thluK sadly wrung Ihe India,,, m,rn m were dl-s ully oblivious to lHr,vr here on Somber 10 fact that Mrs. Oliver surveyed the bride with. dismay. At the Till l-ftcilii -it ,.r ML. " , V ",7 -Mc lavish ;! superintenden nidi mi.- .hit. iiiti iMft ruri(j (, ji enoiiub" and had added an old' uniroued., Iilli neck calico blouse. On her feet were IiIrI, brown kid boots. Thai was her Idea of a proper bridal costume. As Is always the caso on the island, n wedding Is an Incentive ; for much merry making and: I feasting. II Is considered a di- iKrace to leave a parllcle of food jon the tables and iiuantllies of, fruit, flour, nuts, elc, nre car-! tried awny by the Buests. One old l squaw was seen to troop nut a (loaf or bread and fill It with syrup. F.vcry one feasted sump tuntifdy After the repast was over Kalte's uncle arose and In-'formed the gnosis as to Just liow lluimt lieneral D? WATSONS StoUT Builds Up Your Health ham. U BBrk Oir (kllaiM. Sf.14 ! l la4tB( lr(, r wriu t . AMJW A CO. U TprM ii, TorvaU, O.l. -Distributors for K9L9RED: " :'1P Hospital wa c.,r-: I ! thej N.wiril at Ms mi-i'hii ciplil. The Man in Ihe Moon YSr- 1 .11 A NEW idiingl mill i to be established at Aid or In and In mayor of 'hat eity Is jubilant because he say it will be Mud her market for the city's water. The liquor vendor has md ei Ix-rn heard from. f Whal would the restaurant have done for a living if there had bwi no wvire club and little social dinners ACr.flNI)I.V -to a friend of mine thfre are Just two claJ of people In Ihe world, those who believe in evolution and heathen.! I HAVE been wanting to join.; Ihe proletariat and have been wonderinic how to do it. Jake says quit work. SO. ML people matriculate into the nchind of esperience whlb others like poor fih swallow a hook aud ruler the chod of ma trillion). You can't tell a maffaiine hy the cover. You can't lell n man by hi clothes, you can't lell a Irt br her oaint. A a matter of fact you can't fell the no m tern young lady anything. Advertise In "th Dailv w LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Appbjr to Lease Land In Uueen Chariot te Lnml tie cording litrlct of Prince llu perl, and situate about one and a half mile east of Maselt I.phtboime at Hie mouth of Mas- sell Inlet, (iraham Island, llrit-il, Columbia. TAKH XOTICK that Langam Kihing A Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, II.C, occu-palion. I'aokerj. intends to apply for a lease of the following de-seabed lands: Commcncinir at a tost planted at the iforthwest comer of Lot Seven, (irnham Island, llritish Columbia, about pne and a half miles cast of Massetl LizhlhoiMO at the mouth of Massetl Inlet, (Iraham Islaiid, IlrHlsh Columbia) thence northerly flvo chains. more or less lo low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains: thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, io point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANflAHA FISIILNfl & PACKl.Ml CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Dated June I nth. t!2. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Ile- cording District of prince llu.i perl, and situate at llooney Point. Graham Island. Iti-HUh i Columbia, i Take Notice Hint Langnra ! 1'lshlng & Packing Company Limited, of Massell, II.C, occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted al Itooney point, firaham Island, Ilrillsh Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence west-: erly along low wnter mark onel hundred and ix'y chains thence southerly rive chnlns: tlmncd easterly one hundred and sixty' Age nti (or Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Spruce Shiplap, $15.00 per M Cedar V Joint Double Check Cedar Ristic Cedar Channel Rut'.lc Cedar Boat Lumber Albert & McCaffery Ld. Phones 116 and 117 'I Lllttfon. 1 YUU mt illuitraW 'book cf bcitrhfal - Hones E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional ma bine (or the i: SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER nivo carried in tMk. Save handling charge- ! bn nig din'i-t fiom Mtpply. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. chain, more or W, to point of commencement, and containing, eighty acre, more or les. la.VOAftA KLSHINO A PACKLNH PACKINd :o. LTD. Applicant. Per V.. II Simptoii. A pent Dated June 1 2th. 1925 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to1 Lease Land j In Queen Charlotte Land He-' cordinK District of Prince Hu-! peiH, and situate about two miles Hi a northerly direction from llooney PolnL Maeit Inlet. Graham Island, llritih Columbia. Take Notice that I.nnjara Fishing & Packing Company Limttcl, of Massetl, II.C. occu pation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the fallowing d scribed lands: Commencing at a pot planted two miles In n northerly direction from Itooney point, Massetl Inlet, nraham Island. llritish Col umbia; thence eaterly five chains, more or loss, to low water mark: thence northerly along low water mark one hun dred and sixty chains; thence westerly five chains: thence southerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, lo point of commencement, and containing eighty acre, more or less. LA.NflAllA FISHLVfl A PACKING PACKING KO. LTD. Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Dalcd June 13th. 1025. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Recording District of Prince Hupert. ami situalo at Ferguson Hay, Massed Inlet, Q.C Islands, II.C. Take Notice that Oosse-MII- lerd, Limited, of Vancouver, II.C, occupation Salmon Canners, In lends lo apply for a l"aso of Hie following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; IhenCe south 3 chains; thence west to chains; thence south chains; (banco west 10 chains to west boundary of Lot 1571; thence south 8 chains; thenoe west o chains; thence north 20 chnlns; thenco east 2 chains, more or less, to beach; thence following meandering of shore linn to point of commencement, and containing 22 acres, more "r less. (IOSRF-MILLKHI). LTD, Appllcnnl. Por Wm, n Mllchcll, Agent Dated Juno 20th. 1025, I Night Phc.iu 87 s:t Gr. 601 Black 78 CANADIAN STE4M LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Person! Service, Phone No. I. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce. Solt Finish, And Dry Cleaning, We are re.i,h lo receive n ' lo take jour take pern:.i' our I . . 1 1 1 1 Ceiinifii. PATRONIZE HOME PRODUCTS Phona 178. Iloilina lic i . Pol HllMAl ... Oxen lloat . . Hound Steak . . Shoulder Latnli llonst Veal . . . Pure Lard . . . l'conomy lt.ii- ,i ( 10 ir :o tu u 25c 30c Bulkley Market Phone 178. Oeo W K -f Wood! Wood! Now is your DRY CEDAR Full load Half load .... Largo sacks DRY BIRCH Per load ... $600 $3.00 (0 $5.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avn4l Phone 680 NlQht of WE BUY DOTTLES-